src,tgt Achilles tolliver,阿基里斯-托利弗 Adam alderman,亚当-艾尔德曼 Adam broomfield strawn,亚当-布鲁姆菲尔德-斯特朗 Aidan kiely,艾丹-基利 Aidan lynch,艾丹-林奇 Alison cain,艾莉森-凯恩 Alliance,联盟 Alvin simmons,Alvin Simmons Alys,阿丽斯 Amanda,阿曼达 Amy disambiguation,艾米的歧义 Amycus carrow,阿米库斯-卡罗 Ananyo dhillon,阿纳约-迪希隆 Annabelle davis,安娜贝尔-戴维斯(Annabelle davis Annalisa bugliani,安娜丽莎-布利亚尼 Annarie boor,安纳里-博尔 Annihilare,安尼希拉里 Arithmancy,阿利特曼学派 Arsenia gonzales,阿塞尼亚-冈萨雷斯 Arthur weasleys file,亚瑟-韦斯莱的档案 Ash blonde,灰烬金发 Ashish patel,阿希什-帕特尔 Augusta longbottom,奥古斯塔-隆博特姆 Australia,澳大利亚 Battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战 Beatrix bloxams cousins,Beatrix Bloxams表弟 Beatrix bloxams father,碧翠丝-布洛克斯的父亲 Beauty and the beast,美女与野兽 Beauxbatons,蒲公英 Bertie gilbert,伯蒂-吉尔伯特 Bianca sowerby,比安卡-索尔比 Billingsley,比林斯利 Billy ray burton,比利-雷-伯顿 Billy stubbs,比利-斯塔布 Blair,布莱尔 Blaise zabini,布莱斯-扎比尼 Bloomsbury,布鲁姆斯伯里 Boniface toubeau,博尼法斯-图博 Boston,波士顿 Bowen duffield,鲍恩-杜菲尔德 Brachiabindo,布拉奇阿宾多 Bram stoker,布拉姆-斯托克 Brandon angel,布兰登天使 Brian gallagher,Brian gallagher Bronson webb,布朗森-韦伯 Brontis jodorowsky,波特里斯-佐杜洛夫斯基 Bronwyn trigg,布朗温触发器 Brunhilde stokke,布伦希尔德-斯托克 Caplan family,卡普兰家族 Carl hopkins,卡尔-霍普金斯 Carl sagan,卡尔-萨根 Casserole,砂锅 Cassius warrington,卡修斯-沃林顿 Cauldron,炼丹炉 Charlene griffith,夏琳-格里菲斯 Charles berendt,Charles berendt Charles demengeot,查尔斯-德门格特 Charlesetta nagy,查尔斯塔-纳吉 Charleston,查尔斯顿 Charlotte,夏洛特 Charlotte atkinson,夏洛特-阿特金森 Charlotte beadle,夏洛特-贝德尔 Charlus potter,夏鲁斯-波特 Chemistry,化学 Chipolata,奇波拉塔 Chris,克里斯 Chrisp,克里斯普 Christian alexander,克里斯蒂安-亚历山大 Christian coulson,克里斯蒂安-科尔森 Christian pedersen,克里斯蒂安-佩特森 Christine j rickman,克里斯蒂娜-J-瑞克曼 Christine marzano,克里斯蒂娜-马尔扎诺 Christoph cordell,克里斯托夫-科戴尔 Christopher flack,克里斯托弗-弗莱克 Claire l innes,克莱尔-英尼斯 Claire louise carroll,克莱尔-路易丝-卡罗尔 Cork,科克 Cormac mclaggen,科马克-麦克拉格根 Cosme acajor,科斯梅-阿卡约 Council of magic,魔法委员会 Daily,每日 Daniel jacob radcliffe,丹尼尔-雅各布-拉德克里夫 Daniel kevin fogler,丹尼尔-凯文-福格勒 Daniel larner,丹尼尔-拉纳 Daniel morgan,丹尼尔-莫根 Daniel page,丹尼尔-佩奇 Danielle amorinus,丹妮尔-阿莫里纳斯 Danielle crockford,Danielle crockford Danielle disambiguation,丹妮尔消除歧义 Danielle tabor,丹妮尔-塔博 Danielle taylor,丹妮尔-泰勒 Danielpagesbrother jpeg,丹尼尔-帕吉斯兄弟jpeg Danille amorinus,邓迪尔-阿莫里努斯 Danny dalton,丹尼-道尔顿 Darius berrow,达利斯-贝罗 David,邓小平 Deadmarsh,死神 Declan haworth,德克兰-霍沃斯 Demiguise derby,德米吉斯-德比 Derwent shimpling,德温特-希姆普林 Di alec hardy wplinkbroadchurch,迪-阿莱克-哈迪 Wplinkbroadchurch Diadema goshawk,迪亚马-戈肖克 Diagon alley,对角线小巷 Diagon alley cafés,对角巷咖啡馆 Diagon alley north side,对角线小巷北侧 Diddykins,迪迪金斯 Digital,数字 Dinah stevenson,戴娜-史蒂文森 Distilled,蒸馏的 Domhnall gleeson,多姆纳尔-格莱森 Dough batter jam,面糊果酱 Dunglicker,邓力克 Ectothermic,外热型 Ed1010,ǞǞǞ Edd osmond,艾德-奥斯曼 Edwin halsted,埃德温-哈尔斯特德 Eleanor sarah gibbs,秦始皇陵博物院 Elixir,酏剂 Ella wilkins,艾拉-威尔金斯 Elphinstone urquart,埃尔芬斯通-乌夸特 Elsie,艾尔西 Emily,卿卿我我 Emily disambiguation,艾米莉的歧义 Emily gryffindor,艾米丽-格兰芬多 Emily hufflepuff,艾米丽-赫夫帕夫 Emily mather,艾米丽-马瑟 Emily rappaport,艾米丽-拉帕波特 Emmeline vances wand,艾玛琳-万斯的魔杖 Entomorphis,恩托莫菲斯 Entwhistle family,恩惠斯特尔家族 Episkey,诗篇 Epoximise,埃波西米斯 Epoximise trading card,艾波西米斯交易卡 Essex,埃塞克斯 Estaban stubbe,斯塔班-斯塔布 Eugenia jenkins,尤金妮亚-詹金斯 Eulalie hicks,尤拉里-希克斯 Evanesco,尹恩惠 Female formal gloves,女式正装手套 Fiendfyre,火焰 Fiona belmont,菲奥娜-贝尔蒙特 Francis nolan,弗朗西斯-诺兰 Fred disambiguation,弗雷德的歧义 Gawain robards,加文-罗巴兹 Gayle hilton,盖尔-希尔顿 Gayle pocklington,盖尔-波克林顿 Geminio,伽米尼奥 Gemma boyle,杰玛-博伊尔 Gemma chan,杰玛-陈 Gemma sandzer,杰玛-桑泽 Geraint ollivander,格兰特-奥利弗德 Gerbold ollivander,格伯德-奥利凡德 Gervaise ollivander,格维兹-奥利凡德 Ginevra potter,吉纳维拉-波特 Ginevra weasley,金芙拉-韦斯莱 Godfrey,戈弗雷 Goldstein family,戈尔茨坦家族 Good nights sleep,夜间好梦 Gornuk,戈尔努克 Grenouille,格林努瓦 Griptonite cgbc gba,狮头石cgbc gba Griselda harmonia jorkins,格瑞瑟达-哈莫尼亚-乔金斯 Gryffindor,格兰芬多 Gryffindor common room portrait,格兰芬多公共休息室的画像 Guy moore,盖伊-穆尔 Herbert beery,赫伯特-贝里 Herbert burke,赫伯特-伯克 Herbert chorley,赫伯特-乔利 Herbert fleet,赫伯特舰队 Herbivicus,牧羊人 Hereward,赫里沃德 Herm own ninny,赫姆自己的妮子 Hermetray,赫米特雷 Hermione granger,赫敏-格兰杰 Hippocampus,海马 Hms belfast,贝尔法斯特市的HMS Hms temeresi,坦克手 Hogs head inn,猪头旅馆 Honeywater,蜂蜜水 Honking daffodil,喇叭水仙花 Honoria,霍诺亚 Honoria nutcombe,霍诺丽亚-纳特科姆 Horace slughorn,霍勒斯-斯拉格霍恩 Horace slughorns father,霍勒斯-斯拉戈斯的父亲 Http imsarahharrison com,Http imsarahharrison com Http kamillemie com,Http kamillemie com Http louiscordice com,Https louiscordice com Http planetmaja com,Http planetmaja com Http www david tennant com,Http www david tennant com Http www evekarpf co uk,Http www evekarpf co uk Http www ianbrown co uk,Http www ianbrown co uk Http www jim dale com,ǞǞǞǞ Http www kierandjones co uk,Http www kierandjones co uk Http www michaelaston co uk,Http www michaelaston co uk Http www olwenfouere com,Http www olwenfouere com Http www zoella co uk,Http www zoella co uk Http www zoewanamaker com,Http www zoewanamaker com Https balloonsmagicfun com,Https balloonsmagicfun com Https www rachellinactress com,Https www rachellinactress com Hugh william mitchell,休-威廉-米切尔 Illinois,伊利诺伊州 Imogen church,伊莫金教堂 Imogen heap,伊莫金-希普 Imogen jennifer heap,伊莫金-珍妮弗-希普 Imogen stretton,伊莫金-斯特雷顿 Ireland,爱尔兰 Isobel middleton,伊索贝尔-米德尔顿 Isobel ross,伊索贝尔-罗斯 Isobel rosss mother,伊索贝尔-罗斯的母亲 J b murrey,J b murrey Jackie jernigan,杰基-杰尼根 Jarleth hobart,贾尔斯-霍巴特(Jarleth Hobart Jason buckle,杰森-扣尔 Jason caffoe,杰森-卡福 Jennifer ellen taylor,珍妮弗-艾伦-泰勒 Jenny,甄妮 Jeremiah garnet,杰里迈亚-加内特 Jeremius wardwart,杰雷米斯-瓦德瓦特 Jeremy ang jones,杰里米-昂-琼斯 Jim broadbent,吉姆-布罗德本特 Jody jacknife,Jody jacknife John,约翰 Jorge leon martinez,豪尔赫-莱昂-马丁内斯(Jorge Leon Martinez) Joscelind wadcock,约瑟林-瓦德科克 Josefina calderon,约瑟芬娜-卡尔德隆 Josh bennett,乔希-班尼特 Justine annatice,贾斯汀-安纳提斯 Justine britnell,贾斯汀-布里特内尔 Kate,凯特 Koldovstoretz,科尔多夫斯坦茨 Kursten blijk,库斯滕-布利克 Kylie meadows,Kylie meadows Lancelot healer,兰斯洛特治疗师 Lara gertrude,拉拉-格特鲁德 Latisha randle,拉蒂莎-兰德尔 Law fifteen b,罗十五B Lazio,拉齐奥 Lesley manville,莱斯利-曼维尔 Leslie phillips,莱斯利-菲利普斯 Lewis barnshaw,刘易斯-巴恩斯肖 Lewis macleod,刘易斯-麦克雷德 Lewis mcleod,刘易斯-姆克洛德 Lichen,苔藓 Licorus black,黑人 Lilith molesby,莉莉丝-莫尔斯比 Lily,莉莉 Lilys theme,莉莉的主题 Locomotor,运动型 Mac,麦克 Mackled malaclaw,马克莱德-马拉克洛 Mafalda hopkirk,马法尔达-霍普柯克 Maganize,马加尼兹 Magbob,马格博 Magee,马吉 Magic alphabet,神奇的字母表 Magidepartementet,基金会 Magizoologist,魔术师 Magizoology,马吉泽尔学 Magnificent marmalade,华丽的橘子酱 Magnifying glass,放大镜 Magnolia,白玉兰 Maisie cattermole,梅西-卡特莫尔 Maison capenoir,卡佩诺尔之家 Maisy reynolds,梅西-雷诺兹 Maisy reynoldss father,梅西-雷诺德的父亲 Maja bloom,马贾-布洛姆 Majorca,马约卡 Malaise,玛拉伊丝 Malcolm swannage,马尔科姆-斯旺纳吉 Manchester,曼彻斯特 Mandy brocklehurst,Mandy brocklehurst Mane,马恩 Manegro potion,马尼格罗药水 Manticore,剑鱼 Marianne chase,玛丽安-查斯 Marianne elliott,玛丽安-埃利奥特 Marilyn,マリリン Marketa flynn,玛柯塔-弗林 Marketer,营销人员 Marlene mckinnon,马琳-麦金农 Martha,玛莎 Martial magic,武术师 Mary,玛丽 Matagot,马塔戈特 Maurice netto,莫里斯-奈托 Maximus,马克西姆斯 Maximus confidencia,秦始皇兵马俑 Maximus disambiguation,马克西姆斯的歧义 Maxwell,麦克斯韦 Maxwell barnett,马克斯韦尔-巴内特 Mediatonic,美迪达斯 Medicine,医学 Medicine ornamental,Medicine ornamental Melofors,梅罗福斯 Melofors jinx,梅洛福斯的诅咒 Melusine,梅鲁辛 Melvin catterick,梅尔文-卡特里克 Merlin,梅林 Merula snyde,梅鲁拉-斯尼德 Mesmer,梅斯梅尔 Metamorphmagus,变形金刚 Meteorologist,气象学家 Metrication,计量 Metro,ǞǞǞ Midnight duel,午夜决斗 Mike edmonds,麦克-埃德蒙兹 Miraf leldendi,米拉夫-勒登迪 Miraphorus,米拉弗斯(Miraphorus) Monarch,君主 Mongolia,蒙古 Monograms,单行本 Morag macdougal,莫拉格-麦克道格 Morsmordre,莫斯莫德雷 Mortadella,莫塔德拉 Mortal,死亡率 Murphy mcnullys mother,墨菲-麦克纳利的母亲 Myomancy,我的天哪 Máiréad lynch,马瑞德-林奇(Máiréad lynch Naoki tsuchiya,土屋直树 Narcissa malfoy,纳西莎-马尔福伊 Narinder singh,纳林德-辛格 Narragansett,纳拉甘赛特 Natalie anastasia selfe,娜塔莉-阿纳斯塔西娅-苏菲 Natalie disambiguation,娜塔莉的歧义 Natalya,娜塔莉亚 Neem oil,楝树油 Neil austin,尼尔-奥斯汀 Nelson selgado,纳尔逊-塞尔加多 Nepal,尼泊尔 Neptune,海王星 Nightshade,夜影 Nis bank mikkelsen,尼斯银行米克尔森 Oliver woods mother,奥利弗-伍兹的母亲 Olly moss,奥利-莫斯 Olympe maxime,奥利姆佩-马西姆 Olympe maximes dress robes,奥利姆佩-马克斯姆斯的礼服长袍 Pamela alton,帕梅拉-奥顿 Pamela altons mother,帕梅拉-阿尔顿的母亲 Panama,巴拿马 Panda,熊猫 Pantomime,舞台剧 Parasitic,寄生虫 Pardo,帕尔多 Pembrokeshire,彭布罗克郡 Peter ballantyne,彼得-巴兰坦 Physics,物理学 Piano,钢琴 Picasso,毕加索 Pick,挑选 Piroette genda,皮罗特-根达 Polo,马球 Poly juice potion,聚合果汁药水 Polymath,多面手 Pomegranate juice,石榴汁 Poonima shah,波尼玛-沙赫 Port authority boss,港务局老板 Prefect,省长 Primrose jorkins,普利姆罗斯-乔金斯 Professional footballer,职业足球运动员 Publisher,出版商 Rachel disambiguation,瑞秋的歧义 Rachel sternberg,瑞秋-斯特恩伯格 Radar,雷达 Raymond,雷蒙德 Rayxia ojo,雷夏-奥乔 Rdr books,吕克的书 Reanimated corpse,复活的尸体 Relashio,リラシオ Remus lupin,莱姆斯-鲁宾 Remus lupin married nymphadora tonks,莱姆斯-鲁宾与尼姆帕多拉-唐克斯结婚 Renshaw family,Renshaw家族 Rhododendron,杜鹃花 Rich goble,里奇-戈贝尔 Rich west,丰富的西部 Richard cubison,理查德-库比森 Richard redmayne,理查德-雷德梅恩 Rick barba,里克-巴尔巴 Riddikulus,雷迪库鲁斯 Riddle family,里德尔家族 Riddle house,谜语屋 Riddle house owner,谜语屋主人 Riddles cook,谜底 厨师 Riya patel,瑞亚-帕特尔 Roger c bailey,罗杰-C-贝利 Roger davies,罗杰-戴维斯 Roger moore,罗杰-莫尔 Rosemarie harrison,罗丝玛莉-哈里森 Rosenbaum,罗森鲍姆 Rosenbaums,罗森鲍姆 Rosewood,玫瑰红木 Ruby day and pearl day,红宝石日和珍珠日 Rudimentary body potion,初步的身体药水 Rupert alexander lloyd grint,鲁珀特-亚历山大-劳埃德-格林特 Rupert brookstanton,鲁珀特-布鲁克斯坦顿 Salazar slytherins locket,萨拉萨-斯莱特林的吊坠 Sallow,黧黑 Sally anne perks,莎莉-安-佩克斯 Sally wallis,萨利-沃利斯 Salo gardner,萨罗-加德纳 Salomé lestrange,萨洛梅-莱斯特兰奇 Sam beazley,萨姆-贝兹利 Samantha,萨曼莎 Samantha burroughs,萨曼莎-布鲁斯 Samantha davis,萨曼莎-戴维斯 Samantha jane morton,萨曼莎-简-莫顿 Samantha morton,萨曼莎-莫顿 Sandstone gargoyle,砂岩巨妖 Sara sugarman,萨拉-塞格曼 Sarah bennett,萨拉-班尼特 Sarah kempston,莎拉-肯普斯顿 Sarah melanie hodges,莎拉-梅兰妮-霍奇斯 Sarah rorbach,萨拉-罗巴奇 Sarah suzanne biggins,萨拉-苏珊娜-比金斯 Saranna wilkinson,萨兰娜-威尔金森 Sardine,沙丁鱼 Sasabonsam,萨萨邦萨姆 Sasquatch,大脚野人 Science fiction novel,科幻小说 Scope seven,范围七 Seamus finnigans mother,西默斯-芬尼根的母亲 Seraphina bones,萨拉菲娜-骨朵 Severus snapes portrait,塞维鲁-斯纳普斯的肖像 Sevin okyay,瑟文-奥凯伊 Shacklebolt family,沙克尔博特家族 Shaira yasmin berg,沙伊拉-雅斯敏-伯格 Shardiah ssagala,沙迪亚-萨嘎拉 Sharee hough,沙里-霍夫 Shoe shine machine,擦鞋机 Shop,购物 Siobhan ellen williams,西奥本-艾伦-威廉姆斯(Siobhan Ellen Williams Siobhan templeton,西奥本-坦普尔顿 Smethwyck family,斯迈思威克家族 Sonnleitner,颂莱特纳(Sonnleitner) Stanley eldridge,斯坦利-伊尔德里奇 Stargazing,观星 Start craig,启航Craig Steen national bank,斯蒂恩国家银行 Steffan rhodri,斯蒂芬-罗德里 Steleus,碑林区 Steleus gif,斯特莱厄斯GIF T m riddles diary,T m谜语日记 Tabatha st vincent,塔巴莎-圣-文森 Teffington,特芬顿 Telegraph,电报 Telephone,电话 Telephone box,电话箱 Terence drew,特伦斯-德鲁 Tergeo,特吉奥 Terry chloe,泰瑞-克洛伊 Terry skeres,泰瑞-斯凯尔斯 Terry strickland,Terry strickland Thailand,泰国 Thomas aldridge,托马斯-阿尔德里奇 Thomas andrew felton,托马斯-安德鲁-费尔顿 Thorns,荆棘 Tiberius,钛合金 Tiberius ogden,提比略-奥格登 Timothy bateson,蒂莫西-贝特森 Toffee,太妃糖 Transparent,透明的 Trevor birch,特雷弗-白桦 Trifle,特里弗 Trigg family,特里格家族 Trilby,特里尔比 Trip jinx,绊脚石 Triwizard cup,三联杯 Vaisey,薇丝 Valcore,谷仓 Valentin zukovsky,瓦伦丁-祖科夫斯基 Vlad drakul,弗拉德-德拉库尔 Voldemort wrock band,伏地魔摇滚乐队 Wales,威尔士 Will,威尔 William weasley,威廉-韦斯莱 Williamson,威廉姆森 Willm bentinck,威尔姆-本廷克 Xbox,宇宙飞船 ctcmcs,坎特克奇 ctqi unique,ctqi独特 wadolph rickenbacker,瓦尔多夫-里肯巴克 wlenny kravitz,巫伦尼-克拉维茨 wplinkeurocom,wplinkeurocom wplinkjaguar,wplinkjaguar wplinkknowwonder,wplinkknowwonder wplinkknowwonder wplinkaspyr,汪洋恣肆 汪洋恣肆 汪洋恣肆 汪洋恣肆 wplinklife tenure,wplinklife任期内 wplinkmiddle east,中东WPLINK wplinkplaystation 3,wplinkplaystation 3 wplinkplum s,汪洋大海 wplinksam waterston,沃林克森-沃特斯顿 wplinkswan,巫术 wplinkwarthog,wplinkwarthog a cauldron full of hot strong love,充满热力的爱的大锅 a few firebrand wizards,几个火眼金睛的巫师 accio christmas,欢庆圣诞 adeste fideles,忠贞不渝 aggressive allowing the plant to survive in any environment,侵略性使植物在任何环境下都能生存 bajle escape from sobibor,Bajle 逃离Sobibor batty bagshot,巴特-布格罗特(Batty Bagshot) beat back those bludgers boys and chuck that quaffle here,击退那些捣蛋鬼,把球棒扔在这里 blind pig,盲猪 boys will be boys,男孩就是男孩 can you dance like a hippogriff?,你能像河马一样跳舞吗? cheers,欢呼 crash,碰撞 dangerous dai,危险的DAI dangerous dai llewellyn ward for serious bites,危险的DAI LLEWELLN病房的严重咬伤 disgusting,恶心的 do the hippogriff,做河马的人 dodgy dirk,躲避的德克 dolores umbridge appointed first ever high inquisitor,Dolores umbridge被任命为有史以来第一个高级审讯员 dont let that magic die,不要让魔法消失 double trouble,双重麻烦 dun coloured,敦厚的颜色 ellen,艾琳 fine,很好 flighty aphrodite,飞翔的阿芙洛狄忒 fungus face,真菌脸 giant,巨大的 gimlet eyed,炯炯有神的眼睛 ginger witch,姜女巫 give gobstones a second glance,给鹅卵石看第二眼 god rest ye merry hippogriffs,上帝保佑你们快乐的河马人 god save the queen,上帝保佑女王 handsome poltergeist,英俊的捣蛋鬼 hoggy warty hogwarts,聪明伶俐的霍格沃茨 honest willy,诚实的威利 i hope jazzelle is in,我希望Jazzelle也在其中 i should have remembered my keys,我应该记得我的钥匙 in noctem,在不夜城 jazzy,Jazzy jeeves and wooster,杰维斯和伍斯特 like spun silk,如同纺纱的丝绸 little,小 little snakey,小小蛇蝎心肠 magic works,魔术作品 mrs next door,邻家太太 my baby gave me a hippogriff for christmas,我的宝贝给了我一只河马作为圣诞礼物 my love is always here,我的爱永远在这里 my secret shame,我的秘密的耻辱 necks to you,脖子给你 no no no nooo,不,不,不,不,不 nothing like a holiday spell,没有什么比节日的咒语更重要 o children,孩子们 o come all ye faithful,O come all ye faithful oliver wood was a burly seventeen year old now in his seventh and final year at hogwarts,奥利弗-伍德是一个魁梧的17岁少年,现在是他在霍格沃茨的第七年也是最后一年。 qi,气 rasputin,拉斯普京 ron mr jolly lives next door,罗恩-乔利先生住在隔壁 show me the way to go home,告诉我回家的路 spooky spells,诡异的咒语 stephenie,斯蒂芬妮 stubby,矮胖子 swan sized,天鹅的大小 swarthy,黝黑的 the hogwarts march,霍格沃茨游行 the office,办公室 the willows in winter,冬天的柳树 this is the night,这就是夜晚 tiptoe through the tulips,蹑手蹑脚穿过郁金香 weasley is our king,韦斯莱是我们的国王 wedding guest of bill and fleur,比尔和芙蓉的婚礼嘉宾 whose line is it anyway?,这到底是谁的台词? yes men,是的,男人 you charmed the heart right out of me,你把我的心都迷住了 you stole my cauldron but you cant have my heart,你偷了我的大锅,但你不能拥有我的心 zippy in demons,恶魔中的Zippy 0 04 to 0 4 inches,0 04至0 4英寸 100 feet,100英尺 100 feet or less,100英尺或以下 100 million,100百万 100 minutes,100分钟 101 dalmatians,101只达尔马提亚犬 104 pages,104页 10 15 inches,10 15英寸 10 1 2 inches long,10 1 2英寸长 10 5 inches,10 5英寸 10 april 2003,2003年4月10日 10 december,10 十二月 10 ft,10英尺 10 inches,10英寸 10 june,6月10日 10 march,3月10日 10 may,10 五月 10 november,11月10日 10 september,10 九月 10¼,10¼ 10¼ inches,10¼英寸 10¾,10¾ 113 base set,113 基数组 114 base set,1152 115 base set,115个基数组 116 base set,116套基础设备 117 lbs,117磅 118 lbs,118磅 11 august,8月11日 11 december,12月11日 11 february,2月11日 11 grimmauld place,11 格里姆莫尔德广场 11 january,1月11日 11 july,7月11日 11 june,6月11日 11 march,3月11日 11 may,5月11日 11 november,11 十一月 11 november 2011,2011年11月11日 11 october,10月11日 11 privet drive,11 Privet Drive 11th century,11世纪 11th district,11区 11½ inches,11½英寸 124 macdougal street,124 麦道格街 125 million,125百万 125–150 cm,125-150厘米 127 180 cm,127 180厘米 129b diagon alley,129B 斜巷 12 april,4月12日 12 august,8月12日 12 december,12月12日 12 february,2月12日 12 feet,12英尺 12 inches,12英寸 12 july,7月12日 12 june,6月12日 12 may,12 五月 12 nominations,12日提名 12 november,11月12日 12 october,10月12日 12 september,9月12日 12th century,12世纪 12¼,12¼ 12½ inches,12½英寸 12¾,12¾ 130 million,一亿三千万 130 minutes,130分钟 133 minutes,133分钟 134 minutes,134分钟 1379 duelling contest,1379年决斗比赛 138 minutes,138分钟 139 lbs,139磅 13 april,4月13日 13 august,8月13日 13 december,12月13日 13 february,2月13日 13 grimmauld place,13 格里姆莫尔德广场 13 january,1月13日 13 july 2011,2011年7月13日 13 june,6月13日 13 march,3月13日 13 may,5月13日 13 november,11月13日 13 october,10月13日 13 october 1953pittsburgh pennslyvania united states,1953年10月13日匹兹堡,宾夕法尼亚州,美国 13 september,9月13日 13th century,13世纪 13½,13½ 141 minutes,141分钟 142 minutes,142分钟 144 pages,144页 1473 quidditch world cup,1473年魁地奇世界杯 147 minutes,147分钟 14 15 november 2002,14 15 2002年11月 14 april,14 四月 14 august,8月14日 14 december,12月14日 14 february,2月14日 14 january,1月14日 14 july,7月14日 14 july 2011,2011年7月14日 14 june,6月14日 14 march,3月14日 14 may,五月十四日 14 november,11月14日 14 october,10月14日 14 september,9月14日 14th century,14世纪 150 million,1.5亿 152 lbs,152磅 152 minutes,152分钟 153 minutes,153分钟 154 lbs,154磅 155 cm,155厘米 157 minutes,157分钟 159 lbs,159磅 159 minutes,159分钟 15 16 november 2001,15 16 2001年11月 15 april,4月15日 15 august,8月15日 15 december,12月15日 15 february,2月15日 15 feet,15英尺 15 ft,15英尺 15 january,1月15日 15 july,7月15日 15 july 2011,2011年7月15日 15 june,6月15日 15 march,3月15日 15 may,5月15日 15 november,11月15日 15 november 2001 cpc ps1 gba gbc,2001年11月15日 CPC PS1 GBA GBC 15 november 2005,2005年11月15日 15 october,10月15日 15 september,9月15日 15th 16th century,15日 16世纪 15th century,十五世纪 160 pages,160页 1612 goblin rebellion,1612年哥布林叛乱 161 minutes,161分钟 165 cm 5ft 5in,165厘米5英尺5英寸 168 lbs,168磅 168 pounds,168磅 169 lbs,169磅 16 august,8月16日 16 december,12月16日 16 february,2月16日 16 january,1月16日 16 july,7月16日 16 june,6月16日 16 may,5月16日 16 may 2011,2011年5月16日 16 november,11月16日 16 november 2010,2010年11月16日 16 october,10月16日 16 october 1953dublin ireland,1953年10月16日爱尔兰都柏林 16 september,9月16日 16th century,16世纪 16th century potions professor,16世纪的药水教授 1714 edict,1714年 诏书 174 minutes,174分钟 175 million,1.75亿 176 lbs,176磅 1790 6th avenue,1790年 第六大道 17 april,4月17日 17 august,8月17日 17 december,12月17日 17 february,2月17日 17 january,1月17日 17 june,17 六月 17 may,5月17日 17 november,11月17日 17 october,10月17日 17 september,9月17日 17th century,17世纪 17th or 18th century,17或18世纪 1809 quidditch world cup,1809年魁地奇世界杯 183 lbs,183磅 183 lbs 83 kgs,183磅 83公斤 1877 quidditch world cup,1877年魁地奇世界杯 1878 quidditch world cup,1878年魁地奇世界杯 1883 riot at the british ministry of magic headquarters,1883年英国魔法部总部发生暴乱 1884 or earlier,1884年或更早 1884 riot at the british ministry of magic headquarters,1884年英国魔法部总部的暴动 188 lbs,188磅 18 april,18 四月 18 august,8月18日 18 december,12月18日 18 february,18 二月 18 january,1月18日 18 july,18 七月 18 june,6月18日 18 march,3月18日 18 may,18 五月 18 november,11月18日 18 october,10月18日 18 september,9月18日 18ft,18英尺 18th century,18世纪 18th century and before,18世纪及以前 18th century goblin rebellion,18世纪哥布林叛乱 18th century or earlier,18世纪或更早 1907 born 1918 1919 20 first year 1920 21 second year 1921 22 third year 1922 23 fourth year 1923 24 fifth year 1924 25 sixth year 1925 26 seventh year,1907年出生的1918年1919年20第一年1920年21第二年1921年22第三年1922年23第四年1923年24第五年1924年25第六年1925年26第七年 1908 at the latest,最晚1908年 1946–2002,1946-2002 1950s 1960s,1950年代 1960年代 1966 quidditch world cup,1966年魁地奇世界杯 1974 quidditch world cup,1974年魁地奇世界杯 1975 to present,1975年至今 1982 quidditch world cup,1982年魁地奇世界杯 1984 present,1984年至今 1984–1985 school year,1984-1985学年 1985 present 2007,1985年至今 2007年 1985–1986 school year,1985-1986学年 1986 quidditch world cup,1986年魁地奇世界杯 1986–1987 school year,1986-1987学年 1987–1988 school year,1987-1988学年 1988 present,1988年至今 1988–1989 school year,1988-1989学年 1989–1990 school year,1989-1990学年 1990 present,1990年至今 1990 quidditch world cup,1990年魁地奇世界杯 1990–1991 school year,1990-1991学年 1991 sorting hat song,1991年分拣帽之歌 1991 sorting hats song,1991年分拣帽之歌 1991–1992 school year,1991-1992学年 1992 gryffindor slytherin quidditch match spectators,1992年格兰芬多-斯莱特林魁地奇比赛观众席 1992–1993 school year,1992-1993学年 1993–1994 school year,1993-1994学年 1993—present,1993-至今 1994 or earlier,1994年或更早 1994 quidditch world cup,1994年魁地奇世界杯 1994 sorting hat song,1994年分拣帽之歌 1994 sorting hats song,1994年分拣帽之歌 1994–1995 school year,1994-1995学年 1995 heat wave,1995年热浪 1995 present,1995年的礼物 1995 sorting hat song,1995年分拣帽之歌 1995 sorting hats song,1995年分拣帽之歌 1995–1996 school year,1995-1996学年 1996 gryffindor quidditch keeper trials spectators,1996年格兰芬多魁地奇守门员选拔赛观众席 1996–1997 school year,1996-1997学年 1997–1998 school year,1997-1998学年 1998 in poole dorset,1998年在普尔多塞特 1998 quidditch world cup,1998年魁地奇世界杯 1998–1999 school year,1998-1999学年 1999 to present,1999年至今 19 april,19 四月 19 august,8月19日 19 december,12月19日 19 february,19 二月 19 january,1月19日 19 june,6月19日 19 march,3月19日 19 may,五月十九日 19 november,11月19日 19 october,10月19日 19 september,9月19日 19th century,19世纪 1 341 billion,1 341亿 1 5 inches,1 5英寸 1 april,4月1日 1 august,1个8月 1 child,1个孩子 1 daughter,1个女儿 1 december,12月1日 1 diagon alley,1 对角线小巷 1 february,1 二月 1 foot,1英尺 1 ft,1英尺 1 guitarist,1 吉他手 1 january,1 1月 1 july,1 七月 1 june,6月1日 1 march,3月1日 1 may,5月1日 1 may 1997,1997年5月1日 1 metre,1米 1 metre long,1米长 1 november,11月1日 1 october,10月1日 1 police officer,1名警察 1 september,1个9月 1 wedding guest,1位婚礼嘉宾 1 wizard,1名巫师 1cdo 2 damage to your opponent then draw a card,1cd对你的对手造成2点伤害然后抽一张牌 1cyou can play only 1 money card each turn before your turn if this card is in play discard it and you get 1 more action this turn,1你每回合只能打一张钱牌,在你的回合之前,如果这张牌在手,就把它丢掉,本回合你会多出1个行动。 1pchoose up to 2 non healing cards from your discard pile and put them on the bottom of your deck when draw a card,1p从你的弃牌堆中选择最多两张非治疗牌,并在抽牌时将它们放在你的牌组底部 1qeither player may use an action to discard a card from his or her hand to win discard 5 cards from your hand in this way prize the winner does 10 damage to his or her opponent,1q任何一方都可以使用行动从自己的手牌中弃置一张牌,以赢取从你的手牌中弃置5张牌的奖励,赢家对他或她的对手造成10点伤害。 1treveal the top 2 card of your deck put into play any lesson cards you revealed put into your discard pile any non lesson cards you revealed then draw a card,1揭开你卡组的前两张牌,把你揭开的任何课程牌放入你的弃牌堆,把你揭开的任何非课程牌放入弃牌堆,然后抽一张牌。 2000 to 2009,2000年至2009年 2000 to present,2000年至今 2001 present,2001年至今 2001 to present,2001年到现在 2001–present,2001年至今 2002 quidditch world cup,2002年魁地奇世界杯 2002 to present,2002年至今 2003 to 2008,2003年至2008年 2003 to present,2003年至今 2004 present,2004年至今 2004 to present,2004年到现在 2005 to present,2005年至今 2006 present,2006年至今 2006 quidditch world cup,2006年魁地奇世界杯 2006 to present,2006年至今 2006—present,2006年至今 2007 current,2007年至今 2007 present,2007年至今 2007 to present,2007年到现在 2007—present,2007年至今 2008 present,2008年至今 2008 to present,2008年到现在 2009 present,2009年至今 2009 to present,2009年到现在 2009–present,2009年至今 Childrens high level group,儿童高级别小组 Childrens stories,儿童故事 Chilli,辣椒 Chimaera trading card,奇玛拉交易卡 China,中国 Chinese,中国 Chinese chomping cabbage,中国的咬口白菜 Chinese dragon sanctuary,中国龙圣地 Chinese fireball,中国火球 Chinese fireball gif,中国火球gif Chinese fortune sticks,中国的财富棒 Chinese ministry of magic,中国魔法部 Chinese national quidditch team,中国国家魁地奇队 Chintz armchair,中国国家队 Chip shop,芯片商店 Chipping clodbury,坎普-克罗德伯里 Chipping clodbury riot,中国国家队 Chips,芯片 Chislehurst gardens,奇斯勒赫斯特花园 Chivalry,骑士精神 Chizpurfle,骑士精神 Chizpurfle carapace,骑士精神 Chizpurfle fang,骑士的獠牙 Chizpurfle fangs,奇兹普尔弗尔的獠牙 Chloe bruce,克洛伊-布鲁斯 Chloe de burgh,克洛伊-德-伯格 Cho chang,邹昌 Cho changs father,赵昌的父亲 Cho changs friends,赵昌的朋友 Cho changs grandfather,赵昌的祖父 Cho changs letter to her mother,赵昌给她母亲的信 Cho changs mother,赵昌的母亲 Cho changs spouse,赵昌的配偶 Cho changs wand,周长的魔杖 Choco loco,巧乐乐 Chocoballs,巧克力球 Chocolate,巧克力 Chocolate bar,巧克力棒 Chocolate bars,巧克力棒 Chocolate cake,巧克力蛋糕 Chocolate cauldrons,巧克力大锅饭 Chocolate cheesecake,巧克力乳酪蛋糕 Chocolate eclair,巧克力烤饼 Chocolate egg,巧克力蛋 Chocolate frog,巧克力青蛙 Chocolate frog card,巧克力青蛙卡 Chocolate frogs,巧克力青蛙 Chocolate frogs trading card,巧克力青蛙交易卡 Chocolate gateau,巧克力糕饼 Chocolate liqueur,巧克力利口酒 Chocolate phoenix cake,巧克力凤凰蛋糕 Choctaw,乔德唱片 Chode records,乔德唱片 Choir master,诗班大师 Choking,窒息 Choking spell,窒息法术 Choose 1 of either players creatures in play and a lesson card in that players discard pile discard that creature and put that lesson card into play cost 1,选择其中一个玩家的生物并在该玩家的弃牌堆中有一张教训牌,丢弃该生物并将该教训牌投入游戏,费用为1。 Choose 1 of your characters in play that has a once per game ability you have already used use that ability cost 10,选择你的一个角色,该角色具有你已经使用过的每局一次的能力,使用该能力,费用为10。 Choose 1 of your opponents cards in play and discard it then he or she chooses 1 of your cards in play and discards it,选择你的对手的一张牌并丢弃,然后他或她选择你的一张牌并丢弃。 Choose 1 of your opponents cards in play and discard it your opponent may prevent this by choosing 2 of his or her cards in play and discarding them cost 4,选择你的对手的1张牌并丢弃,你的对手可以通过选择他或她的2张牌并丢弃来阻止这一行为,费用为4。 Choose 1 of your opponents cards in play and discard it your opponent may prevent this by choosing 4 cards in his or her hand and discarding them,选择你的对手的1张牌并丢弃,你的对手可以通过选择他或她手中的4张牌并丢弃来防止这一情况。 Choose 1 of your opponents cards in play and return it to his or her hand,选择你的对手的1张牌,并将其送回他或她的手牌。 Choose 1 of your opponents cards in play and return it to his or her hand you get 1 more action this turn,选择你的对手的1张牌,并将其送回他或她的手牌,本回合你将得到1个额外的行动。 Choose 1 of your opponents cards in play your opponent discards that card cost 8,选择你的对手的1张牌,你的对手丢弃该牌,费用为8。 Choose 1 of your opponents charmscardtype lessons in play and discard it cost 2,选择你的对手的1张牌并丢弃它,费用为2。 Choose 1 of your opponents cmccardtype lessons in play and discard it cost 2,选择你的对手的一个厘米卡类型的课程并丢弃它,费用为2。 Choose 1 of your opponents creatures in play and discard it,选择你的对手的1个生物并丢弃它。 Choose 1 of your opponents creatures in play and discard it cost 6,选择你的对手的1个生物并丢弃它,费用为6 Choose 1 of your opponents creatures in play and discard it then search your deck you may take a creature card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck cost 7,选择你的对手的一个生物并丢弃它,然后搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中拿一张生物牌给你的对手看,并把它放进你的手牌,然后洗你的牌组,费用7 Choose 1 of your opponents creatures in play and do 3 damage to it cost 5,选择你的对手的一个生物,对它造成3点伤害,费用为5。 Choose 1 of your opponents creatures in play and do 4 damage to it cost 3,选择你的对手的一个生物,并对其造成4点伤害,费用为3。 Choose 1 of your opponents creatures in play and put it on the bottom of his or her deck,选择你的对手的一个生物,并把它放在他或她的牌底。 Choose 1 of your opponents creatures or characters in play and put it on the bottom of his or her deck,选择你的对手的一个生物或角色,并把它放在他或她的牌底。 Choose 1 of your opponents creatures or characters in play and put it on the bottom of his or her deck cost 7,选择你的对手的一个生物或角色,并把它放在他或她的卡组底部,费用为7。 Choose 1 of your opponents creatures or characters in play and put it on top of his or her deck cost 5,选择你的对手中的一个生物或角色,并将其放在他或她的卡组顶部,费用为5。 Choose 1 of your opponents items in play and discard it,选择你的对手的1个物品并弃置。 Choose 1 of your opponents items in play and discard it cost 2,选择你的对手的1个物品并丢弃它,费用为2 Choose 1 of your opponents items in play and discard it then draw a card cost 3,选择你的对手的1个物品并丢弃它,然后抽一张牌,费用3 Choose 1 of your opponents items in play and put it on the bottom of his or her deck,选择你的对手的1个游戏项目,并把它放在他或她的牌底。 Choose 1 of your opponents items or lessons in play and discard it cost 5,选择你的对手的1个物品或课程并丢弃它,费用为5 Choose 1 of your opponents potionscardtype lessons in play and discard it cost 2,选择你的对手的1个药水卡类课程并丢弃它,费用为2 Choose 1 of your opponents quidditchcardtype lessons in play and discard it cost 2,选择你的对手的1个魁地奇卡类课程并丢弃它,费用为2 Choose 1 of your opponents transfigurationcardtype lessons in play and discard it,选择你的对手的1张变形卡类的课程并丢弃它。 Choose 2 of your opponents cards in play he or she chooses and discards 1 of them and returns the other to his or her hand cost 7,选择你的对手的两张牌,丢弃其中一张,并将另一张送回自己的手牌,费用为7。 Choose a character in play and discard it then search your deck you may take a character card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck,选择一个角色并丢弃,然后搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中拿一张角色牌给你的对手看,并把它放入你的手牌,然后洗牌。 Choose a creature in play and return it to its owners hand cost 3,选择一个游戏中的生物并把它放回它的主人手中,费用为3。 Choose a creature or lesson in play and discard it,选择一个正在游戏中的生物或课程并丢弃它 Choose a non healing character in play and shuffle it into its owners deck cost 4,选择一个已上场的非治疗性角色,并将其洗入其主人的牌组,费用为4 Choose a non healing item in play and return it to its owners hand cost 3,选择一个已上场的非治疗物品,并将其送回其主人的手牌,费用为3 Choose a non healing item in play and return it to its owners hand then draw a card cost 2,选择一个非治疗性的物品,并将其送回主人的手牌,然后抽一张牌,费用2 Choose an item in play and discard it then search your deck you may take an item card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck cost 4,选择一个游戏中的物品并丢弃它,然后搜索你的卡组,你可以从你的卡组中拿一张物品卡给你的对手看,并把它放入你的手牌,然后洗你的卡组,费用为4 Choose any number of your cards in play and discard them,选择你在游戏中的任何数量的牌并丢弃它们 Choose up to 2 creatures in play and discard them,选择最多2个生物并丢弃它们 Choose up to 2 creatures in play and return them to their owners hands cost 5,在游戏中选择最多2个生物,并将它们送回它们的主人手中,费用为5。 Choose up to 2 lessons in play and discard them,最多选择2个游戏中的教训并丢弃它们 Chopped,斩杀 Chorale,咏叹调 Choranaptyxis,斩钉截铁 Choreographer,编舞家 Chortle extract,笑声摘录 Chosen one,选定一个 Chosen weekends,挑选的周末 Chris bowe,克里斯-鲍尔 Chris bowen,克里斯-鲍恩 Chris columbus,Chris Columbus Chris crosby,克里斯-克罗斯比 Chris daley,克里斯-达利 Chris eccles,克里斯-埃克莱斯 Chris garland,克里斯-加兰 Chris huhne,克里斯-赫恩 Chris jarman,克里斯-贾曼 Chris larkin,克里斯-拉金 Chris lunney,克里斯-伦尼 Chris mckay,克里斯-麦凯 Chris okawa,克里斯-奥卡瓦 Chris rankin,克里斯-雷丁 Chris riddell,克里斯-瑞德(Chris Riddell Chris roberts,克里斯-罗伯茨 Chris seaman,克里斯-西曼 Chris vander ark,克里斯-范德拉克 Chris warner drake,克里斯-沃纳-德雷克 Chris wilson,克里斯-威尔逊 Christening,基督降临 Christening of harry potter,哈里-波特的洗礼仪式 Christian peter coulson,邓小平 Christian science monitor,基督教的科学监测 Christian sermons,基督教布道会 Christian wolf lamoy,基督教沃尔夫-拉莫伊 Christiana hutchings,冯骥才 Christianity,基督教 Christina petrou,傅瑪利 Christine jones,琼斯(Christine Jones Christmas,冬奥会 Christmas at hogwarts,霍格沃茨的圣诞节 Christmas cake,圣诞蛋糕 Christmas carol,圣诞颂歌 Christmas cracker,圣诞饼干 Christmas decorations conjuring spell,圣诞装饰品的魔法咒语 Christmas feast,圣诞盛宴 Christmas feast trading card,圣诞盛宴交易卡 Christmas gift for harry potter,哈里-波特的圣诞礼物 Christmas holiday gif,圣诞假期GIF Christmas holidays,圣诞假期 Christmas pudding,圣诞布丁 Christmas tree,圣诞树 Christopher birch,纪念品 Christopher disambiguation,纪念品 Christopher hemsley,克里斯托弗-赫姆斯利 Christopher james ellis,克里斯托弗-詹姆斯-艾利斯 Christopher joseph columbus,克里斯托弗-约瑟夫-哥伦布 Christopher marsh,克里斯托弗-马什 Christopher rithin,克里斯托弗-里瑟(Christopher Rithin Christopher william rankin,克里斯托弗-威廉-瑞金 Christopher wilson,克里斯托弗-威尔逊 Christy meyer,克里斯蒂-梅尔 Chroniculus punnet,克里斯托弗-普内特(Chroniculus Punnet) Chudley,丘德利 Chudley cannons,丘德利加农炮 Chudley cannons fan club,丘德利加农炮爱好者俱乐部 Chudley cannons groundskeeper,丘德利加农炮队的地面管理员 Chudley cannons jersey,丘德利大炮球衣 Chudley cannons robes,丘德利加农旗袍 Chudley cannons robes trading card,丘德利加农旗袍交易卡 Chudley cannons training grounds,丘德利大炮训练场 Church lane,教堂小路 Ciarán hinds,丘德利加农炮训练场 Ciceron harkiss,西塞罗-哈基斯 Cimetière du père lachaise,拉赫斯神父纪念馆(Cimetière du père lachaise Cinderella,悉尼 Cindy salans rosenheim,辛迪-萨兰斯-罗森海姆 Cine camera,摄像机 Cinereplicas,摄像机 Cinnamon,镜头 Cinta laura kiehl,琳达-劳拉-基尔 Circa 1900s,约1900年 Circe,樱桃 Circle inscribed in square,正方形中的圆形 Circle interior designers,室内设计师 Circle of khanna,卡纳的圆圈 Circle of khanna jpeg,卡纳的圆圈jpeg Circumrota,圆周率 Circumrota,圆周率 Circumrota gif,圆环GIF Circus,马戏团 Circus arcanus,阿卡努斯马戏团 Circus arcanus house elf,马戏团的精灵 Circus performer,马戏团表演者 Circus performers,马戏团表演者 Cissy,西西 Cistem aperio,柠檬酸 Citric acid,柠檬酸 Citrus,柑橘 City,城市 City financial news,城市财经新闻 City football club,城市足球俱乐部 City island,城市岛 Clabbert,袚芯褉芯写褍泻褑懈褟 Clabbert pustule,克拉伯特脓疱病 Claimed to make the drinker lose weight,声称能使饮酒者减肥 Claire carroll,癌症 Clairvius hyppolite,克莱尔维乌斯-海波利特 Clankers,克兰克尔人 Clapham,剑桥大学 Clapham common,剑桥大学 Clara ivanova,克拉拉-伊万诺娃 Clare melinsky,Clare Melinsky Clarisse lestrange,朴槿惠 Clarisse tremblay,伦巴拉-特伦布莱 Clarke,洛克 Class,级别 Class 1,一班 Class 102,102班 Class 104,104班 Class 107,107班 Class 31,31班 Class 34,34班 Class 67,67班 Class 72,72班 Class 99,99班 Class list,班级列表 Classical beast,古典野兽 Classified advertisements,分类广告 Classroom,教室 Classroom 1a,教室1a Classroom 1b,1b教室 Classroom 1c,教室1c Classroom 1d,教室1d Classroom 1e,教室1e Classroom 22b,教室22b Classroom 3c,教室3c Classroom 3c backrooms,3c教室后面的房间 Classroom 3d,教室3d Classroom 5b,5b教室 Classroom 6a,教室6a Classroom 6b,6b教室 Classroom 7a,教室7a Classroom 7b,教室7b Classroom 7c,教室7c Classroom e 13,教室e 13 Classroom eleven,十一号教室 Classroom off of the charms corridor,魅力走廊旁的教室 Classroom off of the gunhilda of gorsemoor corridor,戈尔斯莫尔的贡希尔达走廊旁的教室 Claudia grant,克劳迪娅-格兰特 Claudia kim,克劳迪娅-基姆 Clawed,克劳德 Claxby hill,克莱斯比山 Cleaner at leaky cauldron,漏水大锅的清洁工 Cleaning,清洁工 Cleaning charm,清洁的魅力 Cleaning difficult to remove dirt,清洗难以清除的污垢 Cleaning ovens,清洁烤箱 Cleaning products,清洁产品 Cleaning solutions,清洁解决方案 Cleaning spell,清洁法术 Cleans an object like a vacuum cleaner,清洁吸尘器等物体 Cleans dishes,清洗餐具 Cleans objects,清洁物体 Cleans stains,清洁污渍 Cleans teeth and gums,清洁牙齿和牙龈 Cleans up objects,清理物体 Cleansing,清洁 Cleansweep broom company,清洁扫帚公司 Cleansweep eleven,清扫十一号 Cleansweep five,清扫五号 Cleansweep five trading card,清扫五号交易卡 Cleansweep one,清扫一号 Cleansweep seven,清扫七 Cleansweep seven trading card,清扫七的交易卡 Cleansweep six,清扫六 Cleansweep three,清扫三 Clear and odourless,清澈无味 Clear colourless,无色透明 Clear in colour,颜色清晰 Clear smoke upon completion,完成后烟雾清晰 Clears ones mind and improves mental concentration,清理心灵,提高精神集中度 Clears residue,清除残留物 Clears targets airway,清除目标气道 Clears the dark mark from the sky,清除天空中的暗记 Clearwater family,清水家族 Clemence annatice,克利蒙斯-安纳提斯 Clerical duties for the wizengamot,巫师团的文职工作 Clerk,书记员 Clever goblin,聪明的小妖精 Clevosaurus,聪明龙 Clevosaurus braziliensis,巴西龙 Clevosaurus sectumsempra,聪明的小妖精 Clients of the above,上述的客户 Cliodnas birds,Cliodnas鸟类 Clipper building,夹子楼 Clippys clip joint,克里普斯的夹子关节 Clips talons,夹子的爪子 Clive elkington,鹦鹉 Clive lundquist,洛克菲勒-伦奎斯特 (Clive lundquist) Clive lyons,克利夫-莱昂斯 Cloak,斗篷 Cloak of invisibility,隐身斗篷 Cloak of invisibility,隐形斗篷 Clock tower,时钟塔 Clock tower courtyard,钟楼的院子 Clock tower entrance,钟楼入口 Clock tower staircase,钟楼楼梯 Cloistered corridor,斗篷式的走廊 Cloke and dagger case,克拉克和匕首箱 Cloke family,克洛克家族 Cloke mansion,克洛克公馆 Closet land,壁橱土地 Closure of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry,霍格沃茨魔法学校的关闭 Clothing,衣服 Clothing animating spell,衣服的动画咒语 Clothing animation spell,衣服动画法术 Clothing item,衣服道具 Clothing protection,衣服保护 Clothing store management,服装店管理 Clothing strangling individuals,衣服绞杀者 Cloudy white,云白色 Cloves white in colour,丁香的颜色是白色的 Clown,小丑 Clowns,小丑 Clutterbuck crispe,皱纹 Clyde sizemore,克莱德-西兹莫尔 Clémence guichard,克雷蒙斯-吉夏尔(Clémence Guichard Clémence poésy,克莱蒙斯-波西 Co owner of honeydukes,蜂蜜公社的共同所有者 Co president,经理人 Coach,经理 Coal,煤炭 Coastal,沿海地区 Coastal areas,沿海地区 Cobb and webbs,科布和韦伯 Cobb webbs,科布-韦伯 Cobb webbs shopkeeper,科布-韦伯的店主 Cobbing trading card,Cobbing交易卡 Cobra,眼镜蛇 Cobra lily,眼镜蛇百合花 Cobra lily trading card,眼镜蛇百合交易卡 Cobweb,蜘蛛网 Cockatrice,鸡冠花 Cockneys vs zombies,可卡因与僵尸 Cockroach,蟑螂 Cockroach clusters,蟑螂集群 Cocktail umbrella,鸡尾酒雨伞 Coco rumsey catcher,可可朗西捕手 Cocoa and coconut,可可和椰子 Cocoa bean,可可豆 Cocoa powder,可可粉 Coconut,椰子 Cocoon spider,茧子蜘蛛 Cod liver oil,鱼肝油 Code of wand use,魔杖使用守则 Coffee,咖啡 Coffee customer,咖啡客户 Cogg,咖啡 Cokeworth,科克沃斯 Colby frey,科尔比-弗雷 Colby freys twin brother,科尔比-弗雷的孪生兄弟 Cold damp and dark places,寒冷潮湿和黑暗的地方 Cold weather,寒冷的天气 Coldplay,寒冷的天气 Cole,寒冷的天气 Cole armitage,科尔-阿米蒂奇 Cole family,科尔家族 Cole spencer,科尔-斯宾塞 Colin and dennis creevey,科林和丹尼斯-克里维 Colin callander,科林-卡兰德 Colin callender,科林-卡伦德 Colin charlton,科林-查尔顿 Colin creevey,科林-克里维 Colin creevey trading card,科林-克里维交易卡 Colin creeveys camera,科林-克里维的相机 Colin creeveys father,科林-克里维的父亲 Colin creeveys photoalbum,科林-克里维的照片集 Colin farrell,科林-法瑞尔 Colin james farrell,科林-詹姆斯-法雷尔 Colin knox,科林-诺克斯 Coliseum,竞技场 Collapsible cauldron,可折叠的大锅盖 Collapsible cauldron trading card,可折叠的大锅盖交易卡 Collect before sunrise,日出前收集 Collected in the morning,早上收集的 Collecting and trading,收集和交易 Collection of fairy tales,收集童话故事 Colleen atwood,科林-阿特伍德 Colloportus,科罗波尔图斯 Colloshoo,科罗休公司 Colloshoo trading card,科洛瑟斯交易卡 Colonel,上校 Colophon,科洛芬 Colour,颜色 Colour change charm,换色符 Colour change ink,变色墨水 Colour changing ink,变色墨水 Colour changing ink trading card,变色墨水交易卡 Colourful,彩色的 Colourful,彩色的 Colourful markings,彩色标记 Colourless,无色的 Colourless and balding,无色的和秃头的 Colourless and odourless,无色无味 Colovaria,科罗瓦利亚 Columbia bank,哥伦比亚银行 Column like legs,像柱子一样的腿 Columnist for the daily prophet,预言家日报》的专栏作家 Comb a chameleon,梳理变色龙 Combo flyer badge,梳理传单徽章 Combustible,可燃物 Comedian,喜剧演员 Comedian filmmaker musician,喜剧电影制片人音乐人 Comedic female gargoyle,喜剧女妖怪 Comedy novel,喜剧小说 Comes out only during full moon,只在满月时出来 Comet 140,彗星140 Comet 220,彗星220 Comet 260,彗星260 Comet 290,彗星290 Comet trading company,彗星贸易公司 Comet two sixty,彗星二六零 Comet two sixty trading card,彗星二十六号交易卡 Comic book,漫画书 Comic relief,连环画浮雕 Comic relief,漫画救济 Comic relief in universe,宇宙中的连环画 Comic relief usa,漫画救济美国 Coming for you,为你而来 Commerce,商业 Commercial trades,商业贸易 Commercialist,商业人士 Committee for the disposal of dangerous creatures,危险生物处置委员会 Committee on experimental charms,实验性符咒委员会 Common,普通的 Common adder,常见的加害者 Common apparition mistakes and how to avoid them,常见的幻觉错误以及如何避免这些错误 Common cold,常见的感冒 Common garden plant,常见的花园植物 Common household pests,常见的家庭害虫 Common magical ailments and afflictions,常见的魔法疾病和苦难 Common magical aliments and afflictions,常见的魔法病症和痛苦 Common room,普通房间 Common room corridor,普通房间的走廊 Common toad,常见的蟾蜍 Common warthog,常见的疣猪 Common welsh green,常见的威尔士绿 Common welsh green animated gif,橄榄绿的动画GIF Communicate,沟通 Communicating with animals,与动物交流 Communication,沟通 Communication between different locations,不同地点之间的交流 Communion,沟通 Communism,共产主义 Commuter,通勤者 Compact disc,光盘 Compartment c,隔间c Complicated wave,复杂的波浪 Composer,作曲家 Composer and lyricist,作曲家和作词家 Composer lyricist,作曲家作词家 Composer orchestrator and music supervisor,作曲家管弦乐队和音乐监制 Composition on the medieval assembly of european wizards,关于欧洲中世纪巫师大会的创作 Computer,计算机 Con artist,骗子 Conceal secret messages in parchment,在羊皮纸上隐瞒秘密信息 Concealing charms,隐蔽的符咒 Concealment,隐蔽性 Concealment and disguise,隐瞒和伪装 Concealment charm,隐匿符咒 Conceals a secret,隐瞒秘密 Conceals sound,掩盖声音 Conceals things from view and obfuscates inherent magical properties of objects,掩盖事物,模糊物体的固有魔法属性 Concentration capsules,凝神胶囊 Concept,概念 Concepta battista,观念巴蒂斯塔 Concert director,音乐会导演 Concordia,康科迪亚 Concordia and plunkett musical instruments,康科迪亚和普朗克特乐器 Concussion,震荡 Condiments,调味品 Conducts confidential research,进行保密研究 Confectioner,糖果师 Conflagration spell,燃烧的咒语 Confound and bewilder,困惑和迷惑 Confoundable,可混淆的 Confoundable spell,可混淆的法术 Confringo,征服者 Confringo spellbook,咒语书 Confronting the faceless,沉默寡言的人 Confundo,秘密武器 Confundus,孔雀舞 Confundus charm,孔子的魅力 Confundus charm,孔子的魅力 Confundus duo,孔雀舞双人组 Confundus trading card,迷惑交易卡 Confuses the target,迷惑目标 Confusing concoction,混乱的混合物 Confusing concotion,混乱的混合体 Confusion,迷惑 Confusion hex,混乱的六角 Congo,刚果 Congressional gold medal of honor,国会荣誉金质奖章 Conjunctivitis curse,结膜炎的诅咒 Conjuration,咒语 Conjure cocoa,召唤可可 Conjures a buffalo,召唤水牛 Conjures a floating eye to protect an area,召唤一只浮动的眼睛来保护一个区域 Conjures a length of silver shimming rope that can be used to bind the target,施展一段银色的绳索,可以用来捆绑目标。 Conjures a ribbon from the tip of the wand,从魔杖的顶端施展出一条丝带 Conjures a shooting arrow from the casters wand,从施法者的魔杖中施展出一支射箭。 Conjures a silver net,施展银网 Conjures a spirit guardian,召唤出一个灵魂守护者 Conjures an electric fan out of thin air,凭空变出一把电风扇 Conjures bluebell flames,施展蓝铃花的火焰 Conjures bridges,施展桥梁的魔法 Conjures christmas decorations,召唤圣诞装饰品 Conjures flask,召唤水壶 Conjures flowers,召唤鲜花 Conjures fog,施展雾的魔法 Conjures invisible ropes used to restrain others,施展无形的绳索来束缚他人 Conjures sauce,变出酱汁 Conjures sleeping bags out of thin air,凭空变出睡袋 Conjures stretchers out of thin air,凭空变出担架 Conjures tablecloths out of thin air,凭空变出桌布 Conjuring spells,巫术咒语 Connect appliances with electrical sockets,用电器插座连接电器 Connie booth,康尼亭 Connolly,巫师 Connor dyer,康纳染色师 Conrad pope,Conrad Pope Considered beautiful,被认为是美丽的 Consortium of goblinary finance red nosed wizard investors,红鼻子巫师投资者的地精金融财团 Constance pickering,康斯坦丝-皮克林 Constance pickering brother,康斯坦丝-皮克林的哥哥 Constance pickering mother,康斯坦茨-皮克林的母亲 Constance pickering sister,康斯坦丝-皮克林的妹妹 Constance pickerings brother,康斯坦丝-皮克林的哥哥 Constance pickerings brother,康斯坦丁-皮克林的哥哥 Constance pickerings brother i,康斯坦丁-皮克林兄弟一 Constance pickerings brother ii,康斯坦丝-皮克林兄弟二 Constance pickerings grandfather,康斯坦丁-皮克林的祖父 Constance pickerings grandmother,康斯坦丁-采摘者的祖母 Constance pickerings mother,康斯坦丁-采摘的母亲 Constance pickerings sister,康斯坦丁采摘的妹妹 Constant vigilance,持续的警惕性 Construction foreman,建筑工头 Contact can cause skin irritation,接触可引起皮肤刺激 Containment charm,封闭符 Continental congress,大陆会议 Contrasting strongly with the black of his hair and beard,与他的头发和胡须的黑色形成强烈的对比 Conversations with j k rowling,与J-K-罗林的对话 Convict,囚犯 Cook,厨师 Cook at leaky cauldron,漏水大锅的厨师 Cook at the leaky cauldron,漏水大锅的厨师 Cook of the hanged man,被吊死的人的厨师 Cooking,烹饪 Cooking the muggle way,用麻瓜的方式做饭 Coomcallee,坎卡莱 Coomloughra,烹饪 Cooper children,库珀的孩子 Cooper family,库珀家族 Cooperation between magical nations,魔法国家之间的合作 Copper,铜器 Copper cauldron,铜制大锅 Copper cauldron trading card,铜大锅交易卡 Corban yaxley,科班-亚克斯利 Corban yaxleys wand,科班-亚克斯利的魔杖 Corbour theatre,科尔博剧院 Cordelia disambiguation,科迪丽亚的歧义 Cordelia gifford,科迪丽亚-吉福德 Cordelia vexmoor,科迪丽亚-维克斯莫尔 Corey hedy,科里赫迪 Corfe castle,科菲城堡 Corgi,科尔吉 Corgi to hamster,仓鼠的柯基 Corgi to hamster spell,科尔吉对仓鼠的咒语 Coriolanus,科利奥兰纳斯 Cork quidditch team,科克魁地奇队 Cormac mclaggens father,科尔马克-麦克拉根斯的父亲 Cormac obrien,科马克-奥布里恩 Cormack mcleod,科马克-姆克洛德 Corn,玉米 Corned beef sandwich,玉米的三明治 Cornelius agrippa,玉米饼 Cornelius agrippas books,玉米饼 Cornelius fudge,玉米饼 Cornelius fudge letters to albus dumbledore,科尼利厄斯-福吉给阿不思-邓布利多的信 Cornelius fudge requested for some advice from dumbledore,科尼利厄斯-福吉请求邓布利多提供一些建议 Cornelius fudges daily letters to albus dumbledore,科尼利厄斯-福吉给阿不思-邓布利多的日常信件 Cornelius fudges letters to albus dumbledore 1996,科尼利厄斯-福吉给阿不思-邓布利多的信 1996年 Cornelius fudges pocket watch,科尼利厄斯-福吉的怀表 Cornelius fudges wand,科尼利厄斯-福德的魔杖 Cornelius fudges wife,科尼利厄斯-福吉的妻子 Cornelius oswald fudge,科尼利厄斯-奥斯瓦尔德-福吉 Cornell john,科内尔-约翰 Corner family,角落家族 Corner shop,角落商店 Cornflake skin spell,玉米片皮的咒语 Cornflower,玉米花 Cornfoot family,矢车菊家族 Cornichon pickles,粟米酱菜 Cornilus,玉米粒 Cornish pasty,康乃馨饼 Cornwall,康沃尔 Corpse bride,尸体新娘 Correct magical accidents such as spells gone wrong,纠正魔法事故,如咒语出错 Corrects spelling,纠正拼写 Correspondence between ghosts,鬼魂之间的对应关系 Corridor of secrets,秘密的走廊 Corridor off the entrance hall,入口大厅外的走廊 Corrosive,腐蚀性的 Corrosive slime,腐蚀的粘液 Corvinus gaunt,科维努斯憔悴 Corvus lestrange,腐蚀的粘液 Corvus lestrange,腐蚀的粘液 Corvus lestrange i,裂纹的人 I Corvus lestrange ii,橙子的力量II Corvus lestrange iii,变色龙三 Corvus lestrange iv,莱斯特兰奇号四 Corvus lestrange v,变色龙五 Corvus oculum corvi non eruit,你的眼睛是不可能的。 Cos vera verto demo gif,宇宙的真实演示 gif Cosmetics and medicine,化妆品和药品 Cost 3 cmccardtype when sandstone gargoyle does damage to your opponent if he or she doesnt have any creatures in play it does 2 more damage to him or her damage each turn 1health 2,费用3 cmccardtype 当砂岩巨妖对你的对手造成伤害时,如果他或她没有任何生物在场上,它每回合对他或她的伤害再造成2次伤害 1health 2 Cost 4 cmccardtype choose a creature in play that creature does damage to your opponent equal to that creatures printed damage each turn,花费4个cmccardtype,选择一个在役生物,该生物对你的对手造成相当于该生物印刷品的伤害,每回合。 Cost 4 cmccardtype when you play this card do 2 damage to your opponent damage each turn 2 health 1,成本4 cmccardtype 当你打出这张牌时,对你的对手造成2次伤害,每回合2健康1 Cost 7 cmccardtype damage each turn 4 health 2,花费7厘米卡德式,每回合造成伤害4健康2 Costume and set designer,服装和布景设计师 Costume designer,服装设计师 Costume materialization,服装材料化 Cotswolds,科茨沃尔德 Cottage cheese,山寨奶酪 Cottage of frank bryce,弗朗克-布莱斯的山寨 Cottage of frank bryce,弗朗克-布莱斯的山寨 Cottismore croyne,科提斯莫尔-克罗伊恩 Cough drop,咳嗽药水 Cough potion,咳嗽药水 Coughing,咳嗽 Council of magical law,魔法委员会 Council of magical law clerk,魔法委员会书记员 Council of magical law guards,魔法委员会警卫员 Council of magical law member,魔法委员会成员 Count,伯爵 Count dracula,德拉库拉伯爵 Count the number of cards in your opponents hand he or she draws twice that many cards,计算你的对手手中的牌的数量,他或她会抽出两倍的牌。 Count the number of charmscardtype lessons you have in play do that much damage to a creature of your choice,计算你在游戏中的符咒卡类课程的数量,对你选择的生物造成那么大的伤害 Count the number of items in play do that much damage to your opponent cost 3,计算你手中的物品数量,对你的对手造成那么大的伤害,费用为3。 Count the number of lessons you have in play do that much damage to your opponent then draw that many cards,计算你在游戏中的课程数量,对你的对手造成那么大的伤害,然后抽出那么多牌。 Count the number or creatures in play do that much damage to your opponent cost 5,计算游戏中的生物数量,对你的对手造成那么大的伤害,费用为5。 Counter charm,反制符咒 Counter charm for hiccoughs,打嗝的反制符咒 Counter curse,反咒语 Counter curse for broom jinxing,扫把星的反咒语 Counter curse for curse of the bogies,反咒语,反咒语,反咒语,反咒语 Counter curse for leg locker curse,锁定腿部诅咒的反咒 Counter curse for petrification,石化的诅咒 Counter curse for the curse of the bogies,对妖怪的诅咒的反诅咒 Counter curse for the transmogrifian torture,对转基因酷刑的反诅咒 Counter curse forleg locker curse,反咒语的脚步 储物柜的诅咒 Counter curse trading card,诅咒交易卡 Counter enchantment,咒语 Counter ingredient,诅咒成分 Counter jinx,咒语 Counter jinx for jelly legs jinx,诅咒果冻腿的诅咒 Counter jinx for the jelly legs jinx,诅咒果冻腿诅咒的反诅咒 Counter spell,咒语 Counteracts the effects of common poisons,抵消普通毒药的影响 Counting sheep case,数羊案 Country,国家 Country or kind? debate,国家还是种类? 