import os import sys import gradio as gr import numpy as np import shutil import copy import json import gc import random from PIL import Image ''' models images custom.css sd_cfg.json ''' ''' if not os.path.exists("sd-ggml-cpp-dp"): os.system("git clone") else: shutil.rmtree("sd-ggml-cpp-dp") os.system("git clone") assert os.path.exists("sd-ggml-cpp-dp") os.chdir("sd-ggml-cpp-dp") ''' os.system("pip install huggingface_hub") #### def make_and_download_clean_dir(repo_name = "svjack/sd-ggml", rp_tgt_tail_dict = { "models": "wget{}/resolve/main/{}/{}" } ): import shutil import os from tqdm import tqdm from huggingface_hub import HfFileSystem fs = HfFileSystem() req_dir = repo_name.split("/")[-1] if os.path.exists(req_dir): shutil.rmtree(req_dir) os.mkdir(req_dir) os.chdir(req_dir) fd_list =, detail = False) fd_clean_list = list(filter(lambda x: not x.split("/")[-1].startswith("."), fd_list)) for path in tqdm(fd_clean_list): src = path tgt = src.split("/")[-1] print("downloading {} to {}".format(src, tgt)) if tgt not in rp_tgt_tail_dict: src, tgt, recursive = True ) else: tgt_cmd_format = rp_tgt_tail_dict[tgt] os.mkdir(tgt) os.chdir(tgt) sub_fd_list =, detail = False) for sub_file in tqdm(sub_fd_list): tgt_cmd = tgt_cmd_format.format( repo_name, tgt, sub_file.split("/")[-1] ) print("run {}".format(tgt_cmd)) os.system(tgt_cmd) os.chdir("..") os.chdir("..") make_and_download_clean_dir("svjack/sd-ggml") os.chdir("sd-ggml") assert os.path.exists("stable-diffusion.cpp") os.system("cmake stable-diffusion.cpp") os.system("cmake --build . --config Release") assert os.path.exists("bin") def process(model_path ,prompt, num_samples, image_resolution, sample_steps, seed,): from PIL import Image from uuid import uuid1 output_path = "output_image_dir" if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.mkdir(output_path) else: shutil.rmtree(output_path) os.mkdir(output_path) assert os.path.exists(output_path) run_format = './bin/sd -m {} --sampling-method "dpm++2mv2" -o "{}/{}.png" -p "{}" --steps {} -H {} -W {} -s {}' images = [] for i in range(num_samples): uid = str(uuid1()) run_cmd = run_format.format(model_path, output_path, uid, prompt, sample_steps, image_resolution, image_resolution, seed + i) print("run cmd: {}".format(run_cmd)) os.system(run_cmd) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path, "{}.png".format(uid))) image =, "{}.png".format(uid))) images.append(np.asarray(image)) results = images return results model_list = list(map(lambda x: os.path.join("models", x), os.listdir("models"))) assert model_list sdxl_loras_raw = [] with open("sd_cfg.json", "r") as file: data = json.load(file) sdxl_loras_raw = [ { "image": item["image"], "title": item["title"], "repo": item["repo"], "trigger_word": item["trigger_word"], "model_path": item["model_path"] #"weights": item["weights"], #"is_compatible": item["is_compatible"], #"is_pivotal": item.get("is_pivotal", False), #"text_embedding_weights": item.get("text_embedding_weights", None), #"likes": item.get("likes", 0), #"downloads": item.get("downloads", 0), #"is_nc": item.get("is_nc", False) } for item in data ] sdxl_loras_raw = list(filter(lambda d: d["model_path"] in model_list, sdxl_loras_raw)) assert sdxl_loras_raw def update_selection(selected_state: gr.SelectData, sdxl_loras): lora_repo = sdxl_loras[selected_state.index]["repo"] instance_prompt = sdxl_loras[selected_state.index]["trigger_word"] new_placeholder = "Type a prompt. This applies for all prompts, no need for a trigger word" if instance_prompt == "" else "Type a prompt to use your selected model" #weight_name = sdxl_loras[selected_state.index]["weights"] updated_text = f"### Selected: [{lora_repo}]({lora_repo}) ✨ " is_compatible = True is_pivotal = True use_with_diffusers = f''' ## Using [`{lora_repo}`]({lora_repo}) ## Use it with diffusers: ''' use_with_uis = f''' ## Use it with Comfy UI, Invoke AI, SD.Next, AUTO1111: ### Download the `*.safetensors` weights of [here]({lora_repo}) - [ComfyUI guide]( - [Invoke AI guide]( - [SD.Next guide]( - [AUTOMATIC1111 guide]( ''' return ( updated_text, instance_prompt, gr.update(placeholder=new_placeholder), selected_state, use_with_diffusers, use_with_uis, ) def check_selected(selected_state): if not selected_state: raise gr.Error("You must select a Model") def shuffle_gallery(sdxl_loras): random.shuffle(sdxl_loras) return [(item["image"], item["title"]) for item in sdxl_loras], sdxl_loras def