thread_ts,messages_json "1674542927.143499 ","[{""user"": ""hchintamreddy"", ""timestamp"": ""1674542927.143499"", ""content"": ""*Settings and Relationship Controls Spec Review*\n\n\n\n\nAnandhi Venkataraman to Everyone (24 Jan 2023, 11:51 AM)\nCan we rename it as Multiple Choice? Single choice doesn\u2019t sound appropriate.\nPradeep Mangalapuri to Everyone (24 Jan 2023, 11:52 AM)\n\nAryan, How will they look like in actual web survey?\nAnandhi Venkataraman to Everyone (24 Jan 2023, 11:54 AM)\n2. The display/bar graph is on product details or Pulses?\nMeaghan Li to Everyone\nMeaghan Li to Everyone (24 Jan 2023, 11:58 AM)\nI think it\u2019s a good flag that granular, in-depth breakdowns might be extraneous for Product Details (PD) page (and are better suited for the Pulse page). Too much info on PD can overwhelm users too. We should offer a high-level overview on PD page and let them dive in deeper\nAnandhi Venkataraman to Everyone (24 Jan 2023, 11:58 AM)\nAgreed Meaghan.\nAnandhi Venkataraman to Everyone (24 Jan 2023, 12:03 PM)\nMultiple choice (MC),[1] objective response or MCQ (for multiple choice question) is a form of an objective assessment in which respondents are asked to select only correct answers from the choices offered as a list.\nMeaghan Li to Everyone (24 Jan 2023, 12:05 PM)\n^ We would just need to either:\n1. Clearly mention in the product that users can ONLY select one option (for now)\n2. Consider adding a boolean option to let users select multiple options (e.g. \u201cLet form respondents select multiple responses\u201d)\nrituvaidya to Everyone (24 Jan 2023, 12:06 PM)\nIs there any limit that we should have for the number of choices that can be added ?""}, {""user"": ""hchintamreddy"", ""timestamp"": ""1674542956.330989"", ""content"": ""paranthamank to Everyone (24 Jan 2023, 12:15 PM)\n""}, {""user"": ""hchintamreddy"", ""timestamp"": ""1674543088.183419"", ""content"": ""Anandhi Venkataraman to Everyone (24 Jan 2023, 12:20 PM)\n8-10""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1674543822.351139"", ""content"": ""Thanks for capturing these notes <@U02D4DUKDQC>\n\nThanks for the walkthrough <@U033PPLNFRU>. Capturing some key decisions notes:\n1. Rename \u201csingle choice\u201d to \u201cmultiple choice\u201d for clarity, but mention in the product that question respondents can only select one option for now\n2. Implement a max. number of responses to 8\u201310 responses (team to look into adding scroll)\n3. Implement a max. character count (as a start point, consider 200\u2013300 characters for the question and 100\u2013150 characters for each response, but UI team to inform us on what we\u2019re currently doing <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02RXLK867P>)\n4. Consider moving the detailed question breakdown from the Product Details (PD) page to the Pulse page, but surface a high-level overview in the PD page\n5. Design to add a CTA to copy variables (like $productname) to the clipboard or insert it into the text field since we don\u2019t currently have the text hover interaction <@U042NMTGJ03> ""}, {""user"": ""kmarshall"", ""timestamp"": ""1674601949.869649"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> I expect length are being imposed at a low level like what the database string length will accept. As such the UI is currently ignorant of any limits, but we can implement clear client side validation once these values are confirmed by product and ux.""}]" "1693869531.264609 ","[{""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1693869531.264609"", ""content"": ""Of the options that users can filter Engagement Comments by, which do we expect to be most valuable and most commonly used? This will determine our default filter order and behavior\n\n1. Topics\n2. Sentiments (positive, negative, etc)\n3. Comment type (ad hoc, follow-up, short answer etc)\n4. Dimension\n5. Author\u2019s persona\n6. Author\u2019s geolocation\n7. Author\u2019s department\n8. Some other type of user attribute (please comment) \n ""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1693890087.466679"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> From 5 to 8, they are user attributes. Why are we trying to prioritize them separately? Most user attributes are dynamic and available based on the customer\u2019s configuration and need.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1693893974.233439"", ""content"": ""Thanks for everyone who voted. <@U040RCBPBEC> I\u2019m asking for separate prioritization because if, say, we expect geo to be used a lot of the time, then we may surface it visibly as a \u201cdefault\u201d filter rather than bundling it with all other attribute filters""}]" "1684758446.707819 ","[{""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1684758446.707819"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> When you click on \""Select Pulse\"" from the pulse templates, should we be directed to the pulse template details page with the default modification state?\n\nCC <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1684788271.546219"", ""content"": ""Yes, that\u2019s correct <@U03MSMV0W66>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1684813932.373839"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U04EV0M2VA6>, i guess we discussed removing the modify template altogether but we did not conclude earlier.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1684817953.941749"", ""content"": ""templates can be edited through three-dot menu, sorry if that was unclear""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1684818076.752649"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6>, i was referring to below thread , where we talked about not needing Modify Template button at all. we always land in edit state. I think that was the original question from <@U03MSMV0W66> as well. ""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1684818997.632529"", ""content"": ""Ah okay, thanks for clarifying. Yes, at the moment I don\u2019t see the value of adding a \u201cpreview\u201d step before \u201cediting\u201d the template since the preview we need to support in a different way (e.g. previewing how the Pulse looks on web app, Slack, and Teams). We can remove that extra step and users directly to modifying the template <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U03MSMV0W66>""}, {""user"": ""bot_message"", ""timestamp"": ""1684831152.951709"", ""content"": ""@Pradeep created a Task UI-2049 Template : Remove Modify Template and make the preview editable""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1684831500.769789"", ""content"": ""<@U03MSMV0W66> Also, we disable all the CTAs when there are no questions in the template. So we do not allow deleting the template which i feel is restricting in this state. To delete the template we need to add a question and then delete it. Can you please fix this too? cc <@U04EV0M2VA6>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1684877932.788959"", ""content"": ""Thanks for catching this <@U02HCMTQU3W>. Can we please also fix the style of the \u201cDelete Template\u201d disabled button? Text should be white instead of red. Believe that <@U03DLS1FN3D> was working on this""}, {""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1684890170.367029"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> its done ""}]" "1688964542.567219 ","[{""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1688964542.567219"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> Is there any figma file, to checkout all kinds of dropdown that we use in our app.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1688964875.874049"", ""content"": ""\n\n\n\n\ncc <@U05EEUZ62DS>""}]" "1683686526.894629 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1683686526.894629"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02HCMTQU3W>: Can you pls review Product selector in Product details: \n\n\nCan it be part of 0.9.11 or 0.9.12?\n\ncc: <@U04EV0M2VA6>""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1683689826.691629"", ""content"": ""0.9.11 is too close, lets target it for 0.9.12 ? <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U03ML44ADTQ> ?""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1683690039.979799"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6>: can we move the mocks to 0.9.12?""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1683755906.063049"", ""content"": ""Thanks, yes I\u2019ve moved this and these other projects to ""}]" "1676441096.754949 ","[{""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1676441096.754949"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U04EV0M2VA6>\n\nWant to simplify the dropdowns without deprecating functionality. Let me know if this works\u2026\n\u2022 Persona / Dimension toggle\n\u2022 If Persona, show:\n \u25e6 Question Type single select - show only when there is product and vendor types\n \u25e6 All Personas - will show single for all, multiple lines for specific selections\n \u25aa\ufe0e If multiple lines, show legend\n\u2022 If Dimension, show:\n \u25e6 Dimension multi-select dropdown - shows multiple overlapping lines\n \u25e6 Legend\n \u25e6 _Note: No clicking on the legends. Just on the dropdown to be consistent with how other filters work throughout the app._\n""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1676443064.388429"", ""content"": ""I like the overall principles and see what you\u2019re aiming for, but introducing Persona / Dimension toggle feels like we\u2019re introducing a new construct.\n\nI understand it as `Question Category` aka `Question Type` is the top level, and `Dimensions` is paired to that as the `Category/Type` selected will impact the `Dimensions` shown\n\nI feel like we should leave the filters as defined by <@U03ML44ADTQ> to avoid introducing complexity when we aren\u2019t certain that we want to stick with a \u201ctrend\u201d approach going forward""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1676443126.986559"", ""content"": ""Also, we should rename the `Question Type` filter as it has the same naming as another construct in Pulse question modal. See notes from our call ""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1676448917.681519"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ>?\n\nWe are doing this?\n\n1. *Score* - select 1, show only if there is product and vendor, hide if not\n a. Overall Score\n b. Product Score\n c. Vendor Score\n2. *Persona* - show single line for all, but multiple for others\n a. All Personas\n b. Persona 1\n c. Persona 2\n3. *Dimensions* - here\u2019s where I\u2019m unclear because you can\u2019t select this if there are multiple persona lines on the graph already \u2014 hence why I wanted to toggle between dimensions and personas\n<@U03ML44ADTQ> Can we sync to finalize this?""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1676450243.173729"", ""content"": ""<@U042NMTGJ03>: As discussed in the call, we will retain the dropdowns as it is today.""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1676451607.354169"", ""content"": ""Please confirm specs because UX of current is broken\u2026\n\n1. If overall is selected, user can\u2019t select Persona or Dropdown. Why should user see that?\n2. If all personas is selected, you can\u2019t select any dimension. Why is it there?\n3. Only if single persona is selected, you can edit dimensions. How would the user know that?\nI need a specs update please to finalize what we are fixing for timeline in 0.9.9.\n\ncc <@U04EV0M2VA6>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1676455418.446849"", ""content"": ""<@U042NMTGJ03> :\n\u2022 We need overall score in the first drop-down for a default state, we don't want to deep dive on product/vendor until necessary or user-initiated. \n\u2022 We can remove all personas from the second dropdown given that user can anyway multi-select\n\u2022 Yup this is not clear now in UX.\n\nGo with the current drop-down and do not change much except for introducing :\n\u2022 #pulses\n\u2022 y axis label\n\u2022 title of dropdown removal\n\u2022 copy changes in the dropdown. \n\u2022 Dotted line for decay/no pulse\n\u2022 Monthly data by default, if sparse data switch to current weekly model\nFollowing below will be the drop-down and labels:\nDropdown 1:\nSelect Category\nOverall (Default)\nProduct\nVendor\n\nDropdown 2:\nSelect Persona(default):\nList all the personas\n\nDropdown 3:\nSelect Dimension (default):\nList all dimensions based on persona.\n\ncc: <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U040RCBPBEC>\n\nspec: ""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1676501508.765269"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> - We need to define dotted line scenario more clearly. Is it expected to show dotted line in the middle of the graph if there are no pulses or only at the end? <@U02HCMTQU3W> we need to consider the UI feasibility/complexity also.\nWe also need to make sure the change for X-axis - If we are proposing anything new compared to current approach in INT.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1676503716.952829"", ""content"": ""<@U042NMTGJ03> I\u2019m working on a flow for this - please give me an hour.\n\nIf the dotted line is going to introduce complexities, let\u2019s just leave the graph line flat (without score decay or flatlining to zero, which was the original issue detected). Let\u2019s not invest too much resources just into showing the dotted line <@U040RCBPBEC> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U03ML44ADTQ>""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1676505888.846329"", ""content"": ""Agree <@U04EV0M2VA6>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1676516212.020699"", ""content"": ""See for a proposal for filtering/breakdowns on timeline. It keeps all three existing filters there, but introducing more progressive logic to address the usability issues <@U042NMTGJ03> surfaced\n\nThe flow is attached, you can also see high-fidelity Figma screens ""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1676517324.830989"", ""content"": ""I think this is reflected except for the following:\n\u2022 I think we need to show Personas dropdown together with 1st dropdown defaulting to All Personas. Reco to keep this.\n\u2022 The dropdown redesign of checkboxes are not incorporated. Are we taking this for 0.9.9?\n\u2022 Instead of \u2018Select all\u2019, All Dimensions is the 1st option in Dimensions dropdown. Reco to keep \u2018All Dimensions\u2019\n\u2022 Instead of \u2018All Product Categories\u2019, it shows previous labels Overall, Product and Vendor. Reco to switch to All Product Categories / Product Feedback / Vendor Feedback.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1676519069.175819"", ""content"": ""This is how breaking it down into 2 different steps could look:\n\n1. Pivot by: none, feedback categories, personas, dimensions\n2. Select {categories/personas/dimensions} to filter by\nThe multi/single-select redesign is on a platform level - so whatever pattern we go with (i.e. \u201cSelect all Dimensions\u2026.All Dimensions\u2026\u201d should be applied across the app. I don\u2019t think it will be for 0.9.9 but is a UX Quality/Platform piece""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1676522475.994599"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> - In this screen you are not showing any controls to filter the data but I assume we will provide some controls to filter the view also.\nFor example, I want to filter the graph view to one or a subset of question dimensions and see the divergence among personas by plotting the lines for each persona.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1676522769.223579"", ""content"": ""I see, so you\u2019re describing\n\nStep 1: Pivot by Feedback Category\nStep 2: Select Feedback Categories to Pivot by (e.g. Usability, Interoperability)\nStep 3: Pivot further (e.g. Usability for Product Owner, Usability for Primary User, Usability for Secondary User, and the same for Interoperability)\n\nIs that correct? From yesterday\u2019s sync I understood that we didn\u2019t want to add more richness and complexity to the Timeline as there is a likelihood that we move away from this \u201ctrending\u201d line graph view, and instead more towards a \u201cevents-based\u201d timeline""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1676524416.391389"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> - Again it is not for our next release. I\u2019m just looking from the perspective of how other tools are handling this similar problem.\nIn your steps step-2, I don\u2019t call it as pivot because by selecting step-2 we don\u2019t split the graph. It is just a filter on what data to include in the plotting area.\nOnly step-3 controls if we want to split the graph by multiple lines or not.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1676526063.097969"", ""content"": ""Thanks for clarifying <@U040RCBPBEC> - agreed it\u2019s something we need to dive into as a product improvement.\n\n<@U042NMTGJ03> these are some we need to address with the existing implementation;\n1. If \u201cAll Feedback Categories\u201d is selected, then Personas is disabled, thus it should be hidden instead of being shown when disabled\n2. Once I select a Persona, then all Dimensions are show automatically. I can select 1 dimension, or all, but I CANNOT reset and remove the Dimensions breakdowns unless I start from square one. When selecting a Persona, users aren\u2019t showing intent to view a Dimensions breakdown, thus we should offer an empty value for Dimensions initially then let users opt in through selection""}]" "1673240974.758529 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1673240974.758529"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02GC8SE18V>: For UI review on ad hoc feedback:\nMocks: \nSpec: \nPls leave your comments there. I think there are extra mocks and might need cleaning. Please check the spec for any doubts.\n\ncc: <@U042NMTGJ03>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1673243913.133909"", ""content"": ""<@U040RCBPBEC> <@U02D4DUKDQC> Can you please review the UX for ad-hoc feedback? Couple of new features that I see here to be reviewed for feasibility from the backend,\n1. Ability to store ad-hoc feedback for a product\n2. There is an option to add reason to a particular ad=hoc feedback, not sure if these can be brought into exec reports as these are not associated to any pulse instance ids\n3. <@U02D4DUKDQC> Do we need anything on teams (iframe) for this?\n <@U02GC8SE18V>""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1673255563.503999"", ""content"": ""Few questions :\n1. How do we collect this feedback from Bot? Do we need to support email based surveys here?\n2. Is ad-hoc feedback editable? \n3. When does ad-hoc feedback expires, if at all ?\n4. Is there any governance for giving ad-hoc feedback? In other words, can only PO give adhoc feedback or any user in the PVT?\n5. Same as asked above : Where/how are we storing this?\n6. Is there any sentiment analysis that happens on these responses?\n7. <@U03ML44ADTQ> we have now just too many sections in Product details page, starting from : Timeline view, Heatmap, Team feedback Breakdown, StakeHolder, out of sync users, Reports and then new Ad Hoc Feedback. Does it make sense to show feedback in the Pulse tracking page itself so all the feedback is consolidated in one place? Also assiciated to reason will be seamless? \n8. How and where do we want to use this feedback?\nWill look at notification later.