辩论 County kerry,凯里郡 Courage,勇气 Court of king arthur,亚瑟王的法庭 Court scribe,法院书记员 Courtier,法院法官 Courtney fearon,考特尼-弗伦森 Courtroom ten,十号审判室 Courtyard,院子 Courtyard apocalypse,院子里的天启 Courtyard corridor,院子里的走廊 Cousin of a boy who failed avifors spell,未能通过阿维福斯咒语的男孩的表妹 Cover art,封面艺术 Cover artist,封面艺术家 Cover artist and illustrator,封面艺术家和插画师 Cover up magical events seen by no majes by supplying wrong information,通过提供错误信息来掩盖不为人知的神奇事件 Covered in bandages,覆盖在绷带上 Covered in grey shiny armour,覆盖在灰色闪亮的盔甲中 Covered in sharp protective spikes,覆盖着锋利的保护性尖刺 Cowbane,牛根草 Cows,牛 Crab,螃蟹 Crab apple,螃蟹苹果 Crabbe,螃蟹 Crabbe and goyle,螃蟹和戈伊尔 Crabbe family,螃蟹家族 Cracker,饼干 Cracker jinx,饼干饼干 Crackerjack,裂纹杰克 Cracknell family,克拉克内尔家族 Craig bowker jr,克雷格-鲍克二世 Craig bowker jr,克雷格-鲍克二世 Craig bowker junior,小克雷格-鲍克 Craig connolly,克雷格-康诺利 Craig dunn,克雷格-邓恩 Cram family,克拉姆家族 Cram it how to soar on your o w l s,克拉玛依如何在自己的事业上飞黄腾达 Cranberry,蔓越莓 Cranberry sauce,蔓越莓酱 Cranville quincey,克兰维尔-昆斯 Cranville quinceys magical junkshop,克兰维尔-昆斯神奇的军火店 Crapaud,蔓越莓 Crazed capybara,疯狂的水豚 Crazy lamb,疯狂的羊肉 Crazyberry,疯羊肉 Cream,奶油 Creamy white with seal points,奶白色的海豹点 Creaothceann,克雷奥斯坎 Creates a ghostly head that the caster can control,创造一个施法者可以控制的鬼头 Creates a localised thunderstorm,创造一个局部的雷暴 Creates a protective shield around a target,在目标周围创造一个保护罩 Creates a star shower,创造一个星星雨 Creates a stream of non bursting bubbles,创造一个不爆裂的气泡流 Creates bubble protecting the head,形成保护头部的气泡 Creates darkness,创造黑暗 Creates joy,创造欢乐 Creates or smoothens lawns out of larger geographical formations,创造或抚平更大的地理形态中的草坪 Creates snowstorm,创造暴风雪 Creates whip from wand,用魔杖创造鞭子 Creativity,创造性 Creator harry potter and the chamber of secrets,创造哈利波特和密室 Creature,生物 Creature,生物 Creature models at the lovegood house,洛夫古德家的生物模型 Creatures,生物 Credence barebone,秃顶的克里琴斯 Credence barebones aunt,克雷登斯的姨妈 Credence barebones belt,克雷登斯的腰带 Credence barebones wand,克雷登斯-光骨的魔杖 Credited as reader,信誉为读者 Creditors,债权人 Creepers,爬行者 Creeping or climbing woody plant,匍匐或攀援的木本植物 Creepy crawlies,令人毛骨悚然的爬虫 Creevey brothers father,克里维兄弟的父亲 Creevey crisis,克里维危机 Creevey family,克里维家族 Cresswell brothers,克雷斯韦尔兄弟 Cresswell family,克雷斯韦尔家族 Crested toad,凤头蟾蜍 Crewe,克里维 Cribbages wizarding crackers,克里伯斯巫师饼干 Cribbing spell,克里伯斯咒语 Cricket,蟋蟀 Cries foretell rainfall,哭声预示着降雨 Crime novel,罪行小说 Crime watchers hotline,罪行观察者热线 Crimean war,克里米亚战争 Criminal,刑法 Criminal court of the ministry,部的刑事法庭 Criminal investigation,刑事调查 Criminal on wanted poster,通缉海报上的罪犯 Criminals,犯罪分子 Crimson,深红色 Crimson and gold,深红色和金色 Crinus muto,琥珀色 Crisp,克里斯普 Crispin bonham carter,克里斯平-博纳姆-卡特 Crispin cronk,克里斯平-克伦克 Crispin cronks sphinxes,克里斯平-克伦克-斯芬克斯 Croakoa,克拉科亚 Croatia,克罗地亚 Crochet,钩针 Crochet hook,钩针 Crocodile heart,鳄鱼心 Cromer,克罗默 Crookshanks,钩针 Crop circle,麦田圈 Crop related charms,农作物相关的吊饰 Cross species switches,鳄鱼圈 Crossbow,十字弓 Crossfire badge,交叉火力徽章 Crossword puzzle,十字谜 Crouch family,弩车家族 Crouch junior killing his father crouch senior covering up voldemorts plan,小克劳奇杀了他的父亲,大克劳奇掩盖了伏地魔的计划 Crow,乌鸦 Crowd outside bakery in surrey,在萨里郡的面包店外的人群 Cruciatus curse,诅咒 Crucio,克鲁西奥 Crumble cake,碎裂的蛋糕 Crumpet,蛋糕 Crumple horned snorkack,皱巴巴的角质潜水袋 Crunkly ghyll,蛋糕 Crup,蛋糕 Crup sleeping draught,睡眠中的酒水 Crush and liquefy the leeches,碾压液化水蛭 Crush blush,碾压脸红 Crushed,碾压 Crushing cabinet,碾压柜 Crystal ball,水晶球 Crystal casket,水晶匣子 Crystal clear,水晶透明 Crystal gazing,水晶凝视 Crystal goblet,水晶高脚杯 Crystal stewart,晶莹剔透的斯图瓦特 Crystallised pineapple,结晶菠萝 Cubs,小熊 Cuckoo,布谷鸟 Cuckoo clock,布谷鸟钟 Cucumber,黄瓜 Cuisine,烹饪 Culinary herb,烹调用草药 Culinary spice,烹饪香料 Cultivated fungus trade,栽培的真菌贸易 Cumquat,栽培菌 Cunning,狡猾 Cunning fox,狡猾的狐狸 Cupboard under the stairs,楼梯下的碗柜 Cupid crystals,丘比特晶体 Cure for ague,疼痛的治疗方法 Cure for boils,疖子的治疗 Cure for spattergroit,治愈溅射性疾病 Cures all diseases and prolongs life indefinitely,治疗所有疾病并无限期延长生命 Cures hiccoughs,治愈打嗝 Cures mouth itching,治疗口腔瘙痒 Cures paralysis,治疗瘫痪 Curing verruca,治疗疣体 Curiosities killed a cat,好奇心杀死了一只猫 Curious gryffindor girl,好奇的格兰芬多女孩 Curious raven,好奇的乌鸦 Curious raven trading card,好奇的乌鸦交易卡 Curling hair,卷曲的头发 Current and past hogwarts students,现在和过去的霍格沃茨学生 Curry,咖哩 Curse,诅咒 Curse breaker,诅咒破坏者 Curse breaker,诅咒破坏者 Curse dependent locking spell,诅咒依赖的锁定咒语 Curse of the bogies,博格斯的诅咒 Curse on marvolo gaunts ring,对Marvolo gaunts戒指的诅咒 Curse to kill,诅咒致死 Cursed barrier,诅咒的屏障 Cursed book owned by witch in bath,女巫洗澡时拥有的被诅咒的书 Cursed ice,被诅咒的冰 Cursed skull,被诅咒的头骨 Cursed vaults,被诅咒的金库 Curses and counter curses,诅咒和反诅咒 Curses and counter curses,诅咒和反诅咒 Curt hanger,柯特衣架 Curtis evercreech,柯蒂斯-常克雷赫 Curupira,库鲁皮拉 Curupira hair,库鲁皮拉的头发 Curved horn livestock,弧形角牲畜 Cushion cover,垫子套 Cushioning charm,衬垫符 Custard,椰壳果酱 Custard,古斯塔德 Custard coloured fur,芥末色的毛皮 Custard cream,奶油味 Custard tart,奶油馅饼 Customer records,客户记录 Customs,蔬菜和水果 Customs officer,蔬菜和水果 Cut,割裂 Cut up,削减 Cuthbert binns,邓小平 Cuthbert binnss books,卡斯伯特-宾斯的书 Cuthbert binnss father,邓小平的父亲 Cuthbert binnss office,卡斯伯特-宾斯的办公室 Cuthbert mockridge,卡斯伯特-莫克里奇 Cuts objects,剪切物体 Cutting and driving,切割和驾驶 Cutting attacking,切割攻击 Cutting meat,切割肉体 Cybèle peltier,赛贝勒-佩尔蒂埃 Cycling,骑自行车 Cyclops,独眼巨人 Cyfaddasrwydd y drefn o gadwedigaeth trwy ffydd,剑走偏锋的人 Cygnus black,黑色天鹅座 Cygnus black,黑色天鹅座 Cygnus black i,黑色天鹅座I Cygnus black ii,黑天鹅座II Cygnus black iii,黑色天鹅座III Cynthia cleese,辛西娅-克莱斯 Cypress,柏树 Cyprian youdle,赛普勒斯-尤德勒 Cyprian youdles killer,赛普利安-尤德勒杀手 Cyprien alesi,赛普瑞恩-艾尔西 Cyprus,塞浦路斯 Cyril meakin,西里尔-米金 Cyrille lestrange,西里尔-莱斯特兰奇 Cyrille lestrange,喀麦隆 Cyrille lestrange i,西里尔-莱斯特兰奇一世 Cyrille lestrange ii,西里尔-莱斯特兰奇二世 Cyrille lestrange iii,西里尔-莱斯特兰奇三世 Cyrille sounds,西里尔的声音 Cyrillic model,西里尔语模式 Céleste bergne,Céleste bergne Céléase lestrange,Céléase lestrange D alexander gregory,D 亚历山大-格雷戈里 D figueiredus,D 瑟瑟发抖 D l boot,D 我的靴子 D shaman,D 萨满 D williams,D 威廉姆斯 Da0,D 0 Dabberblimp,D 笨蛋 Dagbert pips,邓小平 Dai llewellyn,戴-卢埃林 Daily express,报道 Daily mail,每日邮报 Daily news,每日新闻 Daily prophet,每日预言家 Daily prophet articles,每日预言家文章 Daily prophet chief sports writer,每日预言家》首席体育作家 Daily prophet delivery owl of the year trophy,每日预言家》年度最佳快递猫头鹰奖杯 Daily prophet grand prize galleon draw,每日预言家大礼包抽奖 Daily prophet readers hate mail to rubeus hagrid,每日预言家》读者给鲁贝斯-海格的仇恨邮件 Daily prophets main office,每日预言家的主要办公室 Daisy,黛西 Daisy bates,黛西-贝茨 Daisy corran,黛西-科兰(Daisy Corran Daisy disambiguation,黛西的歧义 Daisy dodderidge,黛西-道德里奇 Daisy haggard,黛西-哈格德 Daisy hart,黛西-哈特 Daisy hookum,黛西-霍克姆 Daisyroot draught,菊花根吃水 Dalai lama,达赖喇嘛 Dale donahue,戴尔-多纳霍(Dale Donahue) Dalston,达尔斯顿 Damage,损伤 Damage 1 health 1,伤害1健康1 Damage 1health 3,伤害1健康3 Damage 2 health 2,伤害2健康2 Damage 2health 1,伤害2健康1 Damage 2health 4,伤害2健康4 Damage 3 health 1,伤害3健康1 Damage 3health 3,伤害3健康3 Damage 7health 5,伤害7健康5 Damage each turn 1 health 3,伤害每回合1健康3 Damage each turn 1 health 5,伤害每回合1健康5 Damage each turn 1health 1cost 2,每一回合的伤害 1健康 1成本 2 Damage each turn 2 health 2cost 4,每回合伤害2健康 2成本 4 Damage each turn 2health 5cost 5,每回合伤害 2健康 5成本 5 Damage each turn 3 health 3,每一回合伤害3健康 3 Damage each turn 3 health 5 cost 7,每回合伤害3健康5成本7 Damage each turn 3health 1cost 5,每一回合的伤害 3健康 1成本 5 Damage each turn 4 health 4,每回合伤害4健康4 Damara dodderidge,达玛拉-道德里奇 Dame,贵妇人 Damian perriss,达米安-佩里斯 Damien bandrel,达米安-班德瑞尔 Damocles belby,达摩克利斯-贝尔比 Damocles rowle,达摩克利斯-罗尔 Damon gosforth,达蒙-高斯福斯 Dan,旦 Dan darker,旦更黑暗 Dan disambiguation,歧义的丹 Dan fogler,旦-福格勒 Dan hedaya,丹-赫达亚 Dance for entertainment,娱乐的舞蹈 Dancer,舞蹈家 Dancing doxy,舞蹈的多克西 Dancing feet spell,舞蹈的脚咒语 Dancingskeletonshalloween gif,舞蹈骷髅头万圣节GIF Dandelion,蒲公英 Dandelion root,蒲公英根 Dandruff,舞蹈 Dangerous and aggressive,危险的和积极的 Dangerous dai commemorative medal,危险的戴纪念章 Dangerous vegetables patch,危险的菜地 Daniel barnett,丹尼尔-巴内特 Daniel disambiguation,丹尼尔消除歧义 Daniel pages sister,丹尼尔-页的妹妹 Daniel radcliffe,丹尼尔-雷德克里夫 Daniel radcliffe in universe,丹尼尔-雷德克里夫在宇宙中 Daniel smales,丹尼尔-斯迈尔斯 Daniel tuite,丹尼尔-图伊特 Danielle,ǞǞǞ Danielle bilyard,丹妮尔-比利亚德 Danielle calvert,丹妮尔-卡尔弗特 Danish,ǞǞǞ Danny kershaw,丹尼-克肖 Dany orizio,达尼-奥里齐奥 Daphne greengrass,达芙妮-格林格拉斯 Daphne mathilde de beistegui,达芙妮-马蒂尔德-德-贝斯特吉 Daphne mauboisan,达芙妮-莫布瓦桑 Dapple gray,斑点灰 Dapple grey,斑驳的灰色 Dapple grey horse,斑驳的灰马 Daraliznof freaazer,达拉里兹诺夫-弗雷泽 Daredevil,敢死队 Daren bader,达伦-贝德 Darenne lestrange,达伦-莱斯特兰奇 Daring,大胆 Darius smackhammer,达利斯-斯马哈默 Dark,黑暗 Dark,黑暗 Dark and damp,黑暗和潮湿 Dark arts,黑暗艺术 Dark arts,黑暗艺术 Dark arts civil protection council,黑暗艺术公民保护委员会 Dark arts class,黑暗艺术课 Dark arts defence basics for beginners,黑暗艺术防御--初学者的基础知识 Dark arts defence – basics for beginners,黑暗艺术防御--初学者的基础知识 Dark blonde,深色金发 Dark blonde grey,灰色深金发 Dark blue,深蓝色 Dark brown,深棕色 Dark brown in colour,深棕色的颜色 Dark charm,深色魅力 Dark colours with blackened parts,有发黑部分的深色 Dark curio,深色古玩 Dark detector,黑暗检测器 Dark force defence league,黑暗力量防御联盟 Dark goblin,黑暗妖精 Dark green,漆黑的绿色 Dark green in colour,颜色为深绿色 Dark green with a gold talon emblazoned on the chest,深绿色,胸前印有金色的爪子 Dark green with black parts,深绿色,有黑色部分 Dark grey,深灰色 Dark grey and white with a falcon emblem on the chest,深灰色和白色,胸前有猎鹰的徽记 Dark hall,深色大厅 Dark harbour,黑暗的港湾 Dark in colour,深色的颜色 Dark long,黑暗的长 Dark lord,黑暗的领主 Dark mark,黑暗标记 Dark mark counter curse,黑暗标记的反咒语 Dark mark token,黑暗标记令牌 Dark mask like face markings,黑暗面具般的脸部标记 Dark one with lighter hair,头发较浅的黑暗者 Dark purple,暗紫色 Dark red,暗红色 Dark red in colour,暗红色的颜色 Dark shrewd and narrow,黑暗的精明和狭窄 Dark tower,黑暗的塔 Dark tower topmost cell,黑暗塔的最顶层牢房 Dark wizard,黑暗的巫师 Dark yellow in colour,暗黄的颜色 Darkblue,暗蓝色的 Darkest hour,最黑暗的时刻 Darkgray,黑灰色 Darkgreen,暗绿色 Darkness,黑暗色 Darkorange,深橙色 Darling,亲爱的 Darling dodgy,狡猾的人 Darning spell,撕裂的咒语 Darrel turner,阳光 Darrell riche,愤怒的小鸟 Darren disambiguation,达伦消歧义 Darren floyd,达伦-弗洛伊德 Darren ohare,达伦-奥哈雷 Darren potter,达伦-波特 Darren tough,达伦强硬 Dartford,达特福德 Dartmoor,达特茅尔 Daryl morden,达里尔-莫尔登 Daryle,达里尔 Date of death of the ghost in question,有关鬼魂的死亡日期 Dating,约会 Dating conventions,约会惯例 Daughter,女儿 Dave disambiguation,戴夫消歧义 Dave dorman,戴夫-多尔曼 Dave legeno,戴夫-莱格诺 Dave monk,戴夫和尚 Dave simon,戴夫-西蒙 Davet dumont,戴夫-杜蒙特(Daveet dumont Davey gudgeon,戴夫-古吉恩(Davey Gudgeon David a roach,洛克菲勒 David abeles,大卫-阿贝莱斯 David albertus trelawney knijnenburg,大卫-阿伯特斯-特劳尼-克尼恩伯格 David annen,大卫-安南 David barron,大卫-巴伦 David bernard john rickman,大卫-伯纳德-约翰-里克曼(David Bernard John Rickman David blishen,大卫-布利申 David boorman,大卫-波曼(David Boorman David boorman i,大卫-博尔曼一世 David boorman ii,大卫-布尔曼二世 David bradley,大卫-布拉德利 David brett,大卫-布莱特 David charles cully,大卫-查尔斯-库利 David churchyard,戴维-丘亚德 David coker,大卫-科克尔 David copperfield,大卫-科珀菲尔德 David copperfield,大卫-科普菲尔德 David day,大卫日 David de keyser,大卫-德-凯瑟 David decio,大卫-德基奥 David disambiguation,大卫消除歧义 David gambier,大卫-甘比尔 David gordon rowling murray,大卫-戈登-罗林-默里 David hamblin,大卫-汉布林 David handley,大卫-哈德利 David harris,大卫-哈里斯 David heyman,大卫-海曼 David heyman in universe,宇宙中的大卫-海曼 David holmes,大卫-霍姆斯 David john mcdonald,大卫-约翰-麦克唐纳(David John Mcdonald David jones,大卫-琼斯(David Jones) David jude heyworth lawresidence london englandeyes greenheight 511 5yearsactive 1987–present,大卫-裘德-海沃斯(David Jude Heyworth)法律顾问,居住在伦敦,英国,绿地,511年,活跃于1987年至今。 David king,大卫-金 David knijnenburg,大卫-克尼恩伯格 David makehay,大卫-马赫(David Makehay David mara,大卫-马拉 David nakayama cart lead,戴维-中山的车铅 David nolton,大卫-诺顿 David ohara,大卫-小原 David robb,大卫-罗布 David ryall,大卫-莱尔(David Ryall David saint,大卫-圣人 David sakurai,大卫-萨库赖 David saylor,大卫-赛勒 David sharpe,大卫-夏普(David Sharpe David tennant,大卫-特南特 David thewlis,大卫-特维斯(David Thewlis) David tysall,大卫-泰索尔 David wheeler,大卫-惠勒 David yates,大卫-耶茨 David yates,大卫-耶茨 David yates in universe,宇宙中的大卫-耶茨 Davies family,戴维斯家族 Davis,戴维斯 Davis family,戴维斯家族 Dawdle draught,道德尔吃水 Dawlish family,道里士家族 Dawn french,道恩法语 Dawn withey,晓风残月 Day maid at leaky cauldron,漏水大锅的日间女佣 De gnoming,萌萌哒 De gnoming gloves,戴上手套 De gnoming the garden,啃咬花园 De russey lane,啃食花园 Dead again,又死了 Deadlyius,梦见自己的孩子 Dealer of wizarding artefacts,巫术文物经销商 Dealer of wizarding artefacts and creatures,巫师文物和生物的经销商 Dealing with and covering up the worst magical muggle collisions,处理和掩盖最糟糕的魔法麻瓜碰撞事件 Deals with legislation regarding trading standards,处理有关贸易标准的立法 Dean disambiguation,迪安的歧义 Dean thomas,迪安-托马斯 Dean thomas half siblings,迪安-托马斯同父异母的兄弟姐妹 Dean thomas stepfather,迪安-托马斯的继父 Dean thomas trading card,迪安-托马斯交易卡 Dean thomass father,迪安-托马斯的父亲 Dean thomass first wand,迪恩-托马斯的第一根魔杖 Dean thomass half siblings,迪安-托马斯同父异母的兄弟姐妹 Dean thomass mother,迪安-托马斯的母亲 Dean thomass second wand,迪安-托马斯的第二根魔杖 Dean thomass stepfather,迪恩-索玛斯的继父 Dean thomass wand,迪安-索玛斯的魔杖 Dean weir,迪安-韦尔 Dearborn family,迪尔伯恩家族 Death,死亡 Death,死亡事件 Death cap,死亡之帽 Death cap draught,死神的帽子酒 Death cap draught trading card,死亡之帽吃水交易卡 Death cell,死亡细胞 Death chamber,死亡室 Death eater,食死徒 Death eater initiation ceremony,食死徒入会仪式 Death eater meeting jpeg,食死徒会议jpeg Death eaters,食死徒 Death eaters theme,食死徒主题 Death eaterss giant army in first wizarding war,食死徒在第一次巫师战争中的巨大军队 Death of voldemort and defeat of death eaters,伏地魔的死亡和食死徒的失败 Death omens,癌症的治疗 Death omens what to do when you know the worst is coming,死亡率的预兆,当你知道最坏的情况即将发生时,该怎么做? Death potion,巫师 Death the tale of the three brothers,"巫师们的 ""死亡"":三兄弟的故事" Death wish,死亡的愿望 Deathday party,死亡之日的聚会 Deathday party hall,死亡之日的聚会大厅 Deathly hallows,死亡圣器 Deathly hallows disambiguation,死亡圣器的歧义 Deaths head hawk moth,死神的头鹰蛾 Deboning trading card,去势交易卡 Deceased,死亡 December,逝者 December 2003 cps2 xbox gamecube,2003年12月 cps2 xbox gamecube December boys,十二月的男孩 Deciduous shed in the autumn,秋天的落叶大棚 Decisive and firm,果断而坚定 Decomposing,分解的 Decorate drinks,装饰饮料 Decoration,装饰 Decorative waiter serving dragon tartare,装饰服务员为龙鞑靼人服务 Decoy detonator,诱饵雷管 Decoy detonators,诱饵雷管 Decree,法令 Decree for justifiable confiscation,合理没收的法令 Decree for the reasonable restriction of underage sorcery,合理限制未成年巫术的法令 Decree no 1567klio 000094 9833 ipc,第1567klio 000094 9833 ipc号法令 Decree no 157 of 1924,1924年第157号法令 Decree no 180l5 of november 1975,1975年11月第180l5号法令 Decree number 189 ol5 of 1975,1975年第189OL5号法令 Dedalus diggle,迪达鲁斯-迪格尔 Dedalus diggles house,德达鲁斯-迪格尔的房子 Dedalus diggles pocket watch,德达鲁斯-迪格尔的怀表 Dedication,奉献 Dedworth family,德沃斯家族 Deep brown,深棕色 Deep brown in colour,深棕色的颜色 Deep red,深红色 Deep set eyes,深陷的眼睛 Deep yellow or orange in colour,深黄色或橙色的颜色 Deepak anand,迪帕克-阿南德 Deeply lobed,深裂纹 Deeppink,斑点 Deer,鹿 Defeat of barnabas deverill,击败巴纳巴斯-迪维利 Defeat of loxias,击败罗克赛斯 Defence,防御 Defence against dark arts,防御黑魔法 Defence against dark arts store room,防御黑暗艺术的储藏室 Defence against the dark arts,抵御黑暗艺术 Defence against the dark arts,防御黑暗艺术 Defence against the dark arts book,防御黑暗艺术的书 Defence against the dark arts dungeon,防御黑暗艺术地牢 Defence against the dark arts lesson cup,防御黑暗艺术课杯 Defence against the dark arts professor,防御黑暗艺术教授 Defence against the dark arts professors office,防御黑暗艺术教授的办公室 Defence against the dark arts professors office storage room,防御黑暗艺术教授办公室储藏室 Defence against the dark arts race cup,防御黑暗艺术竞赛杯 Defence against the dark arts second year essential knowledge test,防御黑魔法第二年的基本知识测试 Defence against the dark arts storeroom,防御黑暗艺术贮藏室 Defence against the dark arts teachers office,防御术教师办公室 Defence trading card,国防部交易卡 Defender badge,保卫者徽章 Defensive charge,保卫者冲锋号 Defensive charm,防御符咒 Defensive magical theory,防御魔法理论 Defensive shield location,防御性盾牌位置 Defensive smokescreen,防御性烟幕 Deflates the target,放空目标 Deflating draught,泄气的气流 Deforms the target,使目标变形 Degsey dee,德格西迪 Dehoff,德霍夫 Dehoff family,德霍夫家族 Deity,德特 Delacour family,德拉库尔家族 Delacour sisters cousins,德拉库尔姐妹的表兄弟姐妹 Delacour sisters father,德拉库尔姐妹的父亲 Delaney family,德莱尼家族 Deletrius,德利特里奥斯 Delfina crimp,德尔菲娜压条 Delfina crimps shop,德尔菲娜压条店 Deliberately shield target with body from intended curse,故意用身体遮挡目标,使其免受预定的诅咒 Delights in puzzles and riddles,喜爱谜题和谜语的人 Deliverance dane,传递丹尼尔 Delivering messages between wizards and witches,在巫师和女巫之间传递信息 Delivery owl,递送猫头鹰 Delivery owl trading card,递送猫头鹰交易卡 Delivery slip,送货单 Delphi,德尔菲 Delphi diggory,戴尔菲尼 Delphini,德尔菲尼 Delphini diggory,德尔菲尼的资料 Delphini wand jpeg,德尔菲尼魔杖jpeg Delphinis wand,德尔菲尼魔杖 Deluminator,德尔菲尼 Demelza robins,德梅尔萨-罗宾斯 Dementor,摄魂怪 Dementor dummy,摄魂怪假人 Dementor who attacked harry potter,攻击哈利波特的摄魂怪 Dementor who searched harry potters compartment,搜查哈利-波特车厢的摄魂怪 Dementors kiss,摄魂怪之吻 Demetrius j prod,德米特里厄斯-J-道具 Demetrius prod,摄魂怪 Demiguise,恶魔之眼 Democratic party,民主党 Demon,恶魔 Demon box,恶魔的盒子 Demon in a box,盒子里的恶魔 Demons their forefathers,恶魔的祖先 Dempster wiggleswade,邓普斯特-维格拉斯韦德 Denbright family,邓布利特家族 Denis khoroshko,邓尼斯-霍罗什科 Denison frisby,丹尼斯-弗里斯比 Denmark,丹麦 Dennis,丹尼斯 Dennis aldermaston,丹尼斯-阿尔德马斯顿 Dennis aldermastons mother,丹尼斯-阿尔德马斯顿的母亲 Dennis bishop,丹尼斯主教 Dennis calero,丹尼斯-卡莱罗 Dennis creevey,丹尼斯-克雷维 Dennis moon,丹尼斯的月亮 Dennis toad,丹尼斯蟾蜍 Densaugeo,丹尼斯格罗 Dense leave covered head,浓密叶覆盖的头部 Dent head,登特头 Dentifricium mouthwash,齿形漱口水 Dentist,牙科医生 Dentistry,牙科 Department for confiscated items,没收物品部 Department for science and technology,科学和技术部 Department for the regulation and control of magical creatures,魔法生物的管理和控制部门 Department for the regulation and control of magical creatures potion stores,监管和控制魔法生物药水商店的部门 Department of aurors,护士部 Department of defence,国防部 Department of international magical cooperation,国际魔法合作部 Department of intoxicating substances,醉酒物质部 Department of magic,魔法部 Department of magical accidents and catastrophes,魔法事故和灾难部 Department of magical artefacts,魔法文物部 Department of magical education,魔法教育系 Department of magical equipment control,魔法设备控制部 Department of magical games and sports,魔术游戏和体育部 Department of magical games and sports representative,魔法游戏和体育代表部 Department of magical law enforcement,魔法执法部 Department of magical law enforcement,魔法执法部 Department of magical law enforcement badge,魔法执法部的徽章 Department of magical law enforcement macusa,魔法执法部马库萨 Department of magical transportation,魔法运输部 Department of mysteries,神秘的部门 Department of no maj misinformation,无主的错误信息部 Department of security,安全部 Department of unidentifiable magical objects,无法识别的魔法物品部 Depends on the original spell,取决于原始咒语 Depict individuals,描绘个人 Deprimo,描绘个人 Depulso,德普尔索 Deputy headmaster,副校长 Deputy headmaster deputy headmistress,副校长副校长 Derek,德雷克 Derek deadman,德里克死士 Derek hough,德里克-霍夫 Derek turtle talker,德里克-乌龟说话的人 Derek wizard card collectors club,德里克魔法师卡片收藏家俱乐部 Dermot power,德莫特电源 Dermot power stuart craig,德莫特-鲍尔斯图亚特-克莱格 Dervish and banges,巫师和邦格斯 Dervish and banges the wizarding world of harry potter,哈里-波特的魔法世界中的Dervish和Banges Des pander,梦见自己的孩子 Descendo,笛声 Desk into pig,桌子变成猪 Desk into pig trading card,桌子变成猪的交易卡 Desk lamp,台灯 Desk of the hogwarts librarian,霍格沃茨图书管理员的桌子 Destination hogwarts,目的地霍格沃茨 Destroy weak objects,摧毁弱小物体 Destroys negative energies and attracts positive ones,破坏负能量,吸引正能量 Destroys solid objects,摧毁固体物体 Destruction of salazar slytherins locket,摧毁萨拉查-斯莱特林的吊坠 Destruction of slytherins locket,破坏斯莱特林吊坠 Detachable cribbing cuff,可拆卸的袖口 Details about harry potters fainting during his last divination lesson along with insinuations that he is insane and he is able to use dark arts,哈里-波特在最后一节占卜课上晕倒的细节,以及关于他疯了和他能使用黑魔法的暗示 Details about rubeus hagrid being half giant along with insinuations that he is not fit to teach and regarding his relationship with harry potter,关于鲁伯-海格是半个巨人的细节,以及他不适合教书和他与哈利-波特的关系的影射 Details about the lives of some dumbledores army members along with false insinuations about them,一些邓布利多军队成员的生活细节以及对他们的错误影射 Detective,侦探 Detective division,侦探部 Detective inspector,侦查员 Detective novel,侦探小说 Detects home intruders,探测家庭入侵者 Detects intruders and sounds an alarm,检测入侵者并发出警报 Detects magical activity around underage witches and wizards,检测未成年女巫和魔法师周围的魔法活动 Detention,拘留所 Detention chamber,拘留室 Detention escape route,拘留所逃跑路线 Detention in forbidden forest,禁忌森林中的拘留所 Detention in the forbidden forest 1992,禁忌森林中的拘禁 1992 Deterioration hex,恶化的六角形 Determination,确定 Determining the date,确定日期 Deterrent,威慑力 Detroit,拘留所 Detroit michigan us,美国密歇根州底特律市 Dev,开发 Developed memory modifying charms,开发内存修改的魅力 Developing solution,开发解决方案 Develops moving photographs,开发移动照片 Deverill family,德弗里尔家族 Devil,恶魔 Devils snare,魔鬼的陷阱 Devils snare trading card,魔鬼的蜗牛交易卡 Devlin whitehorn,德弗林-怀特霍恩 Devon,德文 Devon michael murray,德文-迈克尔-穆雷 Dew,露水 Dew dew pyschodrops,露丝-露丝 Diagon alley south side,对角巷南侧 Diagon alley stalls,对角巷的摊位 Diagon alley trading card,对角巷交易卡 Diagonal down right up diagonal down right,对角线右下角上斜线右下角 Diagonal up left,左上对角线 Diamond,钻石区 Diamond district,钻石区 Diane carter,戴安-卡特 Diane davis,戴安-戴维斯 Diane williams 1 daughter,Diane williams 1个女儿 Dianne rowling,戴安娜-罗林 Diary,日记 Dictionnaire du chiffre monogramme dans les styles moyen age et renaissance et couronnes nobilaires universelles,中世纪和文艺复兴时期风格中的一字纹字典,以及世界性的字体。 Did not attend hogwarts,没有参加霍格沃茨 Diddy,邓文迪 Die another day,梦见自己死了 Die hard,艰难地死去 Diego caplan,迭戈-卡普兰 Diego caplans grandfather,迭戈-卡普兰的祖父 Diet of fruit nectar,饮食中的水果花蜜 Dietrich frenzen,迪特里希-弗伦岑 Different country every four years,每四年一次,不同的国家 Difficult to cut,难以切割 Difficult to detect,难以发现 Diffindo,迪芬多 Diffindo spellbook,迪芬多法术书 Diffindo trading card,迪芬多交易卡 Dig,迪格 Diggle family,迪格尔家族 Diggory family,迪戈里家族 Dijon,第戎 Diligence,勤奋 Dilly the dragon learns to fly,迪利龙学会了飞行 Diluted,稀释的 Dilys derwent,迪利斯-德温特 Diminuendo,迪米诺 Dimitar draganov,迪米塔-德拉诺夫 Dimitri leonidas,迪米特里-莱昂尼达斯 Dinaz zac,邓小平 Dining chamber,饭厅 Dinky diddydums,恐龙 Dinner plate to mushroom,饭盘变蘑菇 Dinner plate to mushroom spell,餐盘到蘑菇的法术 Dinosaur,恐龙 Diogo morgado,恐龙 Direct at target,指向目标 Directiing water decoration guarding entrances,指挥水装饰守卫入口 Director,导演 Director,导演 Director of magical security,神奇的安全主任 Director of photography,摄影主任 Director of the investigation department and ministry police,调查部和部属警察的主任 Director of the investigation department no 61042,第61042号调查部主任 Director of the ministry police no 41041,第41041号部级警察局长 Dirgah hagrid,迪尔加-哈格瑞德 Diricawl,迪里考尔 Dirigible plum,迪丽热巴 Dirigible plum earrings,迪里格梅花耳环 Dirk,德克 Dirk cresswell,德克-克莱斯韦尔 Dirk cresswells friends,Dirk Cresswells 的朋友 Dirk cresswells wife,Dirk Cresswells的妻子 Dirty blonde,肮脏的金发女郎 Dirty blonde,肮脏的金发女郎 Disagreement in felt motion and seen motion,感受到的运动和看到的运动中的分歧 Disappearing ink,消失的墨水 Disappearing step staircase,消失的阶梯 Disarming charm,解除武装的魅力 Disarms an opponent,解除对手的武装 Disastrous opening ceremony leads to questions about quidditch world cup security,灾难性的开幕式导致了对魁地奇世界杯安全的质疑 Discard all creatures from play cost 10,从游戏中弃置所有生物,费用为10 Discard all items from play cost 5,从游戏中弃置所有物品,费用为5 Discard all matches and items that need quidditchcardtype power from play cost 4,弃置所有需要魁地奇卡类力量的火柴和物品,费用为4 Discard any number of cards from your hand do that much damage to your opponent cost 5,从你的手牌中弃置任意数量的牌,对你的对手造成同等程度的伤害,费用为5 Discard the adventure your opponent has played cost 1,丢弃你的对手所进行的冒险,费用为1 Discard the adventure your opponent has played you get the reward,丢弃你的对手所玩的冒险,你将获得奖励 Discard the adventure your opponent has played you get the reward cost 6,丢弃你的对手所玩的冒险,你将获得奖励,费用为6 Discard the adventure youve played you get the reward cost 7,丢弃你玩过的冒险,你可以得到奖励,费用为7 Disciplinary hearing of harry potter,哈里-波特的纪律听证会 Discipline at hogwarts,霍格沃茨的纪律 Discipline at hogwarts detention,霍格沃茨拘留所的纪律 Disembodied hand,残缺不全的手 Disguised the opening of a secret passage,伪装成秘密通道的开口 Disguises caster,伪装施术者 Disguises target as surroundings,伪装成周围环境的目标 Disguises things,伪装事物 Disguising spell,伪装法术 Dishevelled wizard,伪装的巫师 Disillusionment charm,幻觉符咒 Disintegration curse,分解诅咒 Displays the whereabouts of each member of the weasley family,显示韦斯莱家族每个成员的行踪 Dissected map,剖析的地图 Dissendium,幻术 Dissimulator,幻觉者 Distance award,距离奖 Distinct red markings,鲜明的红色斑纹 Distinctive fur markings on coat,鲜明的毛色斑纹在毛皮上 Distractible douglas,分心的道格拉斯 Distractible douglass father,分心的道格拉斯的父亲 Disused bathroom,废弃的浴室 Disused bathroom,废弃的浴室 Disused bathroom fred and georges shop,废弃的浴室 弗雷德和乔治的商店 Disused classroom,废弃的教室 Disused seventh floor bathroom,废弃的七楼浴室 Dittany,迪坦尼 Diurnal,昼伏夜出 Diurnal,昼伏夜出 Divination,占卜 Divination,占卜 Divination class,占卜课 Divination classroom,占卜教室 Divination corridor,占卜走廊 Divination for crystal ball analysis award,水晶球分析奖的占卜 Divination homework meeting,占卜作业会议 Divination stairwell,占卜楼梯间 Divination workshop,占卜工作室 Divine magic,神奇的魔术 Divinus haruspex association of clairvoyants,千里眼协会的Divinus haruspex协会 Division of vital statistics,生命统计的划分 Divorce,离婚 Divorced,离婚 Dizziness,晕眩 Dizziness draught,眩晕吃水 Dizziness draught trading card,眩晕吃水交易卡 Di·min·u·en·do,迪敏-乌-恩-道 Dk publishing,Dk出版 Do 10 damage to your opponent then choose 1 of your cards in play and discard it cost 10,对你的对手造成10点伤害,然后从你的牌中选择1张,并丢弃它,费用为10点。 Do 1 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成1点伤害 Do 1 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice cost 3,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成1次伤害,费用为3 Do 1 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice then draw a card cost 2,对你的对手或你选择的生物造成1次伤害,然后抽一张牌,费用2 Do 2 damage to each creature cost 7,对每个生物造成2点伤害,费用为7 Do 2 damage to your opponent during your opponents next turn he or she cant play spell cards cost 4,在你的对手的下一回合,对你的对手造成2点伤害,他或她不能使用法术牌,费用为4 Do 2 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice cost 2,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成2点伤害,费用2 Do 2 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice cost 5,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成2点伤害,费用为5 Do 2 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice then draw a card,对你的对手或你选择的生物造成2点伤害,然后抽一张牌 Do 2 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice then draw a card cost 3,对你的对手或你选择的生物造成2点伤害,然后抽一张牌,费用为3 Do 2 damage to your opponent then draw 2 cards cost 4,对你的对手造成2点伤害,然后抽2张牌,费用4 Do 2 damage to your opponent then if your opponent has any cards in his or her hand he or she chooses 1 of them and discards it,对你的对手造成2点伤害,然后如果你的对手有任何手牌,他或她会选择其中的一张并丢弃它。 Do 2 damage to your opponent then if your opponent has any cards in his or her hand look at them choose 1 of those cards and put it on top of his or her deck,对你的对手造成2点伤害,然后如果你的对手有任何手牌,看一下它们,从这些牌中选择1张放到他或她的卡组上面。 Do 2 damage to your opponent then if your opponent has any cards in play he or she chooses 1 of them and discards it,对你的对手造成2点伤害,然后如果你的对手有任何牌,他或她选择其中的1张牌并丢弃。 Do 2 damage to your opponent you may also choose a creature and do 2 damage to it,对你的对手造成2点伤害,你也可以选择一个生物并对其造成2点伤害 Do 3 damage to your opponent cost 2,对你的对手造成3点伤害,费用为2 Do 3 damage to your opponent during your opponents next turn he or she cant use actions to play lesson cards cost 8,对你的对手造成3点伤害,在你的对手的下一回合,他或她不能使用行动来打出教训牌,费用为8。 Do 3 damage to your opponent or draw 3 cards cost 6,对你的对手造成3次伤害或抽3张牌,费用为6 Do 3 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成3点伤害 Do 3 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice then your opponent chooses 3 cards in his or her hand and discards them cost 9,对你的对手或你选择的生物造成3点伤害,然后你的对手从他或她的手牌中选择3张牌并丢弃它们费用9 Do 3 damage to your opponent then if your opponent has any cards in play he or she chooses 1 of them and returns it to his or her hand,对你的对手造成3点伤害,然后如果你的对手有任何牌,他或她会选择其中的一张牌并将其送回他或她的手牌。 Do 3 damage to your opponent you may also choose a creature in play and do 3 damage to it cost 5,对你的对手造成3点伤害,你也可以选择一个正在运行的生物并对其造成3点伤害,费用为5。 Do 3 damage to yout opponent or to a creature of your choice cost 8,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成3点伤害,费用为8。 Do 4 damage to your opponent during your opponents next turn he or she cant use actions to play adventure cards cost 4,在你的对手的下一回合,对你的对手造成4点伤害,他或她不能使用行动来玩冒险牌,费用为4。 Do 4 damage to your opponent during your opponents next turn he or she cant use actions to play quidditch cards,在你的对手的下一回合对你的对手造成4点伤害,他或她不能使用行动来玩魁地奇牌。 Do 4 damage to your opponent during your opponents next turn he or she cant use actions to play transfiguration cards,在你的对手的下一回合,对你的对手造成4点伤害,他或她不能使用行动打出变形牌。 Do 4 damage to your opponent during your opponents next turn he or she gets 1 fewer action cost 4,在你的对手的下一回合,对你的对手造成4点伤害,他或她可以减少1次行动费用4。 Do 4 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成4点伤害 Do 4 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice cost 7,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成4点伤害,费用为7 Do 4 damage to your opponent then draw a card cost 6,对你的对手造成4点伤害,然后抽一张牌,费用6 Do 4 damage to your opponent then if your opponent has any cards in play he or she chooses 1 of them and discards them cost 7,对你的对手造成4点伤害,然后如果你的对手有任何牌,他或她将选择其中的1张牌并丢弃,费用为7 Do 4 damage to your opponent then if your opponent has any items in play he or she chooses 1 of them and discards it cost 6,对你的对手造成4点伤害,然后如果你的对手有任何物品在游戏中,他或她选择其中一个并丢弃它,费用为6 Do 4 damage to your opponent then your opponent may choose a lesson card in his or her hand and discard it if he or she does you take 4 damage,对你的对手造成4点伤害,然后你的对手可以选择他或她手中的一张教训牌并丢弃它,如果他或她这样做,你将受到4点伤害。 Do 4 damage to your opponent your opponent may prevent this damage by showing you a potionscardtype lesson from his or her hand,对你的对手造成4点伤害,你的对手可以从他或她的手牌中拿出一张药水卡类的课程牌来阻止这个伤害。 Do 5 damage to your opponent,对你的对手造成5点伤害 Do 5 damage to your opponent cost 6,对你的对手造成5点伤害,费用为6 Do 5 damage to your opponent during your opponents next turn he or she cant use actions to play item cards cost 7,对你的对手造成5点伤害,在你的对手的下一回合,他或她不能使用行动来打出物品牌,费用为7 Do 5 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice cost 9,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成5点伤害,费用9 Do 5 damage to your opponent then if he or she has any cards in play other than lessons he or she chooses 1 of those cards and returns it to his or her hand,对你的对手造成5点伤害,然后如果他或她有除教训以外的任何牌,他或她选择其中的一张牌并将其送回他或她的手牌。 Do 5 damage to your opponent then if your opponent has any cards in his or her hand he or she chooses 1 of them and discards it cost 5,对你的对手造成5点伤害,然后如果你的对手有任何手牌,他或她选择其中一张并丢弃,费用5 Do 6 damage to your opponent,对你的对手造成6点伤害 Do 6 damage to your opponent or choose 1 of his or her items in play and discard it cost 7,对你的对手造成6点伤害,或者从他或她的物品中选择1张并丢弃,费用为7点 Do 6 damage to your opponent then your opponent chooses 4 cards in his or her hand and discards them cost 10,对你的对手造成6点伤害,然后你的对手选择他或她手中的4张牌并丢弃它们,费用为10 Do 8 damage to your opponent he or she can prevent this by choosing 3 cards in his or her hand and discarding them,对你的对手造成8点伤害,他或她可以通过选择他或她手中的3张牌并丢弃来防止这一情况。 Do 8 damage to your opponent then if your opponent has any cards in play he or she chooses 1 of them and discards it,对你的对手造成8点伤害,然后如果你的对手有任何牌,他或她会选择其中一张牌并丢弃。 Do 8 damage to your opponent then your opponent may choose a lesson card from his or her hand and discard it if he or she does you take 8 damage,对你的对手造成8点伤害,然后你的对手可以从他或她的手牌中选择一张教训牌并丢弃它,如果他或她这样做,你将受到8点伤害。 Do damage to an opponent,对一个对手造成伤害 Do the hippogriff,做河马 Dobbin,多宾 Dobbin,多宾 Dobby,多比 Dobbys clothes,多比的衣服 Dobbys disappearance,多比的失踪 Dobbys grave,多比的坟墓 Dobbys help,多比的帮助 Dobbys painting of harry potter,多比的哈利波特画像 Dobbys shoes,多比的鞋子 Doctor,医生 Doctor who,医生 Documentary filmmaker,纪录片制片人 Dodderidge family,多德利奇家族 Dodgy doge,多德利奇家族 Dodie smith,多蒂-史密斯(Dodie Smith) Dodo,多多 Dog,狗 Dog biscuits,狗饼干 Dog biscuits trading card,狗饼干交易卡 Dog bite,狗咬人 Dog breeder,养狗人 Dog food,狗粮 Dogbane potion,犬类药水 Dogbane potion trading card,犬类药水交易卡 Dogbreath potion,犬牙交错的药水 Dogbreath potion trading card,犬息药水交易卡 Doge family,道格家族 Dogma,多格玛 Dogtown,狗镇 Dogweed and deathcap,狗尾草和死亡帽 Dogwood,犬牙交错 Dollis chamber ensemble,多利士室内合唱团 Dolly mixtures,朵丽的混合物 Dolores jane umbridge,多洛雷斯-简-姆布里奇 Dolores umbridge,多洛雷斯-嗯布里奇 Dolores umbridges brother,多洛雷斯-嗯布里奇的弟弟 Dolphin,海豚 Domesticated,驯养的 Domesticated farm animal,驯养的农场动物 Dominating dementors a true history of azkaban,主宰摄魂怪 阿兹卡班的真实历史 Dominic absalom,多米尼克-阿萨罗姆 Dominic coleman,多米尼克-科勒曼 Dominic disambiguation,多米尼克的歧义 Dominic maestro,多米尼克大师 Dominic maestros,多米尼克大师 Dominic maestros music shop,多米尼克-麦斯特罗音乐商店 Dominic rowntree,多米尼克-罗恩特里 Dominic short,多米尼克短 Dominic zwemmer,多米尼克-兹维默 Dominique maestro,多米尼克大师 Dominique weasley,多米尼克-韦斯莱 Domino,多米诺 Don harrison,唐-哈里森 Don peyote,唐-佩奥特 Donaghan tremlett,多米诺 Donaghan tremletts father,邓肯-特雷姆利特的父亲 Donaghan tremletts mother,多纳汉-特姆雷特的母亲 Donaghan tremletts wife,多纳汉-特姆雷特的妻子 Donal lynch,多纳尔-林奇 Doncaster,唐卡斯特 Donkey,驴子 Donnie cave brown,唐尼-洞布朗 Donya fiorentino,多尼亚-菲奥伦蒂诺 Door knocker,敲门人 Door opening spell,开门法术 Dopplebeater defence,多普勒打手防御 Dora,多拉 Dora williams,多拉-威廉姆斯 Dorazio dive,多拉齐奥潜水 Dorcas meadowes,多尔卡草场 Dorcus twelvetrees,多尔库斯-十二棵树 Dorcus twelvetreess wand,多尔卡斯的魔杖 Dorea black,多雷亚黑 Dorea potter,多雷亚陶器 Dorian fungbury,多里安-冯伯里 Doris,多丽丝 Doris alice summers,多丽丝-艾利斯-萨默斯 Doris purkiss,多丽丝-普尔基斯 Doris purkisss letter to cornelius fudge,多丽丝-普尔基斯给科尼利厄斯-福吉的信 Dorothy,多萝西 Dorothy sheridan,多萝西-谢里丹 Dorset,多塞特 Dorset england,英国多塞特郡 Dot,多特 Double beater defence,双打防守 Double beater defence trading card,双打防守交易卡 Double d,双打 Double ended newt,双端蝾螈 Double ended newt wizard,双端蝾螈巫师 Double trouble,双倍麻烦 Doublet,双端 Doubling charm,双倍的魅力 Dougal,道格尔 Dougal asks minerva again to marry him and leave hogwarts,杜尔再次向密涅瓦求婚并离开霍格沃茨 Dougal mcbride,道格尔-麦克布莱德 Dougal mcgregor,道格尔-麦克格瑞格 Dougal mcgregors children,道格尔-麦克格雷格的孩子 Dougal mcgregors father,道格尔-麦克格雷格的父亲 Dougal mcgregors father in law,道格尔-麦克格雷格的岳父 Dougal mcgregors letters to minerva mcgonagall,道格尔-麦克格雷格给密涅瓦-麦克格纳格尔的信 Dougal mcgregors wife,道格尔-麦克格雷格的妻子 Dougal mcgregors wifes father,道格尔-麦克格雷格的妻子的父亲 Doughnut,面团 Dougie,道吉 Douglas byrne,道格拉斯-伯恩 Douglas chaffee,道格拉斯-凯菲 Douglas steward,道格拉斯-斯特瓦德 Douglas stewart chaffee,道格拉斯-斯德沃特-查菲 Dov reiser,多夫-雷泽 Downing street,唐宁街 Download gif,下载GIF Downton abbey,唐顿庄园 Downward slash,向下斜线 Downwards palm of opposite hand held outward,向下的反手掌心向外握住 Downwards slash,俯卧撑 Dowson family,窦森家族 Doxy,多克西 Doxy egg,多克斯蛋 Doxy eggs,多克西卵 Doxy trading card,多克西交易卡 Doxy venom,多克西毒 Doxycide,多克西肽 Dozens of imperiused wizards,几十位被逼无奈的巫师 Dozens of ministry officials,几十个部级官员 Dr aziz branchiflore,阿齐兹-科里弗勒博士 Dr eddie fitz fitzgerald,埃迪-菲茨-菲茨杰拉德博士 Dr filibusters fabulous wet start no heat fireworks,Dr filibusters fabulous wet start no heat烟花 Dr pinguis thinning elixir,瘦肉精博士 Dr seuss how the grinch stole christmas,苏斯博士:格林奇如何偷走了圣诞节 Dr ubbly,ubbly博士 Dr ubblys oblivious unction,ubblys博士的忘我精神 Drab,单调乏味 Draco and the malfoys,德拉科和玛尔福斯 Draco lucius malfoy,德拉科-卢修斯-莫尔弗伊 Draco malfoy,德拉科-莫尔弗伊 Draco malfoy common trading card,德拉科-莫尔福的普通交易卡 Draco malfoy fp trading card,德拉科-莫尔佛伊Fp交易卡 Draco malfoy slytherin,德拉科-莫尔佛伊-斯莱特林 Draco malfoy trading card,德拉科-莫尔福交易卡 Draco malfoys death eater initiation ceremony,德拉科-莫尔佛伊食死徒的入会仪式 Draco malfoys eagle owl,德拉科-莫尔弗斯的鹰式猫头鹰 Draco malfoys gang,德拉科-莫尔佛斯团伙 Draco malfoys unspecified spell,德拉科-莫尔佛斯未指定的咒语 Draco malfoys wand,德拉科-麦考伊的魔杖 Draco the seeker,德拉科的追寻者 Draco trilogy,德拉科三部曲 Draconifors,斗牛士 Draconifors lapifors challenge,龙卷风的挑战 Draconifors spell,德拉科尼福斯的咒语 Draconifors spellbook,德拉科尼福斯的法术书 Dracos trick,德拉戈斯技巧 Dracos trick trading card,德拉科斯的技巧交易卡 Draft horse,草泥马 Dragomir despard,德拉戈米尔-德斯帕德 Dragomir gorgovitch,德拉戈米尔-戈尔戈维奇 Dragon,龙牌 Dragon barrel brandy,龙桶白兰地 Dragon blood,龙血 Dragon breeding,龙的繁殖 Dragon breeding for pleasure and profit,养龙为乐,养龙为利 Dragon challenge,龙的挑战 Dragon claw,龙爪 Dragon claw ooze,龙爪渗出物 Dragon claws,龙爪 Dragon dealer,龙的经销商 Dragon dung,龙的粪便 Dragon dung compost,龙粪堆肥 Dragon dung compost trading card,龙粪堆肥交易卡 Dragon dung fertiliser,龙粪肥料 Dragon egg,龙蛋 Dragon enclosure,龙的围栏 Dragon handler,龙的驯服者 Dragon harness,龙脊梁 Dragon heart wand,龙心棒 Dragon heart wand trading card,龙心魔杖交易卡 Dragon heartstring,龙的心弦 Dragon hide,龙皮 Dragon hide gloves,龙皮手套 Dragon hide gloves trading card,龙皮手套交易卡 Dragon horn,龙角 Dragon keeper,龙的守护者 Dragon killer,龙的杀手 Dragon liver,龙肝 Dragon meat,龙肉 Dragon milk,龙奶 Dragon milk cheese,龙奶奶酪 Dragon model,龙的模型 Dragon poison,龙毒 Dragon poison trading card,龙毒交易卡 Dragon pox,龙痘 Dragon pox cure,龙痘治疗 Dragon related services,龙的相关服务 Dragon research and restraint bureau,龙的研究和约束局 Dragon reserve,龙的储备 Dragon scale,龙鳞 Dragon section,龙节 Dragon skin belt,龙皮腰带 Dragon skin cloak,龙皮斗篷 Dragon skin coat,龙皮大衣 Dragon species of great britain and ireland,大英帝国和爱尔兰的龙种 Dragon tartare,龙的鞑靼人 Dragon toad,龙蟾蜍 Dragon tonic,龙的补品 Dragonclaw glove,龙爪手套 Dragonclaw gloves,龙爪手套 Dragonfly,蜻蜓 Dragonfly thorax,蜻蜓胸部 Dragonheart,龙心 Dragonologist,龙学家 Dragons blood,龙血 Dragons blood trading card,龙血交易卡 Dragons escape,龙族逃亡 Dragons escape trading card,龙族逃亡交易卡 Dragot,龙族 Draught horse,吃水马 Draught of living death,活死人的吃水 Draught of living death trading card,活死人交易卡 Draught of peace,和平的吃水 Draught of perception,感知的吃水 Draughts,智慧 Draughtsman,德拉赫斯人 Draw 2 cards then you may put up to 2 quidditchcardtype lesson cards from your hand into play,抽2张牌,然后你可以从你的手牌中放入最多2张魁地奇卡类的教训牌。 Draw 3 cards cost 5,抽出3张牌,费用为5 Draw 4 cards then your opponent may choose a lesson card from his or her hand and discard it if he or she does you choose 3 cards in your hand and discard them,抽出4张牌,然后你的对手可以从他或她的手牌中选择一张教训牌并丢弃它,如果他或她这样做了,你就从你的手牌中选择3张牌并丢弃它们。 Draw in midair,在半空中抽牌 Draw wand back,抽回魔杖 Dray horse,德拉马 Draško roganović,Draško roganović Dre head,德雷头 Dreadful,可怕的 Dreadful denizens of the deep,可怕的深海居民 Dream interpretation,梦的解释 Dream messenger,梦的使者 Dress robes,礼服长袍 Dried currants or raisins,干醋栗或葡萄干 Dried fruit,干果 Drill,钻头 Drilling news,钻探的消息 Drinker becomes dependent upon advanced age,饮酒者因年老而产生依赖 Drinker tells the truth,饮酒者说真话 Drinking,饮酒 Drinking tool,饮酒工具 Driving instructor and driving test examiner,驾驶教练和驾驶考试考官 Driving it home,开车回家 Driving lessons,驾驶课程 Driving test examiner,驾驶考试考官 Dromeda,德罗米达 Drooble,德罗伯尔 Droobles best blowing gum,垂头丧气地吹口香糖 Drooping ears,耷拉的耳朵 Droplets leap like goldfish above potions surface when in cauldron,在大锅里时,水滴像金鱼一样跃出药水表面 Drought charm,旱灾的符咒 Droughtcharm gif,旱灾符GIF Drowsiness draught,嗜睡症 Drowsiness draught trading card,嗜睡症交易卡 Drowsiness dreamless sleep,梦境中的睡意 Druella black,旱符 Druella black,德鲁伊拉黑 Druella rosier,德鲁伊拉玫瑰色 Druid,德鲁伊 Drums,鼓声 Drunk monks,醉酒的僧侣 Drury lane,德鲁里小道 Drying china,干燥的瓷器 Dublin,醉汉 Duck,鸭子 Ducklifors,鸭子 Ducklifors jinx,鸭子的厄运 Dud,杜德 Dudley,达德利 Dudley dursley,达德利-杜斯利 Dudley dursley,达德利-杜斯利 Dudley dursley passed out,达德利-杜斯利昏死过去 Dudley dursleys children,达德利-杜斯利的孩子 Dudley dursleys eleventh birthday,达德利-杜斯利的11岁生日 Dudley dursleys fifth birthday,达德利-杜斯利的第五个生日 Dudley dursleys first bedroom,达德利-杜斯利的第一间卧室 Dudley dursleys first television,达德利-杜斯利的第一台电视 Dudley dursleys gang,达德利-杜斯利团伙 Dudley dursleys opponent for the junior heavyweight inter school boxing championship of the southeast,达德利-杜斯利的对手是东南地区初中级重量级校际拳击冠军。 Dudley dursleys parrot,达德利-杜斯莱的鹦鹉 Dudley dursleys racing bike,达德利-杜斯莱的赛车自行车 Dudley dursleys remote control aeroplane,达德利-杜斯利的遥控飞机 Dudley dursleys second television,达德利-杜斯利家的第二台电视 Dudley dursleys television,达德利-杜斯利的电视 Dudley dursleys tenth birthday,达德利-杜斯莱十岁生日 Dudley dursleys third television,达德利-杜斯莱的第三台电视 Dudley dursleys tortoise,达德利-杜斯利的乌龟 Dudley dursleys wife,杜德利-杜斯利的妻子 Duel at godrics hollow,在Godrics Hollow的决斗 Duel at ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizardry,在Ilvermorny巫术和魔法学校的决斗 Duel between alastor moody and evan rosier,阿拉斯托-莫迪和伊万-罗西尔之间的决斗 Duel between albus dumbledore and gellert grindelwald,阿不思-邓布利多和盖勒特-格林德瓦之间的决斗 Duel between antioch peverell and his enemy,安蒂奥克-佩雷尔和他的敌人之间的决斗 Duel between emeric the evil and egbert the egregious,邪恶的埃里克和恶劣的埃伯特之间的决斗 Duel between harry potter and alecto and amycus carrow,哈里-波特与阿莱托和阿米库斯-卡洛之间的决斗 Duel between harry potter and lord voldemort,哈里-波特和伏地魔之间的决斗 Duel between molly weasley and bellatrix lestrange,莫莉-韦斯莱和贝拉特里克斯-莱斯特兰奇之间的决斗 Duel in little hangleton,在小亨格尔顿的决斗 Duel in the forest grove,在森林小树林中的决斗 Duel in the forest grove gif,在森林小树林中的决斗GIF Duel in the great hall i,在大殿上的决斗I Duel in the great hall ii,在大礼堂的决斗II Duel in the ministry atrium,在部委中庭的决斗 Duelling,决斗 Duelling beginners luck badge,决斗初学者的幸运徽章 Duelling champion,决斗冠军 Duelling club,决斗俱乐部 Duelling club captain,决斗俱乐部队长 Duelling club champion badge,斗鸡俱乐部冠军徽章 Duelling club room,决斗俱乐部房间 Duelling in the dark,黑暗中的决斗 Duelling room,斗殴室 Duelling room,斗殴室 Duelling veteran badge,斗殴老手徽章 Dufftown,达夫镇 Dugald mcclivert,杜加尔德-麦克利弗特 Dugbog,杜格博格 Duke of normandy,诺曼底公爵 Duke of wellington,威灵顿公爵 Dull,黯淡 Dull purple,黯淡的紫色 Dulls mental abilities,哑巴的心理能力 Dumb krum,哑巴克鲁姆 Dumbledore family,邓布利多家族 Dumbledore invites harry to his first private lesson with him,邓布利多邀请哈瑞参加他的第一堂私人课程 Dumbledore summons harry to his office,邓布利多召唤哈瑞到他的办公室 Dumbledore using water based spell gif,邓布利多使用水系法术gif Dumbledores army,邓布利多的军队 Dumbledores army coin,邓布利多的军队硬币 Dumbledores army memberschool student,邓布利多的军队成员学校的学生 Dumbledores army parchment,邓布利多军队的羊皮纸 Dumbledores army parchment jinx,邓布利多军队的羊皮纸扫把星 Dumbledores army reunites at quidditch world cup final,邓布利多军队在魁地奇世界杯决赛上重聚一堂 Dumbledores army the dark side of the demob,邓布利多军队的黑暗一面 Dumbledores army theme,邓布利多军队的主题 Dumbledores giant mistake,邓布利多的巨大错误 Dumbledores invitation of harry on his next private lesson,邓布利多邀请哈瑞上下一堂私人课 Dumbledores office,邓布利多的办公室 Dumbledores office trading card,邓布利多办公室交易卡 Dumbledores theme,邓布利多的主题 Dumbledores wand jpeg,邓布利多的魔杖jpeg Dumbledores watch,邓布利多的手表 Dummy at purge and dowse,邓布利多的办公室 Dummy at purge and dowse ltd,邓布利多的办公室 Dumont family,杜蒙家族 Dun,邓 Dun horse,邓马 Dunamis,邓马 Dunbar oglethorpe,邓巴-奥格尔索普 Duncan ashe,邓肯-阿什 Duncan campbell,邓肯-坎贝尔 Duncan inglebee,邓肯-英格利比 Duncan wigman,邓肯-维格曼 Dundee,邓迪 Dung,粪便 Dung beetle,粪壳虫 Dungbomb,粪弹 Dungbomb trading card,粪弹交易卡 Dungeon cave,地下城洞窟 Dungeon chamber,地牢室 Dungeon corridor,地牢走廊 Dungeon corridor slytherin prefect i,地牢走廊斯莱特林县长I Dungeon corridor slytherin prefect ii,地下室走廊斯莱特林区长二号 Dungeon five,地牢五区 Dungeon foyer,地牢门厅 Dungeon foyer exit room,地牢门厅出口室 Dungeon hall,地牢大厅 Dungeon pit,地牢坑道 Dungeon portrait room,地牢肖像室 Dungeon staircase,地下城楼梯 Dungeon troll,地牢巨魔 Dungeons,地下城 Dungeons cell,地牢牢房 Dunstable,邓斯特布尔 Dunstable duelling championship,邓斯特布尔决斗锦标赛 Dunstable town hall,邓斯特布尔市政厅 Duplicates an object,复制一个物体 During your opponents next turn he or she cant use actions to play cards,在你的对手的下一个回合中,他或她不能使用行动来打牌。 During your opponents next turn he or she cant use actions to play lesson cards,在你的对手的下一回合,他或她不能使用行动来打出教训牌。 During your opponents next turn he or she gets 1 fewer action cost 1,在你的对手的下一回合,他或她可以减少1个行动费用1。 During your opponents next turn prevent all damage done to you,在你的对手的下一回合,防止对你造成的所有伤害 During your opponents next turn prevent all damage done to you by your opponents adventures and creatures cost 2,在你的对手的下一回合中,防止你的对手的冒险和生物对你造成的所有伤害,费用为2 During your opponents next turn prevent all damage done to you by your opponents creatures,在你的对手的下一回合中,防止你的对手的生物对你造成的所有伤害。 During your opponents next turn prevent all damage done to you cost 8,在你的对手的下一回合,防止所有对你造成的伤害,费用为8 During your opponents next turn prevent all damage done to your creatures cost 2,在你的对手的下一个回合中,防止你的生物对你造成的所有伤害,费用为2。 During your opponents next turn you may prevent all but the first 3 damage done to you cost 5,在你的对手的下一回合,你可以阻止所有对你造成的伤害,但前3次伤害除外,费用为5。 During your turn you may use an action and discard a card from your hand to look at your opponents hand you may then choose one card in his or her hand and discard it,在你的回合中,你可以使用一个行动并丢弃一张你的手牌来查看你的对手的手牌,然后你可以从他或她的手牌中选择一张并丢弃它。 During your turn you may use an action to put a lesson card from your discard pile into play,在你的回合中,你可以使用一个动作,将你弃牌堆中的一张教训牌投入游戏。 Durmstrang,德姆斯特朗 Durmstrang castle,德姆斯特朗城堡 Durmstrang girl,德姆斯特朗女孩 Durmstrang institute,德姆斯特朗学院 Durmstrang ship,德姆斯特朗船 Durmstrang students,德姆斯特朗的学生 Durmstrang students and staff,德姆斯特朗的学生和工作人员 Durmstrang uniform,德姆斯特朗的制服 Durmstrangs walking sticks,德姆斯特朗的手杖 Duro,杜罗 Dursley family,杜斯利家族 Dursley family toilet,杜斯利家的厕所 Dursley siblings mother,杜斯利兄妹的母亲 Dursleys cars,杜斯莱家的汽车 Dursleys female neighbour,杜斯利家的女邻居 Dust coloured fur,灰尘色的毛发 Dust mildewe,尘土飞扬的霉菌 Dutch,尘埃 Dwarf,侏儒 Dylan marwood,迪伦-马伍德 Dylan marwoods wand,迪伦-马伍德的魔杖 E a limus,ǞǞǞ E howsom,尊敬的先生 E l filhus,葬礼 E l m and wizards undertakers embalmers,E l m and wizards undertakers embalmers 殡仪员 E lamb,羔羊 E lambini,葬礼 E lima,E 利马 E limaria,牧师 E limus,牧师 E m l potions co,药品公司 E nesbits fairy tales,幼儿童话故事 E t the extra terrestrial,E t 地外之物 E wheeler,呼叫中心 E wheeler multigraph machine co,荣威多图机公司 Ea uk,帝国主义 Each of your plants has 2 more health provides cmccardtype,你的每个植物都有2个更多的健康,提供cmccardtype Each turn you may prevent 4 damage done to you if fawkes is discarded from play put it into your hand damage 0health 4,每回合你可以阻止对你造成的4个伤害,如果福克斯从游戏中被丢弃,将其放入你的手牌中,伤害为0健康为4。 Eagle,鹰 Eagle door knocker,鹰门敲击器 Eagle owl,鹰鸮 Eagle owl feather,鹰鸮的羽毛 Ear shrivelling curse,耳朵萎缩的诅咒 Eargit the ugly,丑陋的Eargit Earl,丑陋伯爵 Earl of guilford,Guilford伯爵 Earl of paunchleys forced servants,帕恩奇利伯爵的强制仆人 Earl of paunchleys four burly servants,帕恩奇利伯爵的四个粗壮的仆人 Early 2000s,21世纪初 Early middle ages,中世纪早期 Earmuffs,耳罩 Earmuffs trading card,耳罩交易卡 Ears to kumquats,耳朵对金桔 Ears to kumquats spell,耳朵对金桔的咒语 Earth,地球 Earth magic,地球魔法 Earthbound,地球人 Earthworm in wjames and the giant peach james and the giant peach,詹姆斯与大桃子》中的蚯蚓 詹姆斯与大桃子 Earwig,蠼螋 East 73rd street,东第73街 East coast,东海岸 East coast wizards,东海岸巫师 East sussex,东萨克斯 East towers,东部塔楼 East wing,东翼 East wing first floor,东翼一楼 East wing sixth floor,东翼六楼 Easter,复活节 Eastern europe,东欧 Eastern european championship,东欧冠军 Eastern front,东部战线 Easy,简单 Easy spells to fool muggles,欺骗麻瓜的简易咒语 Eaten as vegetable,被当做蔬菜吃了 Eaten as vegetables,被当做蔬菜吃 Eaten by other animals,被其他动物吃了 Ebbingdales wonders for wizards,艾宾浩斯的巫师奇迹 Ebenezer ward,艾宾浩斯的病房 Ebony,乌木 Ebony and unicorn hair wand,乌木和独角兽毛发魔杖 Ebony blake,黑檀木布莱克 Ebublio,埃布比奥 Ebublio jinx,埃布比奥厄运 Ec,琥珀 Eckō,埃科 Eclipse,Ecto Ecto spell,咒语 Ectoplasm,宇宙飞船 Eddi stoddy,艾迪-斯托迪 Eddie carmichael,埃迪-卡米奇 Eddie disambiguation,埃迪消除歧义 Eddie izzard,邓文迪 Eddie redmayne,埃迪-雷德梅恩 Eden,伊甸园 Edessa skandenberg,埃德萨-斯坎登伯格 Edgar,埃德加 Edgar bones,埃德加的骨头 Edgar bones children,埃德加-伯恩斯的孩子 Edgar bones wife,埃德加-伯恩斯的妻子 Edgar boness children,埃德加-伯恩斯的孩子 Edgar boness wife,埃德加-博内斯的妻子 Edgar cloggs,埃德加-克洛格斯 Edgar stroulger,埃德加-斯特罗格 Edgar wallace,埃德加-华莱士 Edgecombe,埃德科姆 Edgecombe family,埃德科姆家族 Edible,可食用的 Edible citric fruits,可食用的柑橘类水果 Edible dark mark,可食用的暗记 Edible dark marks,可食用的暗记 Edible fruits,可食用的果实 Edible sweet and yellow in colour,可食用的甜味和黄色 Edible white head,可食用的白头翁 Edie turquet,爱丁堡 Edinburgh,爱丁堡 Edith abernathy,伊迪丝-阿伯纳西 Edith milbrandt,伊迪丝-米尔布兰特 Edith nesbit,伊迪丝-奈斯比特 Edith newton,伊迪丝-纽顿 Editor of which broomstick?,哪个扫帚的编辑? Editorial empúries,"编辑 ""empúries""。" Editorial presença,编辑部介绍 Edmund bollifant,读者:埃德蒙-波利范特(Edmund Bollifant Edmund disambiguation,埃德蒙消除歧义 Edmund gaddlegate,埃德蒙-加德勒盖特 Edmund gaddlegates mother,埃德蒙-加德勒格特的母亲 Edmund grubb,埃德蒙-格拉布 Edmund spiers,埃德蒙-斯皮尔斯 Edna patridge,爱德娜-帕特里奇 Edric vosper,埃德利克-沃斯珀 Eduardo,爱德华多 Eduardo disambiguation,爱德华多的消歧义 Eduardo lima,爱德华多-利马 Eduardo lima,爱德华多-利马 Eduardo lima in universe,宇宙中的爱德华多-利马 Eduardus limette black,爱德华多-利马特黑色 Eduardus limus,爱德华多-利马 Eduardus limus criminal,愤怒的小鸟(Eduardus limus)罪犯 Eduardus limus ministry employee,Eduardus limus部的雇员 Educating rita,教育丽塔 Education decree number twenty four,第二十四号教育法令 Educational decree,教育法令 Educational decree number eighty one,第八十一号教育法令 Educational decree number eighty two,第八十二号教育法令 Educational decree number forty eight,第四十八号教育法令 Educational decree number forty five,第四十五号教育法令 Educational decree number forty nine,第四十九号教育法令 Educational decree number forty one,第四十一号教育法令 Educational decree number forty seven,第四十七号教育法令 Educational decree number forty six,第四十六号教育法令 Educational decree number nine,第九号教育法令 Educational decree number ninety eight,第九十八号教育法令 Educational decree number ninety nine,第九十九号教育法令 Educational decree number one,第一号教育法令 Educational decree number one hundred and nine,第一百零九号教育法令 Educational decree number one hundred and thirty six,第一百三十六号教育法令 Educational decree number one hundred and thirty three,第一百三十三号教育法令 Educational decree number one hundred and twenty eight,第一百二十八号教育法令 Educational decree number one hundred and twenty nine,第一百二十九号教育法令 Educational decree number one hundred and twenty seven,第一百二十七号教育法令 Educational decree number seventy five,第七十五号教育法令 Educational decree number seventy four,第七十四号教育法令 Educational decree number sixty seven,第六十七号教育法令 Educational decree number thirty,第30号教育法令 Educational decree number thirty eight,第三十八号教育法令 Educational decree number thirty five,第35号教育法令 Educational decree number thirty nine,第三十九号教育法令 Educational decree number thirty one,第31号教育法令 Educational decree number thirty seven,第三十七号教育法令 Educational decree number twelve,第十二号教育法令 Educational decree number twenty eight,教育法令第二十八号 Educational decree number twenty eight jpeg,教育法令第二十八号jpeg Educational decree number twenty five,教育法令第二十五号 Educational decree number twenty five non canonical,教育法令第二十五条非正典 Educational decree number twenty four,教育法令第二十四号 Educational decree number twenty four non canonical,第24号教育法令,非正统教育法令 Educational decree number twenty nine,教育法令第二十九号 Educational decree number twenty nine non canonical,第二十九号教育法令,非教规性的 Educational decree number twenty seven,第二十七号教育法令 Educational decree number twenty six,第二十六号教育法令 Educational decree number twenty six non canonical,第26号教育法令,非教规教育 Educational decree number twenty three,第二十三号教育法令 Educational decree number twenty two,第二十二号教育法令 Educational office,教育办公室 Edward,爱德华 Edward almeida peidus,爱德华-阿尔梅达-佩杜斯 Edward charles james gardner,爱德华-查尔斯-詹姆斯-加德纳 Edward cullen in twilight the twilight saga new moon the twilight saga eclipse the twilight saga breaking dawn part 1 and the twilight saga breaking dawn part 2,Edward Cullen in twilight the twilight saga new moon the twilight saga eclipse the twilight saga breaking dawn part 1 and the twilight saga breaking dawn part 2 Edward disambiguation,爱德华的歧义 Edward douglas in wthe island of dr moreau the island of dr moreau,爱德华-道格拉斯在《莫罗博士之岛》中的角色 莫罗博士之岛 Edward john david redmayne,爱德华-约翰-大卫-雷德梅恩 Edward lupin,爱德华-鲁宾 Edward rabnott,爱德华-拉布诺特 Edward randell,爱德华-兰德尔 Edward remus lupin,爱德华-雷默斯-鲁宾 Edward tonks,爱德华-唐克斯 Edwardus lima,爱德华-利马 Edwin avarus,埃德温-阿瓦鲁斯 Edwin booth,埃德温展位 Eel eye,鳗鱼眼 Eel eyes,鳗鱼的眼睛 Eel eyes,鳗鱼的眼睛 Eel eyes trading card,鳗鱼眼交易卡 Eel farmer,鳗鱼农夫 Eeylops owl emporium,猫头鹰商场 Eeylops owl emporium employee,猫头鹰商店员工 Eeylops owl emporium trading card,Eeylops猫头鹰商场交易卡 Eeylops premium owl treat,Eeylops高级猫头鹰待遇 Eeylops premium owl treats,Eeylops高级猫头鹰的待遇 Effect before each of your opponents turns he or she chooses a card in his or her hand and discards it to solve your opponent skips a total of 5 actions opponents reward your opponent may draw 5 cards,效果 在你的对手每个回合之前,他或她选择他或她手中的一张牌并将其丢弃,以解决你的对手跳过总共5个行动的问题 对手奖励 你的对手可以抽5张牌 Effect before each of your opponents turns he or she draws 3 cards and then chooses 3 cards in his or her hand and discards them to solve your opponent chooses 1 of his or her locations in play or 4 of his or her lessons in play and discards them opponents reward you take 3 damage,效果 在你的对手每个回合之前,他或她抽3张牌,然后在他或她的手牌中选择3张牌并丢弃它们来解决 你的对手选择他或她在游戏中的1个位置或他或她在游戏中的4个教训并丢弃它们 对手奖励 你受到3次伤害 Effect before each of your turns you may show your opponent any number of creature cards from your hand your opponent takes that much damage to solve your opponent takes 10 damage opponents reward if you have any cards in your hand you choose 1 of them and discard it,效果在你每个回合前,你可以向你的对手展示你手中任何数量的生物牌,你的对手受到相同数量的伤害,并解决你的对手受到10点伤害,对手的奖励是如果你手中有任何牌,你选择其中的一张并丢弃。 Effect before each of your turns your opponent takes 1 damage to solve your opponent chooses 3 of his or her lessons in play and discard them opponents reward your opponent draws 3 cards or does 3 damage to you,在你的每个回合之前,你的对手受到1点伤害,你的对手选择他或她在游戏中的3个教训并丢弃它们,对手奖励你的对手抽3张牌或对你造成3点伤害 Effect before each of your turns your opponent takes 2 damage to solve your opponent chooses 7 cards in his or her hand and discards them opponents reward you take 4 damage,在你的每个回合之前,你的对手受到2次伤害,你的对手选择他或她手中的7张牌并丢弃它们,对手奖励你受到4次伤害。 Effect before each of your turns your opponent takes 2 damage to solve your opponent skips a total of 5 actions opponents reward your opponent may look at your hand choose 1 of those cards and discard it,在你每个回合前的效果,你的对手受到2次伤害,你的对手总共跳过5个动作,对手奖励你,你的对手可以查看你的手牌,选择其中的1张牌并丢弃。 Effect before each of your turns your opponent takes 4 damage to solve your opponent discards his or her hand opponents reward your opponent may put up to 4 non healing cards from his or her discard pile on the bottom of his or her deck,效果 在你的每个回合之前,你的对手受到4点伤害,你的对手丢弃他或她的手牌 对手的奖励 你的对手可以从他或她的弃牌堆中,将最多4张非治疗牌放在他或她的牌组底部 Effect during each of your opponents turns he or she can play cards only if you played 1 or more cards on your previous turn to solve your opponent chooses and discards 1 of his or her characters in play or 8 cards from their hand opponents reward your opponent may draw 3 cards,在你的对手的每个回合中,只有当你在上一回合打出1张或更多的牌时,他或她才可以出牌,以解决你的对手选择并丢弃他或她的一个角色或8张手牌,对手的奖励 你的对手可以抽3张牌 Effect during your opponents turns prevent all damage done to you by spell cards to solve your opponent chooses 5 spell cards in his or her hand and discards them opponents reward your opponent gets 1 more action,效果 在你的对手回合中,防止所有法术牌对你造成的伤害,以解决 你的对手在他或她的手牌中选择5张法术牌并丢弃它们 对手的奖励 你的对手得到1个额外的行动 Effect prevent all damage done to you by your opponents creatures to solve your opponent chooses 4 of his or her cards in play and returns them to his or her hand opponents reward your opponent may draw a card,效果 防止你的对手的生物对你造成的所有伤害 解决 你的对手选择他或她手中的4张牌并将它们放回他或她的手牌 对手的奖励 你的对手可以抽一张牌 Effect spell cards that need quidditchcardtype power use up 2 of your opponents actions instead of 1 to solve your opponent discards 4 cards that need quidditchcardtype power from his or her hand opponents reward you take 2 damage,效果需要魁地奇卡类力量的法术牌用掉你对手的2个行动,而不是1个行动来解决 你的对手从他或她的手中丢弃4张需要魁地奇卡类力量的牌 对手奖励 你受到2点伤害 Effect the first action your opponent uses on each of his or her turns must be used to draw a card to solve your opponent shows you a card from his or her hand with a power needed of 8 or more opponents reward your opponent may draw 2 cards,效果 你的对手在每个回合使用的第一个动作必须用于抽牌来解决 你的对手从他或她的手牌中向你展示一张需要8或更多力量的牌 对手的奖励 你的对手可以抽2张牌 Effect whenever 1 of your creatures does damage to your opponent it does 1 more damage to solve your opponent skips a total of 5 actions opponents reward your opponent may draw a card,效果 每当你的一个生物对你的对手造成伤害时,它就会对你的对手造成更多的伤害,以解决你的对手总共跳过5个行动 对手的奖励 你的对手可以抽一张牌 Effect whenever you use an action to play a spell your opponent says brilliant if your opponent forgets he or she takes 3 damage at the end of that turn to solve your opponent lets you have 4 more actions on your next turn opponents reward you take 3 damage,效果每当你用行动来打出一个咒语时,你的对手说得很好,如果你的对手忘记了,他或她在该回合结束时受到3个伤害,以解决你的对手让你在下一回合还有4个行动,对手奖励你受到3个伤害。 