//Basically copied and adapted from AUTOMATIC1111 implementation of the main UI // mouseover tooltips for various UI elements in the form of "UI element label"="Tooltip text". prompt_generator_titles = { "Category": "Refers to the primary category for the prompt output", "Style": "Determines the main style for the prompt output", "Lightning": "Represents the lightning strategy used for the prompt output", "Lens": "Specifies the lens parameter used for the prompt output", "Include Negative Prompt": "Checked: Default negative prompt sent. Unchecked: Empty string sent." } onUiUpdate(function () { gradioApp().querySelectorAll('span, button, select, p').forEach(function (span) { tooltip = prompt_generator_titles[span.textContent]; if (!tooltip) { tooltip = prompt_generator_titles[span.value]; } if (!tooltip) { for (const c of span.classList) { if (c in prompt_generator_titles) { tooltip = prompt_generator_titles[c]; break; } } } if (tooltip) { span.title = tooltip; } }) gradioApp().querySelectorAll('select').forEach(function (select) { if (select.onchange != null) return; select.onchange = function () { select.title = prompt_generator_titles[select.value] || ""; } }) })