\n\nCan we sync up or go over this in a meeting? <@U02D4DUKDQC> <@U040RCBPBEC> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U033PPLNFRU> <@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U04A2C30R97>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1673256338.136409"", ""content"": ""1. No email based surveys for now , as we decided to start with bot only. \n2. Yes\n3. No expiry for ad hoc feedback\n4. Any user in PVT\n6. Yes we should slowly bring in sentiment analysis of ad hoc feedback as well but not part of this scope.\n7. Yes we kind of were in the same thought. So we wanted all the product related feedback inside product details. Both will work, <@U026B1ZN27L>: felt more appropriate in product details.\n\nI will schedule something on wed morning to go over details?""}, {""user"": ""hchintamreddy"", ""timestamp"": ""1673263006.721389"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02GC8SE18V>\n\n> 1. Ability to store ad-hoc feedback for a product\nwe are looking to see if we can maintain this in pulse manager similar to open text responses\n> 1. There is an option to add reason to a particular ad=hoc feedback, not sure if these can be brought into exec reports as these are not associated to any pulse instance ids\nThis needs to be analyzed further based on how and where we store adhoc feedback but like you said these will not be tied to pulses and will be treated as an independent entity in the backend on which we can overly reasons and dimensions\n> 1. <@U02D4DUKDQC> Do we need anything on teams (iframe) for this?\nCurrently <@U02SF36PVKL> is looking into multiple possibilities we will update shortly on the POC concludes\n\n\n> How do we collect this feedback from Bot?\nCurrently we are looking at three mechanisms\n\u2022 Add a hash tag like #ad-hoc-feedback and post a message in the product channel \n\u2022 slash command for slack or teams bot command similar to user action \n\u2022 DM the Axiamatic Bot \n""}]" "1687150762.705779 ","[{""user"": ""rpandey"", ""timestamp"": ""1687150762.705779"", ""content"": ""Hey <@U04EV0M2VA6> we are in process of switching to library which which will help with a lot of inbuilt options in terms of UX. You can take look at the for create report (Product details > create Report modal ) which uses react-datepicker. Please let me know any design changes you would like to make specifically in terms of date picker, I will add to it. thanks\n\nAlso is the list of UI/UX options it provides which could be really useful for in future.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1687156250.783169"", ""content"": ""Awesome, thanks <@U03DLS1FN3D>. Will take a look!""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1687239258.817969"", ""content"": ""Thanks for sharing this <@U03DLS1FN3D>. I expect that the key variations we will use include:\n\n1. Simple date picker\n2. Date and time picker\n3. Variation where past dates are disabled\n4. Date range picker \n5. Select time only\n6. Variation with a button to navigate to \u201ctoday\u201d\nI\u2019ll add to the design backlog styling the calendar input, but this is a P2. We can just use the date picker with the existing default design and then update later""}, {""user"": ""rpandey"", ""timestamp"": ""1688964040.200679"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> we want to start using this datepicker library, please let us know if we want to migrate existing datepicker(native) to library above mentioned across the app .? thanks\ncc: ""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1688964797.456149"", ""content"": ""Yes, let\u2019s migrate <@U03DLS1FN3D>. Styling can come later and let\u2019s not let it be a blocker for UI progress""}]" "1691716955.826809 ","[{""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1691716955.826809"", ""content"": ""*Thread: metrics cleanup*\n\nNow that we\u2019ve shifted from prior scoring concepts to \u201cMetrics\u2026VoT\u201d, we can do some clean-up of legacy scores across the app. This includes:\n\n1. *Engagement page > Reports > Overall score* (image 1)\n a. Rename to \u201cVoice of Team\u201d\n2. *Engagement page > Stakeholders > Product and vendor score* (image 2)\n a. Consolidate the two and rename to \u201cVoice of Team\u201d \n3. *Engagements table > Overall score* (image 3)\n a. Rename to \u201cVoice of Team\u201d\n4. *Pulse table > Pulse score* (image 4)\n a. Rename to \u201cVoice of Team\u201d\n5. *Pulse results > Overall score* (image 5)\n a. Rename to \u201cVoice of Team\u201d\n6. *Report > Overall score* (image 6)\n a. Rename to \u201cVoice of Team\u201d\n<@U040RCBPBEC> <@U04NPHNJMCP> <@U03ML44ADTQ> can you please check the above for accuracy? Are all of the above scores accurately described as \u201cVoice of Team\u201d?""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1691723201.587179"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W> created UI task for the above : \nThere is a app change for 3) which can be committed against the same UI task.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1691726335.918479"", ""content"": ""Thank you <@U02GC8SE18V>""}, {""user"": ""dmorampudi"", ""timestamp"": ""1692495128.226669"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> #2 Consolidate the product score and vendor score and rename to \u201cVoice of Team\u201d, This will be a backend change or you want us to handle it in the UI itself by calculating the average? CC: <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""dmorampudi"", ""timestamp"": ""1692497893.140879"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> Can you also check #3. It is a backend change.""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1692589699.688209"", ""content"": ""<@U055X02CXGS> #2 and #3, we do in apps. Not required to handle anything in UI.""}]" "1694064023.092639 ","[{""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1694064023.092639"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> In Dashboard we are showing Owner and some in places we are showing Owners can we maintain one common convention. Because in both the places its more than one owner\nCC <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1694064071.268729"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U03MSMV0W66>, \u201cOwner\u201d is fine across the board (that includes CTAs like \u201cadd owner\u2026assign owner\u201d)""}]" "1681897527.812889 ","[{""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1681897527.812889"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> Couple of question/Clarifications, on issues raised by <@U03DHUAJVMK>. not able to recollect/find the mocks for this to refer. so posting it here.\n1. If we have multiple reasons, should we truncate/wrap at some point and if sowing more than one , should we separate using comma? refer a sample report line item with lots of reasons. this also applies to pulse list view. <@U03MSMV0W66> \n2. There is a info icon in Teams iFrame retro, but no tooltip text, should we need it if yes, what would be the copy for this? <@U04ARFN3WQP> \n""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1681939076.838309"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U02HCMTQU3W>.\n\n1. We can add commas to the reasons, truncate long strings, and show the full list when people hover on the truncated reason name. <@U03MSMV0W66> \n2. is the qual comments tooltip content: _See a breakdown of people\u2019s sentiment about <productName>. We automatically detect sentiment from free-form feedback and Pulse reponses._ <@U04ARFN3WQP>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1681965824.044169"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U04EV0M2VA6>. cc <@U03DHUAJVMK>""}, {""user"": ""bot_message"", ""timestamp"": ""1681965957.286769"", ""content"": ""@Pradeep created a Task UI-1881 Add tool tip text to info icon in team iframe retro and trim reasons in report and pulse tables""}, {""user"": ""amishra"", ""timestamp"": ""1681989839.783479"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U04EV0M2VA6> We don't show the product name anywhere in Teams Retro, so we can't add it to the tooltip.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1682024521.741249"", ""content"": ""Thanks, that\u2019s a good call. Could we make it generic? _See a breakdown of people\u2019s sentiment. We automatically detect sentiment from free-form feedback and Pulse reponses._""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1682051387.005829"", ""content"": ""<@U04ARFN3WQP> Don't we shown the product logo ? If yes then same call should also have the product name. <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U042KRZPXHT>""}, {""user"": ""gdahiya"", ""timestamp"": ""1682052478.944279"", ""content"": ""Yes <@U02HCMTQU3W> . We have the product instance name in the pulse details API. cc: <@U04ARFN3WQP> ""}]" "1694089383.499369 ","[{""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1694089383.499369"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> In participants table instead of adding hover for status pills, we are adding click to show the tooltip because we have nudge button inside the tooltip. Because it is very difficult to keep the focus on tooltip when you try to interact with the actions inside it.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1694121530.057329"", ""content"": ""thanks <@U03MSMV0W66>. can we please ensure that we the pills upon hover to indicate that it\u2019s clickable?""}]" "1683619115.758839 ","[{""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1683619115.758839"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> Can you review this Retro close notification please? cc <@U02TVMF3CR4>\n\nIn this proposal:\n\u2022 Start and Close date would reflect the Pulse date, not the Retro date\n\u2022 We don\u2019t show Persona or Reason since the audience is the end user""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1683620088.378939"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> looks good!""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1683621773.953869"", ""content"": ""<@U02TVMF3CR4> Let\u2019s go ahead with this""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1683667900.855409"", ""content"": ""<@U02TVMF3CR4> can we update the Axiamatic bot logo please? See attached""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1684349428.483659"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> and <@U04EV0M2VA6> - Can we include the Product name in the Bot messages for retro open and close similar to the pulse open? If users work with multiple products, it will help them determine which message is for which product.\nCurrently, I\u2019m relying on the Pulse name. Still, it may be possible to use the same pulse name, like \u201cBaseline Pulse,\u201d for multiple products, which is insufficient to identify the pulse uniquely.""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1684377945.821869"", ""content"": ""Makes a lot of sense <@U04EV0M2VA6>: Can we add that?""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1684400938.757509"", ""content"": ""I\u2019ve added improved Retro copy and have checked that all new Slack/Teams messaging (in the Gamification project) mention the vendor name. <@U03ML44ADTQ> can you please review then help us add this to Collab\u2019s backlog?""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1684403369.528399"", ""content"": ""Thank you <@U04EV0M2VA6>, <@U02D4DUKDQC>/ <@U02TVMF3CR4>: For collab to pick this""}]" "1674547192.762339 ","[{""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1674547192.762339"", ""content"": ""2. Extended Question Types - \n\n\u2022 Not mandatory questions\n\u2022 Viz on pulse tracking and not product details page (too much info)\n\u2022 tenant specific NO global questions currently\n\u2022 renamed to Multiple Choice\n\u2022 Does not impact scoring\n\u2022 Will only start with selecting one choice from the list\n\u2022 We will cap choice list to start with at 10 choices\n\u2022 Collab POC on pagination given more than 5 choices in list cc <@U02HQ78V9A5> <@U02D4DUKDQC> \n\u2022 Character caps for fields on create question (component already exists)\n\u2022 Pulse summary stats should not reflect these multiple choice questions\n\u2022 web app survey and pulse template preview designs in progress\n""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1674602989.193509"", ""content"": ""I\u2019ve had a play around with the `Question Type` and recommend changing from the existing tab design to a simple dropdown selector.\n\nReasons being:\n1. The tabs will cause issues when responding to narrower window sizes (e.g. consider a user viewing Axiamatic side-to-side with another app or program)\n2. As we introduce more question types (e.g. checklists, long text answers), we will encounter the same issue so the tab may struggle to scale\n3. With a dropdown selector, we can reintroduce a \u201cQuestion type\u201d label for greater clarity\nIt\u2019s a bit more initial work but is intended to save us more work down the line\n\ncc <@U033PPLNFRU> <@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U042NMTGJ03> <@U02RXLK867P> for visibility""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1674603394.741949"", ""content"": ""Sounds good""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1674708555.808959"", ""content"": "" are updated designs for Extended Question Types ready for your async review.\n\nI understand we\u2019re discussing introducing a way to preview the Pulse page - I need to have some technical discussions around how this works and what exists today, but let\u2019s not have this block progress on the core `Add question` flow.\n\nPlease review and leave any feedback/questions <@U042NMTGJ03> <@U02RXLK867P> <@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U033PPLNFRU> <@U02GC8SE18V>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1675071979.996899"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W>: Can you pls check the above designs for extended question type?""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1675072084.298339"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6>: The suggestions look good to me, can we quickly freeze these designs with <@U02HCMTQU3W> and UI team.\n\ncc: <@U04A2C30R97>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1675130673.161879"", ""content"": ""I\u2019ve added these designs to `0.9.8` Figma. One outstanding question is around Pulse previews and what value they add, given that today\u2019s Pulse Template page offers a \u201cpreview\u201d view. Please feed back on this <@U03ML44ADTQ> - how critical is it to include Preview in this upcoming release? I feel like we will rethink the Pulse creation flow soon, so this may end up being redundant work. cc <@U02RXLK867P>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1675134069.650129"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6>: Let us pause the preview for now""}]" "1692319602.472129 ","[{""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692319602.472129"", ""content"": ""I\u2019m receiving these Engagement-Owner targeted emails for boosting Pulse responses multiple times a day. Anyone else receiving these emails and can we please fix it? <@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U026PMDB1ND>""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1692322071.082009"", ""content"": ""We are probably brewing a new feature in INT - ?\n<@U04EV0M2VA6> You may have scheduled a recurring pulse in one of the test tenants.\n\u2022 We need to make sure that there are enough details to locate the source tenant from this email\u2014a link to the specific pulse instance along with name of the pulse and engagement.\n\u2022 We need to clarify to the user about the frequency of the emails. \n\u2022 If users want to opt out of these emails, an option should exist. ""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692324409.207279"", ""content"": ""<@U040RCBPBEC> Thanks for clarifying. Understand that <@U031V63V5EF> is looking at this flow so I recommend holding off on any improvements until we have confirmation that this will go into production""}, {""user"": ""hchintamreddy"", ""timestamp"": ""1692330859.525819"", ""content"": ""yes <@U040RCBPBEC> this is the feature where we want the product owner or exec to send the nudge via email instead of Axiamatic which could help boost response rates this is in 0.9.14""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1692331996.228229"", ""content"": ""<@U02D4DUKDQC> - Is there any feature flag?""}, {""user"": ""hchintamreddy"", ""timestamp"": ""1692337162.962989"", ""content"": ""<@U040RCBPBEC> there was no feature flag added for this , if you think this is disruptive we need to HF this to hide this behind a FF cc <@U03RQDE3QUS>""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1692372849.286259"", ""content"": ""<@U02D4DUKDQC> <@U03RQDE3QUS> A feature flag is strongly recommended for any feature that impacts end users directly by posting bot messages or emails.\nEvery day one email and user scheduled a pulse and forgot; this can be very annoying.\nSome of the essential details need to be included in this email. Like pulse name, persona, how many people still have not responded, etc.\n<@U026PMDB1ND> <@U04NPHNJMCP> - Please review and decide if we need a hot-fix for feature flag or not.""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1692373581.931469"", ""content"": ""Let\u2019s add a flag before we push the code to prod. <@U02D4DUKDQC> let me know if I can help add it during the day here.\n\nWe should justify to ourselves why we shouldn\u2019t have a flag when we pick such features up so that we don\u2019t miss adding one by mistake.""}, {""user"": ""hchintamreddy"", ""timestamp"": ""1692373927.708449"", ""content"": ""let me work on it right away <@U026PMDB1ND>""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1692377436.802959"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U02D4DUKDQC>""}, {""user"": ""ahaefner"", ""timestamp"": ""1692392719.223549"", ""content"": ""Yes let's please flag it and turn it off by default. This is also spamming me and I think we need to revise the content and targeting (Meaghan is working on design and Wendy is working on copy)""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1692393671.212519"", ""content"": ""I guess we also need to look at frequency, <@U04NPHNJMCP> and <@U04EV0M2VA6>. If there's a recurring pulse would we automatically ask for a nudge every time or do we do this for the first time, look at response rates and decide when would it make sense to ask for help again. I there are multiple pulses going on, would we ask for nudge on all of them?\n\nMaybe we need to keep a view of when did we ask a user to help and use that to decide when would it be reasonable to go back to them.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692580720.884439"", ""content"": ""Now that we\u2019re scaling out our email notifications, I\u2019m seeing more of a need for a central place in the app for users to manage their email notifications for different alerts. While it\u2019s helpful to put guardrails in place around how often we notify users, letting the users themselves decide is more straightforward. We would need some product priority and bandwidth allocation across UX, Collab, UI etc. to action this though <@U026PMDB1ND> <@U04NPHNJMCP>""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1692639139.328269"", ""content"": ""Agree <@U04EV0M2VA6> We could have a settings page that is accessible off the bottom left nav bar.""}, {""user"": ""ahaefner"", ""timestamp"": ""1692640100.709769"", ""content"": ""Yeah I think we should add that section now <@U04EV0M2VA6> because we are going to invest in more notifications to product owners.""