Effect whenever your opponent draws 1 or more cards he or she then takes 1 damage to solve your opponent skips a total of 5 actions opponents reward you take 3 damage,效果 每当你的对手抽到1张或更多的牌,他或她就会受到1次伤害来解决 你的对手总共跳过5次行动 对方奖励你3次伤害 Effect your opponent cant play creature cards to solve your opponent chooses 4 creature cards in his or her hand and discards them opponents reward your opponent may draw a card,效果 你的对手不能打出生物牌来解决 你的对手选择他或她手中的4张生物牌并丢弃它们 对手奖励 你的对手可以抽一张牌 Effect your opponent cant play item cards to solve your opponent chooses 4 item cards in his or her hand and discards them opponents reward your opponent may search his or her deck for any card and put it into his or her hand then your opponent shuffles his or her deck,你的对手不能使用物品牌来解决你的问题,你的对手在他或她的手牌中选择4张物品牌并丢弃它们 对手的奖励 你的对手可以在他或她的牌组中搜索任何牌并将其放入他或她的手牌中,然后你的对手洗牌 Effect your opponent cant play spell cards to solve your opponent chooses 6 cards in his or her hand and discards them opponents reward your opponent may draw a card,效果你的对手不能打出法术牌来解决你的对手选择他或她手中的6张牌并丢弃它们对手的奖励你的对手可以抽一张牌 Effect your opponent cant play spell cards to solve your opponent skips a total of 4 actions opponents reward your opponent may put an item card from his or her discard pile into his or her hand,你的对手不能使用法术牌来解决你的问题,你的对手总共跳过了4个行动,对手奖励你的对手可以从他或她的弃牌堆中放入一张物品牌到他或她的手中。 Effect your opponent cant use actions to draw cards to solve your opponent lets you search your deck for up to 2 cards and put them into your hand then shuffle your deck opponents reward your opponent may draw a card,你的对手不能使用行动抽牌来解决你的问题,你的对手可以让你在你的牌组中搜索最多两张牌,并将它们放入你的手牌,然后洗牌。 Effect your opponent cant use actions to draw cards to solve your opponent skips a total of 7 actions opponents reward your opponent may draw any number of cards,你的对手不能用行动抽牌来解决你的问题,你的对手总共跳过了7个行动,你的对手可以抽任何数量的牌。 Effect your opponent cant use actions to play adventure cards to solve your opponent chooses 2 adventure cards in his or her hand and discards them opponents reward your opponent may draw a card,你的对手不能使用行动来打出冒险牌来解决,你的对手选择了他或她手中的2张冒险牌并丢弃它们,对手奖励你的对手可以抽一张牌。 Effect your opponent cant use actions to play any cards except lesson cards to solve your opponent uses actions to play lesson cards 3 times opponents reward your opponent may put any number of lesson cards from his or her hand into play,效果:你的对手不能用行动来打任何牌,除了教训牌,你的对手用行动打了3次教训牌,对手的奖励:你的对手可以把他或她手中的任何数量的教训牌投入游戏。 Effect your opponent cant use actions to play creature cards to solve your opponent chooses 2 of his or her lessons in play and discards them opponents reward your opponent may search his or her deck he or she may take a creature card show it to you and put it into his or her hand then your opponent shuffles his or her deck,效果:你的对手不能使用行动打出生物牌来解决 你的对手选择了他或她的2张课程牌并丢弃它们 对手的奖励:你的对手可以搜索他或她的牌组 他或她可以拿一张生物牌给你看并把它放入他或她的手牌中 然后你的对手洗他或她的牌组 Effect your opponent cant use actions to play healing cards to solve your opponent chooses 5 of his or her cards in play and discards them opponents reward your opponent may shuffle up to 5 non healing cards from his or her discard pile into his or her deck,效果:你的对手不能使用行动打出治疗牌来解决你的问题,你的对手从他或她的牌中选择5张并丢弃它们,对手的奖励:你的对手可以从他或她的弃牌堆中洗出最多5张非治疗牌到他或她的牌中。 Effect your opponent cant use actions to play location cards to solve your opponent chooses 2 location cards in his or her hand and discards them opponents reward once during this turn when your opponent uses an action to play a location card he or she gets 2 more actions this turn,效果你的对手不能使用行动来打出位置牌来解决你的对手选择他或她手中的2张位置牌并丢弃它们对手的奖励在本回合中,当你的对手使用行动来打出位置牌时,他或她在本回合中会得到2个额外的行动。 Effect your opponent cant use actions to play location cards to solve your opponent lets you search your deck you may take up to 2 location cards from your deck show them to your opponent and put them into your hand then shuffle your deck opponents reward your opponent may put a lesson card from his or her hand into play,效果你的对手不能使用行动打出位置牌来解决你的对手让你搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中最多拿2张位置牌给你的对手看,然后把它们放入你的手牌中,然后洗牌对手奖励你的对手可以把他或她手中的一张教训牌投入游戏。 Effect your opponent cant use actions to play non lesson cards to solve your opponent discards his or her hand opponents reward your opponent searches his or her deck for any card puts it into his or her hand and then shuffles his or her deck,效果:你的对手不能使用行动来打出非课程牌,以解决你的对手丢弃他或她的手牌,对手的奖励:你的对手在他或她的卡组中搜索任何牌,把它放入他或她的手牌,然后洗他或她的卡组。 Effect your opponent cant use actions to play spell cards to solve your opponent takes 7 damage opponents reward your opponent may put up to 2 non healing cards from his or her discard pile and put them on the bottom of his deck,效果 你的对手不能使用行动来打出法术牌来解决 你的对手受到7点伤害 对手的奖励 你的对手可以从他或她的弃牌堆中放入最多两张非治疗牌,并将它们放在他的牌组底部 Effect your opponent cant use more than 1 action to play lesson cards during each of his or her turns to solve your opponent chooses 4 of his or her lessons in play and discards them opponents reward your opponent may draw a card,效果 你的对手在他或她的每个回合中都不能使用超过1个动作来打出教训牌来解决 你的对手选择他或她的4张教训牌并丢弃它们 对手的奖励 你的对手可以抽一张牌 Effect your opponent discards the card drawn at the start of each of his or her turns to solve the card drawn and discarded at the start of your opponents turn is a lesson card opponents reward you take 1 damage,效果:你的对手在每个回合开始时丢弃抽到的牌,以解决在你的对手回合开始时抽到并丢弃的牌是一张课程牌。 Effect your opponent discards the card drawn at the start of each of his or her turns to solve your opponent takes 8 damage opponents reward you take 2 damage,效果你的对手在他或她的每个回合开始时丢弃所抽的牌,以解决你的对手受到8点伤害,对手奖励你受到2点伤害 Effect your opponent discards the card he or she draws at the start of each of his or her turns to solve your opponent discards his or her hand opponents reward you discard your hand,效果你的对手在他或她的每个回合开始时丢弃他或她抽到的牌来解决你的对手丢弃他或她的手牌对手奖励你丢弃你的手牌 Effect your opponent gets 1 fewer action on each of his or her turns to solve your opponent chooses 4 cards in his or her hand and discards them opponents reward your opponent may draw 2 cards,效果你的对手在他或她的每个回合都少了一个行动,以解决你的对手在他或她的手牌中选择4张牌并丢弃它们对手的奖励你的对手可以抽2张牌 Effect your opponent gets 1 fewer action on each of his or her turns to solve your opponent takes 8 damage opponents reward your opponent may draw 3 cards,效果 你的对手在他或她的每个回合都少了一个行动来解决 你的对手受到了8点伤害 对手奖励 你的对手可以抽3张牌 Effect your opponent may use actions only to draw cards to solve your opponent discards 5 cards from his or her hand opponents reward your opponent may draw 2 cards,效果 你的对手可以只使用行动来抽牌来解决 你的对手从他或她的手牌中丢弃了5张牌 对手奖励 你的对手可以抽2张牌 Effect your opponent plays with his or her hand face up to solve your opponent discards his or her hand opponents reward you play with your hand face up for the rest of the game,效果 你的对手用他或她的手牌正面朝上来解决 你的对手丢弃他或她的手牌 对手奖励 你在游戏的其余部分用你的手牌正面朝上来玩 Effect your opponents creature and spell cards need 2 more power to play to solve your opponent chooses 7 cards in his or her hand and discards them opponents reward your opponent may put a lesson card from his or her discard pile into play,影响你的对手的生物和法术牌需要2个以上的力量来解决 你的对手选择他或她手中的7张牌并丢弃它们 对手的奖励 你的对手可以从他或她的弃牌堆中放入一张教训牌。 Egbert the egregious,恶劣的埃格伯特 Egbert the egregious slaughters emeric the evil,恶劣的埃格伯特屠杀了邪恶的埃里克。 Egg,鸡蛋 Egg nog,鸡蛋酒 Egg on toast,吐司上的鸡蛋 Egg whites,蛋清 Eglantine lestrange,埃格兰廷-莱斯特兰奇 Eglantine puffett,埃格兰坦-帕菲特 Egmont elvert hobday,埃格蒙特-埃尔弗特-霍布迪 Egmont hobday,埃格蒙特-霍夫代 Egypt,埃及 Egyptian national quidditch team,埃及国家魁地奇队 Egyptian owl union,埃及猫头鹰联盟 Ehwaz,埃瓦兹 Eiffel tower,埃菲尔铁塔 Eight hours,八小时 Eight inches,八英寸 Eight legs and eyes,八条腿和眼睛 Eihwaz,埃赫瓦兹 Eileen atkins,艾琳-阿特金斯 Eileen snape,艾琳-斯内普 Either a daughter or a sister or a paternal aunt or a female cousin,要么是女儿,要么是妹妹,要么是父系姑姑,要么是女表哥 Either long haired lurcher or irish wolfhound,长毛猎犬或爱尔兰狼犬 Ekow quartey,艾可-夸特(Ekow Quartey Ekrizdis,艾克利斯提斯 Elarica gallacher,艾拉里卡-加拉赫 Elbow grease,肘部油脂 Elder,长者 Elder tree,接骨木 Elder wand,接骨木魔杖 Elderly visitor at leaky cauldron,漏水大锅前的老年访客 Elderly wizard in an emerald green cloak,穿着翠绿斗篷的老年巫师 Eldon elsrickle,艾尔登-埃尔里克尔 Eldon pembroke,艾尔登-彭布罗克 Eldred worple,长老沃普尔 Eldritch diggory,长生不老症 Eldritch diggorys wand,埃尔德里奇-迪戈里的魔杖 Eleanor branstone,埃莉诺-布兰斯通 Eleanor columbus,埃莉诺-哥伦布 Eleanor disambiguation,埃莉诺消歧义 Eleanor patricia columbus,埃莉诺-帕特里夏-哥伦布 Eleanora shanks,埃莉诺拉-桑克斯 Elections for british minister for magic,英国魔法部长的选举 Elections for british minister of magic,英国魔法部长的选举 Electric blue,电光蓝 Electric blue in colour,电蓝的颜色 Electric fire,电火 Electric guitar,电吉他 Electric shock shake,电击摇晃 Electric toothbrush,电动牙刷 Electricity,电器 Electricity pylon,电塔 Electro,电器 Electronic arts,电子艺术 Electronic arts uk,电子艺术英国 Elegant and bold,优雅而大胆 Elektra,埙 Elementary,小学 Elena bonham carter,埃琳娜-博纳姆-卡特 Elena eldritch,埃琳娜-埃尔德里奇 Elephant,大象 Elephant and castle,大象和城堡 Elf,小精灵 Elf hat,精灵帽 Elf legislation,精灵立法 Elf made wine,精灵制造的葡萄酒 Elfin heroes magic mystery,精灵英雄魔法之谜 Elfin sugar co,精灵糖业公司 Elfin sugar crystals,精灵糖晶 Elfric the eager,渴望的艾尔弗里克 Elfric the eagers campaign,埃尔弗里克的渴望运动 Elfrida clagg,埃尔弗里达-克拉格 Elfrida cragg,埃尔弗里达-克拉格 Elianas father,埃利阿纳的父亲 Elianas mother,母亲埃利亚纳斯 Elias grimstone,艾利亚斯墓碑 Elias story,艾利亚斯的故事 Elice irene elsie horton,艾丽斯-艾琳-艾丽斯-霍顿 Elicia,艾莉西亚 Elicia scales,艾丽西娅鳞片 Elite no maj,精英无马 Elixir 7,炼金术7 Elixir of life,生命之药 Elixir of life trading card,生命之药交易卡 Elixir to induce euphoria,诱发兴奋的药水 Eliza,艾莉莎 Eliza jpeg,伊莱莎图片 Elizabeth burke,伊丽莎白-伯克 Elizabeth disambiguation,伊丽莎白消歧义 Elizabeth dowsett,伊丽莎白-道瑟特 Elizabeth i,伊丽莎白一世 Elizabeth ii,伊丽莎白二世 Elizabeth jean williams,伊丽莎白-简-威廉斯 Elizabeth jee,伊丽莎白-吉 Elizabeth mcgilliguddy,伊丽莎白-麦克吉利古迪 Elizabeth mkapa,伊丽莎白-姆卡帕 Elizabeth moynihan,伊丽莎白-莫尼汉 Elizabeth smudgling,伊丽莎白-莫伊尼汉 (Elizabeth smudgling) Elizabeth spriggs,伊丽莎白-斯瑞格斯 Elizabeth the golden age,伊丽莎白的黄金时代 Ella black,艾拉-布莱克 Ella harris,艾拉-哈里斯 Ella jo,霓裳羽衣 Ella max,艾拉-马克斯 Elladora black,霓虹灯 Elladora guffy,艾拉多拉-格菲 Elladora ketteridge,艾拉多拉-凯特里奇 Ellen howard,艾伦-霍华德 Ellerby,艾勒比 Ellerby and spudmore,艾勒比和斯普德摩尔 Ellie cattermole,艾丽-卡特莫尔 Ellie darcey alden,艾丽-达西-奥尔登(Ellie Darcey Alden Ellie dowson,埃莉-道森(Ellie Dowson Ellie may,艾丽-梅 Elliot disambiguation,埃利奥特消歧义 Elliot francis,艾略特-弗朗西斯 Elliot smethwyck,埃利奥特-斯迈思威克 Elliott doyle,艾略特-多伊尔 Ellis moor quidditch stadium,埃利斯摩尔魁地奇体育场 Elm,榆树 Elm,榆树 Elm distilleries,榆树酒厂 Elodie dembélé,埃洛迪-登贝莱(Elodie dembélé Eloise midgen,埃洛伊丝-米德根 Eloise midgens father,埃洛伊丝-米德根的父亲 Elongated orange bulb,拉长的橙色球体 Elongates teeth,拉长的牙齿 Elora dunn,埃洛拉-邓恩 Elphias doge,阴茎的形状 Elphias doges file,埃尔菲亚斯-杜格的文件 Elphinstone forgot,艾尔芬斯通忘了 Elphinstone urquart and minerva mcgonagalls hogsmeade cottage,艾尔芬斯通-乌尔卡特和米纳瓦-麦克格纳格尔的霍格莫德小屋 Elsbeth mccormick,埃尔斯贝特-麦考密克 Elsie prod,艾尔西-普罗德 Elveira elkins,埃尔维拉-埃尔金 Elysian fields,伊利安场 Emancipare,伊曼西帕尔 Emanuel hurwitz,伊曼纽尔-赫维茨 Embarrassment on the part of the drinker,饮酒者的尴尬处境 Emerald green,翡翠绿 Emerald green colour,翡翠绿的颜色 Emerald green in colour,翡翠绿的颜色 Emerald green with two yellow ks back to back on the chest,翡翠绿,胸前有两个背对背的黄K Emerald potion,翡翠色的药水 Emerett picardy,翡翠皮卡迪 Emergency message,紧急信息 Emeric switch,祖母绿开关 Emeric the evil,邪恶的艾默里克 Emerson spartz,爱默生-斯巴兹 Emil hostina,埃米尔-霍斯蒂纳 Emilio norberto gastel,埃米利奥-诺贝尔托-加斯特尔 Emily dale,艾米丽-戴尔 Emily juliette murphy,茱莉叶-墨菲(Emily Juliette Murphy Emily lamb,琳琅满目 Emily tyler,艾米丽-泰勒 Emit a low musical note to sound danger,发出低沉的乐音,发出危险的声音 Emits a distinctive sound when agitated,激动时发出独特的声音 Emits a magnified roar from the tip of the wand,从魔杖的顶端发出放大的吼声 Emits a sinister tune that makes the listener drowsy,发出阴险的曲调,使听者昏昏欲睡 Emits green sparks that can,发出绿色的火花,可以 Emits light silver vapour,发出淡淡的银色蒸气 Emits low humming sound when happy,快乐时发出低沉的嗡嗡声 Emits multi colour bubbles,发出多种颜色的气泡 Emits pink smoke,发出粉红色的烟雾 Emits rainbow when finished,完成后会发出彩虹 Emits vapours,发出蒸气 Emma,艾玛 Emma bown,艾玛-布恩 Emma charlotte duerre watson,艾玛-夏洛特-杜尔-瓦特森 Emma disambiguation,艾玛消歧义 Emma dobbs,艾玛-多布斯 Emma hewitt,艾玛-赫维特 Emma squiggle,艾玛-斯格格尔 Emma thompson,艾玛-汤普森 Emma vane,艾玛风向标 Emma vane,艾玛-维恩 Emma vane muggle,艾玛-维恩的麻瓜 Emma vane real world,艾玛-维恩的真实世界 Emma vane witch,艾玛-维恩女巫 Emma vanes mother,艾玛-瓦涅斯的母亲 Emma vanity,艾玛虚荣心 Emma vanity,艾玛虚荣心 Emma vanity gryffindor,艾玛-凡尼的格兰芬多 Emma vanity slytherin,艾玛-凡妮斯-斯莱特林 Emma watson,艾玛-瓦特森 Emmeline vance,艾玛琳-万斯 Emmett hawkworth,艾米特-霍克沃斯 Emmi,艾美 Employee of the hogsmeade post office,霍格莫德邮局的雇员 Employee of the owl post office,猫头鹰邮局的员工 Empty classroom,空荡荡的教室 En ful flicka så tuktas en modedocka,充满幻想的教室 Enchanted,迷人的 Enchanted balloons,迷人的气球 Enchanted bench,迷人的长椅 Enchanted boots,迷人的靴子 Enchanted ceiling,迷人的天花板 Enchanted coin,施了魔法的硬币 Enchanted coins,施了魔法的硬币 Enchanted feather co,迷人的羽毛 Enchanted garden,迷人的花园 Enchanted garden,魔法花园 Enchanted garden book of potions,魔法花园的药水书 Enchanted gardens,神奇的花园 Enchanted mirror,神奇的镜子 Enchanted music box,神奇的音乐盒 Enchanted razor,神奇的剃刀 Enchanted ring,魔法戒指 Enchanted rings,神奇的戒指 Enchanted snow,魔法雪 Enchanted tea set,魔法茶具 Enchanted window,魔法之窗 Enchantment in baking,烘烤中的魔法 Encounter at the shrieking shack,遇到尖叫的小屋里 Encouraging happy mixed pitches and sung as if mocking slytherin in the modified version,鼓励快乐的混合音调,在修改后的版本中唱得好像在嘲笑斯莱特林一样 Encyclopaedia of potterworld,陶器世界的百科全书 Encyclopedia,百科全书 Encyclopedia of toadstools,蟾蜍的百科全书 End of term feast,学期结束时的盛宴 End of year examinations,年终考试 End of year feast,年终盛宴 End of year feast trading card,年终盛宴交易卡 Endangered,濒危 Endangered,濒危 Endless sandwich,无尽的三明治 Endless sandwiches,无尽的三明治 Endless sandwiches trading card,无尽的三明治交易卡 Endurance badge,耐力徽章 Energetic and athletic,精力充沛的运动型 Energetic temperament,精力充沛的气质 Energises the drinker,精力充沛的饮者 Enfield chase,恩菲尔德追逐 Engaged,充满活力 Engaged to cadmus peverell,与卡德摩斯-佩雷尔订婚 England,英格兰 England national football team,英格兰国家足球队 England uk,英格兰国家队 English,英国 English,英国 English channel,英格兰频道 English gobstones team,英国鹅卵石队 English national gobstones team,英国国家鹅卵石队 English national quidditch stadium,英国国家魁地奇体育场 English national quidditch team,英国国家魁地奇队 English oak,英国橡树 English teacher,英语教师 English under 17 quidditch team,英国17岁以下魁地奇队 Engorgement charm,镌刻符咒 Engorgement charm trading card,英格力符咒交易卡 Engorgio,英戈尔基奥 Engorgio skullus,"骷髅头 ""英戈尔吉奥" Engraver,雕刻师 Enhances a brooms ability to reverse,增强扫帚的逆转能力 Enhances a spells abilities,增强法术的能力 Enhances an individuals defence,增强个人的防御能力 Enhances teammates against foes,增强队友对抗敌人的能力 Enhances the ability to accept the extraordinary,增强接受特殊事物的能力 Enhances the attractiveness of the drinkers physical appearance,增强饮酒者身体外观的吸引力 Enhances the drinker sense of smell,增强饮酒者的嗅觉 Enhances the drinkers memory,增强饮酒者的记忆力 Enhances the mental perception of the drinker,增强饮酒者的心理感知力 Enid longbottom,伊妮德-隆博特姆 Enid pettigrew,伊妮-佩特格鲁 Enid smeek,伊妮德-斯米克 Enjoys flower picking,喜欢采花 Enlargement charm,扩音符 Enlarges an object,扩大一个物体 Enlarging spell,扩容咒语 Enoch acidus,伊诺克酸 Enormous with lots of tentacles,巨大的,有很多触角的 Enquiry at the ministry of magic,在魔法部的查询 Entertainer,娱乐者 Entertainment,娱乐业 Entertainment business segment,娱乐业务部门 Entrail expelling curse,驱除诅咒的Entrail Entrance,娛樂業 Entrance dungeon,地牢入口处 Entrance dungeon staircase,地牢入口处的楼梯 Entrance footpath,入口处的人行道 Entrance gates,入口处的大门 Entrance hall,入口大厅 Entrance hall,宿舍楼 Entrance hall gryffindor prefect,入口大厅 格兰芬多校长 Entrance hall ilvermorny,入口大厅 伊尔沃莫尼 Entrances people,玄关的人 Entrancing enchantments,诱人的魔力 Entrancing enchantments trading card,诱人的魔法交易卡 Environmental activist,环境活动家 Environments envisioned building fantastic sets and scouting dramatic locations,环境设想建造梦幻般的布景和侦查戏剧性的地点 Eom sang hyeon,严尚贤 Epic movie,史诗般的电影 Episkeynew gif,史派克新GIF Equatorial guinea,几内亚 Equestrian anthems volume 4,纪念品 Equus,纪念品 Equus,纪念品 Eradication spell,铲除法术 Erects a structure,竖起一个结构 Eric george sibley,埃里克-乔治-西布利 Eric munch,埃里克-蒙奇 Eric murley,埃里克-穆尔利 Eric sykes,埃里克-赛克斯 Eric thompson,埃里克-汤普森 Erica stainwright,Erica Stainwright Erich ludendorff,Erich Ludendorff Erick hayden,埃里克-海登 Erik evan olson,埃里克-伊万-奥尔森(Erik Evan Olson Erika raths friend i,Erika Raths friend I Erika raths friend ii,艾瑞卡-拉特斯的朋友二 Erkling,丈夫 Ermessende lestrange,丈夫 Ern,袠 Ernest hawkworth,欧内斯特-霍克沃斯 Ernest macmillan,Ernest Macmillan Ernest prang,艾奈斯特-普朗格 Ernest rowling,Ernest Rowling Ernie,厄尼 Ernie,厄尼 Errol,埃罗尔 Errol hawkworth,埃罗尔-霍克沃思 Errol trading card,埃罗尔交易卡 Erumpent,埃鲁姆普特 Erumpent horn,埃鲁门特号角 Erumpent musk,麝香 Erumpent potion,艾伦普特药水 Erumpent potion trading card,二闾大夫药水交易卡 Erumpent tail,尾巴 Eruption of blisters on the body,身上的水泡爆发 Escalator,自动扶梯 Escape from circus arcanus,逃离马戏团阿卡努斯 Escaping the dursleys,逃出杜斯莱家 Esposito,逃过一劫 Essay on giant wars,关于巨人战争的论文 Essay on jupiters moons,关于朱庇特之月的论文 Essay on self fertilising shrubs,关于自我施肥的灌木的论文 Essay on shrinking potions,关于缩小药水的论文 Essay on vampires,关于吸血鬼的论文 Essay on werewolves,关于狼人的论文 Essence of comfrey,紫草的精华 Essence of daisyroot,菊花根的精华 Essence of insanity,精神错乱的本质 Essex england,埃塞克斯-英格兰 Esther adams,埃斯特-亚当斯 Esther smith,埃斯特-史密斯 Estonia,爱沙尼亚 Estonia national football team,爱沙尼亚国家足球队 Eta,埃塔 Etc,等 Eternelle,辽宁队 Eternelles elixir of refreshment,埃特莱尔的提神剂 Ethan bexley,伊桑-贝克斯利 Ethan gerard,伊森-杰拉德(Ethan Gerard Ethan parkin,伊森-帕金(Ethan Parkin) Ethelred the ever ready,艾瑟里德永远的准备 Ethiopia,埃塞俄比亚 Etiquette teacher,礼仪老师 Eton,伊顿 Eton college,伊顿公学 Euan abercrombie,伊顿大学 Eucharist,圣餐会 Eugene warmsley,剑桥大学 Eunice cabanart,尤妮斯-卡巴纳特 Eunice murray,尤妮丝-穆雷 Euphemia potter,尤菲米亚-波特(Euphemia Potter Euphemia rowle,欧菲米亚-罗尔(Euphemia Rowle Euphraïlde lestrange,尤弗莱德-莱斯特兰奇(Euphraïlde Lestrange) Eurig cadwallader,欧里格-卡德瓦拉德 Euro glyph school of extraordinary languages,欧洲特殊语言的字形学校 Europa,欧洲 Europe,欧洲 Europe asia,欧洲-亚洲 European cup,欧洲杯 European quidditch league,欧洲魁地奇联赛 European union,欧洲联盟 Eustace fawley,尤斯塔斯-福雷 Eustace fawleys father,尤斯塔斯-福莱的父亲 Eustace fawleys uncle,尤斯塔斯-福莱的叔叔 Eva alexander,伊娃-亚历山大 Evan rosier,埃文-罗西尔 Evan rosier,埃文-罗西尔 Evanesce,埃瓦涅斯 Evanesce trading card,埃瓦内塞斯交易卡 Evangeline orpington,伊万杰琳-奥平顿 Evangeline orpingtons wand,伊万杰琳-奥平顿的魔杖 Evanna patricia lynch,伊万娜-帕特里夏-林奇 Evans family,埃文斯家族 Evans sisters father,埃文斯姐妹的父亲 Evans sisters mother,埃文斯姐妹的母亲 Eve karpf,伊芙-卡普夫 Eve ponsonby,夏娃-庞森比 Eveline chapman,伊芙琳-查普曼 Evening prophet,晚间预言家 Evenings as needed,根据需要的晚间活动 Event,活动 Event to commemorate literature,纪念文学的活动 Ever bashing boomerang,敲打回力球 Everard,常青树 Evergreen environment,常青环境 Everklena,常青树 Everlasting candle,永恒的蜡烛 Everlasting elixirs,长生不老的灵药 Everlasting flames,永恒的火焰 Everlasting icicle,永恒的冰柱 Everlasting ink,永恒的墨水 Everte statum,永恒的雕像 Every continent except antarctica,除南极洲外的每个大陆 Every flavour beans,每种口味的豆子 Every flavour beans trading card,每种口味的豆子交易卡 Evesham,邪恶的巫师 Evil sorcerer,邪恶的巫师 Ex cappa,前卡帕 Exact effects unknown but capable of killing victim,确切效果不明,但能使受害者死亡 Examination,检查 Examination of participants wands,检查参与者的魔杖 Examiner,考察者 Exceeds expectations,超出预期 Excellence in potions cup,魔药杯优秀奖 Excellence in runes cup,符文杯优秀奖 Excellent flyers,优秀的飞行者 Excellent hearing,优秀的听力 Excellent sense of smell,卓越的嗅觉 Exceptional vision,卓越的视力 Excessive flatulence,过度的肠胃蠕动 Excessive singing,过度的歌唱 Excruciating pain,疼痛难忍 Excruciating pain,极度的疼痛 Execute dangerous magical creatures,执行危险的魔法生物 Executioner,执行者 Executive desk lamp,执行台灯 Executive producer,执行制片人 Exercising political power,行使政治权力 Existing worldwide,存在于世界各地 Exmoor,埃克斯穆尔 Exmoor quidditch stadium,Exmoor魁地奇球场 Exotic symbol analyst,异国符号分析员 Expecto patronum,纪念品 Expeditionary forces,远征军 Expelliarmus,帝国主义者 Expelliarmus gargoyle,恶魔之眼 Expelliarmus spellbook,驱逐法术书 Expels entrails,驱逐内脏 Experimental mixture,实验性混合物 Explodes when approached,靠近时发生爆炸 Explodes when touched,触摸时爆炸 Exploding bonbons,爆炸的软糖 Exploding cauldron,爆炸的大锅 Exploding charm,爆炸的符咒 Exploding firecrackers,爆炸的鞭炮 Exploding fluid,爆炸的液体 Exploding lemonade,爆炸的柠檬水 Exploding potion,爆炸药水 Exploding snabberwitch,爆炸性鼻烟壶 Exploding snap,爆炸弹 Exploding snap cup,爆炸性扣杯 Exploding tuba,爆炸大喇叭 Exploding whizz poppers,爆炸性的爆裂物 Exploring,探索 Explosion,爆炸 Explosive,爆炸性的 Explosive enterprises,爆炸性的企业 Explosive fairy dust,爆炸性的仙尘 Explosive spell,爆炸性法术 Expulso,爆炸 Expulso curse,消除诅咒 Expulso spellbook,爆炸法术书 Exstimulo potion,爆炸药水 Extant,延伸 Extant,延伸 Extant at least in female line,至少在女系中流传 Extant but heavily controlled,现存但受到严格控制 Extant in female line,在女系中现存 Extant in female line possibly extant in male line,在女系中现存,可能在男系中现存 Extant in female line possibly extinct in the male line,雌性系现存,可能在雄性系中灭亡 Extant in small numbers,在少量的情况下存在 Extant in the female line,在女系中现存 Extant possibly soon to be extinct,现存的可能很快就会灭绝 Extant probably imaginary,可能是想象中的存在 Extant soon to be extinct in the male line,现存于男系,即将灭绝 Extant very rare,现存的非常罕见 Extendable ears,可伸长的耳朵 Extension charm,延伸的魅力 Extensive suffering,广泛的痛苦 Extent,广泛的 Exterior walkway,外部走道 Exterminator,灭绝师太 Extinct,灭绝 Extinct,灭绝 Extinct commentpresumably,灭绝的评论据推测是 Extinct cpossibly,可能已灭绝 Extinct in male line extant in the female line,在雄性品系中灭绝,在雌性品系中现存 Extinct in male line female line possibly extant,绝迹于公系 雌系可能现存 Extinct in the male line,绝迹于公系 Extinct in the male line extant in the female line,在雄性家族中灭绝,在雌性家族中现存 Extinct mythical or rare,灭绝的神话或罕见的 Extinguishing charm,熄灭的符咒 Extinguishing spell,熄灭的咒语 Extra,额外的 Extra,额外的 Extra strength potion qws,额外强度药水qws Extracts a single memory from a persons mind,从一个人的头脑中提取单一的记忆 Extraordinary trials in history,历史上的非凡试验 Extras,额外的 Extreme incantations,极端的咒语 Extreme melancholy,极端忧郁 Extreme pain,极端的痛苦 Extreme variance from normal behavioural patterns,与正常行为模式的极端差异 Extremely aggressive,极具攻击性 Extremely agile,极端敏捷 Extremely dangerous and hostile towards humans,极端危险,对人类有敌意 Extremely difficult to capture or evade,极端难以捕捉或躲避 Extremely large height and build with magical abilities,身高和体型极其庞大,具有神奇的能力 Extremely low toxicity,毒性极低 Extremely violent and dangerous,极度暴力和危险 Extremely violent dangerous and carnivorous,极度暴力危险,食肉性强 Eye of horus,霍鲁斯之眼 Eye of newt,蝾螈之眼 Eye of rabbit harp string hum turn this water into rum,兔子的眼睛 竖琴弦的哼声把这水变成朗姆酒 Eye protection,保护眼睛 Eye replacement capable of seeing through objects and the back of his own head,能看穿物体和自己的后脑勺的眼睛替代品 Eyeball,眼球 Ezra matthew miller,以斯拉-马修-米勒 Ezra miller,以斯拉-米勒 F lestrange,F LESTRANGE F wakefield,F Wakefield Fabian and gideon prewett,法比安和吉迪恩-普雷韦特 Fabian bland †,法比安-布兰德 † Fabian prewett,瘜敺憭批郎憭批郎憭批郎憭批郎憭批郎憭批郎憭批郎 Fabian prewetts watch,法比安-普雷维特的手表 Fabiola,法比奥拉 Face paint kid,脸部绘画的孩子 Faceless head,无脸的头 Faeces,粪便 Failed attempt to bring peter pettigrew to justice,试图将彼得-佩蒂格鲁绳之以法的努力失败了 Failure,失败 Failure to brew correctly can result in permanent half human half animal mutations,酿造失败会导致永久性的半人半兽变异 Faint blue smoke,微弱的蓝烟 Fainting fancies,晕倒的幻想 Fair,公平 Fair,公平 Fairly flexible,相当灵活 Fairness,公平的 Fairs spavins centaur assailant,晕倒的半人马袭击者 Fairy,仙女 Fairy forest,仙女森林 Fairy magic,仙女的魔法 Fairy necklace,仙女项链 Fairy spark dust,仙女火花粉 Fairy tales,童话故事 Fairy wings,仙女的翅膀 Faith wood blagrove,信仰之木布洛格罗夫 Fake facial hair that can be worn to add years to [ones] appearance,假的面部毛发,可用于增加[自己]的外观年限 Fake protective potions,假的保护药水 Fake wand,假的魔杖 Falco aesalon,法尔科-艾萨隆 Falco lestrange,法尔科-莱斯特兰奇 Falco tremblay,猎鹰Tremblay Falcon,猎鹰 Fall of lord voldemort celebrations,伏地魔倒台的庆祝活动 Fall of the ministry of magic,魔法部的垮台 Fallen fifty,堕落的五十人 Falmouth,猎鹰 Falmouth falcons,法尔茅斯猎鹰 False ear,假耳朵 False memory charm,虚假的记忆符咒 Fambus station wagon,范巴斯旅行车 Families and friends of hogwarts students,霍格沃茨学生的家人和朋友 Family,家庭 Family duels case,家庭决斗案 Family ghoul,家庭食尸鬼 Family that lived at gregorovitchs former home,住在格雷戈罗维奇故居的家庭 Family that lived in gregorovitchs former home,住在格雷戈里奇故居的家庭 Family tree,家庭树 Family vehicle,家庭车辆 Famous fire eaters,著名的食火者 Famous witches and wizard card match game,著名的女巫和巫师卡片比赛游戏 Famous witches and wizards cards,著名的女巫和巫师卡片 Fan conjuring spell,扇子变魔术的咒语 Fan shaped with small teeth at the tips,扇子形状,顶端有小齿 Fanatical fics and where to find them podcast,狂热的小说和哪里可以找到他们的播客 Fancy hippogriff calendar,花式河马的日历 Fang,獠牙 Fang trading card,獠牙交易卡 Fanged,獠牙 Fanged flower with sharp teeth,獠牙的花,有锋利的牙齿 Fanged flyer,獠牙传单 Fanged flyer handlers glove,有獠牙的传单处理者手套 Fanged frisbee,带方块的飞盘 Fanged geranium,带方块的天竺葵 Fanged gerbil,方形沙鼠 Fanged puffskein,带方块的松饼 Fangs bowl,獠牙碗 Fanny carbonnel,方形碳纤维 Fanon,蝴蝶结 Fantastic beasts,神奇的野兽 Fantastic beasts 2 images 14 jpeg,神奇的野兽2图像14 jpeg Fantastic beasts 3,神奇动物3 Fantastic beasts 4,神奇动物4 Fantastic beasts 5,神奇动物5 Fantastic beasts and j k rowlings wizarding world,神奇的野兽和J-K-罗林斯的魔法世界 Fantastic beasts and where to find them,神奇的野兽和在哪里可以找到它们 Fantastic beasts and where to find them,神奇的野兽和寻找它们的地方 Fantastic beasts and where to find them a book of 20 postcards to colour,神奇的动物和找到它们的地方 一本20张明信片的彩色书 Fantastic beasts and where to find them character guide,神奇的动物和在哪里可以找到他们人物指南 Fantastic beasts and where to find them companion book,神奇的野兽和在哪里可以找到他们》配套书籍 Fantastic beasts and where to find them disambiguation,神奇的动物和找到它们的地方》的歧义 Fantastic beasts and where to find them film,神奇的动物和在哪里可以找到他们电影 Fantastic beasts and where to find them film gallery,神奇的野兽和在哪里可以找到他们的电影画廊 Fantastic beasts and where to find them magical movie handbook,神奇的动物和在哪里可以找到他们神奇的电影手册 Fantastic beasts and where to find them newt scamander a movie scrapbook,神奇的动物和在哪里可以找到他们 纽特-斯卡曼德的电影剪贴簿 Fantastic beasts and where to find them newt scamander cinematic guide,神奇的动物和在哪里可以找到他们纽特-斯卡曼德的电影指南 Fantastic beasts and where to find them soundtrack,神奇的动物和在哪里可以找到他们的原声带 Fantastic beasts and where to find them the art of the film,神奇的动物和在哪里可以找到他们的电影艺术 Fantastic beasts and where to find them the beasts cinematic guide,神奇的动物和在哪里可以找到它们 神奇的动物电影指南 Fantastic beasts and where to find them the original screenplay,神奇的野兽和在哪里可以找到它们的原版剧本 Fantastic beasts and where to find them vr experience,神奇的野兽和在哪里可以找到他们》VR体验 Fantastic beasts cases from the wizarding world,来自魔法世界的神奇动物案例 Fantastic beasts crimes of grindelwald magical movie handbook,神奇动物之格林德沃之罪神奇电影手册 Fantastic beasts film series,神奇动物系列电影 Fantastic beasts the crimes of grindelwald,神奇动物之格林德沃之罪 Fantastic beasts the crimes of grindelwald gallery,神奇动物之格林德沃之罪画廊 Fantastic beasts the crimes of grindelwald magical movie handbook,神奇动物之格林德沃之罪神奇电影手册 Fantastic beasts the crimes of grindelwald movie magic,神奇动物之格林德沃之罪电影魔法 Fantastic beasts the crimes of grindelwald soundtrack,神奇动物之格林德沃之罪原声带 Fantastic beasts the crimes of grindelwald sticker collection,神奇动物-格林德沃之罪》贴纸集锦 Fantastic beasts the crimes of grindelwald the original screenplay,神奇动物之格林德沃之罪》原版剧本 Fantastic beasts where to find them,神奇动物在哪里找到他们 Fantastic beasts where to find them trading card,神奇动物之找到他们的交易卡 Fantastic mr fox,神奇的狐狸先生 Far east,远东 Faris spavins centaur assailant,法里斯-斯帕文的半人马袭击者 Faris spavins joke,法里斯-斯帕文斯的笑话 Faris spavins secretary,法里斯-斯帕文斯的秘书 Farley family,法利家族 Farmer,农夫 Fashion beauty culture lifestyle runway,时尚美容文化生活方式走秀 Fashion designer,时装设计师 Fashion show,时尚秀 Fast,快速 Fast dramatic,快速的戏剧性 Fastens object in place,将物体固定在原位 Fat,脂肪 Fat and white in rabbit form,脂肪和白色的兔子形状 Fat cactus like plant,脂肪仙人掌一样的植物 Fat friar,胖修士 Fat friar trading card,胖修士交易卡 Fat ghost in stairwell,楼梯间的胖鬼 Fat lady,胖女士 Fat ladys corridor,胖女人的走廊 Fat red toadstool,肥胖的红蟾蜍凳子 Fatah ghedi,胖子Ghedi Fatal scream,脂肪的尖叫声 Father,脂肪细胞 Father brown,棕色父亲 Father christmas,父王圣诞 Father of boy who owned a magic hamster,拥有一只神奇仓鼠的男孩的父亲 Fathers of girls,女孩的父亲 Fatigue,疲劳 Fatiguing fusion,疲劳的融合 Fatiguing fusion trading card,疲劳的融合交易卡 Faux floo,赝品浮雕 Favours adventurers,适合冒险者 Favours healers,偏爱医护人员 Favours scholars,偏爱学者 Favours warriors,有利于战士 Fawcett,福赛特 Fawcett family,福赛特家族 Fawkes,福克斯 Fawkes trading card,福克斯交易卡 Fawley family,福雷家族 Fawlty towers,福尔蒂塔 Fax machine,传真机 Fay dunbars beaters bat,费伊-邓巴的打手棒 Fay dunbars broomstick,费伊-邓巴的扫帚 Fay dunbars friend,费伊-邓巴的朋友 Fay dunbars trunk,费伊-邓巴的树干 Fe fe,恐惧 Fear,恐惧 Fear,恐惧 Fear and loathing in las vegas,在拉斯维加斯的恐惧和厌恶 Feast held at christmas,在圣诞节举行的盛宴 Feast on vegetation and worms,植物和虫子的盛宴 Feather light charm,羽毛灯的魅力 Feathered,有羽毛的 Feathers,羽毛 Feathers repel ink,羽毛能驱除墨水 Feathery appearance green to strongly glaucous blue green in colour,羽毛的外观颜色从绿色到强烈的釉质蓝绿色 Feathery flamingo flame fuzzer,羽毛状的火烈鸟火焰模糊器 February,2月 February 13 1954,1954年2月13日 February 19 march 20 in or before 1975,2月19日-3月20日,在1975年或之前 Federal bureau of covert vigilance and no maj obliviation,联邦秘密警戒局和无主遗忘局 Federal identity commissioner,联邦身份专员 Federal wand law,联邦魔杖法 Federal wand permit officer,联邦魔杖许可官员 Federation internationale de quidditch association,国际魁地奇联盟协会 Feed off the carcasses of dead animals,以死亡动物的尸体为食 Feeds on small mammals,以小型哺乳动物为食 Feet point backwards,脚掌向后 Felicitania tugwood,费利塔尼娅-图格伍德 Felicity baker,蝴蝶结 Felicity eastchurch,费利蒂-伊斯特彻奇 Felifors,菲利福斯 Felifors spell,菲利福斯咒语 Felix brunt,菲利克斯-布朗特 Felix brunt,费利克斯-布朗特 Felix brunt i,菲利克斯-首当其冲I Felix brunt ii,菲利克斯首当其冲二 Felix disambiguation,菲利克斯的歧义 Felix felicis,菲利克斯-菲利克斯(Felicis) Felix rosier,琉璃瓦 Felix summerbee,费利克斯-夏比 Felixempra,费利克斯-安普拉 Fell by the wayside,跌倒在路边 Female,雌性 Female,女性 Female appearance,女性外观 Female council of magical law juror,魔法委员会的女陪审员 Female death eater at the graveyard,墓地里的女性食死徒 Female gryffindor student,女格兰芬多学生 Female muggle,女性麻瓜 Female pouch to carry its offspring,携带其后代的女布袋 Female slytherin student,女生斯莱特林(Slytherin)的学生 Females,女生 Females males,女生 男生 Feminism,雌性 Fen,芬 Fencing,剑术 Fenny snake,芬尼蛇 Fenrir greyback,芬里尔灰背蛇 Fenrir greybacks attack on hogwarts,灰背隼人对霍格沃茨的攻击 Fenrir greybacks attempt to infect hogwarts students with lycanthropy,Fenrir greybacks试图让霍格沃茨的学生感染狼人症 Fenrir greybacks snatcher gang,芬里尔灰背人的抢夺团伙 Fenrir greybacks wand,芬里尔-灰背的魔杖 Fenwick family,芬威克家族 Ferdinand jägendorf,费迪南德-杰根多夫(Ferdinand Jägendorf Fergus,弗格斯 Fergus cowley,弗格斯-考利 Fergus fungal budge,弗格斯真菌芽 Fermented fruit,发酵的水果 Fermented grains,发酵谷物 Fern,蕨类 Fernando diaz,费尔南多-迪亚兹 Ferrari,法拉利 Ferret,雪貂 Ferret to feather duster,雪貂到鸡毛掸子 Ferret to feather duster spell,雪貂对鸡毛掸子的咒语 Ferret to human gif gif,雪貂变人的gif图 Ferret to human spell,雪貂对人的咒语 Fertiliser,肥料 Ferula,阿魏 Fervens aeris gif,阿貂对人的咒语 Fettle belt,阿魏的腰带 Feudal noble,封建贵族 Fever,脂肪肝 Fever fudge,发烧软糖 Ffff00,芙蓉区 Ffffff,脂肪肝 Fianto duri,纤维性 Fibrous,纤维的 Fictional detective story,虚构的侦探故事 Fiddler on the roof,屋顶上的提琴手 Fidelius charm,菲德勒斯的魅力 Fidelma,菲德尔玛 Field mushroom,田野蘑菇 Field training,田野训练 Fieldwake family,田园牧歌家族 Fiendishly difficult crossword,恶魔般难缠的填字游戏 Fiends,斐济人 Fierce but intelligent eyes,凶猛但聪明的眼睛 Fiery death eater,火热的食死徒 Fiery orange,火热的橙色 Fiery orange in colour,颜色火红的橙色 Fiery scarlet,火红的猩红 Fiery sparks when begun,开始时有火红的火花 Fifa world cup,世界杯足球赛 Fifi lafolle,梦幻西游 Fifteen feet,十五脚 Fifteenth century fiends,第十五世纪的恶魔 Fifth avenue,第五大道 Fifth floor boys restroom,五楼男厕所 Fifth floor classroom,五楼教室 Fifth floor corridor,五楼走廊 Fifth floor hall,五楼大厅 Fifth floor hospital tower corridor,五楼医院塔楼走廊 Fifth floor storeroom,五楼贮藏室 Fifth year,五年级 Fifth year girl,五年级女生 Fifty minutes,五十分钟 Fifty one other ingredients,五十分之一的其他成分 Figg family,费格家族 Fight club,搏击俱乐部 Fighting among species,物种之间的战斗 Fighting the basilisk,战斗的玄武岩 Figure eight,八字诀 Figure of eight movements,八字形运动 Fiji,斐济 Fijian national quidditch team,斐济国家魁地奇队 Fijian rainforest,斐济雨林 Filchs emporium of confiscated goods,费尔奇斯没收物品商店 Filchs office,菲尔奇办公室 Filchy,菲尔奇 Filemina alchin,斐济雨林 Filibuster,菲利巴斯特 Filius flitwicks desk,菲利乌斯-弗利特维克的办公桌 Filius flitwicks goblin ancestor,弗利乌斯-弗利特维克的妖精祖先 Filius flitwicks office,弗利乌斯-弗利特维克的办公室 Filius flitwicks tin,弗利乌斯-弗利特威克锡 Filius flitwicks trophies,弗利乌斯-弗利特维克的战利品 Filius flitwicks wand,弗利乌斯-弗利特威克的魔杖 Fillet of a fenny snake,芬尼蛇的鱼片 Filling,填充物 Film,电影 Film producer,电影制片人 Film score,电影配乐 Film score,电影配乐 Films,电影 Final examination,期末考试 Financial transactions,金融交易 Finbar quigley,芬巴-奎格利 Finch,芬奇 Finch fletchley family,芬奇-弗莱奇利家族 Finchs invention,芬奇的发明 Find about harry potters whereabouts,寻找哈利波特的下落 Finding neverland,找寻永无岛 Finding the platform,寻找平台 Fine,仔细 Fine enchanting cauldrons,精美的魔法大锅 Fine fettle belt,精美的铁锅带 Finely divided and lacy triangular in shape,细分和花边的三角形形状 Finestra,精细 Finestra gif,精细的GIF Finestra spell,精细的咒语 Fingal the fearless,无畏的芬格尔 Finger removing jinx,手指去除扫把星 Fingers become wobbly,手指变得摇摇欲坠 Finite,咒语 Finite incantatem,有限的咒语 Finite incantatem0 gif,有限的咒语0 gif Finn,芬恩 Finned paws,芬兰人的爪子 Finnigan family,芬尼根家族 Finsbury park,芬斯伯里公园 Fiona glascott,菲奥娜-格拉斯科特 Fiona mary wilson,菲奥娜-玛丽-威尔逊 Fiona shaw,菲奥娜-肖 Fir,枞树 Fir,枞树 Fire,火灾 Fire breather,呼吸火的人 Fire breathing chicken,喷火鸡 Fire breathing potion,喷火的药水 Fire crab,火螃蟹 Fire creating spell,造火的咒语 Fire dwelling salamander,火居住的蝾螈 Fire eaters,食火者 Fire making spell,炼火法术 Fire omens,火的预兆 Fire protection,火的保护 Fire protection potion,防火药水 Fire protection potion trading card,防火药水交易卡 Fire rope,火绳 Fire salamander,火蝾螈 Fire seed,火种 Fire seed bush,火种灌木丛 Fire seed caves,火种洞穴 Fire seed plant,火种植物 Fire slug,鼻涕虫 Fire to snake,火到蛇 Fire to snake spell,火到蛇的法术 Fire tongs,火钳子 Firebird,火鸟 Firebolt,火箭弹 Firebolt supreme,霹雳火至尊 Firebrick,火砖 Firedrake,火龙 Firefly,萤火虫 Firefly room,萤火虫房间 Firenze,萤火虫 Fireproof balaclava,萤火虫房 Fireproof gloves,防火手套 Fireproof hat,防火帽 Fireproof shirt,防火衬衫 Fireproof sock,防火袜 Fireproof trousers,防火长裤 Fireproof underwear,防火内衣 Firestorm,防火风暴 Firetrail snail,防火蜗牛 Firewhisky,防火酒 Firework,烟花 Fireworks,烟花 Firm and decisive movements,坚定而果断的动作 First cap connect,首都连接 First capital connect,第一资本连接 First floor corridor,一楼走廊 First floor empty classroom i,一楼空教室一 First floor empty classroom ii,一楼空教室二 First floor fighter,一楼战斗机 First floor girls lavatory tower,一楼女生盥洗室塔 First floor girls toilets,一楼女厕所 First headmaster of hogwarts,霍格沃茨的第一位校长 First husband,第一任丈夫 First love beguiling bubbles,初恋乞丐泡泡 First love first loss,初恋初失 First millennium a d,第一个千禧年,一个D First ministry of magic obliviator this potentially means she made this charm because its plural,第一个魔法部的遗忘者,这可能意味着她制作了这个符咒,因为它是复数。 First semi finalist of the 1379 duelling contest,1379年决斗大赛的第一个半决赛选手 First skirmish at the cave,洞穴中的第一场战斗 First skirmish at the horcrux cave,角斗士山洞的第一次小规模战斗 First wand of jacobs sibling,雅各布兄弟姐妹的第一根魔杖 First wizarding war,第一次巫师战争 First world war,第一次世界大战 First year,一年级 First year exams,一年级考试 First year ilvermorny students being sorted into one of the four houses,一年级学生被分到四个学院之一的ilvermorny First year student,一年级学生 First year written exams classroom,一年级笔试教室 Fish,鱼类 Fish,鱼类 Fish and chips,鱼和薯条 Fish egg,鱼蛋 Fish hawk,鱼鹰 Fish like attributes,鱼的属性 Fisher,渔夫 Fishermans pie,渔夫派 Fishers daughter,渔夫的女儿 Fishing,钓鱼 Fishs lower body,鱼的下半身 Fishy green ale,鱼腥味的绿色麦芽酒 Fisk,菲斯克 Fitchburg,菲奇堡 Fitchburg finches,菲奇堡雀鸟 Fitzroy raymond fearon,菲兹罗伊-雷蒙德-弗莱蒙 Five legs,五条腿 Five narrow triangular petals,五片狭长的三角形花瓣 Five to seven fill slits on side of head,头部一侧有五至七条填充缝隙 Fixes broken objects,修复破损物体 Fixing charm,修复符咒 Fizzing whizbees,发泡的小精灵 Fizzing whizzbees,咝咝作响的水蛭 Flabberghasted leech,斑驳的水蛭 Flacking,敲诈勒索 Flacking trading card,交易卡 Flagrante,旗袍 Flagrante curse,诅咒 Flagrate,旗袍 Flailtail snail,旗尾蜗牛 Flamboyant fawley,旗袍 Flame freezing charm,火焰冰冻符 Flamel family,弗拉梅尔家族 Flamel house,弗拉梅尔家 Flames of attraction case,吸引人的火焰案 Flaming kiwi cup,火焰奇异果杯 Flaming purple rabbit,火焰紫兔 Flamingo,弗拉明戈 Flanders,弗兰德斯 Flares it neck into a hood when threatened,当受到威胁时,它的脖子会张开成一个罩子 Flashing paint charm,闪光的油漆符咒 Flask conjuring spell,燃烧瓶变魔术的咒语 Flat cap,平顶帽 Flavius belby,帽子 Flavourings,蝴蝶效应 Flea,跳蚤 Flea ridding,跳蚤的清除 Fleamont family,芙莱蒙家族 Fleamont potter,弗莱蒙陶艺家 Fledermaus and tanner bats skins,弗莱德莫斯和制革者蝙蝠的皮毛 Fleetwing,弗莱温 Fleetwood,弗利特伍德 Fleetwoods high finish handle polish,弗利特伍德的高光手柄抛光剂 Flemish national quidditch team,佛兰德国家魁地奇队 Flesh,瓤子 Flesh eating slug,吃肉的鼻涕虫 Flesh eating slug repellent,吃肉的鼻涕虫驱虫剂 Flesh eating trees of the world,世界上的食肉树 Flesh fly,肉体飞翔 Flesh memory,肉体的记忆 Fleshy taproot,肉质直根 Fletcher family,弗莱彻家族 Fleur de wit,芙蓉花的智慧 Fleur delacour,芙蓉花-德拉库尔 Fleur delacours dress robes,芙蓉-德拉库尔礼服长袍 Fleur delacours wand,芙蓉姐姐的魔杖 Fleur delacours wedding dress,芙蓉姐姐的婚纱 Fleur delacour´s wand,芙蓉姐姐的魔杖 Fleur isabelle weasley,芙蓉-伊莎贝尔-韦斯莱 Fleurys fancy fauna,芙蓉姐姐的花式动物 Flexible,灵活的 Flick again,再一次弹出 Flick wand,弹指一挥间 Flight,蝴蝶飞舞 Flight of the hippogriff,河马的飞行 Flight of the order of the phoenix,凤凰令的飞行 Flightless,无人驾驶 Flighty aphrodite,飞翔的阿芙洛狄忒 Flimflams lanterns,凤凰涅槃 Flint family,火石家族 Flipendo button,欢喜多按钮 Flipendo challenge,拼图挑战 Flipendo maxima gif,触发器GIF Flipendo spellbook,咒语书 Flipendo trading card,拼图游戏交易卡 Flipendo tria,欢乐颂三部曲 Flirting fancies,调情的幻想 Flite rite,欢快的礼节 Flitterbloom,欢乐颂 Flitterby,蝴蝶效应 Flitterby moth,弗利特比飞蛾 Flitwick family,弗利特威克家族 Flitwick method,弗利特威克法 Floating candles,漂浮的蜡烛 Floating charm,漂浮的符咒 Floating eye curse,漂浮的眼睛诅咒 Floating golden lantern,漂浮的金灯笼 Floats,漂浮物 Flobberworm,漂浮的虫子 Flobberworm fritter,漂浮虫油条 Flobberworm mucus,浮游生物的粘液 Flobberworm sweat,浮游生物的汗水 Flobberworm to fritter,浮游生物炸裂物 Floo,弗洛 Floo network,Floo网络 Floo network authority,Floo网络主管部门 Floo network regulator,Floo网络监管机构 Floo powder,Floo粉 Floo powder trading card,Floo粉交易卡 Floo regulation panel,Floo 监管小组 Floor 5 bonus,第5层奖金 Floor 6 bonus,第6层奖金 Flor ferraco,弗洛尔-费拉科 Flora and hestia carrow,弗洛拉和赫斯提亚-卡罗 Flora buchanan,弗洛拉-布坎南 Flora faction,弗洛拉派系 Florean fortescue,弗洛拉-福特斯库 Florean fortescues ice cream parlour,佛罗伦萨福蒂斯克冰激凌店 Florence,佛罗伦萨 Florences boyfriend,佛罗伦斯的男朋友 Floriblunders florist,佛罗伦斯花商 Floriculture and gardening,花卉栽培和园艺 Florida,佛罗里达州 Florists stall,花店摊位 Flour,面粉 Flour,面粉 Flourish and blotts,面粉和斑点 Flourish and blotts trading card,兴盛和斑点的交易卡 Flourish blotts publishers,鲜花和斑点的出版商 Flower head,花头 Flower heads,花头 Flowerpot,花盆 Flowers,鲜花 Floxel lestrange,弗罗克塞尔-莱斯特兰奇 Flu,绒毛 Fluffy,绒毛 Fluffy falls asleep,蓬松的睡着了 Fluffy trading card,蓬松的交易卡 Fluffy white,蓬松的白色 Flume family,弗鲁姆家族 Fluoride,绒毛 Flurry,绒毛 Flute,长笛 Flute harp strings clarinet french horn,长笛 竖琴 弦乐 单簧管 法国号 Flutterby bush,Flutterby 灌木 Fly,飞翔 Fly around and lay eggs,飞来飞去,产卵 Flying,飞翔 Flying,飞翔 Flying and winged,飞翔的和有翅膀的 Flying book,飞翔的书 Flying car,飞行的汽车 Flying car trading card,飞车交易卡 Flying carpet,飞天地毯 Flying charm,飞翔的符咒 Flying class,飞行类 Flying ford anglia,飞行的福特安吉利亚 Flying ford anglia mystifies muggles,飞行的福特安吉利亚让麻瓜们感到神秘 Flying insect,飞翔的昆虫 Flying instructor,飞翔的教员 Flying into peoples ears and making their brain fuzzy,飞入人们的耳中,使他们的大脑变得模糊不清 Flying laps,飞翔的圈圈 Flying light blue scooter,飞翔的浅蓝色踏板车 Flying motorbike,飞翔的摩托车 Flying motorbike trading card,飞翔的摩托车交易卡 Flying pig,飞翔的猪 Flying practice,飞行练习 Flying practice trading card,练习飞行的交易卡 Flying scotsman,飞翔的苏格兰人 Flying seahorse,飞天海马 Flying seahorse fishing,飞天海马钓鱼 Flying seahorses,飞行的海马 Flying to hogwarts,飞向霍格沃茨 Flying towards another player with deliberate intention to collide with him or her,飞向另一个玩家,故意与他或她相撞 Flying with the cannons,用大炮飞行 Flyte and barker,飞特和叫兽 Fm broadcasting,FM广播 Foams and froths,泡沫和泡沫 Focus,焦点 Focus charm,聚焦的魅力 Focused beam of light,聚焦的光束 Foe glass,福尔玻璃 Foil premium,泡沫高级 Folami williams,幸福生活 Folio brevis,阳光 Folio bruti,荧光屏 Folio magi,镁光灯 Folio triplicus,三联书店 Fondant,方丹 Fontaine family,方丹家族 Food and beverage,饮食 Food charm gif,食品吊饰GIF Food related charms,与食品有关的吊饰 Foodstuff,食品类 Fools gold case,愚人金案例 Football,橄榄球 Football ball,足球球 Football card,足球卡 Football club internazionale milano,米兰国际足球俱乐部 Football commentator,足球评论员 Footballer,足球运动员 Footman,踢球者 Footwear,运动员 For protection and comfort of the feet,为保护和舒适的脚 For the greater good,为了更大的利益 For the rest of this turn your spell cards need 5 less power to play cost 3,在本回合剩下的时间里,你的法术牌需要的力量减少5,以发挥3的作用。 Forbidden corridor,禁忌走廊 Forbidden corridor trading card,禁忌走廊交易卡 Forbidden forest,禁忌森林 Forbidden forest acromantula colony,禁忌之森蛛人聚落 Forbidden forest centaur colony,禁忌森林半人马群落 Forbidden forest wolf pack,禁忌森林狼群 Forbidden xpotions,禁忌 奖励 Forbids teachers to tell students things not related to their subject,禁止教师告诉学生与他们学科无关的事情 Forces drinker to speak the truth,迫使饮酒者说真话 Forces target to let go,迫使目标放任自流 Ford,福特 Forearm,前臂 Forecast,预测 Foreign affairs and sports department,外事和体育部 Foreign country,外国 Foreign office,外事办公室 Foreign president,外国总统 Forest grove,森林公园 Forest of dean,森林迪安 Forest troll,森林巨魔 Forest troll trading card,森林巨魔交易卡 Forest vault,森林金库 Forest vault acromantula,森林金库尖塔 Forestgreen,森林绿化 Forests,森林之光 Forgetfulness potion,健忘药水 Forgetfulness potion trading card,遗忘药水交易卡 Forgotten cavern,被遗忘的洞窟 Forgotten dungeons,被遗忘的地牢 Forgotten grounds,被遗忘的场地 Forgotten password,被遗忘的密码 Forked tail,分叉的尾巴 Form of application for monetary loans,货币贷款的申请形式 Formal wear,正规服装 Formation looping,形成环形 Former prime minister herbert h asquith,前首相赫伯特-阿斯奎斯 Forrit theatre,福里特剧院 Fors suffix,福斯后缀 Fort elizabeth,伊丽莎白堡 Fortescue family,福特斯库家族 Fortinbras,福丁布拉斯 Fortnightly,双周 Fortress,堡垒 Fortunade lestrange,福图纳德-莱斯特兰奇 Forum quorum,论坛法定人数 Forwards arc,前进的弧线 Forwards slash,前锋斜线 Foul brew,酿酒 Foul brew trading card,酿酒交易卡 Foul odour,恶臭的气味 Foul smelling snatcher,臭气熏天的抢夺者 Foul smelling snatcher,臭味相投的抢夺者 Foul taste,污秽的味道 Fouled,犯规的 Fouled trading card,犯规的交易卡 Found in treetops,发现在树梢上 Found worldwide except antarctica the far north large deserts or oceanic islands,除南极洲、遥远的北方、大型沙漠或海洋岛屿外,发现于世界各地 Foundable,可发现的 Foundables spell,可发现的法术 Founder,创始人 Founder duels,创始人的决斗 Founder statues,创始人雕像 Founders era,创始者时代 Founders time,奠基人时代 Founders tower,创始人塔 Fountain of eros,爱洛斯之泉 Fountain of magical brethren,神奇的弟兄们的喷泉 Fountain of wine,葡萄酒之泉 Fountain the fountain of fair fortune,财富之泉--公平之泉 Four arms with hands,四只手的手臂 Four fangs,四只獠牙 Four headed bird,四头鸟 Four hours,四个小时 Four legs,四条腿 Four males,四个男人 Four point spell,四个点的咒语 Four stubby fingers,四根粗壮的手指 Four toes on each foot,每只脚上有四个脚趾 Four weddings and a funeral,四个婚礼和一个葬礼 Four years renewable once,四年可续一次 Fourth floor,四楼 Fourth floor balcony,四楼阳台 Fourth floor corridor,四楼走廊 Fourth floor hospital tower corridor,四楼医院塔楼走廊 Fourth year,第四年 Fourth year exams,四年级考试 Fourth year student,四年级学生 Fourty seven times annually,每年四十七次 Fowl or foul? a study of hippogriff brutality,"禽兽还是禽兽?""河马的暴行 ""的研究" Fox,狐狸 Fox near spinners end,狐狸靠近纺纱机的一端 Foxglove,狐臭 Foxtrot,狐步舞 Foyles war,福伊尔的战争 Fractcumulus,裂谷 Fracto strata,分形地层 Fran targ,橄榄球 Franc ashman,法兰斯-阿什曼 France,ǞǞǞ Frances de la tour,梵蒂冈 Franchise art director at ea bright light,Ea bright light公司的特许艺术总监 Francis,辽宁省 Franciscan friar,方济会修士 Franciscan monk,方济各会修道士 Franciscans,方济各会 Frank,牧师 Frank bryce,弗兰克-布莱斯 Frank bryces walking stick,弗兰克-布莱斯的手杖 Frank delaney,弗兰克-德莱尼 Frank dillane,弗兰克-迪兰 Frank disambiguation,弗兰克消除歧义 Frank longbottom,弗兰克-隆博特姆 Frank longbottoms father,弗兰克-隆博特姆的父亲 Frank stephenson n e dillane,弗兰克-史蒂芬森-迪兰(Frank Stephenson N E Dillane Frankenstein,弗兰肯斯坦 Franklin greenwood,弗兰克林-格林伍德 Franziska faust,弗朗齐斯卡-浮士德 Fraternity,欺诈性解决方案 Fraudulent solutions,欺诈性的解决方案 Frazier,弗拉齐尔 Freckle faced six year old,脸上有雀斑的六岁小孩 Freckle faced six year old,雀斑脸的六岁孩子 Freckle faced six year olds father,雀斑脸的六岁小孩的父亲 Fred and george weasley,弗雷德和乔治-韦斯莱 Fred and george weasley leave hogwarts,弗雷德和乔治-韦斯莱离开霍格沃茨 Fred and george weasleys bedroom,弗雷德和乔治-韦斯莱的卧室 Fred and george weasleys departure from hogwarts,弗雷德和乔治-韦斯莱离开霍格沃茨 Fred and george weasleys gambling booth,弗雷德和乔治-韦斯莱的赌博摊位 Fred and george weasleys letter to ludovic bagman,弗雷德和乔治-韦斯莱给卢多维奇-巴格曼的信 Fred baille,冯德伦-贝勒(Fred Baille) Fred baille co,冯德伦-贝勒公司 Fred george weasley,弗雷德-乔治-韦斯莱 Fred george weasley trading card,弗雷德-乔治-韦斯莱交易卡 Fred ridgeway,弗雷德-里奇威 Fred weasley,冯德伦-韦斯利 Fred weasley,弗雷德-韦斯莱 Fred weasley ii,弗雷德-韦斯莱二世 Fred weasleys basic blaze box,弗雷德-韦斯莱的基本款盒子 Fred weasleys wand,弗雷德-韦斯莱的魔杖 Freddie,傅雷迪 Freddie davies,弗雷迪-戴维斯 Freddie davis,弗雷迪-戴维斯 Freddie hogan,弗雷迪-霍根 Freddie peter payne,弗雷迪-彼得-佩恩(Freddie Peter Payne) Freddie stroma,Freddie Stroma Freddy forgione,Freddy Forgione Frederick oakeley,弗雷德里克-奥凯利 Free elf,免费的小精灵 Free of artificial preservatives and dyes,不含人工防腐剂和染料 Freeform,自由人 Freelance artist,自由艺术家 Freeze,冻结 Freeze trading card,冻结交易卡 Freezes target,冻结目标 Freezes target enemy,冻结目标敌人 Freezes the target,冻结目标 Freezing,冻结 Freezing charm,冷冻符咒 Freezing charm trading card,冰冻符交易卡 Freezing charms,冰冻符咒 Freezing spell,冰冻咒语 French,法文 French english,法式英语 French fancy,法国花式 French magical department,法国魔法部 French ministry of magic,法国魔法部 French ministry of magic department of magic,法国魔法部的魔法部门 French ministry of magic headquarters,法国魔法部总部 French ministry of magic receptionist,法国魔法部接待员 French ministry of magic records room,法国魔法部记录室 French ministry of magic visitors entrance,法国魔法部访客入口 French ministry of magic wallace fountain,法国魔法部华莱士喷泉 French minstry of magic identity card,法国魔法部身份证 French national quidditch stadium,法国国家魁地奇体育场 French national quidditch team,法国国家魁地奇队 French onion soup,法国洋葱汤 French quidditch league,法国魁地奇联赛 French revolutionary figures,法国革命人物 French speaking area of the world,世界上的法语区 French wizarding newspaper,法国巫师报纸 French wizards,法国巫师 Frequent sneezes,频繁的喷嚏 Fresh air refreshes totally,新鲜空气完全刷新 Freshwater,淡水 Frey family,弗雷家族 Fridwulfa,鸡蛋 Fried egg,鸡蛋 Frieda volant,煎蛋 Friendliness,鸡蛋 Frobisher family,橄榄球 Frog,蛙类 Frog brain,青蛙大脑 Frog choir,青蛙合唱团 Frog parts mixture,青蛙部件混合物 Frog rabbit,青蛙兔 Frog spawn,青蛙卵子 Frog spawn soap,蛙卵肥皂 Frogspawn,青蛙卵 Frolicsome feline plates,嬉戏的猫板 From 2¢ each or 4 for 6¢,每张2美分或4张6美分起 From egg to inferno a dragon keepers guide,从蛋到地狱的养龙人指南 Frost nixon,霜冻尼克松 Frost salamander,霜冻蝾螈 Frozen,冷冻 Fruit,水果 Fruit and seeds used in cooking,用于烹饪的水果和种子 Fruit bat,果蝠 Fruit dried and used as spice and seasoning,晒干的水果,用作香料和调味品 Fruit n bran,水果和麸皮 Fruit seeds,水果种子 Fruitcake,水果蛋糕 Fruits eaten as food,作为食物食用的水果 Fruits grow upside down,颠倒生长的水果 Fruits used as food,作为食物使用的水果 Fruits used in cuisine,用于烹饪的水果 Fruits with sour taste,具有酸味的水果 Fubster,脂肪类 Fudge,软糖 Fudge family,软糖家族 Fudge flies,柔软的苍蝇 Fujifilm,富士胶片 Fulbert the fearful,恐惧的福尔伯特 Fulcran lestrange,福尔克朗-莱斯特兰奇 Fulcran lestrange,福尔克朗-莱斯特兰奇 Fulcran lestrange i,富兰克林-莱斯特兰奇一世 Fulcran lestrange ii,福尔克朗-莱斯特兰奇II Fulcran lestrange iii,福尔克朗-莱斯特兰奇III Fulgari,福尔加里 Full body bind curse,全身束缚的诅咒 Full body fitness,全身健身 Fullers london pride outstanding pale ale,优秀淡色啤酒的伦敦骄傲 Fulvio catania,愤怒的小鸟 Fumes cause weakness,虚弱的烟雾 Fumos,脂肪肝 Fumos bat flamer,福摩斯蝙蝠燃烧器 Fumos duo,泡沫的力量 Fumos trading card,蝙蝠的交易卡 Funda onal,蝙蝠的故事 Funda önal,基本法 Fundamental laws of magic,魔术的基本规律 Fundraising dinner for the re election of senator henry shaw,为参议员亨利-肖的重新选举举行的筹款晚宴 Funeral of albus dumbledore,阿布斯-邓布利多的葬礼 Funeral of aragog,阿拉格的葬礼 Funeral of ariana dumbledore,阿丽亚娜-邓布利多的葬礼 Funeral of dobby,多比的葬礼 Funeral of elphinstone urquart,埃尔芬斯通-乌尔卡特的葬礼 Funeral of perseus ecklington,佩尔修斯-埃克灵顿的葬礼 Funeral of victoria,维多利亚的葬礼 Fungi,葬礼 Fungi,真菌 Fungiface potion,蘑菇脸药水 Fungiface potion trading card,真菌药水交易卡 Fungus covered peanuts,真菌覆盖的花生米 Funnel shaped in hues of blue to purple,蓝色到紫色的漏斗形 Funnelweb spider,漏网蜘蛛 Fur friendly flea powder,毛皮友好跳蚤粉 Fur spell,毛皮咒语 Furniture comfort,家具舒适 Furnunculus,毛茸茸的小动物 Furry brown wallet,毛茸茸的棕色钱包 Furry green cheese,毛茸茸的绿色奶酪 Further mistakes at the ministry of magic,在魔法部的进一步错误 Fuzzclaw,毛茸茸的爪子 Fytherley undercliffe,愤怒的小鸟 Fytherley undercliffe,愤怒的小鸟 Félicule lestrange,愤怒的小鸟(Félicule lestrange Für elise,愤怒的小鸟 G f s grandfather,G f s 爷爷 G forbes productions,G-福布斯的作品 Gabriel disambiguation,加布里埃尔消除歧义 Gabriel lithgow,加布里埃尔-利特高 Gabriel tate,加布里埃尔-塔特 Gabriel truman,加布里埃尔-杜鲁门 Gabriella mather,加布里埃拉-马瑟 Gabriella montrose,加布里埃拉-蒙特罗斯 Gabrielle delacour,加布里埃尔-德拉库尔 Gabrielle delacours bridesmaid dress,加布里埃尔-德拉库尔伴娘礼服 Gabrielle suzanne barbot de villeneuve,加布里埃尔-苏珊娜-巴尔博特-德-维伦纽夫 Gadding with ghouls,与食尸鬼共舞 Gaddley,加德利 Gaelic,盖尔语 Gage family,盖奇家族 Gaia romilly wise,盖亚-罗米利-威斯 Gaidic lestrange,盖迪克-莱斯特兰奇 Gala doorman waiter,嘎拉门卫服务员 Galanthus nivalis,加兰斯-尼瓦尔 Galatea merrythought,加拉提亚的快乐思想 Galaxy quest,银河的追求 Galleon,伽利略号 Galleon or gold galleon,大帆船或黄金大帆船 Galleon trading card,大帆船交易卡 Gallery,画廊 Galloloans,加洛罗人 Gallop and burn anything in its path,咆哮并烧毁任何挡路的东西 Gallopin gorgons,高卢雄鸡 Galoshes,高卢雄鸡 Galvin gudgeon,高尔文古龙 Gambit,赌注 Gambol and japes wizarding joke shop,赌气和开玩笑的魔法笑话店 Game,幼儿教育 Game boy,游戏男孩 Game boy advance,游戏男孩先进 Game boy color,游戏男孩彩色版 Game boy colorreleased 2002,游戏男孩彩色版2002年发布 Game of thrones,王位游戏 Game pie,游戏派 Gamecube,游戏机 Gamecube playstation 2 windows xbox,游戏机 2 窗口 xbox Gamp,坎普 Gamp family,甘普家族 Gamp family,甘普家族 Gamps law of elemental transfiguration,冈普斯的元素转化法 Gamps old gregarious,坎普的老顽童 Gandhi,甘普 Gang of slytherins,斯莱特林团伙 Gangster,冈普斯 Garden gnome,花园侏儒 Garden gnome trading card,花园小矮人交易卡 Garden or indoor plant,花园或室内植物 Garden plant,花园植物 Garden salad,花园沙拉 Gardening centre,园艺中心 Gardens and woodland,花园和林地 Gareth fry,加雷思鱼苗 Gareth greengrass,加雷思-绿草 Gareth kennerley,加雷思-肯纳利 Gareth pewsey,加雷思-普西 Gargoyle,夜莺 Gargoyle corridor,石像鬼走廊 Gargoyle gate,夜行神龙门 Gargoyle strike of 1911,1911年的巨像罢工 Gargoyles at the staffroom entrance,职员室门口的夜行神龙 Garish pink blended poison,愚蠢的粉红色混合毒药 Garish shade of pink in colour,粉红色的怪异色调的颜色 Garius tomkink,伽利略-汤姆金克 Garlic,大蒜 Garlic bread,大蒜面包 Garrice,蒜头 Garrice sonnleitner co,嘎里斯-索恩莱特纳公司 Garrick newbourne,辽宁沈阳 Garrick ollivander,蒜头面包 Garrick ollivanders daughter,加里克-奥利凡德的女儿 Garrick ollivanders letter to albus dumbledore,加里克-奥利凡德给阿不思-邓布利多的信 Garrick ollivanders letter to albus dumbledore,加里克-奥利凡德给阿不思-邓布利多的信 Garrick ollivanders mother,加里克-奥利弗德的母亲 Garrick ollivanders peacock,加里克-奥利凡德的孔雀 Garrick ollivanders son,加里克-奥利弗的儿子 Garrick ollivanders wand,加里克-奥利弗的魔杖 Garrick ollivanders wife,加里克-奥利弗的妻子 Garrotting gas,加罗特气体 Garvin lügner,加尔文-吕格纳 Gary arthurs,加里-阿瑟斯 Gary clarke,加里-克拉克 Gary fairhall,加里-费尔霍尔 Gary gero,加里-盖罗 Gary oldman,加里-奥德曼 Gary wright,加里-怀特 Gaspard shingleton,加斯帕德-辛格尔顿 Gaston mcaaron,加斯顿-马卡龙 Gatehouse,门房 Gatekeeper of the afterlife,来世的守门人 Gatwick,盖特威克 Gaunt family,冈特家族 Gaunt shack,冈特棚屋 Gauntfamily jpeg,冈特家族的jpeg Gavin and stacey,加文和史黛西 Gawaining experience,经验之谈 Gaz,加斯 Gaze into the mirror,凝视着镜子 Geese,鹅 Geisha,鹅 Gelatin,凝脂 Gellert grindelwald,袚芯褉芯写褋褌胁芯胁邪薪薪褘械 锌褉芯懈蟹胁芯写褋褌胁芯 Gellert grindelwalds acolytes,格勒特-格林德瓦尔德的信徒们 Gellert grindelwalds army,格勒特-格林德瓦尔德的军队 Gellert grindelwalds escape,盖勒特-格林德沃德的逃跑 Gellert grindelwalds lightning bolt spell,盖勒特-格林德沃德的闪电法术 Gellert grindelwalds necklace,格勒特-格林德沃德的项链 Gellert grindelwalds paris rally,Gellert Grindelwalds巴黎集会 Gellert grindelwalds pendant,Gellert Grindelwalds 坠子 Gellert grindelwalds ripple spell,Gellert Grindelwalds 涟漪法术 Gellert grindelwalds skull hookah,Gellert Grindelwalds 骷髅头水烟机 Gellert grindelwalds wand,Gellert Grindelwalds的魔杖 Gellert grindelwalds water filling spell,格勒特-格林德沃兹的注水咒语 Gellert news gif,格雷特新闻GIF Gemini,双子座 Gemma disambiguation,杰玛消除歧义 Gemma farley,伽玛-法利(Gemma Farley) Gemma jones,杰玛-琼斯(Gemma Jones) Gemma kayla,杰玛-凯拉(Gemma Kayla) Gemma padley,杰玛-帕德利 General belinko in wthe jackal the jackal,豺狼人中的贝林科将军 豺狼人中的贝林科将军 General counter spell,一般的反咒语 General law enforcement in wizarding britain,英国巫师的一般执法情况 Generally aggressive nature,一般情况下具有攻击性 Generally harmless,一般来说无害 Genevieve bladt,巫师 Genevieve gallen ranae shrider,遗传性疾病的治疗方法 Genevieve gaunt,巫师 Genevieve gilbert,吉纳维芙-吉尔伯特 Genevieve ramsey,琳琅满目 Genevieve wilhemina gaunt,吉纳维芙-威尔海姆纳-高特 Genie,遗传基因 Gentle disposition,温和的性格 Gentlemanmuggle at circus,在马戏团的绅士杂耍 Gentlemans tooth pearling paste,在马戏团里的绅士们的牙齿珍珠膏 Geoffrey hooper,绅士 Geoffrey stradbroke,杰弗里-斯特拉布罗克 Geoffrey wade,杰弗里-韦德 George christodoulou,乔治-克里斯托多罗 George coutas,乔治-库塔斯 George davis,乔治-戴维斯 George eliot,乔治-埃利奥特 George eliot,乔治-埃利奥特 George harris,乔治-哈里斯 George iii,乔治三世 George lock,乔治-锁 George orwell,乔治-奥威尔 George osborne,乔治-奥斯本 George savill,乔治-萨维尔 George sipel,乔治-西普尔 George von rheticus,乔治-冯-雷蒂库斯 George w bush,乔治-W-布什 George weasley,乔治-韦斯莱 George weasleys wand,乔治-韦斯莱的魔杖 George wilkins,乔治-威尔金斯 George william harris,乔治-威廉-哈里斯 Georges clemenceau,乔治-克莱蒙梭(Georges Clemenceau Georges compendium box of pyrotechtrix,乔治-克莱蒙梭的火药汇编盒 Georgetown,乔治敦 Georgetown historic district,乔治敦历史区 Georgi zdravko,格奥尔基-兹德拉夫科 Georgia,乔治亚 Georgia,格鲁吉亚 Georgia clark day,格鲁吉亚克拉克日 Georgia clarke day,乔治亚-克拉克日 Georgie,佐治亚 Georgina,乔治娜 Georgina disambiguation,乔治娜的歧义 Georgina leonidas,乔治娜-莱昂尼达斯 Georgina smyths letter to tilden toots,乔治娜-史密斯给蒂尔登-托特的信 Georgios xenakis,乔治亚-谢纳基斯(Georgios Xenakis Gerald vickers,杰拉尔德-维克斯(Gerald Vickers Geraldine margaret agnew somerville,杰拉尔丁-玛格丽特-阿格纽-索默维尔 Geraldine somerville,杰拉尔丁-索默维尔(Geraldine Somerville Gerard willerby,杰拉德-威勒比 Gerbil,格比尔 Gerbold octavius ollivander,"邓小平说过:""我们要为人民服务""。" Gerda curd,哲达-库德 Geres,格尔斯 German,德国 German ministry of magic,德国魔法部 German national quidditch stadium,德国国家魁地奇体育场 German national quidditch team,德国国家魁地奇队 German speaking children,说德语的儿童 German speaking woman,说德语的女人 German wizarding newspaper,德国巫师报纸 Germander,德国人 Germany,德国 Germinates plants,发芽的植物 Gernumbli gardensi,格尔农布利花园si Gernumblies,格尔纳姆布利 Gertie keddle,格蒂-克德勒 Gertie keddles diary,格蒂-凯德斯的日记 Gertrude meads,格特鲁德-米兹 Get harry potter out his safe house and capture him,把哈利波特从他的安全屋里弄出来并抓住他 Gethsemane prickle,伽西玛-普里克尔(Gethsemane Prickle Ghost,幽灵 Ghost at gryffindor tower,格兰芬多塔的幽灵 Ghost carolers,幽灵颂歌者 Ghost carollers,幽灵颂歌者 Ghost court,幽灵法庭 Ghost horse,鬼马 Ghost house ghosts,鬼屋鬼魂 Ghost letter,鬼信 Ghost of a highwayman,公路人的鬼魂 Ghost of a ragged man wearing chains,一个戴着铁链的衣衫褴褛的人的鬼魂 Ghost plots,鬼魂阴谋 Ghost who played sir nicholas de mimsy porpingtons executioner,扮演Nicholas de mimsy porpingtons先生的刽子手的幽灵 Ghostly head curse,幽灵般的头颅诅咒 Ghosts council,鬼魂议会 Ghoul,食尸鬼 Ghoul in grimmauld place,格里莫德地方的食尸鬼 Ghoul in the muggle studies classroom,在麻瓜学习教室的食尸鬼 Ghoul studies,食尸鬼研究 Ghoul studies classroom,食尸鬼研究教室 Ghoul task force,食尸鬼任务组 Gianna grace marie,吉安娜-格蕾丝-玛丽 Gianni fedele,吉安尼-费德勒 Giant,巨人 Giant albino rat,巨大的白化鼠 Giant and aggressive,巨人和攻击性 Giant at the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中的巨人 Giant attack on the west country,巨人袭击西乡 Giant chess mechanism,巨型国际象棋机制 Giant club,巨人俱乐部 Giant colony,巨人群落 Giant dung beetle,巨型粪便甲虫 Giant fire crab,巨型火蟹 Giant grub,巨型蛴螬 Giant orange snail,巨型橙色蜗牛 Giant panda,大熊猫 Giant phantom rat,巨型幻影鼠 Giant plague rat,巨型瘟疫鼠 Giant purple toad,巨型紫蟾蜍 Giant purple toad wart,巨大的紫蟾蜍疣 Giant rat,巨人鼠 Giant rat,巨型大鼠 Giant rat creature,巨鼠生物 Giant rat species,巨鼠物种 Giant size,巨大的尺寸 Giant spider,巨型蜘蛛 Giant squid,巨型鱿鱼 Giant storm petrel,巨型风暴海燕 Giant taller than 4,高过4岁的巨人 Giant tarantula,巨型狼蛛 Giant tarantula trading card,巨型狼蛛交易卡 Giant wars,巨人战争 Gibbon,吉本 Gibson,吉布森 Giddiness and recklessness with overuse,眩晕和过度使用的鲁莽行为 Gideon crumb,吉迪恩面包屑 Gideon disambiguation,吉迪恩的歧义 Gideon flatworthy,吉迪恩-普雷沃西 Gideon prewett,吉迪恩-普雷维特(Gideon Prewett Gideon scalby,吉迪恩-斯塔尔比 Gideon tekeste,吉迪恩-特克斯特 Giffard abbott,吉法德-阿博特 Giffard abbotts dog,吉法德-阿博特的狗 Gifting to the infirm as a sign of well wishing,赠予老弱病残者以示祝愿 Gigantic serpent,巨大的蛇 Gigantic white worm,巨大的白虫 Gigglewater,巨大的水 Gigivitis,巨大虫 Gilbert bingley,吉尔伯特-宾格莱 Gilbert bingleys secretary,吉尔伯特-宾格利的秘书 Gilbert bingleys wife,吉尔伯特-宾格利的妻子 Gilbert p bingley,吉尔伯特-P-宾格利 Gilbert wimple,吉尔伯特-维姆普尔 Gilded covered spellbook,镀金的魔法书 Gilderoy lockhart,洛克哈特(Gilderoy Lockhart Gilderoy lockhart ctemporary,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的当代艺术 Gilderoy lockhart theme,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特主题 Gilderoy lockharts broomstick,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的扫帚 Gilderoy lockharts card to hermione granger,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特给赫敏-格兰杰的卡片 Gilderoy lockharts collected works,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特作品集 Gilderoy lockharts father,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的父亲 Gilderoy lockharts garden,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特花园 Gilderoy lockharts guide to household pests,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的家庭害虫指南 Gilderoy lockharts helper,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的助手 Gilderoy lockharts holographic spell,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的全息咒语 Gilderoy lockharts letter to harry potter,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特给哈利-波特的信 Gilderoy lockharts luggage,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的行李 Gilderoy lockharts mother,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的母亲 Gilderoy lockharts neighbour,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的邻居 Gilderoy lockharts neighbours garden,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特邻居的花园 Gilderoy lockharts published works,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特出版的作品 Gilderoy lockharts sisters,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特姐妹 Gilderoy lockharts valentines day party,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的情人节派对 Gilderoy lockharts wand,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的魔杖 Giles greenfield,吉尔斯-格林菲尔德 Gillian ossett,吉利安-奥赛特 Gillywater,吉利水 Gillyweed,吉利草 Gimbi,吉比 Gimbi giant slayers,巨人屠夫Gimbi Gimlet eyed hogwarts headmistress,炯炯有神的霍格沃茨女校长 Gin,琴酒 Gin,琴酒 Ginevra molly potter,金妮芙拉-莫莉-波特 Ginevra weasleys bedroom,卧室里的Ginevra Weasleys Ginevra weasleys bridesmaid dress,金妮维拉-韦斯莱的伴娘礼服 Ginevra weasleys broom,扫帚 Ginevra weasleys dress robes,衣服和长袍。 