swap_gallery(order, sdxl_loras): if(order == "random"): return shuffle_gallery(sdxl_loras) else: #sorted_gallery = sorted(sdxl_loras, key=lambda x: x.get(order, 0), reverse=True) sorted_gallery = sorted(sdxl_loras, key=lambda x: x["title"], reverse=False) return [(item["image"], item["title"]) for item in sorted_gallery], sorted_gallery ''' def run_lora(prompt, negative, lora_scale, selected_state, sdxl_loras, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)): ''' def run_lora(prompt, selected_state, sdxl_loras, image_resolution, sample_steps, seed, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)): #global last_lora, last_merged, last_fused, pipe ''' if negative == "": negative = None ''' if not selected_state: raise gr.Error("You must select a Model") repo_name = sdxl_loras[selected_state.index]["repo"] model_path = sdxl_loras[selected_state.index]["model_path"] #weight_name = sdxl_loras[selected_state.index]["weights"] ''' image = pipe( prompt=prompt, negative_prompt=negative, width=1024, height=1024, num_inference_steps=20, guidance_scale=7.5, ).images[0] last_lora = repo_name gc.collect() ''' num_samples = 1 #### image_resolution : 512 #### sample_steps : 8 #### seed : 20 image = process(model_path ,prompt, num_samples, image_resolution, sample_steps, seed,)[0] image = Image.fromarray(image.astype(np.uint8)) #return image, gr.update(visible=True) return image with gr.Blocks(css="custom.css") as demo: #with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr_sdxl_loras = gr.State(value=sdxl_loras_raw) title = gr.HTML( """

SD StableDiffusion GGML Explorer

""", elem_id="title", ) selected_state = gr.State() with gr.Row(elem_id="main_app"): with gr.Box(elem_id="gallery_box"): order_gallery = gr.Radio(choices=["random", "alphabetical"], value="random", label="Order by", elem_id="order_radio") gallery = gr.Gallery( #value=[(item["image"], item["title"]) for item in sdxl_loras_raw], label="SD Model Gallery", allow_preview=True, #rows = 1, columns=3, #scale = 3, min_width = 256, #object_fit = "scale-down", elem_id="gallery", show_share_button=False, height=512 ) with gr.Column(): prompt_title = gr.Markdown( value="### Click on a Model in the gallery to select it", visible=True, elem_id="selected_model", ) with gr.Row(): prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt", show_label=False, lines=1, max_lines=1, placeholder="Type a prompt after selecting a Model", elem_id="prompt") button = gr.Button("Run", elem_id="run_button") ''' with gr.Group(elem_id="share-btn-container", visible=False) as share_group: community_icon = gr.HTML(community_icon_html) loading_icon = gr.HTML(loading_icon_html) share_button = gr.Button("Share to community", elem_id="share-btn") ''' result = gr.Image( interactive=False, label="Generated Image", elem_id="result-image" ) with gr.Accordion("Advanced options", open=False): #negative = gr.Textbox(label="Negative Prompt") #weight = gr.Slider(0, 10, value=0.8, step=0.1, label="LoRA weight") #negative = "" image_resolution = gr.Slider(label="Image Resolution", minimum=256, maximum=768, value=512, step=256) sample_steps = gr.Slider(label="Steps", minimum=1, maximum=100, value=8, step=1) seed = gr.Slider(label="Seed", minimum=-1, maximum=2147483647, step=1, randomize=True) order_gallery.change( fn=swap_gallery, inputs=[order_gallery, gr_sdxl_loras], outputs=[gallery, gr_sdxl_loras], queue=False ) fn=update_selection, inputs=[gr_sdxl_loras], #outputs=[prompt_title, prompt, prompt, selected_state, use_diffusers, use_uis], outputs=[prompt_title, prompt, prompt, selected_state,], queue=False, show_progress=False ) prompt.submit( fn=check_selected, inputs=[selected_state], queue=False, show_progress=False ).success( fn=run_lora, #inputs=[prompt, negative, weight, selected_state, gr_sdxl_loras], inputs=[prompt, selected_state, gr_sdxl_loras, image_resolution, sample_steps, seed], #outputs=[result, share_group], #outputs=[result,], outputs = result ) fn=check_selected, inputs=[selected_state], queue=False, show_progress=False ).success( fn=run_lora, #inputs=[prompt, negative, weight, selected_state, gr_sdxl_loras], inputs=[prompt, selected_state, gr_sdxl_loras, image_resolution, sample_steps, seed], #outputs=[result, share_group], #outputs=[result,], outputs = result ), [], [], _js=share_js) demo.load(fn=shuffle_gallery, inputs=[gr_sdxl_loras], outputs=[gallery, gr_sdxl_loras], queue=False) demo.queue(max_size=20) demo.launch()