}, {""user"": ""ahaefner"", ""timestamp"": ""1692650871.162359"", ""content"": "" Put together a mini spec - please add any sections i may have missed in the account settings""}]" "1691771178.234959 ","[{""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1691771178.234959"", ""content"": "" <@U04EV0M2VA6> - Did you get a chance to review the NLP summaries in our UI for 2X2 and timeline? As of now they are too big, we are working on a fix to limit the size of the generated summary to 100-150 words and clean up the un-necessary terms like \u201ccontext\u201d in the summary. I think there are some problems from the UI and presentation point of view, Not sure if it is implementation or needs any guidance from UX.\n<@U04EV0M2VA6> - Please review stage tenant, you already have an account with \nFew visible issues for me:\n1. Time line view summaries not showing time - We are showing one summary per pulse instance. A month may have multiple pulse instances.\n2. The items below are not visible\n3. Hard to navigate using mouse, any little movement loosing the focus, almost impossible to view the whole content.\nFew thoughts from one of the call:\n1. Can we show a single line only and provide an option to expand? \n2. Can we provide an option to pop over to a window instead of hover over state?\n""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1691965140.230129"", ""content"": ""<@U040RCBPBEC> I\u2019m using on stage but don\u2019t see any summaries. Which assets (initiatives, engagements) should I visit to preview this?""}, {""user"": ""araman"", ""timestamp"": ""1691993864.599349"", ""content"": ""<@U040RCBPBEC> Started testing the summary and trend graphs last week. Few observations were shared and heard from <@U0336QZAF98> that there are few fixes worked upon in this area.""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1692032631.883509"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> - Please login using - If you forgot the password, reset password. As per the list of administrators, you already have access to this tenant.\nThe other tenant you are using may not have any real data.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692055355.377419"", ""content"": ""I\u2019m attempting to login but get and set up and get blocked at the \u201cadd stakeholders\u201d setup phase. <@U040RCBPBEC> I can\u2019t proceed using on Stage until this is resolved.\n\n---\n\nThis is going off on a tangent, but now that we have richer empty states in the product plus <@U05EEUZ62DS> and <@U03ML44ADTQ>\u2019s improved guided onboarding flows, I would like to propose removing the existing setup steps completely. There are multiple usability issues and it adds limited value for first-time users.\n\n<@U028EDANJM9> <@U04NPHNJMCP> would like your input on this proposal""}, {""user"": ""araman"", ""timestamp"": ""1692065167.955139"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> Could you please try now? I have deleted the open invitations.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692072062.278489"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U03DHUAJVMK>! I\u2019ve tested this with the \u201cPlatform\u201d engagement:\n\nThe goal of this feature is to give users a bite-sized \u201csnapshot\u201d of what happened in the time period that might have impacted the graph trends. It\u2019s intended as a time-saving alternative to diving into the raw data yourself.\n\nThe way we\u2019re presenting the data now is much too detailed _(image 1)_ - diving into how individuals responded to different questions which is much too granular. Instead, we should aim to just showing something like the concluding line _(image 2)_, but with added details around what went wrong and what didn\u2019t. Each summary should take no more than 2-3 minutes to read\n\n<@U04NPHNJMCP> <@U040RCBPBEC>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692072637.249769"", ""content"": ""I do think that:\n1. Separating summaries for each Pulse\n2. And adding an \u201cexpand drawer\u201d makes sense. See attached exploration\nBut since it\u2019s intended as a contextual summary, I don\u2019t recommend changing the format to a sidebar. Instead, we should prioritize making the content much more concise""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1692074503.243209"", ""content"": "" <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02HCMTQU3W> - FYI\n <@U04EV0M2VA6> - Reducing the summary size reduces the information. We are working on making changes to configure the words in a summary. Please let me know if you have any suggestion on the recommended number of words in the summary suitable for this UI.\n\nBelow is an example summary with different word counts:\n\n~10 words:\n```Customer feedback shifted from negative to positive; HCL addressed previous concerns effectively.```\n~20 words:\n```Comparison reveals a shift to positive customer sentiment. Previously, harvey_vendor_test received negative feedback on communication, service, and leadership. Current feedback highlights HCL's improvements and positive customer perception.```\n~50 words\n```Previous feedback for harvey_vendor_test was negative, criticizing communication and service quality. Currently, customer sentiment has become more positive, indicating improvements by HCL in addressing past issues, enhancing service, and showing effective leadership, leading to better customer perception.```\n~100 words\n```Comparison of previous and current feedback shows a positive shift in customer sentiment for harvey_vendor_test. Earlier, users expressed dissatisfaction with communication, resource availability, and quality of service. There were criticisms regarding HCL's proactiveness, knowledge, and collaboration. Also, the thought leadership of Mattel-HCL faced strong disagreements. Currently, there's a marked improvement in perceptions. Most users now appreciate HCL's service quality, especially in collaboration and responsiveness. This positive trend hints at HCL's proactive measures to address past issues. It's likely that by enhancing their communication and service quality, HCL has significantly bettered customer experiences.```""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692089699.286499"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U040RCBPBEC> it's very helpful to see these compared to one another. ~50 words looks like the right balance for me. What are your thoughts?\n\nCc <@U04NPHNJMCP>""}]" "1685692819.733239 ","[{""user"": ""rpandey"", ""timestamp"": ""1685692819.733239"", ""content"": ""Hi <@U04EV0M2VA6> need some info on this based on our earlier discussion to modify this report same as Qualitative or Pulse Exports.\n\ncc: <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02MVLH88EB>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1685694845.770999"", ""content"": ""<@U03DLS1FN3D> i think there is plan to come up with enhanced/elevated reports which probably will come soon, i. think we should wait and merge these changes along with those changes.\n<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U04EV0M2VA6> what do you think?\n\nAlso JFYI, there are 2 other tickets on the same issue by different people.\n\n""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1685695119.883329"", ""content"": ""Ack and I am fine with taking it together with reports""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1685940260.320409"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U02HCMTQU3W>, here is an exported of the report with changes coming in 0.9.12/0.9.13 <@U03DLS1FN3D> <@U03ML44ADTQ>""}]" "1676996853.829589 ","[{""user"": ""amishra"", ""timestamp"": ""1676996853.829589"", ""content"": "" Can someone please share the axiamatic logo svg file?""}, {""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1677007510.680619"", ""content"": ""<@U04ARFN3WQP> only have png""}]" "1677045474.593479 ","[{""user"": ""amishra"", ""timestamp"": ""1677045474.593479"", ""content"": "" \n\nSince we have to make several calls during initial page load and are unable to avoid doing so, I made a few changes to the initial page load so that it looked responsive and the end user could feel engaged rather than seeing a circle loader.\n\nPlease take a look and let me know your thoughts""}, {""user"": ""kmarshall"", ""timestamp"": ""1677046690.202919"", ""content"": ""<@U04ARFN3WQP> thanks for this. Two questions:\n1. Does each page have a relevant skeleton? For example if the user manually refreshes, the layout shown here may not correspond to the loading page\n2. Is the loading spinner a replacement for the current one with blue dots on it?""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1677046906.353419"", ""content"": ""nice work <@U04ARFN3WQP>!\n\n1. I like the spinning logo but do think we should replace it with the blue dot spinner, since that old logo is likely to soon be deprecated\n2. Can we please also set the left-bar icon placeholders to:\n a. shadow: none\n b. color: slate-100?""}, {""user"": ""amishra"", ""timestamp"": ""1677055412.192599"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U02RXLK867P>\n1. Added a blue dot spinner in place of the spinning logo\n2. Added the color shade slate-200 and removed the shadow from the left-bar icon placeholders.\n3. <@U02RXLK867P> It is not possible to display the appropriate skeleton for each page by default instead, the skeleton for the current page is displayed once the route hit for that page.\n\nI'll post the link here, and if it seems okay to you guys then we can go ahead and make it live.""}, {""user"": ""amishra"", ""timestamp"": ""1677070560.846819"", ""content"": ""Preview link - ""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1677116712.178249"", ""content"": ""It looks great <@U04ARFN3WQP> - definitely makes the loading time feel shorter. Nice work :tada:""}]" "1677132499.499759 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1677132499.499759"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U040RCBPBEC> :\nSummarising the Qualitative feedback call:\n\u2022 Email PDF will be tracked as a separate story\n\u2022 Only single select of topics will be possible for 0.9.9\n\u2022 Show ~16 of most popular topics by Alphabetical order\n*For 0.9.9:*\nKey deliverables:\n1. Showing *comment type labels*(which are short answer, Followup etc) in \na. Customer dashboard( qual feedback, pulses and reports)\nb. Vendor dashboard:\n\n*2. Comment Type Filter* in Qualitative feedback section and comments section in customer and vendor dashboard\n\n\n3. Topics in Qualitative feedback section in both customer and vendor dashboard:\n\n4. Informative tooltips for headers\n\nSpec: \nMocks: \nUI walkthru video: ""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1677139685.840789"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U04EV0M2VA6>: Have updated Email PDFs as a separate spec here: ""}]" "1677474827.069339 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1677474827.069339"", ""content"": ""Summarising the sentiment heatmap call:\n<@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U042NMTGJ03> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02RXLK867P> <@U02GC8SE18V> :\n\nSentiment Heatmap:\n\u2022 Have the same hover modal for both single comment and multiple comments\n\u2022 <@U042NMTGJ03>: Will the modal remain the same irrespective of whether single or multiple comments?\n*For 0.9.9:*\na. Add Follow-up answers hover dimension level in both customer and vendor dashboard\nb. Add Follow-up answers hover question level in both customer and vendor dashboard\nc. Design for only one followup comment (Dimension level and Question level)\nd. Design for multiple followup comments\n\nSpec: \n""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1677475372.914759"", ""content"": ""Hover \u2014 yes, same now\n\n# Follow Up Answers\nRead more\u2026""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1677475530.941539"", ""content"": ""And on clicking read more for a single comment will be same as multiple comment?""}]" "1686867716.602079 ","[{""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1686867716.602079"", ""content"": ""What would trigger this warning message in the product details page? I\u2019m confused by what it means and what it\u2019s asking users to do <@U033PPLNFRU> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02GC8SE18V>\n\n> *Axiamatic is part of Axiamatic.*\n> Add Axiamatic and send an invite to your representative for more in depth insight into product usage.\n> Add Vendor""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1686872278.517389"", ""content"": ""If the product vendor is already registered in our system and some customers are trying to use this vendor\u2019s product in Axiamatic, they see this message. We intend to encourage the user to establish a collaboration channel with the vendor.\nIf the product vendor is not registered in our system, then we show below message.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1686875693.122519"", ""content"": ""Thanks for explaining <@U040RCBPBEC>\n\nI\u2019ve created a to clarify the messaging to:\n\n> Title: Collaborate with {vendor} on Axiamatic\n> Description: {vendor} is already on Axiamatic, but you haven\u2019t started collaborating yet. Invite them to gain valuable insights into product usage and user satisfaction.\n> CTA: Invite {vendor}\ncc <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1686888795.962249"", ""content"": ""Ack <@U04EV0M2VA6>""}]" "1691989212.153659 ","[{""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1691989212.153659"", ""content"": ""I\u2019m seeing a bug in stage where Lever\u2019s comments are displaying as \u201cno comments to show\u201d but the breakdown graphs are still visible <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U03DHUAJVMK>""}, {""user"": ""gdahiya"", ""timestamp"": ""1691990241.276229"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> Can you share the tenant details.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1691990391.343699"", ""content"": ""Yes <@U042KRZPXHT>, I'm using on Stage""}, {""user"": ""gdahiya"", ""timestamp"": ""1691991594.475419"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> The comments are visible now. Were there any specific steps that you followed?""}, {""user"": ""gdahiya"", ""timestamp"": ""1691991936.923909"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44G5RC> <@U02GC8SE18V> I do see some errors regarding `persona not found` in this particular API call around the time Meaghan reported the issue. Are we not fetching the persona from DB in case we don't find it in cache?""}, {""user"": ""gdahiya"", ""timestamp"": ""1691992049.190249"", ""content"": ""Seems like somewhere the `personaId` to fetch the persona is passed as `null`""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1692001871.153879"", ""content"": ""I am unable to reproduce it too. For now creating an issue to track this, we can keep an eye on this and probably add some defensive checks ?\n\n\n\n<@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U03ML44G5RC> <@U042KRZPXHT>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692006280.601159"", ""content"": ""It\u2019s fixed for me too <@U042KRZPXHT>, thanks for diving into this!""}]" "1674013395.573989 ","[{""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1674013395.573989"", ""content"": ""<@U046ATZ12RL> <@U042NMTGJ03> \nPlease do an UX review on the features that shipped in 0.9.6 and let us know if there are issues with fit and finish. This was an ask from <@U026B1ZN27L> that we get a sign-off from ux team for the all the features that we develop.\nMajor Features to be reviewed from 0.9.6\n1. Pulse Templates\n2. Pulse responses details page with tags and qualitative feedback\n3. General components and menu bar\nFeatures ready to be reviewed in 0.9.7 and available in int.\n1. Filter on question bank while adding question to template\n2. Question logic on web app based survey\n3. Login screen change to take username first to support sp initiated flow\nThere are more coming in 0.9.7, will post once they are done. Let me know if you need any help with this?\n <@U04A2C30R97> <@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U026PMDB1ND>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1674017872.136429"", ""content"": ""<@U046ATZ12RL>: FYA""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1674099848.307809"", ""content"": ""<@U03DHUAJVMK> UX review being discussed here""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1674537096.645989"", ""content"": "" Did you get a chance to do a review on above items?""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1674537665.190339"", ""content"": ""<@U046ATZ12RL>: FYA\ncc: <@U04EV0M2VA6>""}, {""user"": ""apatole"", ""timestamp"": ""1674540399.618619"", ""content"": ""Today will complete the review""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1674617483.597739"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> Here""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1674643684.763809"", ""content"": "" Most of the 0.9.7 items are also available for review in 0.9.7 except for reporting which will be ready in a day or 2.""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1674652527.294219"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W> - did any of the items in 0.9.7 already get reviewed? Our agreed upon process mandates a review only after the release closes?""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1674652550.757549"", ""content"": ""Asking for my own edification...""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1674657834.138369"", ""content"": ""No <@U026PMDB1ND>, As 0.9.6 was not full reviewed hence they are being reviewed now . 0.9.7 items should ideally be reviewed with in the release as well. It's just that everything comes together in the end of release, same issue here as well that we face with qa verification""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1674658143.424659"", ""content"": ""Going fwd, we need to see how to break this cycle at least for a few features <@U02HCMTQU3W> ""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1674671079.616779"", ""content"": ""sure <@U026PMDB1ND>, we did to some extent in this release, Will continue to try to pull this back within the release boundaries. <@U02GC8SE18V>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1674751951.251309"", ""content"": "", please do review 0.9.7 features as well, all of them are deployed to integration environment, <@U046ATZ12RL> <@U04A2C30R97>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1676013262.465889"", ""content"": ""<@U046ATZ12RL> <@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U042NMTGJ03>\n1. 0.9.7 UX review issues - We have scoped most of them for 0.9.7-rel1 and 0.9.8.\n2. 0.9.8 UX review issues - Could you please mark P0 and P1s from this list and add screenshots if it helps. we have some bandwidth and want to start on this list.