Ginevra weasleys valentine to harry potter,金妮维拉-韦斯莱给哈瑞-波特的情人节礼物 Ginevra weasleys wand,金妮维拉-威斯利的魔杖 Ginger,姜子牙 Ginger,姜子牙 Ginger cat,姜子牙猫 Ginger newt,姜子牙蝾螈 Ginger root,姜根 Ginger witch,姜女巫 Gingivitis,姜根 Ginny,姜汁 Ginny potter,姜汁波特 Ginny weasley,姜根 Ginny weasley trading card,姜妮-韦斯莱交易卡 Ginny weasleys bedroom,卧室里的Ginny Weasleys Gino picciano,吉诺-皮查诺 Ginzberg delaunay,金兹伯格-德劳内 Ginzberg delaunay teapot,金兹伯格-德劳内茶壶 Gioacchino jim cuffaro,秦始皇陵博物院 Giphy 0 gif,芝罘区0个GIF Giraffe,长颈鹿 Girding potion,腰带药水 Girl sorted in 1858,在1858年被分类的女孩 Girl who played amata,扮演阿玛塔的女孩 Girl who played asha,扮演阿沙的女孩 Girl who tested fainting fancies,测试晕倒的女孩 Girl whose quill was taken by cedric,羽毛笔被塞德里克拿走的女孩 Girl with flowers,有花的女孩 Gisele schmidt,吉赛尔-施密特 Giselher in the ring of the nibelungs,在尼伯龙的戒指中的吉赛尔人 Give gobstones a second glance,让鹅卵石多看一眼 Gives extra strength,给予额外的力量 Gives extra vigour,给予额外的活力 Gives more energy,给予更多的能量 Gives seer like powers,赋予预言家般的能力 Gives telekinetic powers,赋予心灵感应的能力 Gives the victim a tail,给予受害者一个尾巴 Gizmo,小精灵 Gjevat kelmendi,赋予受害者心灵感应 Glacius,宇宙飞船 Glacius duo,斗牛士 Glacius tria,斗牛士三部曲 Gladiator,角斗士 Gladrags wizardwear,格拉格巫师服装 Gladrags wizardwear group ltd,格拉格巫师服装集团有限公司 Gladys boothby,格拉迪斯-波特比 Gladys gudgeon,格拉迪斯-古吉恩 Gladys prescott,格拉迪斯-普雷斯科特 Glamchops,魅力之家 Glamchops moisturiser,润肤霜 Glanmore peakes,格兰莫尔-皮克斯 Glanmore peakes corridor,格兰莫尔-皮克斯走廊 Glasgow,格拉斯哥 Glasgow sewage works,格拉斯哥污水处理厂 Glass to jelly,玻璃变果冻 Glass to jelly spell,玻璃变果冻法术 Glass to sand,玻璃变沙子 Glass to sand spell,玻璃变沙子的咒语 Glasses,玻璃杯 Gleams like ink,熠熠生辉如墨 Glen,格伦 Glen mccready,格伦-麦克雷迪 Glenda chittock,阳光明媚 Gliding,幻灯片 Glinda crook,格琳达-克鲁克 Glisseo,巫师 Global wizarding war,全球巫师战争 Globe of the moon,月球之球 Globus mundi travel agents,全球的旅行社 Gloomy nuns,阴沉的修女 Glossy,光泽的 Glossy reddish brown coat,有光泽的红棕色外套 Glover hipworth,阳光 Glovers comedy theatre,阳光明媚的日子 Glow bug,蝴蝶效应 Glows phosphorescently,发出磷光光亮 Glows red when the user has forgotten something,当使用者忘记东西时,会发出红色的光 Glumbumble,糖果 Glumbumble treacle,糖果的味道 Glynis mexborough,癌症 Glynnis griffiths,充满了活力 Gnarlak,糖果 Gnat heads,鼠头 Gnats,侏儒 Gnome,团子 Gnome hole,团子洞 Gnome racing championships,团子赛车锦标赛 Gnome saliva,团子的唾液 Gnomes to lawn gnomes,团子对草坪团子 Gnostic runes,可知论符文 Gnosticism,诺斯替主义 Goal post,门柱 Goalkeeper,门将 Goalpost,橄榄球杆 Goat,山羊 Gobb lynn security specialists,鹅卵石林安全专家 Gobbledegook,鹅卵石 Goblet,运动员 Goblet of fire,火之杯 Goblet of fire casket,火焰之匣 Goblet of fire casket carriers,火焰之匣的携带者 Goblin,小妖精 Goblin bank holiday,妖精银行假期 Goblin caroler,妖精骗子 Goblin creditors,小妖精债权人 Goblin crusher,小妖精粉碎机 Goblin family near nottingham,诺丁汉附近的小妖精家庭 Goblin jazz singer,哥布林爵士歌手 Goblin liaison office,哥布林联络处 Goblin liberation front,哥布林解放阵线 Goblin made battle helmet,妖精制造的战斗头盔 Goblin made goblet,妖精制造的高脚杯 Goblin made ironwork,妖精制作的铁器 Goblin magic,哥布林魔法 Goblin pie,妖精馅饼 Goblin plinth,哥布林基座 Goblin rebellions,哥布林叛乱 Goblin revolts,妖精起义 Goblin wizard,妖精魔法师 Goblin wrought silver,妖精锻银 Gobstone,鹅卵石 Gobstone goblet,鹅卵石高脚杯 Gobstones,鹅卵石 Gobstones tournament,鹅卵石锦标赛 God,上帝 God,上帝 God rest ye merry hippogriffs,上帝保佑你们快乐的河马人 God save the queen,上帝拯救女王 Godelot,戈德洛 Godparent,牧师 Godric gryffindor,戈德里克-格兰芬多 Godrics hollow,谷德利克空洞 Godrics hollow boy,戈德里克山谷的男孩 Godrics hollow cottages and shops,Godrics hollow别墅和商店 Godrics hollow high street,Godrics hollow高街 Godrics hollow muggle boy,Godrics hollow的麻瓜男孩 Godrics hollow shed,棚屋 Gof harry periculum third task gif,哈里的第三个任务GIF Goggles,护目镜 Gold,金子 Gold cauldron,锅碗瓢盆 Gold cauldron trading card,大锅饭交易卡 Gold medal for ground breaking contribution to the international alchemical conference,对国际炼金术会议的突破性贡献的金牌 Gold pole,金杆 Gold statue of babbitty,巴比蒂的黄金雕像 Gold white,金白色 Golden,纪念品 Golden,金色 Golden colour,金色的颜色 Golden dawn custard powder,金色的曙光吉士粉 Golden eagle,金鹰 Golden egg,金蛋 Golden flame,金色火焰 Golden gobstones cup,金色鹅卵石杯 Golden in colour,金色的颜色 Golden jinx,金色吉祥物 Golden liquid,金色液体 Golden owl,金色猫头鹰 Golden pole,金色柱子 Golden potion,金色药水 Golden quill awards,金鹅毛奖 Golden salamander,金色的蝾螈 Golden snidget,金蛇郎君 Golden snitch,金色告密者 Golden snitch snitch snatcher the quidditch game,金色飞贼 魁地奇游戏中的飞贼 Golden snitch trading card,金色飞贼交易卡 Golden tail,金色的尾巴 Goldfinch,金翅雀 Goldfinch to golden snitch,金翅雀对金丝雀 Goldfish,金鱼 Goldstein sisters apartment,姐妹俩的公寓 Goldstein sisters father,姐妹俩的父亲 Goldstein sisters grandfather,爷爷 Goldstein sisters mother,姐妹俩的母亲 Goldsteins apartment,戈尔茨坦的公寓 Golf,高尔夫 Golgomath,丈夫 Goliath,戈利亚 Golpalotts third law,高尔帕罗特第三定律 Gondulphus graves,贡多菲斯的坟墓 Gone,消失 Gonçalo flores,Gonçalo flores Good gardens guide 1990,良好的花园指南1990 Goodwin kneen,跪拜 Goodwin kneens letter to olaf,古德温给奥拉夫的信 Goodwin kneens owls,鼓德温的猫头鹰 Goodwins careline,鼓德温关怀热线 Goodwins chocolate extravaganza,古德温的巧克力大餐 Goodwins finest ice cream,古德温最好的冰激凌 Google flange,谷歌法兰盘 Google stump,谷歌树桩 Gooseberry,鹅莓 Goosegrass,鹅颈草 Gordian knot,戈尔迪安结 Gordon,鹅掌楸 Gordon,鹅掌楸 Gordon brown,戈登棕色 Gordon disambiguation,戈登的歧义 Gordon horton,戈登-霍顿 Gordon pummell,戈登-普梅尔 Gordon pummell,戈登-普梅尔 Gordon pummell disambiguation,戈登-普梅尔的歧义 Gordon pummell i,戈登-普梅尔一世 Gordon pummell ii,戈登-普梅尔二世 Gordons parents,戈尔登的父母 Gore family,戈尔家族 Gorgon,高尔基 Gorilla,大猩猩 Gorilla at the zoo,动物园里的大猩猩 Gorillaz,大猩猩 Gormlaith gaunt,戈姆莱思-高恩特 Gormlaith gaunts curse,戈姆莱思的诅咒 Gormlaith gaunts second wand,戈姆莱思-高特的第二根魔杖 Gormless morgan,无人驾驶的摩根 Gormless morgans boss,无敌摩根的老板 Gormless morgans friends,莫尔根的朋友 Gornuk jpeg,伽鲁克图片 Goshawk family,高鹰家族 Goshawk sisters,高鹰姐妹 Gossamer,格萨梅尔 Gotthard johansson,姜文 Gouging spell,挖空心思的咒语 Goulash,咕噜咕噜 Governing the magical community of argentina,治理阿根廷的魔法社区 Governing the magical community of bangladesh,治理孟加拉的魔法社区 Governing the magical community of brazil,治理巴西的魔法社区 Governing the magical community of china,治理中国的神奇社区 Governing the magical community of iran,治理伊朗的神奇社区 Governing the magical community of pakistan,管理巴基斯坦的魔法社区 Governing wizarding norway,管理挪威魔法界 Governor,总督 Goyle family,高尔家族 Grace bruce,格蕾丝-布鲁斯 Grace disambiguation,辽宁沈阳 Grace meurisse francis,格雷斯-梅里塞-弗朗西斯 Grace nutley,格雷斯-纳特利 Gracie,格雷西 Gradual weakening,渐渐变弱 Graduation ceremony,毕业典礼 Graham disambiguation,格雷厄姆的歧义 Graham duff,格雷厄姆-杜夫 Graham montague,格拉汉姆-蒙塔古 Graham montagues father,格拉汉姆-蒙塔格的父亲 Graham montagues mother,格拉汉姆-蒙塔格的母亲 Graham montagues watch,格拉汉姆-蒙塔格的手表 Graham pritchard,邓小平 Graham romsey,袚芯褉芯写褋褌胁芯胁邪薪薪褘械 锌褉芯写褍泻褑懈懈 Grammatica,格拉玛提卡 Gramophone,录音机 Gramophone record,留声机唱片 Grand council,大议会 Grand meeting room,大会议室 Grand pepperup potion,伟大的胡椒粉药水 Grand sorcerer,大巫师 Grand staircase,大楼梯 Grand staircase,大楼梯 Grand tour,盛大旅游 Grand wiggenweld potion,盛大的维根焊药水 Grandchild,爷爷的孩子 Grandfather clock,祖父钟 Grandfather clock at 12 grimmauld place,12 grimmauld place的祖父钟 Grandparents,爷爷奶奶 Granger family,爷爷奶奶 Grangers dogs,格兰格家的狗 Grangers home heathgate hampstead,格兰杰家的Heathgate Hampstead Grangers house,格兰杰家 Grangers street,格兰杰街 Grangers sweet shop,格兰杰甜食店 Granian,格拉尼安 Granian hair,格拉尼安的头发 Granite,格兰特 Grant disambiguation,格兰特消除歧义 Grant page,格兰特页面 Grant roffey maisie roffey,格兰特-罗菲Maisie Roffey Grant sparkford,格兰特-斯帕福德 Granville jorkins,格兰特-乔金斯 Granville saxton,格兰维尔-萨克斯顿 Grape,葡萄 Grapefruit,葡萄柚 Graphic artist,图形艺术家 Graphic designer,图形设计师 Graphorn,绘画 Graphorn horn,石墨角 Grasp your broom firmly by the tail,牢牢抓住扫帚的尾巴 Grass snake,草蛇 Grate chamber,篦子室 Graves family,坟墓家族 Gravity,重力 Gravity resistant tree,抗重力树 Gravy,格拉维 Grawp,格劳普 Grawps father,格劳普的父亲 Grawpy,橄榄球 Great britain,大英帝国 Great dane,大丹 Great expectations,伟大的期望 Great fire of london,伦敦大火 Great force,伟大的力量 Great foyer,大门厅 Great grey owl,伟大的灰猫头鹰 Great hall,伟大的大厅 Great hall floating candles,大厅漂浮的蜡烛 Great hall staircase,大厅楼梯 Great hall trading card,大厅交易卡 Great hangleton,伟大的亨勒顿 Great lake,大湖 Great lake merpeople colony,大湖人鱼群聚落 Great lakes,大湖区 Great meeting chamber,大会议厅 Great north eastern railway,大东北铁路 Great sasquatch rebellion of 1892,1892年的大山猫叛乱 Great tolling,伟大的收费 Great western railway,伟大的西部铁路 Great wizarding events of the twentieth century,二十世纪的大巫师事件 Great wizards of the twentieth century,二十世纪的大巫师 Greater london,大伦敦 Greater than 15 feet,大于15英尺 Gred and forge,格雷德和锻造 Greece,洛克菲勒 Greek man,希腊人 Greek seas,希腊的海洋 Greek street,希腊街 Greek street trial,希腊街头的审判 Green,审判 Green,绿色的 Green among others,绿色中的绿色 Green and cylindrical edible when ripe,成熟时绿色和圆柱形可食用 Green and gold,绿色和金色 Green and purple rash or lasting greenish tinge to skin,绿色和紫色的皮疹或皮肤持久的绿色色调 Green and silver,绿色和银色 Green and yellow,绿色和黄色 Green blue,绿色和蓝色 Green blue red or white in colour,绿色蓝色的红色或白色的颜色 Green blue ref,绿蓝参考 Green brown in colour,绿色棕色的颜色 Green colour,绿色的颜色 Green coloured,绿颜色 Green coloured smoke,绿颜色的烟 Green covered in stinging hairs,覆盖着刺痛毛发的绿色 Green dragon,绿龙 Green hazel,绿色的榛子 Green in colour,颜色的绿 Green in youth,青春中的绿色 Green onion,绿洋葱 Green or yellow with black spots,绿色或黄色带黑点 Green pulsating pods about the size of a grapefruit,绿色脉动的豆荚,约有柚子大小 Green scaly,绿色的鳞片 Green smoke,绿色的烟 Green sometimes none,绿色有时没有 Green sparks,绿色的火花 Green special jinx,绿色特殊的扫把星 Green tea,绿茶 Green thumb,绿拇指 Green tinged,绿色调的 Green to brown,绿色变棕色 Green tongue,绿色的舌头 Green tree frog,绿色的树蛙 Greengrass family,绿草家族 Greengrocer,格林格罗夫 Greenhouse charm,绿萝的魅力 Greenhouse five,绿屋五号 Greenhouse one,温室一 Greenhouse six,温室六号 Greenhouse three,温室三 Greenhouse three trading card,温室三号交易卡 Greenhouse tower,温室塔 Greenhouse two,温室二 Greenish,绿色的 Greenish black,绿色的黑色 Greenish substance,偏绿的物质 Greenish yellow,偏绿的黄色 Greenish yellow in colour,颜色偏绿偏黄 Greenland,绿地 Greg hildebrandt,格雷格-希尔德布兰特 Greg ruczinski,格雷格-鲁辛斯基(Greg Ruczinski) Greg wise,聪明的格雷格 Gregarious and live in flocks,格雷格,成群结队地生活 Gregg chillin,严寒的格雷格 Gregorovitch was a known wandmaker by 1926 so in order to be of age at this time he must have been born in 1909 or before,格雷戈罗维奇在1926年就已经是一个知名的制衣商了,所以为了在这个时候达到年龄,他一定是在1909年或之前出生。 Gregorovitch zauberstäbe,格雷戈罗维奇-扎贝尔斯塔贝 Gregorovitchs first wand,格雷戈罗维奇的第一根魔杖 Gregory cotton,格雷戈里的棉花 Gregory goyle,格雷戈里-戈伊尔 Gregory goyles father,格雷戈里-戈伊尔的父亲 Gregory goyles mother,格雷戈里-戈伊尔的母亲 Gregory goyles wand,巫师:格雷戈里的魔杖 Gregory munslow,格雷戈里-蒙斯洛 Gregory the smarmy,聪明的格雷戈里 Gregory the smarmy deck,狡猾的格雷戈里牌 Gregorys unctuous unction,聪明的人 Greta catchlove,格雷塔-克雷格洛夫 Grey,灰色 Grey,灰色 Grey and black,灰色和黑色 Grey balding,灰色的秃头 Grey blue,灰色蓝色 Grey formerly brown,灰色原为棕色 Grey formerly dark,原为深色的灰色 Grey green,灰绿色 Grey green in colour,灰色的绿色 Grey in old age,灰色的晚年 Grey lady,灰色的女士 Grey owl,灰色猫头鹰 Grey short,灰色矮子 Grey squirrel,灰色松鼠 Grey with green spots,灰色的绿色斑点 Grey with mix of black,灰色混有黑色斑点 Greyback and other werewolves captured,捕获的灰背狼和其他狼人 Greying,灰色的 Greyish,浅灰色 Greyish brown,灰褐色 Greyish green,灰绿色 Greyish purple,灰紫色 Greyish red,灰红色 Greyish rotten skin,灰色的烂皮 Greyish silver,偏灰的银色 Greyish to brown,灰白色至棕色 Griffin,格里芬 Griffin claw,狮鹫的爪子 Griffin shaped knocker,狮鹫形状的敲门砖 Griffin stairwell,格里芬楼梯间 Griffindor vs hufflepuff quidditch match,格里芬多对赫夫帕夫的魁地奇比赛 Griffith jones,格里菲斯-琼斯 Griffon buveur,狮身人面像 Grim,格里姆 Grim fawley,格里姆-法利 Grimblehawk family,格里姆伯勒霍克家族 Grimmauld place,格里莫尔德地方 Grimmauld square,格里莫德广场 Grimmson2 jpeg,格里姆森2 jpeg Grimmson wand jpeg,格里姆森魔杖 jpeg Grimwold jorkins,格林莫德-乔金斯 Grindelwald acolyte,姆林沃尔德的信徒 Grindelwald attacks,攻击格林德沃 Grindelwalds army,格林德沃的军队 Grindelwalds skull hookah,骷髅头钩机 Grindylow,军队 Grindylow lure,格林德洛特诱饵 Gringott,格林格特 Gringotts bank automated teller machine,Gringotts银行自动取款机 Gringotts bank guard,格林戈特银行的警卫 Gringotts bank note,Gringotts银行纸币 Gringotts break in,格兰戈特银行的闯入 Gringotts break in latest,格陵兰茨的最新破门事件 Gringotts cart ride,格兰戈特车的旅程 Gringotts cart ride trading card,格兰戈特车的交易卡 Gringotts cheque,格灵顿支票 Gringotts dragon,格兰奇的龙 Gringotts employees,格灵顿的员工 Gringotts goblin guard,格兰戈特的小妖精守卫 Gringotts guards,格灵顿的守卫 Gringotts head goblin,格兰戈特的小妖精头目 Gringotts money exchange,Gringotts的货币兑换 Gringotts spokesgoblin,Gringotts代言人妖精 Gringotts trading card,格灵顿交易卡 Gringotts vault key,格灵顿金库钥匙 Gringotts wizarding bank,格灵顿魔法银行 Gringotts wizarding bank mail system,Gringotts巫师银行邮件系统 Gringotts wizarding bank paperwork forms,Gringotts巫师银行的文书表格 Gringwart goff,格林沃特格夫 Griphook,格里普霍克 Griphook trading card,握手交易卡 Gripping charm,握紧的符咒 Griselda jorkins,格瑞瑟达-乔金斯(Griselda Jorkins Griselda marchbanks,格瑞瑟达-马奇班克斯 Grizel hurtz,格里泽尔-赫兹 Grizzled grey flyaway hair,灰色的飞扬的头发 Grodzisk goblins,格罗兹克小妖精 Grogan stump,格罗冈树桩 Grogory,格罗戈里 Ground,碎肉 Ground beef,地面牛肉 Ground floor,地板 Ground floor boys toilets,一楼男厕所 Ground floor corridor,底层走廊 Grounded badge,接地的徽章 Grounds portrait room,地面人像室 Group of injured giants,受伤巨人群 Grow your own warts kit,自己种的疣子套装 Grows antlers on head,头上长出鹿角 Grows extra heads,长出额外的头 Grows legs on target object,在目标物体上长出腿 Growth charm,生长符 Grrrrr,增长符 Grubby looking st mungos patient,邋遢的圣蒙哥斯病人 Grubby looking wizard,邋遢的巫师 Grugwyn rufford,格鲁格温-鲁弗德 Grumble the grubby goat,邋遢的山羊咕哝 Grumpy staircase,脾气暴躁的楼梯 Grunnings,格鲁宁 Gryffindor boy,愤怒的小鸟 Gryffindor boy who fetched harry potter,捡到哈利波特的格兰芬多男孩 Gryffindor boy who struggled with the levitation charm,与浮空符斗争的格兰芬多男孩 Gryffindor boys dormitory,宿舍里的格兰芬多男生 Gryffindor cake,格兰芬多蛋糕 Gryffindor common room,格兰芬多公共休息室 Gryffindor common room trading card,格兰芬多公共休息室交易卡 Gryffindor crest,格兰芬多的徽章 Gryffindor duelling club captain,格兰芬多决斗俱乐部队长 Gryffindor family cformerly,格兰芬多的家庭背景 Gryffindor girl,格兰芬多女孩 Gryffindor girls dormitory,格兰芬多女生宿舍 Gryffindor girls staircase,格兰芬多女生楼梯 Gryffindor house ghost,格兰芬多学院的幽灵 Gryffindor knight,格兰芬多骑士 Gryffindor lion,格兰芬多的狮子 Gryffindor match,格兰芬多比赛 Gryffindor notice board,格兰芬多的告示牌 Gryffindor prefect,格兰芬多校监 Gryffindor quidditch team,格兰芬多魁地奇队 Gryffindor quidditch team store cupboard,格兰芬多魁地奇队商店橱柜 Gryffindor student,格兰芬多学生 Gryffindor tower,格兰芬多塔楼 Gryffindor tower bathroom,格兰芬多塔楼浴室 Gryffindor tower reading room,格兰芬多塔楼阅览室 Gryffindor vs hufflepuff quidditch match,格兰芬多VS赫夫帕夫魁地奇比赛 Gryffindor vs hufflepuff quidditch match 1992,格兰芬多对赫夫帕夫的魁地奇比赛1992年 Gryffindor vs hufflepuff quidditch match 1993,格兰芬多VS赫夫帕夫的魁地奇比赛 1993年 Gryffindor vs hufflepuff quidditch match 1996,格兰芬多VS赫夫帕夫的魁地奇比赛 1996年 Gryffindor vs hufflepuff quidditch match 1997,格兰芬多VS赫夫帕夫的魁地奇比赛 1997年 Gryffindor vs ravenclaw quidditch match,格兰芬多对拉文克劳的魁地奇比赛 Gryffindor vs ravenclaw quidditch match 1992,格兰芬多对拉文克劳的魁地奇比赛 1992年 Gryffindor vs ravenclaw quidditch match 1994,1994年格兰芬多对拉文克劳的魁地奇比赛 Gryffindor vs ravenclaw quidditch match 1996,格兰芬多对阵拉文克劳的魁地奇比赛 1996年 Gryffindor vs ravenclaw quidditch match 1997,格兰芬多对阵拉文克劳的魁地奇比赛 1997年 Gryffindor vs slytherin quidditch match,格兰芬多VS斯莱特林魁地奇比赛 Gryffindor vs slytherin quidditch match 1953–1954,1953-1954年格兰芬多与斯莱特林的魁地奇比赛 Gryffindor vs slytherin quidditch match 1985,格兰芬多对斯莱特林的魁地奇比赛 1985年 Gryffindor vs slytherin quidditch match 1990–1991,格兰芬多VS斯莱特林魁地奇比赛1990-1991年 Gryffindor vs slytherin quidditch match 1991,格兰芬多VS斯莱特林魁地奇比赛1991年 Gryffindor vs slytherin quidditch match 1992,格兰芬多VS斯莱特林魁地奇比赛 1992年 Gryffindor vs slytherin quidditch match 1994,格兰芬多VS斯莱特林魁地奇比赛 1994年 Gryffindor vs slytherin quidditch match 1995,格兰芬多VS斯莱特林魁地奇比赛1995 Gryffindor vs slytherin quidditch match 1996,格兰芬多对斯莱特林的魁地奇比赛 1996年 Gryffindor wizards chess champion,格兰芬多巫师国际象棋冠军 Grypt,隐秘 Guarantees locks of lustrous luminosity,保证头发有光泽的亮度 Guard,犬类 Guard dog,犬类 Guard dog trading card,警卫犬交易卡 Guard passageways,守护通道 Guarding valuable objects,守护贵重物品 Gubraithian fire,古布雷特火 Gudgeon family,Gudgeon家族 Guide,指南 Guide to advanced occlumency,高级闭气术指南 Guide to approaching and attracting witches for wizards,巫师接近和吸引巫师的指南 Guide to household pests,家庭害虫指南 Guide to household pests trading card,家庭害虫指南交易卡 Guidelines for the treatment of non wizard part humans,非巫师部分人类的治疗指南 Guidelines on house elf welfare,家庭精灵福利指南 Guinea fowl to guinea pig,几内亚鸡变天竺鼠 Guinea fowl to guinea pig spell,几内亚鸡对天竺鼠的咒语 Guinevere edwards,吉尼维尔-爱德华兹 Guinness,吉尼斯 Guitarist,吉他手 Gulliver flynn oldman,格列佛-弗林-奥德曼 Gulliver lewis,格列佛-莱维斯 Gulliver pokeby,格列佛-波克比 Gulliver pokeby deck,格列佛-波克比甲板 Gulliver pokebys pocket watch,格列佛-波克比的怀表 Gulpin gargoyles,格列佛的妖怪们 Gulping plimpy,咕噜咕噜的小鸟 Gulray,愤怒的小鸟 Gun,炮 Gunhilda de gorsemoor,贡希尔达-德-戈尔斯摩尔 Gunhilda kneen,跪下来的Gunhilda Gunhilda of gorsemoor corridor,戈尔斯摩尔走廊的贡希尔达(Gunhilda)。 Gunnar grimmson,贡纳-格林姆森 Gunnar grimmsons wand,贡纳-格林姆森的魔杖 Gunpowder,火药 Gurdyroot infusion,古尔迪根输液 Gurg,谷仓 Gurjeet sidhu,伽利特-西德胡 Guthrie lochrin,谷神通 Guy,顾颉刚 Guy haines in quantum of solace,顾海恩在《量子力学》中的表现 Guy henry,顾颉刚 Guy mannerings,盖伊-曼丁斯 Gwendoline babcocke,格温多林-巴布科克 Gwendoline babcockes mother,秦海璐的母亲 Gwendoline hedgeflower,格温多林刺猬花(Gwendoline hegeflower Gwendolyn morgan,格温多林-莫根(Gwendolyn Morgan Gwenog,格温诺格 Gwenog jones,格温诺格-琼斯 Gytrash artwork cos ps1 jpeg,Gytrash艺术作品cos ps1 jpeg Gytrash conjuring spell,吉特拉什施展法术 Günther the violent,暴力的Günther H knighton,H 骑士 H knightons children,H 骑士的孩子 H knightons offspring,H 骑士的后代 H knightons wife,H 骑士的妻子 H o lama,H 喇嘛 H pollingtonious,H 普宁顿 Haberdashery,哈伯达斯 Haddock,阿道克 Hadkiss,哈德基斯 Hadley wood,哈德利木 Hadrian whittle,哈德良白宫 Hadrians wall,哈德里安墙 Hag,哈格 Hagger,哈格 Hagrid,海格 Hagrid,海格 Hagrid and the stranger,海格和陌生人 Hagrid and the stranger trading card,海格和陌生人的交易卡 Hagrid family,海格家族 Hagrid keeper of keys,海格的钥匙保管员 Hagrid needs help,海格需要帮助 Hagrids cabin,海格的小屋 Hagrids dress robes,海格的衣服长袍 Hagrids house,海格的房子 Hagrids hut,海格的小屋 Hagrids huts shed,海格丽德小屋的棚子 Hagrids magical creatures motorbike adventure,Hagrids神奇的生物的摩托车探险 Hagrids pink umbrella,Hagrids粉红色的雨伞 Hagrids umbrella,海格瑞德的伞 Haileybury,海利伯里 Haileybury hammers,海利伯里的锤子 Hair accessory,头发配件 Hair care potions,头发护理药水 Hair loss curse,脱发诅咒 Hair raising potion,养发药水 Hair raising potion trading card,养发药水交易卡 Hair regrowing spells,头发重新生长的咒语 Hair thickening charm,增厚头发的符咒 Hair turns into screaming snakes,头发变成尖叫的蛇 Hairless,无毛 Hairy,有毛的 Hairy bodies,多毛的身体 Hairy cyril,有毛的西里尔 Hairy heart,有毛的心脏 Hairy macboons,多毛的马可波罗 Hairy snout human heart,毛茸茸的鼻子人的心 Hairy tail,多毛的尾巴 Haiti,海地 Haitian national quidditch team,海地国家魁地奇队 Haley dakota,海利-达科他 Half an inch,半英寸 Half blood,一半的血 Half blood,一半的血 Half blood or pure blood,半血统或纯血统 Half blood prince,混合血统的王子 Half breed,半个品种 Half giant,半个巨人 Half goblin,一半是地精 Half of alastor moodys nose,一半是阿拉斯托-莫迪的鼻子 Half of them are charmed to give more time in the time counting challenges,一半被施了魔法,以便在时间计算挑战中获得更多时间 Half veela,半个维拉 Haliwinkles,哈里温克尔 Hall,大厅 Hall of hexes,咒语大厅 Hall of prophecy,预言厅 Hallow,万圣节 Halloween,万圣节 Halloween feast,万圣节盛宴 Halloween feast trading card,万圣节盛宴交易卡 Hallows quest,霍尔茨的任务 Halls wife,霍尔妻子 Ham,汉姆 Hambledon quince,汉普顿的榅桲 Hamburger,汉堡包 Hamburger restaurant at paddington station,帕丁顿车站的汉堡包餐厅 Hamilton family,汉密尔顿家族 Hamish buchanan,哈米什-布坎南 Hamish buchanans broomstick,哈米什-布坎南的扫帚 Hamish disambiguation,哈米什消除歧义 Hamish frater,哈米什-弗拉特 Hamish macfarlan,哈米什-麦克法兰 Hamish steed,哈米什的骏马 Hamlet,哈姆雷特 Hamlet,哈姆雷特 Hamlet in hamlet,哈姆雷特在哈姆雷特 Hammersmith london england united kingdom,哈默史密斯 伦敦 英格兰 联合王国 Hampshire,汉普郡 Hampton court palace,汉普顿宫 Hamster,汉姆斯特 Hand,手 Hand held flames,手持火焰 Hand lotion,手部洗剂 Hand of glory,荣耀之手 Hand protection,手部保护 Handbag,手提包 Handbook of do it yourself broomcare,自己动手做扫帚的手册 Handedness,手帕 Handkerchief,手帕 Handlers glove,手套 Handsome poltergeist,帅气的小妖精 Hangman,刽子手 Haniball carathi,汉尼拔-卡拉蒂 Hankerton humble,卑微的汉克顿 Hanna lützen,汉娜-吕特森(Hanna lützen Hannah abbott,汉娜-阿博特 Hannah abbott trading card,汉娜-阿博特交易卡 Hannah abbotts mother,汉娜-阿博特的母亲 Hannah bagshawe,汉娜-巴格哈维 Hannah cockleford,汉娜-科克尔福德 Hannah dillamore,汉娜-迪拉摩尔 Hans,汉斯 Hans fan club,汉斯粉丝俱乐部 Hanson theatre,汉森剧院 Happy bubble box,快乐的泡沫箱 Happy feet,快乐的脚 Hard exoskeleton,坚硬的外骨骼 Hard shelled,坚硬的外壳 Hardened boot,硬化的靴子 Hardened boots,淬炼的靴子 Hardening charm,淬炼的魅力 Hardik tandel,哈迪克-坦德尔 Hardwin potter,哈德温陶艺家 Hardwin potters siblings,哈德温陶工兄弟姐妹 Hare,兔儿爷 Hare bracelet,兔子手镯 Harfang longbottom,哈方长博特 Harfang longbottoms daughter,哈方长博的女儿 Harfang longbottoms son,哈方长宝的儿子 Harfang munter,哈方长底裤 Harlem shuffle,哈林洗牌 Harlequin toad,癞蛤蟆 Harmless garden and indoor plant,无害的花园和室内植物 Harmless nature,无害的大自然 Harmonia nectere passus,无害的花园和室内植物 Harold dingle,哈罗德-丁格尔 Harold grace,哈罗德-恩典 Harold minchum,哈罗德-米丘姆 Harold skively,哈罗德-斯凯利 Harper,朴槿惠 Harper design,哈珀设计 Harper family,哈珀家族 Harper heyman,哈珀-海曼 Harper marshall,哈珀-马歇尔(Harper Marshall Harpercollins,哈珀柯林斯 Harpsichord,哈普西奇琴 Harpy,哈比 Harriet ellesmere,洛克菲勒 Harriet palmer,哈里特-帕尔默 Harriet thorpe,哈里特-索普(Harriet Thorpe Harrison davis,哈里森-戴维斯 Harry,鲍勃-迪伦 Harry a history the true story of a boy wizard his fans and life inside the harry potter phenomenon,哈里的历史,一个男巫的真实故事,他的粉丝和哈里-波特现象中的生活。 Harry and ginevra potters house,哈利和吉纳瓦拉的陶器屋 Harry and lupins lessons,哈里和鲁宾斯的课 Harry and snapes lessons,哈里和斯纳普斯的课 Harry and the potters,哈利和陶工们 Harry describes events that took place the previous night,哈利描述前一天晚上发生的事件 Harry disambiguation,哈利的歧义 Harry dumbledores lessons,哈利-邓布利多的课 Harry edward melling,哈利-爱德华-梅林 Harry gets presents and sweets from friends,哈利从朋友那里得到礼物和糖果 Harry hermione and sirius passed out,哈利-赫敏和西里斯昏倒 Harry hunting,哈里打猎 Harry hunting trading card,哈利打猎的交易卡 Harry in winter,哈利在冬天 Harry james potter,哈利-詹姆斯-波特 Harry melling,哈利-梅林 Harry not to do anything that is illegal,哈利不做违法的事 Harry potter,哈利波特 Harry potter,哈利波特 Harry potter disturbed and dangerous,哈利-波特的不安和危险 Harry potter a history of magic,哈利波特的魔法史 Harry potter a history of magic book,哈利-波特的魔法史》一书 Harry potter a history of magic documentary,哈利波特的魔法史》记录片 Harry potter a journey through a history of magic,哈利-波特的魔法史之旅》(Harry Potter a journey through a history of magic)。 Harry potter a pop up book,哈利-波特的弹出式图书 Harry potter analogues,哈利-波特的类似物 Harry potter and albus dumbledores private lessons,哈利-波特和阿不思-邓布利多的私人课程 Harry potter and gilderoy lockharts private lesson,哈利-波特和吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的私人课程 Harry potter and me,哈利波特和我 Harry potter and severus snapes private lessons,哈利-波特和塞维鲁斯-斯纳普斯的私人课程 Harry potter and the chamber of secrets,哈利波特和密室的秘密》(Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets Harry potter and the chamber of secrets,哈利波特和密室的秘密》(Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets Harry potter and the chamber of secrets character index,哈利波特与密室》人物索引 Harry potter and the chamber of secrets disambiguation,哈利波特与密室》的歧义 Harry potter and the chamber of secrets film,哈利波特与密室》电影 Harry potter and the chamber of secrets film gallery,哈利-波特与密室》电影画廊 Harry potter and the chamber of secrets gba,哈利波特与密室》GBA版 Harry potter and the chamber of secrets gbc,哈利-波特和密室的秘密》GBC Harry potter and the chamber of secrets pc mac,哈利-波特和密室的秘密PC Mac Harry potter and the chamber of secrets playstation,哈利波特和密室的秘密游戏机 Harry potter and the chamber of secrets playstation 2 xbox gamecube,哈利波特和密室的秘密 Playstation 2 xbox gamecube Harry potter and the chamber of secrets soundtrack,哈利波特与密室》原声带 Harry potter and the chamber of secrets video game,哈利波特和密室的秘密视频游戏 Harry potter and the chamber of secrets video game soundtrack,哈利波特与密室》视频游戏原声带 Harry potter and the cursed child,哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子 Harry potter and the cursed child cast lists,哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子演员表 Harry potter and the cursed child parts one and two,哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子第一和第二部分 Harry potter and the cursed child play,哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子》剧照 Harry potter and the cursed child the journey,哈利波特和被诅咒的孩子的旅程 Harry potter and the deathly hallows,哈利波特与死亡圣器 Harry potter and the deathly hallows,哈利-波特与死亡圣器》(Harry Potter and the deathly hallows Harry potter and the deathly hallows character index,哈利波特与死亡圣器》人物索引 Harry potter and the deathly hallows disambiguation,哈利-波特与死亡圣器的歧义 Harry potter and the deathly hallows film,哈利-波特与死亡圣器电影 Harry potter and the deathly hallows motorbike escape,哈利波特与死亡圣器》摩托车逃亡记 Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1,哈利-波特和死亡圣器第一部分 Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1,哈利-波特和死亡圣器第一部分 Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 gallery,哈利波特与死亡圣器第1部分画廊 Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 nintendo ds,哈利波特和死亡圣器第1部分任天堂DS Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 soundtrack,哈利波特和死亡圣器第1部分原声带 Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 video game,哈利波特和死亡圣器第1部分视频游戏 Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 video game soundtrack,哈利波特和死亡圣器第1部分视频游戏原声带 Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2,哈利波特与死亡圣器第2部分 Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2,哈利波特与死亡圣器第二部分 Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 gallery,哈利波特与死亡圣器第2部分画廊 Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 nintendo ds,哈利波特和死亡圣器第2部分任天堂DS Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 soundtrack,哈利波特和死亡圣器第2部分原声带 Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 video game,哈利波特和死亡圣器第2部分视频游戏 Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 video game soundtrack,哈利波特和死亡圣器第2部分视频游戏原声带 Harry potter and the deathly hallows video game,哈利波特和死亡圣器视频游戏 Harry potter and the escape from gringotts,哈利波特和格林戈特的逃亡 Harry potter and the forbidden journey,哈利波特与禁忌之旅 Harry potter and the goblet of fire,哈利-波特与火之杯 Harry potter and the goblet of fire,哈利波特与火焰杯 Harry potter and the goblet of fire character index,哈利波特与火焰杯人物索引 Harry potter and the goblet of fire film,哈利-波特与火焰之杯电影 Harry potter and the goblet of fire film gallery,哈利-波特与火焰之杯电影画廊 Harry potter and the goblet of fire gba,哈利-波特与火焰之杯》GBA版 Harry potter and the goblet of fire soundtrack,哈利波特与火焰杯》原声带 Harry potter and the goblet of fire video game,哈利-波特与火焰之杯视频游戏 Harry potter and the goblet of fire video game soundtrack,哈利-波特与火焰之杯视频游戏原声带 Harry potter and the half blood prince,哈利波特与半血王子 Harry potter and the half blood prince,哈利波特和半血王子 Harry potter and the half blood prince character index,哈利波特和半血王子人物索引 Harry potter and the half blood prince film,哈利-波特和半血王子电影 Harry potter and the half blood prince film gallery,哈利-波特和半血王子电影画廊 Harry potter and the half blood prince nintendo ds,哈利波特和半血王子任天堂DS版 Harry potter and the half blood prince soundtrack,哈利波特和半血王子原声带 Harry potter and the half blood prince video game,哈利波特和半血王子的视频游戏 Harry potter and the half blood prince video game soundtrack,哈利波特和半血王子视频游戏原声带 Harry potter and the methods of rationality,哈利波特和理性的方法 Harry potter and the order of the phoenix,哈利波特与凤凰令 Harry potter and the order of the phoenix,哈利波特与凤凰令 Harry potter and the order of the phoenix character index,哈利波特与凤凰令》人物索引 Harry potter and the order of the phoenix film,哈利波特与凤凰令》电影 Harry potter and the order of the phoenix film gallery,哈利波特与凤凰令》电影画廊 Harry potter and the order of the phoenix gba,哈利波特与凤凰令》GBA版 Harry potter and the order of the phoenix nintendo ds,哈利波特和凤凰令任天堂DS Harry potter and the order of the phoenix soundtrack,哈利波特和凤凰令原声带 Harry potter and the order of the phoenix video game,哈利波特和凤凰令的视频游戏 Harry potter and the order of the phoenix video game soundtrack,哈利波特和凤凰令的视频游戏原声带 Harry potter and the philosophers stone,哈利波特与哲学家之石 Harry potter and the philosophers stone,哈利波特与哲人石 Harry potter and the philosophers stone character index,哈利波特与哲人石》人物索引 Harry potter and the philosophers stone disambiguation,哈利-波特与哲学家之石的歧义 Harry potter and the philosophers stone film,哈利-波特与哲学家之石》电影 Harry potter and the philosophers stone film gallery,哈利-波特与哲学家之石》电影画廊 Harry potter and the philosophers stone gba,哈利波特与哲学家之石》GBA版 Harry potter and the philosophers stone gbc,哈利-波特与哲学家之石》GBC版 Harry potter and the philosophers stone minecraft part 1,哈利波特与哲学家之石》迷你版第一部分 Harry potter and the philosophers stone pc mac,哈利波特与哲学家之石PC版Mac版 Harry potter and the philosophers stone playstation,哈利波特与哲学家之石游戏机 Harry potter and the philosophers stone playstation 2 xbox gamecube,哈利波特与哲学家之石 playstation 2 xbox gamecube Harry potter and the philosophers stone soundtrack,哈利波特与哲学家之石》原声带 Harry potter and the philosophers stone video game,哈利波特与哲学家之石》视频游戏 Harry potter and the philosophers stone video game soundtrack,哈利波特与哲学家之石视频游戏原声带 Harry potter and the portrait of what looked like a large pile of ash,哈利-波特和看起来像一大堆灰的画像 Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban,哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚犯 Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban,哈利波特和阿兹卡班的囚徒 Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban character index,哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》人物索引 Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban disambiguation,哈利-波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》的歧义 Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban film,哈利-波特和阿兹卡班的囚徒》电影 Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban film gallery,哈利-波特和阿兹卡班的囚徒》电影画廊 Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban gba,哈利-波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》GBA版 Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban gba gallery,哈利-波特和阿兹卡班的囚徒GBA图库 Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban pc,哈利-波特和阿兹卡班的囚徒pc版 Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban playstation 2 xbox gamecube,哈利-波特和阿兹卡班的囚徒 playstation 2 xbox gamecube Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban soundtrack,哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》原声带 Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban video game,哈利波特和阿兹卡班的囚徒视频游戏 Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban video game soundtrack,哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》视频游戏原声带 Harry potter beyond the page,哈利-波特的书页之外 Harry potter book series,哈利-波特》系列图书 Harry potter book translation scandal in slovenia,哈利-波特书在斯洛文尼亚的翻译丑闻 Harry potter competition celebrating 15 years of harry potter magic bloomsbury publishing,哈利-波特竞赛庆祝哈利-波特魔法15年BLOOMSBERRY出版社 Harry potter diagon alley board game,哈利-波特对角线小巷棋盘游戏 Harry potter dictionary,哈利波特字典 Harry potter dvd game wizarding world,哈利-波特dvd游戏 魔法世界 Harry potter film series,哈利波特系列电影 Harry potter film wizardry,哈利波特电影魔法师 Harry potter films,哈利波特电影 Harry potter find scabbers,哈利.波特找到疥疮 Harry potter for kinect,哈利-波特的Kinect版 Harry potter hermione granger and sirius black are left incapacitated,哈里.波特赫敏.格兰杰和西里斯.布莱克失去了能力 Harry potter hogwarts a cinematic yearbook,哈利波特-霍格沃茨电影年鉴 Harry potter hogwarts a cinematic yearbook imagine draw create,幻想中的哈利波特-霍格沃茨电影年鉴 绘制创作中的哈利波特-霍格沃茨电影年鉴 Harry potter hogwarts battle a cooperative deck building game,哈利-波特-霍格沃茨之战--合作建牌游戏 Harry potter hogwarts collection,哈利-波特-霍格沃茨系列 Harry potter hogwarts mystery,哈利-波特-霍格沃茨之谜 Harry potter in translation,哈利波特的翻译 Harry potter in translation series,哈利-波特翻译系列 Harry potter interactive dvd game hogwarts challenge,哈利波特互动DVD游戏霍格沃茨挑战赛 Harry potter is rendered unconscious for three days,哈利波特被打晕三天了 Harry potter lexicon,哈利-波特词库 Harry potter limited edition,哈利-波特限量版 Harry potter magic awakened,哈利波特魔法觉醒 Harry potter magic awakened rumoured,哈利波特魔法觉醒传闻 Harry potter magical places from the films hogwarts diagon alley and beyond,哈利-波特电影中的神奇之地 霍格沃茨、对角巷和其他地方 Harry potter page to screen the complete filmmaking journey,哈利-波特从页面到屏幕的完整电影制作之旅 Harry potter quibbler cover,哈利.波特的书信封面 Harry potter quidditch world cup,哈利-波特魁地奇世界杯 Harry potter quidditch world cup video game soundtrack,哈利-波特魁地奇世界杯视频游戏原声带 Harry potter reading club,哈利-波特阅读俱乐部 Harry potter series,哈利-波特系列 Harry potter shop at platform nine and three quarters,哈利-波特在九又四分之三站台的商店 Harry potter should have died controversial views from the 1 fan siteauthor,哈利-波特应该已经死了有争议的意见从1风扇网站作者 Harry potter should have died controversial views from the number 1 fan site,哈利-波特应该已经死了有争议的观点从1号粉丝网站 Harry potter soundtracks,哈利波特原声带 Harry potter speaks out at last the truth about he who must not be named and the night i saw him return,哈利波特终于说出来了,关于那个不能被命名的人的真相和我看到他回来的那个晚上 Harry potter spells,哈利-波特的法术 Harry potter the artifact vault,哈利-波特的神器金库 Harry potter the character vault,哈利-波特的角色库 Harry potter the complete collection,哈利波特全集 Harry potter the creature vault,哈利-波特的生物库 Harry potter the exhibition,哈利-波特的展览 Harry potter the quest,哈利-波特的任务 Harry potter the wand collection,哈利-波特的魔杖收藏 Harry potter theatrical productions,哈利-波特的戏剧作品 Harry potter touches quirrel face gif,哈里.波特触动了古怪的脸GIF Harry potter trading card,哈利-波特的交易卡 Harry potter trading card game,哈利-波特交易卡游戏 Harry potter trading card game adventures at hogwarts expansion,哈利-波特交易卡游戏《霍格沃茨冒险》扩展版 Harry potter trading card game base set,哈利-波特交易卡游戏基础套装 Harry potter trading card game chamber of secrets expansion,哈利-波特交易卡游戏中的密室扩展 Harry potter trading card game diagon alley expansion,哈利-波特交易卡游戏对角巷扩展版 Harry potter trading card game quidditch cup expansion,哈利-波特交易卡游戏魁地奇杯扩展 Harry potter universe,哈利波特宇宙 Harry potter video games,哈利-波特的视频游戏 Harry potter vs voldemort rap original short,哈利波特与伏地魔说唱原创短片 Harry potter wiki,哈利波特维基 Harry potter wizards collection,哈利-波特的魔法师系列 Harry potter wizards unite,哈利-波特的巫师们联合起来 Harry potters alarm clock,哈利-波特的闹钟 Harry potters birthday cake from molly weasley,哈利-波特的生日蛋糕来自莫莉-韦斯莱 200 million,2亿 2010 present,2010年目前 2010 quidditch world cup,2010年魁地奇世界杯 2010–present,2010年至今 2011—?,2011-? 2011—present,2011年至今 2014 quidditch world cup,2014年魁地奇世界杯 2014 quidditch world cup final,2014年魁地奇世界杯决赛 2017–2018 school year,2017-2018学年 2018–2019 school year,2018-2019学年 2019–2020 school year,2019-2020学年 2020–2021 school year,2020-2021学年 20 25 feet,20 25英尺 20 april,20 四月 20 december,20 十二月 20 february,20 二月 20 january,20 1月 20 july,20 七月 20 june,6月20日 20 march,3月20日 20 may,20 五月 20 november,11月20日 20 october,10月20日 20 september,20年9月 20ft,20英尺 20th century,20世纪 21 april,21 四月 21 august,8月21日 21 december,12月21日 21 february,2月21日 21 january,1月21日 21 july,7月21日 21 june,6月21日 21 march,3月21日 21 may,5月21日 21 november,11月21日 21 october,10月21日 21 september,9月21日 224 pages,224页 22 april,22 四月 22 august,8月22日 22 december,12月22日 22 february,2月22日 22 january,1月22日 22 july,7月22日 22 june,6月22日 22 march,3月22日 22 may,五月二十二日 22 november,11月22日 22 october,10月22日 22 september,9月22日 22ft,22英尺 233 broadway,百老汇233号 239 barclay street,239 Barclay Street 23 april,4月23日 23 august,8月23日 23 august 1996,1996年8月23日 23 december,12月23日 23 february,2月23日 23 january,1月23日 23 july,7月23日 23 july 1952,1952年7月23日 23 june,6月23日 23 march,3月23日 23 may,5月23日 23 november,11月23日 23 october,10月23日 241 barclay street,巴克莱街241号 24 april,4月24日 24 august,8月24日 24 december,12月24日 24 february,2月24日 24 hour car service,24小时汽车服务 24 january,1月24日 24 july,7月24日 24 june,6月24日 24 march,3月24日 24 may,5月24日 24 may 2004,2004年5月24日 24 november,11月24日 24 october,10月24日 24 september,9月24日 250 million,2.5亿 256 pages,256页 25 april,4月25日 25 august,8月25日 25 december,12月25日 25 february,2月25日 25 january,1月25日 25 june,6月25日 25 may,5月25日 25 november,11月25日 25 october,10月25日 25 september,9月25日 25ft,25英尺 26 april,4月26日 26 august,8月26日 26 december,12月26日 26 january,1月26日 26 july,7月26日 26 june,6月26日 26 march,3月26日 26 may,5月26日 26 september,9月26日 275 diagon alley,275 刁钻的小巷 27 august,8月27日 27 chislehurst gardens,27 Chislehurst Gardens 27 december,12月27日 27 february,2月27日 27 january,1月27日 27 july,7月27日 27 june,6月27日 27 march,3月27日 27 may,5月27日 27 november,11月27日 27 october,10月27日 27 september,9月27日 289 lbs,289 磅 28 april,28 四月 28 december,12月28日 28 february,2月28日 28 february 2002,2002年2月28日 28 february 2002 cmac,2002年2月28日,cmac 28 january,1月28日 28 july,7月28日 28 june,6月28日 28 march,3月28日 28 may,5月28日 28 november,11月28日 28 october,10月28日 28 september,9月28日 29 april,29 四月 29 august,8月29日 29 december,12月29日 29 december 1972,1972年12月29日 29 february,2月29日 29 january,1月29日 29 january 1970solihull warwickshire england,1970年1月29日,英格兰沃里克郡奥尔霍尔。 29 july,7月29日 29 june,6月29日 29 march,3月29日 29 march 1972 hammersmith london england uk,1972年3月29日伦敦汉默史密斯,英国 29 may,5月29日 29 may 2004,2004年5月29日 29 november,11月29日 29 october,10月29日 29 september,9月29日 2 1 – 2 8 ft,2 1 - 2 8英尺 2 3 feet,2 3英尺 2 april,4月2日 2 august,8月2日 2 children,2个孩子 2 children,2个孩子 2 december,12月2日 2 december 2011,2011年12月2日 2 february,2 二月 2 females,2名女性 2 galleons,2 加隆 2 headed baby,2个头的婴儿 2 january,1月2日 2 july,2 七月 2 june,2个六月 2 magnolia crescent,2个木兰花新月 2 may,5月2日 2 november,11月2日 2 november 1923 fulham greater london england united kingdom,1923年11月2日 大伦敦富勒姆,英格兰,英国 2 october,10月2日 2 privet drive,2 Privet Drive 2 september,9月2日 2 to 3 dozen,2至3打 2cdo 2 damage to your opponent you may also choose a non healing item in play and return it to its owners hand,2cdo 对你的对手造成2点伤害,你也可以选择一个非治疗道具,并将其送回主人手中。 2name james campbell bower,2名詹姆斯-坎贝尔-鲍尔 2nd hand brooms,二手扫帚 2qwhen you play this card discard any other location from play spell cards that need quidditchcardtype power need 2 less power to play,2qwhen you play this card discard any other location from play spell cards that need quidditchcard type power need 2 less power to play. 2¢ each or 4 for 6¢,每张2美分或4张6美分 30 april,4月30日 30 august,8月30日 30 august 1999,1999年8月30日 30 december,12月30日 30 january,1月30日 30 july,7月30日 30 june,6月30日 30 march,3月30日 30 may,5月30日 30 november,11月30日 30 october,10月30日 30 september,9月30日 30ft,30英尺 31 august,8月31日 31 december,12月31日 31 january,1月31日 31 july,7月31日 31 make street,31日 31 march,3月31日 31 may,5月31日 31 october,10月31日 330 pages,330页 33 centre street,中心街33号 343 diagon alley south,343 对角巷南段 34 mercer street,34 Mercer Street 360° rotation wings,360°旋转翼 3 4 feet,3 4英尺 3 5 lbs,3 5 磅 3 april,4月3日 3 august,3 8月 3 children,3个孩子 3 clockwise motions,3 顺时针运动 3 december,3 十二月 3 february,3个2月 3 feet,3个脚 3 january,1月3日 3 july,3 七月 3 june,3 六月 3 males,3个男的 3 march,3月3日 3 may,5月3日 3 metres,3米 3 november,11月3日 3 october,10月3日 3 privet drive,3个Privet Drive 3 september,9月3日 3clook at your opponents hand if there are any lessons there choose 1 of them and discard it,3看一下你的对手的手牌,如果有任何课程,选择其中一个并丢弃。 3pdo 3 damage to your opponent during your opponents next turn prevent all damage done to you by spell cards,3p对你的对手造成3点伤害,在你的对手的下一回合,防止所有法术牌对你造成的伤害。 3pduring your opponents next turn< he or she cant use actions to play spell cards,3pd在你对手的下一回合<他或她不能使用行动来打出法术牌 3pto play this card discard 2 of your potionscardtype lessons from play do 8 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice,3pto打出这张牌,从游戏中丢弃你的2张药水卡类课程,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成8点伤害 3tchoose an adventure or location in play and discard it,3在游戏中选择一个冒险或地点并丢弃它 40ft,40英尺 422 vauxhall road,422 Vauxhall Road 435 rivington street,435 利宾顿街 439 centre street,439 中心街 43rd street,第43街 44th street,第44街 45 record,45 纪录 48 inches,48英寸 4 april,4 四月 4 august,8月4日 4 december,12月4日 4 february,4 2月 4 january,4 1月 4 july,4 七月 4 june,4 六月 4 lbs,4 磅 4 march,4 三月 4 may,4 五月 4 november,11月4日 4 october,10月4日 4 privet drive,4 私家车 4 privet drive trading card,4个私人驱动器交易卡 4 september,4 9月 4 wins,4胜 4pto play this card discard 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play do 6 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice,4pto打出这张牌时,从游戏中丢弃你的一个药水卡类课程,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成6点伤害。 4qwhen you play this card draw a card if you play this card and you already have a broom in play discard the old one,4当你打出这张牌时,抽一张牌,如果你打出这张牌并且你已经有一把扫帚在手,那么丢弃旧的那把。 4th march 1988,1988年3月4日 50 66 cm,50 66厘米 50 70 killed in action unknown others murdered,50 70 阵亡,身份不明,其他被杀 50 ft,50英尺 50ft,50英尺 511 180cm,511 180厘米 521 diagon alley,521 刁民巷 59–64 cm,59-64厘米 5 10½,5 10½ 5 11½,5 11½ 5 1½,5 1½ 5 2½ fact,5 2½ 事实上 5 3½,5 3½ Harry potters birthday cake from rubeus hagrid,哈利-波特的生日蛋糕来自于鲁伯-哈格里特 Harry potters blanket,哈利-波特的毯子 Harry potters broomsticks,哈利-波特的扫帚棍 Harry potters car,哈利-波特的汽车 Harry potters dress robes,哈利-波特的礼服长袍 Harry potters eleventh birthday,哈利-波特的11岁生日 Harry potters fifteenth birthday,哈利-波特的十五岁生日 Harry potters firebolt,哈利-波特的火炬 Harry potters first birthday,哈利-波特的第一个生日 Harry potters first golden snitch,哈利-波特的第一个金色小球 Harry potters fourteenth birthday,哈利-波特的十四岁生日 Harry potters fourteenth birthday party,哈利-波特的十四岁生日派对 Harry potters letter to arthur weasley,哈利-波特给亚瑟-韦斯莱的信 Harry potters letter to sirius black,哈利-波特给西里斯-布莱克的信 Harry potters letter to sirius black 1994 i,哈利-波特给小天狼星布莱克的信1994 I Harry potters letter to sirius black 1994 ii,哈利-波特给小天狼星布莱克的信1994年II期 Harry potters letter to sirius black 1994 iii,哈利-波特给小天狼星布莱克的信1994 iii Harry potters letter to sirius black 1994 iv,哈利-波特致黑天狼星的信,1994年 IV Harry potters letter to sirius black 1995 i,哈利-波特致黑天狼星的信 1995年I Harry potters letter to sirius black 1995 ii,哈利-波特致黑天狼星的信1995年二 Harry potters letter to sirius black 1995 iii,哈利-波特致黑天狼星的信 1995年 iii Harry potters letter to sirius black i,哈利-波特致黑天狼星的信 I Harry potters letter to sirius black ronald weasley and hermione granger,哈利-波特给小天狼星布莱克的信 罗纳德-韦斯莱和赫敏-格兰杰 Harry potters magical protection breaks at age seventeen thus he needs to be transported to a safe location,哈利-波特的魔法保护在他17岁的时候就失效了,因此他需要被送到一个安全的地方。 