\n""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1676013377.308569"", ""content"": ""0.9.7 comment\n> Not in original design specs: if no data is available in a section for a PDF report, hide it completely\n<@U04EV0M2VA6> Are you sure you want us to hide the section itself? We had some concerns, we could talk about this in one of the standups. <@U046ATZ12RL>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1676015068.384489"", ""content"": ""+ <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U033PPLNFRU> as he was looking for this. \""hide the section on no data available\""""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1676238268.371029"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W> regarding hiding empty sections, it was based off of observing exported reports with many empty sections (see this example). I\u2019ll join UI standup today to discuss this, thanks for flagging""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1676241978.029899"", ""content"": ""*0.9.8 UX-UI Reviews*\n\nPlease see a consolidated list of prioritized requested UI changes from UX . (sources: and ) <@U02HCMTQU3W>\n\n<@U046ATZ12RL> - please complete an initial review of 0.9.8 as early as possible this week. Please use this and ensure that screenshots are added (this includes adding screenshots to the 0.9.6 review you completed)""}]" "1694120024.651449 ","[{""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1694120024.651449"", ""content"": "" \n\nDoesn't it make sense to be able to \""Extend\"" or \""Close\"" all pulse instances related to one schedule in one shot? It is likely that when extending or closing a pulse one may not want to discriminate between personas. is there's an id that ties the instances of a pulse created at the same time?\n\nI think that closing a pulse in the recipient's local TZ is an overhead feature. Maybe there's some value in timing the initial send and nudge at times that are designed to get more response, but when someone is setting up a time to finish a pulse, it is less taxing on them to come up with a specific close time (in their own TZ ).\n\ncc ""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1694121667.445639"", ""content"": ""Makes sense <@U026PMDB1ND> though I think that the long-term way to resolve this is to consolidate Pulse instances across different personas.\n\nShort-term intervention would be to add some additional input like \u201cExtend/Close for these similar Pulses too?\u201d (i.e. other instances) but it\u2019s a hacky workaround. The root of the problem is that we separate instances for difference personas\n\ncc <@U033PPLNFRU> <@U02D4DUKDQC> <@U04NPHNJMCP>""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1694121891.189819"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> - without changing the model significantly. I was thinking like we could use the Outlook like one vs series options in the menu itself:\n\nBasically, we'd have two more menu options (nicely differentiated) like \""Extend only this instance\"" or \""Close only this instance\"" and repurpose the existing \""Extend\"" and \""Close\"" to tackle everything that was created together by the originator.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1694124882.694369"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U026PMDB1ND>. <@U02D4DUKDQC> Can we please get your input on the Collab implications of this""}, {""user"": ""hchintamreddy"", ""timestamp"": ""1694146136.085909"", ""content"": ""<@U026PMDB1ND> <@U04EV0M2VA6> Once we move to target audience in pulse configuration we will have lesser issues with management of instances like this. Having said that the limiting aspect of the current backend design is that template is the only common thing across these instances for us to pivot on to extend or close them which may be too broad. I\u2019m thinking we can do some thing like Extend or Close related pulses action where we can list all the instances grouped by a template and pulse send date (need to ignore the time part) upon which we can show them a confirmation dialog of list of instances that will get closed due that action and perform the action""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1694160278.941279"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U02D4DUKDQC>, makes sense. <@U033PPLNFRU> can we please get your eyes on the above proposal for dependencies, timing, product priority etc. I can explore some lightweight designs next week <@U026PMDB1ND>""}]" "1679983113.345289 ","[{""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1679983113.345289"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U02HCMTQU3W> we will need ux guideline for pagination of \u201cRespondents\u201d section in Pulse Details page.\nCurrently it looks like this for closed pulse : We are showing 2 separate sections for pending users and completed users hence needs the pagination guideline here?\ncc <@U042KRZPXHT>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680041125.106319"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> by pagination, do you explicitly mean how we handle lots of respondents spilling over onto several pages? If so, then we can apply the pagination states that <@U02MVLH88EB> applied to table views across the app. See designs \n\nIf you mean improving the overall experience and architecture, then I wouldn\u2019t invest too heavily in this now. We should change the overall experience of the respondents page in Pulse results to support improved searching/sorting and bulk actions See this very quick directional mock up \u2013 this would require a redesign in the future\n\n<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U04A2C30R97> <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1680058762.293569"", ""content"": ""> by pagination, do you explicitly mean how we handle lots of respondents spilling over onto several pages?\nYes <@U04EV0M2VA6>, the issue above is that we have 2 sections : the users who have responded and the users who have NOT responded in 2 section separated with a line.\nSo if we add pagination, we will have to keep the 2 sections separate and add pagination for each of the section explicitly\u2026isnt?\n\nThe above design does solve the problem. Since its a single table with column & filter on the state. Do you think we should not pick this till the above design come?\ncc <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U042KRZPXHT>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680075395.447809"", ""content"": ""We could add simple filters/tabs for responded/not responded if we deem it a priority - I\u2019ll default to <@U04A2C30R97>""}, {""user"": ""dpurushothaman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680078134.837889"", ""content"": ""In near future, we can expect the design for this as in shared image [or something that solves the mentioned problem] queued for development. We can\u2019t exclude UX effort here..but considering the UX bandwidth, I would say this has to be a backlog item.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680132429.197549"", ""content"": ""When looking at how PDF exports for Pulse Results could improve, I mocked up a quick table for reviewing Pulse respondents. We could apply these best practices into the app <@U04A2C30R97>""}, {""user"": ""dpurushothaman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680157558.808279"", ""content"": ""Okay\u2026 should we have a column for persona here?""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680208033.701929"", ""content"": ""At the moment, Pulses are for one specific persona, so it\u2019s not needed just yet. But when we consolidate multiple personas into one pulse, then it\u2019s more of a need <@U04A2C30R97>""}, {""user"": ""dpurushothaman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680501966.212869"", ""content"": ""But Meaghan, right now we do support sending pulses to multiple personas based on the product POs select. And please treat this as low priority item among your list.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680553626.294669"", ""content"": ""<@U04A2C30R97> what I mean is that we create separate Pulses for each Persona, which clogs the Pulse list and distributes results across multiple Pulses instead of consolidating all results across different Personas. This is something we were discussing with folks like <@U02D4DUKDQC>, <@U02GC8SE18V> and <@U028EDANJM9>""}, {""user"": ""dpurushothaman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680665596.775479"", ""content"": ""Got it""}]" "1694208118.937009 ","[{""user"": ""ahaefner"", ""timestamp"": ""1694208118.937009"", ""content"": ""the edit flow here is truncating \""Save\"", so it's hard to see and easy to miss. Is there a way we can make this more obvious? I missed it a few times and had to re-do this to figure out that I had to click \""Sa\"" to get it to Save.""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1694240902.759249"", ""content"": ""<@U04NPHNJMCP> I guess one of the main issues here is we do lot of actions in very small area. The primary action is to associate initiatives to a dashboard, but we also support editing the names and owners which probably is hidden functionality.\ncc <@U04EV0M2VA6>\n\n<@U03MSMV0W66> can you please check, why save is hidden?""}, {""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1694412893.258489"", ""content"": ""<@U04NPHNJMCP> I am not able to reproduce this, please help me with the loom if possible, and which browser you are using ?""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1694466917.706259"", ""content"": ""I never saw the truncation problem but I always miss clicking one of these two save buttons.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1694475163.417239"", ""content"": ""<@U03MSMV0W66> can we make save more visible by restyling it as a button? See the updated design . Thank you""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1694480920.618099"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> Why do we need individual save buttons? I\u2019m sure probably this is also discussed earlier with team.\nIf we need individual save buttons, can we do an auto-save or give a warning about unsaved work?\nProbably we can merge this thread with the other discussion ""}, {""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1694490786.963609"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> Sure""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1694568696.565689"", ""content"": ""<@U040RCBPBEC> During a review with the UI team, explicit save button was suggested for the MVP, especially since we are validating each name to ensure it\u2019s valid and unique. There were some constraints that led us to this explicit save - <@U02HCMTQU3W> please share some context if you remember it from our meeting""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1694575289.764209"", ""content"": ""> I never saw the truncation problem but I always miss clicking one of these two save buttons.\n<@U040RCBPBEC> As discussed in other thread we will show a warning message if we save with some edits not saved.\n\n> <@U02HCMTQU3W> please share some context if you remember it from our meeting\nIf i remember it right the edit led to an other screen/popup which was very confusing and inline edit was suggested. but <@U03MSMV0W66> shou;d have more context around this""}]" "1680046641.000979 ","[{""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1680046641.000979"", ""content"": ""starting a thread on our dates/datepickers. The discrepancy between UTC/PST seems to be affecting some areas of our product cc <@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02GC8SE18V>\n\nIssues with datepicker and actions/teams/slack are also present\n\nJust today, I picked March 28th for a report and the Date Created and Last Updated was shown as March 27th""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1680055286.511779"", ""content"": ""<@U033PPLNFRU> can you share a screenshot or Loom about created and updated time?\nFor me report created time showing correctly but date picker and \u201cTime Period\u201d they are off by one day looks like a bug.""}, {""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1680162710.953029"", ""content"": ""<@U040RCBPBEC> discussed with <@U02GC8SE18V> and <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1680173670.625559"", ""content"": ""cc <@U03DLS1FN3D>""}, {""user"": ""rpandey"", ""timestamp"": ""1680191944.661779"", ""content"": ""Hey <@U040RCBPBEC>, could you please help me reproduce this issue. As a flow, the dates selected from date picker is converted to millis and sent to backend, and then for display in app we convert UTC date(again in millis) to local date in pages or populate preselected date in Datepickers.\nIn order to test what values are being sent in payload as start date/end date we can check by converting to UTC date using . Thanks""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1680583418.799529"", ""content"": ""<@U03DLS1FN3D> - Sorry not able to respond to you in this thread but we discussed in the morning in huddle. Thanks for initiating the huddle.\nIt looks like date picker is rounding the selected date to beginning of the day that is going to back one day in PST. Due to this issue we are not able to include recently closed pulses in report from PST time zone.\nWe agreed to use end of the day time stamp with 23:59:59 as HH::MM:SS to fix this problem.\n<@U033PPLNFRU> - FYI""}]" "1694123912.807829 ","[{""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1694123912.807829"", ""content"": ""We\u2019re adding more columns to the Pulse table (like the Engagement name) which is very helpful. <@U033PPLNFRU> can we remove Reasons from the Pulse column given that user adoption is low? This will free up more space in the table for other important info cc <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1694125930.217219"", ""content"": ""sure <@U04EV0M2VA6>""}, {""user"": ""bot_message"", ""timestamp"": ""1694138544.069249"", ""content"": ""@Ritu created a Task DISC-3619 Pulse App : Remove reason from the paged List API""}, {""user"": ""bot_message"", ""timestamp"": ""1694145072.699939"", ""content"": ""@Pradeep created a Task DISC-3620 Pulse List Page: Remove reason column""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1694145112.564779"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> created to remove from ui as well.""}]" "1679898727.181979 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1679898727.181979"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6>:\n\u2022 Can you pls review this and confirm this is good to start, as the UI team has bandwidth to pick this?\n\u2022 Email PDF - need a PDF mock/sample (I remember seeing this before)\n\u2022 This will be PDF containing all the qual comments right instead of summarising? \ncc: <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02GC8SE18V>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1679904260.037189"", ""content"": ""Thanks, can you please share some rough specs for the exported PDFs? I.e. what metadata should be in there? Should it be like a carbon copy of our existing Pulse Results/Qual Comments product pages, or do we need some variation?\n\nAlso, I need to do some research into print-friendly PDF export libraries (to avoid issues we had previously like exec reports having borders and getting cut off). This will take a couple of days but the team can start on the UI shown in 0.9.9\n\n<@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02GC8SE18V>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1679906838.369729"", ""content"": ""sure <@U04EV0M2VA6> , but like <@U04A2C30R97> mentioned there used to be a page with ~put~ out filters representing pdf which is missing now, could you please find it if you can and add it back? <@U03DLS1FN3D>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1679907283.615139"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6>: It will be all the qualitative comments together for the Qualitative comments section, while in reporting page if we have this option, it would email the selected report.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1679975472.114099"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W> can you clarify what we mean by \u201cwith put filters representing pdf which is missing now\u201d?""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1679975602.495809"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> I meant when we are in detail view we allow user to filter/sort whereas when we export it as pdf we cannot show these editable filters. so we will just export all the comments and not show these dropdowns.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1679975686.482269"", ""content"": ""yes, I understand. There are 2 functions:\n\n1. Filter what I see in the app (which is what we support today)\n2. Filter what I export into PDF (which we don\u2019t support yet). We should avoid conflating 1 with 2 - if Product/Customers/Leads assign priority to this then we should build a dedicated flow for this or shift our approach\nIt could be a simple toggle to start with: \u201cexport with filters I\u2019ve added / or export all data\u201d""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1679978125.388019"", ""content"": ""Toggle might be a good solution for this<@U04EV0M2VA6>.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680049034.592379"", ""content"": ""For export all qual comments, I recommend using a linear single-column layout rather than masonry grid. Otherwise we end up with weird gaps when long comments are next to short ones (see the image on the right) <@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U04A2C30R97> <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02MVLH88EB>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680053649.570959"", ""content"": "" a design exploration for toggling on and off applied filters. I\u2019m hesitant to introduce this in this first release - it feels like we\u2019re introducing complexity very early without enough customers using this at scale or directly requesting it yet <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U03ML44ADTQ>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1680062770.449109"", ""content"": ""No <@U04EV0M2VA6>, i don't think we would have space inside the card component, <@U03DLS1FN3D> can you share some screenshot on how this might look?""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1680062850.738299"", ""content"": """"}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1680062915.692999"", ""content"": ""I think this page without outer borders might still be okand might not have issues that we had with executive reports. <@U02MVLH88EB>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1680062962.965899"", ""content"": ""one more screen shot""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680082671.559699"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6>: with all the filters in place, there is a use case where they select filters and click on Export/Email. Any Export of data after some filters selected, would actually provide the filtered ones. (This is very common in product analytics tools like heap, intercom, chargebee). We need the clear interaction between the Email/Export CTA and filters which are right next to each other. I would opt for both Exporting now to see how customers use it. Filtering and export should work is hand in hand from my user experience.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680132305.166279"", ""content"": ""Other alternative is a split button. So it says \u201cExport\u201d, you click on the little arrow and then you select how you want to export\n\nAnd noted regarding applying filters to the export, makes sense""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680140056.429829"", ""content"": ""Hi all, <@U03ML44ADTQ> and I have been discussing the flow as well as the value that it delivers users.\n\nUsers can download PDFs in 2 ways: directly from the app, or as an attachment to email.\n\nThe only benefit to downloading a PDF as an attachment over email is that you don\u2019t have to wait a painstakingly long time waiting in the app for your PDF to process. Generally, if downloading a PDF takes more than 10s, it will frustrate users and they\u2019re likely to abandon the process.