Harry potters motorbike,哈利-波特的摩托车 Harry potters nimbus 2000,哈利-波特的Nimbus 2000 Harry potters nimbus 2000 broomstick,哈利-波特的Nimbus 2000扫帚 Harry potters notebook,哈利-波特的笔记本 Harry potters photo album,哈利-波特的相册 Harry potters relationships,哈利-波特的关系 Harry potters report card,哈利-波特的成绩单 Harry potters return to hogwarts,哈利-波特重返霍格沃茨 Harry potters rucksack,哈利-波特的背包 Harry potters scars,哈利-波特的伤疤 Harry potters schoolbag,哈利-波特的书包 Harry potters secret heartache,哈利-波特的秘密心事 Harry potters seventeenth birthday,哈利-波特的十七岁生日 Harry potters seventeenth birthday party,哈利-波特的十七岁生日派对 Harry potters sixteenth birthday,哈利-波特的十六岁生日 Harry potters sixteenth birthday party,哈利波特的十六岁生日派对 Harry potters sock,哈利-波特的袜子 Harry potters theme,哈利-波特的主题 Harry potters theme,哈利-波特主题 Harry potters theme goblet of fire,哈利-波特主题的火之杯 Harry potters theme philosophers stone,哈利-波特主题的哲人石 Harry potters thirteenth birthday,哈利-波特十三岁生日 Harry potters toy broomstick,哈利-波特的玩具扫帚 Harry potters twelfth birthday,哈利-波特的十二岁生日 Harry potters wand,哈利-波特的魔杖 Harry potters wands,哈利-波特的魔杖 Harry potters watch,哈利-波特的手表 Harry putter and the chamber of cheesecakes,哈利-波特和芝士蛋糕室 Harry robinson,哈利-罗宾逊 Harry second year,哈利二年级 Harry smith,哈利-史密斯 Harry taylor,哈利-泰勒 Harry the seeker,哈里的追求者 Harry trigg,哈里-弗兰茨 Harry triumphant,哈利凯旋 Harry used the lightning bolt scar on his forehead as a way to glimpse at voldemorts thoughts,哈利用额头上的闪电疤痕来窥视伏地魔的想法 Harrys bad behaviour in class,哈利在课堂上的不良行为 Harrys fifteenth birthday,哈利的15岁生日 Harrys first letter to sirius black,哈利给小黑的第一封信 Harrys wondrous world,哈利的奇妙世界 Haruka endoh,远藤晴香 Harvesting spell,收获法术 Harvests and deflects spells,收获和偏转法术 Harvey disambiguation,哈维消除歧义 Harvey obrien,哈维-奥布里恩 Harvey ridgebit,哈维山脊位 Has exoskeleton,有外骨骼 Has five legs,有五条腿 Has four toes on each foot,每只脚有四个脚趾 Has many eyes,有许多眼睛 Has many tentacles,有许多触角 Has silver leaves,有银色的叶子 Has the ability to fly,具有飞行能力 Has two legs,有两条腿 Hasbro,哈士奇 Hash browns,哈希-布朗斯 Hassan mostafa,哈桑-莫斯塔法 Hat,帽子 Hat maker,帽子制造者 Hat that makes the user float away,能让使用者漂浮起来的帽子 Hate potion,讨厌的药水 Hatstall,帽子 Hattie gotobed,帽子制造商 Haunted mirror,闹鬼的镜子 Havana,哈瓦那 Have you got what it takes to train security trolls?,你有能力训练安全巨魔吗? Have yourself a fiesta in a bottle,让自己在瓶子里度过一个狂欢节 Havelock sweeting,哈维罗克-斯蒂宁 Hawaii,夏威夷 Hawk,鹰 Hawk like owl,鹰一样的猫头鹰 Hawkshead attacking formation,鹰头攻击阵型 Hawkshead formation,鹰头阵 Hawkshead formation trading card,鹰头阵交易卡 Hawthorn,山楂树 Hawthorn and dragon heartstring wand,山楂和龙心弦魔杖 Hayley burroughs,Hayley Burroughs Hayley quentin,海莉-昆汀(Hayley Quentin Hayley wareham,海莉-沃勒姆 Haywood family,海伍德家族 Haywoods jpeg,海伍德的jpeg Hazel,榛子 Hazel brown,榛子棕 Hazel disambiguation,榛子的歧义 Hazel douglas,哈泽尔-道格拉斯 Hazel stickney,榛子 Hazelnut,榛子 Hbo max,哈勃最大 He flew like a madman,他像个疯子一样飞翔 He who must not be named,不愿透露姓名的人 Head band,头带 Head boy badge,男生团长的徽章 Head boy or girl,男孩或女孩团长 Head curator of the department of magical artefacts,神奇文物部门的首席馆长 Head curse breaker,破解诅咒的负责人 Head goblin title,头部妖精称号 Head grows,头部生长 Head hockey,头部曲棍球 Head line,头部线条 Head of beauxbatons academy,美斯巴顿学院负责人 Head of department,系主任 Head of durmstrang institute,杜姆斯特朗学院的负责人 Head of gryffindor house,格兰芬多学院院长 Head of herbology,草药学系主任 Head of house,院长 Head of hufflepuff house,赫夫帕夫学院院长 Head of incarceration,拘留所所长 Head of magical cooperation,魔法合作部主任 Head of ravenclaw house,拉文克劳学院院长 Head of slytherin house,斯莱特林学院院长 Head of the body for protection of magical species,保护魔法物种机构的负责人 Head of the department,部门负责人 Head of the department of magical law enforcements office,魔法执法办公室部门负责人 Head of the muggle born registration commission,麻瓜出生登记委员会的负责人 Head of transfiguration,变形系主任 Head polo,马球负责人 Head protection battle armour,防护战甲负责人 Head research assistant,研究助理主管 Head shrink spell,头部收缩法术 Head wear,头部穿戴 Headless bowling,无头保龄球 Headless hat,无头帽 Headless hats,无头帽子 Headless hunt,无头狩猎 Headmaster,校长 Headmaster deputy headmasters,校长副校长 Headmaster headmistress,校长 女校长 Headmaster of castelobruxo,Castelobruxo的校长 Headmaster of castelobruxo during 1989,1989年,卡斯特罗布鲁克索校长 Headmaster of durmstrang institute during 1792,1792年杜姆斯特朗学院的校长 Headmaster of hogwarts,霍格沃茨的校长 Headmaster of hogwarts school,霍格沃茨学校的校长 Headmaster portraits,校长画像 Headmaster portraits cupboard,校长画像橱窗 Headmasters office,校长办公室 Headmasters tower,校长塔 Headmistress,女校长 Headteacher of beauxbatons academy of magic during 1792,1792年布鲁斯巴顿魔法学院的校长 Headteacher of hogwarts,霍格沃茨的校长 Headteacher of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry during 1792,1792年期间霍格沃茨魔法学校的校长 Headteachers award,校长奖 Headwear,头饰 Heady,帽子 Healer,疗养师 Healer,疗养师 Healer diagon alley,治疗师对角线小巷 Healer in charge,负责的治疗师 Healer shop,治疗师商店 Healers,治愈者 Healing at home with herbs,在家用草药治病 Healing magic,治愈魔法 Healing potion,治愈药水 Healing spell,疗伤的咒语 Healing spell gif,治愈法术GIF Heals and rejuvenates,治愈和恢复活力 Heals injuries,疗伤 Heals minor injuries,治愈轻度伤害 Heals minor magically induced ailments,愈合由魔法引起的小病症 Heals the drinker in an unknown way,以一种未知的方式治愈饮酒者 Heals wounds left by negative thoughts,愈合消极思想留下的伤口 Heart,心灵 Heartbreak teardrops,心碎的泪滴 Heartburn,烧心 Heat health alert,炎热的健康警报 Heat wave,热浪 Heathcote barbary,肥胖症 Heather,暖气片 Heather bleasdale,海瑟-布莱斯代尔 Heather disambiguation,海瑟的歧义 Heather gibson,海瑟-吉布森 Heather thatcham,希瑟-塔查姆 Heathrow,希思罗机场 Heating food,加热食品 Heavily freckled,重度雀斑 Hebe beardsall,鹤立鸡群 Hebrew,希伯来语 Hebridean black,棕色皮肤 Hebridean black dragon,希伯来黑龙 Hebrides,希伯来群岛 Hector bolobolo,赫克托-博洛博洛 Hector dagworth granger,赫克托-达格沃思-格兰杰 Hedda moore,赫达-摩尔(Hedda Moore Hedgehog,刺猬 Hedgehog to pincushion,刺猬到针垫 Hedgehog to pincushion spell,刺猬到针垫的咒语 Hedwig,海德薇 Hedwig trading card,海德维格交易卡 Hedwig wizard,赫德维格魔法师 Hedwigs killer,海德薇格杀手 Hedwigs theme,海德威格主题 Hefty,海德堡 Heidelberg,海德堡 Heidelberg harriers,海德堡猎手 Heidi,海迪 Heidi macavoy,海蒂-马卡沃伊 Height,擃璈 Heinrich eberstadt,海因里希-埃伯斯塔特 Heir of slytherin,斯莱特林的继承人 Helbert spleen,海尔贝特脾脏 Held as an honour by the victorious school until the next tournament,胜利的学校将其作为一项荣誉保留到下一届比赛 Helen,海伦 Helen aluko,海伦-阿鲁科 Helen birdno,海伦-伯德诺 Helen dawlish,海伦-道利什 Helen monroe,Helen Monroe Helena barlow,海伦娜-巴洛 Helena bonham carter,海伦娜-博纳姆-卡特 Helena josephine barlow wight,海伦娜-约瑟芬-巴洛-怀特 Helena ravenclaw,海伦娜-雷文克劳 Helenlymbury jpeg,海伦姆伯里-jpeg Helga,海尔加 Helga hufflepuff,海尔加-赫夫帕夫 Helga hufflepuffs cauldron,炉石传说中的大锅饭 Helga hufflepuffs portrait,鹤岗赫夫帕夫的肖像 Helicopter,绘画 Heliopath,飞行员 Heliotrope wilkins,鹰钩鼻 Heliotrope willis,鹰嘴兽威利斯(Heliotrope Willis) Helixa hyslop,亥克萨-希斯洛普 Hell,恶魔 Hellebore,海尔波尔 Hellie barlow,鹤立鸡群 Helmut weiss,鹤望兰 Heloise lestrange,吕晓明 Help regulate their fellow students behaviours,帮助规范同学们的行为 Helps broomsticks stop,帮助扫帚停止转动 Helps conceal body odour when applied to the underarms,在腋下涂抹时有助于掩盖体味 Helps grow plant based potion ingredients,帮助植物生长的药水成分 Helps plants grow faster,帮助植物快速生长 Hemani roshan,鹤鸣罗山 Hemel hempstead,海默尔-亨普斯特德 Hemlock,海姆洛克 Hen killer,母鸡杀手 Henerick,鹤立鸡群 Hengist of upper barnton,上Barnton的Hengist Hengist rawkes,亨克斯-拉克斯 Henna,亨纳 Henry,伦纳德 Henry allan,亨利-艾伦 Henry bumblepuft,亨利-邦普夫特 Henry coffin ron howards in the heart of the sea,Henry Coffin Ron Howards in the heart of the sea Henry disambiguation,亨利的歧义 Henry douthwaite,亨利-杜斯韦特 Henry lloyd hughes,亨利-劳埃德-休斯 Henry potter,亨利-波特 Henry potters mother,亨利-波特的母亲 Henry shaw,亨利-肖 Henry shaw junior,小亨利-肖 Henry shaw senior,亨利-肖高级 Henry v,亨利五世 Henry v in henry v,亨利五世在亨利五世 Henry vi,亨利六世 Henry vii,亨利七世 Henry viii,亨利八 Heptomology,肽学 Hepzibah smith,赫普齐巴-史密斯 Hepzibah smiths goblin made armour,赫普齐巴铁匠的妖精制作的盔甲 Heraldry,纹章学 Herb list,草药清单 Herb salient,草药简介 Herbal alternative to reem blood,替代雷姆血的草药 Herbal medicine,草药 Herbicide potion,除草剂药水 Herbifors,牧羊人 Herbifors spell,除草剂法术 Herbivicus charm,魅力之城 Herbivicus duo,除草剂二人组 Herbivicus spellbook,食草动物法术书 Herbivorous,咒语 Herbologist,草药学家 Herbology,草药学 Herbology award,草药学奖 Herbology book of the year,年度最佳草药学书籍 Herbology classroom,草药学教室 Herbology corridor,草药学走廊 Herbology department,草药学部 Herbology high commission,草药学高级委员会 Herbology staircase,草药学楼梯 Herbology store,草药学商店 Herbology tower,草药学塔 Herbs,本草纲目 Heres to swimmin with bow legged women,与弓形腿的女人一起游泳吧 Herman junker,废物利用 Herman wintringham,赫曼-温特林汉姆 Hermann wiel,赫尔曼-韦尔 Hermes,鹤立鸡群 Hermione granger and ronald weasleys letters to harry potter,赫敏-格兰杰和罗纳德-韦斯莱给哈利-波特的信 Hermione granger and ronald weasleys letters to harry potter 1995,赫敏-格兰杰和罗纳德-韦斯莱斯给哈利-波特的信1995年 Hermione granger asks pickering for help in establishing a new ministry department,赫敏-格兰杰请求皮克林帮助建立一个新的部级部门 Hermione granger trading card,赫敏-格兰杰交易卡 Hermione granger v1 trading card,Hermione granger v1交易卡 Hermione grangers beaded handbag,赫敏-格兰杰的珠子手提包 Hermione grangers bedroom,赫敏-葛兰格的卧室 Hermione grangers birthday card to harry potter,赫敏-格兰杰给哈瑞-波特的生日贺卡 Hermione grangers birthday card to harry potter 1995,赫敏-格兰杰给哈瑞-波特的生日贺卡,1995年 Hermione grangers copy of the tales of beedle the bard,诗人贝多芬的故事》的赫敏-格兰杰的副本 Hermione grangers dress robes,梦见自己被人打了 Hermione grangers father,梦见自己的父亲 Hermione grangers father,梦见自己的父亲 Hermione grangers fathers boat,梦见自己的父亲 Hermione grangers file,梦见自己的父亲 Hermione grangers flask,赫敏-格兰杰的酒壶 Hermione grangers letter to harry potter,赫敏-格兰杰给哈瑞-波特的信 Hermione grangers letter to harry potter 1991,赫敏-格兰杰给哈里-波特的信,1991年 Hermione grangers letter to harry potter 1991 ii,赫敏-格兰杰给哈利-波特的信1991年二 Hermione grangers letter to harry potter 1991 iii,赫敏-格兰杰给哈利-波特的信 1991年 iii Hermione grangers letter to harry potter 1993,赫敏-格兰杰给哈利-波特的信 1993年 Hermione grangers letter to ronald weasley and harry potter,赫敏-格兰杰给罗纳德-韦斯莱和哈雷-波特的信 Hermione grangers letter to viktor krum,赫敏-格兰杰给维克多-克鲁姆的信 Hermione grangers memorandum to constance pickering,赫敏-格兰杰给康斯坦茨-皮克林的备忘录 Hermione grangers mother,梦见自己的妈妈 Hermione grangers necklace,"梦见自己被人打了!""赫敏-格兰杰的项链" Hermione grangers parents,"邓小平说:""我们要为人民服务""。" Hermione grangers pencil case,铅笔盒赫敏-格朗格斯 Hermione grangers perfume,琳琅满目,琳琅满目,琳琅满目,琳琅满目,琳琅满目。 Hermione grangers scarf,赫敏-格兰杰围巾 Hermione grangers sister,赫敏-格兰杰的妹妹 Hermione grangers theme,赫敏-格兰杰主题 Hermione grangers wand,赫敏-格兰杰的魔杖 Hermione grangers watch,赫敏-格兰杰手表 Hermione grangers yule ball earrings,赫敏-格朗格的圣诞舞会耳环 Hermione granger’s time turner,赫敏-格兰杰的时间转换器 Hermione jean granger,赫敏-简-格兰杰 Hermione potion maker,赫敏魔药制造者 Hermione reminds ron and,赫敏提醒罗恩和 Hermione sends harry a birthday card and ron and her sent him chocolates from honeydukes,赫敏给哈瑞送去了生日贺卡,罗恩和她给他送去了蜜杜克的巧克力。 Hermione tells harry that he should hurry to the herbology lesson or they would lose house points,赫敏告诉哈瑞,他应该赶快去上草药学课,否则他们会被扣分。 Hermione tells harry that he should meet her in the dungeons,赫敏告诉哈利,他应该在地牢里见她 Hermione top student,赫敏最好的学生 Hermiones note,赫敏的笔记 Hermiones theme,赫敏的主题 Hermit crab shell,寄居蟹壳 Hermy,芊芊 Hermy own,赫米自己 Hero,狮子座 Hero beauregard fiennes tiffin,英雄Beauregard Fiennes tiffin Hero fiennes tiffin,英雄费恩-提芬 Heron,赫伦 Herpo the foul,犯规的赫波 Herpo the fouls basilisk,犯规的Herpo Basilisk Herpo the fouls horcrux,赫波犯规的角斗士 Hesper gamp,赫斯珀-甘普 Hesper starkey,赫斯帕-斯塔基(Hesper Starkey Hesphaestus gore,赫斯提斯-戈尔 Hestia carrow,亥斯提亚-卡罗 Hestia jones,琼斯(Hestia Jones Het stads muziek collegie te utrecht collegium musicum ultrajectinum eene bydrage tot de geschiedenis der toonkunst in nederland,乌得勒支大学音乐学院(Het stads muziek college te utrecht collegium musicum ultrajectinum eene bydrage tot de geschiedenis der toonkunst in nederland)。 Het stads muziek collegie te utrecht eene bydrage tot de geschiedenis der toonkunst in nederland,乌得勒支大学音乐学院的一个项目,是关于荷兰音乐的一个项目。 Heterochromatic,视觉艺术 Hettie,鹤立鸡群 Hetty bayliss,鹤立鸡群 Hex,六角 Hex a gone,海克斯一走了之 Hex breaker,六角断裂器 Hex deflection,六角偏转 Hex tie,六角领带 Hex zapper,六角扎带 Hiccough sweet,咳嗽的甜蜜 Hidden doors,隐藏的门 Hidden object mystery,隐藏的物体之谜 Hide the wizarding community from the no maj population,将巫师群体隐藏在无主的人群中 Hidebehind,躲在背后 Hiding from snape,躲避斯内普 Hiding from snape trading card,躲避斯内普的交易卡 Hieroglyphic hall,隐匿的对象之谜(Hieroglyphic Hall Hieronymus,隐居 Higglebbottom family,希格尔博特姆家族 Higglebottom,希格尔博特姆 Higgs family,希格斯家族 High fructose corn syrup,高果糖玉米糖浆 High hard hat,高硬帽 High in starch,淀粉含量高 High inquisitor,高审讯员 High intelligence,高智商 High mocking fast paced and annoying in the original,高嘲讽快节奏,原著中很烦人 High quality food,高质量的食物 High street,大街小巷 High street,大街 High street godrics hollow,高街Godrics hollow High street hogsmeade,高街Hogsmeade High table,高档餐桌 Higher class gentleman,高档次的绅士 Higher class gentlemanchef,高层绅士 Highlands,高地 Highly acidic,高酸度 Highly dangerous,高度危险 Highly disastrous if brewed incorrectly,如果酿制不当,将造成严重的灾难 Highly intelligent,高度智能化 Highly sensitive to danger,对危险高度敏感 Highly toxic,剧毒 Hilary erskine,希拉里-埃尔斯金 Hilda kendrick,希尔达-肯德瑞克 Hildegarde lafarge,希尔德加德-拉法吉 Hillary clinton cwife chelsea clinton cdaughter,希拉里-克林顿的妻子切尔西-克林顿的女儿 Hilliard hobday,希利亚德-霍布戴 Himalayas,喜马拉雅山 Himeji castle,姬家堡 Himself in lifes too short,他自己在生活中太短 Hinders movement,阻碍运动 Hinkypunk,秦皇岛 Hip flask,臀部水壶 Hippocrates smethwyck,聪明人 Hippogriff,鸡蛋 Hippogriff egg,河马蛋 Hippogriff flight challenge,河马的飞行挑战 Hippogriff nest,河马的巢穴 Hippogriff racing,河马比赛 Hippopotamus,河马 Hirohisa kubo,久保广久 Hirotaka shimasawa,岛泽广孝 Hirudo medicinalis,虎头蛇尾 His majestys bonded warehouses,帝国陛下的保税仓库 His own self interest,他自己的利益 Hisana malachela,朴槿惠 Historian,历史学家 History,历史学家 History of magic,魔法的历史 History of magic classroom,魔法教室的历史 History of magic classroom,魔法课堂的历史 History of magic homework,魔术作业的历史 History of magic trading card,魔术史交易卡 History of the dark arts,黑暗艺术的历史 Hit wizard,命中巫师 Hitchin family,希金家族 Hive conjuring spell,蜂巢魔咒 Hm house elf jpeg,巫师家族的精灵jpeg Hm y3ch2 merulas gang jpeg,"巫师们的 ""小精灵""。" Hoax and dreams,骗局与梦想 Hobday family,霍普达家族 Hocus pocus,焦点问题 Hocus pocus pops,魅力四射 Hocus token,魅力四射的信物 Hodag,霍达格 Hodrod the horny handed,好色之徒Hodrod Hog,浩格 Hogs head,猪头 Hogs head the wizarding world of harry potter,哈里-波特的魔法世界之猪头 Hogsmeade choir,霍格莫德合唱团 Hogsmeade high street,霍格莫德高街 Hogsmeade jpeg,霍格莫德的jpeg Hogsmeade permission form,霍格莫德的许可表格 Hogsmeade post office,霍格莫德邮局 Hogsmeade shopkeeps and homeowners,霍格莫德的店主和房主 Hogsmeade shops and businesses,霍格莫德的商店和企业 Hogsmeade station,霍格莫德车站 Hogsmeade station regulation 0098001,霍格莫德车站条例 0098001 Hogsmeade station the wizarding world of harry potter,哈里-波特的魔法世界》霍格莫德站 Hogsmeade weekend trips,霍格莫德的周末旅行 Hogsmeades most maimed award,霍格莫德最残缺奖 Hogwartian,霍格沃兹人 Hogwarts,霍格沃茨 Hogwarts a history,霍格沃茨的历史 Hogwarts acceptance letter,霍格沃茨的录取通知书 Hogwarts an incomplete and unreliable guide,霍格沃茨一个不完整和不可靠的指南 Hogwarts ancient runes club,霍格沃茨古符文俱乐部 Hogwarts archives,霍格沃茨档案馆 Hogwarts attic,霍格沃茨阁楼 Hogwarts basement,霍格沃茨地下室 Hogwarts board of governors,霍格沃茨理事会 Hogwarts boats,霍格沃茨的船只 Hogwarts borgin and burkes vanishing cabinet pair,霍格沃茨的Borgin和Burkes消失的柜子一对 Hogwarts caretaker,霍格沃茨看门人 Hogwarts carriages,霍格沃茨的马车 Hogwarts castle,霍格沃茨城堡 Hogwarts castle fifth floor,霍格沃茨城堡五楼 Hogwarts castle fourth floor,霍格沃茨城堡四楼 Hogwarts castle ground floor,霍格沃茨城堡底层 Hogwarts castle grounds,霍格沃茨城堡地面 Hogwarts castle second floor,霍格沃茨城堡二楼 Hogwarts castle third floor,霍格沃茨城堡三楼 Hogwarts christmas feast,霍格沃茨的圣诞大餐 Hogwarts common rooms,霍格沃茨的公共房间 Hogwarts competition,霍格沃茨比赛 Hogwarts crest,霍格沃茨的纹章 Hogwarts divination classroom,霍格沃茨的占卜教室 Hogwarts duelling club,霍格沃茨决斗俱乐部 Hogwarts east,霍格沃茨东部 Hogwarts end of term feast,霍格沃茨学期末的盛宴 Hogwarts experience,霍格沃茨体验 Hogwarts express,霍格沃茨快车 Hogwarts express conductor,霍格沃茨快车售票员 Hogwarts express conductors pocket watch,霍格沃茨快车售票员怀表 Hogwarts express driver,霍格沃茨快车司机 Hogwarts express railway authorities,霍格沃茨快车的铁路部门 Hogwarts express staff,霍格沃茨快车工作人员 Hogwarts express ticket,霍格沃茨快车车票 Hogwarts faculty,霍格沃茨的教职员工 Hogwarts founders,霍格沃茨的创始人 Hogwarts founders,霍格沃茨的创始人 Hogwarts gatehouse,霍格沃茨门房 Hogwarts giant squid,霍格沃茨大鱿鱼 Hogwarts girl,霍格沃茨女孩 Hogwarts gobstone club,霍格沃茨鹅卵石俱乐部 Hogwarts gobstones team,霍格沃茨鹅卵石队 Hogwarts graduation ceremony,霍格沃茨毕业典礼 Hogwarts greenhouses,霍格沃茨温室 Hogwarts halloween feast,霍格沃茨万圣节盛宴 Hogwarts headmaster,霍格沃茨校长 Hogwarts headteacher,霍格沃茨教务长 Hogwarts high inquisitor,霍格沃茨高级审讯员 Hogwarts hippogriff herd,霍格沃茨河马群 Hogwarts horse band,霍格沃茨马乐队 Hogwarts house elves,霍格沃茨家族精灵 Hogwarts houses,霍格沃茨的房子 Hogwarts kitchen painting,霍格沃茨的厨房绘画 Hogwarts kitchens,霍格沃茨厨房 Hogwarts kitchens worker,霍格沃茨厨房工人 Hogwarts laundry,霍格沃茨洗衣房 Hogwarts lavatory seat,霍格沃茨盥洗室座椅 Hogwarts letter to astor bellchant,霍格沃茨给阿斯托尔-贝尔尚的信 Hogwarts librarian,霍格沃茨图书馆管理员 Hogwarts library,霍格沃茨图书馆 Hogwarts loudspeakers,霍格沃茨的扩音器 Hogwarts map,霍格沃茨地图 Hogwarts mystery jpegapp wallpaper,霍格沃茨神秘的jpegapp墙纸 Hogwarts orchestra,霍格沃茨管弦乐队 Hogwarts pensieve,霍格沃茨笔筒 Hogwarts potions champion,霍格沃茨的魔药冠军 Hogwarts press,霍格沃茨出版社 Hogwarts professor,霍格沃茨教授 Hogwarts professors,霍格沃茨的教授们 Hogwarts puffskein patch,霍格沃茨的蓬莱阁补丁 Hogwarts quidditch pitch,霍格沃茨魁地奇球场 Hogwarts quidditch pitch viaduct,霍格沃茨魁地奇球场高架桥 Hogwarts railway viaduct,霍格沃茨铁路高架桥 Hogwarts railways,霍格沃茨铁路 Hogwarts school,霍格沃茨学校 Hogwarts school brooms,霍格沃茨学校的扫帚 Hogwarts school governors letter to rubeus hagrid,霍格沃茨学校理事长致鲁伯-海格的信 Hogwarts school loudspeakers,霍格沃茨学校的扩音器 Hogwarts school mice,霍格沃茨学校的小老鼠 Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry,霍格沃茨巫术和魔法学校 Hogwarts schoolboy aboard the hogwarts express,霍格沃茨的小学生登上霍格沃茨快车 Hogwarts secret passages,霍格沃茨的秘密通道 Hogwarts sorting quiz,霍格沃茨的分类测验 Hogwarts staff,霍格沃茨的工作人员 Hogwarts staff,霍格沃茨的工作人员 Hogwarts student,霍格沃茨学生 Hogwarts student records,霍格沃茨学生记录 Hogwarts student that bets on fleur delacour,赌福莱尔-德拉库尔的霍格沃茨学生 Hogwarts student that blames harry potter,指责哈利-波特的霍格沃茨学生 Hogwarts students,霍格沃茨的学生 Hogwarts students,霍格沃茨的学生 Hogwarts students and staff,霍格沃茨的学生和工作人员 Hogwarts students and staff spending the holidays outside the school,霍格沃茨的学生和员工在校外过节的情况 Hogwarts subjects,霍格沃茨的科目 Hogwarts tea towel,霍格沃茨的茶巾 Hogwarts thestral herd,霍格沃茨的兽群 Hogwarts through the centuries,几个世纪以来的霍格沃茨 Hogwarts to borgin and burkes vanishing cabinet pair,霍格沃茨的博金和伯克斯消失的柜子对 Hogwarts turris magnus,霍格沃茨Turris magnus Hogwarts turris magnus staircase,霍格沃茨Turris magnus楼梯 Hogwarts turris medius,霍格沃茨Turris Medius Hogwarts uniform,霍格沃茨的制服 Hogwarts whomping willow,霍格沃茨的柳树 Hoke us poke us,霍克我们戳我们 Hokey,聪明 Holby city,霍尔比城 Hold tip of wand to targeted wand,拿着魔杖尖对着目标魔杖 Hold up pants,提起裤子 Hold wand flat in hand,把魔杖平放在手中 Holding cosmetics,拿着化妆品 Holding personal items,握住个人物品 Holding umbrellas,拿着雨伞 Holds liquid or gases,持有液体或气体 Holidays with hags,与女巫的假期 Holly,霍利 Holly disambiguation,霍利的歧义 Holly harbour,霍利港 Holly hart,霍利哈特 Holly murdoch,霍利-默多克 Hollywood california u s,加利福尼亚州的好莱坞,美国 Holo portrait premium,霍利的肖像画溢价 Holyhead,霍利海德 Holyhead harpies,霍利黑德的哈比人 Home life and social habits of british muggles,英国麻瓜的家庭生活和社交习惯 Home made yummy honey,蜂蜜 Homemaker,家庭主妇 Homenum revelio,纪念品 Homework,家庭作业 Homework planner,记忆的力量 Homework trading card,幸福之家 Homing spell,归宿法术 Homo amphibia,两栖动物 Homonculous charm,魅力之家 Homorphus charm,魅力的象征 Homorphus charm gif,魅力的GIF Honey,蜂蜜 Honeydukes,蜂蜜 Honeydukes,蜂蜜 Honeydukes company ltd,霍尼杜克斯公司有限公司 Honeydukes express,霍尼杜克斯快递 Honeydukes express lady,霍尼杜克斯女士快递 Honeydukes mice pops,霍尼杜克的小老鼠棒棒糖 Honeydukes the wizarding world of harry potter,霍尼杜克斯的哈利波特的魔法世界 Honorias fiancé,幸福生活 Honorific,尊敬的阁下 Honorific dame,尊敬的贵妇人 Honorific lady,尊敬的女士 Honorific sir,尊敬的先生 Honouria nutcombe,尊敬的Nutcombe先生 Honourific duke,尊敬的公爵 Honourific lady,尊敬的女士 Honourific lord,尊敬的公爵 Honourific sir,尊敬的先生 Hoo hoo,呼呼 Hooked beak,钩住的鸟嘴 Hooky,钩子 Hooky the house elf,家里的小精灵胡基 Hooper family,胡伯家族 Hope eva burns,希望伊娃烧伤 Hope howell,希望豪尔 Hope lupin,希望鲁班 Hopkins family,霍普金斯家族 Hopping as means of locomotion,作为运动手段的跳跳 Hopping cauldron,跳跃的大锅 Hopping pot,跳跳锅 Hoppy,斗牛士 Horace,霍勒斯 Horace eugene flaccus slughorn,霍勒斯-尤金-弗拉克斯-斯拉格霍恩 Horace slughorns first office,霍勒斯-斯拉戈恩的第一个办公室 Horace slughorns friend,霍勒斯-斯卢戈恩的朋友 Horace slughorns house,贺拉斯-斯鲁格恩的房子 Horace slughorns letter to harry potter,霍拉斯-斯拉格恩给哈瑞-波特的信 Horace slughorns office,霍勒斯-斯卢戈斯的办公室 Horace slughorns owl,霍勒斯-斯卢戈斯的猫头鹰 Horace slughorns second office,霍勒斯-斯鲁格的第二间办公室 Horace slughorns wand,霍拉斯-斯拉格恩斯的魔杖 Horatio cloke,霍拉西奥-克拉克 Horcrux cave boat,魂器山洞船 Horcrux hunt,猎取魂器 Horcrux making spell,魂器制作法术 Horizont alley,横向小巷 Horizontal yellow and black stripes with a wasp on the chest,黄色和黑色的横条纹,胸前有一只黄蜂 Horklump,喇叭口 Horklump juice,矮胖子果汁 Horklump patch,喇叭口的补丁 Horn of bicorn,麒麟之角 Horn pommel,牛角鞍座 Horn tongue hex,牛角舌六角 Hornbeam,霍恩贝 Hornby,霍恩比 Hornby family,Hornby家族 Horned,犀牛角 Horned,有角的 Horned antlers,有角的鹿角 Horned head,有角的头 Horned legs,有角的腿 Horned serpent,有角的蛇 Horned serpent,有角的大蛇 Horned serpent horn,有角大蛇的角 Horned serpent house,有角的蛇屋 Horned slug,有角的鼻涕虫 Horned toad,有角的蟾蜍 Horns protruding from shell,壳中突出的角 Horrible like bogies,恐怖的象鼻虫 Horse,马 Horse hair,马的头发 Horseback head juggling,马背上的杂耍 Horseradish,马的根茎 Horses upper body,马的上半身 Hortense cooper,舞蹈 Hortense rowland,骆宾王 Hortensia milliphutt,霍滕斯-米利普特 (Hortensia milliphutt) Horticulture and gardening,园艺学和园林学 Horticulturist,园艺师 Horton family,霍顿家族 Horton keitch braking charm,霍顿-凯奇的制动魅力 Hosepipe ban,水管禁令 Hospital bed,医院病床 Hospital bed trading card,医院病床交易卡 Hospital document,医院文件 Hospital dormitory,医院宿舍 Hospital dormitory trading card,医院宿舍交易卡 Hospital tower,医院塔楼 Hospital tower staircase,医院塔楼楼梯 Hospital wing,医院翼楼 Hospital wing stores,医院翼楼商店 Hospital wing trading card,医院侧翼交易卡 Hostile book,敌视书 Hostile to humans,敌视人类 Hot air charm,热空气的魅力 Hot and flammable,热的和易燃的 Hot chocolate,热巧克力 Hot dog,热狗 Hothoof,热呼呼的 Hour reversal charm,时间逆转的符咒 House,房屋 House cup,庄园杯 House elf,房屋精灵 House elf armour,房屋精灵盔甲 House elf magic,房屋精灵魔法 House elf placement agency,房屋精灵安置机构 House elves,宅院精灵 House elves at the 1994 quidditch world cup,1994年魁地奇世界杯上的家养精灵 House elves self hatred,房屋精灵的自我憎恨 House house soup,宅男宅女汤 House leaky soup,宿舍漏水汤 House meeting,众议院会议 House of black,黑人之家 House of black house elves,黑屋精灵之家 House of gaunt,憔悴之家 House of tudor,都铎之家 House point ceremony,宅点仪式 House point ceremony chamber,宅点仪式室 House point hourglasses,宅点沙漏 House points,宅点 House ring,众议院戒指 House scarf,房屋围巾 House soup leaky,房屋汤漏 Household magic,家庭魔术 Household stories,家庭故事 Housekeeper of the lestrange family,莱斯特兰奇家族的管家 Housewife,家庭主妇 Houston,休斯顿 Hover charm,徘徊的魅力 Hover charm trading card,悬停符交易卡 Hovers at reasonable mounting height when let go,悬停在合理的安装高度时放手 How far will fudge go to gain gringotts?,软糖要走多远才能获得Gringotts? How many house elves does it take to feed a dragon?,养活一条龙需要多少个家养小精灵? How many slytherins does it take to feed a hippogriff?,要多少个斯莱特林才能喂饱一只河马? How to succeed in business without really trying,如何不费吹灰之力就能在商业上取得成功 How to tame lions,如何驯服狮子 How to tame tigers,如何驯服老虎 How to woo witches,如何向女巫求爱 Howard chalk,霍华德-白垩 Howard haywood,霍华德-海伍德 Howards end,霍华德结局 Howell family,豪尔家族 Howland coopey,豪兰-库佩 Howler,豪勒 Howler trading card,豪勒交易卡 Howling wolves,狼嚎 Hrvoje klecz,狼来了 Http harrypotter wikia com wiki chika sakamoto?action edit,Http harrypotter wikia com wiki chika sakamoto?action edit Hubert bland,休伯特-布兰德 Hudson river,哈德森河 Hufflepuff,赫夫帕夫 Hufflepuff badger,獾子 Hufflepuff basement,赫夫帕夫地下室 Hufflepuff basement painting,赫夫帕夫地下室绘画 Hufflepuff boy,赫夫帕夫男孩 Hufflepuff boy that blames harry potter i,指责哈利波特的赫夫帕夫男孩I Hufflepuff boy that blames harry potter ii,指责哈利-波特的赫夫帕夫男孩II Hufflepuff boys dormitory,赫夫帕夫男生宿舍 Hufflepuff cake,赫夫帕夫蛋糕 Hufflepuff common room,赫夫帕夫公共房间 Hufflepuff common room painting,赫夫帕夫公共房间的绘画 Hufflepuff crest,赫夫帕夫纹章 Hufflepuff duelling club captain,赫夫帕夫决斗俱乐部队长 Hufflepuff duelling turrets,赫夫帕夫决斗的炮塔 Hufflepuff family,赫夫帕夫家族 Hufflepuff girl,赫夫帕夫女孩 Hufflepuff girls dormitory,赫夫帕夫女生宿舍 Hufflepuff house ghost,赫夫帕夫家的幽灵 Hufflepuff match,赫夫帕夫比赛 Hufflepuff quidditch team,赫夫帕夫魁地奇队 Hufflepuff ravenclaw or slytherin,赫夫帕夫拉文克劳或斯莱特林 Hufflepuff vs slytherin quidditch match 1996,1996年赫夫帕夫与斯莱特林的魁地奇比赛 Hufflepuff wizard duelling champion,赫夫帕夫巫师决斗冠军 Hufflepuffs cup,赫夫帕夫杯 Huge hands,巨大的手 Hugh biggs,巨大的手 Hugh mitchell,巨大的手 Hugo,休格 Hugo,雨果 Hugo disambiguation,雨果的歧义 Hugo granger weasley,Hugo Granger Weasley Hugo martin,雨果-马丁(Hugo Martin Hugo mattingley,Hugo Mattingley Huguette perror,雨格特-佩罗尔 Huguette perrot,朴槿惠 Hull,壳牌公司 Human,残疾人 Human,人类 Human chess game,人类象棋游戏 Human chess game trading card,人体棋牌游戏交易卡 Human hair,人类的头发 Human like,像人一样 Human presence revealing spell,人的存在揭示法术 Human to armchair,人类到扶手椅 Human to armchair spell,人对扶手椅的法术 Human to bat,人类对蝙蝠 Human to bat spell,人类对蝙蝠法术 Human to bone,人对骨 Human to bone spell,人对骨头的咒语 Human to bull,人对牛 Human to bull spell,人类对公牛的咒语 Human to ferret,人对白鼬 Human to ferret spell,人对雪貂的咒语 Human to hedgehog spell,人对刺猬的咒语 Human to pig spell,人对猪的咒语 Human to pocket watch,人对怀表 Human to pocket watch spell,人类对怀表的咒语 Human to polecat,人类对极地猫的咒语 Human to polecat spell,人类对极地猫的咒语 Human to shark,人对鲨鱼 Human to shark spell,人对鲨鱼的咒语 Human to teapot,人对茶壶 Human to teapot spell,人对茶壶的咒语 Human to toad,蟾蜍 Human to toad spell,人类对蟾蜍的咒语 Human to viper,人类对毒蛇 Human to viper spell,人对毒蛇的咒语 Human to yak,人对牦牛 Human to yak spell,人对牦牛的咒语 Human transfiguration,人的变身 Humanoid,人形 Humanoid appearance,人形外观 Humble family,卑微的家族 Humped back,驼背 Humphrey balsamo,汉弗莱-巴尔萨莫 Humphrey belcher,汉弗莱-贝尔彻 Humphrey kilburn,汉弗莱-基尔本 Hungarian,匈牙利语 Hungarian horntail,匈牙利人的角尾 Hungarian horntail gif,匈牙利角尾的GIF Hungarian national gobstones team,匈牙利国家鹅卵石队 Hungary,匈牙利 Hunters moon,猎人月亮 Hunting dog,猎犬 Hurling hex,投掷六角星 Hurricane,飓风 Hurts the victims toes,伤害受害者的脚趾 Husband,丈夫 Husky,哈斯基 Hut on the rock,岩石上的小屋 Hut on the rock trading card,岩石上的小屋交易卡 Hybrid animal,杂交动物 Hydra,九头蛇 Hydrangea,绣球 Hydro kinetic spell,水动力法术 Hyena,鬣狗 Hyena tree,鬣狗树 Hypercarnivorous,催眠术 Hypnosis,催眠术 Hyslop family,催眠术 Hyslop mansion,海斯洛普大厦 Hysterical mania,癔症狂躁症 Hysterics,癔症患者 Hystrifors,癔症患者 Hélas je me suis transfiguré les pieds,Hélas je me suis transfiguré les pieds III,三 I capture the castle,我占领了城堡 I cast a spell on father christmas,我对圣诞公公下了咒语 I hope jazzelle is in,我希望Jazzelle在 I should have remembered my keys,我应该记得我的钥匙 Iacopo bruno,伊亚科波-布鲁诺 Iacopobruno jpeg,伊亚科普布鲁诺图片 Iago in othello,奥赛罗》中的伊阿古 Iain claverdon,伊恩-克拉弗顿 Ian brown,伊恩-布朗 Ian george brown,伊恩-乔治-布朗 Ian hart,伊恩-哈特 Ian kelly,伊恩-凯利 Ian maden,伊恩-马登 Ian mccrory,伊恩-麦克罗里 Ian nathan,伊恩-纳森 Ian seale,伊恩-西尔 Ian smith,伊恩-史密斯 Ian whyte,伊恩-怀特 Iberian peninsula,伊比利亚半岛 Ice,冰 Ice blue,冰蓝 Ice cream,冰淇淋 Ice cream makers,冰淇淋制造商 Ice cream seller,卖冰激凌的人 Ice knight,冰骑士 Ice mice,冰老鼠 Ice pop,冰棒 Iced tea,冰茶 Icelandic,幼儿 Ichirō nagai,斐济语 Ichthyomancy,蜂蜜 Ickle dudleykins,蜂蜜 Icy blue,冰蓝 Icy corridor,冰冷的走廊 Idaho,爱达荷州 Identification,鉴定 Identify potion ingredients,识别药水成分 Identifying macusa employees,识别macusa员工 Idris oakby,伊德里斯-奥克比 Iefan rice,伊凡-米 Ien van laanen,伊恩-范-拉恩 If scabbers is discarded from play during your opponents turn put it into your hand damage each turn 1health 3cost 4,如果在你的对手回合中,痂皮被从游戏中丢弃,将其放入你的手牌中,每回合的伤害为1健康3费用4 If this card is in play before your turn discard all cards from play cost 9,如果这张牌在你的回合前处于游戏中,则从游戏中弃置所有牌,费用为9 If you already have 2 or more lessons in play then whenever you use an action to play a lesson card you may play 2 lesson cards instead of one,如果你已经有2张或更多的课程,那么每当你使用行动打出一张课程牌时,你可以打出2张课程牌,而不是一张。 If you have at least 4 lessons in play your spell cards with a printed power cost of 6 or more need 2 less power to play,如果你至少有4堂课,你的法术牌的印刷力量成本为6或更多,则需要减少2个力量才能发挥。 If you have no cards in your hand you may use an action to draw 5 cards,如果你的手牌没有,你可以使用一个行动来抽5张牌。 If your opponent has 2 or more creatures in play choose 1 of them and discard it cost 1,如果你的对手有2个或更多的生物在游戏中,选择其中一个并丢弃它,费用为1。 If your opponent has 2 or more creatures in play he or she chooses 1 of them and discards the rest then if you have 2 or more creatures in play choose 1 of them and discard the rest cost 5,如果你的对手有2个或更多的生物在游戏中,他或她选择其中一个并丢弃其余的生物,那么如果你有2个或更多的生物在游戏中,选择其中一个并丢弃其余的生物,花费5。 If your opponent has any cards in his or her hand you may use an action to make him or her choose 1 of them and discard it,如果你的对手有任何手牌,你可以使用一个行动让他或她选择其中的一张并丢弃它。 Ifeoma oboko,伊菲玛-奥博科 Ignatius prewett,伊格内修斯-普雷韦特 Ignatius tuft,伊格内修斯-图夫 Ignis nagy,伊格尼丝-纳吉 Ignotus peverell,伊格纳图斯-佩雷尔 Ignotus peverells son,伊格纳图斯-佩韦尔的儿子 Igor brand,伊戈尔品牌 Igor karkaroff,伊戈尔-卡尔卡洛夫 Igor karkaroff brought to present evidence,伊戈尔-卡尔卡洛夫被带去出示证据 Igor karkaroffs aide,伊戈尔-卡尔卡洛夫的助手 Igor karkaroffs dress robes,伊戈尔-卡尔卡洛夫的礼服长袍 Igor karkaroffs walking stick,伊戈尔-卡尔卡洛夫的手杖 Igor karkaroffs wand,伊戈尔-卡尔卡洛夫的魔杖 Igor karkaroffs yule ball partner,伊戈尔-卡尔卡洛夫的圣诞舞会伙伴 Iguana,鬣狗 Iguana blood,鬣狗血 Ikuko tani,谷子 Ilford,伊尔福特 Ilfracombe,伊尔弗拉科姆 Ilfracombe incident,伊尔弗拉科姆事件 Ilkley,伊尔克利 Ilkley moor,伊尔克利荒地 Ilkley moor quidditch stadium,伊尔克利摩尔魁地奇体育场 Ilkley quidditch team,伊尔克利魁地奇队 Ill fly if i want to case,我想飞就飞的情况 Ill stand by you always,我永远站在你身边 Illegal growth hex,非法增长的六角 Illegibilus,我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊 Illegibilus trading card,违法的交易卡 Illumination,绘画 Illustrator,绘画师 Illustrator,绘画师 Illustrator concept artist,插画师概念艺术家 Illustrator fine artist,插图师美术师 Ilvermorny,伊尔沃莫尼 Ilvermorny castle,Ilvermorny城堡 Ilvermorny cottage,伊尔弗莫尼山庄 Ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizardry,伊尔弗莫尼巫术和魔法学校 Ilvermorny school song,伊尔弗莫尼学校之歌 Ilvermorny sorting quiz,Ilvermorny分类测验 Ilvermorny statues,伊尔弗莫尼雕像 Ilvermorny students,伊尔弗莫尼学生 Ilvermorny students and staff,Ilvermorny学生和工作人员 Ilvermorny uniform,Ilvermorny制服 Ilvermorny yearbook,伊尔沃莫尼年刊 Image of misapinoa blishwick and name of her husband jimbo,Misapinoa Blishwick的形象和她丈夫Jimbo的名字 Image private lessons gif,形象的私人课程GIF Image projection,图像投影 Imaginary creature,虚构的生物 Imalone,幻想中的生物 Imdb nm0112481,虚构的生物 - nm0112481 Imdb nm2468561,形象代言人 nm2468561 Imelda mary philomena bernadette staunton,伊梅尔达-玛丽-菲洛梅娜-贝尔纳黛-斯坦顿 Imelda staunton,伊梅尔达-斯坦顿 Immediately ejects any wizard or witch who remains inside a pub for more than two hours,任何在酒馆内停留超过两小时的巫师或女巫都将被立即驱逐出去 Immobulus,尹莫布卢斯 Immobulus gif,伊莫布鲁斯GIF Immortality,不死之身 Imp,小恶魔 Impairs foes,损伤的敌人 Impediment jinx,障碍物金克斯 Impedimenta,帝国 Imperial dragonfly,帝国蜻蜓 Imperio,帝国 Imperius curse,诅咒 Impersonating goyle,冒名顶替的戈伊尔 Imperturbable charm,扰乱人心的符咒 Impervius,恶魔 Impervius charm,英普尔维乌斯的魅力 Important academic examination,重要的学术考试 Important examination,重要的考试 Important modern magical discoveries,重要的现代魔法发现 Impressive horns,令人印象深刻的角 Imprisons individuals in portraits,囚禁个人的画像 Improper use of magic office,不适当地使用魔法办公室 Improves intellect,提高智力 Improves the quality of food,提高食物的质量 Improving glossiness of hair,提高头发的光泽度 In 1994,在1994年 In america,在美国 In browser flash game,在浏览器Flash游戏中 In bruges,在布鲁日 In noctem,在诺特姆 In or before 1892,在1892年或之前 In or before 1972,在1972年或之前 In or before 1977,在1977年或之前 In the spiders lair,在蜘蛛的巢穴里 In the stands,在看台上 In the wake of sirens,在警笛声中 In vitro fertilisation,在体外受精 Inabillity to talk,不敢说话 Inanimatus conjurus spell,咒语 Inbreeding,在近亲繁殖中 Inbuilt warning whistle and self straightening brush,内置的警告哨和自直刷 Incacerata,遗传学 Incantation,咒语 Incantation records,咒语记录 Incarceration,囚禁 Incarceration carriage,监禁马车 Incarcerous,监禁 Incarcerous spell,监禁的咒语 Incarcifors,监禁者 Incarcifors trading card,交易卡 Incendio,监禁 Incendio challenge,诱惑的挑战 Incendio duo,二人组 Incendio duo spell,Incendio duo法术 Incendio spellbook,Incendio法术书 Incendio trading card,Incendio交易卡 Incident number,事件编号 Incorporeal,无形的 Increases interior space,增加内部空间 Increases size,增加尺寸 Increases stamina,增加体力 Increases the drinkers focus,增加饮酒者的注意力 Incredibly fast and strong,难以置信的速度和力量 Incredibly powerful and fast,令人难以置信的强大和快速 Independence day,独立日 Independent,独立的 India,印度 Indian ministry of magic,印度魔法部 Indian national quidditch team,印度国家魁地奇队 Indian ocean,印度洋 Indiana,印第安纳 Indie,印地安那 Indira choudry,印度国家队 Individual,个人 Individual,孟加拉语 Individuality,个人 Indonesia,ǞǞǞ Induce hysteria and uncontrollable laughter,诱发歇斯底里和无法控制的笑声 Induces drowsiness,诱发昏昏欲睡 Induces endless sleep,诱发无休止的睡眠 Induces fear delirium intense stomach pain and extreme thirst in the drinker,引起恐惧、谵妄、强烈的胃痛和极度口渴。 Induces happiness,诱发快乐 Induces sleep,诱导睡眠 Induces temporary slumber,诱发暂时性沉睡 Infamous,臭名昭著 Infant demonic,恶魔般的婴儿 Infatuation with whoever offers the potion,痴迷于提供药水的人 Inferius,痴迷者 Infiltration of the british ministry of magic,英国魔法部的渗透 Infiltration of the british ministry of magic 1997,英国魔法部的渗透1997年 Infiltration of the british ministry of magic 2020,英国魔法部的渗透2020年 Infiltration of the french ministry of magic,法国魔法部的渗透 Infiltration of the ministry of magic,渗入魔法部 Infiltration of the vault of ice,渗入冰库 Inflatable tongue,充气的舌头 Inflate a troll,给巨魔充气 Inflates target,充气的目标 Inflating charm,充气的符咒 Inflation of marjorie dursley,充气的马乔里-杜斯利 Inflatus,膨大剂 Inflexible,无弹性的 Inflorences ranging from greenish white to red,扩散范围从绿白色到红色 Inform the american wizarding community of the current magical exposure threat level,通知美国巫师界当前的魔法暴露威胁等级 Informing students of notices for the school year,告知学生本学年的通知 Informous,告知 Informous spell,告知学生学校的通知 Infused,灌输式 Infusion of wormwood,灌输艾草 Ingolfr the iambic,英戈尔弗-伊姆普斯 Ingredient,营养成分 Ingredient encyclopedia,营养品百科全书 Ingredient in,饮料中的成分 Ingvar eggert sigurðsson,英瓦尔-埃格特-西古尔松 Inhabit trees,栖息的树木 Inhabit woodlands,栖息于林地 Inhabits beaches and coastal environments,栖息于海滩和沿海环境 Inherent vice,内在的恶习 Inigo fuente marrero,伊尼戈-福恩特-马雷罗 Inigo imago,伊尼戈-伊玛格 Ink,墨水 Inkheart,墨心 Inky black,愤怒的小鸟 Inn charm,魅力之家 Inner eye,内眼 Inquisitorial squad,审问者小队 Insanity,灵魂 Insect based diet,昆虫的饮食 Insect jinx,昆虫厄运 Inside the magic the making of fantastic beasts and where to find them,魔法的内涵--梦幻般的野兽的制造以及在哪里可以找到它们 Insight editions,洞察力版本 Instant darkness powder,瞬间的黑暗粉末 Instant scalping hex,瞬间剥头皮术 Instantaneous death,瞬间死亡 Instantly regrows lost hair,瞬间重新长出失去的头发 Instantly scalps hair,瞬间剥除头发 Instantly transports user,瞬间转移使用者 Institute of muggle studies,麻瓜研究学院 Instructor,教员 Instrumental,器械性的 Insufferable know it all,令人厌恶的全知全能 Insulting wizard,侮辱性的巫师 Insurance office worker,保险办公室工作人员 Intelligence,聪明 Intelligent,聪明 Inter,聪明 Inter house quidditch cup,魁地奇学院间的杯赛 Intercepting a counter incantation on the go,拦截在路上的反咒语 Intercity 125,城际125 Interdepartmental memo,部门间的备忘录 Interior designer,室内设计师 Intermediate transfiguration,中级变形术 Intern at the ministry of magic,魔法部的实习生 International,国际 International alchemical conference,国际炼金术会议 International association of quidditch,国际魁地奇协会 International ban on duelling,国际禁止决斗 International confederation of wizards,国际巫师联合会 International confederation of wizards conference,国际巫师联合会会议 International confederation of wizards quidditch committee,国际巫师联合会魁地奇委员会 International director,国际主任 International laws of apparition and travel,国际幽灵和旅行法 International magical office of law,国际魔法办公室的法律 International magical trading standards body,国际魔法贸易标准机构 International quidditch association,国际魁地奇协会 International quidditch association,国际魁地奇协会 International quidditch team,国际魁地奇队 International quidditch tournament,国际魁地奇比赛 International statute of wizarding secrecy,国际巫师保密法规 International symposium of animagi,国际Animagi研讨会 International task force,国际特遣部队 International the new york ghost segment,国际上的纽约鬼魂部分 International travel,国际旅行 International warlock convention,国际术士大会 International warlock convention of 1289,1289年国际术士大会 International wizarding order of merit,国际巫师功绩勋章 International wizarding police,国际巫师警察 Internet,互联网 Interrogator,审讯者 Into the deep case,进入深层案件 Into the forbidden forest,进入禁忌的森林 Intruder charm,侵入者的魅力 Invasive species,侵入的物种 Inventor,发明家 Invents excuses for the muggle community for any magical accidents or occurrences,为麻瓜社区发明任何魔法事故或发生的借口 Inverness,英威奈斯 Invertebrate,无脊椎动物 Investigate circumstances in which ghouls move in to residential areas,调查食尸鬼搬进住宅区的情况 Investigates illegal uses of magic,调查魔法的非法使用 Investigation department,调查部门 Investigative team,调查小组 Invigoration draught,振奋剂 Invincible 750 super,无敌750超级 Invisibility,隐身术 Invisibility booster,隐身术助推器 Invisibility charm,隐身符 Invisibility cloak,隐形斗篷 Invisibility cloak trading card,隐形斗篷交易卡 Invisibility potion,隐身药水 Invisibility section,隐形部分 Invisibility section trading card,隐身部交易卡 Invisibility spell,隐形法术 Invisibility task force,隐身任务组 Invisibility token,隐身令牌 Invisible barrier,隐形屏障 Invisible blue yellow or purple,隐形蓝黄或紫色 Invisible cushion,隐形的垫子 Invisible ink,隐形墨水 Invisible ink trading card,隐形墨水交易卡 Invisible on its own reflects light of spell,隐形的本身反映出法术的光芒 Invisible ropes,隐形绳索 Invisible ropes spell,隐形绳索法术 Invitation from rubeus hagrid to harry potter and ron weasley to join him for tea,卢贝斯-海格邀请哈利-波特和隆-韦斯莱一起喝茶的邀请函 Involuntary,无意识的 Involves a twelve step dance,涉及到一个十二步的舞蹈 Iodine,碘酒 Ios 10 0 or later,Ios 10 0或更高版本 Iran,伊朗 Iranian ministry of magic,伊朗魔法部 Irene denholm,艾琳-登霍尔姆 Irene kneedander,辽宁省 Irfan mustaq,伊尔凡-穆斯塔克 Iris,艾丽斯 Iris bland,艾里斯-布兰德 Iris mary redmayne,艾瑞丝-玛丽-雷德梅恩 Iris pius,伊里斯-皮尤斯 Irish,鸢尾花 Irish feller,爱尔兰人 Irish national quidditch team,爱尔兰国家魁地奇队 Irish step dancing,爱尔兰步舞 Irma black,舞蹈 Irma crabbe,舞蹈 Irma dugard,舞蹈 Irma pince,伊尔玛-皮斯 Irma pinces desk,伊尔玛-平斯的桌子 Irma pinces wand,伊尔玛-平斯的魔杖 Iron,铁 Iron grey,铁灰色 Irritates eyes,刺激眼睛 Irritating but amusing,刺激性但很有趣 Irsis pius,伊尔西斯-皮乌斯 Irving cram,欧文-克拉姆 Irving cram,刺激眼睛 Irving cram i,欧文粉碎机I Irving cram ii,欧文的压榨二 Irving disambiguation,欧文的歧义 Irving dyson jr,欧文-迪森(Irving Dyson Jr Irving warble,欧文-沃博 Is believed to announce future death to a seeing person,被认为可以向看见的人宣布未来的死亡 Isaac,艾萨克 Isaac newton,艾萨克-纽顿 Isaac schneider,艾萨克-施耐德 Isabel fraga,伊莎贝尔-弗拉加 Isabel nunes,伊莎贝尔-努内斯 Isabella columbus,伊莎贝拉-哥伦布 Isabella disambiguation,伊莎贝拉的歧义 Isabella laughland,伊莎贝拉-拉赫兰 Isabella tintwistle,伊莎贝拉-廷特韦斯特尔 Isaiah,以赛亚 Isla blair,伊莎贝拉-布莱尔(Isla Blair Isla jane selley,伊拉-简-塞利 Islam,伊斯兰教 Isle of drear,德雷尔岛 Isle of harris,哈里斯岛 Isle of skye,斯凯岛 Isle of wight,岛的怀特 Ismelda murk,伊斯梅尔达-穆尔克 Ismelda murks father,伊斯梅尔达-穆尔克的父亲 Ismelda murks grandmother,伊丝梅达-穆尔克的祖母 Ismelda murks mother,伊丝梅达-穆尔克的母亲 Ismelda murks paternal grandmother,伊斯梅尔达-穆尔克的外祖母 Ismelda murks sister,伊斯梅尔达-穆尔克的妹妹 Isobel macdougal,伊索贝尔-麦克道格(Isobel Macdougal Isobel mcgonagalls father,伊索贝尔-麦格纳格尔的父亲 Isobel mcgonagalls letter to minerva mcgonagall,伊索贝尔-麦格纳格尔给密涅瓦-麦格纳格尔的信 Isobel mcgonagalls mother,伊索贝尔-麦格纳格尔的母亲 Isobel rosss father,丈夫和女儿 Isobel rosss wand,伊索贝尔-罗斯的魔杖 Isodora rose,伊索多拉-玫瑰 Isodora roses wand,伊索多拉玫瑰的魔杖 Isolt sayre,伊索尔特-索尔 Israelbiblical times,以色列圣经时代 Israeli,以色列 Israelite philistine war,以色列人菲利士战争 Israelites,以色列人 Issuing cultural and educational content,发布文化和教育内容 It sometimes releases flammable vapours,有时会释放出易燃的蒸气 Italian national quidditch team,意大利国家魁地奇队 Italian vermouth bianco,意大利的苦艾酒bianco Italy,意大利 Its home tree,它的家乡树 Its just heavenly,它是天堂般的存在 Iulia filipovscaia,意大利国家队 Ivan disambiguation,伊万消歧义 Ivan john harris †,伊万-约翰-哈里斯 † Ivan popa,伊万-波帕 Ivan renshaw,伊万-雷肖 Ivan renshaw,伊万-伦肖 Ivan renshaw i,伊万-伦肖一世 Ivan renshaw ii,伊万-伦肖二世 Ivan volkov,伊万-沃尔科夫 Ivor dillonsby,艾弗-迪伦斯比 Ivorian national quidditch team,科特迪瓦国家魁地奇队 Ivory coast,象牙海岸 Ivy,艾薇 Ivy warrington,艾薇-沃灵顿 Iwamoto family,斐济 Iwo jima,硫磺岛 Izzy rose,伊兹玫瑰 J b yabsley,吕晓明 J dorny,J-Dorny J e prewitt,J-E-普雷维特 J k rowling,J-K-罗林 J k rowling,J-K-罗林 J k rowling a bibliography 1997 2013,J-K-罗琳的书目 1997年 2013年 J k rowling a year in the life,J-K-罗琳生活中的一年 J k rowling in universe,宇宙中的J-K-罗琳 J k rowling new orleans interview,J-K-罗琳新奥尔良采访 J k rowling pottercast interview,J-K-罗琳波特广播采访 J k rowling time magazine interview,J-K-罗琳时代杂志采访 J k rowling yes because a patronus is used against things that the death eaters generally generate or fight alongside they would not need patronuses,J-K-罗琳是的,因为守护神是用来对付食死徒一般产生的东西,或者与他们一起战斗,他们不需要守护神。 J k rowling yes because a patronus is used against things that the death eaters generally generate or fight alongside they would not need patronuses ”,"J-K-罗琳是的,因为守护神是用来对付食死徒一般产生的东西或与之战斗的东西,他们不需要守护神""" J k rowlings contributions to charity auctions,J-K-罗林斯对慈善拍卖的贡献 J k rowlings official site,J-K-罗林斯的官方网站 J k rowlings twitter account,J-K-罗琳斯的微博账户 J k rowlings wizarding world movie magic volume one extraordinary people and fascinating places,J-K-罗琳斯的魔法世界电影魔法第一卷 非凡的人和迷人的地方 J k rowlings wizarding world movie magic volume three amazing artifacts,J-K-罗琳斯的魔法世界电影魔法第三卷 令人惊叹的文物 J k rowlings wizarding world movie magic volume two curious creatures,J-K-罗琳斯魔法世界电影魔法第二卷好奇的生物 J k rowlings wizarding world the dark arts a movie scrapbook,J-K-罗琳斯魔法世界的黑暗艺术电影剪贴本 J m barrie,J-M-Barrie J murrey,J-Murrey J pippin,J-Pippin J pippins potions,J-Pippins药水 J w friend,J-W朋友 Jab target,Jab目标 Jac coxall,Jac Coxall Jack bagley,杰克-巴格利 Jack courtney,杰克-考特尼(Jack Courtney) Jack disambiguation,杰克的歧义 Jack in the box,杰克在盒子里 Jack jodieman,杰克-乔迪曼 Jack london,杰克-伦敦 Jack monk,杰克和尚 Jack north,杰克-诺斯 Jack polson,杰克-波尔森 Jack pryor,杰克-普赖尔 Jack rabbit,杰克兔 Jack shephard,杰克牧羊犬 Jack sloper,杰克-斯洛珀 Jack thorne,杰克-索恩 Jack whomes in wbonded by blood bonded by blood,杰克犬以血缘关系为纽带,以血缘关系为基础。 Jackalope,羚羊 Jackalope antler,羚羊角 Jackson sheppard,杰克逊-谢泼德 Jacob,雅各布 Jacob,雅各布 Jacob disambiguation,雅各布消除歧义 Jacob erland,雅各布-埃兰 Jacob fiennes,雅各布-费恩 Jacob hogwarts student,雅各布-霍格沃茨的学生 Jacob kowalski,雅各布-科瓦尔斯基 Jacob kowalski jpeg,雅各布-科瓦尔斯基jpeg Jacob kowalskis apartment,雅各布-科瓦尔斯基的公寓 Jacob kowalskis brother,雅各布-科瓦尔斯基的兄弟 Jacob kowalskis grandfather,雅各布-科瓦尔斯基的祖父 Jacob kowalskis grandmother,雅各布-科瓦尔斯基的祖母 Jacob kowalskis loan application,雅各布-科瓦尔斯基的贷款申请 Jacob kowlaskis foreman,雅各布-考拉斯基斯的工头 Jacob sherwood,雅各布-舍伍德 Jacobs american relatives,雅各布的美国亲戚 Jacobs family,雅各布家族 Jacobs father,雅各布的父亲 Jacobs mother,雅各布的母亲 Jacobs notebooks,雅各布的笔记本 Jacobs room,雅各布斯的房间 Jacobs sibling,雅各布斯的兄弟姐妹 Jacobs sibling and severus snapes private lessons,雅各布斯的兄弟姐妹和斯拉普斯的私人课程 Jacobs sibling and snapes lessons,雅各布斯兄妹和斯拉普斯的课程 Jacobs wand,雅各布斯的魔杖 Jacqueline lejeune,杰奎琳-勒让 Jacques miskine,雅克-米斯金 Jacturus cloke iii,贾克图斯-克拉克三世 Jacuzzi,茉莉花 Jada angela,伽达-安吉拉 Jade gordon,翡翠戈登 Jade olivia,杰德-奥利维亚 Jade persaud walters,杰德-佩尔索德-沃尔特斯 Jagoda kamov,雅戈达-卡莫夫 Jakarta,雅加达 Jake disambiguation,茉莉花的别名 Jake farley,賈克-法利 Jake flinton,杰克-弗林顿 Jake samuels,杰克-萨缪尔 Jam,酱油 Jam city,果酱市 Jamaica,牙买加 Jamaican national quidditch team,牙买加国家魁地奇队 Jamal hue bonner,贾马尔-休-邦纳 James,詹姆斯 James,詹姆斯 James and lily potter,詹姆斯和莉莉-波特 James and lily potters grave,詹姆斯和莉莉-波特的坟墓 James and lily potters muggle betrayer,詹姆斯和莉莉-波特的麻瓜背叛者 James and oliver phelps,詹姆斯和奥利弗-费尔普斯 James and the giant peach,詹姆斯和大桃子 James benjamin j b yabsley,詹姆斯-本杰明-J-B-雅布斯利 James bernardin,詹姆斯-伯纳丁 James campbell m bower,詹姆斯-坎贝尔-M-鲍尔 James currie,詹姆斯-库里 James disambiguation,詹姆斯的歧义 James faulkner,James Faulkner James hannigan,詹姆斯-汉尼根 James hazeldine †,詹姆斯-哈泽尔丁 † James howard,詹姆斯-霍华德 James hufflepuff quidditch player,詹姆斯-赫夫帕夫魁地奇球员 James m l muller,詹姆斯-穆勒(James M L Muller James matthew barrie,詹姆斯-马修-巴里 James matthews,詹姆斯-马修斯 James mcgregor,詹姆斯-麦克格雷格(James Mcgregor) James newton howard,詹姆斯-纽顿-霍华德 James norton,詹姆斯-诺顿 James payton,詹姆斯-佩顿 James philip alden,詹姆斯-菲利普-奥尔登 James phoon,詹姆斯-波恩 James potter,詹姆斯-波特 James potter and the crimson thread,詹姆斯-波特与深红线 James potter and the curse of the gatekeeper,詹姆斯-波特与守门人的诅咒 James potter and the morrigan web,詹姆斯-波特与莫里根之网 James potter and the vault of destinies,詹姆斯-波特与命运之穹》(James Potter and the vault of destinies James potter i,詹姆斯-波特一 James potter ii,詹姆斯-波特二 James potter iis comb,詹姆士-波特IIS梳子 James potter iis friends,詹姆斯-波特的朋友 James potter iis owl,詹姆斯-波特的猫头鹰 James potter is wand,詹姆斯-波特是魔杖 James potter series,詹姆斯-波特系列 James potters wand,詹姆斯-波特的魔杖 James reed faulkner,詹姆斯-里德-福克纳 James runcie,詹姆斯-伦西 James sirius potter,詹姆斯-西里斯-波特 James smith,詹姆斯-史密斯 James snyder,詹姆斯-斯奈德 James steward,詹姆斯-斯特沃德 James tuckett,詹姆斯-塔克特 James tuckett i,詹姆斯-塔克特一世 James tuckett ii,詹姆斯-塔克特二世 James utechin,詹姆斯-乌切克 James williamson,詹姆斯-威廉姆森 Jamie ballard,杰米-巴拉德 Jamie campbell bower,杰米-坎贝尔-鲍尔 Jamie dunlop,杰米-邓禄普 Jamie glover,杰米-格洛弗 Jamie harrison,杰米-哈里森 Jamie knox,杰米-诺克斯 Jamie marks,杰米-马克思 Jamie parker,杰米-帕克 Jamie reibl,杰米-雷布尔 Jamie waylett,杰米-韦莱特 Jamie wolpert,杰米-沃珀特 Jamie wolpert,杰米-沃珀特(Jamie Wolpert Jamie wolpert in universe,宇宙中的杰米-沃珀特 Jamie yeates,杰米-耶茨 Jan freygang,扬-弗莱冈 Jan kowalski,扬-科瓦尔斯基 Jane austen,简-奥斯汀 Jane court,简-法庭 Jane disambiguation,简-消除歧义 Jane eyre,简-埃布尔 Jane perry,简-佩里 Janek,简克 Janek pelowski co,简克-佩洛夫斯基公司 Jang min hyeok,张敏慧 Janice pepper,朴槿惠 Janie beardsall,姜文 Janine craig,姜文 Janine hubar,姜文 Jann freeman,扬恩-弗里曼 January,一月 January 13 1991,1991年1月13日 January 21st february 18th,1月21日-2月18日 Janus galloglass,亚努斯-格罗格拉斯 Janus thickey ward,獐子岛的病房 Janus thickeys children,獐子岛的孩子们 Janus thickeys wife,獐子岛的妻子 Jany hubar,雅努斯-胡巴尔 Jany temime,杰努斯-特米姆 Jany van hellenberg hubar,詹尼-范-海伦堡的妻子 Jany van hellenberg hubar,詹尼-范-海伦堡-胡巴尔 Japan,辽宁省 Japan versus nigeria,日本对尼日利亚 Japan versus poland,日本对波兰 Japanese,日本 Japanese golfer joke,日本高尔夫球手的笑话 Japanese ministry of magic,日本魔法部 Japanese national quidditch stadium,日本国家魁地奇体育场 Japanese national quidditch team,日本国家魁地奇队 Japanese wizards code,日本巫师守则 Jarrett,贾里特 Jarvey,剑桥大学 Jarvis cocker,邓小平 Jasichus,贾西奇斯 Jason boyd,邓小平 Jason caffoe jpeg,杰森-卡福jpeg Jason charmer,杰森的魅力 Jason cockcroft,杰森-科克洛夫特 Jason denbright,杰森-登布莱特 Jason disambiguation,杰森消除歧义 Jason huntingdon,賈森-亨廷頓 Jason isaacs,杰森-伊萨克斯 Jason newell,杰森-纽厄尔 Jason porter,杰森-波特 Jason redshaw,賈森-雷德肖 Jason samuels,杰森-萨缪尔 Jason swann,杰森-斯万 Jatin agarkar,贾廷-阿加尔 Jawbind potion,鹰嘴兽 Jawbind potion trading card,颚骨药水交易卡 Jaws,颚骨 Jay,杰伊 Jays friend,杰斯的朋友 Jazz,爵士乐 Jazz,爵士乐 Jazzelle records,爵士乐唱片 Jean claude götting,Jean Claude Götting Jean françois ménard,Jean françois ménard Jean jacques launier,让-雅克-劳尼尔(Jean Jacques Launier Jean southern,让-南方 Jeanie gold,让-金 Jediism,杰迪主义 Jeff laubenstein,杰夫-劳本斯坦 Jeff lipman,杰夫-利普曼 Jeff rawle,Jeff Rawle Jeff toyne,杰夫-托伊恩 Jefferson king,杰弗逊-金 Jeffrey berman tony caballero,杰夫-伯曼-托尼-卡巴列罗 Jekaterina budrytė,杰凯特琳娜-布德利特 Jellied eel shop,鳗鱼店 Jelly,秦始皇陵博物院 Jelly belly candy company,糖果公司 Jelly brain jinx,糖果店 Jelly fingers curse,果冻手指的诅咒 Jelly flavourings and colourings,果冻调味品和着色剂 Jelly legs curse,果冻腿的诅咒 Jelly legs jinx,果冻腿的厄运 Jelly slug,果冻鼻涕虫 Jelly slugs,果冻蛞蝓 Jellyfish,水母 Jenet le lacheur,蜇伏者 Jenkins family,詹金斯家族 Jenn murray,Jenn Murray Jenna jovius,甄娜-乔维尤斯 Jennie luke,詹妮-卢克 Jennifer dawn,詹妮弗-黎明 Jennifer disambiguation,詹妮弗消除歧义 Jennifer jones,詹妮弗-琼斯 Jennifer smith,詹妮弗-史密斯 Jenny tarren,珍妮-塔伦 Jeong mi sook,郑美淑 Jeremy clarkson,杰里米-克拉克森 Jeremy disambiguation,杰里米-克拉克森 Jeremy soule,杰里米-苏尔 Jeremy stretton,杰里米-斯特雷顿 Jerk wand upwards,撸起袖子加油干 Jerome,杰罗姆 Jerry turner,杰里-特纳 Jess lafington,杰西-拉芬顿 Jesse,杰西 Jessica,杰西卡 Jessica cave,杰西卡洞穴 Jessica disambiguation,杰西卡消歧义 Jessica foden,杰西卡-福登 Jessica herdman,杰西卡-赫德曼 Jessica hynes,杰西卡-海因斯 Jessica isabel rowling arantes,杰西卡-伊莎贝尔-罗林-阿兰特斯 Jessica renee williams,杰西卡-雷妮-威廉斯 Jessica roux,杰西卡-鲁斯 Jessica tring,杰西卡-特林 Jesus,邓小平 Jesus christ,耶稣基督 Jesus of nazareth,耶稣的纳匝肋 Jet black,漆黑一片 Jet black candle,漆黑的蜡烛 Jet of blue sparks,蓝色火花的喷射 Jet of green sparks,绿色火花的喷射 Jet of hot air,热空气的喷射 Jet of red sparks,红色火花的喷射 Jet of spiralling wind,螺旋风的喷流 Jet of white sparks,白色火花的喷射 Jewelled forehead,额头上的宝石 Jewelled shell which is extremely valuable,价值连城的贝壳 Jewellery,翡翠珠宝 Jewelweed,翡翠草 Jfk,ǞǞǞ Jig er ee poke er ee,采矿业 Jiggery pokery,扑克牌 Jiggery pokery and hocus pocus,欢乐的游戏和胡闹的游戏 Jim carter bessie carter,吉姆-卡尔特-贝西-卡尔特 Jim dale,吉姆-戴尔 Jim disambiguation,吉姆的歧义 Jim goldstone,吉姆-戈德斯通 Jim hamilton,吉姆-哈米尔顿 Jim kay,吉姆-凯 Jim luna,吉姆-卢纳 Jim maidment,吉姆-迈德曼 Jim mcguffin,吉姆-麦克格芬(Jim Mcguffin Jim mcmanus,Jim Mcmanus Jim nelson,吉姆-尼尔森 Jim norton,吉姆-诺顿 Jim tavaré,Jim Tavaré Jimbo blishwick,Jimbo Blishwick Jimmy,吉姆 Jimmy gardner,吉米-加德纳 Jimmy kiddell,吉米-基德尔 Jimmy kiddells wonderful wands,吉米-基德尔的奇妙魔杖 Jimmy peakes,吉米-皮克斯 Jinx,金克斯 Jinx against marriage,反对婚姻的金克斯 Jinx block,金克丝阻挡 Jinx off,金克斯关闭 Jinx on the post of defence against the dark arts teacher,金克斯在防卫黑暗艺术教师的岗位上 Jinx rooms,金克斯的房间 Jinx shirt,金克斯衬衫 Jinxes for the jinxed,为被诅咒的人提供吉祥物 Jk rowling at the edinburgh festival,在爱丁堡音乐节上的JK-罗林 Jk rowling on the bbc with jeremy paxman,JK罗琳在英国广播公司的Jeremy Paxman节目中的讲话 Jo,裘 Jo king,裘-王 Jo king,裘-王 Jo king gryffindor,裘-王-格兰芬多 Jo king slytherin,乔-金-斯莱特林 Jo osmond,乔-奥斯曼 Joan kerridge,琼-凯里奇 Joanna,乔安娜 Joanne,乔安 Joanne k rowling,乔安-克-罗林 Joanne rowling,乔安-罗林 Jobberknoll feather,乔伯克诺尔的羽毛 Jobs in the wizarding world,巫师世界里的工作 Jocunda sykes,我的天哪!我的天哪!我的天哪!我的天哪!我的天哪 Jodelle lestrange,裘德勒-莱斯特兰奇 Jodie pritchard,裘迪-普里查德(Jodie Pritchard) Jody revenson,乔迪-雷文森 Joe accerelli,裘-阿克雷利 Joe auton,乔-奥顿 Joe disambiguation,乔伊德里斯-罗伯茨 Joe idris roberts,乔-伊德里斯-罗伯茨 Joe kallis,乔-卡利斯 Joe laurie,乔-劳里 Joe malone,乔-马龙 Joe mcgee,乔-麦克吉(Joe Mcgee Joe sez no,乔说不 Joe sez no,乔-塞兹不 Joe sez no album,乔-塞兹没有专辑 Joe sez no band,乔-塞兹没有乐队 Joe sowerbutts,乔-索尔布茨 Joel hollan and mario j pulice,乔尔-霍兰和马里奥-J-普利斯 Joel leffert,Joel Leffert Joerg stadler,Joerg Stadler Joey jenkins,Joey Jenkins Johan hoffman,约翰-霍夫曼 Johannes jonker,约翰内斯-琼克 Johannes jonkers father,约翰内斯-琼克的父亲 John a haas,约翰-哈斯 John atterbury,约翰-阿特伯里 John bastedo,约翰-巴斯特多 John bedford,约翰-贝德福德 John bland,约翰-布兰德 John buchanan,约翰-布坎南 John bunyan,约翰-班扬 John cartier,约翰-卡迪尔 John christopher depp ii,约翰-克里斯托弗-德普二世 John cleese,约翰-克莱斯 John collis nesbit,约翰-科利斯-奈斯比特 John constable,约翰-康斯特布尔 John dawlish,约翰-道利什 John dawlishs broomstick,约翰-道利什的扫帚 John duval,约翰-杜瓦尔 John duvall,约翰-杜瓦尔 John francis wade,约翰-弗朗西斯-韦德 John garry,约翰-加里 John granger,约翰-格兰杰 John haas,约翰-哈斯 John homme,约翰-霍姆 John hurt,约翰伤害 John in wsnatch snatch,约翰.