\n\nA couple of proposed principles:\n1. When exporting PDFs, let users choose if they want to apply the preselected filters that they have selected in the web app (<@U02HCMTQU3W>)\n2. When exporting PDFs, always give users the option to either wait for the PDF and download directly, or to have it emailed to them instead. We should always let them choose because we can\u2019t predict if people have issues accessing their email, or very slow bandwidth that makes typically fast processes unbearably slow\n3. As <@U02GC8SE18V>, <@U040RCBPBEC> and<@U033PPLNFRU> proposed, we shouldn\u2019t host PDFs for Comments and Pulse results permanently in the app""}]" "1694429026.322079 ","[{""user"": ""rpandey"", ""timestamp"": ""1694429026.322079"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> please take a look at the table redesign changes here on preview Link .\nSome changes based on discussion\n1. Not compressing filters on small screen view\n2. Table header height is fixed to 32px, and space b/w filters 16px globally, so every table is consistent and same in terms of header.\n3. 2 pending items a) Count on tabs b) modal based CTA as options with triple dots. \ncc: <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1694429421.252679"", ""content"": ""<@U03DLS1FN3D> Which mock did you refer for redesign?\nI checked a table from one of the metrics mocks and see differences . for example 1) Pagination footer outside the table , header bg color doesnt match etc\n""}, {""user"": ""rpandey"", ""timestamp"": ""1694429508.871159"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W> this one. Let me know if there is a new update to it.""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1694429566.639329"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U03DLS1FN3D>, <@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U05EEUZ62DS> seeing different versions of table in different mocks, which is the final mock for table?""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1694472710.913279"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U03DLS1FN3D> the Metrics Library table designs need to be updated to the new pattern (cc <@U05EEUZ62DS>), i.e. all table elements like search, footer, etc. enclosed within a white background""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1694473178.861209"", ""content"": ""<@U03DLS1FN3D>\n\n1. Can we make the header text (Zoom) size sm, medium weight please. I know that the specs said size xs but looking at it live, it\u2019s too small for legibility (image 1)\n2. Please reduce spacing between LHS/RHS individual CTAs to 8px, now it looks like 16px (image 2)\n3. The header style of Pulse, actions, and my team pages need updating (image 3 for new style) \nLooking good, thank you""}, {""user"": ""rpandey"", ""timestamp"": ""1694748247.714369"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> couple of questions related to Table redesign\n1. When we are moving Table *title and description and CTAs* to top of the page, what should we do with the tables on *Engagement details page* else this will have two different design across the app and difficult to maintain as we are using the same table component across ap. This is applicable to Vendors page too. \n2. Tables like Teams has 2 different tables with different CTAs(Add stakeholders & Invite Administrator), should we move both CTAs on top? \n3. Also for actions table moving the CTAs will take a bit of time and prone to regression. \nPlease let me know if you need more info on this I will create a loom. Thanks\ncc: <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}]" "1687161792.742059 ","[{""user"": ""rpandey"", ""timestamp"": ""1687161792.742059"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> I came across this today .. with new we are not showing status in the reports table .. its bit confusing that user will not know that without saving the report he/she will not be able to export PDF. Please let me know you thoughts.\n\ncc: <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U03NZ7Z52S2> <@U055X02CXGS>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1687163022.260839"", ""content"": ""<@U03DLS1FN3D> I think this could be a table state from new version of reports where we have the option of reports as live playground. For now in 0.9.12 , lets add it back. we can revisit this in 0.9.13.\ncc <@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U055X02CXGS>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1687163645.047189"", ""content"": ""Yes this was intended to be bundled together with reports as live playground (so no draft state). Agree with <@U02HCMTQU3W> on adding it back in. Thanks for catching this <@U03DLS1FN3D>. This also means that we need to keep our \u201creport error\u201d flow (where the user can opt to try again)""}]" "1686885531.853399 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1686885531.853399"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02HCMTQU3W>: Reporting MVP scope : . Pls review this and let me/ <@U04EV0M2VA6> know if any further questions""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1686885949.676589"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U04EV0M2VA6> just to clarify more :\n1. We wont be bringing in heatmap in reports.\n2. We wont have \u201cshare report via Email\u201d popup. > Can we go with existing flow that we have for download/email pdf for qualitative comments ?\ncc <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1686894539.104869"", ""content"": ""That is right <@U02GC8SE18V> had commented to remove those""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1686912982.974429"", ""content"": ""Okay <@U02GC8SE18V>, will remove email report from . We just need to tweak the content in today\u2019s download/email PDF flow, which is reflected in designs""}]" "1676364063.332999 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1676364063.332999"", ""content"": ""<@U042NMTGJ03>:\nHaving a few comments for feedback timeline(0.9.9)\nDesign mocks: \n (if you hate long content :P)\n\n*Design side of things:*\n*First dropdown*: (If only product or vendor is present, we will only show overall score)\n1. Overall Score\n2. Product Score\n3. Vendor Score\n*Second dropdown:* (I am thinking if we need all personas)\n1. Primary users \n2. Secondary users\n3. Tool Champion\n\u2022 Default: Any 1 persona and should be auto-selected whether product/vendor score with dimension labels.\n\u2022 Persona can also be multi selected, if multi-selected then show all the persona trend. This is important as we need to show the persona trend as well. \n\u2022 If only one persona is selected we would show the dimensions labels which can be selected and unselected. We need better UI/UX for this as we feel dimension names are more like labels and clickable. \n\u2022 *Third drop-down: Do we need the third dropdown of dimensions?* If you check the current implementation, we can select and unselect dimensions from the labels after selecting one persona. We just need to make it seem more clickable than current.\n\u2022 I feel we are over-using colours - Both for the dots and for the sentiment. Do we need colour since score is a quantitive metric. Can we represent it with simple dots instead of these coloured ones and again having labels etc. \n\u2022 I find it difficult to read the data we are representing in the below screenshot:\n\u2022 Can we have some structure to it(see screenshot) and we can remove Jan1 as it is not useful and do we need the #pulses to be shown given that we will have a separate column for #pulses. \nScore:\n~#Pulses:~\n~#Actions:~\n#Comments\nSentiment breakdown\n\n\n<@U02GC8SE18V> <@U040RCBPBEC> <@U02HCMTQU3W>:\n*Need your inputs on the Zero scores:*\n1. Do not show dimensions which have not been answered or Do not show dimensions that have always had Zero score historically.\n\n2. Decay concept might need a revisit. Understand why we have decay in the first place. What can a tool champion do with this zero score? It might be useful just not to show any decay scores as well.\n\n3. We will represent Zero scores in the graph only when the dimension has got zero scores.\n\n4. *Third drop-down: Do we need the third dropdown of dimensions?* \n\nIf you check the current implementation, we can select and unselect dimensions from the labels after selecting one persona. We just need to make it seem more clickable than current.\n\n5. Can we target to have #Pulses and #Actions data in the feedback timeline for 0.9.9?\n\nSpec : \ncc: <@U04EV0M2VA6>""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1676364346.867469"", ""content"": ""Thanks for putting this together.\n\n<@U02GC8SE18V> <@U040RCBPBEC> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U04EV0M2VA6> Please share your thoughts and I\u2019ll check back tomorrow.""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1676389794.500429"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U042NMTGJ03>,\n1. Lets hear from <@U040RCBPBEC> on the zero and decay of scores. I feel, they are present for a reason otherwise the timeline graph will be too pointy/sharp with sudden drops and peaks\u2026 so if you have pulse on week-1 and week-4 , we will show week-1 : score, week-2 : no score, week-3 : no score and week 4 - score \u2026. joining these points will result in sharp lines and thats also not how we compute the scores as well.\n2. We will need UI feasibility analysis on the half dotted for future and half solid line graph. cc <@U02HCMTQU3W> \n3. What will be the vendor version of the timeline view? \n4. Its confusing from the msg and the ux, <@U03ML44ADTQ> are you asking to show # of actions also in the timeline view? We can show # of pulses at the point granularity. Also, pulses do impact the scores which is represented on timeline but actions dont impact the scores. cc <@U040RCBPBEC> \n5. In the UX, persona dropdown is removed\u2026 is that intentional?\n""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1676396927.857899"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> - Is there any part-2 for the loom? It looks like stopped due to 5 minutes limit. Thank you, it is very helpful.\n<@U02GC8SE18V> <@U03ML44ADTQ> - There are two distinct concepts\n\u2022 History normalization: If a particular persona don\u2019t have any score for the given aggregation interval, we project the score from previous interval. \n\u2022 Decay: While projecting score from previous month to current month, we apply a decay function. As of now applying decay is feature flag controlled. If the decay is turned off, if there is a pulse one year back and there is no new pulse, the same score will continue for this whole year. If the decay is turned on, the score comes down to zero in 90 days.\nWe can explain why we are seeing dip, if we can see the pulses in time line. I can check on this, let me know your tenant.""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1676397171.063239"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> - Few other comments:\n1. If we select default as one persona then it will not represent the overall score. If the intent is to show dimensions always, we need to consider showing list of dimensions for all personas. \n2. If we remove dropdown for dimensions: It is not possible to select few dimensions for selected personas.\n""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1676397557.740739"", ""content"": ""We are trying to think in the direction of \u201cAction items are created based on Retro of the pulses.\u201d\nIt is confusing until we implement this relation between action items and pulses/retro.\n> Also, pulses do impact the scores which is represented on timeline but actions dont impact the scores.""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1676411012.463839"", ""content"": ""Hi Ritu and Satya. Thanks for chiming in. Have a few clarifications\u2026\n\n1. *Showing monthly vs. weekly on x-axis.* I think this is tied to accurate score representation somehow. If we aggregate scores for pulses closed from prior month every start of the month, we\u2019ll be able to show the trend. If it\u2019s weekly, how often would product pulses really change from a weekly basis. More likely, scores will fluctuate more in months hence having trend visibility. (Future scope: If the sparseness of data is the issue, we can include empty states or nudges for the PO to send pulses here too.) <@U040RCBPBEC> This is fine right?\n2. *Dropdowns*. 1st is question type (product/vendor/all \u2014 hidden if there is only 1 for this product). This isn\u2019t score <@U03ML44ADTQ>. 2nd is the personas. Right now, it should Overall score (for all personas which shows 1 total line hence overall score), then a multi-select list of persona 1, 2, 3\u2026, which when multiple are selected would show multiple lines. 3rd is a multi-select Dimensions dropdown in case user wants to see score only for select dimensions. Correct me if I\u2019m wrong, but this should only show 1 line right? Because in effect, you are show 1 total line for all dimensions but you can filter out others.\n a. Perhaps one change we can do is Persona dropdown first, then based on selection, show Question Type dropdown if applicable. Lastly, Dimension.\n3. *Decay.* My ideal state here is simpler than the current. Is it possible to simply have pulses closed being the indicator of whether a score is fresh or not? For instance, if there are pulses closed in January, I see the score on Feb. If on Beb, there are no pulses closed, I see a dotted horizontal line from Feb to March. If on march, there\u2019s a new pulse close, I see solid line up/down from the dashed one ending in Feb. <@U040RCBPBEC> Could you share your thoughts here please?""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1676516931.020339"", ""content"": ""See for a proposal for the timeline breakdown filters""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1676518758.276869"", ""content"": ""This is how breaking it down into 2 different steps could look:\n\n1. Pivot by: none, feedback categories, personas, dimensions\n2. Select {categories/personas/dimensions} to filter by""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1677046365.875599"", ""content"": ""*Feedback on Feedback Timeline from our call today*\n\n1. Focus on the reason rather than the individual number of Pulses\n2. Push Reason assignment at Pulse creation\n3. Just focus on the line chart and showing sentiment in 0.9.9\n\n\n--\n\n*Design Proposal*\n\nPlease see attached a 0.9.9 for Feedback timeline. We can\u2019t show a clickable summary like \u201c4 Pulses\u201d or \u201c3 Actions\u201d as we currently don\u2019t have date or reason filters in our Pulse and Actions list. Thus we need to show Pulses and Actions individually in the tooltip. Of course, we could consider adding filters to these list views, but this could be expanding the scope too much. This is based off existing high charts capabilities\n\n\nPlease feed back <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02HCMTQU3W> ""}]" "1682400315.583469 ","[{""user"": ""hchintamreddy"", ""timestamp"": ""1682400315.583469"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> We needed your help reviewing the support for slack retro native support , let me know if you need a jira created to track this cc <@U033PPLNFRU> <@U02TVMF3CR4>\n\nYou should see something like the following in you \u2018Axiamatic Bot [STAGE]\u2019 which we can leverage for the review""}, {""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1682402188.660539"", ""content"": ""awesome job <@U02TVMF3CR4>! <@U04EV0M2VA6> please take a look. Also everyone in this channel should also have received the Retro, please take a look cc <@U04NPHNJMCP> <@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U04A2C30R97>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1682402590.936679"", ""content"": ""<@U02TVMF3CR4> A couple of weeks prior I left some feedback around capitalization, content, and general final polish details for this product. I\u2019m struggling to find the thread - can you please take a look? These pieces of feedback need to be actioned please""}, {""user"": ""hchintamreddy"", ""timestamp"": ""1682405954.263049"", ""content"": ""Is this the thread you are referring to <@U04EV0M2VA6> ""}, {""user"": ""sjain"", ""timestamp"": ""1682407748.237079"", ""content"": ""I think she is referring to comments on loom itself :\n""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1682410350.181239"", ""content"": ""Yes! Thank you so much <@U02TVMF3CR4>. I was struggling to remember the source cc <@U02D4DUKDQC>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1682570706.288109"", ""content"": ""I don\u2019t think end users should see the response rate and engagement details (like number of dimensions) in Slack Retros (or any Retros). This is internal facing data that isn\u2019t relevant for end users. Also, seeing a low response rate (like 25%) can be disheartening for end users.\n\n<@U033PPLNFRU> these need to be implemented, along with comments I left , before we launch to GA""}]" "1674028718.592689 ","[{""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1674028718.592689"", ""content"": ""<@U042NMTGJ03> <@U046ATZ12RL>\nIn the new design for the table, \""Name(10)\"" the number next to first column header , in this case 10. Should this be total number of entries or number of entries shown currently in the table? <@U02MVLH88EB> <@U04A2C30R97>""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1674032328.822919"", ""content"": ""total of entries :slightly_smiling_face:""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1674032876.787739"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U042NMTGJ03>. <@U02MVLH88EB> FYI""}]" "1684216846.481669 ","[{""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1684216846.481669"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> please check this loom, Redesigned modal with content scrollable when it reaches max height. In figma for scrollable content inside modal we are showing scroll bar, are we planning to show scrollbar only for modals or everywhere where page is scrollable. CC <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1684223977.045559"", ""content"": ""Thanks for sharing <@U03MSMV0W66>, this looks awesome. I think that with the shadow, we are okay to not include a scroll bar until user actually starts scrolling. Can you please check the padding on the header and footer element? Should be 16px horizontal padding and 12px vertical padding for each element""}, {""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1684224141.541199"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> Sure will handle spacing properly, this implementation is just for demo.""}, {""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1684224320.941599"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> if this is ok and approved to go ahead to implement the same for all the modals. we can plan for the next release. CC <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1684229142.037479"", ""content"": ""Okay, good to know. This is approved. Thanks again""}]" "1693485072.682329 ","[{""user"": ""gdahiya"", ""timestamp"": ""1693485072.682329"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U033PPLNFRU> This is the email that a user gets when he/she is added to an engagement -\n```Hey,\n\nThank you for joining Axiamatic. We are thrilled to have you onboard! Axiamatic is a powerful tool that our company is piloting to manage our relationship with Discovery/Apps, and you have been added to the platform by \nWe look forward to working with you to achieve the following: You will receive a Pulse survey on Discovery/Apps to gather your candid feedback. Your input is highly valued, and we will use it to enhance our vendor relationships.