在Wsnatch上抢夺 John kent,约翰-肯特 John kent fruiterers,约翰-肯特的水果商 John king,约翰王 John m innes,约翰-米因斯 John marwood cleese,约翰-马伍德-克莱斯 John more,约翰-莫尔 John murray,John Murray John noe,约翰-诺伊 John ogroats,约翰-奥格罗茨 John richardson,约翰-理查德森 John seale,约翰-西尔 John shearer,约翰-谢尔(John Shearer John sigurdson,约翰-西格德森(John Sigurdson John simcoe in turn washingtons spies,John Simcoe反过来成为华盛顿的间谍 John skelley,约翰-斯凯尔利 John snowden,约翰-斯诺登 John stevenson,约翰-史蒂文森 John terry,约翰-泰瑞 John the evangelist,传教士约翰 John tiffany,约翰-蒂凡尼 John towner williams,约翰-唐纳-威廉姆斯(John Towner Williams John vincent hurt,约翰-温森特-赫德 John williams,约翰-威廉斯 Johnnie lyne perkins,约翰-莱恩-珀金斯(Johnnie Lyne Perkins Johnnie lyne pirkis,约翰尼-莱恩-皮尔基斯 Johnny depp,约翰尼-德普 Johnny in wnaked naked,约翰尼在赤裸裸的裸体 Johnson family,约翰逊家族 Joke about a troll a hag and a leprechaun,关于巨魔、巫婆和妖精的笑话 Joke about the hag the healer and the mimbulus mimbletonia,关于女巫的笑话,治疗师和Mimbulus Mimbletonia的笑话 Joke about the plumbers,关于水管工的笑话 Joke about the squib who won a million galleons,关于赢得一百万加隆的乡巴佬的笑话 Joke product,笑话产品 Jomauh agardh,幽默的笑话 Jon campling,乔恩-坎普林 Jon foster,乔恩-福斯特 Jon key,乔恩-基恩 Jon mccrory,乔恩-麦克罗里 Jon richards,Jon Richards Jon steiger,乔恩-斯泰格 Jon voight,乔恩-沃伊特 Jonathan,乔纳森 Jonathan bunney,乔纳森-班尼 Jonathan case,乔纳森案例 Jonathan disambiguation,乔纳森消除歧义 Jonathan hansler,乔纳森-汉斯勒 Jonathan harden,乔纳森-哈登 Jonathan hart,乔纳森-哈特 Jonathan schwerzmann,乔纳森-施维茨曼 Jonathan spratt,乔纳森-施拉特 Jonathan vincent voight,乔纳森-温森特-沃伊特 Jonathon sharpe,乔纳森-夏普(Jonathon Sharpe Jones family,琼斯家族 Jonker,琼克 Jonker family,乔纳森家族 Jonny anomaly,琼斯家族 Jonny beardsall,乔尼-贝德索尔 Jonny disambiguation,琼尼--消除歧义 Jonny duddle,乔尼-杜德 Jonny greenwood,乔尼-格林伍德 Jonny nuhaka,乔尼-努哈卡 Jonny ratner,乔尼-拉特纳 Jordan bamford,乔丹-班福德 Jordan coulson,乔丹-库尔森 Jordan family,乔丹家族 Jorge arantes,邓小平 Jorkins family,乔金斯家族 Josef wronski,约瑟夫-沃伦斯基 Josef wronski award for excellent pitch skills,约瑟夫-沃伦斯基优秀投球技巧奖 Joseph darcey alden,约瑟夫-达西-奥尔登 Joseph disambiguation,约瑟夫的歧义 Joseph edwards,约瑟夫-爱德华兹 Joseph edwards fish fancies,约瑟夫-爱德华兹鱼的幻想 Joseph friend,约瑟夫朋友 Joseph h friend,约瑟夫-H朋友 Joseph heller,约瑟夫-海勒 Joseph macnab,约瑟夫-麦克纳布 Joseph snuka,约瑟夫-斯努卡 Joseph sugg youtuber graphic novel author,约瑟夫-斯诺卡 你的图画小说作者 Josephina flint,约瑟夫娜-弗林特 Josephine marat,约瑟夫-马拉特 Josette gage,乔赛特-盖奇 Josette kelius,乔塞特-凯利厄斯 Josh cowdery,乔希-考德利 Josh herdman,乔希-赫德曼(Josh Herdman) Joshua colin mintone herdman,约书亚-科林-明通-赫德曼 Joshua disambiguation,约书亚消歧义 Joshua flexson,约书亚-屈臣氏 Joshua sankara,约书亚-桑卡拉 Joshua sturton,约书亚-斯特顿(Joshua Sturton Joshua wyatt,约书亚-怀亚特 Josiah jackson,约书亚-杰克逊(Josiah Jackson Josiah plunkett,约西亚-普朗克特(Josiah Plunkett Josie forman,乔西-福尔曼 José barboza,何塞-巴尔博萨 Journalist,新闻工作者 Journey across the world through the air,穿越世界的空中之旅 Jousting tournament,比武大会 Joyce haddock,乔伊斯-哈多克 João coelho,犹太教 Judaism,犹太教 Jude law,裘德法 Judges of the 1379 duelling contest,1379年决斗大赛的评委 Judianna makovsky,朱迪亚娜-马科夫斯基 Judith sharp,朱迪思-夏普 Jugson,朱森 Juice is silver coloured,果汁是银色的 Juicing board,榨汁板 Jules,朱尔斯 Julia bird,茱莉亚鸟 Julia dehoff,茱莉亚-德霍夫 Julia dehoff bourne,茱莉亚-德霍夫-伯恩 Julia dehoff muggle,茱莉娅-德霍夫的麻瓜 Julia dehoff witch,茱莉亚-德霍夫女巫 Julia horan,茱莉娅-霍兰 Julia mary walters,茱莉娅-玛丽-沃尔特斯 Julia schafler,茱莉亚-谢弗勒 Julian glover,朱利安-格洛弗 Julian rozzell jr,朱利安-罗泽尔先生 Julian wyatt glover,朱利安-怀亚特-格洛弗 Julianne alexandra hough,朱利安-亚历山大-霍夫 Julianne hough,朱利安-霍夫 Julie christie,朱莉-克里斯蒂 Julie frances christie,朱莉-弗朗西斯-克里斯蒂 Julie parkes,朱莉-帕克斯 Julie walters,朱莉-沃尔特斯 Julius dehoff,朱利叶斯-德霍夫 Julius dehoffe,朱利叶斯-德霍夫 July,七月 July 10 2007,2007年7月10日 July 11 2007,2007年7月11日 July 12 2007,2007年7月12日 July 15 2009,2009年7月15日 July 1999westminster london england united kingdom,1999年7月英国伦敦威斯敏斯特,联合王国 Jumbo dungbomb,巨无霸粪便炸弹 June,6月 June 20 2019,2019年6月20日 June anually,每年6月 Junior assistant to the minister for magic,魔术部长的初级助理 Junior draughtsman,初级绘图员 Junior heavyweight inter school boxing championship of the southeast,东南地区青少年重量级校际拳击锦标赛 Junior minister,少年部长 Junior undersecretary,初级副部长 Junior wizard savings account,少年巫师储蓄账户 Juniper berries,桧木浆果 Junpei suruga,骏马SURUGA Jupiter,木星 Jupiter ascending,木星升起 Just like that hat,就像那顶帽子 Justin disambiguation,贾斯汀的歧义 Justin finch fletchley,贾斯汀-芬奇-弗莱彻利 Justin finch fletchley and the sugar quills,贾斯汀-芬奇-弗莱切利和糖毛笔 Justin finch fletchley trading card,贾斯汀-芬奇-弗莱切利的交易卡 Justin finch fletchleys mother,贾斯汀-芬奇-弗莱切利的母亲 Justin steele,贾斯汀-斯蒂尔 Justus pilliwickle,贾斯丁-皮利威克尔 Justus pilliwickle deck,贾斯丁-皮利威克尔甲板 Juventus,尤文图斯 Juventus football club,尤文图斯足球俱乐部 K bundy,K-bundy K machadus,坎特-麦卡杜斯 Kabbalah,卡巴拉 Kaboon choco ltd,卡邦巧克力有限公司 Kacky snorgle,卡奇-斯诺格尔 Kajol bhatt,卡乔尔-巴哈特 Kalale,卡莱尔 Kama family,卡玛家族 Kama family jpeg,卡玛家族jpeg Kama mansion,卡玛豪宅 Kamil lemieszewski,卡米尔-莱米谢夫斯基 Kandice morris,坎迪丝-莫里斯 Kangaroo,猕猴桃 Kaori shimizu,Kori shimizu Kappa,卡帕 Karasjok kites,喀拉索克风筝 Karasu family,カラスチャーション Karen,卡伦 Karen anderson,卡伦-安德森 Karkaroffs aide,卡卡洛夫的助手 Karkaroff’s aide,卡卡洛夫的助手 Karkaroff’s aide jpeg,卡卡洛夫的助手 jpeg Karkus,卡库斯 Karkus wife,卡库斯的妻子 Karkuss wife,卡库斯的妻子 Karl broadmoor,卡尔-布罗德穆尔 Karl disambiguation,卡尔的歧义 Karl farrer,卡尔-法雷尔 Karl jenkins,卡尔-詹金斯 Karl limpley,卡尔-林普利 Karl wang,卡尔-王 Kasper,卡斯帕 Kata tjuta,卡塔-特尤塔 Katarina bjelac,卡塔琳娜-比耶拉克 Kate disambiguation,辽宁沈阳 Kate fleetwood,凯特-弗莱伍德 Kate greenwood,凯特-格林伍德 Kate hardie,凯特-哈迪 Kate olney,凯特-奥尔尼 Kate russell smith,凯特-罗素-史密斯 Katherine hough,凯瑟琳-霍夫 Katherine leask,凯瑟琳-列斯克 Katherine mansfield,凯瑟琳-曼斯菲尔德 Katherine waterston,凯瑟琳-沃特斯顿 Kathleen cauley,Kathleen Cauley Kathleen rowling †,凯瑟琳-罗林 † Kathmandu,加德满都 Kathryn hadjipateras,凯瑟琳-哈吉帕特拉斯 Katie amess,凯蒂-阿梅斯 Katie bell,凯蒂-贝尔 Katie bells father,凯蒂-贝尔的父亲 Katie bells mother,凯蒂-贝尔的母亲 Katie bells wand,凯蒂-贝尔的魔杖 Katie disambiguation,凯蒂消除歧义 Katie dorrington,凯蒂-多林顿 Katie dorrington,凯蒂-多林顿 Katie head,凯蒂的头 Katie healy,凯蒂-希利 Katie killick,凯蒂-基利克 Katie leung,凯蒂-梁 Katie liu leung,凯蒂-刘-梁 Katie purvis,凯蒂-珀维斯 Katie rayknolls,凯蒂-雷克诺尔斯 Katie rosedale,凯蒂-罗塞达尔 Katie vander ark,凯蒂-范德阿克 Katura melkor,卡图拉-梅尔科 Katys in charge,卡蒂负责 Kay formby,凯-弗姆比 Kay hurwitz,凯-赫维茨 Kaya lockiby belgrave,卡亚-洛基比-贝尔格雷夫(Kaya Lockiby Belgrave Kaya lockiby belgrave,卡亚-洛基比-贝尔格雷夫 Kazakhstan,哈萨克斯坦 Kazu kibuishi,Kibuishi Kazu Kazuhiro kibuishi,Kibuishi Kazuhiro kibuishi Keaton flitney,斐济 Keen duellist badge,基恩决斗者徽章 Keen flyer badge,基恩飞人徽章 Keen hearing,基恩听觉 Keen sense of smell,敏锐的嗅觉 Keep calm and carry on,保持冷静,继续前进 Keep out,保持清醒 Keep your owl happy,让你的猫头鹰保持快乐 Keeper,守护者 Keeper of keys and grounds,钥匙和场地的保管员 Keeper of the hall of prophecy,预言厅的看守人 Keeper of the reptile house,爬行动物馆的看守人 Keeper of treasure and dragots,宝藏和龙的守护者 Keeping dobby quiet,让多比保持安静 Keeping feet warm and comfortable,保持脚部温暖和舒适 Keeping notes and other writing,保存笔记和其他文字 Keeping time,保管时间 Keeps horns curly and clean,保持角的卷曲和清洁 Keijo salmela,凯乔-萨尔梅拉 Keiko takahashi,高桥惠子 Keith garletts,基思-加莱茨 Keith jennings in wthe omen the omen,基思-詹宁斯在《预言家》中的表现 预言家 Kellah,凯拉 Kelly brown,凯利-布朗 Kelly disambiguation,坎坷的人生 Kelly kenubia,凯利-肯努比亚 Kelly macdonald,凯利-麦克唐纳 Kelly whakkaarangapawarau,凯利.沃卡兰加帕瓦拉乌 Kelp,凯尔普 Kelpie,凯尔派 Kelpie hair,凯尔皮的头发 Kelpie trading card,凯尔派交易卡 Kelsey gallagher,凯尔西-加拉格尔 Kelvin tuite,凯尔文-图伊特 Kemalism,凯马利主义 Ken steacy,邓布利多 Kendra dumbledore,坎德拉-邓布利多(Kendra Dumbledore Kenmare,邓布利多 Kenmare kestrels,邓布利多 Kenneth branagh,坎特-布拉纳(Kenneth Branagh Kenneth charles branagh,邓小平 Kenneth hastings,肯尼斯-哈斯廷斯 Kenneth towler,肯尼斯-托勒 Kenneth w j edginton,肯尼斯-W-J-埃德金顿 Kennilworthy whisp,肯尼思-惠斯普 Kenny markham,肯尼-马卡姆 Kenshō ono,大野贤章 Kent,肯特 Kenyan,肯尼亚人 Kept as pets,作为宠物饲养的 Kept by humans as pets,被人类作为宠物饲养的 Ketchup,番茄酱 Kettering,凯特林 Kettle,凯特尔 Kettleburn family,凯特尔本家族 Kettlewell,凯特尔韦尔 Kevin,凯文 Kevin 2000s hogwarts student,凯文2000年霍格沃茨学生 Kevin bletchley,凯文-布莱切利 Kevin broadmoor,凯文-布罗德莫 Kevin disambiguation,凯文的歧义 Kevin dobler,凯文-多布勒 Kevin entwhistle,凯文-恩特威斯 Kevin guthrie,凯文-格思里 Kevin hopwood,凯文-霍普伍德 Kevin jpeg,凯文-jpeg Kevin mccann,凯文-麦卡恩 Kevin sterndale,凯文-斯特恩戴尔 Kevin vose,凯文-沃斯 Kevin whitby,凯文-怀特比 Kevins family,凯文家族 Kevins father,凯文斯的父亲 Kevins mother,凯文斯的母亲 Kevinus morrisons,凯文斯-莫里森 Key gifted to argus filch,赠送给阿格斯-费尔奇的钥匙 Keyboard,键盘手 Keyboard player,键盘手 Keyes gerado naranjos viena and the fantomes,钥匙送给纳兰霍斯-维纳和幻想家们 Khaki,卡其 Khanna family,卡纳家族 Khanna family house elf,卡纳家庭的精灵 Khanna farm,卡纳农场 Khanna farms,卡纳农场 Khristopher macleod,克利斯朵夫-麦克雷德 Kidney,肾脏 Kieran jones,基兰-琼斯(Kieran Jones Kieran muirhead,坎普尔-穆尔黑德(Kieran Muirhead) Kieri kennedy,坎迪尔-肯尼迪(Kieri Kennedy) Kikis trecus,坎贝尔 Killer heat,虎头蛇尾 Killer whale,杀手鲸 Killick family,鲸鱼 Killing curse,殺人的詛咒 Kills or damages plants,杀死或破坏植物 Kim graham,金-格雷厄姆 Kim sheringham,殺人鯨 Kimiko kurosawa,黑泽明子 Kindness,慈悲 King,慈悲 King,朴槿惠 King arthur in camelot tv series,亚瑟王在卡米洛特的电视连续剧 King babbitty rabbitty and her cackling stump,巴比蒂国王和她那咯咯作响的树桩 King cobra,眼镜蛇国王 King einon in wplinkdragonheart,Wplinkdragonheart中的国王Einon King family,国王家族 King farouk,法鲁克国王 King monkey,猴王 King of england,英格兰国王 King of serpents,蛇王 King william i,威廉一世国王 Kingfisher,翠鸟 Kings advisor,国王顾问 Kings cross station,国王十字车站 Kings cross station guard,国王十字车站守卫 Kings private magic master,国王私人魔法师 Kingsley shacklebolt,金斯利镣铐门 Kingsley shacklebolts house,洛克菲勒的房子 Kingsley shacklebolts wand,金斯利的镣铐魔杖 Kingston upon hull,辽宁沈阳 Kinjal bhatia,秦始皇陵博物院 Kinsfolk,钥匙 Kipper,纪伯乐 Kiran shah,坎特-沙赫(Kiran Shah Kirke family,洛克家族 Kirley duke,洛克利-杜克(Kirley Duke) Kirley duke mccormack,洛克利-杜克-麦科马克(Kirley Duke Mccormack Kirsty dean,坎特-迪恩(Kirsty Dean) Kirsty grace,姬丝蒂-恩典 Kissing concoction,接吻的调料 Kit gerrard,吻合 Kita grayson,基塔-格雷森 Kitchen corridor,厨房走廊 Kitty de la beche,蝴蝶效应 Kitty sharp,凯蒂-斯利 Kiwi,猕猴桃 Knarl,卡纳尔 Knarl quill,卡纳尔笔芯 Kneazle,膝关节 Knee reversal hex,膝关节反转六面体 Kneen family,克尼恩家族 Kneil,克内尔 Knickerbocker glory,克尼克尔的荣耀 Knife to paper aeroplane,刀具对纸飞机 Knife to paper aeroplane spell,刀子对纸飞机的咒语 Knight,骑士 Knight bus,骑士巴士 Knight bus conductor,骑士公交车售票员 Knight bus driver,骑士巴士司机 Knight disambiguation,骑士的歧义 Knight with an arrow sticking out of his forehead,额头上插着箭的骑士 Knight with an arrow sticking out of his forehead,额头上插着箭的骑士 Knighton family,奈顿家族 Knights of the round table,圆桌骑士 Knights room,骑士室 Knits wounds,针织品的伤口 Knitters own,编织者自己 Knitting,骑士 Knitting charm,编织的魅力 Knitting club,针织俱乐部 Knitting needles knit automatically,敲诈勒索 Knock knock joke,敲敲打打的笑话 Knockback jinx,敲敲打打的扫把星 Knockback jinx duo,敲回的厄运二重奏 Knockout,敲击 Knocks out target,敲出目标 Knocks target back,将目标击退 Knocks target unconscious,将目标击倒失去知觉 Knockturn alley,咚咚小巷 Knotgrass,敲门砖 Knotgrass mead,蜂蜜酒 Knowwonder cpc,敲诈勒索 Knowwonder ea uk griptonite games,晓之以理,动之以情。 Knowwonder eurocom griptonite argonaut,晓之以理,晓之以情,晓之以理,晓之以情,晓之以情,晓之以情,晓之以情,晓之以情。 Knox harrington in wplinkthe big lebowski,诺克斯-哈灵顿在WPLINK的大Lbowski Knut,骑士 Knut or bronze knut,克努特或青铜克努特 Knut trading card,洛克特交易卡 Kokain nästet,宇宙飞船 Koldovstoretz potions champion,科尔多夫斯坦茨的魔药冠军 Koldovstoretz school,训练营学校 Koldovstoretz students and staff,毕业生和教职员工 Konrad weiss,康拉德-魏斯 Koo wood,库木 Kopparberg,科普帕尔伯格 Koralle,科拉勒 Korea,韩国 Kostak,顾思达 Kousuke yoshioka,吉冈幸助 Kouta ohnishi,大西光太 Kowalski,科瓦尔斯基 Kowalski family,科沃斯基家族 Kowalski quality baked goods,科沃斯基优质烘培产品 Krakens,克拉肯斯 Krall,克拉尔 Kreachers den,克利切的巢穴 Kris kolumbiko,克里斯-科伦比科 Krum family,克鲁姆家族 Kumquat,金桔 Kung fu panda,功夫熊猫 Kurt todt,蝴蝶结 Kwikspell,蝴蝶效应 Kwikspell book,书籍中的Kwikspell Kwikspell company,漫画公司 Kyle hines,凯尔-海因斯 Kōichi yamadera,山寺光一 L caruso,L Caruso L caruso music,L Caruso音乐 L osullivan,L 奥沙利文 L wakefield,L WAKEFIELD L wakefield muggle,L Wakefield muggle L wakefield wizard,L Wakefield 巫师 La bella,拉贝拉 Labour party,工党 Laburnum gardens,洛克菲勒 Lacarnum inflamari,漆黑一片 Laced wings,翼神 Lacerates target,撕裂者的目标 Lacewing,白蛉 Lacewing fly,白蛉飞 Lachlan the lanky,瘦弱的拉克伦 Lack of pigment in hair and eyes,头发和眼睛中缺乏色素 Ladislaw zamojski,拉迪斯瓦夫-扎莫伊斯基 Lady,淑女 Lady%27s mantle,淑女%27的衣钵 Lady,淑女 Lady anne boleyn,安东尼-波林女士 Lady beetle,淑女甲虫 Lady cow,牛女士 Lady grieve,悲哀的女士 Lady margaret nurseries,玛格丽特夫人护理中心 Lady rose victoria birgitte louise windsor,玫瑰夫人维多利亚-比尔吉特-露易丝-温莎女士 Lady wimborne,淑女维姆伯恩 Ladybird,瓢虫 Ladybird beetle,瓢虫甲虫 Ladybug,瓢虫 Ladys mantle,瓢虫的衣钵 Laila morse,蝴蝶 Lake,湖泊 Lake in wales,在威尔士的湖 Lake windermere,蝴蝶结 Lally,辽宁省 Lamb and flag,羔羊和旗帜 Lamb neal,羔羊皮 Lambeth bridge,桥 Lamont,辽宁省 Lancashire,兰开夏 Lancashire quidditch team,兰开夏郡魁地奇队 Lancaster pyke,兰开斯特皮克 Lancelot,兰斯洛特 Lancelot,兰斯洛特 Landing strip for carriage,马车的起落架 Landlady,城堡里的女人 Landlady of the green dragon,绿龙的女房东 Landlord,房东 Landlord of the hanged man,绞刑犯的房东 Landlord of the sirens rest,海妖的房东休息 Landlord of the sirens rests fishing pole,海妖的房东休息钓鱼竿 Landlord of the sirens rests spectacles,海妖的房东休息的眼镜 Landscape with trees,景观与树木 Langdon shaw,郎咸平 Langlock,郎中 Langston cream soda,兰斯顿奶油汽水 Lania after shave,拉尼亚剃须后 Lapifors,景观 Lapifors spell,柠檬水 Lapifors trading card,扑克牌 Lara sigg,拉拉-希克 Lara von sigg,拉拉-冯-希格 Larch,拉奇 Larch,拉奇 Large,大量 Large amount of scales fall off,大量的鳞片脱落 Large and colourful,大而多姿 Large and flightless,大而不飞 Large and imposing figures,大而有气势的人物 Large and white,大型和白色 Large and winged,大而有翼 Large bushy tail,大而茂盛的尾巴 Large colourful plumage,大型的彩色羽翼 Large eared,大耳朵 Large flat ears,大平耳 Large flat feet,大平脚 Large flowers,大花 Large heads,大头 Large heavy bodied,大而重的身躯 Large hump on back,背部的大驼峰 Large in size,尺寸大 Large lumpy root,大块状的根 Large nose,鼻子大 Large often fragrant,大而常香 Large pointed ears,大而尖的耳朵 Large size,体积大 Large sized,体积大 Large spectral appearance,大的幽灵般的外观 Large spider,大蜘蛛 Large spiders,大蜘蛛 Large spindling crack down middle,中间有大的纺锤形裂缝 Large triangle shaped poisonous,大三角形的毒物 Large tusks,大的獠牙 Large yellow or orange,大的黄色或橙色 Larger and stronger than non magical dogs,比非魔法狗更大、更强壮 Larger than a wingless horse,比无翼马大 Larger than normal horse size similar to an elephant,比正常马匹尺寸大,类似于大象 Larry macdougall,拉里-麦克杜格尔 Lars grant west,拉尔斯-格兰特-韦斯特 Lars lundekvam,拉尔斯-伦德克瓦姆 Lars moberly,拉尔斯-莫伯里 Lasco atkins,拉斯克-阿特金斯 Last day of school term,课堂上的最后一天 Last engineer in wprometheus prometheus,最后的工程师在wprometheus prometheus Last gasp badge,最后喘息的徽章 Last word records,最后的文字记录 Late bloomer,迟来的花花公子 Late breaking news,迟来的突发新闻 Late july to late august,7月下旬至8月下旬 Latin,拉丁语 Latin languages,拉丁语 Laugh inducing potion,诱发笑声的药水 Laugh lightly when in flight,飞行时轻笑 Laughing potion,笑的药水 Laughter,欢笑 Laura,劳拉 Laura madley,劳拉-马德利 Laura matassa,劳拉-马塔萨 Laura thorn,劳拉刺 Laura thorns bag,劳拉荆棘包 Laura thorns camera,劳拉荆棘相机 Laura thorns clipboard,劳拉荆棘剪贴板 Laura thorns digital camera,劳拉荆棘数码相机 Laura thorns oxygen tank,劳拉-索恩斯氧气瓶 Laura thorns sister,劳拉-桑斯的妹妹 Laurel,劳拉勒 Laurelle perrot,劳拉尔-佩罗特 Lauren,劳伦 Lauren,劳伦 Lauren wakefield,劳伦-韦克菲尔德 Lauren wakefield in universe,劳伦-韦克菲尔德在宇宙中 Lauren waylett,劳伦-韦莱特 Lauren zakrin,劳伦-扎克林 Laurena kama,劳瑞娜-卡玛 Laurence wakefield,劳伦斯-韦克菲尔德 Laurence wakefield,劳伦斯-韦克菲尔德 Lav,拉夫 Lav lav,薰衣草 薰衣草 Lavender,薰衣草 Lavender brown,薰衣草棕色 Lavender browns father,薰衣草棕色的父亲 Lavender browns mother,薰衣草棕色的母亲 Lavender browns wand,薰衣草棕色的魔杖 Laverne de montmorency,拉维恩-德-蒙莫朗西 Law literature,法律文献 Law regarding ownership of charmed objects,关于魅力物品所有权的法律 Lawn by forbidden forest,禁忌森林边的草坪 Lawn creating spell,草坪创造咒语 Lawn decoration,草坪装饰 Lawn mower,割草机 Lawn mower,割草机 Laws of conduct when dealing with muggles,与麻瓜打交道时的行为准则 Lawyer,律师 Laxative,粪便 Laxative potion,润肠通便的药水 Layer cake,蛋糕 Le bon bon du jour,营养品 Le cirque du vaga lume,荧光圈 Le corbeau mystique,神秘的科博 Le fabuleux destin damélie poulain,神奇的命运:达梅利-普兰 Le prevost de basserode,巴瑟罗德之父 Lead,领导 Lead engineer at ea bright light,首席工程师在Ea bright light Lead guitar,首席吉他手 Lead liaison minister,首席联络部长 Lead singer of the jubilee band,欢庆乐队的主唱 Leadenhall market,铅字市场 Leadership,领导人 Leafless,无叶 Leaflet on jobs in the cultivated fungus trade,栽培菌类贸易中的工作传单 Leafy green,绿叶 Leafy green vegetable,绿叶蔬菜 League,棒球联盟 League cup,联盟杯 Leah haile,利亚-哈伊尔 Leaky cauldron,漏水大锅饭 Leaky cauldron bartender,大锅饭调酒师 Leaky cauldron cellar,大锅饭地窖 Leaky cauldron client,大锅饭客户 Leaky cauldron wizard from belgium,"来自比利时的 ""大锅饭 ""魔法师" Leaky house soup,漏网之鱼汤 Leaky leaky soup,泄漏的汤 Leaky soup house,漏水汤屋 Lealholm,漏网之鱼 Leaping toadstools,跃动的蛤蟆镜 Leaping toadstools trading card,跃动的蟾蜍图交易卡 Learn magic fast with kwikspell,用kwikspell快速学习魔法 Learned comments of wisdom,智慧的学问评论 Leather belt,皮带 Leather boot,皮靴 Leather boots,皮靴 Leaves eaten as vegetable,叶子作为蔬菜食用 Leaves have medicinal properties,叶子有药用价值 Leaves used as insect repellent,用作驱赶昆虫的叶子 Leavesden,蔬菜 Lee asquith coe,李-阿斯奎斯硬币 Lee disambiguation,李的歧义 Lee family,李氏家族 Lee family house,李家的房子 Lee horsley,Lee Horsley Lee ingleby,李英格比 Lee jordan,李-乔丹 Lee jordan trading card,李-乔丹交易卡 Lee jordans father,李-乔丹的父亲 Lee jordans tarantula,李-乔丹的狼蛛 Lee robinson,李-罗宾逊 Lee sons construction,李氏建筑 Leech,李奇 Leech juice,李氏果汁 Leeds,李德 Leek jinx,韭菜的厄运 Leeks sprout from ears,韭菜从耳朵里发芽 Leeroy king,橄榄球 Leesk,利斯克 Left handed nazle powder,韭菜花 Leg locker curse,腿部储物柜的诅咒 Legal guidelines for the manufacture of magical apparatus,魔法器具制造的法律准则 Legal loopholes leprechauns,法律漏洞的妖精 Legal rules for roving sprites,流浪精灵的法律规则 Legal section,法律部分 Legilimency,腿的能力 Legilimency potion,腿脚灵活的药水 Legilimency spell,腿功法咒语 Legilimens,法律规则 Legislation regarding animal cruelty,关于虐待动物的立法 Legislative and judicial branch of wizarding britain,英国巫师的立法和司法部门 Legislative guide to the proper use of magic,正确使用魔法的立法指南 Legless,无腿 Lego,乐高 Lego brickheadz harry potter,乐高砖头哈利波特 Lego creator harry potter,乐高创造者哈利-波特 Lego dimensions,乐高尺寸 Lego fantastic beasts,乐高神奇的野兽 Lego harry potter,乐高哈利波特 Lego harry potter building the magical world,乐高哈利波特建造魔法世界 Lego harry potter characters of the magical world,乐高哈利波特的魔法世界的人物 Lego harry potter disambiguation,乐高哈利波特的歧义 Lego harry potter witches and wizards character handbook,乐高哈利波特巫师和魔法师人物手册 Lego harry potter years 1 4,乐高积木哈利波特1-4岁 Lego harry potter years 5 7,乐高Harry Potter years 5 7 Lego y2 death eater 2 jpeg,乐高y2食死徒2 jpeg Legs become wobbly,腿部变得摇摇欲坠 Leila kotori,莱拉-科托里 Leilah sutherland,莱拉-萨瑟兰 Lemon,柠檬 Lemon cheesecake,柠檬乳酪蛋糕 Lemon drizzle cake,柠檬小雨蛋糕 Lemon ice lolly,柠檬冰棒 Lemon meringue pie,柠檬酥皮派 Lemonade,柠檬水 Lemongrass,柠檬草 Lemony snickets a series of unfortunate events,一系列不幸的事件--霸王别姬(Lemony snickets Lemur,狐猴 Lenka udovički,伦卡-乌多维茨基 Lennox campbell,Lennox Campbell Lenworth george henry,伦沃斯-乔治-亨利 Leo,伦尼-亨利 Leo heller,伦纳德-海勒 Leon,莱昂 Leonard gary oldman,伦纳德-加里-奥德曼 Leonard spencer moon,Leonard Spencer Moon Leonardo da vinci,Leonardo da Vinci Leonie tremblay,莱昂尼-特伦布莱 Leonora gore,莱昂纳多-戈尔 Leopard,豹子 Leopoldina smethwyck,吕伯达-斯梅特威克 Leprechaun,妖精 Leprechaun gold,金色小妖精 Leroy family,豹子 Les misérables,悲惨世界》(Les misérables Lesley,吕梁 Lesley toddington,吕秀莲-托丁顿(Lesley Toddington) Leslie samuel phillips,丽莎-塞缪尔-菲利普斯(Leslie Samuel Phillips Less sickly butterscotch,少了病态的奶油糖 Less than 12 feet,小于12英尺 Less than 5 feet,小于5英尺 Lesson,课程 Lestrange,莱斯特兰奇 Lestrange,莱斯特兰奇 Lestrange disambiguation,莱斯特兰奇的歧义 Lestrange family,莱斯特兰奇家族 Lestrange family mausoleum,莱斯特兰奇家族的陵墓 Lestrange family tree box,莱斯特兰奇家族树盒 Lestrange manor,莱斯特兰奇庄园 Lestrange mausoleum,莱斯特兰奇陵墓 Lestrange vault,莱斯特兰奇金库 Leta at her desk back in hogwarts jpeg,莱塔在她的办公桌上,回到霍格沃茨,jpeg Leta lestrange,莱塔-莱斯特兰奇 Leta lestranges desk at hogwarts,莱塔-莱斯特兰奇在霍格沃茨的办公桌上 Leta lestranges wand,莱塔-莱斯特兰奇的魔杖 Leta lestrange’s wand,莱塔-莱斯特兰奇的魔杖 Lethal looking metal instrument,看起来很致命的金属工具 Lethe,萊特 Lethe river water,莱特河水 Lethifold,莱西弗尔 Leticia somnolens,莱蒂西亚-索姆诺伦 Lets caster see into the mind of another person,让施法者看到另一个人的思想 Letter,炸弹 Letter bomb,信件炸弹 Letters from no one,没有人的信 Lettice and lovage,莴苣和野苣 Lettuce,生菜 Leucrotta,橄榄枝 Lev zograf,柠檬汁 Lever rooms,杠杆房间 Levi pinfold,利维-品福 Leviosa,杠杆 Leviosa challenge,杠杆挑战 Levioso,利维奥索 Levitation,浮雕 Levitation charm,漂浮的魅力 Levitation sickness,浮空病 Levitation spell,悬浮法术 Levski family,晕倒 Lewis thorverton,刘易斯-索尔弗顿 Lewis wright,刘易斯-怀特 Lexington avenue,列克星敦大道 Li family,李家 Lia wyler,利亚-韦勒 Liberacorpus,吕伯奢 Liberal party,自由党 Liberare,吕伯奢 Liberare,自由党 Liberty island,自由岛 Libra,天秤座 Librarianship,馆员制度 Library corridor,图书馆走廊 Licensing wizengamot of great britain,大英帝国的许可证制度 Licorice snap,胆小鬼 Liechtenstein,帝国主义 Liechtenstein ministry of magic,列支敦士登魔法部 Liechtenstein national quidditch team,列支敦士登国家魁地奇队 Liechtenstein versus chad,列支敦士登对阵查德 Liechtenstein versus chad i,列支敦士登对阵查德一战 Liechtenstein versus chad ii,列支敦士登对阵查德二世 Liechtenstein versus chad iii,列支敦士登对阵查德三世 Lieutenant,中尉 Life debt,生命之债 Life experiences of gilderoy lockhart,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的生活经历 Life experiences of gilderoy lockhart,吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的生活经历 Life line,生命线 Life path,生命之路 Lift attendant,电梯服务员 Lifts about two feet off the ground,离地约两英尺的升降机 Lifts caster,升降机施法者 Lifts enchantments,抬起来的魔法 Light,光 Light,光线 Light and shadow room,光与影的房间 Light blond,淡淡的金发 Light blonde,浅金黄色 Light blue,浅蓝色 Light brown,浅棕色 Light brown,浅棕色 Light brown and white,浅棕色和白色 Light brown flecked with grey,浅棕色斑点的灰色 Light brown grey,浅棕色的灰色 Light creation spells,浅色创作法术 Light green,浅绿色 Light green and scarlet vertical stripes,浅绿色和大红色的垂直条纹 Light green in colour,浅绿色的颜色 Light green pink or red,浅绿色粉红色或红色 Light indoor footwear,浅色的室内鞋类 Light olive,浅橄榄色 Light tan,浅褐色 Light to dark brown,浅棕色至深棕色 Light up dark areas,照亮黑暗区域 Lightblue,浅蓝色 Lightgreen,浅绿色 Lightgrey,浅灰色 Lighthorne gravy browning,莱特恩公司的肉汁变色 Lighting,灯光 Lighting designer,照明设计师 Lightly tap the infected area,轻轻敲击受感染的部位 Lightning,閃電 Lightning bolt curse gif,闪电诅咒gif Lightning bolt shaped dark chocolate covered rice crispy treat,闪电形状的黑巧克力包裹的米脆皮食品 Lightning spell,閃電法術 Lightning summoning charm gif,閃電的召喚符號GIF Lights camera magic the making of fantastic beasts the crimes of grindelwald,灯光相机的魔力 奇幻动物的制作 格林德沃之罪 Lightskyblue,阳光下的蓝色 Lignifies the target,阳光照耀下的小鸟 Like parchment,像羊皮纸一样 Likely harmful side effects,可能的有害副作用 Lilac ink,紫丁香墨水 Lilies,紫色 Lilly rose taylor,柠檬色的玫瑰泰勒 Lily bertrand webb,百合-贝特朗-韦伯 Lily disambiguation,琳琅满目 Lily evans,莉莉-埃文斯 Lily evans wand,莉莉-埃文斯的魔杖 Lily evanss wand,莉莉-伊万斯的魔杖 Lily j potter,莉莉-J-波特 Lily j potter,琳琳-波特 Lily j potters letter to petunia dursley,莉莉-J-波特写给彼得尼娅-杜斯利的信 Lily j potters letter to sirius black,莉莉-J-波特给西里斯-布莱克的信 Lily j potters wand,梦里花落知多少 Lily l potter,梦里花落知多少 Lily l potters fairy wings,蝴蝶飞舞的仙女翅膀 Lily l potters farting gnomes,琳琳-波特放屁的小矮人 Lily luna potter,吕娜-波特 Lily mo sheen,莉莉-莫西恩 Lily mojekwu,莉莉-莫杰库 Lily moon,百合月亮 Lily potter,锅匠莉莉 Lim po,林宝 Lima,利马 Lima carneiro,利马-卡内罗 Lima family,利马家族 Lima lush,利马的茂盛 Lima press,利马新闻 Limax,利马克斯 Limbo,林波 Limbo mist,雾状物 Limbo mist anticharm,林宝雾化器 Lime,青柠 Lime green,青柠绿 Lime green in colour,青柠绿的颜色 Limebert,柠檬绿 Limerick ireland,爱尔兰利默里克 Limited physical influence,有限的物理影响 Limpet,柠檬色 Limus family,柠檬科 Linda chaddesley,琳达-查德斯利 Linda ekman,琳达-艾克曼 Lindsay brunnock,琳赛-布伦诺克 Lindsey fraser,林赛-弗雷泽 Lindy hemming,琳迪-赫明 Line street,琳达-布鲁诺克 Lineage,琳达 Lined hat,衬衣帽 Ling,玲 Link building,桥梁 Lion,狮子 Lion head hat,狮头帽 Liondragon,狮龙 Lionel wigram,狮威格姆 Lionfish,狮鱼 Liquefied,液化的 Liquid in plant is purple,植物中的液体是紫色的 Liquorice,甘草 Liquorice wand,甘草魔杖 Liquorice wand trading card,甘草魔杖交易卡 Liquorice wands,甘草魔杖 Lisa cullen,丽莎-卡伦 Lisa del giocondo,丽莎-德尔-吉奥孔多 Lisa disambiguation,丽莎的歧义 Lisa osmond,丽莎-奥斯蒙德 Lisa smith,丽莎-史密斯 Lisa turpin,丽莎-特平 Lisbeth scintilla,丽莎-斯金提拉(Lisbeth Scintilla Lispenard street,李斯佩纳德街 List of books,书籍清单 List of chapters in the harry potter novels,哈里-波特小说中的章节列表 List of characters in translations of harry potter,哈里-波特的翻译中的人物列表 List of creatures,生物清单 List of deaths,死亡名单 List of differences between the harry potter books and films,哈里-波特的书和电影之间的差异列表 List of harry potter cast members,哈里-波特的演员名单 List of harry potter fan websites,哈里-波特的粉丝网站列表 List of harry potter parodies,哈里-波特的模仿者名单 List of harry potter unofficial guidebooks,哈里-波特的非官方指南列表 List of harry potter wikis in other languages,哈里-波特其他语言的维基列表 List of hogwarts students,霍格沃茨学生名单 List of known incantations by first mention,按首次提及的已知咒语列表 List of locations in other languages,其他语言的地点列表 List of oldest wizards,最古老的巫师名单 List of potion ingredients,巫药成分列表 List of potions,巫术清单 List of production team easter eggs,制作团队的复活节彩蛋列表 List of references to harry potter in popular culture,哈里-波特在流行文化中的引用清单 List of spells,法术列表 List of spells used by harry potter,哈里-波特使用的法术清单 List of titles of harry potter books in other languages,其他语言的哈利-波特书名列表 List of wizarding terms in translations of harry potter,哈里-波特翻译中的巫师术语列表 List of wrock bands,摇滚乐队名单 Listening to and helping to solve problems,倾听并帮助解决问题 Lit tuttles grandfather,爷爷 Lit tuttles grandmother,小猫咪的外婆 Lit tuttles sister,妹妹 Lithuania,立陶宛 Litter box to wildebeest,垃圾箱到角马 Litter box to wildebeest spell,厕所垃圾箱对角马的咒语 Little brown,小棕熊 Little brown and company,小棕熊和公司 Little brown cuk,小棕熊 Little dropping,小滴水 Little hangleton,小亨格尔顿 Little hangleton boys,小亨格尔顿男孩 Little hangleton graveyard,小亨格尔顿墓地 Little hangleton milkman,小亨格尔顿挤奶员 Little known poison,小有名气的毒药 Little miss perfect,完美的小姑娘 Little norton,小诺顿 Little norton church hall,小诺顿教堂大厅 Little owl,小猫头鹰 Little people,小人物 Little people big plans,小人物的大计划 Little people big plans,小人物大计划 Little people classification,小人物分类 Little red books,小红书 Little whinging,小小的发牢骚 Little whinging fair,小小发牢骚的集市 Little whinging play park,小小发牢骚的游乐场 Little whinging postman,小小发牢骚的邮递员 Live chimaera handling,处理活的奇摩拉 Liver,游泳 Liverpool,利物浦 Liverpool football club,利物浦足球俱乐部 Lives in trees,住在树上的人 Living dead,活死人 Living shroud,活生生的裹尸布 Living with legilimens choose your minds wisely,与legilimens一起生活,明智地选择你的想法 Livius,橄榄球 Liz tuttle,利兹-塔特尔 Liz tuttles maternal grandfather,丽莎-塔特尔的外祖父 Liz tuttles maternal grandmother,丽莎-塔特尔的外祖母 Liz tuttles mother,丽莎-塔特尔的母亲 Liz tuttles mothers family,莉兹-塔特尔母亲的家庭 Liz tuttles sister,莉兹-塔特尔的妹妹 Liza cherks,丽莎-切克斯 Lizard,蜥蜴人 Lizard belt,蜥蜴带 Lizard belt plc,蜥蜴带plc Lizard jpeg,蜥蜴人jpeg Lizards claws from africa,非洲的蜥蜴爪子 Lizards leg,蜥蜴腿 Loach dairies,泥鳅乳业 Lobalug,泥鳅 Lobalug venom,Lobalug毒液 Lobby macusa,大厅大草 Lobe blaster,裂片爆破器 Lobed capsules with seeds,带有种子的叶状蒴果 Lobosca family,罗布麻科 Local news,当地新闻 Location,地点 Location forehead,位置额头 Location orb,位置球体 Loch lomond,洛蒙德湖 Loch ness,尼斯湖 Loch ness monster,尼斯湖水怪 Lock picking,开锁 Locked in,被锁在 Locked out of the house classics,被锁在屋外的经典之作 Locket,吊坠 Lockhart family,洛克哈特家族 Lockhart notes that harry has missed one of his d a d a classes and invites him for a private lesson in order to keep up,洛克哈特注意到哈瑞错过了他的一节d a d a课,并邀请他参加私人课程,以便跟上进度 Lockharts hair care potions,洛克哈特的护发药水 Lockharts lecture,洛克哈特的讲座 Locking spell,锁定咒语 Locks doors,锁门 Locomotion charm,运动符 Locomotive plant,骆家辉植物 Locomotor mortis,蝗虫病 Locomotor wibbly,骆驼祥子 Logan james hall,罗根-詹姆斯-霍尔 Logic puzzle,逻辑谜题 Logic puzzle trading card,逻辑谜题交易卡 Lola iolani momoa,罗拉-伊奥拉尼-莫莫亚 London,倫敦 London borough of islington,伦敦的伊斯林顿区 London city hall,伦敦市政厅 London england,伦敦英国 London eye,伦敦之眼 London five,伦敦五区 London library,伦敦图书馆 London private hospital,伦敦私人医院 London pumpkins sons,伦敦南瓜之子 London sewers,伦敦下水道 London underground,伦敦地铁 London zoo,伦敦动物园 London zoo reptile house,伦敦动物园的爬行动物馆 Lonely male gargoyle,孤独的男石像鬼 Lonely male gargoyles friend,孤独的男妖怪的朋友 Lonely winding road the tale of the three brothers,孤独的蜿蜒道路,三兄弟的故事 Long and basal,长而基的 Long and black,长而黑 Long and green,长而绿 Long and leafy,长而多叶 Long and rope like,长而如绳 Long and slender,长而纤细 Long and slender body,长而纤细的身体 Long and thin,长而薄 Long and thin,长而瘦 Long blonde and straight,长长的金发和直发 Long body,长长的身体 Long brown thorns,棕色长刺 Long bushy tail,长长的灌木状尾巴 Long distance communication,长距离交流 Long gallery,长长的画廊 Long horns on its head,头上的长角 Long legs,长腿 Long legs and necks,长腿和脖子 Long maroon violet dress robes with mouldy lace frill and matching cuffs,栗色紫罗兰色的长裙长袍,有发霉的花边褶皱和配套的袖口 Long shaggy hair,蓬松的长发 Long sharp pointed bills,长长的锋利的尖嘴 Long snout,长长的鼻子 Long swaying tentacles,长长的摇曳的触角 Long sweeping movement,长长的横扫动作 Long tail,长尾巴 Long tentacles,长触角 Long trunk,长的躯干 Long wings,长翅膀 Longbottom family,长底家族 Longer than ships,比船还长 Longford,朗福德 Look at the top 6 cards of your deck and put them back on top in any order cost 1,观察你牌组的前6张牌,将它们按任何顺序放回上面,费用为1。 Look at your opponents hand choose 1 of those cards and discard it cost 5,看看你的对手的手牌,从这些牌中选择一张并丢弃,花费5。 Look at your opponents hand count the number of lesson cards there do that much damage to your opponent,看看你的对手的手牌,数一数有多少张教训牌,对你的对手造成多大的伤害。 Look at your opponents hand discard all adventure cards from it,看看你的对手的手牌,丢弃其中所有的冒险牌。 Look at your opponents hand discard all creature cards from it cost 5,看看你的对手的手牌,丢弃其中的所有生物牌,费用为5。 Look at your opponents hand if there are any creature cards there choose 1 of them and discard it cost 1,看看你的对手的手牌,如果有任何生物牌,选择其中的一张并丢弃,花费1。 Look at your opponents hand if there are any item cards there choose 1 of them and discard it cost 3,看看你的对手的手牌,如果有任何物品牌,选择其中的一张并丢弃,费用为3。 Look at your opponents hand if there are any spell cards there choose 1 of them and discard it cost 2,看看你的对手的手牌,如果有任何法术牌,选择其中一张并丢弃,费用为2。 Looking for trevor,寻找特雷弗 Lookout tower,瞭望塔 Looks like a large turtle,看起来像一只大乌龟 Looks like smoke,看起来像烟雾 Lookwik reprographics ltd,看一看,看一看,看一看,看一看......。 Loony lovegood,欢乐的爱情 Loony nonby v s cornish pixie,罗尼-诺比诉科沃斯小精灵 Loop the loops,循环圈 Loop the loops trading card,循环的交易卡 Loose hand,松散的手 Lop eared rabbit,大耳兔 Lorcan,骆家辉 Lorcan death,洛尔坎之死 Lorcan scamander,洛尔坎-斯卡曼德 Lord,勋爵 Lord byron,拜伦勋爵 Lord chancellor,宰相大人 Lord draben,德拉本勋爵 Lord north,Lord North Lord palmerston,Lord Palmerston Lord voldemort,Lord Voldemort Lord voldemort,伏地魔勋爵 Lord voldemort began his second reign of terror,伏地魔开始他的第二次恐怖统治 Lord voldemort needs harry potters blood for his rebirth and will kill him at the end,伏地魔需要哈瑞-波特的血来重生,并将在最后杀死他 Lord voldemorts plot to murder albus dumbledore,伏地魔谋杀阿不思-邓布利多的阴谋 Lordana f,洛克特纳f Loretta cornhill,罗蕾塔-康希尔 Loretta fieldwake,洛雷塔-菲尔德沃克(Loretta Fieldwake Loretta fieldwake,洛雷塔-菲尔德沃克(Loretta Fieldwake Loretta fieldwake criminal,洛雷塔-菲尔德瓦克的罪犯 Loretta fieldwake ministry employee,洛雷塔-菲尔德瓦克的部下雇员 Lorre gustafson,洛雷-古斯塔夫森 Los angeles,洛杉矶 Los angeles ca,加州洛杉矶 Los angeles california usa,美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市 Los angeles times,洛杉矶时报 Losers lurgy,失败者的潜伏期 Losing her abilities,失去她的能力 Losing his family,失去他的家庭 Lost at sea case,海上失落案 Lost notes,失落的笔记 Lost notes trading card,失去的音符交易卡 Lost soul,失去的灵魂 Lost tunnel,失落的隧道 Lost wands,失落的魔杖 Lottie turner,丢失的灵魂 Lottie turners father,洛蒂-特纳的父亲 Lotties silhouette,罗蒂的剪影 Lou gehrigs disease,娄底市的疾病 Loudens target,卢登斯的目标 Louie renna,路易-雷纳 Louis cordice,路易斯-科迪丝 Louis doyle,路易斯-多伊尔 Louis gage,路易斯-盖奇 Louis in hannibal rising,路易在汉尼拔的崛起 Louis vuitton,路易-威登 Louis weasley,路易斯-韦斯莱 Louisa bettine,路易斯-贝丁 Louisa rose mackleston,路易斯-罗斯-麦克莱斯顿 Louisa warren,路易斯-沃伦 Louise,路易丝 Louise disambiguation,路易丝消歧义 Louise fontwell,路易丝-福斯特韦尔 Louise van hawe shakespeare production ensemble,露易丝-范-哈维莎士比亚剧团 Louises admirer,露易丝的仰慕者 Louises lover,露易丝的爱人 Louisiana,路易斯安那 Louka phyllian,卢卡-菲利安 Lovage,洛瓦奇 Love,爱 Love actually,爱其实 Love celebration volume 2,爱的庆典第二卷 Love chamber,爱的密室 Love is blind eye serum,爱是盲目的眼睛血清 Love of slapstick humour,爱的滑稽幽默 Love potion,爱的药水 Love potion antidote,爱情药水的解药 Love songs,爱的歌曲 Lovebird,爱情鸟 Lovebird to love note,爱情鸟对爱情笔记 Lovegood family,爱国者家族 Lovegood house,爱国者之家 Lovegood is arrested,爱国者被逮捕 Low growing,低成长 Low intelligence,低智商 Lowdour,低矮 Lower art room,低级艺术室 Lower chambers,下层会议室 Lower chambers corridor north east,下层会议室东北面的走廊 Lower chambers corridor west,下层房间走廊西侧 Lower chambers portrait corridor,下层房间的肖像走廊 Lower east side,下层东侧 Lower floor east,下层楼东侧 Lower floor west,下层西侧 Lower hogwarts castle,霍格沃茨城堡下层 Lowercase e figure,小写e字 Lowers target,降低目标 Loxiass family,洛克希亚斯家族 Loxiass mother,Loxiass母亲 Loyal,忠诚 Loyalty,忠诚的 Luannsa goodman,卢安萨-古德曼 Luc millefeuille,吕克-米勒弗耶 Luca books,卢卡书 Luca caruso,卢卡-卡鲁索 Luca caruso muggle,卢卡-卡鲁索麻瓜 Luca caruso wizard,卢卡-卡鲁索巫师 Luca michali caruso,卢卡-米查利-卡鲁索 Lucamelody blues special,卢卡梅罗迪蓝调特辑 Lucas bargeworthy,卢卡斯-巴格沃斯 Lucas hall,卢卡斯-霍尔 Lucas picquery,卢卡斯-皮奎里 Lucas youngblood,卢卡斯幼血 Luccas carusus,卢卡斯-卡鲁斯 Luchino caffe,卢奇诺咖啡 Luchino caffe duel,卢奇诺咖啡决斗 Lucian bole,吕西安-博尔 Luciano limus,卢西亚诺-利姆斯 Luciano volpi,卢西亚诺-沃尔皮 Lucie pohl,卢西奥-波尔 Lucifer,卢西法 Lucius malfoy,卢修斯-马福伊 Lucius malfoy,卢修斯-马福伊 Lucius malfoy i,卢修斯-马福伊I Lucius malfoys dogs,卢修斯的狗 Lucius malfoys second wand,卢修斯-马福伊的第二根魔杖 Lucius malfoys walking stick,卢修斯-马尔福斯的手杖 Lucius malfoys wand,卢修斯-马尔福斯的魔杖 Lucky dip box,幸运浸泡盒 Lucretia black,卢克丽霞黑 Lucretia fawley,卢克丽霞-福莱 Lucretia prewett,卢克丽霞-普雷韦特 Lucy,吕西 Lucy casson,吕西-卡森(Lucy Casson Lucy chappell,露西-查普尔 Lucy elworthy,露西-埃尔沃西 Lucy evans,露西-埃文斯 Lucy hurst,露西-赫斯特 Lucy kee,露西-基(Lucy Kee Lucy mitchell,露西-米切尔(Lucy Mitchell) Lucy sardinha,露西-萨丁哈 Lucy weasley,露西-韦斯利 Ludicrous patents office,可笑的专利办公室 Ludo,卢多 Ludo bagman brought to present evidence after being accused of passing on information to lord voldemort,卢多-巴格曼被指控向伏地魔传递信息后被带去出示证据 Ludovic bagman,路德维克-巴格曼 Ludovic bagmans father,路多维-巴格曼的父亲 Ludovic bagmans goblin creditors,路多维-巴格曼的小妖精债权人 Ludovico carminati dé brambilla,路多维科-卡米纳提-德-布兰比拉 Luggage maker,箱包制造商 Luigi,吕吉 Luisa,卢伊萨 Lukas karuzos,卢卡斯-卡鲁佐斯 Luke,吕克 Luke boswell,吕克-博斯韦尔 Luke chapman,卢克-查普曼 Luke cholderton,卢克-乔尔德顿(Luke Cholderton Luke disambiguation,卢克消歧义 Luke hope,卢克希望 Luke jones,卢克-琼斯 Luke newberry,卢克-纽伯里 Luke richard redmayne,卢克-理查德-雷德梅恩 Luke rogan,卢克-罗根 Luke the evangelist,传道人路加 Luke youngblood,年轻的路加 Lumbago,腰痛 Luminescent,荧光剂 Luminous,荧光的 Luminous rosette,夜光玫瑰 Lumos,荧光 Lumos challenge,卢蒙斯挑战 Lumos duo,卢蒙斯二重奏 Lumos duo spellbook,光明二重奏法术书 Lumos maxima,卢蒙斯-马克西马 Lumos maxima gif gif,卢蒙斯-马克西马 gif gif Lumos solem,卢蒙斯-索勒姆 Lumos solem gif,卢蒙斯-索尔姆gif Lumos solem spell,卢蒙斯鳎目法术 Lumos spellbook,路摩斯法术书 Luna lovegood,卢娜-爱国者 Luna lovegoods bedroom,卧室里的露娜-爱歌 Luna lovegoods beetle ring,露娜爱国者甲虫戒指 Luna lovegoods beetle wing earrings,露娜爱国者甲壳虫翅膀耳环 Luna lovegoods dress robes,露娜爱国者礼服长袍 Luna lovegoods eagle hat,露娜爱国者的老鹰帽 Luna lovegoods first wand,露娜爱国者的第一根魔杖 Luna lovegoods hare bracelet,露娜爱国者野兔手镯 Luna lovegoods lion topped hat,卢娜爱国者的狮头帽 Luna lovegoods list of lost possessions,卢娜爱神的失物清单 Luna lovegoods second wand,卢娜爱神的第二根魔杖 Luna lovegoods shoes,卢娜爱神的鞋子 Luna lovegoods silver star earrings,Luna lovegoods银星耳环 Luna lovegoods wedding dress,卢娜爱国者的婚纱 Luna lovegoods yellow dress robes,卢娜爱国者黄色礼服长袍 Luna scamander,月神之杖 Lunascope,露娜爱神 Lunfrey,伦弗里 Lupin family,卢平家族 Lupine lawlessness why lycanthropes dont deserve to live,狼人族不配活着的原因 Lush,狼牙棒 Lustrous white,白色的光泽 Lute,吕特 Luton,卢顿 Luxembourg,吕布 Luxembourgian national quidditch team,卢森堡国家魁地奇队 Luxo karuzos,卢克索-卡鲁佐斯 Luxo karuzos ii,卢克索-卡鲁佐斯二世 Lyall lupin,吕梁鲁班 Lycacomia curse,Lycacomia 诅咒 Lycanthropy,狼疮 Lycoris black,狼牙棒黑 Lydia andrew,吕布 Lynette sawley,Lynette Sawley Lynn hart,林恩哈特 Lynx,猞猁 Lyon,里昂 Lyricist,抒情诗人 Lysander,琳达 Lysandra black,吕珊德-布莱克 Lysandra yaxley,利桑德拉-亚克斯利 Lyuben zidarov,柳本-齐达罗夫 M carneiro muggle,M carneiro m muggle M carneiro wizard,M carneiro 巫师 M carneirus british,M carneirus 英国人 M dudziacs café,M dudziacs咖啡馆 M l books,M l书 M ralphous,M 拉尔夫 M v golden salamander,M v 金色大鲵 Ma larkin in the darling buds of may,马-拉金在五月的可爱花蕾中 Mabel dashalot,缪伯尔-达什洛特 Mable dwillingwort,梅布尔-德维林沃特 Macadamia,棕榈树 Macaronesia,猕猴桃 Macboon clan,麦克布恩氏族 Macdonald family,麦克唐纳家族 Macdougal family,麦克杜格尔家族 Macdougal street,麦克杜格街 Macduff,麦克杜夫 Mackenzie jean rowling murray,麦肯锡-简-罗林-穆雷 Mackled malaclaw tail,洛克菲勒的尾巴 Macmillan family,洛克米伦家族 Macusa,马库斯 Macusa a concise companion,马库萨的简明伴奏 Macusa application for wand permit,马库萨申请魔杖许可证 Macusa application for wand permit envelope,Macusa申请魔杖许可证的信封 Macusa aurors,马库萨灵媒 Macusa communications department,Macusa通信部门 Macusa employees,Macusa员工 Macusa employees,Macusa员工 Macusa evolving door,Macusa进化门 Macusa identification number,Macusa的识别号码 Macusa investigation department,Macusa调查部门 Macusa magic in the workplace,工作场所中的Macusa魔法 Macusa notice of contravention,Macusa的违规通知 Macusa real time hex indicator map,Macusa实时六角指示图 Macusa revolving door,Macusa旋转门 Macusa safe boxes,Macusa安全箱 Macusa surveillance wizarding resources,Macusa监控巫师资源部 Macusa surveillance wizarding resources department,马库萨监控魔法资源部 Macusa usa spell contraventions map,Macusa美国法术违规地图 Macusa wizarding resources,马库萨巫师资源部 Macys,巫师 Macéo bhardwaj,马塞奥-布哈德瓦吉 Mad eye,疯狂的眼睛 Mad magazine,疯狂杂志 Madagascar,马达加斯加 Madam,女士 Madam borboleta,女士波尔博莱塔 Madam borboleta candies ltd,勃艮第夫人糖果有限公司 Madam chang,张女士 Madam disambiguation,歧义的女士 Madam hooch,侯爵夫人 Madam irma pince,伊尔玛-潘斯女士 Madam irma pince trading card,伊尔玛-彭斯女士的交易卡 Madam malkins robes,马尔金夫人的长袍 Madam malkins robes for all occasions,所有场合的Malkins长袍 Madam malkins robes trading card,马尔金女士的长袍交易卡 Madam marsh,玛尔什女士 Madam pomfrey,庞弗雷女士 Madam pomfrey trading card,庞弗雷女士的交易卡 Madam primpernelles beautifying potions,普罗佩内尔夫人的美容药水 Madam puddifoots tea shop,庞德福特女士的茶店 Madam rakepick confronts jacobs sibling about questioning the teachers about her,拉克皮克女士与雅各布斯的兄弟姐妹对质,说她在质疑老师。 Madam rolanda hooch,罗兰达-胡克女士 Madam rolanda hooch trading card,罗兰达-胡克夫人的交易卡 Madam rosmerta,洛克斯梅尔塔女士 Madame,尔夫人 Madame bletchley,Bletchley夫人 Madame glossy,光泽夫人 Madame glossys finest cleaning products ltd,格雷斯夫人最好的清洁产品有限公司 Madame glossys self polishing shoe polish,光泽夫人的自抛光鞋抛光剂 Madame glossys silver polish,光泽夫人的银色抛光剂 Madame miraforum,米拉弗伦夫人 Madcap magic for wacky warlocks,古怪术士的疯狂魔法 Made of wax,蜡制的 Madeline ormskirk,玛德琳-奥姆斯科克 Madge farley,马吉-法利 Madhumati parmar,马杜马蒂-帕尔玛 Madison avenue,麦迪逊大道 Madrid,马德里 Madrid spain,马德里西班牙 Maestro,蒙特罗 Maestro family,马斯特罗家族 Maeve,梅芙 Mafalda,蒙特卡洛 Mafalda hopkirks letter to harry potter,马法尔达-霍普基尔克给哈里-波特的信 Mafalda hopkirks letter to harry potter 1992,马法尔达-霍普基尔克给哈里-波特的信,1992年 Mafalda hopkirks letter to harry potter 1995,马法尔达-霍普基尔克给哈利-波特的信,1995年 Mafalda hopkirks letter to harry potter 1995 ii,马法尔达-霍普基尔克给哈利-波特的信1995年II Mafalda hopkirks ministerial superior,马法尔达-霍普基尔克的部长上司 Mafaldas mother,玛法尔达的母亲 Magali crowe,马加里-克洛维 Magali j crowe,马加里-J-克鲁(Magali J crowe Magazine,雜誌 Magenta black,枚特黑 Magenta comstock,洋红色的康斯托克 Magenta in colour,彩色品红 Magenta tripe,品红肚皮 Maggie smith,麦琪-史密斯 Maggot,玉米饼 Maggoty haggis,蛆虫的羊杂碎 Magi me more,我的天哪 Magic,玉米淀粉 Magic beyond words the j k rowling story,魔力无言,J-K-罗林的故事 Magic carrot,魔法胡萝卜 Magic genes,魔法基因 Magic goblin,神奇的小妖精 Magic hamster,魔法仓鼠 Magic in north america,魔法在北美 Magic is might,魔法是力量 Magic is might monument,魔法是强大的纪念碑 Magic is might statue,魔法威力雕像 Magic joe,神奇的Joe Magic lantern,魔术灯笼 Magic lottery,神奇的彩票 Magic peanut,魔法花生 Magic storybook,魔术故事书 Magic translator,魔术翻译机 Magic trick product that claims to reveal secrets of some type,声称能揭示某种秘密的魔术产品 Magic tricks,魔术技巧 Magic works,魔术作品 Magical,神奇的 Magical and muggle,魔法和麻瓜 Magical chest,魔法胸膛 Magical chrome,魔法铬合金 Magical cleaning department,魔法清洁部 Magical cloud,魔法云 Magical committee of anti hex operations,魔法反邪教行动委员会 Magical congress of the united states of america,美国的神奇大会 Magical congress of the united states of america auror identity card,美国魔法大会的灵媒身份卡 Magical congress of the united states of america headquarters,美国魔法大会总部 Magical congress of the united states of america identity card,美国魔法大会的身份证 Magical congress of the united states of america work conduct code,美国魔术师协会工作行为准则 Magical creatures,神奇的生物 Magical creatures club,神奇的生物俱乐部 Magical creatures reserve,神奇的生物储备 Magical devices,魔法装置 Magical drafts and potions,神奇的草案和药水 Magical drafts and potions trading card,魔法草案和药水交易卡 Magical exposure threat level measurer,魔法暴露的威胁程度测量器 Magical exposure threat measurer,魔法暴露的威胁测量器 Magical gateway,魔法之门 Magical hieroglyphs and logograms,神奇的象形文字和逻辑图形 Magical historian,神奇的历史学家 Magical law,神奇的法律 Magical law enforcement patrol,神奇的执法巡逻队 Magical lock,神奇的锁 Magical maintenance department,神奇的维修部门 Magical maps fantastic beasts and where to find them,神奇的地图神奇的野兽以及在哪里可以找到它们 Magical me,神奇的我 Magical measurer,神奇的测量师 Magical mediterranean water plants and their properties,神奇的地中海水草和它们的特性 Magical megaphone,神奇的传声筒 Magical menagerie,神奇的动物园 Magical menagerie salesman,神奇的动物园推销员 Magical menagerie saleswoman,神奇的驯兽师推销员 Magical mess remover,神奇的除污器 Magical mess remover trading card,神奇杂物清除器的交易卡 Magical misdemeanours and the modern law,神奇的不端行为和现代法律 Magical mishap,神奇的意外事件 Magical mishap trading card,神奇的错误交易卡 Magical moral perspective,神奇的道德观 Magical moustache gif,神奇的小胡子GIF Magical moustache miracle stubble grow,神奇的小胡子奇迹般的长出了胡茬 Magical regulation 572,神奇的规定572 Magical stinkbomb that gives off a putrid odour,神奇的恶臭炸弹,散发着腐臭的气味 Magical symbols game,神奇的符号游戏 Magical tape measure,神奇的卷尺 Magical theory,神奇的理论 Magical theory,神奇的理论 Magical theory class,神奇的理论课 Magical to some extent,某种程度上的神奇 Magical to unknown extent,神奇到未知的程度 Magical transportation,神奇的交通 Magical water plants of the highland lochs,高地湖泊的神奇水草 Magical water plants of the mediterranean,地中海神奇的水生植物 Magical waterplants festival,神奇的水草节 Magically changed the users hairstyle,神奇地改变了使用者的发型 Magician,魔术师 Magicians,魔术师 Magick moste evile,魔术师 Magics hydrometer,聪明的人 Magicus extremos,聪明的人 Magnolia crescent,橄榄枝 Magnolia road,玉兰花路 Magnus,橄榄枝 Magnus macdonald,马格努斯-麦克唐纳 Magorian,马戈尔人 Magpie,鹊桥 Mahogany,桃花心木 Mahogany brown,棕色桃花心木 Mahoutokoro palace,棕榈树宫殿 Mahoutokoro potions champion,马乌托科罗药水冠军 Mahoutokoro school of magic,马霍托科罗魔法学校 Mahoutokoro staff and students,马霍托科罗的工作人员和学生 Mahoutokoro uniform,马霍托科罗的制服 Maid,女仆 Maiden,女仆 Maidenhead,女仆 Maizing mills co,采矿业 Major general henning von tresckow in valkyrie,在瓦尔基里的海宁-冯-特雷斯科夫少将 Major investigation department,冯特雷斯科少校调查部 Make a bang at the department of magical accidents and catastrophes,神奇的事故和灾难的部门,让人眼前一亮 Make good in business,在商业中取得好成绩 Make people sick,让人们生病 Make rattling sound,让嘎吱嘎吱的声音 Make street,让街道 Make the drinker quickly fall into a deep but temporary sleep,使饮酒者迅速进入深沉但暂时的睡眠状态 Makes a musical instrument play on its own,让乐器自行演奏 Makes an individual refuse marriage,使一个人拒绝结婚 Makes hair more manageable,使头发更容易打理 Makes hair redder,使头发更红 Makes holding easier,使握持更容易 Makes it snow,可以下雪 Makes noises when picked,采摘时发出声音 Makes object slippery,使物体变滑 Makes object unbreakable,使物体不易碎 Makes objects float,让物体漂浮起来 Makes objects teleport elsewhere,让物体传送到其他地方 Makes paint flash different colours,让油漆闪烁不同的颜色 Makes research and publishes reports,做研究并发表报告 Makes target cleaner,让目标变得更干净 Makes target sing,让目标唱歌 Makes the drinker lucky,使饮酒者变得幸运 Makes the drinker think the one who gave them the potion is their best friend,让饮用者认为给他们药水的人是他们最好的朋友 Makes the user able to listen into a blocked out conversation,让使用者能够听到被屏蔽的对话 Makes the user daydream for 30 minutes,让使用者做30分钟的白日梦 Makes tiny spikes erupt all over the victim,让受害者全身长出小尖刺 Makes trees come alive,让树木活起来 Makes victim fall have a push effect on the victim,使受害者跌倒时对受害者产生推动作用 Makes victims ears twitch,使受害者的耳朵抽搐 Makes wrackspurts visible,让人看到岩浆 Making and receiving calls,发出和接受呼叫 Making noise,制造噪音 Making schoolwide announcements,发布全校性的公告 Making small objects appear larger,使小物体看起来更大 Mala su mabey,马拉苏马贝 Malaclaw,呼叫 Malagasy national quidditch team,马达加斯加国家魁地奇队 Malawi,マラベル Malawian national quidditch team,马拉维国家魁地奇队 Malcolm,辽宁省 Malcolm baddock,斐济国家队 Malcolm disambiguation,马科姆的歧义 Malcolm ilminster,剑桥大学 Malcolm preece,马尔科姆-普利斯(Malcolm Preece Male,男 Male,男装 Male and female,男性和女性 Male female,男 女 Male muggle studies teachers student assistant,男性麻瓜研究教师学生助理 Male nurses at st oswards home for old witches and wizards,圣奥斯沃兹老巫师之家的男护士 Male ref,男裁判 Male slytherin student,男斯莱特林学生 Malecrit,女 Maledictus,马勒迪克特斯 Males,男生 Males,男生 Males and females,雄性和雌性 Males females,雄性 雌性 Males grow antlers in adulthood,雄性在成年后会长出鹿角 Males have green heads with grey wings and belly females have brown fully brown speckled plumage,雄性有绿色的头,灰色的翅膀和腹部 雌性有棕色的全褐色斑点羽翼 Malevolent mixture,邪恶的混合物 Malevolent mixture trading card,邪恶的混合物交易卡 Malfoy,马尔福 Malfoy apothecary,马尔福药房 Malfoy family,马尔福家族 Malfoy manor,马尔福庄园 Malfoy manor front gates,马尔福庄园前门 Malfoy the unanxious,不安分的马尔福 Malkin,马尔金 Mallory norden,马洛里-诺登 Mallory twiddle,马洛里------译者注 Mallowsweet,马洛维 Malodora grymms husband,马洛多拉-格里姆的丈夫 Malodora grymms victim,马洛多拉-格里姆的受害者 Malone family,马龙家族 Malt flavoring,蜂蜜 Mamma mia,蜂蜜 Man hat on milliners for wizards,巫师的男人帽子 Man in picture,在图片中的男人 Man or monster? the truth about newt scamander,关于纽特-斯卡曼德的真相:人还是怪物? Man who gave mr roberts galleons,给罗伯茨先生加勒的人 Man with knowledge of the taboo,掌握禁忌知识的人 Manacle,巫术 Manacle conjuring spell,咒语 Manacles,掌握禁忌的人 Manager,经理 Manager at eeylops owl emporium,猫头鹰商店的经理 Manager of flourish and blotts,兴旺发达的经理 Manager of gambol and japes,赌博和开玩笑的经理 Manager of gambol and japes wizarding joke shop,Gambol and japes巫师笑话店经理 Manami ichijoh,真奈美一郎 Manaus,马瑙斯 Manchester evening news,剑桥大学 Manchester lancashire yorkshire,曼彻斯特-兰开夏-约克郡 Mandragora,曼彻斯特晚报 Mandrake,曼德勒 Mandrake elixir,曼德拉草灵药 Mandrake leaf,曼德拉叶 Mandrake restorative draught,曼德拉恢复性饮品 Mandrake root,曼德拉根 Mandrake trading card,曼德拉交易卡 Manegro potion trading card,马尼格罗药水交易卡 Mange,曼格 Manhattan,曼哈顿 Manhattan bridge,曼哈顿桥 Manish sreenivasan,马尼什-斯里尼瓦桑 Manoj pandit,马诺吉-潘迪特 Manon perrot,曼侬-佩罗 Manticore trading card,剑齿虎交易卡 Manual m39h z,手动M39H Z Manufacture and sale of drills,钻头的制造和销售 Many aurors,众多灵媒 Many gringotts guards,许多格林戈特的守卫 Many non magiques,许多非魔族人 Many other distant relatives,许多其他远房亲戚 Many others,其他许多人 Many others,其他许多人 Many types parasitic,许多类型的寄生虫 Many witches and wizards,许多女巫和魔法师 Maori,毛利人 Map of the great lake,大湖的地图 Map to forgotten grounds,通往被遗忘之地的地图 Maple,枫树 Maple and phoenix feather wand,枫树和凤凰羽毛的魔杖 Mapp and lucia,马普和露西娅 Mappa mundi,世界地图 Marabeth hough,马贝斯-霍夫 Marauders,掠夺者 Marauders map,掠夺者地图 Marauding with monsters,掠夺的怪物 Marble,大理石 Marble gargoyle,大理石妖怪 Marble gargoyle trading card,大理石妖怪交易卡 Marble staircase,大理石楼梯 Marble staircase tower,大理石楼梯塔 Marbles,大理石 Marc sumerak,马克-苏梅拉克 Marcello magni,绘画 Marcelo vignali,马塞洛-维纳利 March,三月 March 26th 1990,1990年3月26日 March 28 1990,1990年3月28日 Marcus belby,马库斯-贝尔比 Marcus belbys father,马库斯-贝尔比的父亲 Marcus disambiguation,马库斯消除歧义 Marcus fenwick,马库斯-芬威克 Marcus flint,马库斯-打火石 Marcus flint trading card,马库斯-弗林特交易卡 Marcus hitchin,马库斯-希钦 Marcus hitchins mother,马库斯-希钦的母亲 Marcus minugius,马库斯-米努居斯 Marcus minugius myomancer,马库斯-米努吉乌斯-米罗曼斯 Marcus turner,马库斯-特纳 Margaret bradley,玛格丽特-布拉德利 Margaret doreen rose rickman †,玛格丽特-多琳-罗斯-里克曼 † Margaret ettington,玛格丽特-埃廷顿 Margaret natalie smith,玛格丽特-纳塔莉-史密斯 Marge,玛吉 Margery mason,Margery Mason Margie,玛吉 Margot cave brown,Margot Cave Brown Maria coyne,辽宁沈阳 Maria disambiguation,玛丽亚消歧义 Maria do carmo figueira,玛丽亚-多卡莫-菲盖拉 Maria glossop,玛丽亚-格洛索普 Maria monteith,玛丽亚-蒙蒂思 Maria pearson,玛丽亚-佩尔森 Maria szymczyk,玛丽亚-西姆奇克 Marie antoinette,玛丽-安托瓦内特 Marie family,玛丽家族 Marie magdeleine mauger,玛丽-玛格丽特-莫热(Marie Magdeleine Mauger Marietta edgecombe,玛丽埃塔-埃德科姆布 Marietta edgecombes father,玛丽埃塔-埃德科姆贝的父亲 Marietta edgecombes mother,玛丽埃塔-埃杰科姆贝的母亲 Marilias kistmanus,丈夫和妻子 Marina sanchez,玛丽娜-桑切斯 Mario donofrio,马里奥-多诺费奥 Maris cristallus,马里斯-克利斯塔卢斯 Maris profondus,马里斯-普罗旺斯 Marius,马利厄斯 Marius black,马利厄斯-布莱克 Marjorie dursley,马乔里-杜斯利 Marjorie dursleys unknown eleven bulldogs,Marjorie Dursleys未知的11只斗牛犬 Marjorie dursleys walking stick,马乔里-杜斯利的手杖 Marjorie eileen dursley,马乔里-艾琳-杜斯利 Mark,马克 Mark ballas,马克-巴拉斯 Mark brill,马克-布里尔 Mark constantine,马克-康斯坦丁 Mark day,马克日 Mark disambiguation,马克的歧义 Mark douglas,马克-道格拉斯 Mark evans,马克-埃文斯 Mark latchingdon,马克-拉金顿 Mark lockyer,马克-洛基尔(Mark Lockyer Mark lowenthal,Mark Lowenthal Mark of merlin,马克-梅林 Mark overcliff,马克-奥克利夫 Mark rhodes,马克-罗德斯 Mark romanoski,马克-罗曼诺斯基 Mark saint john ridley,马克-圣约翰-雷德利 Mark salisbury,马克-索尔兹伯里 Mark sealey,马克-塞利 Mark sommertime,马克-索默特 Mark theodore,马克-西奥多 Mark twain,马克-吐温 Mark williams,马克-威廉姆斯 Mark woodbury,马克-伍德伯里 Market hall,邓小平 Markus scarrs indelible tattoos,纹身者 Marlow,马洛 Marlowe forfang,马洛-福方 Marlowe harris,马洛-哈里斯 Marmalade,马马虎虎 Marquess of pembroke,彭布罗克侯爵 Marriage,侯爵 Marriage of lyall lupin and hope howell,利亚尔-鲁宾和霍普-豪威尔的婚姻 Married,已婚 Married,已婚 Married divorced or widowed,已婚 离婚或丧偶 Married or widowed,已婚或丧偶 Married single,已婚单身 Mars,火星 Mars bar,火星吧 Marsh,马歇尔 Marshall fawley,马歇尔-法利 Marshall sheridan,马歇尔-谢里丹 Marshmallow,马歇尔-法利 Marta fernandes,马塔-费尔南德斯(Marta Fernandes Martha american muggle,玛莎美国麻瓜 Martha british muggle,马莎-英国麻瓜 Martha steward,马莎-斯特沃德 Martha steward ii,马莎-斯德沃德二世 Martha steward iis friend,马莎-斯德沃德的朋友 Martha steward iis husband,马莎管家的丈夫 Martin tiny helstrom,丈夫 Martin ballantyne,丈夫 Martin bayfield,马丁-贝菲尔德 Martin beccles,马丁-贝克尔斯 Martin christopher bayfield,马丁-克里斯托弗-贝菲尔德 Martin disambiguation,马丁消除歧义 Martin goodman in friday night dinner,马丁-古德曼在星期五晚上的晚餐 Martin helstrom,马丁-赫斯特罗姆 Martin henderson,马丁-亨德森 Martin herdman,马丁-赫德曼 Martin james emmett dalton,马丁-詹姆斯-埃米特-道尔顿 Martin johnston,马丁-约翰斯顿 Martin johnston,马丁-约翰斯顿 Martin lowe,马丁-罗伊 Martin miggs,马丁-米格斯 Martin owens cairns,马丁-欧文斯-凯恩斯(Martin Owens Cairns) Martine copplestone,马丁-科普斯通 Marvin the paranoid android in the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy,银河系搭车指南》中的偏执型机器人马文 Marvolo gaunt,马沃罗-高特 Marvolo gaunts ring,马沃罗-高特的戒指 Marvolo gaunt´s ring,马沃罗-高特的戒指 Marvolo the truth,马沃罗的真相 Mary buchanan,玛丽-布坎南 Mary cattermole,玛丽-卡特莫尔 Mary cattermoles father,玛丽-卡特莫尔的父亲 Mary cattermoles mother,妻子和孩子 Mary cattermoles wand,玛丽-卡特莫尔的魔杖 Mary cattermole´s wand,玛丽-卡特莫尔的魔杖 Mary disambiguation,玛丽的歧义 Mary dorkins,玛丽-多金斯 Mary doyle,玛丽-多伊尔 Mary epworth,玛丽-埃普沃斯 Mary gleeson,玛丽-格利森(Mary Gleeson) Mary grandpré,玛丽-格兰普雷 Mary i,玛丽一世 Mary ii,玛丽二世 Mary lou barebone,玛丽-卢-光骨 Mary lou uses this to punish credence,玛丽-卢用这个来惩罚信奉者 Mary macdonald,玛丽-麦克唐纳 Mary nesbit,玛丽-奈斯比特 Mary nighy,玛丽-尼格希 Mary riddle,玛丽-谜语 Mary tudor,玛丽-图德 Maryland,马里兰 Masaki hongo,正木本格 Masking spell,遮蔽法术 Masking spells,遮蔽法术 Masks casters presence,面具施法者的存在 Mason,巫师 Mason family,巫师家族 Masons wife,梅森妻子 Mass breakout from azkaban,阿兹卡班的大规模突围 Massachusetts,马萨诸塞州 Massacre at malfoy manor,在马尔福庄园的大屠杀 Massacre in london,在伦敦的大屠杀 Massive fangs,巨大的獠牙 Master deluxe,豪华大师 Master duellist badge,大师级决斗者徽章 Master of death,死亡率的主人 Master of flying badge,飞行大师徽章 Master potioneer badge,大师先锋徽章 Masters,硕士 Mastick,马斯特克 Match,火柴盒 Match to needle,匹配的针 Match to needle spell,匹配针法 Matelot,斗牛士 Mather family,马瑟家族 Matheus limusa,马修斯-利姆萨 (Matheus limusa) Mathilda grimblehawk,马蒂尔达-格林伯勒鹰 Mathilda grimblehawks partner,Mathilda grimblehawks伙伴 Mathilda grimblehawks partners wand,Mathilda grimblehawks的伙伴魔杖 Mathilde mallard,马蒂尔德-野鸭 Matilda dukelow,玛蒂尔达-杜克洛 Matildus heizenbert,马蒂尔德-海森伯特(Matildus Heizenbert Matron,玛特伦 Matt birch,马特-伯奇 Matt da silva,马特-达席尔瓦 Matt london cwriter year 1 3,马特-伦敦 Cwriter 第 1 3 年 Matt saunders,马特-桑德斯 Mattel,马特 Matthew,马特 Matthew bancroft,马特-班克罗夫特 Matthew echunga,马修-埃昆加 Matthew hodge,马特-霍奇 Matthew kaye,马修-凯伊 Matthew kettletoft,马太-凯特尔托夫特 Matthew lewis,马特-勒维斯 Matthew roberts,马太-罗伯茨 Matthew the apostle,使徒马太 Mattie lovett,马蒂-洛维特 Matyelok gibbs,马修-吉布斯(Matyelok Gibbs Maud montague,茂德-蒙塔格 Mauler,慕勒 Maureen wheeler,莫林-韦勒 Maurice pinho,缪斯-皮诺(Maurice Pinho Maurice willards,莫里斯-维拉德(Maurice Willards Mauricio carneiro,莫里斯-卡内罗 Mauricio carneiro real world,毛里西奥-卡内罗的真实世界 Mauricius,毛里奇斯 Maurisa coleman,慕里斯-库尔曼(Maurisa Coleman Mauritius,毛里求斯 Max family,马克斯家族 Max ruby,红宝石 Maxima,马克斯玛 Maxime family,马克西姆家族 Maximilian crowdy,马克西米利安-克劳迪 Maximilian crowdys children,马克西米利安-乌迪的孩子 Maximum turbo farts potion,最大涡轮放屁药水 Maximus brankovitch iii,洛克斯-布兰科维奇三世 Maxine oflaherty,马克西姆-奥拉赫蒂 Maxwell lazenby,麦克斯韦-拉赞比 Maxwell lima,Maxwell Lima May,五月 May june 2004,2004年5月-6月 May june annually,每年5月至6月 May june anually,每年5月1日 Mayer,姆雷尔 Mayflower,五月花 Mayflower flower,五月花的花 Maynard hatton,冯-哈顿 Mayor,经理 Mazoni,马佐尼 Mcclaggan,姆克拉根 Mcclivert clan,麦克里弗特氏族 Mccormack family,麦科梅克家族 Mcgonagall family,麦克格纳格尔家族 Mcgonagall fighting jpeg,斗牛士 Mcgonagall kingsley and slughorn stalemate voldemort for some time but are blasted backwards after the death of bellatrix lestrange at the hands of molly weasley,麦格纳高-金斯利和斯拉格霍恩与伏地魔僵持了一段时间,但在贝拉特里克斯-莱斯特兰奇死于莫莉-韦斯莱之手后,被炸得倒飞了出去。 