\nThanks.```\nHere we say `Axiamatic is a powerful tool that our company is piloting to manage our relationship with {engagementName}` . Engagement will not be a vendor in most of the cases, right? It can be any internal project/program etc. We also say `we will use it to enhance our vendor relationships` .\n\nDo you think we need to modify this a bit and make it more generic and not specific to vendor?\n\ncc: <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1693520282.207359"", ""content"": ""<@U031V63V5EF> and <@U05EEUZ62DS> are looking at improved email notifications, including a welcome email when users are added to the engagement. Here\u2019s the draft .\n\nThis should hopefully address the suggestions you raised <@U042KRZPXHT>!\n\ncc <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}]" "1679651971.492669 ","[{""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1679651971.492669"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U04EV0M2VA6>\nwe have added to current sprint, if you think we should not do this, let us know. <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U03MSMV0W66>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1679655282.101239"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6>: Pls share your thoughts on how we represent 0 values.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1679871337.263659"", ""content"": ""I\u2019ve commented in the ticket - this is a broader UX exercise for empty states across the app that we\u2019re working on""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1679895427.412329"", ""content"": ""<@U03MSMV0W66> please park this until we have further inputs.""}, {""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1679895450.784089"", ""content"": ""sure <@U02HCMTQU3W> ""}]" "1693984667.500059 ","[{""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1693984667.500059"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U02HCMTQU3W> please check this preview for edit initiative and edit dashboard modals with responsive height. let me know your feedback""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1693987706.287889"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U03MSMV0W66>, this looks good. <@U04EV0M2VA6> This change is to fix issue with popups, reported by <@U04NPHNJMCP> & <@U033PPLNFRU> , where some content and CTAs were hidden when the window is not full height""}, {""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1693987761.671679"", ""content"": ""LMK if its ok i will merge it to develop ""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1693997125.804179"", ""content"": ""<@U05EEUZ62DS> <@U04EV0M2VA6> Please do review once""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1694056835.720539"", ""content"": ""Apologies for the delay. This looks cool <@U03MSMV0W66>! My only suggestion is: when the modal content is shorter than the modal height, can we shorten the height of the modal ? <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}]" "1681911636.808879 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1681911636.808879"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02GC8SE18V> : PFA the mocks for Pulse engagement rates:\nMocks: \nJIRA: \n\nFeel free to review the mocks and let me/<@U04EV0M2VA6> know if any open questions.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1681939140.441319"", ""content"": ""Also copied this to <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02GC8SE18V> ""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1681962948.121559"", ""content"": ""Ack <@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U03ML44ADTQ>, will check with <@U02D4DUKDQC> and <@U028EDANJM9> before we can start on this. as i understand there are few backend changes before we could start on this from ui/apps. <@U02GC8SE18V>\nwe will go through the mocks in general and add feedback . cc ""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1682364109.771019"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U03ML44ADTQ> - In other places, we show pulse as a score, like how many points out of 100. In this mock, we started showing as %.\nThe engagement score is a percentage, but we are showing it as a score.\nThe difference is a bit blurry, but I want to highlight the inconsistency. We need to streamline to one notion in all the places.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1682375558.676979"", ""content"": ""<@U040RCBPBEC> the proposal for streamlining all scores across the app. Please take a look and share feedbac""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1682386980.836079"", ""content"": ""Thank you <@U04EV0M2VA6> and <@U03ML44ADTQ> - This wiki page and proposal looks good to me.""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1682390335.493099"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> can we pick up in 0.9.11 ?\ncc <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1682390550.853009"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V>: Yes we can pick this up for 0.9.11, I would review it this week post which we can pick this up.""}]" "1682329919.737699 ","[{""user"": ""araman"", ""timestamp"": ""1682329919.737699"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> Hi. Web survey redesign changes are available on stage. The color changes and the background looks little bright and flashy to me. Can you check once?""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1682365992.486289"", ""content"": ""Hi <@U03DHUAJVMK>, the bright colours are intentional but the web pulse default page isn't always supposed to be orange. It's supposed to vary per Pulse. If other folks are concerned with the bright colours then we can use alternatives. Please consult with the team and let me know \n\nCc <@U02RXLK867P>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1682391339.214359"", ""content"": ""Hi <@U04EV0M2VA6>,\nThe colours do look a little bright the orange and the green.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1682402444.117379"", ""content"": ""We could set this as Pulse bg, and this as confirmation bg. <@U02RXLK867P> can you help us update this please?""}, {""user"": ""kmarshall"", ""timestamp"": ""1682402891.409939"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> when it is signed off please open a UI ticket and I will get it done""}, {""user"": ""bot_message"", ""timestamp"": ""1682404293.754809"", ""content"": ""@Anu created a Task UI-1906 Change the bg of web app survey""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1682410401.075519"", ""content"": ""Thanks, <@U03DHUAJVMK> and <@U03ML44ADTQ> please look at these 2 colors (, ) and confirm if you\u2019re happy with it. I\u2019ll set up UI ticket after that""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1682412980.396139"", ""content"": ""Looks good <@U04EV0M2VA6>""}, {""user"": ""kmarshall"", ""timestamp"": ""1682472158.017949"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U03ML44ADTQ> you can append any open surveys to this link (copy the url from where it says `/survey` and paste is at the end o fhte link below\n\n\nYou can verify the changes there. Now all open surveys are blue and successes are green. There are no changes to error pages""}]" "1694370885.921519 ","[{""user"": ""araman"", ""timestamp"": ""1694370885.921519"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> Should we change \""Respondents\"" to \""Participants\"" in the \""export PDF\"" modal and in the report? cc <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1694472630.504719"", ""content"": ""Yes please, let\u2019s change it <@U03DHUAJVMK> thanks! Can we also change the description text: \u201cA list of people who did and didn\u2019t respond\u201d to \u201cPeople invited to complete this Pulse\u201d""}, {""user"": ""bot_message"", ""timestamp"": ""1694486783.103619"", ""content"": ""@Anu created a Bug UI-2717 change \""Respondents\"" to \""Participants\"" in the \""export PDF\"" modal and in the report""}]" "1676368312.978529 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1676368312.978529"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02HCMTQU3W> :\nPlease review the Sentiment Heat map with followup answers for 0.9.9:\nSpec: \nMocks: \nLoom: \n\nDesigner: <@U042NMTGJ03>\n\nPlease leave your comments as we are looking to freeze the mocks by end of the week.""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1676385413.435089"", ""content"": ""Few questions to start with :\n1. How will user know the small triangle represents something like drill down \u2026 is it some standard UI practice? \n2. Different visual experience while watching the single followup vs multiple followup : \n a. highlighting the rating choice like \u201cExtremely difficult\u201d that was selected and resulted in followup for single response VS we are showing the choice selected inside the card for multiple followup\n b. we are adding more layers : 1. Original question dimension 2. Original question text 3. choice selected in silo and then the followup question inside the card for single response\n3. If you are eligible, could you perform gold star/upvoting click thru the popup for single or multiple choice?\n4. What should be the vendor experience of the heatmap? No followup, assuming?\n5. For a single followup comment at the user level, assuming it should accumulate at the persona level and dimension level as well\u2026so if i have 1 user who has submitted followup answer, 3 cells will show the legend for followup in fully expanded view?\nwe might need some UI spike on the feasibility of this.\n\n<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U042NMTGJ03> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U04EV0M2VA6>""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1676401416.075449"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> -\n1. The number we show in heatmap may come from multiple pulses so there may not be a single value to show as \u201cSomewhat difficult\u201d. We may need to indicate that score is rated between \u201cSomewhat difficult\u201d to \u201cExtremely Difficult\u201d\n2. I think we need to show similar details about the rating on original question even if there are multiple answers.\n3. I guess aggregation on persona level also uses the similar approach\n4. We need to handle multiple questions scenario unless we show this follow-up indicator only at question level ( The current mock is showing at dimension level)\n5. Is there any value with NLP based summarization for any of these use cases?\n""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1676456477.995879"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> :\n\n1. How will user know the small triangle represents something like drill down \u2026 is it some standard UI practice? - <@U042NMTGJ03> \n2. highlighting the rating choice like \u201cExtremely difficult\u201d that was selected and resulted in followup for single response VS we are showing the choice selected inside the card for multiple followup - <@U042NMTGJ03>: can we have some consistency around this?\nb. 1. Original question dimension 2. Original question text 3. choice selected in silo and then the followup question inside the card for single response - <@U042NMTGJ03>\n\n3. If you are eligible, could you perform gold star/upvoting click thru the popup for single or multiple choice? - *No <@U02GC8SE18V>* \n\n*4.* What should be the vendor experience of the heatmap? No followup, assuming? - We would have the same experience in vendor dashboard with usernames masked. We will show the follow up comments.\n\n5. For a single followup comment at the user level, assuming it should accumulate at the persona level and dimension level as well\u2026so if i have 1 user who has submitted followup answer, 3 cells will show the legend for followup in fully expanded view?\n<@U042NMTGJ03>: It will be more like duplicating the same responses. Can we have it at question level rather than dimension level?""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1676457874.993749"", ""content"": ""<@U042NMTGJ03>: Isn't better to show at question level rather than dimension level as there will be a direct correlation with answers of users?""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1676459326.367169"", ""content"": ""1. Progressive indicator is used to indicate something is inside further. \n2. Sorry I don\u2019t understand this question. Could you clarify?\n a. If single answer only, we are showing the choice that user selected which resulted in the follow up question to be asked.\n b. If multiple however, the questions will have different scales (1 or 2), so we need to be on a card level.\n c. Are you asking if we can have them both on card level? Ok we can show like multiple after the follow up Q.\n5. Yes. The intent Aryan raised was this \u2014 without having to expand dimensions and personas, can user also just be able to quickly hover on the collapsed rows and columns to see # of answers, then when clicked, it opens details. (Note that the dimension and persona expands when left and top labels or the + is clicked.)""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1676459998.897359"", ""content"": ""Note: We have different treatments for original question and follow up question placements. I think it\u2019s necessary when combining questions to show both.""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1676461681.751159"", ""content"": ""Got it <@U042NMTGJ03> on point 5, but only thing to be wary of is:\n\u2022 Should we show the comments both at dimension level and question level?\n\u2022 Wouldn't the comments be repeating?""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1676461745.373909"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> and <@U040RCBPBEC>: Can you see the latest screenshots <@U042NMTGJ03> has posted above?""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1676500361.771949"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U042NMTGJ03> - I think my comment #1 is not addressed regarding {Somewhat Difficult}. Even if it is a single question and single user there may not be a single answer we can point to because the answers are always averages for the selected time range. It is also possible that user answered follow-up only once but voted the original question multiple times.\nFew opinions from my side:\n\u2022 It is better to show the Progressive indicator for aggregated levels like dimension and persona. \n\u2022 There is no need for restricting gold-star and up-vote actions. It will be good if we allow them consistently from all the places if the user is eligible. As per current mocks, we are allowing these actions.""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1676500992.442379"", ""content"": ""```I think my comment #1 is not addressed regarding {Somewhat Difficult}. Even if it is a single question and single user there may not be a single answer we can point to because the answers are always averages for the selected time range. ```\nLet\u2019s sync later to finalize this <@U040RCBPBEC>. Thanks for bringing this up.\n\nThe way I am understanding this if someone\u2019s scale rating answer is 1 or 2, if enabled, follow up question will show up. Then for any dimension>question with follow up answers, the progressive indicator will show, whether the average score for dimension is no longer in the red i.e. 4 people scored green rating but 1 red with follow up, the tile will still show the indicator. If the question with follow up answer is included in the average for the time range, we show it.\n\n```It is also possible that user answered follow-up only once but voted the original question multiple times.```\nThis I don\u2019t understand quite well. Let\u2019s discuss later. :)""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1676530740.176429"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> <@U040RCBPBEC> <@U02HCMTQU3W> :\nsummarising today's call:\n\n*For 0.9.9:*\na. Add Follow-up answers at dimension level in both customer and vendor dashboard\nb. Add Follow-up answers at question level in both customer and vendor dashboard\nc. Design for one followup comment (Dimension level and Question level) in both customer and vendor dashboard\nd. Design for multiple followup comments and 1 question (Dimension level and Question level) in both customer and vendor dashboard\ne. Design for multiple followup comments and multiple questions (Only Dimension level) in both customer and vendor dashboard\nf. we should also make all default templates followup enabled in the backend and also enable it by default always.\n\nSpec: \nDesign: \n\nAssuming there are no open questions/clarifications on this front.\n\ncc: <@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U042NMTGJ03>""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1676553359.448039"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> we should also make all default templates followup enabled in the backend and also enable it by default always.""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1676564257.122689"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> If any one using default templates and already sent a pulse, do they see new behavior after the release? Ideally we want this behavior only for new pulses. It is not expected to impact in-transit pulses.""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1676565192.945269"", ""content"": ""<@U040RCBPBEC> it will impact the in-transit pulse as well since we load the survey from db if user answers or edits the pulse after the flag is enabled.\nCorrect me if my understanding is right <@U02SF36PVKL>?""}, {""user"": ""mnirmal"", ""timestamp"": ""1676565497.005979"", ""content"": ""No <@U02GC8SE18V>, in-transit pulses should not be affected.\n\nThe reason being, when we send user the link to take the pulse we create the survey view and persist in the DB. And when the user clicks on the link to take the survey we don't talk to PMS, we just get the view from DB and show it to the user. Since at the time of view creation follow-up was not enabled we won't see follow-up.""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1676565673.233499"", ""content"": ""<@U02SF36PVKL> good to know this , but afair this is not the way websurvey behaves.\n<@U02HCMTQU3W> can you chime in here?""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1676565920.192479"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> it should be like <@U02SF36PVKL> says, i can check and confirm""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1676601899.424529"", ""content"": ""sure <@U02HCMTQU3W>, lets confirm.""}]" "1673249418.093839 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1673249418.093839"", ""content"": ""<@U046ATZ12RL>: Pls share the SF integration mock for just one screen, Add customers (1st step) alone by EOD as we need this to be delivered for 0.9.7\n\nSummarising the call:\n\u2022 We will use the same screens for all other steps except first step\n\u2022 We will be showing top ten SF customers in the step 1 where customer can search or add any of them\n\u2022 We need two labels- Axiamatic Registry and Salesforce \ncc: <@U02HCMTQU3W>\n\nCall recording for your ref: ""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1673249584.308739"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U046ATZ12RL>. should we also not gave this in vendor dashboard? <@U02GC8SE18V>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1673249756.900659"", ""content"": ""SF integration is only on vendor dashboard , yup it will be present as an integration post onboarding as well.""