Mcgonagall manse,麦格纳格尔宅邸 Mcgonagalls cat,麦格纳格尔的猫 Mcgregor family,麦格瑞格家族 Mcgregor farm,农场 Mchavelock,姆查韦罗克 Mchavelocks wizarding headgear,Mchavelocks魔法师的头饰 Mckinnon family,姆金农家族 Mclaggen family,Mclaggen家族 Mcspratts,麦斯特拉茨 Mctawny broomsticks,姆克托尼扫帚棒 Me myself and i,我自己和我 Me myself i,我自己和我 Mead,米德 Meadowes family,我和我的家人 Meaghan mccormack,我自己 Mealworm,饭团 Means of transport,运输工具 Measure the amount of time elapsed from a particular time to another,衡量从一个特定时间到另一个时间的时间量 Measures level of threat of magical exposure,衡量魔法暴露的威胁程度 Meat,肉类 Meat and vegetable juices,肉和蔬菜的汁液 Meat cleaver,肉菜刀 Meat pie,肉馅饼 Meatball,肉丸子 Meaty,肉质的 Mechanical death eater,机械食死徒 Medal for magical merit,奖章的神奇功用 Meddling man to monkey,猴子的爱管闲事的人 Media rodzina,媒介的罗兹纳 Medicine food,医药食品 Medicine man,医药人 Medieval assembly of european wizards,中世纪欧洲巫师的集会 Medieval times,中世纪 Mediterranean region macaronesia and southwest asia,地中海地区的马卡洛尼西亚和西南亚 Mediterranean sea,地中海 Medium of exchange,交换的媒介 Medium sized,中等大小的 Mediumvioletred,中紫红色 Mediwizard,中级巫师 Medusa,美杜莎 Meester,弥斯特 Meet the centaurs,遇见半人马 Meeting at malfoy manor,在马尔福庄园见面 Meeting fluffy,遇见蓬松的人 Meeting of wizards,巫师的会议 Meetings attended by members of the order of the phoenix,凤凰社成员参加的会议 Mega mutilation part three,大型残杀案第三部分 Megan disambiguation,梅根的歧义 Megan jones,梅根-琼斯 Megan rowstock,梅根-罗斯托克 Megan scott,梅根-斯科特 Meica de beistegui,梅卡-德-贝斯特吉 Melania black,梅拉尼娅-布莱克 Melania macmillan,梅拉尼娅-麦克米伦 Melanie brezill,梅兰妮-布莱兹尔(Melanie Brezill) Melanie bright,梅兰妮-亮 Melanie disambiguation,梅兰妮消歧义 Melanie slade,梅兰妮-斯莱德 Melanie stanmore,梅兰妮-斯坦莫尔 Melinda bobbin,梅兰达-波宾 Melinda libby,梅琳达-利比 Melissa,梅丽莎 Melissa anelli,梅丽莎-阿内利 Melissa ferreira,梅丽莎-费雷拉 Melissa gotobed,梅丽莎-格托贝德 Melody fawley,梅莉莎-福雷(Melody Fawley) Melvin godfrey,Melvin Godfrey Memoirs of a geisha,艺妓回忆录 Memorandum rodentium,备忘录rodentium Memorial ceremony for rowan khanna,罗万-卡纳的纪念仪式 Memorial feast to cedric diggory,纪念塞德里克-迪戈里的盛宴 Memory,记忆 Memory charm,记忆的魅力 Memory charm trading card,记忆符交易卡 Memory extraction spell,记忆提取法术 Memory loss,记忆损失 Memory potion,记忆药水 Men,纪念品 Men in black,穿黑衣服的男人 Men who love dragons too much,太爱龙的男人 Menagerie message,记忆力下降 Mending charm,补血符 Mends bones,补骨头 Mends torn paper,缝补破损的纸张 Mentally subnormal and violent adolescent males,精神不正常和暴力的青春期男性 Mentor metaxas,辅导员元气大伤 Menzies,孟子 Mercedes spall,梅赛德斯-斯波尔 Mercenary,雇佣兵 Mercer street,美世街 Merchant ship,商船 Merchieftainess,女商人 Mercury,水星 Mercury and mars,水星和火星 Mercy and mars,怜悯和火星 Mercy lewis,梅西-李维斯 Mercy ojukwu,梅西-奥朱克武 Mercy wardwell,梅西-瓦德韦尔 Merge,合并 Merge books,合并书籍 Merge ml corporation ltd,融合毫升公司有限公司 Merge publications,融合出版物 Merge school of under water spellage,融合的水底咒语学校 Meringue,梅林格 Merlin remembrance day,梅林纪念日 Merlins beard,梅林的胡须 Merlins book,梅林的书 Merlins pride,梅林的骄傲 Merlins self supporting socks,梅林的自力更生的袜子 Merlins teapot,梅林的茶壶 Merlins wand,美琳的魔杖 Mermaids,美人鱼 Mermen,美人鱼 Mermish,梅尔米什 Merope gaunt bidding farewell to marvolo and morfin and explaining what she did,Merope gaunt向Marvolo和Morfin告别并解释她所做的事情 Merope gaunts charm,美罗佩-高特的符咒 Merope gaunts note,美罗佩-冈特的纸条 Merope gaunts wand,美罗佩-高特的魔杖 Merope riddle,梅洛普的谜语 Merope riddle,美罗佩的谜语 Merpeople,美人鱼 Merpeople a comprehensive guide to their language and customs,美人鱼的语言和习俗的综合指南 Merpeople village,人鱼村 Merpeoplegif gif,美人鱼图片GIF Merperson trident,美人的三叉戟 Merrow,墓碑 Merton graves,墓穴 Merula snydes aunt,姨妈 Merula snydes father,慕拉-斯奈德的父亲 Merula snydes gang,莫鲁拉-斯奈德团伙 Merula snydes mother,莫鲁拉-斯奈德的母亲 Merula snydes tenth birthday,莫鲁拉-斯奈德的十岁生日 Merula snydes wand,梅鲁拉-斯奈德的魔杖 Mervyn fenwick,冯威克(Mervyn Fenwick Mervyn wynch,梅尔文-温奇 Merwyn finwick,梅文-芬威克 Merwyn the malicious,恶意的默文 Merwyn the malicious deck,恶意的梅文牌 Mesh glove,网状手套 Mesopotamia,美索不达米亚 Messenger,信差 Messiest mixer badge,最佳混合器徽章 Met office,金属办公室 Metal charmer,金属魅力者 Metallic grey silver,金属灰银 Metalworking,纪念品 Metamorph medal,奖章 Metelojinx,采矿业 Meteolojinx recanto,采矿业 Method in the mad eye,疯眼症的方法 Metropolitan police,大都会警察 Metropolitan police service,大都会警察服务 Mexican,宇宙飞船 Mexican national quidditch team,墨西哥国家魁地奇队 Mexican national quidditch team,墨西哥国家魁地奇队 Mexico,墨西哥 Miami vice,迈阿密恶习 Mice pops,老鼠爆料 Mice to snuffboxes,小老鼠到鼻烟壶 Mice to snuffboxes trading card,小老鼠到鼻烟壶的交易卡 Michael,迈克尔 Michael,迈克尔 Michael aston,迈克尔-阿斯顿 Michael babatola,迈克尔-巴巴托拉 Michael babatolas important document,迈克尔-巴巴托拉的重要文件 Michael berendt,迈克尔-贝伦特 Michael burrell,迈克尔-布瑞尔 Michael byrne,Michael Byrne Michael collins,迈克尔-柯林斯 Michael collins,迈克尔-柯林斯 Michael cormac newell,Michael Cormac Newell Michael disambiguation,迈克尔的歧义 Michael elliott,迈克尔-埃利奥特 Michael frimley,迈克尔-弗雷姆利 Michael gambon,迈克尔-甘冈 Michael goldenberg,迈克尔-金伯格 Michael karume,迈克尔-卡鲁姆 Michael keith rickman,迈克尔-基思-里克曼 Michael kilgarriff,迈克尔-卡尔加里夫 Michael killgarriff,迈克尔-卡尔加里夫 Michael lebor florence scout rosie heap lebor,迈克尔-勒伯 弗洛伦斯侦察员 罗西-赫普-勒伯 Michael mcmanus,迈克尔-麦克曼努斯 Michael robinson,迈克尔-罗宾逊 Michael salami,迈克尔-萨拉米 Michael t collins,迈克尔-T-科林斯 Michael thompson,Michael Thompson Michael wilson,迈克尔-威尔逊 Michaels escort at kings cross station,国王十字车站的迈克尔护卫队 Michelle fairley,米歇尔-费尔利 Michelle gayle,米歇尔-盖尔 Michigan,密歇根州 Michigan dogman,密歇根州狗仔队 Mick fryer kelsey,辽宁沈阳 Mickael lorinquer,辽宁省 Mickey lewis,米奇-莱维斯 Microsoft windows,微软视窗 Microwave,微波炉 Mid air collision,中空碰撞 Mid air collision trading card,中空碰撞交易卡 Middle ages,中世纪 Middle courtyard,中部院落 Middlebush,中部布什 Midgen family,中源家族 Midlands,中部地区 Midnight duel trading card,午夜决斗交易卡 Midwest,中西部 Midwest association of warlocks and witches,中西部术士和女巫协会 Midwife,助产士 Migratory,迁徙 Miguel de beistegui,穆斯林 Mike boon,采矿业 Mike church roman strauss in dead again,迈克-丘克-罗曼-斯特劳斯在《死而复生》中的表现 Mike edmunds,麦克-埃德蒙斯(Mike Edmunds Mike gentry,麦克-金特里 Mike newell,麦克-纽维尔 Milano,米兰 Mildly acidic,轻度酸性 Mildred,米尔德里 Mildred josephine harris †,米尔德里德-约瑟芬-哈里斯 † Mildred peebles,米尔德里德-皮布尔斯 Mildred peebles,米尔德里德-皮布尔斯 Miles bletchley,ǞǞǞ Miles roughley,迈尔斯-罗利 Milford vessel,米尔福德船 Military general,军队将领 Milk,牛奶的问题 Milked,挤奶的 Milkman,牛奶人 Millamants magic marquees,米拉曼斯的魔力篷房 Milled corn,玉米粉 Millennium bridge,千禧桥 Miller family,米勒家族 Millicent bagnold,米利森特-巴格诺德 Millicent bulstrode,米利森特-布尔斯特罗德 Millicent bulstrodes cat,米利森特-布尔斯特罗德的猫 Millie gudabi,米莉-古达比 Mills,米尔斯 Milly,米利 Milo,米洛 Mimbletonia fungus,咪宝通真菌 Mimblewimble,冒失鬼 Mimbulus mimbletonia,含羞草菌 Mimi erland,咪儿兰 Mina,米娜 Mina family,米娜家族 Mina meadery of aynha,米娜-艾恩哈的蜂蜜酒厂 Minaka hirakata,米纳卡-希拉卡塔 Minalima,米娜玛 Minalima books,米娜玛书籍 Minalima design,米娜设计 Minami iwo jima,硫磺岛的美娜 Minas,米那斯 Mince pie,馅饼 Mincemeat,宇宙飞船 Mind,思想 Mind control,心灵控制 Mind control,心灵控制 Mind reading,读心术 Mind the gaps,介意的差距 Mine cart,矿车 Minerva,米纳瓦 Minerva mcgonagall as deputy headmistress,米纳瓦-麦格纳高作为副校长 Minerva mcgonagalls dress robes,米纳瓦-麦格纳格尔的礼服长袍 Minerva mcgonagalls fire creating spell,密涅瓦-麦格纳格尔的造火法术 Minerva mcgonagalls hornbill,犀利的犀牛 - 犀利的犀牛 - 犀利的犀牛 - 犀利的犀牛 Minerva mcgonagalls letter to augusta longbottom,米纳瓦-麦高纳戈尔给奥古斯塔-隆博顿的信 Minerva mcgonagalls letter to harry potter,米勒娃-麦戈纳戈尔斯给哈利-波特的信 Minerva mcgonagalls letter to harry potter 1991 i,慕名而来的人中,有很多人都是第一次见面,他们都是第一次见面,都是第一次见面,都是第一次见面。 Minerva mcgonagalls letter to harry potter 1991 ii,密涅瓦-麦戈纳格尔斯给哈利-波特的信1991年II期 Minerva mcgonagalls letter to harry potter 1992,聂耳娃-麦克格纳格尔斯给哈利-波特的信 1992年 Minerva mcgonagalls nieces and nephews,米纳瓦-麦高纳格斯的侄女和侄子 Minerva mcgonagalls office,米纳瓦-麦克格纳尔的办公室 Minerva mcgonagalls successor,米纳瓦-麦格纳格尔的继任者 Minerva mcgonagalls walking stick,"邓小平说:""我们要把我们的工作做得更好""。" Minerva mcgonagalls wand,米纳瓦-麦格纳格尔的魔杖 Minette lestrange,米内特-莱斯特兰奇 Minette lestrange,米内特-莱斯特兰奇 Mini v,微型V Miniature figurine of viktor krum,维克多-克鲁姆的微型塑像 Minimises objects weight,最小化物体重量 Minions,奴才 Minister,部长 Minister for magic,魔法部长 Minister for magic and support staff,魔法部长和支持人员 Minister for magic support staff official,魔法部长支持人员官员 Minister for magics office,魔法部部长办公室 Ministerial candidates,大臣候选人 Ministerial code of confidential communications conduct 572 b,部长级保密通信行为准则 572 b Ministerial decree,部长令 Ministerial decree number 184,第184号部长令 Ministerial decree number 188,第188号部长令 Ministerial wizarding register department,部级巫师登记部门 Ministry authorities,部级机关 Ministry bill to make muggle hunting legal,部级法案,使猎杀麻瓜合法化 Ministry decree number one,部级第一号法令 Ministry detention area,部级拘留区 Ministry elfin safety enquiry,部里的精灵安全调查 Ministry employees,部雇员 Ministry fears black is rallying point for old death eaters,部里担心黑色是老的食死徒的集结点 Ministry foundable guidebook,部里可找到的指导手册 Ministry guard,部警卫 Ministry guards,部警卫 Ministry magizoology orientation,部里的魔物学指导 Ministry munchies,部里的小食 Ministry of agriculture and fisheries,农业和渔业部 Ministry of divine health,神圣健康部 Ministry of herbology,草药学部 Ministry of magic,魔法部 Ministry of magic affairs,魔法事务部 Ministry of magic archives,魔法档案部 Ministry of magic assembly hall,魔法部大会堂 Ministry of magic classification,魔法部分类 Ministry of magic employee scoops grand prize,魔法部员工夺得大奖 Ministry of magic exploding bonbons disposal unit,魔法部爆炸性糖果处理单位 Ministry of magic fleet of cars,魔法部的汽车车队 Ministry of magic fog,魔法部大雾 Ministry of magic headquarters,魔法部总部 Ministry of magic health and safety regulations 345 01 346 01,魔法部健康与安全条例345 01 346 01 Ministry of magic hearing room,魔法部听证室 Ministry of magic identity card,魔法部身份证 Ministry of magic landmark flag,魔法部地标旗 Ministry of magic lift attendant,魔术部电梯服务员 Ministry of magic lifts,魔术部电梯 Ministry of magic logo,魔法部标志 Ministry of magic meeting assigner,魔术部会议分配员 Ministry of magic notice of travel permit application denial,魔术部旅行许可申请被拒通知书 Ministry of magic official,魔术部官员 Ministry of magic official guidelines no 34,魔法部官方指南第34号 Ministry of magic operation to acquire the hogwarts express,魔法部收购霍格沃茨快车的行动 Ministry of magic public information services,魔法部公共信息服务 Ministry of magic regulations — redt230 0008 elima — no 999888000009 pret,魔法部法规--Redt230 0008 elima - no 999888000009 pret Ministry of magic remittance office,魔法部汇兑办公室 Ministry of magic research committee,魔法部研究委员会 Ministry of magic research wing,魔法部研究室 Ministry of magic security desk,魔法部保安处 Ministry of magic summer internship,魔法部暑期实习生 Ministry of magic tannoy,魔法部高音喇叭 Ministry of magic travel permit,魔法部旅行许可证 Ministry of magic visitor no 09602,魔术部访客编号09602 Ministry of magic visitor no 09603,魔术部访客编号09603 Ministry of magic visitor no 09786,魔法部来访者09786号 Ministry of magic visitor with a big curled moustache,魔法部访客的大卷毛胡子 Ministry of magic witch watchers,魔法部女巫监督员 Ministry of magic wizard,魔法部巫师 Ministry of magic wizarding union,魔法部巫师联盟 Ministry of magic wrock band,魔法部的摇滚乐队 Ministry of wands,魔法部的魔杖 Ministry official no 39423,魔法部官员编号39423 Ministry officials,部级官员 Ministry ordination 297b,魔法部授职 297b Ministry police,部会警察 Ministry policeman,部会警察 Ministry seeks educational reform,部会寻求教育改革 Ministry sleigh,部属雪橇 Ministry standard 348977 al,部会标准 348977 al Ministry typist,部内打字员 Ministry visitor no 09602,部会访客09602号 Ministry visitor no 09603,部内访客09603号 Ministry visitor no 09786,部会访客09786号 Ministry witch,部会女巫 Ministry witchwizard parentamphitheatre witch,部会巫师父母的剧场巫师 Ministry wizard,部会巫师 Ministryofmagiclogo cursed child svg,魔法部logo被诅咒的孩子svg Mink,水貂 Minnesota,明尼苏达 Minority report,少数派报告 Minsk,明斯克 Mint,姆特 Mint humbug,薄荷糖葫芦 Mint humbugs,薄荷哈姆雷特 Minty scent,薄荷的香味 Minulimus method,敏锐的方法 Miquel brown,米克尔布朗 Mirabella plunkett,蜂蜜 Mirabella plunketts father,米拉贝拉-彭克特的父亲 Mirabella plunketts mother,棕色 Miraforum,米拉弗兰 Miraforum,米拉弗伦特 Miraforum american witch,美国女巫Miraforum Miraforum british witch,英国女巫Miraforum Miranda flockton,米兰达-弗洛克顿 Miranda goshawk,米兰达-戈肖克 Miranda goshawks aunts and uncles,米兰达-戈肖克的叔叔和婶婶们 Miranda goshawks cousins,米兰达-戈肖克的堂兄弟姐妹 Miranda goshawks father,米兰达-戈肖克的父亲 Miranda goshawks mother,米兰达-戈肖克的母亲 Miranda jane richardson,米兰达-简-理查德森 Miranda richardson,米兰达-理查森(Miranda Richardson Miraphora mina disambiguation,米拉波拉-米娜(Miraphora mina)的歧义 Miraphora mina hogwarts student,米拉波拉-米娜-霍格沃茨学生 Miraphora mina ministry employee,米拉波拉-米娜的部下雇员 Miraphorus magic set,幻术套装 Miras phlaras,米拉斯-弗拉拉斯 Miriam in children of men,男人的孩子中的米里亚姆 Miriam margolyes,米里亚姆-玛格利耶斯 Miriam strout,米里亚姆-斯特劳特 Miro limus,米罗-利穆斯 Mirror of erised,镜子里的埃里塞德 Mirror of erised trading card,埃里塞德之镜交易卡 Mirror passage,镜像通道 Mirto,米尔托 Misapinoa black,黑皮诺亚 Misapinoa blishwick,错位的学生 Misbehaving students,不良行为的学生 Misc,杂项 Mischievous nature,顽皮的天性 Miserable female gargoyle,悲惨的女妖怪 Misprinted wendolyn card,误印的Wendolyn卡 Miss granger,格兰杰小姐 Miss grant,格兰特小姐 Miss pennyfeather,卑躬屈膝小姐 Miss ruth jones in the british sitcom rising damp,英国情景喜剧《水涨船高》中的露丝-琼斯小姐 Miss trunchbull in matilda,玛蒂尔达》中的特伦布尔小姐 Missing parchment,丢失的羊皮纸 Mission for the elder wand,长者魔杖的任务 Mission to the giant colony,前往巨人殖民地的任务 Mistakes in the harry potter books,哈里-波特书中的错误 Misti con,米斯蒂骗局 Mistletoe berry,槲寄生浆果 Misty dell,雾都 Misuse of magic office,误用魔法办公室 Misuse of muggle artefacts office,滥用麻瓜工艺品办公室 Mitchell thornton,米切尔-桑顿(Mitchell Thornton Mitsuo yokoi,光子洋行 Mitten,米特 Mittens,米坦斯 Mitzi vander ark,米茨-范德拉克(Mitzi Vander ark Mixture of brandy and chicken blood,白兰地和鸡血的混合物 Mixture of brandy and chicken blood,白兰地和鸡血的混合物 Mixture of dried herbs,干草药的混合物 Mixture of powdered silver and dittany,银粉和迪坦尼的混合物 Miyuki sawashiro,美由纪-萨瓦希罗 Miyuki tsuji,みゆきつき Mizuho yoshii,瑞穗吉井 Ml press,Ml出版社 Mnemosyne clinic for memory modification,记忆改造的Mnemosyne诊所 Moaning myrtle,记忆中的桃金娘 Moaning myrtles bathroom,呻吟的桃金娘浴室 Moaning myrtles bathroom trading card,呻吟的桃金娘浴室交易卡 Mobile,移动电话 Mobile ar,移动电话 Mobile card rpg,手机卡Rpg Mobile game,手机游戏 Mobile phone,移动电话 Mobile platforms,手机平台 Mobile vines,手机藤蔓 Mobiliarbus,移动电话 Mobilicorpus,移动电话 Model dragon,龙的模型 Model of a firebolt,火箭模型 Moderate,中度 Moderate suffering to the victim,对受害者造成中等程度的痛苦 Moderate to advanced,中等至高级 Modern magical history,现代魔法史 Modesty,谦虚 Modesty barebone,谦虚裸体 Modesty barebones biological family,谦虚的赤裸裸的生物家庭 Modesty barebones biological father,谦虚裸体的亲生父亲 Modesty barebones biological mother,谦虚赤骨的亲生母亲 Modesty barebones biological siblings,谦虚赤骨的亲生兄弟姐妹 Modesty barebones wand,谦虚的光骨的魔杖 Modesty rabnott,谦虚的拉布诺特 Modesty rabnott snidget reservation,谦虚的拉布诺特保留的小玩意 Modesty rabnotts hippogriff,谦虚的拉布诺特的河马犬 Modesty rabnotts letter to prudence,谦虚的拉布诺特给审慎的信 Modesty rabnotts letter to prudence,谦虚的拉布诺特致审慎的信 Modifier,修改者 Modifies or creates certain weather conditions,改变或创造某些天气状况 Modifies weather in an area,改变了一个地区的天气 Moke,莫克 Mokeskin,棉花皮 Mokeskin pouch,木克斯皮袋 Moldova,摩尔多瓦 Moldovan national quidditch team,摩尔多瓦国家魁地奇队 Mole,鼹鼠 Moleskin,鼹鼠皮 Molliandro hugh,玻利维亚 Molliare,莫利亚雷 Molly,莫利 Molly informs her children about her husbands condition,莫莉告诉她的孩子她丈夫的情况 Molly is upset with her son who stole his parents car and flew on it to hogwarts,莫利对她的儿子偷了他父母的车并乘车去霍格沃茨感到不满 Molly prewetts mother,莫莉-普雷维茨的母亲 Molly weasley,莫莉-韦斯莱 Molly weasley,莫利-韦斯莱 Molly weasley ii,莫莉-韦斯莱二世 Molly weasley trading card,莫莉-韦斯莱交易卡 Molly weasleys broomstick,莫利-韦斯莱的扫帚 Molly weasleys children,莫利-韦斯莱的孩子 Molly weasleys curse,莫利-韦斯莱的诅咒 Molly weasleys father,莫利-韦斯莱的父亲 Molly weasleys howler to ronald weasley,莫莉-韦斯莱对罗纳德-韦斯莱的嚎叫声 Molly weasleys letter to her children,莫利-韦斯莱给她孩子的信 Molly weasleys letter to petunia and vernon dursley,莫利-韦斯莱写给彼得尼娅和弗农-杜斯利的信 Molly weasleys letter to vernon and petunia dursley,莫利-韦斯莱给弗农和佩妮娅-杜斯莱的信 Molly weasleys mother,莫利-韦斯莱的母亲 Molly weasleys second cousin,莫利-韦斯莱的二表哥 Molly weasleys wand,莫利-韦斯莱的魔杖 Mollywobbles,莫利威斯利 Molten gold in colour,熔化的黄金色 Moly,莫利 Mom,妈妈 Momentous motion and magical movement achievement,瞬间的运动和神奇的运动成就 Momentum reversing spell,势头逆转的咒语 Momolu wotorson,莫洛-沃托森 Mona lisa,梦娜丽萨 Mongolian ministry of magic,蒙古国魔法部 Monica devereux,モンクレール モンクレール モンクレール Monica wilkins,モンクレール モンクレール モンクレール Monique peterson,梦琪-彼得森 Monk family,僧侣家族 Monkey,猴子 Monkey dog,猴子狗 Monkshood,猴子 Monroe street,门罗街 Monsieur,猴子 Monsieur delacour,德拉库尔先生 Monsieur sanfin chaudrons,绅士SANFIN CHAUDRONS Monstrous leaky cauldron guest,怪异的漏水大锅客 Montague family,蒙特古家族 Montague knightley,蒙特古-凯特利 Monte michael moore,蒙特-迈克尔-摩尔 Montgomery,蒙特哥马利 Montgomery childrens mother,蒙哥马利孩子的母亲 Montgomery family,蒙哥马利家族 Montgomery sisters,蒙哥马利姐妹 Montgomery sisters mother,蒙哥马利姐妹的母亲 Monthly,每月一次 Months of planning and preparations made by voldemort and two of his death eaters to ensure that harry potter is entered in the triwizard tournament,伏地魔和他的两个食死徒为确保哈利-波特参加三强争霸赛而进行的数月计划和准备工作 Montmartre,蒙马特 Montreal,蒙特利尔 Montrose,蒙特罗斯 Montrose magpies,蒙特罗斯喜鹊 Monty pythons flying circus,蒙特利尔蟒蛇飞行马戏团 Moody family,穆迪家族 Moodys trunk,穆迪家的树干 Moon,月亮 Moon chart,月亮图 Moon family,月亮家族 Moon frog,月亮青蛙 Moon stone,月亮石 Mooncalf,月亮小牛 Mooncalf dung,月亮小牛的粪便 Mooncalf pellets,月亮小牛颗粒 Moondew,月亮石 Moonseed,月亮草 Moonseed poison,月亮草毒药 Moonseed poison trading card,月见草毒物交易卡 Moonstone,月光石 Moony,月亮石 Moose jaw,麋鹿下巴 Moose jaw meteorites,麋鹿下巴陨石 Mopsus,莫普索斯 Mopsus antiquity,古代的Mopsus Mopsus potion,Mopsus药水 Mopsus potion trading card,Mopsus药水交易卡 Mopsus potter era,莫普索斯药水时代 Mopsy fleabert,莫普西-弗莱博特 Morag,莫拉格 Moran,莫兰 Mordecai berrycloth,蒙特卡莱布 Mordecais method,末底改方法 Mordicus egg,莫迪凯斯蛋 More than one grandchild,多于一个孙子 Moreau family,莫罗家族 Moreton dale canning factory,莫尔顿谷地罐头厂 Morfin gaunt,蛇蝎美人 Morfin gaunts first snake,莫芬-冈特的第一条蛇 Morfin gaunts knife,蛇蝎美人刀 Morfin gaunts second snake,莫芬-高特的第二条蛇 Morfin gaunts wand,莫芬-高特的魔杖 Morg,莫格 Morgan family,摩根家族 Morgan herdman,摩根牧羊人 Morgan le fay,摩根勒费 Morholt,莫赫特 Morholts brother,莫霍尔特的兄弟 Moribund,莫里邦德 Moribunds,莫里邦德 Morning dew,晨露 Moroccan national quidditch team,摩洛哥国家魁地奇队 Moronic muggles,莫里森麻瓜 Morphine,茉莉花 Morrigan,莫里根 Morrigan,晨露 Mortality,死亡率 Mortar and pestle,迫击炮和铁杵 Mortis bat,莫提斯蝙蝠 Mortlake,莫特莱克 Morwena ganderwort,莫尔维纳羊蹄甲草 Mosag,蝙蝠 Moscow,蝙蝠 Most dangerous dark wizards of all time,最危险的黑暗巫师 Most extraordinary society of potioneers,最不寻常的先驱者协会 Most forms of life,大多数的生命形式 Most fourth years and above hogwarts students,最多四年级及以上的霍格沃茨学生 Most hideous outfit of the year,年度最丑陋的服装 Most if not all gringotts staff,大多数(如果不是全部)格林戈特的工作人员 Most likely extant,最有可能现存的 Most macabre monstrosities,最可怕的畸形物 Most often blue in colour,最常见的蓝色 Moste potente potions,最强大的药水 Mostly dark with white underparts,大多是深色的,下面是白色的 Moth,蛾子 Mother,母亲 Mother of boy who owned a magic hamster,拥有一只魔法仓鼠的男孩的母亲 Mother of pearl,琥珀之母 Mother of pearl sheen,珍珠之母的光泽 Mother shipton,母亲的船东 Motherwort,娘子军 Mother†,母亲 Motion sickness,晕动症 Motorbike,摩托车 Mottled green,斑驳的绿色 Mould on the wold,糖尿病 Mouldy bread,发霉的面包 Mount etna,糖尿病 Mount greylock,玉米地 Mount vesuvius,维苏威山 Mountain ash,白蜡山 Mountain climber,山地人 Mountain hare,山野兔 Mountain moving spell,山地移动法术 Mountain troll,山地巨魔 Mountain troll trading card,山地巨魔交易卡 Mountain village,山地村落 Mountainous countryside,山地乡村 Mountains of the moon,月亮的山 Mournful,哀伤的 Mouse,鼠类 Mouse brown cformerly,棕色的老鼠 Mousy,慕斯 Mousy brown,棕色的老鼠 Mousy brown cformerly,忧郁的棕色 Mouth itching antidote,口腔瘙痒解毒剂 Mouth organ,口腔器官 Mouths on both sides,两侧的口器 Moutohora,莫托霍拉 Moutohora macaws,Moutohora金刚鹦鹉 Move wand to temple then remove,将魔杖移至太阳穴然后取出 Movement director,运动主管 Moves bodies,移动身体 Moves mountain out of the ground and drops it on a target,将山从地上移出,并将其落在一个目标上 Moves objects in midair,在半空中移动物体 Moves on its own,自身移动 Moves quickly,快速移动 Moves silently,无声地移动 Movie magic practical props and exciting effects,电影魔术实用道具和精彩效果 Mr,先生 Mr abbott,阿博特先生 Mr and mrs potter disambiguation,波特先生和夫人的歧义 Mr bagman,袋子人先生 Mr belby,贝尔比先生 Mr bell,钟先生 Mr binns,宾斯先生 Mr bones,冯先生 Mr boot,靴子先生 Mr brown,布朗先生 Mr chang,张先生 Mr cooper,库珀先生 Mr crabbe,克拉贝先生 Mr creevey,克里维先生 Mr crouch jr informs voldemort about his murder of his father,克劳奇先生告诉伏地魔他杀害了他的父亲 Mr dudley,杜德利先生 Mr dursley,杜斯利先生 Mr edgecombe,艾德科姆先生 Mr evans,埃文斯先生 Mr fawley,弗利先生 Mr finnigan,芬尼根先生 Mr goldstein,冯先生 Mr goyle,冯骥才先生 Mr granger,格兰杰先生 Mr gulray,古尔拉先生 Mr hagrid,哈格里特先生 Mr hall,霍尔先生 Mr haywood,海伍德先生 Mr higglebottom,希格博特姆先生 Mr johnson,约翰逊先生 Mr jordan,乔丹先生 Mr khanna,坎纳先生 Mr krum,坎伦先生 Mr limunus,吕姆努斯先生 Mr lockhart,洛克哈特先生 Mr longbottom,龙博特姆先生 Mr mason,马森先生 Mr mcgonagall,麦克格纳格尔先生 Mr mcgregor,麦克格瑞格先生 Mr mclaggen,姆克拉根先生 Mr midgen,米德根先生 Mr miss connor,康纳小姐 Mr montague,蒙塔格先生 Mr moody,蒙特格先生 Mr muggle,马格先生 Mr mulpepper,穆尔佩珀先生 Mr mulpeppers apothecary,缪尔佩珀先生的药房 Mr page,页先生 Mr patil,帕蒂尔先生 Mr paws,爪子先生 Mr payne,佩恩先生 Mr potter disambiguation,波特先生的歧义 Mr prentice,普伦蒂斯先生 Mr president,总统先生 Mr prewett,Prewett先生 Mr roberts,罗伯茨先生 Mr roberts jpeg,罗伯茨先生的jpeg Mr robertss campsite,罗伯茨先生的露营地 Mr ross,罗斯先生 Mr schmidt,史密特先生 Mr smith,史密斯先生 Mr spindles lick o rish spiders,史密斯先生 舔食爱尔兰蜘蛛 Mr station master,站长先生 Mr sugarplum,糖浆先生 Mr thomas,托马斯先生 Mr tibbles,蒂伯尔先生 Mr trelawney,特劳雷尼先生 Mr tremlett,Tremlett先生 Mr warbeck,Warbeck先生 Mr whiskers,胡须先生 Mr wood,木头先生 Mr wright,韦特先生 Mrpage jpeg,裴斯泰格先生 Mrs abbott,阿博特夫人 Mrs bagby,巴格比夫人 Mrs bell,钟女士 Mrs bingley,宾利夫人 Mrs birch,桦树夫人 Mrs blanche white in cluedo,布兰奇-怀特夫人在库雷多 Mrs bones,冯女士 Mrs boot,靴子夫人 Mrs bowen,鲍恩夫人 Mrs brown,布朗夫人 Mrs budge,布吉夫人 Mrs cole,柯尔夫人 Mrs cresswell,克莱斯韦尔夫人 Mrs crouch,克劳奇夫人 Mrs diggory,迪戈里夫人 Mrs dunn,邓恩夫人 Mrs dursley,杜斯利夫人 Mrs evans,邓恩夫人 Mrs finch fletchley,芬奇-弗莱奇利夫人 Mrs finnigan,芬尼根夫人 Mrs flume,弗鲁姆夫人 Mrs fudge,冯吉夫人 Mrs gaddlegate,冯女士 Mrs gibson,冯女士 Mrs goldstein,冯-格斯坦夫人 Mrs goyle,冯-格伊尔夫人 Mrs granger,格兰杰夫人 Mrs hall,霍尔夫人 Mrs jarvis,贾维斯夫人 Mrs khanna,卡纳夫人 Mrs knighton,坎顿夫人 Mrs krum,克鲁姆夫人 Mrs lintott in the history boys,历史系男生的林托特夫人 Mrs mason,梅森夫人 Mrs mcgonagall,麦克格纳格尔夫人 Mrs mcgregor,麦克格瑞格夫人 Mrs mills,米尔斯夫人 Mrs montague,蒙塔格夫人 Mrs montgomery,蒙哥马利夫人 Mrs moody,姆蒂尔夫人 Mrs next door,旁边的夫人 Mrs norris,诺里斯夫人 Mrs norris trading card,诺里斯夫人交易卡 Mrs nott,诺特夫人 Mrs number seven,七号夫人 Mrs ollivander,奥利文德夫人 Mrs p head,P头夫人 Mrs paradise,天堂夫人 Mrs patil,帕蒂尔夫人 Mrs pettigrew,佩蒂格鲁夫人 Mrs plunkett,普朗克特夫人 Mrs polkiss,波尔基斯夫人 Mrs potter,波特夫人 Mrs potter disambiguation,波特夫人的歧义 Mrs prewett,普雷维特夫人 Mrs roberts,罗伯茨夫人 Mrs roberts jpeg,罗伯茨夫人的jpeg Mrs ross,罗斯夫人 Mrs scamander,斯卡曼德夫人 Mrs shinner,冼拿夫人 Mrs skowers all purpose magical mess remover,斯考尔夫人的万能神奇除污剂 Mrs skower’s all purpose magical mess remover,斯考尔夫人的全能神奇除垢剂 Mrs thickey,浓眉大眼夫人 Mrs thomas,托马斯夫人 Mrs trelawney,特劳雷尼夫人 Mrs tremlett,特雷姆利特夫人 Mrs tubbs,浴缸夫人 Mrs tuttle,塔特尔夫人 Mrs vane,薇恩夫人 Mrs warbeck,沃贝克夫人 Mrs warren,沃伦夫人 Mrs weasley disambiguation,韦斯莱夫人的歧义 Mrs westenberg,韦斯滕伯格夫人 Mrs wood,琳达夫人 Mrs wright,韋特夫人 Mrs zabini,泽比尼夫人 Ms fisher,菲尔女士 Msaw ætare,冯-阿塔雷女士 Much ado about nothing,无所事事 Mucus ad nauseam,粘液的无止境 Mucus ad nauseam duo,粘液的无休止的二重奏 Mucus ad nauseam tria,粘液的无休止的三部曲 Mucus projectum,粘液的投影 Mucus sometimes used separately,粘液有时单独使用 Mudblood,泥泞的血 Mudblood lover,泥人的爱人 Mudblood relocation camp,泥腿子安置营 Mudbloods and how to spot them,泥腿子和如何识别他们 Mudbloods and the dangers they pose to a peaceful pure blood society,泥腿子和他们对和平的纯血社会构成的危险 Mudbloods relocation program,泥腿子的搬迁计划 Muddy blonde,泥泞的金发 Muddy brown colour,泥泞的棕色 Muddy practice,泥泞的实践 Mudrows apothecary,泥人药房 Mudwallower,泥瓦匠 Muffliato,棕色 Muffliato charm,泥巴的魅力 Muffling draught,泥人 Muffling draught trading card,闷烧酒交易卡 Mug to mongoose,泥土的力量 Mug to mongoose spell,杯子对猴子的咒语 Muggle,麻瓜 Muggle and magical,麻瓜和魔术师 Muggle and magical members,麻瓜和魔法成员 Muggle art,麻瓜艺术 Muggle at circus,马戏团里的麻瓜 Muggle at millennium bridge,千年桥上的麻瓜 Muggle baiting,麻瓜的诱饵 Muggle book on 18th century ballet,关于18世纪芭蕾舞的麻瓜书 Muggle born,麻瓜出生 Muggle born registration commission,麻瓜出生的登记委员会 Muggle born registration commission courtroom,麻瓜出生登记委员会的法庭 Muggle borns,麻瓜出生的人 Muggle deterring gate,麻瓜威慑门 Muggle duelling,麻瓜决斗 Muggle fairy tale,麻瓜童话 Muggle fairy tales on frogs into princes or princess,麻瓜童话中关于青蛙变成王子或公主的故事 Muggle family,麻瓜家庭 Muggle fencing guide,麻瓜击剑指南 Muggle football commentator,麻瓜足球评论员 Muggle girl from liverpool,来自利物浦的麻瓜女孩 Muggle guard,麻瓜卫士 Muggle house,麻瓜屋 Muggle house where horace slughorn stayed,霍勒斯-斯拉格霍恩住过的麻瓜房子 Muggle law order complete guide,麻瓜法律秩序完整指南 Muggle liaison office,麻瓜联络处 Muggle liasion office,麻瓜联络处 Muggle lover,麻瓜恋人 Muggle magic,麻瓜魔法 Muggle mail,麻瓜邮件 Muggle money,麻瓜的钱 Muggle music,麻瓜音乐 Muggle one known magical member,麻瓜的一个已知魔法成员 Muggle one magical member,麻瓜的一个魔法成员 Muggle postman,麻瓜邮差 Muggle protection act,麻瓜保护法 Muggle quidditch,麻瓜魁地奇 Muggle relations,麻瓜关系 Muggle repelling charm,麻瓜的驱魔符 Muggle residents of budleigh babberton,布德利-巴伯顿的麻瓜居民 Muggle stores,麻瓜商店 Muggle studies,麻瓜研究 Muggle studies classroom,麻瓜研究的教室 Muggle studies professor,麻瓜研究的教授 Muggle studies showroom,麻瓜研究陈列室 Muggle studies teachers student assistant,麻瓜学教师学生助理 Muggle supremacy,麻瓜至上主义 Muggle sweetshops,麻瓜甜品店 Muggle tramp,马格流浪汉 Muggle world,麻瓜世界 Muggle worthy excuse committee,麻瓜值得原谅的委员会 Mugglecast,麻瓜广播 Muggledom mysterium,麻瓜的神秘性 Mugglenet,麻瓜网 Muggles,麻瓜 Muggles and wizards,麻瓜和巫师 Muggles who notice,注意到的麻瓜 Mulciber,马格伯 Mulciber,姆尔西伯 Mulciber family,姆尔西伯家族 Mulciber i,马尔奇伯一世 Mulciber ii,Mulciber II Mule,骡子 Mullet,玉米 Mulligrubs,蜂蜜 Mulligrubs materia medica,木耳草本草纲目》(Mulligrubs materia)。 Mulpepper,蜂蜜 Multi shot jinx,多重打击扫把星 Multicoloured,多色的 Multicoloured or transparent,多色或透明 Multicorfors,多重奏 Multicorfors spell,多重奏咒语 Multigraph,多图 Multiple concealing smokescreens,多重隐蔽性烟幕 Multiple offensive blasts,多重攻击性爆破 Mumblemumps,喃喃自语 Mumbling,喃喃自语 Mummy,木乃伊 Mundungus fletcher,梦顿古斯-弗莱彻 Mundungus fletcher,蒙顿古斯-弗莱彻 Mundungus fletchers associate,蒙顿古斯-弗莱彻的助手 Mundungus fletchers file,蒙顿古斯-弗莱彻的文件 Mundungus fletchers wand,邓邓古斯-弗莱彻的魔杖 Mungo bonham,蒙哥-博纳姆 Mungo macduff,芒果-麦克杜夫 Murcus,慕库斯 Murder of the riddle family,里德尔家族的谋杀案 Murelas wand jpeg,穆雷拉斯的魔杖 jpeg Muriel,慕瑞尔 Muriel rothley,穆里尔-罗斯利 Muriels house,穆里尔的房子 Muriels mother,谋杀的谜底 Muriels tiara,穆里尔头饰 Murk family,墨尔克家族 Murphy mcnully,墨菲-麦克纳利 Murphy mcnullys grandmother,姆纳利的祖母 Murtlap,缪特拉普 Murtlap essence,莫特拉普本质 Murtlap tentacle,慕特拉普的触角 Museum guard in charlie and the chocolate factory,查理与巧克力工厂》中的博物馆警卫 Museum of modernism and moda,现代主义和时尚博物馆 Museum of muggle curiosities,麻瓜奇珍异宝博物馆 Museum of quidditch,魁地奇博物馆 Mushroom,蘑菇 Music,音乐 Music charing cross road,音乐十字路 Music classroom,音乐教室 Music classroom monitor,音乐教室显示器 Music instructor,音乐教师 Music professor,音乐教授 Music spell,音乐法术 Musical group,音乐团体 Musical instrument,音乐工具 Musical producers,音乐制作人 Musical saw,音乐锯 Musical statues,音乐雕像 Musician,音乐家 Musician and author,音乐家和作家 Musicians,音乐家 Musidora barkwith,缪斯多拉-巴克韦斯 Mustafa kama,诗人 Mustard,芥末酱 Mutatio skullus,骷髅头 My baby gave me a hippogriff for christmas,我的宝贝给了我一个河马的圣诞礼物 My brazilian love music,我的巴西爱情音乐 My eyes and how to see past them,我的眼睛和如何看穿它们 My favourite part of the movie,我最喜欢的电影部分 My hero,我的英雄 My house in umbria,我在翁布里亚的房子 My immortal,我的不死之身 My life as a muggle,我作为麻瓜的生活 My life as a squib,我作为一个乡巴佬的生活 My love is always here,我的爱永远在这里 My neffy poo,我的小便 My secret shame,我的秘密的耻辱 My teeth,我的牙齿 My week with marilyn,我和玛丽莲的一周 Mya turner,我的爱永远在这里 Mykew gregorovitch,我的朋友 Mykew gregorovitchs first wand,我的第一根魔杖 Mykonos,我的牙齿 Mylor silvanus,我的世界 Myra curio,米拉-库里奥 Myron otherhaus,米伦-其他豪斯 Myron wagtail,米伦-瓦格特 Myrtle warren,妙趣横生的沃伦 Myrtle warrens father,默特尔-沃伦的父亲 Myrtle warrens mother,默特尔-沃伦的母亲 Myrtles bathroom tower,桃金娘的浴室塔 Myrtles father,默特尔的父亲 Mysterious black liquid,神秘的黑色液体 Mysterious egg,神秘的蛋 Mysterious golden light,神秘的金光 Mystical meaderie,神秘的友谊 Mythical,神话般的 Mythical,神话般的 N amorinus,狩猎者 N y p d 1926 road block,N y p d 1926年的路障 Naasz,纳斯兹 Nadruco syrup of tar,纳德鲁克的焦油糖浆 Nagel,ǞǞǞ Nagerin brand coarse sea salt,纳格林牌粗海盐 Nagini,纳吉尼 Naginis venom,纳吉尼的毒液 Naked,瑙鲁 Nakoa wolf manakauapo namakaeha momoa,Nakoa狼manakauapo namakaeha momoa Name author,姓名作者 Name tags,命名标签 Naming seer,命名预言家 Nan schwartz,南施瓦茨 Nanchang,南昌 Nandini johar,Nandini Johar Nanny mcphee,南妮-麦克菲 Nanny mcphee and the big bang,南妮-麦克菲和大爆炸 Naomi kusumi,朴树 Naomi wirthner,朴槿惠 Napier,那不勒斯 Napoli,那不勒斯 Narcissa malfoys second wand,纳西莎-马尔福伊的第二根魔杖 Narcissa malfoys spider earrings,纳西莎-马尔福伊的蜘蛛耳环 Narcissa malfoys wand,纳西莎-马尔福斯的魔杖 Narcolepsy,嗜睡症 Nargle,纳戈尔 Narglecide,麻醉剂 Narrator,叙述者 Nash,纳什 Nastily exhausting wizarding test,令人厌恶的巫师测试 Nastily exhausting wizarding tests,令人厌烦的巫师测试 Natalia gastiain tena,纳塔利娅-加斯蒂安-泰纳 Natalia tena,我的天哪!我的天哪!我的天哪!我的天哪!我的天哪 Natalie fairbourne,纳塔莉-费尔伯恩 Natalie hallam,娜塔莉-哈勒姆 Natalie harrison,纳塔莉-哈里森(Natalie Harrison Natalie holkham,纳塔莉-霍克汉姆 Nathan hosner,内森-霍斯纳 Nathan lubbock smith,内森-卢布克-史密斯 Nathan phillips,内森-菲利普斯 Nathan phillips,内森-菲利普斯 Nathaniel douglas,内森-道格拉斯(Nathaniel Douglas) Nathaniel smith,内森-史密斯 National gobstone association,全国鹅卵石协会 National gobstones league,全国鹅卵石联盟 National health service,国家卫生服务 National lottery,国家彩票 National treasure,国家宝藏 National weather service,国家气象服务 Native american magic,美国本土魔术 Native americans,美国土著人 Natsumi suzuki,铃木夏美 Natterjack toad,蟾蜍 Natural defences,自然防卫 Naturally curious nature,自然好奇的天性 Natures nobility a wizarding genealogy,自然界的贵族--魔法师的家谱 Nausea,恶心的人 Nautious jumping snakes,谨慎的跳蛇 Naval officer,海军军官 Navy,海军 Navy blue and dark red,海军蓝和暗红色 Nazzle mumph,爵士乐 Nbsp,潜水员 Neal murren,尼尔-莫伦 Near east,近东 Near east peace conference,近东和平会议 Near threatened,附近的威胁 Nearby grotto,附近的石窟 Nearby ruins,附近的废墟 Nearly headless nick,近乎无头的尼克 Nearly headless nick trading card,近乎无头的尼克交易卡 Nebelung cat,内贝隆猫 Nebulus,内布卢斯 Nebulus,内布卢斯 Nebulus gif,内布卢斯GIF Necklace,项链 Necks to you,颈部给你 Necromancy,亡灵法术 Nectar,花蜜 Ned,奈德 Ned dennehy,内德-登尼希 Needlework,针线活 Negatively alter atmosphere,负面改变气氛 Neil cicierega,遗传学 Neil findlater,尼尔-弗莱特(Neil Findlater Neil murray,尼尔-穆雷 Neil randall,Neil Randall Nel,内尔 Nell burton,Nell Burton Nellie lo russell,内尔-罗-罗素(Nellie Lo Russell Nells bells,内尔钟声 Neonatal intensive care unit,新生儿重症监护室 Nepali wizard,尼泊尔巫师 Nephew,侄子 Nerida vulchanova,涅里达-瓦尔查诺娃 Nerissa brody,涅里萨-布罗迪 Nerve,神经 Netease,网易 Netherlands,ǞǞǞ Nettle,荨麻 Nettle soup,荨麻汤 Nettle wine,荨麻酒 Nettlebed,荨麻床 Nettles family,荨麻家族 Network rail,网络铁路 Neuschwanstein castle,新天鹅堡 Never ending hill,永无止境的山丘 Neville longbottom,洛克菲勒 Neville longbottom trading card,洛克菲勒-隆博特姆交易卡 Neville longbottoms bedroom,纳威-隆博特姆的卧室 Neville longbottoms first wand,纳威-隆巴顿的第一根魔杖 Neville longbottoms grandfather,纳威-隆博特姆的祖父 Neville longbottoms second wand,纳威-隆博特姆的第二根魔杖 Neville longbottom´s first wand,纳威-隆巴顿的第一根魔杖 Nevilles waltz,内维尔的华尔兹 New england,新英格兰 New fan,新的风扇 New forest,新森林 New jersey,新泽西州 New lingwood,新林木 New orleans,新奥尔良 New salem philanthropic society,新塞勒姆慈善协会 New salem philanthropic society chapel,新萨勒姆慈善协会礼拜堂 New salem philanthropic society sins sampler,新萨勒姆慈善协会罪状采样器 New theory of numerology,数字学的新理论 New york,新奥尔良 New york,新约克 New york chronicle,纽约纪事 New york city culture,纽约市的文化 New york city hall,纽约市政厅 New york city new york united states,美国纽约州纽约市 New york city subway,纽约市地铁 New york clarion,纽约澄清 New york pigeons,纽约鸽子 New york police department,纽约警察局 New york socialtiemuggle at circus,纽约马戏团的社交活动 New york state,纽约州 New york state department of health,纽约州卫生局 New york usa,美国纽约州 New york witches penitentiary,纽约女巫监狱 New zealand,新西兰 New zealand ministry of magic,新西兰魔法部 New zealand national quidditch team,新西兰国家魁地奇队 Newcastle,纽卡斯尔 News at ten,十点新闻 Newspaper,报纸 Newspaper,报纸 Newspaper article,报纸上的文章 Newspaper brain teaser segment,报纸上的脑筋急转弯段 Newspaper magnate,报纸大亨 Newspaper segment,报纸段 Newspaper seller,卖报人 Newspaper vendor,卖报人 Newsreader,新闻播报员 Newt,纽特 Newt,纽特 Newt scamander,纽特-斯卡曼德 Newt spleen,纽特的脾脏 Newtconfundus gif,纽顿的GIF Newton artemis fido scamander,牛顿-阿特米斯-菲多-斯卡曼德 Newton scamander,牛顿诈骗犯 Newton scamanders grade one infraction of the international statute of wizarding secrecy,牛顿诈骗犯对国际巫师保密法规的一级违规行为 Newton scamanders letter to jacob kowalski,"邓小平说:""我们要为人民服务"",""我们要为人民服务""。" Newton scamanders massive breach of the international statute of wizarding secrecy,"邓小平说:""我们的国家是一个大国,我们的人民是一个大国,我们的国家是一个大国。" Newton scamanders mother,牛顿-斯卡曼德的母亲 Newton scamanders niffler,牛顿-斯卡曼德的尼夫勒 Newton scamanders passport,牛顿-斯卡曼德的护照 Newton scamanders shed,牛顿-斯卡曼德的棚子 Newton scamanders suitcase,牛顿-斯卡曼德的手提箱 Newton scamanders wand,牛顿-斯卡曼德的魔杖 Newts of bognor,博格诺尔的蝾螈 Next turn whenever your opponent draws a card he or she discards it instead of putting it into his or her hand cost 4,下一回合,当你的对手抽到一张牌时,他或她会将其丢弃,而不是将其放入他或她的手牌,费用为4。 Ngapo ponika,恩加波-波尼卡 Niall phillips,尼亚尔-菲利普斯 Niantic,纽蒂克 Nice and flexible,漂亮而灵活 Nicholas blane,尼古拉斯-布莱恩 Nicholas de mimsy porpington,尼古拉斯-德-米西-波普顿 Nicholas de mimsy porpingtons executioner,尼古拉斯-德-米西-波平顿的刽子手 Nicholas de mimsy porpingtons five hundredth deathday party,尼古拉斯-德-米西-波普顿的第五百个死亡日派对 Nicholas de mimsy porpingtons wand,尼古拉斯-德-米西-波平顿的魔杖 Nicholas disambiguation,尼古拉斯的歧义 Nicholas hooper,尼古拉斯-霍珀 Nicholas hyland,尼古拉斯-海兰 Nicholas malfoy,尼古拉斯-莫尔福 Nicholas nickleby,尼古拉斯-尼克尔比 Nicholas saunders in universe,尼古拉斯-桑德斯在宇宙中 Nicholle hembra,尼科尔-亨布拉 Nick,宇宙 Nick alas,尼克-阿拉斯 Nick cave and the bad seeds,尼克洞和坏种子 Nick clark amc fear the walking dead,尼克-克拉克(AMC)恐惧行尸走肉 Nick clegg,尼克-克莱格 Nick davison,尼克-戴维森 Nick donald,尼克-唐纳德 Nick james moran,尼克-詹姆斯-莫兰 Nick mckinless,尼克-麦金勒斯 Nick moran,尼克-莫兰 Nick owenford,尼克-奥文福 Nick shirm,尼克-希尔姆 Nicola disambiguation,尼古拉的歧义 Nicola dodworth,尼古拉-多德沃思 Nicola jayne coonan,尼古拉-杰恩-库南 Nicola wells,尼古拉-韦尔斯 Nicola williams,尼古拉-威廉斯(Nicola Williams Nicolas and perenelle flamel fountain,尼古拉和佩内尔-弗拉梅尔喷泉 Nicolas flamel,尼古拉-弗拉梅尔 Nicolas flamels crystal ball,尼古拉-弗拉梅尔的水晶球 Nicolas flamels phoenix embossed book,尼古拉-弗拉梅尔的凤凰浮雕书 Nicolas flamels wand,尼古拉-弗拉梅尔的魔杖 Nicolas grimmett,尼古拉-格里梅特 Nicolaus copernicus,尼古拉-哥白尼 Nicolicab,尼古拉斯-哥白尼 Nieces and nephews,侄女和侄子 Niffler,尼夫勒 Niffler plush,尼夫勒毛绒玩具 Nifflers fancy,尼夫勒的花式 Nigel,幼儿 Nigel,奈杰尔 Nigel disambiguation,奈杰尔消除歧义 Nigel wolpert,奈杰尔-沃珀特 Nigel wolperts owl,奈杰尔-沃珀特的猫头鹰 Nigel wolperts wand,奈杰尔-沃珀特的魔杖 Nigel wroxton,奈杰尔-弗罗克斯顿 Nigels nephew,奈杰尔的侄子 Nigels nephews father,奈杰尔侄子的父亲 Nigels wife,奈杰尔的妻子 Nigeria,斐济 Nigeria versus fiji,尼日利亚对阵斐济 Nigerian national quidditch team,尼日利亚国家魁地奇队 Night maid at leaky cauldron,漏水大锅饭的夜班女佣 Night maid at the leaky cauldron,漏水大锅的夜班女仆 Night moves,夜晚的动作 Nightjar,夜叉 Nikabrik in the chronicles of narnia prince caspian,纳尼亚传奇之凯斯宾王子》中的尼卡布里克 Nike,耐克 Niko nenad,尼科-内纳德 Nikola vassileva,尼古拉-瓦西列娃 Nile river,尼罗河 Niles hanley,尼尔斯-汉利 Nimbostratus,秦始皇兵马俑 Nimbus racing broom company,Nimbus赛车扫帚公司 Nimbus two thousand,Nimbus二千 Nimbus two thousand and one,Nimbus两千零一个 Nimbus two thousand and one trading card,Nimbus两千零一个交易卡 Nimbus two thousand trading card,Nimbus二千的交易卡 Nina aimer fox,尼娜-艾默尔狐狸 Nina chibbar,尼娜-奇巴 Nina disambiguation,尼娜的歧义 Nina young,年轻的尼娜 Nine inches,九寸 Nine lives badge,九条命的徽章 Nine year old boy,九岁的男孩 Ninette finch,尼奈特-芬奇 Ninon saucet,尼农水龙头 Nintendo,任天堂 Nintendo 3ds,任天堂3ds Nintendo ds,任天堂ds 5 4½,5 4½ 5 5 ref,5 5 参考 5 5½,5 5½ 5 6¼,5 6¼ 5 6½,5 6½ 5 7½,5 7½ 5 7½,5 7½ 5 8½,5 8½ 5 9 174cm,5 9 174厘米 5 april,4月5日 5 august,8月5日 5 december,12月5日 5 february,2月5日 5 feet 4 inches,5英尺4英寸 5 ft 11 in,5英尺11英寸 5 ft 4 in,5英尺4英寸 5 january,1月5日 5 july,7月5日 5 june,6月5日 5 legger,5 腿部 5 march,3月5日 5 may,5月 5 minutes,5分钟 5 november,11月5日 5 october,10月5日 5 points from gryffindor,格兰芬多的5分 5 september,9月5日 5 september 1939,1939年9月5日 5 september 2019,2019年9月5日 5 siblings,5个兄弟姐妹 5cdo 3 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice then draw a card,5cd对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成3点伤害然后抽一张牌 5ft 10 5,5英尺10英寸 5 5ft 11in,5英尺11英寸 5fwhen marble gargoyle does damage to your opponent if he or she doesnt have any creatures in play it does 3 more damage to him or her damage each turn 2 health 3,5f当大理石神像对你的对手造成伤害时,如果他或她没有任何生物在游戏中,它会对他或她再造成3次伤害,每回合的伤害为2个健康值3。 5’10″ 177cm,5英尺10英寸177厘米 5’7″ 170cm,5英尺7英寸170厘米 5’ 3”,"5' 3""" 5’ 4,5' 4 60 pages,60页 62 5 189 cms,62 5 189厘米 64 lispenard street,64 Lispenard Street 653 8 million,653 8百万 65cm,65厘米 679 west 24th street,679 西24街 69 boulevard des galantes,69 加兰特大道(Boulevard des galantes 6 1½,6 1½ 6 2½,6 2½ 6 4¾,6 4¾ 6 6¾,6 6¾ 6 april,4月6日 6 august,6 8月 6 children,6 儿童 6 cmccardtype draw 3 cards,6 cmccardtype 抽3张牌 6 days a week,每周6天 6 december,12月6日 6 february,2月6日 6 january,1月6日 6 july,6 七月 6 june,6 六月 6 may,5月6日 6 november,11月6日 6 october,10月6日 6 september,9月6日 6 sickles a box,6 镰刀一盒 6 wisteria walk,6 紫藤漫步 6cyour opponent chooses 3 cards in his or her hand and discards them,6你的对手从他或她的手牌中选择3张牌并丢弃它们 6pcount the number of potionscardtype lessons you have in play do that much damage to your opponent then choose 1 of your potionscardtype lessons in play and discard it,6计算你手中的魔药类课程的数量,对你的对手造成那么大的伤害,然后从你手中的魔药类课程中选择一张并弃置。 6pto play this card discard 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play if this card is discarded from play< put it into your hand provides 3 potionscardtype,6pto打出这张牌,丢弃你在游戏中的1个药水类型的课程,如果这张牌从游戏中被丢弃<把它放入你的手牌,提供3个药水类型的课程。 6qyour opponent chooses 1 of his or her cards in play and discards it then if he or she has any cards in his or her hand he or she chooses 1 of them and discards it,6q你的对手选择他或她的1张牌并丢弃,然后如果他或她有任何手牌,他或她选择其中的1张并丢弃。 6th avenue,第六大道 6twhen you play this card discard any other location from play before each players turn he or she chooses 1 of his or her cards in play and discards it at the end of each players turn if he or she has no lessons in play discard this card,6当你打出这张牌时,在每个玩家的回合前丢弃任何其他位置的牌,他或她选择他或她的1张牌,并在每个玩家的回合结束时丢弃它,如果他或她没有课,则丢弃这张牌。 6’1″ 185cm,6英尺1英寸185厘米 6’ 183cm,6英尺183厘米 72 minutes,72分钟 75 lexington avenue,75 莱辛顿大道 76 adventures at hogwarts expansion,76 霍格沃茨历险记扩建 76 monroe street,76 Monroe Street 77 adventures at hogwarts expansion,77 霍格沃茨的冒险之旅扩展 78 adventures at hogwarts expansion,78 霍格沃茨的冒险之旅扩展 796 million,7.96亿 79 adventures at hogwarts expansion,79 霍格沃茨的冒险之旅扩建 79 quidditch cup expansion,79 魁地奇杯扩建 7 april,4月7日 7 august,8月7日 7 december,12月7日 7 february,2月7日 7 january,1月7日 7 july,7 七月 7 june,6月7日 7 march,3月7日 7 may,5月7日 7 november,11月7日 7 october,10月7日 7 october 1995,1995年10月7日 7 privet drive,7 私利车道 7 scents season,季节性香味7号 7 september,9月7日 7 sickles,7 镰刀 7fto play this card discard 2 of your cmccardtype lessons from play when you play this card do 6 damage to your opponent damage each turn 6 health 4,7ftto play this card discard 2 of your cmccardtype lessons from play when you play this card do 6 damage to your opponent damage each turn 6 health 4 7qdo 3 damage to your opponent then if your opponent has any cards in his or her hand he or she chooses 2 of them and discards them,7q对你的对手造成3次伤害,然后如果你的对手有任何手牌,他或她会选择其中的2张并丢弃它们。 80 adventures at hogwarts expansion,80霍格沃茨的冒险之旅扩展 814 million,814百万 85min,85分钟 878 million,878万 896 million,896百万 8 75 inches,8 75英寸 8 april,4月8日 8 august,8 八月 8 december,12月8日 8 february,8 2月 8 inches,8英寸 8 january,1月8日 8 july,8 七月 8 june,6月8日 8 march,3月8日 8 may,8 五月 8 november,11月8日 8 october,8 十月 8 september,9月8日 8 september 2016,2016年9月8日 8 track tape,8轨磁带 8 year old muggle girl,8岁的麻瓜女孩 8fchoose up to 3 creatures in play and return them to their owners hands,8f选择最多 3 个生物并将它们送回主人手中 8pto play this card discard one of your potionscardtype lessons from play shuffle up to 11 non healing cards from your discard pile into your deck,8pto打出这张牌时,将你的一个药水卡类型的课程从游戏中弃置,从你的弃牌堆中洗出最多11张非治疗性的牌到你的牌组中。 8qdo 4 damage to your opponent then draw 4 cards,8q对你的对手造成4点伤害,然后抽4张牌 8½,8½ 8¾,8¾ 90 minutes,90分钟 934 million,9.34亿 939 million,9.39亿 93 diagon alley,93 对角巷 960 million,9.6亿 96 pages,96页 974 million,9.74亿 99 bottles of wiggenweld potion,99瓶wiggenweld药水 9 10 feet,9 10英尺 9 5 inches,9 5英寸 9 april,9 四月 9 december,12月9日 9 december 2001,2001年12月9日 9 february,2月9日 9 fretdend,9日自由活动 9 inches,9英寸 9 january,1月9日 9 july,7月9日 9 june,6月9日 9 march,3月9日 9 may,9 五月 9 november,11月9日 9 october,9 十月 9 other uses,9 其他用途 9 september,9 九月 9 sherringford square,9 谢林福德广场 9 unknown gender,9性别不明 9qonce during each of your turns when you use an action to play a card that requires quidditchcardtype power you get 1 more action that turn,9在你的每个回合中,当你用行动打出一张需要魁地奇卡类力量的牌时,你在该回合中会多出1次行动。 9th or 10th century,9或10世纪 9tyour opponent chooses 3 of his or her lessons in play and discards them then you choose 3 of your lessons in play and discard them,9你的对手选择他或她的3个课程并丢弃它们,然后你选择你的3个课程并丢弃它们。 9¼,9¼ 9½,9½ 9½ inches,9½英寸 @,@ A baby boy,一个男婴 A baby girl,女婴 A beginners guide to transfiguration,变形术的初学者指南 A beginners guide to transfiguration trading card,变形初学者指南交易卡 A bird in hand,一只鸟在手 A bird with four heads,一只有四个头的鸟 A bit of the person one wants to turn into,一个人想变成的一点点人 A blizzard of soap that lead to an economic crash,导致经济崩溃的肥皂暴风雪 A bloody eyeball,一颗血淋淋的眼球 A brief history of time,一部时间的简史 A cauldron full of hot strong love,充满浓烈爱情的大锅 A celebration of harry potter,哈里-波特的庆典 A ceremony and celebration of the union of two consenting adults,两个成年人自愿结合的仪式和庆祝活动 A childrens anthology of monsters,儿童怪兽选集 A collection of above three hundred receipts in cookery physick and surgery,三百多份烹饪、理疗和手术的收据汇编 A colour picture of harry potter,哈里-波特的彩色图片 A companion to wizardly decor,巫师装饰的伴侣 A compendium of common curses and their counter actions,常见诅咒及其反击行动汇编 A concert tour by celestina warbeck,塞莱斯蒂娜-沃贝克的巡回音乐会 A couple of students,一对学生 A criddle,一把小提琴 A debilitating condition that could resurface in the victims descendants,一种可能在受害者的后代身上重新出现的衰弱状况 A farmer,一个农夫 A feast held at the last day of school term,学期的最后一天举行的盛宴 A feast held on the first day of school term,开学第一天举行的盛宴 A fenetre,一条围栏 A filthy business case,一个肮脏的商业案例 A fine frenzy,一场精彩的狂欢 A fish called wanda,一种叫万达的鱼 A fully illustrated history of the flying carpet,图文并茂的飞毯历史 A guide for using harry potter and the sorcerers stone and other harry potter books in the classroom,哈里-波特和魔法石以及其他哈里-波特书籍在课堂上的使用指南 A guide to advanced transfiguration,高级变形术指南 A guide to medieval sorcery,中世纪巫术指南 A guide to the graphic arts department posters prints and publications from the harry potter films,哈里-波特电影中的平面艺术部门海报印刷品和出版物指南 A history of magic,魔法的历史 A hogwarts employee,一个霍格沃茨的员工 A hogwarts students grandmother,一个霍格沃茨学生的祖母 A hogwarts students mother,一位霍格沃茨学生的母亲 A holiday celebrated by the wizarding community and the muggle world,巫师社区和麻瓜世界共同庆祝的一个节日 A jousting tournament held in poppleton in 1484,1484年在Poppleton举行的一场比武大会 A large evil looking man,一个看起来很邪恶的大块头 A legal compendium 198,一个法律汇编 198 A main theme,一个主旋律 A man,一个男人 A man called clark,一个叫克拉克的人 A meeting among the spirits of hogwarts to decide matters concerning them,霍格沃茨的神灵们开会决定有关他们的事情 A midsummer nights dream,仲夏夜之梦 A o neville in rabbit proof fence,一个在防兔栅栏里的欧尼维尔 A osborn,一个叫奥斯本的人 A perambulation of kent,漫步肯特岛 A period of mass executions during the wplinkfrench revolution,法国大革命期间大规模处决的时期 A picture of harry potter,哈里-波特的照片 A picture of rubeus hagrid looking extremely shifty,卢贝斯-哈格里德的照片,看起来非常阴晴不定 A player using his elbows excessively to hurt an opponent,一个过度使用肘部来伤害对手的球员 A prank device,一个恶作剧的装置 A raisin in the sun,阳光下的葡萄干 A red spider,一只红蜘蛛 A restorative tonic or bracer,一个恢复性的补药或护具 A revolt,一场叛乱 A room with a view,一间有风景的房间 A sensationalised tabloid piece suggesting that hermione granger is toying with harry potters affections by dating viktor krum,一篇耸人听闻的小报,暗示赫敏-格兰杰与维克多-克鲁姆约会,是在玩弄哈瑞-波特的感情 A snitch in time,一个及时的告密者 A strike among spanish baggage handlers that disrupted air traffic for weeks,西班牙行李员的罢工导致空中交通中断数周之久 A study into muggle suspicions about magic,关于麻瓜对魔法的怀疑的研究 A study into the possibility of reversing the actual and metaphysical effects of natural death with particular regard to the reintegration of essence and matter,关于逆转自然死亡的实际和形而上学影响的可能性的研究,特别是关于本质和物质的重新整合。 A study of recent developments in wizardry,巫术的最新发展研究 A subtle choral piece,一首微妙的合唱曲 A subtle harp piece,一首微妙的竖琴曲 A time turner,一部时间转折器 A traditional trip around the world undertaken by hogwarts graduates,霍格沃茨毕业生的传统环游世界之旅 A vampires monologue,吸血鬼的独白 A very long engagement,一个很长的约定 A webb servicing ltd,一个韦伯服务有限公司 A wildcat gargoyle strike that occurred in 1911,发生在1911年的一次野猫妖怪罢工 A witch and wizards wintry wondrous land,巫师与魔法师的风雪奇缘 A wizard in the orient,东方的巫师 A woman,一个女人 A yellow line down the middle of their backs,他们背部中间的一条黄线 A young professor mcgonagall,一个年轻的麦克格纳尔教授 Aaron smith,阿伦-史密斯 Aaron virdee,亚伦-维尔迪 Abandoned nuclear power plant,被遗弃的核电站 Abarimon,阿巴里蒙 Abbey,阿比 Abbi hawk,阿比鹰 Abbott,阿博特 Abbott family,阿博特家族 Abel treetops,阿贝树梢 Aberdeen,阿伯丁 Aberdeenshire,阿伯丁郡 Aberforth dumbledore,阿伯福斯-邓布利多 Aberforth dumbledores goat charm,阿伯丁-邓布利多的山羊符咒 Abergavenny,阿贝卡文尼 Abernathy,阿伯纳西 Abernathy jpeg,阿伯纳西的jpeg Abernathys wand,阿伯纳提斯的魔杖 Aberto,阿伯托 Aberto gif,阿伯托GIF Abi adeyemi,阿比-阿德耶米 Abigail doyle,阿比盖尔-多伊尔 Abigail nicola,阿比盖尔-尼古拉 Abigail pugh,阿比盖尔-普格(Abigail Pugh Abigail r cankus,阿比盖尔-R-坎库斯 Able fleming,阿博-弗莱明 Able spudmore,阿博-斯普德摩尔 Able to fly higher than any other broom,能够比任何其他扫帚飞得更高 Able to shapeshift,能够变身 Abnormal growth of the rat if too much is drunk,如果喝得太多,老鼠会异常生长 About eight times that of an adult human,大约是成年人类的八倍 Above seven feet,超过七英尺 Abracadabra an a z of spooky spells,阿布拉卡达布拉(Abracadabra)--一种诡异的法术 Abraham,亚伯拉罕 Abraham disambiguation,亚伯拉罕的歧义 Abraxan,亚伯拉罕 Abraxan hair,阿布拉桑的头发 Abraxas malfoy,阿布拉哈斯-莫尔福 Acacia,阿卡西亚 Acacia,阿卡西亚 Academic journal,学术期刊 Academic journal,学术期刊 Academy of broom flying,扫帚飞行学院 Académie française des sorciers,法国扫把星学院(Académie française des sorciers Acb78e,扫帚飞行学院 Acceptable,可以接受 Acceptance,接受 Accepted combative position,接受的战斗位置 Accessorising,附属品 Accessory,配件 Accessory,配饰 Accidental magic reversal squad,意外的魔法反转队 Accio,阿基奥 Accio christmas,阿基奥圣诞 Accio quote,阿基奥报价 Accio trading card,阿基奥交易卡 Accionites,雅居乐 Accordion,钟表 Accountant,会计师 Accounting department,会计部门 Accusation chair,指控椅 Acesulphame,秘书 Achievements in charming,迷人的成就 Achievements in harry potter hogwarts mystery,哈里-波特霍格沃茨之谜中的成就 Achintee,阿金提 Acid green colour when completed,完成时呈酸绿色 Acid green in colour,酸性绿色的颜色 Acid pops,酸性饮料 Acidic fruits which are high in vitamin c,富含维生素c的酸性水果 Acidity regulator,酸度调节剂 Ackerley,阿克雷 Ackerley town hall,阿克雷市政厅 Acne,痤疮 Aconite,营养液 Aconite fluid,乌头碱液 Acromantula,鸡蛋 Acromantula egg,鸡蛋 Acromantula handling,锥虫处理 Acromantula venom,蝎子毒液 Action,行动 Action adventure,动作冒险 Action adventure platformer,动作冒险平台游戏 Action figure,动作人物 Action thriller,动作惊悚片 Activist,活动家 Actor,角色 Actor,演员 Actor who played crapaud,扮演Crapaud的演员 Nintendo gamecube,任天堂Gamecube Nintendo wii,任天堂wii Nitin divekar,尼廷-迪维卡 No entry due to flooding mr filch,因水灾而无法进入,Mr filch No fixed limit there must be elections at a maximum interval of seven years,没有固定的限制,必须在最长间隔7年的时间内进行选举 No hands,没有手 No known casualties,没有已知的人员伤亡 No later than 1954,不迟于1954年 No later than 1966,不晚于1966年 No later than between 1948 and 1954,不迟于1948年和1954年之间 No later than december 1879 march 1880,不迟于1879年12月 1880年3月 No maj,没有主要的 No maj bureau,没有主要的局 No maj fraternisation sub division,没有主要的兄弟会分局 No majes,无大校 No majes,无大校 No no no nooo,不不不不不不不不不不不 No one looks at the ceiling,没有人看天花板 No permanent residents guests coming through,没有永久居民的客人来过 No time to play,没有时间玩 Nobby,诺比 Nobby,诺比 Nobby leach,诺比-莱奇 Noble collection,贵族收藏 Nobleman,贵族 Nocturnal,夜行性 Nocturnal and or crepuscular,夜行性和或匍匐性的 Nocturnal beasts,夜行性动物 Nocturnal natures sleep during daytime active during nighttime,夜行性在白天睡觉,在夜间活动 Nocturnal order of tricks and exhibitions,夜行者的技巧和展览秩序 Noel family,诺尔家族 Noel harwich,诺尔-哈里奇 Noel william michael harris,诺尔-威廉-迈克尔-哈里斯 Noggin and bonce,鼻骨和骨骼 Nogtail,鼻涕虫 Noisy hitter,嘈杂的击球手 Nola johnston,诺拉-约翰斯顿 Noltie,诺尔蒂 Nolties botanical novelties,诺尔蒂植物新品种 Nomberg,梦贝格 Nominated for best lead actor in a play for private lives and les liaisons dangereuses,因《私人生活》和《危险的联络》被提名为最佳剧中男主角 Nominated in [http harrypotter wikia com wiki between 1998 and 2017 2006] for his role as davey in [http en wikipedia org wiki the lieutenant of inishmore the lieutenant of inishmore],在[http harrypotter wikia com wiki 1998年至2017年2006年间]因在[http en wikipedia org wiki the lieutenant of inishmore the lieutenant of inishmore]中饰演davey而被提名。 Non aggressive nature,不具攻击性 Non being,非人 Non coiled shell,非卷曲的外壳 Non corporeal,非肉体的 Non existent,非存在的 Non explodable luminous balloons,非爆炸性的发光气球 Non human spiritous apparition,非人的精神幻象 Non magic people,非魔法人 Non magical,非魔法 Non magical junk,非魔法的废品 Non magique,非魔法 Non magiques,非魔法人 Non sentient,非有知觉的人 Non sentient,非有知觉的人 Non tradeable material,非贸易性材料 Non wizards,非巫师 None,无 None,无 None or green,无或绿色 None — standalone novel,无--独立的小说 Nonsense poem,胡说八道的诗 Nonverbal spell,非语言法术 Noodles,面条 Norbert,诺贝尔 Norbert gastell,诺贝尔-盖斯特尔 Norbert trading card,诺贝特交易卡 Norberta,诺贝尔塔 Nordic national quidditch stadium,北欧国家魁地奇体育场 Nordic national quidditch team,北欧国家魁地奇队 Noreen kirkby,诺琳-柯克比 Norfolk,诺福克 Noriko sato,诺里科-萨托 Noriyuki sato,加藤纪之 Normally harmless vicious when provoked,平时无害,被激怒时凶狠 Norman conquest,诺曼征服 Norman stacey,诺曼-斯泰西 Norman stuart craig,诺曼-斯图尔特-克里格 Norman tuttle,诺曼-塔特尔 Normandy,诺曼底 Normans,诺曼人 North america,北美 North american wizarding history,北美的巫师历史 North atlantic ocean,北大西洋 North battlements,北部战区 North london united kingdom,英国伦敦北部 North of the eastern hemisphere,东半球之北 North of the western hemisphere,西半球之北 North pole,北极 North sea,北海 North shields tyne and wear,泰恩和威尔郡的北希尔兹 North temperate zone,北温带 North tower,北塔 North tower courtyard,北塔院子 North wing,北翼 Northeastern united states,美国东北部 Northern courtyard,北部庭院 Northern courtyard annex,北部庭院附件 Northern hemisphere,北半球 Northern ireland,北爱尔兰 Northern irish,北部爱尔兰 Northern irish british,北爱尔兰的英国人 Northern lights,北极光 Northern temperate region,北部温带地区 Norvel twonk,悉尼 Norville bezerko,斐济 Norway,挪威 Norway versus ivory coast,挪威与象牙海岸 Norwegian dragon sanctuary,挪威的龙族圣地 Norwegian ministry of magic,挪威魔法部 Norwegian national quidditch team,挪威国家魁地奇队 Norwegian ridgeback,挪威脊背兽 Norwegian ridgeback trading card,挪威脊背兽交易卡 Nose biting teacup,咬鼻子的茶杯 Nose tweaking,鼻子扭动 Nosebiting teacup gif,咬鼻子的茶杯gif Nosebleed nougat,鼻出血的牛轧糖 Not quite right opera company,不太合适的歌剧团 Notable historical trials,值得注意的历史审判 Notable magical names of our time,我们这个时代值得注意的神奇的名字 Nothing,没有什么 Nothing like a holiday spell,没有什么像节日的咒语 Notice board,通知板 Notorious mass murderer or innocent singing sensation?,臭名昭著的杀人犯还是无辜的歌星? Nott,诺特 Nott family,诺特家族 Nottingham,诺丁汉 Nottingham london,伦敦诺丁汉 Nottingham united kingdom,英国诺丁汉 Novel,小说 Novelist,小说家 Novelist and playwright,小说家和剧作家 Novelty gift,新颖的礼物 November,11月 November 15 2002,2002年11月15日 November 15 2009,2009年11月15日 November 2002,2002年11月 November 28 2002,2002年11月28日 Nowhere to hide,无处可藏 Nox,恶毒 Noxious poison,有毒的毒药 Noxious poison trading card,毒药交易卡 Noxious potion,有毒的药水 Nozéa lestrange,诺泽亚-莱斯特兰奇 Nozéa lestrange,诺泽亚-莱斯特兰奇(Nozéa lestrange Nozéa lestrange née trouche,诺泽娅-莱斯特兰奇,女主人公。 