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1673250789.195219"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> i meant there is an option to add a customer dashboard post onboarding from dashboard,""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1673250869.711299"", ""content"": ""Yes <@U02HCMTQU3W>. That can be the usual one via add customer. We will also populate SF customers. I am guessing having a SF label would work right?""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1673250938.083389"", ""content"": ""yes <@U03ML44ADTQ>, any change to that flow to show the sf customer etc""}, {""user"": ""apatole"", ""timestamp"": ""1673421618.435009"", ""content"": """"}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1673422422.314629"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U046ATZ12RL> Few observations on the latest mocks :\n1. We moved away from \u201cpurple ribbon\u201d to \u201ctag like\u201d tags for axiamatic and sfdc customer. If that is the right way going fwd, we will need to do the similar change for vendor app \u201cinvite customer\u201d cta as well. <@U02HCMTQU3W> \n2. The selected customers on the bottom panel looks little weird to me. We can think of completely getting away from it as well ? Not sure whats the best way here?\ncc <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U028EDANJM9>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1673422610.778369"", ""content"": ""<@U046ATZ12RL>: FYA""}, {""user"": ""apatole"", ""timestamp"": ""1673422641.520369"", ""content"": ""1. Yes! We need to make necessary changes to the vendor app as well. We will do it when we take up the redesign of that flow. \n2. Can you explain what weird means a little so I could revisit the designs? I tried out 4 different ways to place 'selected customers' section but it's the most balanced way we have right now. We have discussed the necessity of that section. <@U02HCMTQU3W> ""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1673425082.468929"", ""content"": ""> 1. Yes! We need to make necessary changes to the vendor app as well. We will do it when we take up the redesign of that flow.\nWe cant have 2 variations of the same thing in the same UI. <@U03ML44ADTQ>""}]" "1680159404.550459 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680159404.550459"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U040RCBPBEC>: Can you review the Export PDF and let us know if any open questions?\n""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1680162354.707349"", ""content"": ""+ <@U03DLS1FN3D>""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1680285775.873039"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U04EV0M2VA6> - The spec looks good with a simplified toggle option than a radio button-based approach I saw in the meeting.\n1. Do we need to show the toggle based on the context? Or is it ok to show always?\n2. For the future: The product details page must include a sentiment breakdown in PDF. Usually, it is eye candy and PDF reports like this. Based on the current layout, filters are not applied for a breakdown, so it will not make sense.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680468097.423119"", ""content"": ""1. I recommend hiding the toggle when:\n a. No filters have been applied\n b. Filters have been applied but NO comments match the filters.\n c. _In both of these instances, we would export all comments (see image)_\n2. Makes sense regarding the the sentiment breakdown - I suggest leaving it out of PDF export for now but feel free to chime in <@U03ML44ADTQ>.\n""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680496242.280389"", ""content"": ""<@U040RCBPBEC>: Thanks for pointing out, we can leave the sentiment breakdown for now.""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680497728.678169"", ""content"": ""<@U02HCMTQU3W>: Can we restart the work on this if it has been reviewed? cc: <@U03DLS1FN3D>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1680500265.763449"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ>, <@U03DLS1FN3D> has already started working on this.""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1680500284.620579"", ""content"": ""<@U03DLS1FN3D> please call out any issues/clarification you might see?""}, {""user"": ""rpandey"", ""timestamp"": ""1680500338.950929"", ""content"": ""Hi <@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U04EV0M2VA6> for instance (b) if there are no comments, how about disabling the \""Email PDF\"" CTA from Qualitative Comments Section in product details page. Else user will see empty pdf. for example there are some product which do not have any comments to start with. Please refer screenshot.\n\ncc: <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U040RCBPBEC>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680516191.556849"", ""content"": ""<@U03DLS1FN3D>: Let us remove the CTA in case there are no comments.\n\n<@U03DLS1FN3D>: Can you also review the latest design: as the CTA has been changed to Export PDF.\n\nWe will have the Export PDF in primarily:\na. View details tab in Qualitative feedback , Product details \u2192 Qualitative comments \u2192 View comments\nb. Pulses \u2192 Pulse results \u2192 Comments""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680516942.423609"", ""content"": ""Spec: \n<@U03DLS1FN3D>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680559540.620819"", ""content"": ""I want to add more nuance to these discussed states\n\n1. If there are NO comments in the system yet, we show an empty state with NO export button _(image 1)_ \n2. If there are comments in the system but NO comments match the applied filter, we should show the Export PDF as enabled since we let users choose if they want to export filtered comments or export all comments. But in that scenario, they can only export all comments since nothing matches the filter _(image 2)_\n3. Same thing if no filters have been applied _(image 3)_""}]" "1692266567.321719 ","[{""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1692266567.321719"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> if there is no description available for one of the card and other cards which has description it will look like this ? any suggestion improve it (pls ignore the font color here)\n\nCC <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692305431.993609"", ""content"": ""See <@U03MSMV0W66>. We should stretch the top section, not the bottom one""}]" "1680030442.838429 ","[{""user"": ""rpandey"", ""timestamp"": ""1680030442.838429"", ""content"": ""Hey <@U04EV0M2VA6> regarding the maintaining user's selected choices of topics, filters etc in Qualitative comments, should we maintain selected choice for each product? So if user accesses 5 products in a session we will store user's choices for all the products.\nthis is not only limited to qualitative comments but few more options(checkbox, filters) in entire details page. Please let me know your thoughts on this. thanks\n\ncc: <@U02RXLK867P> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U040RCBPBEC>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680041519.533089"", ""content"": ""I\u2019m curious to hear <@U04NPHNJMCP> and <@U03ML44ADTQ>\u2019s perspective on this. Initially I can see the value of maintaining sort order (Recommended, Most Helpful, etc) across ALL products within one session, but if we maintain topic, sentiment, Personas, type selections then it can drastically narrow the pool of comments that they see when landing on a different product page within that session.\n\nFor example, 1 product may have lots of Positive comments for Primary Users but another one has none _(image 2)_ \n\n We can resolve this problem, however, by adding a seamless way to quickly reset all filters when no results are found. I\u2019m working on designs for this <@U03DLS1FN3D>""}, {""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1680045498.032699"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> do we need a methodology for stickiness. One of the suggestions I had was stickiness on tag selection for pulse templates library when you click into a pulse""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1680063307.701039"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> This stickiness was also asked for page number in a table along with filters, especially when navigating from the list to its details page and coming back to the list view using breadcrumbs. Please do consider this too when deciding what needs to be done. This has few variations.\n1. Table with pagination like products list view , which is the only table in the page\n2. Table with pagination like reports list view which is just part of the page and has other tables as well\n<@U02MVLH88EB>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680082123.033299"", ""content"": ""<@U03DLS1FN3D>: Taking a step back, would like to understand if is this a new requirement and where is this arising from? (Sorry missing some context).\n\n<@U04EV0M2VA6>: I wouldn't store any of the selections for any product when the user is viewing multiple products. From my experience: in Excel, as a user, I tend to forget the filters are on for a particular column when I jumping between multiple excels. When they are in the same page yes it makes sense to store, but otherwise I wouldn't since human error is inevitable. +Also did not understand the use case for storing this.""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1680113311.209199"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U03DLS1FN3D> <@U04EV0M2VA6> - In UI state management, we can see two things and decide on each separately for a better user experience.\n1. UI Preferences: Page size and sort order are a few examples\n2. UI Filters: Sentiment filter, topic filter, etc. \nI feel very annoyed if my preferences are lost every time I switch the navigation, and it is tough to use the product. Losing filters is tolerable based on what we are doing. If we have an extendable framework, we can start with preferences and then add support for other components or elements.\nA common practice in enterprise products is allowing users to save the view explicitly with a name in the backend. They can re-use this view or define multiple views with pre-selected filters and preferences - This is probably something for the future.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680132121.951369"", ""content"": ""I feel like at the very least, UI preferences (pagination number, qual comment number, sort order, data density) should be retained as they are likely to be global preferences for that user.\n\nBut surface-specific preferences (filters, sort order for specific columns, which columns you show by default within a particular table) have less of a need to be applied across the product.\n\nTo apply this to <@U03DLS1FN3D>\u2019s example, we need not apply Topic/Persona filters across Comments for different products but it makes more sense to retain the number of comments they want to see on a page, as well as the default sort order <@U040RCBPBEC> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U03ML44ADTQ>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1680147207.972249"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> Agree on page size, Can we conclude on <@U03DLS1FN3D>\u2019s ask wrt particular product details page?\n\nWhen we are in the context of the product details page and then working on a certain table/section , user filters on certain search params, when we go out of this page and come back to the same product, do we retain these filters or not?""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1680213341.629369"", ""content"": ""Just syncing on this with Satya and PM - will provide some recommendations today""}]" "1676462987.275509 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1676462987.275509"", ""content"": ""<@U042NMTGJ03> <@U04EV0M2VA6>: Have spec'd the retro initiation here: ""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1676504878.986519"", ""content"": """"}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1676530931.137689"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U042NMTGJ03> This retro is targeted for more wider audience, so far they just saw the questions and filled the answers. Some of the terms like product score, vendor score, dimensions etc. may not be introduced to them.\n\u2022 Do we need to simplify the content?\n\u2022 Is it clear for them about what are we expecting from this page?\n\u2022 Do they notice the little upvote icon? ""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1676531028.511489"", ""content"": ""Agreed, we need to remove all the stats and show the quantitive feedback and comments. <@U042NMTGJ03>""}, {""user"": ""asaludchua"", ""timestamp"": ""1676532192.796249"", ""content"": ""I think before we start taking away items from this, we might take a step back and just give users a proper results page. We need to see how users would interact with this page before limiting the information. Right now, users are expected to answer a bunch of things without payoff.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1676588136.144759"", ""content"": ""Engagement metric card we should definitely remove as this is PO-specific information. Also it\u2019s likely that engagement may be 30% or less - this isn\u2019t encouraging information that end users should see""}]" "1693275536.361679 ","[{""user"": ""araman"", ""timestamp"": ""1693275536.361679"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6>\nMetric name does not have a tool tip. It becomes little difficult if the name is long to read. Also can the columns be made draggable? (like grid in react?) it will be more user friendly to drag and drop columns instead of long tool tips\ncc <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1693278712.662109"", ""content"": ""<@U03DHUAJVMK> We do show the tooltips when we truncate the names, <@U055X02CXGS> please do check. This is in stage.""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1693278817.817909"", ""content"": ""something like this.\n<@U055X02CXGS> Are we not using a common component to do this?""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1693280357.374739"", ""content"": ""<@U05EEUZ62DS> for visibility. I don\u2019t believe our tables support drag and drop at the moment <@U03DHUAJVMK>""}, {""user"": ""dmorampudi"", ""timestamp"": ""1693280869.571619"", ""content"": ""<@U03DHUAJVMK> <@U02HCMTQU3W> We are showing the tooltip, This might be happening when we are resizing the window will check : <@U04EV0M2VA6>""}, {""user"": ""araman"", ""timestamp"": ""1693284795.314969"", ""content"": ""The window is not resized, also pls note the tool tip for description is shown fine <@U055X02CXGS>""}]" "1692702374.949889 ","[{""user"": ""smurali"", ""timestamp"": ""1692702374.949889"", ""content"": ""Hey <@U04EV0M2VA6>, in pulse listing page we are adding All products option to the products dropdown, do we need to add product column where it shows product logo and name. to the table ?\nCC <@U02GC8SE18V> / <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692743442.111509"", ""content"": ""<@U03MSMV0W66> I\u2019ve started a thread with leads to understand how users are expected to use this. Will provide an update shortly""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692841687.630229"", ""content"": ""<@U03MSMV0W66> see for designs for adding the engagements filter. Please ignore any references to multiple personas as this is an ongoing project""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1692847313.684179"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> we cant do persona based consolidation at the pulses. cc <@U02D4DUKDQC> <@U02SF36PVKL>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692851211.994749"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> this is a longer term proposal that would require backend work. See this cc <@U02D4DUKDQC> <@U02SF36PVKL> <@U033PPLNFRU>""}]" "1674673903.920549 ","[{""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1674673903.920549"", ""content"": "" - In INT checking pulses page. Is it work in progress or complete for release?\nWhy most of the columns are empty? Sorting is not changing anything in the view if everything is in collapsed state.\nIt is very hard to find out the latest active pulses if there are bunch of ad-hoc pulses - Expanding each one by one is very difficult.""}, {""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1674697838.578319"", ""content"": ""+1, are we planning on showing details in Date Sent, Response Rate, Status (like in design). Agree with <@U040RCBPBEC> that with this view of functionality is lost cc <@U04A2C30R97>""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1674710519.834879"", ""content"": ""We received similar feedback from other engineers also.\nDate Sent, response rate, etc columns dont make sense for Pulse Config.\n\nSome of the improvement that we can do :\n1. Add expiration/end date\n2. Add status for config also \nWill that help ?\n<@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U03MSMV0W66> <@U042KRZPXHT> <@U03NZ7Z52S2> <@U03DHUAJVMK> <@U03ML44ADTQ>""}, {""user"": ""bganganna"", ""timestamp"": ""1674710667.007419"", ""content"": ""i have created a tracker for this ""}, {""user"": ""bganganna"", ""timestamp"": ""1674711004.919709"", ""content"": ""<@U040RCBPBEC> For sorting issue, tracker is logged ""}, {""user"": ""gdahiya"", ""timestamp"": ""1674718122.439499"", ""content"": ""Yes <@U02GC8SE18V> , for now we can probably add dates and status for config as well, but not sure if this design is sustainable.""}, {""user"": ""araman"", ""timestamp"": ""1674741645.141319"", ""content"": ""1. End date and status should be available for the pulses (children) all time/anytime the user lands in the Pulses page. It might be a challenge to accomplish this with the current design as the children are wrapped (collapsed) under a parent\n2. Reason or event - Do we need to show this in the table? If yes - Text wrapping or can we move the column to read the reason fully? or tool tip?\n3. Reasons are not listed to filter in the dropdown. Is this a pending fix or bug? <@U042KRZPXHT> \n""}, {""user"": ""gdahiya"", ""timestamp"": ""1674754297.119389"", ""content"": ""<@U03DHUAJVMK> Yes, with the parent child change we need to create a new API to list the reasons in dropdown. We already have a tracker for this. For now we are planning to hide the reasons dropdown until this API and filtering the configs on reason API is implemented.""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1674756075.783029"", ""content"": ""<@U042KRZPXHT> can you explain more? Where we need to improve for better user experience? Is it Schema, APIs, UX or UI?\n> for now we can probably add dates and status for config as well, but not sure if this design is sustainable\nAs a user one problem I noticed is, we are not remembering the state. Out of 100 pulse configs, if I selected one for editing and come back, we loose all the scroll and expanded state. \n\n<@U042KRZPXHT> After adding a new reason - I noticed significant lag - Any reason why it is not reflecting immediately?""}, {""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1674756248.218079"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> I think showing the stats of the latest child would make sense because you still want to look at most recent ones ""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1674790550.370689"", ""content"": ""<@U033PPLNFRU> are you saying that we should show the last/latest pulse responded/total count at the config level?""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1674797736.486169"", ""content"": ""Yup <@U02GC8SE18V>: We can go ahead with the latest active pulse data/Latest expired pulse""}, {""user"": ""gdahiya"", ""timestamp"": ""1674801074.089669"", ""content"": ""<@U040RCBPBEC> There is some issue with adding reason to config, Bhavana has already created a tracker for this.\nRegarding the user experience improvement, was just referring to the workaround we are doing for now to show some stats at the config level but not sure if we can go forward with them for a long run. As config and instances are not same and having same column names for both can be confusing.""}, {""user"": ""svummidi"", ""timestamp"": ""1674844872.255009"", ""content"": ""Thank you <@U042KRZPXHT> for giving clarification. If the data model and UI are not aligned then it is a problem.\nFor example at config level if we need to show last pulse time, we need to add a column at config level and keep updating every time when we send a new pulse. If we attempt to solve it using complex joins or application level, it leads to more long term problems like scale and performance.""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1675159608.087589"", ""content"": ""<@U033PPLNFRU> <@U03ML44ADTQ>\n> I think showing the stats of the latest child would make sense because you still want to look at most recent ones\nTo show the ~status~ response rate of the latest pulse at the parent level , we need to fetch the instance for each config and populate it at the parent row. So if in the page, there are 20 configs that we are displaying, we would end up making 20 API calls which is definately not efficient.\n\nI think we should avoid making such changes which need API call for each column-row.\n<@U026PMDB1ND> <@U040RCBPBEC> <@U03DHUAJVMK> <@U03NZ7Z52S2> <@U042KRZPXHT> <@U02SF36PVKL>\n\nWhat we can do to make it less confusing/better looking:\nPopulate : Expiration date and Status column along with already populated Reason/Event column for the parent row representing Pulse Config. In this way, we will have 4 columns populated out of 6. Wdyt?\nLogged to track this: ""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1675164754.624779"", ""content"": ""Sure <@U02GC8SE18V> since exp date, status and reason are right from the start, we can do that""}]" "1673241128.753499 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1673241128.753499"", ""content"": ""Engagement mocks:\nMocks: \nSpec: \n\ncc: <@U042NMTGJ03>\nWe will be discussing these two specs on Wednesday. Please feel free to leave your comments on figma.""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1673260946.748269"", ""content"": ""Few questions :\n1. Currently only PO has web-app access. To be able to upvote, do we need to give webapp access to all users of PVT? \n a. If yes, what other pages on the app can such users see? Also we might need to map the user persona to webapp role to some page along with actions they can perform. cc <@U02BV2DGUKC> \n2. Can Gold star and Upvotes be given even when the pulse is active? As the responses can be edited, in that case upvote and goldstar should be retained or not.\n3. Gold Star and upvoting is more for sorting the responses? Or will there be some additional course of action like \u201cEmail Reminder\u201d on marking a response as gold star OR just incl gold star responses or top upvoted responses in the report in future? Basically how are we planning to consume this?\n4. Is there an equivalent for upvoting as downvoting? \n5. Can i upvote even when I am not a respondent on that Pulse Instance? \n6. Starting slack thread on any comment : <@U02D4DUKDQC> can you pls comment on that?\n<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U033PPLNFRU> <@U04A2C30R97> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U040RCBPBEC>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1673261919.683649"", ""content"": ""1. The main idea behind the upvote, gold star is to create an engagement and ability to do retro's easily by the PO. From my understanding, ability of upvoting will be via slack/Teams. <@U033PPLNFRU>?\n2. Yes Gold stars will be given by the PO. It should be retained. \n3. I am guessing right now it is from running a retro, might have the upvoted/star marked ones in reports in the future. \n4. No downvoting. \n5. Yes\n6. NA""}, {""user"": ""hchintamreddy"", ""timestamp"": ""1673263394.807909"", ""content"": ""> 1. Starting slack thread on any comment : <@U02D4DUKDQC> can you pls comment on that?\nThis should be doable <@U02GC8SE18V> when the PO clicks on the link we can have a the bot post a message with the comment and the context for the discussion like the pulse it is connected to and the team can engage on the thread in the channel linked to the product.\n\nI would like to understand what happens to the discussion on the thread and how that makes its way back into the product?""}]" "1692839869.162239 ","[{""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692839869.162239"", ""content"": ""*Product suggestion:*\nWhen viewing stakeholder list in \u201cMy Team\u201d, and I remove a stakeholder, Axiamatic asks me to select the engagements that I want to remove them from. This feels unexpected as the user has shown intent to remove the stakeholder completely.\n\n*Proposal:*\n1. When users click \u201cremove stakeholders\u201d, we show a confirmation message like \u201cRemove stakeholderName? This will delete their Pulse scores and comments across all engagements and this cannot be undone.\u201d (<@U040RCBPBEC> <@U02GC8SE18V> please confirm for accuracy)\n2. If we do see that want somewhere to \u201cbulk-edit\u201d a stakeholder\u2019s engagements, then that should be via another option named \u201cmanage engagements\u201d. have we seen a demonstrated user need for this?""}, {""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1692844738.541659"", ""content"": ""we do not delete a users score <@U04EV0M2VA6> afaik, there is an enhancement to show them as *Name (exited)*""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692851642.935899"", ""content"": ""Thanks, is there a ticket tracking this? Can we change \u201cexited\u201d to \u201cFormer\u201d as former is neutral""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1692853378.685879"", ""content"": ""<@U033PPLNFRU> <@U04EV0M2VA6> where do we want to show \u201cformer\u201d for deleted pulsed users ? Can you pls clarify ?""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1692853451.225049"", ""content"": ""Also : <@U04EV0M2VA6> to your proposal :\n> When users click \u201cremove stakeholders\u201d, we show a confirmation message like \u201cRemove stakeholderName? This will delete their Pulse scores and comments across all engagements and this cannot be undone.\nAre you suggesting that we remove the engagement selection dropdown and delete the user (with more msg\u2019ing based on backend support) from all engagements?\n\ncc <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}]" "1691632573.005499 ","[{""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1691632573.005499"", ""content"": ""We\u2019ve received internal feedback that the interaction for adding and removing \u201cReason\u201d tags to Pulses is confusing. We\u2019re also seeing lower than expected user uptake of \u201cReason\u201d as a way to categorize Pulses. Here\u2019s a design proposal to mitigate this:""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1691632951.601359"", ""content"": ""1. Don\u2019t let users edit any settings within a Pulse inline (though we can keep the Pulse name editable inline for now as it is useful)\n2. Instead, just show \u201cReasons\u201d as plain text or tags. Users can click an \u201cedit\u201d link to edit this, but this opens a broader \u201cEdit Pulse\u201d modal including settings like Reason, schedule, and more.\n3. We can bundle more low-hanging fruit improvements into the Pulse sidebar, e.g. showing a direct link to the Template used to create the Pulse\nPlease share your thoughts <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U033PPLNFRU> <@U026PMDB1ND> <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02D4DUKDQC>""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1691636267.509649"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> sounds \u201creason\u201dable :slightly_smiling_face: We should be able to do this.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1691644887.052119"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U02GC8SE18V>, I can move this into Figma""}]" "1675072638.818399 ","[{""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1675072638.818399"", ""content"": ""<@U033PPLNFRU> <@U04A2C30R97>\n\nIs the UX for audit log finalized , can we start looking in to it? <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U026PMDB1ND>""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1675072689.336759"", ""content"": ""Couple of questions\n1. Are the filters multi-select?\n2. If the values are too many , we might have to go to search and select dropdown""}, {""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1675113678.385549"", ""content"": ""<@U026PMDB1ND> <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02HCMTQU3W> are we finalized on the spec for Audit Log. Based on the final decision on the spec Audit Log can be finalized asap""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1675138694.502389"", ""content"": ""<@U033PPLNFRU> - what were the sticking points?""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1675138840.689039"", ""content"": ""<@U033PPLNFRU> - we need to have some limit on the pages/events pulled down. Even Kibana has a 500 item restriction beyond which it asks the user to constrain the query. I know of systems that buckled down because of not having any such guardrails.""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1675138906.874029"", ""content"": ""This is also probably the best suited thing for \""finite scrolling\"", but if pagination is what we want, we can try to support it.\n\n*Let's do pagination to avoid special casing this.*""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1675139490.447679"", ""content"": ""<@U033PPLNFRU> - what is the scope of the search bar?""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1675139583.938519"", ""content"": ""Did we finalize on having the products dropdown? Also, wouldn't the subjects dropdown be too long? I don't think we need it (not sure if we finalized on that)""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1675139862.333189"", ""content"": ""If we finalize these three items -\n(a) scope of the search\n(b) do we need the all products drop down\n(c) do we need the subjects drop down?\n\nwe can move to the next stage""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1675140897.000539"", ""content"": ""By scope of search I mean what do we expect the user to enter in the search field and where would we search for that string?""}, {""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1675151882.209139"", ""content"": ""<@U026PMDB1ND>\n1. Agree with you on pagination. Whatever you think is best\n2. We can remove the search bar\n3. No we need do not need the all products drop down\n4. Subject = section, we probably want this drop down""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1675151958.031159"", ""content"": ""<@U033PPLNFRU> - since subjects could be very high in number it could be a significant problem to present that data.""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1675152033.129379"", ""content"": ""For instance if over a 6 month period there are 100-200 subjects that are CUD\u2019ed we\u2019d have to show those many subjects in that dropdown.. wdyt?""}, {""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1675152042.380119"", ""content"": ""<@U026PMDB1ND> i have called out only 8 subjects?""}, {""user"": ""anair"", ""timestamp"": ""1675152068.512159"", ""content"": ""<@U026PMDB1ND> subjects/sections are set by us. This is the logical service we were discussing""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1675152873.249709"", ""content"": ""oh.. sorry about that""}, {""user"": ""rtaraniganty"", ""timestamp"": ""1675152937.623979"", ""content"": ""forgot about the subject-> logical service discussion ""}]" "1677142628.661239 ","[{""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1677142628.661239"", ""content"": ""Summarising the call on Adding costs:\n<@U028EDANJM9> for 0.9.9:\n1. The cost is just a tactical ask but we need to generalize it where on a vendor/product\n2. Add a custom attribute, for e.g. cost\n3. Upload a csv to import values\n4. Allow these attributes to be reflected in the 2x2\n\n\u2022 Costs will be reflected in the X-axis \n\u2022 We would normalise the highest cost as 100 and have other costs relative to that \nMocks: \nUI walk-through video: ""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1677193495.847229"", ""content"": ""Thanks - we will need an entry point for uploading costs. Settings page?""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1677211003.010339"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6>: The entry point will be as designed now with Add costs in product details page""}, {""user"": ""gshenoy"", ""timestamp"": ""1677211143.231029"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> assuming 3. csv import will be a future addition ?""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1677213236.769259"", ""content"": ""<@U028EDANJM9> yes""}, {""user"": ""gshenoy"", ""timestamp"": ""1678877051.108059"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U03ML44ADTQ> Can we start looking into the import CSV for product attributes ? We would need a high level view of where this input would be taken from and what it would look like.\nCc <@U02GC8SE18V> <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1678916129.544399"", ""content"": ""<@U028EDANJM9> we need to an initial brainstorm on all possible product attributes, and then design an MVP flow (starting with cost). I\u2019ll set up time for us and also offer async activities for folks who can\u2019t make the time""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1679569165.995819"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U028EDANJM9> Can we sync up on this tomorrow IST?""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1679619413.684459"", ""content"": ""<@U02GC8SE18V> If this discussion is about broader attributes think it would be super important for Product to be there (like <@U03ML44ADTQ> and <@U04NPHNJMCP>) so potentially early next week.\n\nIf it\u2019s about Cost being released in 0.9.9 specifically, then yes let\u2019s meet today. I\u2019ll hold time in our calendars but please let me know which of the two topics we\u2019re discussing <@U028EDANJM9>""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1679620597.369969"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> it would be more about the attributes in general and not cost. Let's meet next week along with product then.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1679626627.675929"", ""content"": ""I\u2019ve scheduled time - can you drive the meeting please <@U02GC8SE18V>?""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1679626804.032789"", ""content"": ""Thanks <@U04EV0M2VA6>, sure will work with <@U028EDANJM9>!""}]" "1677076953.141079 ","[{""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1677076953.141079"", ""content"": ""<@U042NMTGJ03> <@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U033PPLNFRU> Can you pls consolidate on the ask for feedback timeline for 0.9.9 and we can syncup ? Asking this as we discussed multiple things, and then we also discussed about pivoting the timeline view with reason. I am assuming that it can become stretch for 0.9.9 if we dont have clarity on all the data points that we would like to aggregate and show.\n<@U02HCMTQU3W>""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1677120886.050699"", ""content"": ""We are working on a simplified that\u2019s better aligned with High Charts capabilities. <@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U042NMTGJ03> let\u2019s ensure that they\u2019re ready for the team to review in tomorrow\u2019s UI walkthrough session""}]" "1692283112.583299 ","[{""user"": ""araman"", ""timestamp"": ""1692283112.583299"", ""content"": ""This message contains interactive elements.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1692305512.746479"", ""content"": ""<@U03DHUAJVMK> <@U02HCMTQU3W> it\u2019s fine to persist filters in that instance to support users creating multiple views. And they can click \u201cremove all filters\u201d to save time""}]" "1677727770.387179 ","[{""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1677727770.387179"", ""content"": "" a summary of prioritized revisions that we need to 0.9.8. What would be the feasibility of actioning P0s before release? Understand we\u2019re delayed in delivering this review - any P0s we can action would be very valuable\n\nThanks <@U046ATZ12RL> for contributing to this review""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1677734959.477429"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> we will try to fix as many P0s by tomorrow, but some of P0s and P1s might get pushed to next hotfix.""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1677809080.170519"", ""content"": ""Thanks, this makes sense. I\u2019ve flagged the most important P0s as well to help the team prioritize in both the review and UI . cc ""}, {""user"": ""pmangalapuri"", ""timestamp"": ""1677813838.935199"", ""content"": ""<@U04EV0M2VA6> - from ux review doc for the items which are marked as \""Needed before 0.9.8 release\"" are deployed to stage could you please check, let me know if you need credentials to login""}, {""user"": ""mli"", ""timestamp"": ""1677818822.313839"", ""content"": "" I\u2019ve looked through and approved the latest updates deployed to the identified issues. Thank you so much for the quick turnaround and responsiveness! We\u2019re good to go if <@U02HCMTQU3W> is happy""}]" "1680009099.455199 ","[{""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1680009099.455199"", ""content"": ""<@U03ML44ADTQ> <@U04A2C30R97> Can we just pick the splitting of customers table in existing vendor dashboard into 2 tabs/tables as Connected Customers and Invited Customers from the Vendor Redesign story? Figma \nThe reason to cherry pick this design change is that we want to add pagination in all the tables in the UI and we can adapt to this change (only) sooner than later to fix any performance related issues.\n\nWe wont be doing anything else on vendor dashboard redesign as communicated earlier from product priority perspective.\n\nPls let us know if thats okay.\n<@U04EV0M2VA6> <@U02HCMTQU3W> <@U042KRZPXHT> <@U02BV2DGUKC>""}, {""user"": ""avenkataraman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680018141.031249"", ""content"": ""<@U04A2C30R97>: FYA.""}, {""user"": ""dpurushothaman"", ""timestamp"": ""1680024261.403839"", ""content"": ""Ritu, we are not sure about the plan for vendor dashboard in near future and not sure whether these mocks will be considered. So I would recommend not to implement this.""}, {""user"": ""rvaidya"", ""timestamp"": ""1680058478.178619"", ""content"": ""So then <@U04A2C30R97> we wont take this up. Thanks !\ncc <@U02HCMTQU3W>""}]"