Nuala doyle,努拉-多伊尔 Nugent potts,努根特-波茨 Numeral,数字 Numerology,数字学 Numerology and grammatica,数字学和语法学 Numerology book,数字学书籍 Numerous beauxbatons students,ň牛└涸鹑私樯? Nundu,奴杜 Nuno silva,努诺-席尔瓦 Nuns,努努 Nurmengard castle,努尔曼加德城堡 Nurse,护理 Nurture,护理 Nurture trading card,营养品交易卡 Nut brittle,坚果脆片 Nutritious for the hair,对头发有营养的 Nuts,坚果 Nuts used as foodstuff,用作食品的坚果 Nymphadora tonks,蛹虫草 Nymphadora tonkss file,蛹虫草文件 Nymphadora tonkss wand,淋巴瘤棒 Nº 515x potion,第515x号药水 Nº ao53q potion,第AO53Q号药水 O children,孩子们啊 Oak handle,橡木手柄 Oakden hernshaw,奥克登-赫恩肖 Oakden hobday,奥克登霍布代 Oakshaft 79,奥克沙夫79 Obalonsk,奥巴隆斯克 Obertellis eating house,Obertellis饮食店 Object,对象 Oblansk,奥布兰斯克 Obliteration charm,湮灭的符咒 Obliviate,遗忘者 Obliviate,遗忘者 Obliviate trading card,遗忘者交易卡 Obliviator,遗忘者 Obliviator headquarters,遗忘者总部 Oblong and silvery green,椭圆形,银绿色 Oblong around 12 mm long,长约12毫米的椭圆 Obrien family,奥布赖恩家族 Obscurial attack on new york,对纽约的模糊攻击 Obscurus books,Obscurus书籍 Obstruction,阻碍 Occamy,奥卡米 Occamy egg,奥卡姆蛋 Occamy egg yolk shampoo,鸡蛋黄洗发水 Occamy in a tea pot,茶壶中的奥卡米 Occlumency,隐蔽性 Oceania,大洋洲 Oceans,大洋洲 Octagon tower,八角塔 Octavius pepper,八角椒 October,宇宙 October 1 1989,1989年10月1日 October 2017,2017年10月 Octopus,ǞǞǞ Octopus powder,章鱼粉 Oculus potion,奥克立斯药水 Oculus reparo,奥克雷罗 Odbert,奥德伯 Odberts father,奥德贝特的父亲 Oddpick family,奥德皮克家族 Odile perrot,奥迪尔-佩罗 Odo,奥多 Odo the hero,英雄奥多 Odorous,奥德鲁斯 Odorous prank projectile,恶作剧投射物--Odorous Odos wand,奥德斯魔杖 Odysseus,奥德修斯 Offensive spells will follow their target,攻击性法术会跟随其目标 Offero,奥菲罗 Office 323,办公室323 Office for house elf relocation,家庭精灵搬迁办公室 Office for magic relations and education,魔法关系和教育办公室 Office for the detection and confiscation of counterfeit defensive spells and protective objects,侦查和没收伪造的防御性法术和保护性物品的办公室 Office for the removal of curses jinxes and hexes,消除诅咒、厄运和魔咒的办公室 Office job,办公室工作 Office of misinformation,错误信息办公室 Officer,官员 Official fire broomgade,官方火扫把 Official gobstones club,官方鹅卵石俱乐部 Official magical secrets act,官方魔法秘密法 Official post,官方职位 Officiates ceremonies,主持仪式 Oflaherty,奥夫拉赫蒂 Often light,往往是光 Often spread disease,常常传播疾病 Often violent and bloodthirsty,往往是暴力和嗜血的 Ogden,奥格登 Ogden family,奥格登家族 Ogdens old firewhiskey,奥格登斯老式火酒 Ogdens old firewhisky,奥格登斯老式火酒 Ogg,奥格 Ogre,奥格 Ogre like visitor of the three broomsticks,三根扫帚的食人魔一样的访客 Ogwarts unidentified beauxbatons girl ]],奥格沃茨不明身份的美巴顿女孩 ]] 。 Oh oh,哦,哦 Oh rosana,哦,罗莎娜 Oil used as pesticide and preservative,用作杀虫剂和防腐剂的石油 Oil used in antibiotics,用于抗生素的油 Oklahoma,冈萨雷斯 Ol shoe shinin steve,橄榄枝 Olaf,奥拉夫 Olaf andersen,奥拉夫-安德森(Olaf Andersen Olaf disambiguation,欧拉夫消歧义 Old bell tower,老钟楼 Old boggle of canterbury,坎特伯雷的老博格 Old man,老人 Old man in portrait,老人的画像 Old mans donkey,老人的驴子 Old mans family,老人的家庭 Old mans family,老人的家庭 Old mother hubbard,老母亲赫伯德 Old posh baron,古老的男爵 Old sluggy,古老的鼻涕虫 Olde and forgotten bewitchments and charmes,旧的和被遗忘的巫术和魅力 Older rawdy crawley in vanity fair,虚荣心强的老家伙们 Olibanum,奥利班姆 Olive,橄榄 Olive,橄榄 Olive fruit,橄榄果实 Olive hornby,橄榄-霍恩比 Olive hornbys brother,橄榄角比的兄弟 Olive tree,橄榄树 Oliver cartwright,奥利弗-卡特赖特 Oliver disambiguation,奥利弗的歧义 Oliver lavery farag,橄榄-拉维里-法拉格 Oliver rivers,奥利弗河 Oliver wiseman,奥利弗-怀斯曼 Oliver wood,奥利弗-伍德 Oliver wood trading card,奥利弗-伍德交易卡 Oliver woods father,奥利弗-伍德的父亲 Oliver woods friends,奥利弗-伍兹的朋友 Oliver woods letter to harry potter,奥利弗-伍兹给哈利-波特的信 Oliver woods quidditch diagrams,奥利弗-伍兹的魁地奇图示 Oliver woods stopwatch,"邓小平说:""我们的国家是一个大国,我们的民族是一个小国。" Oliver woods wand,奥利弗-伍兹的魔杖 Olivia disambiguation,奥利维亚的歧义 Olivia gleaves,奥利维娅-格利弗 Olivia green,奥利维娅-格林 Olivia higginbottom,奥利维亚-希金博特姆 Olivia lomenech gill,Olivia Lomenech Gill Olivia quinn,奥利维亚-奎恩 Olivia shardlow,奥利维亚-沙德洛 Ollerton family,奥勒顿家族 Ollivander,奥利文德 Ollivander 382 b c era,Ollivander 382 b c时代 Ollivander family,奥利万德家族 Ollivanders assistant,奥利凡德助手 Ollivanders trading card,Ollivanders交易卡 Ollivanders wand,奥利凡德的魔杖 Ollivanders wand repair and re tooling,Ollivanders魔杖的维修和再加工 Ollivanders wand shop,奥利文德的魔杖店 Ollivanders wand shop the wizarding world of harry potter,哈里.波特的魔法世界》奥里范德的魔杖店 Olmo teodoro cuarón,奥尔莫-特奥多罗-库阿隆 Olwen fouéré,奥尔文-福埃雷 Olympe maximes father,父爱如山 Olympe maximes mother,奥利姆普-麦克斯姆的母亲 Olympe maximes wand,Olympe maximes的魔杖 Omar abasi,奥马尔-阿巴西 Omar shaw,奥马尔-肖 Omens oracles the goat,山羊的预兆神谕 Omnioculars,全能眼镜 Omnivorous,全能的 Omnivorous,全能的 On her wedding day,在她结婚的日子 Ona parangyo,奥纳帕朗约 Once during each of your opponents turns you may prevent 1 damage done to you if you play this card and you already have a broom in play discard the old one provides 1 quidditchcardtype cost 3,在你的对手的每个回合中,你可以阻止对你造成的1次伤害,如果你打出这张牌,并且你已经有一个扫帚在手,那么丢弃旧的扫帚,提供1个魁地奇卡型,费用3 Once during each of your opponents turns you may prevent all damage done by a spell card cost 13,在你的对手的每个回合中,你可以阻止一张法术牌造成的所有伤害,费用为13。 Once during each of your turns when you use an action to play a quidditchcardtype lesson card you may also draw a card,在你的每个回合中,当你使用行动打出一张魁地奇卡类的课程卡时,你还可以抽一张卡。 Once during each of your turns when you use an action to play an item card you get 1 more action that turn,在你的每个回合中,当你使用行动打出一张物品卡时,你在该回合中可以多获得一次行动。 Once during each of your turns you may choose 1 of your opponents creatures in play prevent all damage done by that creature until the end of your opponents next turn cost 10,在你的每个回合中,你可以选择你的对手的一个生物,防止该生物造成的所有伤害,直到你的对手的下一个回合结束,费用为10。 Once during each of your turns you may choose 1 of your opponents creatures in play prevent up to 3 damage from that creature on your opponents next turn,在你的每个回合中,你可以选择你的对手的一个生物,在你的对手的下一回合中防止该生物造成的最多3次伤害。 Once during each of your turns you may discard 2 cards from your hand to get 1 more action,在你的每个回合中,你可以从你的手牌中丢弃2张牌以获得1个额外的行动。 Once every month and 10 days,每个月10天一次 Once per game draw 3 cards,每局游戏一次,抽3张牌 Once per game when 1 of your spell cards that needs quidditchcardtype power does damage you may have it do 8 more damage,每局游戏一次,当你的1张需要魁地奇卡类力量的法术牌造成伤害时,你可以让它再造成8次伤害 Once per game you may discard the adventure your opponent has played provides 1 transfigurationcardtype,每局游戏一次,你可以丢弃你的对手玩过的冒险,提供1张变形卡类型的卡。 Once per game you may discard your hands and draw 7 cards to make your opponent discard his or her hand and then draw 7 cards,每局游戏一次,你可以丢弃你的手牌并抽出7张牌,使你的对手丢弃他或她的手牌,然后抽出7张牌。 Once per game you may draw 2 cards then do 2 damage to your opponent and then put up to 2 non healing cards from your discard pile on the bottom of your deck,每局游戏一次,你可以抽2张牌,然后对你的对手造成2次伤害,然后从你的弃牌堆中放入最多两张非治疗性的牌到你的牌组底部 Once per game you may make your opponent choose 3 cards in his or her hand and discard them,每局游戏中,你可以让你的对手选择3张手牌并丢弃它们 Once per game you may make your opponent discard his or her hand then your opponent draws as many cards as he or she discarded in this way,每局你可以让你的对手丢弃他或她的手牌,然后你的对手抽出他或她以这种方式丢弃的相同数量的牌 Once per game you may return all creatures and items to their owners hands,每局游戏中,你可以将所有生物和物品送回它们的主人手中。 Once per game you may search your deck when you do you may take a broom card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck provides 1 quidditchcardtype,每局你可以搜索你的牌组一次,当你这样做时,你可以从你的牌组中取出一张扫帚牌给你的对手看,然后把它放入你的手牌中,然后洗牌,提供1张魁地奇卡型。 Once per game you may search your deck when you do you may take up to 2 item cards from your deck show them to your opponent and put them into your hand then shuffle your deck,每局游戏你可以搜索你的牌组一次,当你这样做时,你可以从你的牌组中取出最多两张物品牌给你的对手看,并把它们放入你的手牌中,然后洗牌。 Once per game you may search your deck you may take up to 2 lesson cards from your deck show them to your opponent and put them into your hand then shuffle your deck,每一局你可以搜索你的卡组一次,你可以从你的卡组中拿出最多2张课程卡给你的对手看,然后把它们放入你的手牌中,然后洗牌。 Once per game you may shuffle up to 12 non healing cards from your discard pile into your deck,每局游戏中,你可以从你的弃牌堆中洗出最多12张非治疗牌到你的牌组中。 Once per game you may shuffle up to 7 non healing cards from your discard pile into your deck provides 1 potionscardtype,每局你可以从你的弃牌堆中洗出最多7张非治疗牌到你的卡组中,提供1张药水类型的卡。 Once per game you may trade 2 cards in your hand for 1 card in your discard pile that needs charmscardtype powerprovides 1 charmscardtype,每局游戏一次,你可以用你手中的2张牌换取你弃牌堆中1张需要符咒卡类型力量的牌,提供1张符咒卡类型。 Once per game you may trade 2 cards in your hand for 2 non healing cards in your discard pile,每局游戏一次,你可以用你手中的2张牌换取你弃牌堆中的2张非治疗牌 Once per turn you may let leaping toadstools take 1 damage that you were going to take damage 0health 4,每回合一次,你可以让跳跃的蛤蟆精承受1个你原本要承受的伤害,即0健康4。 Once per turn you may let umbrella flowers take 1 damage that you were going to take damage 0health 6,每回合一次,你可以让伞花承受1次你原本要承受的伤害,即0健康值6 Once per turn you may use an action to choose 1 of your items in play and do damage to your opponent equal to its printed power cost,每回合你可以使用一个行动,选择你的一个物品,并对你的对手造成相当于其印刷牌价的伤害。 Once per turn you may use an action to draw 3 cards and then make your opponent draw 3 cards,每回合一次,你可以使用一个行动抽3张牌,然后让你的对手抽3张牌。 Once worldwide now confined to mostly northern areas,曾经遍布全球,现在主要局限在北方地区 One blond,一个金发美女 One boy,一个男孩 One broomstick,一把扫帚 One canada square,一个加拿大广场 One eyed witch passage,独眼女巫通道 One female,一个女性 One guitarist,一个吉他手 One hit wonders,一击即中的奇迹 One hundred and one practical uses for bertie botts every flavour beans,贝蒂-波特的一百零一种实际用途,每一种口味的豆子都有。 One hundred historical sites from the second wizarding war,第二次巫师战争的一百个历史遗迹 One lunar phase,一个月相 One minute feasts its magic,一分钟盛宴的魔力 One month,一个月 One of a kind,一个种类的 One of the driest summers in the united kingdom as well as the 3rd hottest,联合王国最干燥的夏天之一,也是第三热的夏天 One of the following,以下之一 One thousand magical herbs and fungi,一千种神奇的草药和真菌 Ongoing,正在进行的 Oni,洋葱 Onion,洋葱 Onion gravy,洋葱肉汁 Onion juice,洋葱汁 Onion soup,洋葱汤 Only found in the oldest forests,只在最古老的森林中发现 Only visible to those who have witnessed a death and accepted its reality,只有那些见证了死亡并接受其现实的人才能看到 Onslaught at the viaduct,高架桥上的攻击 Ook,奥克 Oona,奥纳 Oona ballington,欧娜-巴林顿 Ootp death chamber sirius harry antonin lucius gif,Ootp的死亡室Sirius harry antonin lucius gif Opal,欧宝 Opal necklace,蛋白石项链 Opal stone perlman,橄榄石佩尔曼 Open sesame,芝麻开门 Opens chests,开柜子 Opens doors,打开门 Opens locks and unties knots,开锁和解开绳结 Opera,歌剧 Opera glove,歌剧手套 Opera gloves,歌剧手套 Opera singer,歌剧演唱者 Ophelia rushden,奥菲利亚-拉什登 Oppopanax,奥普巴纳克斯 Opportunistic predator,机会主义的捕食者 Opposite and triangular long with serrate margins,对生和三角形长,边缘有锯齿 Opposition,对立面 Oppugno,撄宁 Oppugno jinx,丑角 Optimum hat,最适宜的帽子 Oraclitus spheer,橄榄枝 Orange,橙子 Orange,橘红色 Orange and greyish,橙色和灰色 Orange and red,橙色和红色 Orange coloured,橘色的 Orange in colour,橙子的颜色 Orange juice,橙汁 Orange or green,橙色或绿色 Orange or purple,橙色或紫色 Orange radish like plums,橙色的萝卜像李子 Orange spell,橙色的咒语 Orange sweet,橙子的甜味 Orange with black stripes,有黑色条纹的橙色 Oranges,橙子 Orangutan,橙子 Orbis,奥比斯 Orbis jinx,奥尔比斯人 Orca,猩猩 Orchard street,果园街 Orchestra conductor,乐队指挥 Orchestrator,管弦乐队 Orchestrator conrad pope,管弦乐队指挥康拉德-波普 Orchid,兰花 Orchideous,兰花 Orchideous,蝴蝶兰 Orchideous gif,蝴蝶兰的GIF Order for the expulsion of peeves,驱逐小人的命令 Order of air voyagers for intrepid wizards,无畏的巫师的空中航行者的命令 Order of dismissal,解雇的命令 Order of merlin,梅林的命令 Order of merlin organisation,梅林组织勋章 Order of suspension,停职令 Order of the phoenix,凤凰勋章 Order of the phoenix dumbledores army allies victory,邓布利多军队胜利的凤凰勋章 Order of the phoenix meetings,鳳凰令的會議 Order of the phoenix photograph,鳳凰令的照片 Ordinary lies,普通的谎言 Ordinary wizarding level,凤凰勋章 Ordinary wizarding levels,普通的巫师水平 Oregon,凤凰社 Organisation,组织 Organisation for witches,巫师组织 Originality,原创性 Orion,猎户座 Orion amari,猎户座amari Orion black,猎户座黑 Orion blacks old trousers,猎户座黑人的旧裤子 Orion blacks ring,猎户座黑衣人的戒指 Orion black’s old trousers,黑人猎户座的旧长裤 Orion black’s ring,猎户座黑人的戒指 Orla quirke,奥拉-奎尔克 Orlando,奥兰多 Ornithomancy,奥尼特曼术 Orphanage matron,孤儿院院长 Orpington family,奥平顿家族 Orrery,孤儿院院长 Orsino thruston,奥尔西诺-特鲁森 Ortiz oflaherty,孤儿院院长 Oscar,吕晓明 Oscausi,朴槿惠 Oscausi,奥斯卡 Oscausi gif,奥斯卡西GIF Osprey,鹗 Ostrich,鸵鸟 Oswald,鸵鸟 Oswald beamish,奥斯瓦尔德-巴比什 Other australian teams,其他澳大利亚团队 Other european teams,其他欧洲球队 Other hogwarts students,其他霍格沃茨学生 Other individuals,其他个人 Other international teams,其他国际团队 Other old friends of james and lily potter,其他詹姆斯和莉莉-波特的老朋友们 Other students convinced to buy the badges,其他被说服购买徽章的学生 Other teams from eastern europe,来自东欧的其他团队 Other teams from the u s,来自美国的其他团队 Other terrorist groups,其他恐怖组织 Other unnamed relatives,其他不知名的亲属 Others,其他 Othmarschen,奥斯马辛 Othmarschen christmas market,奥斯马辛的圣诞市场 Otmar frick,奥特玛-弗里克 Ottaline gambol,奥塔林赌博 Ottawa,渥太华 Otter,奥特 Otters fizzy orange juice,水獭汽水橙汁 Otters fizzy orange juice drink,奥特曼的汽水橙汁饮料 Otters fizzy orange juice weasleys wizard wheezes,水獭汽水橙汁韦斯利巫师喘息声 Ottery st catchpole,奥特瑞圣卡斯特波尔 Ottery st catchpole forest,奥特瑞圣卡普尔森林 Otto bagman,奥托-巴格曼 Otto obermeier,奥托-奥伯梅尔 Ouagadougou,吕晓东 Ouch trading card,哎呦呦交易卡 Ousting of rubeus hagrid,肃清鲁伯-海格的罪行 Ousting of severus snape,废除斯内普的职务 Out of bounds,我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊 Out of control,摆脱控制 Out of the woods,树林里的人 Out of the woods case,树林之外的案例 Out of the woods trading card,树林外的交易卡 Out to lunch fake moustache,在外就餐的假胡须 Outstanding,杰出 Outstanding guest actor in a comedy series nomination,喜剧系列中的杰出客座演员提名 Outstanding lead actor in a drama series nomination,戏剧系列中的杰出男主角提名 Outstanding lead actor in a miniseries or a movie nomination,迷你剧或电影中的杰出男主角提名 Outstanding lead actor in a miniseries or movie nomination,迷你剧或电影中的杰出男主角提名 Outstanding lead actress in a miniseries or movie nomination,迷你剧或电影中的杰出女主角提名 Outstanding supporting actor in a drama series,剧集中的杰出男配角 Outstanding supporting actress in a miniseries or movie nomination,迷你剧或电影中的杰出女配角提名 Ovate or heart shaped with lemony scent,橄榄形或心形,有柠檬香味 Oven,烤箱 Oven mitts,炉子手套 Over 6,超过6英尺 Over twelve feet,超过12英尺 Overdoing the ingredients may result in a long or irreversible sleep,过度的成分可能会导致长时间或不可逆的睡眠 Overdue homework,逾期的功课 Overhand wave,过度挥手 Overhead circles,头顶的圆圈 Overhead wave,头顶的波浪 Overseeing the production and or trade of potions,监督药水的生产和/或交易 Oversized grey head,超大的灰头土脸 Overweight,超重 Overweight ministry of magic worker,超重的魔法部工作人员 Ovomancy,卵巢癌 Owen davey,欧文-戴维(Owen Davey Owen lloyd pack,欧文-劳埃德-包 Owl,猫头鹰 Owl breeds,猫头鹰的品种 Owl food,猫头鹰的食物 Owl lecturn,猫头鹰讲台 Owl order service,猫头鹰订购服务 Owl post,猫头鹰岗位 Owl post ministry censorship legislations,猫头鹰邮政部的审查立法 Owl post office,嗷嗷叫的邮局 Owl post the wizarding world of harry potter,哈里-波特的魔法世界中的猫头鹰邮局 Owl post trading card,猫头鹰邮局交易卡 Owl postal service,猫头鹰邮政服务 Owl racing,猫头鹰赛车 Owl to opera glasses,猫头鹰的歌剧眼镜 Owl treat,猫头鹰请客 Owle bullock,猫头鹰的公牛 Owlery,猫头鹰工厂 Owlet trainer,猫头鹰训练师 Owlmaster,猫头鹰大师 Owned by every football team world wide,世界各地的足球队都拥有 Owner of 7 privet drive,7 Privet Drive的所有者 Owner of the railview hotel,铁观音酒店的所有者 Ox art,奥克斯艺术 Oxford corridor,牛津走廊 Oxford oxfordshire,牛津牛津郡 Oxfordshire,牛津郡 Oxygen,氧气 P oxley,P牛力 Pacific ocean,氧气 Pack,氧气 Pack charm,迷人的包装 Pack gif,拥抱的力量 Packer theatre,包装者剧院 Packs luggage,包包行李 Paddington station,戏剧 Padfoot,垫脚石 Padgett family,餐馆 Padma and parvati patil,帕德玛和帕瓦蒂-帕蒂尔 Padma patil,帕德玛-帕蒂尔 Padma patils dress robes,帕德玛-帕蒂尔的礼服长袍 Paganism,异教 Page family,佩奇家族 Page siblings father,裴氏兄弟姐妹的父亲 Page siblings mother,裴氏兄弟姐妹的母亲 Painful sting,痛苦的刺痛 Painswick,珀斯威克 Painter,画家 Painting of a caged monkey,笼子里的猴子的画 Painting of a fruitbowl,绘画的果博东方 Painting of a giraffe,长颈鹿的绘画 Painting of a hippopotamus,河马画 Painting of a tiger,虎画 Painting of a vase with flowers,花瓶画 Painting of a wolfhound,狼犬画 Painting of an elephant,大象的绘画 Painting of apples,苹果的画 Painting of flowering almond trees,杏树花的绘画 Painting of harry potter,哈里-波特的绘画 Painting of sinister looking monks,阴险的僧侣画 Paisley,绘画 Pakistan,绘画 Pakistan,巴基斯坦 Pakistani ministry of magic,巴基斯坦魔法部 Pal november 21 2003,帕尔2003年11月21日 Pal november 7 2003,2003年11月7日,帕尔 Palace of westminster,威斯敏斯特宫 Paladin,圣骑士 Pale,苍白 Pale,苍白 Pale and grey,苍白和灰色 Pale blue,苍白的蓝色 Pale blue emblazoned with a silver arrow,印有银色箭头的淡蓝色 Pale freckled,苍白的雀斑 Pale green,苍白的绿色 Pale green in colour,彩色的淡绿色 Pale grey,苍白的灰色 Pale silvery,苍白的银色 Pale silvery,苍白的银色 Pale white,浅白色 Pallid,苍白的 Palmistry,棕榈色 Palomino,帕罗米诺 Pam ferris,帕姆-弗里斯 Pamela altons letters to gilderoy lockhart,帕梅拉-阿尔顿给吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的信 Pamphlet on wizard banking,关于巫师银行的小册子 Panacea,巫师 Pancetta,洛克菲勒 Pandora lovegood,潘多拉爱国者 Pandora lovegoods unknown spell,潘多拉爱物的未知咒语 Panic spider,恐慌的蜘蛛 Panino,蝴蝶效应 Panino barese,阳光男孩 Panino campagnolo,坎帕尼奥罗 Panino cotoletta,帕尼诺-科托莱塔 Panino italia,橄榄油 Panino pescatore,鲈鱼罐头 Panino piccante,皮卡诺 Panino puglia,帕尼奥-普利亚 Panino veneziano,威尼斯人开户 Panju weasley,潘朱-韦斯利 Pansy parkinson,潘西-帕金森 Pansy parkinsons gang,潘西-帕金森斯团伙 Pansy parkinsons watch,潘西-帕金森斯的手表 Paper bird charm,纸鸟的魅力 Paper owl,纸质猫头鹰 Paper shop girl,纸制品商店女孩 Papua new guinea,蝴蝶结 Papyrus reparo,纸牌游戏 Papyrus reparo gif,纸莎草的GIF Paracelsus,蝴蝶结 Parachute,鹦鹉 Parakeet,鹦鹉 Paralyses,瘫痪 Paralyses multiple targets,瘫痪多个目标 Parchment,羊皮纸 Parchment sealing spell,羊皮纸封印法术 Parents,父母 Paris,巴黎 Parisian opera house,巴黎的歌剧院 Parkin,朴金 Parkin,朴金 Parkin beater i,帕金打手I Parkin beater ii,帕金打手II Parkin chaser i,朴素的追逐者一 Parkin chaser ii,朴素的追逐者二 Parkin chaser iii,朴素追逐者三 Parkin children,朴素的孩子 Parkin family,帕金家族 Parkin keeper,朴素的守护者 Parkin seeker,朴素的追求者 Parking meter,停车计时器 Parkins pincer,帕金斯的钳子 Parkinson family,帕金森家族 Parma ham,帕尔马火腿 Parochial vicar,教区牧师 Parrot,鹦鹉 Parseltongue,鹦鹉学舌 Parsnip,鹦鹉 Part elf,部分精灵 Part human,部分人类 Part troll,部分巨魔 Part vampire,部分吸血鬼 Part wizarding part giant,部分巫师部分巨人 Partial vanishment,部分消失 Partis temporus,暂时的部分 Partis temporus hbp gif,暂时性的一部分 hbp gif Parts the target,部分目标 Party favour,党的恩惠 Party held to remembering the death of said ghost,党举行的纪念上述鬼魂死亡的活动 Party punch,党的拳头 Party spirits,党的精神 Parvati patil,帕瓦蒂-帕蒂尔 Parvati patils dress robes,帕尔瓦蒂-帕蒂尔的礼服长袍 Parvati patils wand,帕尔瓦蒂-帕蒂尔斯的魔杖 Pascale spall,党派的精神 Paschal friel,帕斯卡尔-弗里尔 Passage of the fouls,传递犯规 Passenger scandals,乘客的丑闻 Passion fruit,激情果实 Password,密码 Past theme,过去的主题 Pastry,糕点 Pastry crust,糕点外壳 Pastry shop customer,糕点店顾客 Patagonian desert,巴塔哥尼亚沙漠 Patel family,帕特尔家族 Patented daydream charm,获得专利的白日梦符咒 Path to owlery,通往猫头鹰馆的道路 Path to the whomping willow,通往柳树之路 Patience,耐心 Patil family,帕蒂尔家族 Patil twins father,帕蒂尔双胞胎的父亲 Patil twins mother,帕蒂尔双胞胎母亲 Patonga,帕通加 Patonga proudsticks,帕通加的骄傲 Patricia rakepicks letter to jacobs sibling,Patricia rakepicks给Jacobs兄弟姐妹的信 Patricia stimpson,帕特丽夏-斯普森 Patricio tarantino,帕特里西奥-塔兰蒂诺 Patrick,帕特里克 Patrick,帕特里克 Patrick arrasmith,帕特里克-阿拉斯米斯 Patrick bagby,帕特里克-巴格比 Patrick bagbys mother,帕特里克-巴格比的母亲 Patrick delaney podmore,帕特里克-德莱尼-波德摩尔 Patrick delaney podmores letter to nicholas de mimpsy porpington,帕特里克-德莱尼-波德摩尔给尼古拉斯-德-米西-波平顿的信 Patrick delaney podmores letter to nicholas de mimsy porpington,帕特里克-德莱尼-波德摩尔写给尼古拉斯-德-米西-波平顿的信 Patrick disambiguation,帕特里克的歧义 Patrick doyle,帕特里克-多伊尔 Patrick doyle,帕特里克-多伊尔 Patrick faricy,帕特里克-法里西 Patrick fincher,帕特里克-芬奇 Patrick ivan harris,帕特里克-伊万-哈里斯 Patrick lynch,帕特里克-林奇 Patriot games,爱国者游戏 Patronus charm,赞助人的魅力 Patronus quiz,赞助人测验 Patronus spellbook,守护神咒语书 Paul a kaufman,保罗-考夫曼 Paul a munday,保罗-阿-蒙代 Paul bannon,保罗-班农 Paul bateman,保罗-贝特曼 Paul bland,保罗-布兰德 Paul brain,保罗-布莱恩 Paul catherine jarvis and peter goldsworthys maestro,保罗-凯瑟琳-贾维斯和彼得-戈德斯沃斯的艺术大师 Paul christopher davies,保罗-克里斯托弗-戴维斯 Paul davies,保罗-戴维斯 Paul disambiguation,保罗歧义 Paul gallico,保罗-加里科 Paul khanna,保罗-卡纳 Paul kieve,保罗-基弗 Paul low hang,保罗低吊 Paul males,保罗的男性 Paul mcnicholas,Paul McNicholas Paul monk,保罗-蒙克 Paul redfern,保罗-雷德福恩 Paul ritter,保罗-里特 Paul stark,保罗-斯塔克 Paul thornley,保罗-索恩利 Paul thornley broadway jpeg,保罗-索恩利百老汇jpeg Paul warren,保罗-沃伦 Paul whitehouse,保罗-怀特豪斯 Paulopabita,保罗-帕比塔 Paulopabitas fishy green ale,蒲公英的鱼腥味绿色麦芽酒 Paved grounds,铺路的理由 Pawn to queen,卒子到女王 Payne,佩恩 Pea,豌豆 Pea brain,豌豆脑 Pea soup,豌豆汤 Peaceful temperament,豌豆汤 Peaceful temperament,豌豆汤 Peach,豌豆 Peachy witchy,桃子的巫术 Peacock,豌豆汤 Peacock feather,孔雀羽毛 Peacock quill,孔雀羽毛 Peakes family,孔雀家族 Peanut,花生 Pear,梨树 Pear drop,梨果 Pear fruit,梨果实 Pear tree,梨树 Pearl dust,珍珠粉 Pearly,梨形 Pearly in colour,珍珠色 Pearly white in colour,呈珍珠状的白色 Peasant woman,农妇 Peasant womans granddaughter,农妇的孙女 Peasant womans granddaughter,农妇的孙女 Pecan,山核桃 Pectoral fins,胸鳍 Pedja bjelac,棕榈树 Pedrus almeidus,橄榄球 Peebles,皮布尔斯 Peel themselves,自己剥皮 Peeves,皮夫 Peeves,佩维斯 Peeves causes trouble,皮夫引起的麻烦 Peeves contract,皮夫合同 Peeves room,佩维斯的房间 Peeves trading card,皮维丝交易卡 Peevesy,佩维西 Peevsie,佩维西 Pegasi theatre,佩加西剧院 Pegasus journal of the university of exeter department of classics and ancient history,埃克塞特大学古典和古代历史系的Pegasus杂志 Pekinese,北京人 Pekingese,北京人 Pelowski,狮子座 Penalty shot,罚球 Penalty shot trading card,罚球交易卡 Penelope clearwater,珀莱罗珀-清水 Penelope clearwaters mirror,佩内洛普清水镜 Penelope disambiguation,佩内洛普的歧义 Penelope fawley,佩内洛普-法利 Penelope fawleys father,佩内洛普-福莱的父亲 Penelope fawleys mother,佩内洛普-福莱的母亲 Penelope fawleys wand,佩内洛普-福莱的魔杖 Penelope mcghie,佩内洛普-麦克吉 Penelope taylor,佩内洛普-泰勒(Penelope Taylor Penelopes purple pussy cats,佩内洛普的紫色猫咪 Penguin,阴茎 Penny,珀妮 Penny dreadful,奔尼可恶 Penny farthing,佩妮-法辛 Penny haywoods father,佩妮-海伍德的父亲 Penny haywoods mother,佩妮-海伍德的母亲 Penny haywoods wand,佩妮-海伍德的魔杖 Pensieve,铅笔盒 Pentagram office,五角星办公室 Peony,牡丹花 Pep talk,谈话 Pep talk trading card,牡丹花交易卡 Pepper breath,辣椒气息 Pepper breath,胡椒的气息 Pepper imps,胡椒粉 Peppermint,辣椒味 Peppermint toad,胡椒粉蟾蜍 Pepperpot,辣椒锅 Pepperup elixir,胡椒粉的药水 Pepperup potion,椒盐药水 Pepperup potion trading card,胡椒素药水交易卡 Peppery potion,辣味药水 Peppery taste,辣味剂 Per jørgensen,蜂蜜 Perce,珀斯 Percival disambiguation,珀西瓦尔消歧义 Percival dumbledore,邓布利多(Percival Dumbledore) Percival graves,珀西瓦尔-格雷夫 Percival graves office,珀西瓦尔-格拉夫办公室 Percival graves polyjuice flask,珀西瓦尔-格拉夫的药水瓶 Percival graves wand,珀西瓦尔-格拉夫的魔杖 Percival gravess wand,珀西瓦尔-格拉夫斯的魔杖 Percival pratt,珀西瓦尔-普拉特 Percival shacklehorn,珀西瓦尔镣铐角 Percival shacklehorns socks,珀西瓦尔-沙克霍恩的袜子 Percival shacklehorns suitcase,珀西瓦尔-沙克霍恩的手提箱 Percival shacklehorns tent,珀西瓦尔-沙克霍恩的帐篷 Percivale,珀西瓦尔 Percy explains that mr crouch is taking a break and nothing peculiar is happening in ministry,珀西解释说克劳奇先生正在休息,部里没有发生什么奇怪的事情。 Percy ignatius weasley,珀西-伊萨特-韦斯莱 Percy weasley,珀西-韦斯莱 Percy weasley trading card,珀西-韦斯莱交易卡 Percy weasleys bedroom,珀西-韦斯莱的卧室 Percy weasleys house,珀西-韦斯莱的房子 Percy weasleys letter to ronald weasley,珀西-韦斯莱给罗纳德-韦斯莱的信 Percy weasleys letter to ronald weasley 1995,珀西-韦斯莱给罗纳德-韦斯莱的信1995 Percy weasleys letter to ronald weasley 1995 ii,珀西-韦斯莱给罗纳德-韦斯莱的信1995 II Percy weasleys london residence,珀西-韦斯莱的伦敦住所 Percy weasleys wand,珀西-韦斯莱的魔杖 Peregrine derrick,裴克林-德瑞克 Perenelle flamel,我的天哪!我的天哪!我的天哪!我的天哪!我的天哪 Perfect form,完美的形式 Performer,表演者 Performing broom care and maintenance,执行扫帚护理和维护 Perfume,香水 Perfume the story of a murderer,谋杀者的故事--香水 Perfumer,芳香剂 Periculum,周刊 Periodical,定期刊物 Periodical editor,期刊编辑 Perkins,珀金斯 Perkins tent,珀金斯的帐篷 Perkinss letter to arthur weasley,珀金斯给亚瑟-韦斯莱的信 Perkinss tent,珀金斯的帐篷 Perks family,珀克斯家族 Permanent effects,永久效应 Permanent sticking charm,永恒的粘性符咒 Perot family,珀特家族 Perrot family,佩尔罗特家族 Persephone hulewicz,珀尔塞福涅-胡莱维茨 Perseus ecklington,珀尔修斯-埃克灵顿 Perseus parkinson,珀尔修斯-帕金森 Persistence badge,持续性徽章 Persistence badge duelling club,执着的徽章决斗俱乐部 Persistence badge quidditch,执着的徽章魁地奇 Person,个人 Personal chart,个人图表 Personal hygiene cleaning,个人卫生清洁 Peru,秘鲁 Peruvian instant darkness powder,秘鲁即时黑暗粉 Peruvian national quidditch team,秘鲁国家魁地奇队 Peruvian salamander,秘鲁大鲵 Peruvian vipertooth,秘鲁毒蛇牙 Pest advisory board,虫害咨询委员会 Pest management,害虫管理 Pest sub division,虫害分科 Pet,宠物 Pet individual,宠物个体 Pet rat,宠物鼠 Pet rat trading card,宠物鼠交易卡 Pet toad,宠物蟾蜍 Pet toad trading card,宠物蟾蜍交易卡 Petal less and bright chartreuse in colour,花瓣较少,颜色为明亮的图腾色 Pete balsall,皮特-巴尔索尔 Pete noakes,皮特-诺克斯 Pete perry,皮特-佩里 Pete venters,皮特-文特斯 Peter,彼得 Peter aufschnaiter in wseven years in tibet seven years in tibet,彼得-奥夫施奈特在西藏的七年时间 在西藏的七年时间 Peter best,彼得-贝斯特 Peter blotting,彼得-布莱特 Peter boat,彼得的船 Peter breitmayer,彼得-布莱特迈尔 Peter burroughs,彼得-布劳斯 Peter cartwright,彼得-卡特赖特 Peter disambiguation,彼得的歧义 Peter felton,彼得-费尔顿 Peter g,彼得-格 Peter g godrics hollow,彼得-戈德瑞克斯-霍尔 Peter g little hangleton,彼得-格-小亨勒顿 Peter g reed,彼得-格-里德 Peter hansen,彼得-汉森 Peter james,彼得-詹姆斯 Peter james rowling,彼得-詹姆斯-罗林 Peter jones,彼得-琼斯 Peter mullan,彼得-穆兰 Peter pan,彼得-潘 Peter pettigrew,彼得-佩特格鲁 Peter pettigrews first wand,彼得-佩蒂格鲁的第一根魔杖 Peter pettigrews knife,彼得-佩蒂格鲁的刀 Peter pettigrews mother,彼得-佩蒂格鲁的母亲 Peter pettigrews second wand,彼得-佩蒂格鲁的第二根魔杖 Peter pettigrews silver hand,彼得-佩蒂格鲁的银手 Peter pettigrews unidentified victims,彼得-佩蒂格鲁斯的身份不明的受害者 Peter pettigrews victims,彼得-佩蒂格鲁斯的受害者 Peter pettigrews wand,彼得-佩蒂格鲁斯的魔杖 Peter polycarpou,彼得-波利卡普 Peter portrait,彼得的画像 Peter roy,彼得-罗伊 Peter ryder,Peter Ryder Peter taylor,彼得-泰勒 Peter wilson,彼得-威尔逊 Peters friends,彼得的朋友 Petit family,佩蒂特家族 Petrification,彼得-拉塞尔 Petrificus totalus,残疾人 Petrificus totalus,全能战士 Petrificus totalus duo,全能战士 Petrificus totalus duo,彻底毁灭的人二重奏 Petrificus totalus trading card,全能战士交易卡 Petrificus totalus tria,圣母玛利亚人》三部曲 Petrificustotalus ps gif,可怕的全能战士ps gif Petrified,石化 Petrified trading card,石化的交易卡 Petroleum jelly,汽油机 Petrova porskoff,橄榄球 Pets,宠物 Pettichaps,脂肪细胞 Pettigrew family,裴蒂格鲁家族 Petty criminal,小罪犯 Petunia asked to go to hogwarts dumbledore rejected because petunia was not a witch,佩图妮亚要求去霍格沃茨 邓布利多拒绝了,因为佩图妮亚不是女巫 Petunia dursley,佩蒂尼娅-杜斯利 Petunia dursley,小猫咪 Petunia dursleys kitchen scissors,佩蒂尼娅-杜斯利的厨房剪刀 Petunia dursleys pudding,佩蒂尼娅-杜斯利的布丁 Petunia evans,佩蒂尼娅-埃文斯 Petunia evans letter to albus dumbledore,佩蒂尼娅-埃文斯给阿不思-邓布利多的信 Peverell family,邓布利多 Pewter,镴球 Pewter cauldron,锡镴大锅 Pewter cauldron trading card,锡镴大锅交易卡 Pg,铅笔 Phantom,幻影 Phantom rat,幻影老鼠 Pheasant,雉鸡 Phelan noel,雉鸡 Phial,蝴蝶 Phil cross,菲尔十字 Phil disambiguation,菲尔消除歧义 Phil holden,菲尔-霍顿 Phil mulryne,菲尔-穆尔林 Phil selway,菲尔-塞尔维 Phil stanley,菲尔-斯坦利 Philbert chivers,菲尔伯特-奇弗斯 Philbert deverill,菲尔伯特-迪弗里 Philip,菲利普 Philip blagdon,菲利普-布拉格顿 Philip disambiguation,菲利普的歧义 Philip james,菲利普-詹姆斯 Philip rodney phil alden,菲利普-罗德尼 菲利普-奥尔登 Philippa burt,Philippa Burt Philippa hart,菲利帕-哈特 Philistines,腓力斯特人 Phillip montgomery,菲利普-蒙哥马利 Phillipus aureolus theophrastus bombastus von hohenheim,Phillipus aureolus theophrastus bombastus von Hohenheim Phillipus von hohenheim,冯-霍恩海姆(Phillipus von Hohenheim) Philosopher,哲学家 Philosophers stone,哲学家的石头 Philosophers stone trading card,哲学家石交易卡 Philosophy,哲学 Phineas black,哲学 Phineas bourne,哲学 Phineas fletcher,腓尼基-弗莱彻 Phineas nigellus black,哲学 Phineus,哲学 Phlegm,痰 Phlegm,痰 Phoebe black,黑凤头鹦鹉 Phoenix,凤凰 Phoenix egg,凤凰蛋 Phoenix feather,凤凰羽毛 Phoenix feather wand,凤凰羽毛棒 Phoenix feather wand trading card,凤凰羽毛棒交易卡 Phoenix fire lighters,凤凰打火机 Phoenix flight,凤凰飞行 Phoenix flint,凤凰火石 Phoenix lament,凤凰叹息 Phoenix pellet,凤凰丸 Phoenix tears,凤凰之泪 Phoenix tears trading card,凤凰之泪交易卡 Phone booth,电话亭 Photographer,摄影家 Photography,摄影作品 Phylis whitehead,菲利斯-白头 Phyllida spore,菲利达孢子 Physicist,物理学家 Piano maker,钢琴制造者 Pick up guru,捡拾大师 Pick up useful objects,捡拾有用的物品 Pickering family,拾荒者家族 Picket post close,挑衅性的帖子关闭 Pickett,皮克特 Pickett jpeg,拾取jpeg Picking on neville,挑剔的内维尔 Pickled,腌制的 Pickled eel,腌制的鳗鱼 Pickled slugs,腌制的蛞蝓 Picnic,腌制 Picquery family,腌制家族 Picture of drunk monks,醉酒僧人的照片 Pidgron sisters,醉翁之意不在酒 Pie,饼 Piebald,饼 Piebald horse,斑马 Piercing call,穿透式呼叫 Pierre bohanna,皮埃尔-博汉纳 Pierre bonaccord,皮埃尔-博纳科 Piers polkiss,皮尔斯-波尔基斯 Piers polkisss mother,皮尔斯-波尔基斯的母亲 Piertotum locomotor,皮尔托特姆运动型 Pig,猪 Pig into desk,猪进入办公桌 Pig into desk spell,猪进入书桌的咒语 Pigeon,鸽子 Pigley dudley,猪进桌 Pigley dudley trading card,猪八戒交易卡 Pigwidgeon,猪进桌 Pike,梭子鱼 Pike family,派克家族 Pike street,派克街 Piles,桩子 Pilliwinkles playthings,皮利文克的玩物 Pillow talk,枕头语 Pimple jinx,痘痘扫把星 Pincers,钳子 Pine,松树 Pine,松树 Pine marten,松树貂 Pineapple,菠萝 Pink,粉红色 Pink,粉红 Pink coconut ice,椰子冰 Pink faced hogwarts headmaster,粉红色的霍格沃茨校长 Pink flamingos,粉红色的火烈鸟 Pink flesh,粉红色的肉体 Pink floyd the wall,粉红色的弗洛伊德之墙 Pink green or blue,粉红色的绿色或蓝色 Pink in colour,粉红色的颜色 Pink magic,粉红色的魔法 Pink or purple,粉红色或紫色 Pink pods holding shining beans,粉红色的豆荚抱着闪亮的豆子 Pink to lilac in colour,粉红色至淡紫色的颜色 Pink white,粉红色的白色 Pinkish roan,粉红色的玫瑰色 Pinky,粉红色的 Pinnocks giggle water,粉红色的笑脸 Pint timer,一品脱计时器 Pip jacob]],Pip jacob]]。 Piper nigrum,蝰蛇 Pippa macmillan,燕麦 Piquant toothpaste,柠檬水 Pisces,双鱼座 Piscifors,双鱼座 Piscivorous,双鱼座 Pistachio,开心果 Pitch and putt training course,投球训练课程 Pitts,匹兹堡 Pius thicknesses sycophants,皮乌斯厚度的佞人 Pius thicknesses wand,皮乌斯厚度的魔杖 Pixie,小精灵 Pixie dust,小精灵灰尘 Pixie puffs,小精灵粉扑 Pixie water well,小精灵水井 Place cachée,储物室 Place de furstemberg,愤怒的小鸟 Place wand between hands,将魔杖放在两手之间 Place your bets with ludo bagman,与鲁道夫下注 Placement charm,摆放符咒 Places object on target,将物体放在目标上 Plague,瘟疫 Plague rat,瘟疫老鼠 Plain work robes,普通工作袍 Planet of the apes,猿猴星球 Plangentine,猩猩 Plant,鼠类 Plant creature hybrid,植物生物混合体 Plant magic,植物魔法 Plantain,蕉叶 Platform 9 3 4,平台9 3 4 Platform 9 3 4 trading card,9号站台3.4交易卡 Platform 9¾ station guard,九号站台3/4站长 Platform nine,九号站台 Platform nine and three quarters,九号和四分之三站台 Platform nine and three quarters station guard,九又四分之三号站台的站岗 Platform seven and a half,七号半站台 Platform seven and a half train,七号半站台列车 Platform ten,十号站台 Play off for third place,争夺第三名的比赛 Play this card only if a match is in play do 7 damage to your opponent cost 6,只有在有比赛的情况下才打出这张牌,对你的对手造成7点伤害,费用为6。 Play this card only if there is a match in play discard the top card of your deck if that card is a lesson card you win the current match otherwise you take 3 damage,只有在有比赛的情况下才打出这张牌,丢弃你卡组的顶牌,如果那张牌是课程牌,你就赢得了当前的比赛,否则你将受到3点伤害。 Play this card only if you have at least 3 lessons in play effect before each of your opponents turns he or she draws 3 cards and then chooses 3 cards in his or her hand and discards them to solve your opponent takes 10 damage opponents reward your opponent may draw a card,只有当你有至少3张课程牌时才可以使用这张牌,在你的对手每个回合之前,他或她抽3张牌,然后从他或她的手牌中选择3张牌并丢弃,以解决你的对手受到10点伤害,对手奖励你的对手可以抽一张牌。 Play this card only if you have at least 5 lessons in play effect at the end of each of your opponents turns if he or she has any cards in his or her hand he or she chooses 1 of them and discards it to solve your opponent discards 5 cards in this way opponents reward your opponent may draw a card,只有当你有至少5个课程时才可以使用这张牌,在你的对手每个回合结束时,如果他或她有任何手牌,他或她选择其中的1张牌并丢弃它来解决,你的对手以这种方式丢弃5张牌,对手奖励你的对手可以抽一张牌。 Play this card only if you have at least 5 lessons in play effect before each of your opponents turns if he or she has any cards in play he or she chooses 1 of them and discards it to solve your opponent discards his or her hand opponents reward you take 5 damage,只有当你有至少5个课程时才可以使用这张牌,在你的对手每个回合之前,如果他或她有任何牌,他或她选择其中的1张牌并丢弃它来解决你的对手丢弃他或她的手牌,对手奖励你受到5次伤害。 Play this card only if you have at least 5 lessons in play effect to use an action to play a creature or a spell card from his or her hand your opponent must discard another card from his or her hand to solve your opponent chooses 4 of his or her cards in play and discards them opponents reward your opponent may draw 4 cards,只有在你有至少5堂课的情况下才可以使用这张牌的效果,使用行动从他或她的手中打出一张生物或法术牌,你的对手必须从他或她的手中丢弃另一张牌来解决,你的对手选择他或她的4张牌并丢弃它们,对手奖励你,你的对手可以抽4张牌。 Play this card only if you have at least 5 lessons in play effect your opponent gets 1 fewer action on each of his or her turns to solve your opponent chooses 5 cards from his or her hand and discards them opponents reward you take 5 damage,只有当你有至少5堂课的时候才可以使用这张牌。你的对手在每个回合都会减少1个行动来解决,你的对手从他或她的手中选择5张牌并丢弃它们。 Play this card only if you have at least 6 lessons in play effect your opponent cant use actions to play lesson cards to solve your opponent discards his or her hand opponents reward your opponent may draw 3 cards,只有在你有至少6个课程的情况下才可以使用这张牌。你的对手不能用行动来打课程牌来解决,你的对手丢弃他或她的手牌。 Play this card only if you have at least 7 lessons in play effect before each of your turns your opponent takes 5 damage to solve your opponent chooses 4 of his or her cards in play and discards them opponents reward you take 5 damage,只有当你有至少7堂课的时候才可以使用这张牌,在你的每个回合之前,你的对手受到5点伤害,你的对手选择他或她的4张牌并丢弃它们,对手奖励你受到5点伤害。 Play this card only if you have at least 9 lessons in play effect before each of your turns your opponent takes 12 damage to solve your opponent lets you choose 3 of his or her cards in play and discard them opponents reward your opponent gets 1 more action the turn he or she solves this adventure,只有在你有至少9个课程的情况下才可以使用这张牌,在你的每个回合之前,你的对手需要12个伤害来解决,你的对手让你选择他或她的3张牌并丢弃它们,对手奖励你,在他或她解决这个冒险的回合得到1个额外的行动。 Play this card only if you have fewer than 7 other cards in your hand draw cards until you have 7 cards in your hand,只有当你的手牌少于7张时才可以使用这张牌,抽牌直到你的手牌有7张为止。 Play this card only if your opponent has any creatures in play effect before each of your turns your opponent takes 4 damage to solve your opponent chooses 2 of his or her creatures in play and discards them opponents reward your opponent may draw a card,只有当你的对手有任何生物在场上时才打出这张牌,在你的每个回合之前,你的对手都会受到4点伤害,以解决你的问题,你的对手选择他或她的2个生物并丢弃它们。 Play this card only if your opponent has any lessons in play choose 1 of those lessons and discard it search your deck you may take a creature card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it in your hand then shuffle your deck cost 9,只有在你的对手有任何课程的情况下才出这张牌,选择其中一个课程并丢弃它,搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中拿一张生物牌给你的对手看,并把它放入你的手牌,然后洗牌,费用为9。 Playing,发牌 Playing,发牌 Playing cards,打牌 Playing music,玩音乐 Playing various games,玩各种游戏 Playing video games,玩电子游戏 Playing with for fun,玩耍的乐趣 Playstation,游戏机 Playstation 2,玩转游戏机2 Playstation 2 xbox gamecube,玩偶2 xbox gamecube Playstation 3,玩耍3 Playstation 4,玩机4 Playstation portable,游戏机便携式 Playwright,游戏机 Pleasant smell,令人愉快的气味 Pleasantly springy,愉快的弹力 Pliable,柔软 Plimpy,弹性 Plimpy eye,充满生机的眼睛 Plot to assassinate albus dumbledore,刺杀阿不思-邓布利多的阴谋 Plot to find the cursed vaults,寻找被诅咒的金库的阴谋 Plot to kill harry potter,谋杀哈利-波特的阴谋 Plot to murder peter pettigrew,谋杀彼得-佩蒂格鲁的阴谋 Plot to open the chamber of secrets,打开密室的阴谋 Plot to restore lord voldemort,恢复伏地魔的阴谋 Plot to steal the philosophers stone,阴谋偷取哲人石 Ploughmans,犁地人 Plug,堵截 Plum cake,李子蛋糕 Plumber,阴阳师 Plumbing,铅锤 Plunkett,普朗克特 Plunkett family,普朗克特家族 Pluto,普鲁托 Plymouth settlement,普利茅斯定居点 Po family,蒲氏家族 Poa draco in class paper bird note gif,蒲公英在课堂上的纸鸟笔记GIF Pocket watch,袖珍手表 Pockmarks,波克马克 Pocomtuc,波克姆图克 Poderick crookshank,波德瑞克-克鲁克山克 Podmore family,波德摩尔家族 Poet,诗人 Poet playwright,诗人剧作家 Poetry,诗歌 Poetry section,诗歌部分 Pogrebin,波格雷宾 Point,指向 Point in targeted direction,指向目标方向 Point it at the location you want the plate of sandwiches to appear,指向你希望出现的那盘三明治的位置 Point me,指向我 Point skyward,指向天空 Point to the place where the spell is desired to hit,指向想要施法的地方 Point wand,指向魔杖 Point wand at sky,将魔杖指向天空 Point wand at target,将魔杖指向目标 Point wand at target then spin counterclockwise,将魔杖指向目标,然后逆时针旋转 Point wand at targeted location,将魔杖指向目标位置 Point wand at the animagus one wishes to undo,将魔杖指向希望解除的动画师 Point wand at victim,将魔杖指向受害者 Point wand upward,将魔杖向上指 Pointed hat,指向帽子 Pointed purple crystal,指向紫色的水晶 Poison,毒药 Poison,毒药 Poison ivy,毒害常春藤 Poisoned vermin trap,毒害害虫的陷阱 Poisoning department,中毒部门 Poisonous blue when the bone is added,毒骨时的毒蓝 Poisonous duck,有毒的鸭子 Poisonous green,有毒的绿色 Poisonous if large amounts of the plant are eaten,大量食用该植物后会中毒 Poisonous mushroom,有毒的蘑菇 Poisonous toadstool,有毒的蟾蜍 Poke family,戳戳族 Poke wound with wand,用魔杖戳打伤口 Pokery hocus pocus,波克棋盘 Poland,蝴蝶兰 Polar bear,蝴蝶结 Polecat,蝴蝶结 Poliakoff,蝴蝶结 Police,蝴蝶 Police car,警车 Police constable,飞行员 Police des sorciers,巫师警察 Policing and justice services for wizarding britain,英国巫师的警务和司法服务 Polish national quidditch team,波兰国家魁地奇队 Polishes silver objects,抛光银器 Politician,政治家 Politician physician and journalist,政治家、医生和记者 Polkiss family,波尔基斯家族 Pollington newmans,波林顿-纽曼斯 Pollux black,波吕克斯-布莱克 Polly chapman,波利-查普曼 Poltergeist,恶魔之城 Poltergeist passage,恶魔之路 Polyjuice potion,巫术 Polypody,恶魔 Pomfreys pick me up,庞弗莱斯来接我 Pomfreys pick me up trading card,庞弗莱斯接我的交易卡 Pomona sprout,波莫纳芽菜 Pomona sprouts garden,波莫纳芽菜园 Pomona sprouts office,波莫纳芽菜办公室 Pomona sprouts wand,庞然大物的魔杖 Pompion potion,庞培恩药水 Ponciano almeida,庞恰诺-阿尔梅达 Pond slime,池塘粘液 Pont alexandre iii,阿列克桑德桥三号 Pony,小马 Pool in the forest of dean,迪安森林中的水池 Poor,贫穷 Poor dental hygiene,贫穷的牙齿卫生 Poor east,东部不佳 Poor eyesight,糟糕的视力 Pop vinyl,流行黑胶 Popcorn,爆米花 Popcorn stall,贫穷 Popkin,贫穷 Poplar,玉米 Poppies,罂粟花 Popping pixie wing dust,啪啪啪的精灵翼尘 Poppy,罂粟花 Poppy caxton,罂粟花caxton Poppy disambiguation,罂粟花的歧义 Poppy head,罂粟花头 Poppy heads,罂粟花头 Poppy miller,罂粟花米勒 Poppy montgomery,罂粟花蒙哥马利 Poppy pomfreys death eater opponent,Poppy pomfreys食死徒的对手 Popular confectionery,流行的糖果 Porcupine,箭猪 Porcupine quill,豪猪的鹅毛笔 Porcupine robe,豪猪长袍 Porcupine robe trading card,豪猪长袍交易卡 Porcupine to pin cushion,豪猪的针垫 Pork chops,猪排 Pork scratchings,猪肉抓饭 Porlock,波洛克 Porpentina esther scamander,鹅卵石 Porpentina goldstein,鹅卵石 Porpentina goldstein jpeg,卟啉金斯坦jpeg Porpentina goldsteins admonitor bracelet,波伦蒂娜-金斯坦的诤友手镯 Porpentina goldsteins macusa identification card,波庞蒂娜-金斯坦的马库萨识别卡 Porpentina goldsteins wand,波庞蒂娜-金斯坦的魔杖 Porpentinas admonitor bracelet,Porpentinas训诫者手镯 Porridge,粥 Porskoff ploy,波尔斯科夫的伎俩 Port authority,码头管理局 Portaberto,砵兰鲍尔托 Portable lodgings,残疾人 Portable swamp,便携式沼泽地 Portable swamps,便携式沼泽地 Porticus circumscriptus,移植的方式 Porticus imago,腹腔镜 Porticus medius,波提斯中轴线 Porticus periculum,腹腔镜 Portkey,钥匙 Portkey games,电梯游戏 Portkey office,衔接词办公室 Portkey portmanteau,舷梯游戏 Portkey sickness,画眉鸟病症 Portkey used gif,波特键使用的GIF Portland,砵兰 Portly ghost,肥胖的幽灵 Portrait,残疾人 Portrait,人像 Portrait at the storeroom sixth floor,储藏室六楼的画像 Portrait counselling,肖像咨询 Portrait curse,肖像诅咒 Portrait hall,画像大厅 Portrait of a bearded man holding a book,一个大胡子男人拿着一本书的画像 Portrait of a dog,一条狗的画像 Portrait of a family,一个家庭的肖像 Portrait of a female etiquette teacher,一位女礼仪师的画像 Portrait of a female nurse in the hospital wing,医院里的女护士肖像 Portrait of a goblin,妖精的画像 Portrait of a group of journeying wizards,一群旅行中的巫师的画像 Portrait of a group of women in crinolines,一群身着长筒袜的妇女的画像 Portrait of a healer in st mungos hospital,圣蒙戈斯医院的治疗师画像 Portrait of a mad old man,一个疯老头的画像 Portrait of a male nurse in the hospital wing,医院里的男护士的肖像 Portrait of a man in a chair,椅子上的男人肖像 Portrait of a man on a flying carpet,飞毯上的男人肖像 Portrait of a mermaid,美人鱼的肖像 Portrait of a mother and baby,母亲和婴儿的肖像 Portrait of a professor,一位教授的肖像 Portrait of a quidditch player,魁地奇运动员的肖像 Portrait of a scholar,一位学者的肖像 Portrait of a skeleton in a top hat,戴高帽的骷髅头像 Portrait of a sleeping bearded man holding a book,拿着书睡觉的大胡子的肖像 Portrait of a sleeping hermit,睡觉的隐士肖像 Portrait of a witch flying to the moon,飞向月亮的女巫肖像 Portrait of a witch in a meadow,草地上的女巫肖像 Portrait of a witch in pompadour hairstyle,蓬巴杜发型的女巫画像 Portrait of a wizard by a rope,绳索旁的巫师画像 Portrait of a wizard in black flowing robes,穿着黑色飘逸长袍的巫师肖像 Portrait of a wizard in blue,穿着蓝色衣服的巫师肖像 Portrait of a wizard with a broomstick,拿着扫帚的巫师画像 Portrait of a wizard with a walrus moustache,长着海象胡子的巫师肖像 Portrait of a woman in a pointed hat,戴着尖帽的女人肖像 Portrait of a woman writing,写字的女人肖像 Portrait of five wizards,五个巫师的画像 Portrait of people watching quidditch,观看魁地奇的人的肖像 Portrait of the healers,医务人员的肖像 Portrait of three young ladies,三位年轻女士的画像 Portrait of two lovers in a graveyard,墓地里的一对恋人的画像 Portrait of wailing women,哭泣的妇女的肖像 Portrait of walburga black,沃尔布加-布莱克的画像 Portrait of witch in a meadow,草地上的女巫肖像 Portrait of woman in the hospital wing,医院里的女人肖像 Portrait room,肖像室 Portrait vault,肖像金库 Portraitist,肖像师 Portraits of hogwarts,霍格沃茨的画像 Portree,波特里 Portsmouth,朴茨茅斯 Portugal,葡萄牙 Portuguese,葡萄牙人 Portuguese long snout,葡萄牙人的长鼻子 Portuguese national quidditch team,葡萄牙国家魁地奇队 Portuguese sardines,葡萄牙沙丁鱼 Portus,波图斯 Possess great size and strength,拥有巨大的尺寸和力量 Possesses fangs,拥有獠牙 Possible event that caused the creation of the universe,导致宇宙诞生的可能事件 Possible negative side effects from more than 7\21 drops per potion,每瓶药水超过721滴可能产生的负面效应 Possible when grindelwald said the word your brother that he actually means that credence is in fact the half brother of albus credence cant be the child of both percival and kendra if it goes against canon kendra died in the summer of 1899 two years before credence was only a small baby and percival was imprisoned in azkaban during that time and later died there unless new unknown information about him is to be told,有可能当格林德沃说你的兄弟这个词时,他实际上是指Credence实际上是Albus的同父异母的兄弟,Credence不可能是Percival和Kendra的孩子,如果这违背了法典,Kendra死于1899年夏天,两年前Credence还只是个小婴儿,Percival在那段时间被监禁在阿兹卡班,后来死在那里,除非关于他的新的未知信息被告知。 Possibly,有可能 Possibly extant,可能现存 Possibly extinct,可能已经灭绝 Possibly extinct,可能已灭亡 Possibly married,有可能结婚 Possibly to contain something,可能包含一些东西 Possum,苔藓 Possum,负鼠 Post box to wildebeest spell,呼叫中心 Post c 990 a d,呼叫中心 Post office tower,呼叫中心 Postal delivery,呼叫中心 Postbox to wildebeest,邮政信箱到角马 Postman,驿站长 Potage,罐子 Potages cauldron shop,大锅饭店 Potato,餐馆 Potato like heads,马铃薯像头 Potato peeling spell,马铃薯剥皮法术 Potatoes,马铃薯 Potent exstimulo potion,强效祛斑药水 Potentially cancelled,有可能被取消的 Potion,药水 Potion,药水 Potion for dreamless sleep,无梦睡眠的药水 Potion ingredient,药水成分 Potion ingredients,药水成分 Potion ingredients trading card,药水成分交易卡 Potion making,药水制作 Potion making kit,药水制作工具 Potion making spell,药水制作法术 Potion mixing room,药水混合室 Potion n 07,07号药水 Potion no 113,第113号药水 Potion no 329,329号药水 Potion no 86,第86号药水 Potion nº 3x9w7,药水编号3x9w7 Potion nº 448ao,药水编号:448ao Potion nº 4875x,药水编号:4875x Potion nº 83y1,药水编号 83y1 Potion nº 86f3q,药水编号:86f3q Potion of all potential,所有潜力的药水 Potion riddle,药水之谜 Potion stores of the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures,管理和控制神奇生物的部门的药水仓库 Potion symbols table,药水符号表 Potion № 07,药水№07 Potion № 113,药水№113 Potion № 228ao,药水№228ao Potion № 68487,药水№68487 Potion № 86,Potion № 86 Potions,炼金术士 Potions association,魔药协会 Potions basement,药水地下室 Potions beginners luck badge,魔药初学者的幸运徽章 Potions class,魔药课 Potions class disaster,魔药课的灾难 Potions classroom,魔药教室 Potions classroom adjoining room,魔药教室隔壁的房间 Potions classroom dungeons,魔药教室的地牢 Potions club,魔药俱乐部 Potions club girl,魔药俱乐部女孩 Potions club member badge,魔药俱乐部成员徽章 Potions club star badge,魔药俱乐部明星徽章 Potions club veteran badge,魔药俱乐部老兵徽章 Potions competition,魔药竞赛 Potions cup,魔药杯 Potions dungeon,魔药地牢 Potions endurance badge,魔药耐力奖章 Potions exam,魔药考试 Potions exam trading card,魔药考试交易卡 Potions homework,魔药作业 Potions lady,魔药女士 Potions market,魔药市场 Potions master,魔药大师 Potions mistake,魔药错误 Potions mistake trading card,魔药错误交易卡 Potions project,药水项目 Potions storeroom,魔药贮藏室 Potions student,魔药学生 Potions test,魔药测试 Potions trading card,魔药交易卡 Potted potter,罐装波特 Potter boy,波特男孩 Potter cottage,波特小屋 Potter family,波特家族 Potter memorial,波特纪念馆 Potter puppet pals,波特木偶伙伴 Potter stinks badge,波特臭味徽章 Potter waltz,波特华尔兹 Pottercast,波特广播 Pottermore,波特莫尔 Pottermore brand,波特莫尔品牌 Pottermore introductions to hogwarts houses,Pottermore对霍格沃茨学院的介绍 Pottermore presents,波特莫尔礼物 Potters cat,波特猫 Potterwatch broadcasts,Potterwatch的广播 Potterwookiee the creature from my closet,Potterwookiee--我衣橱里的怪物 Potty,厕所 Potty wee potter,厕所里的小盆友 Poultice for warts,尖锐湿疣的膏药 Pound cake,英镑蛋糕 Powder of vipers flesh,蝮蛇肉的粉末 Powdered,粉剂 Powdered porcupine,豪猪粉 Powdered root of asphodel,芦根粉 Power play,权力的游戏 Power play trading card,权力游戏交易卡 Powerful and long lasting counter charm,强大而持久的反符咒 Powerful explosion,强大的爆炸力 Powering up spells,增强法术的力量 Powers you never knew you had and what to do with them now youve wised up,你从来不知道你有的力量,以及现在你意识到了该如何使用它们 Pox,痘痘 Practical defence against the dark arts textbook,防御黑暗艺术的实用教科书 Practical defensive magic and its use against the dark arts,实用防御性魔法及其对黑暗艺术的使用 Practical defensive magic and its use against the dark arts,实用防御性魔法及其对黑暗艺术的运用 Practical household magic,实用的家庭魔法 Practical household magic,实用的家庭魔法 Practical joke,实用笑话 Practical joke trading card,实用笑话交易卡 Practice match,练习赛 Practice match trading card,练习赛交易卡 Praedico predico,练习赛 Prague,练习赛 Prank,恶作剧 Prank device,恶作剧装置 Prank device,恶作剧装置 Prank device causes belching,恶作剧装置导致打嗝 Prank device toy,恶作剧装置玩具 Pranking people,恶作剧的人 Pre 1531,1531年前 Pre 1879,1879年以前 Pre 1886,1886年以前 Pre 1927,1927年以前 Pre 1964,1964年以前 Pre 1970,1970年以前 Pre 1978,1978年前 Pre cursor to the death eater organisation,前 游标到食死徒组织 Precise movements,精确运动 Precision flyer badge,精准飞行者徽章 Precognitive sight,预知的视觉 Predatory,掠夺性 Predatory and carnivorous,掠夺性和食肉性 Predicting the unpredictable insulate yourself against shocks,预测不可预知的事物 使自己免受冲击 Predrag bjelac,猎手 Prefect badge,监狱长徽章 Prefects bathroom,省长的浴室 Prefects who gained power,获得权力的省长 Preferred preface for perfect prefects,完美省长的首选前言 Preformationism,风俗习惯 Pregnancy,孕期 Prepare and plan gobstones tournaments,筹备和计划戈布石的比赛 Preparing and providing information and support services to american witches and wizards in emergency situations,准备和提供信息和支持服务给紧急情况下的美国女巫和巫师 Presbyterian minister,长老会牧师 Presbyterianism,长老会主义 Preservative,保守主义 Preserves protection of magical species,保留对魔法物种的保护 President,主席 President of the council of magic,魔法委员会主席 President of the magical congress of the united states of america,美利坚联邦合众国魔法大会主席 President of the united states of america,美国的总统 Presumably a guide to making money,据推测是一本赚钱的指南 Presumably autobiographical,据推测是自传性的 Presumably causes hiccoughs,据推测会导致打嗝 Presumably extant,据推测是现存的 Presumably extinct,据推测已经灭绝 Presumably fires objects further than a normal catapult because of its added wings,据推测,由于增加了翅膀,发射的物体比普通弹弓更远 Presumably shocks target to treat mental illness,据推测,冲击目标以治疗精神疾病 Pretty boy diggory,漂亮男孩的分类 Pretty face,漂亮的脸蛋 Prevent exposure of magical world,防止魔法世界的曝光 Prevent exposure of the wizarding world,防止暴露在巫师世界中 Prevents apparating into an area,防止幻象进入一个区域 Prevents bewitchment from another charm,防止被另一种符咒所迷惑 Prevents break in on target location,防止闯入目标地点 Prevents cheating,防止作弊 Prevents disapparition within a certain area,防止在某一区域内消失 Prevents inhaler from speaking,防止吸入器说话 Prevents people above or below a certain age from access to a target,防止超过或低于一定年龄的人接近目标 Prevents sleeping,防止睡觉 Prevents the effects of a jinx,防止扫把星的影响 Prevents the murderer from killing a specific victim while he she can still call specific living quarters home,防止凶手杀害特定的受害者,而他她仍然可以把特定的生活区当作家。 Prewett family,普雷维特家族 Prey aware of surroundings,猎物对周围环境的认识 Prick up your ears,竖起你的耳朵 Prickly ash,有刺的灰烬 Prickly porcupine,刺猬 Pride and prejudice,骄傲和偏见 Pride of portree,骄傲的波特里 Priest,神父 Priest theologian historian,牧师 神学家 历史学家 Priest who comforted nicholas de mimsy porpington,安慰尼古拉-德-米西的牧师豪猪 Primarily herbivorous diet,主要以草食动物为食 Primarily white with black or tan markings,主要是白色,有黑色或棕褐色斑纹 Primark,普利茅斯 Prime minister,首相 Prime minister,首相 Prime minister of the united kingdom,联合王国的首相 Prime minister of the united kingdoms predecessor,联合王国的前任首相 Prime minister title,首相头衔 Prime ministers niece,首相侄女 Prime ministers office,首相办公室 Prime ministers political opponent,首相的政治对手 Prime ministers predecessor,首相的前任 Primpernelle,秘书 Primum ens melissae,共和国总理 Prince,共和国总统 Prince family,王子家族 Prince of enchanters,巫师的王子 Prince of persia the sands of time,波斯王子的时间之沙》(Prince of Persia the sands of time Principle of artificianimate quasi dominance,人工制造的准统治原则 Pringle,普林格尔 Prior to the 9th century,9世纪之前 Priscilla dupont,普利西拉-杜邦 Prisoner transport official icw use,囚犯运输官方ICW使用 Prisoners,囚犯 Prisoners escaping from azkaban,从阿兹卡班逃出的囚犯 Pritchers porritch,普里奇斯-波里奇 Private peaceful,私人的和平 Privet drive,私家车 Probably extant,可能现存 Probably extinct,可能已经灭绝 Probation,探测 Probity probe,探测仪 Processed in food production,在食品生产中被加工 Producer,生产者 Producer hp3 film,生产hp3薄膜 Produces bright light,产生明亮的光线 Produces flames that can be held in ones hand,产生可以拿在手里的火焰 Produces honey,生产蜂蜜 Produces its own fertiliser,生产自己的肥料 Produces pink coloured bubbles,产生粉红色的气泡 Produces special fog,产生特殊的雾气 Produces sunlight,产生太阳光 Production assistant,生产助理 Production crew,制作人员 Production designer,生产设计师 Production of dandelion juice,蒲公英汁的生产 Prof hagrid sends harry a book required for his subject,海格教授给哈瑞送来他的课题所需的书 Prof lockhart wishes hermione fast recovery,洛克哈特教授祝赫敏早日康复 Prof minerva mcgonagall,米勒娃-麦格纳格教授 Prof minerva mcgonagall trading card,米纳瓦-麦格纳格教授的交易卡 Professional goalkeeper,专业门将 Professional illustrator,专业的插画师 Professional monster hunter,专业的怪物猎人 Professional photographer,专业摄影师 Professional quidditch broomstick,专业的魁地奇扫帚手 Professor,教授 Professor,教授 Professor at hogwarts,霍格沃茨的教授 Professor croaker’s law,克拉克教授的法则 Professor filius flitwick,菲利乌斯-弗利威克教授 Professor filius flitwick trading card,菲利乌斯-弗利威克教授交易卡 Professor perry,佩里教授 Professor perrys piscatorial polish,佩里教授的鱼鳞状抛光剂 Professor pomona sprout trading card,波莫纳教授的交易卡 Professor quirinus quirrell,Quirinus quirrell教授 Professor quirinus quirrell trading card,Quirinus Quirrell教授的交易卡 Professor rowe in the demon headmaster takes over,恶魔校长》中的罗威教授接班 Professor severus snape,斯内普教授 Professor severus snape trading card,斯内普教授的交易卡 Professor umbridge,姆布里奇教授 Professor umbridge theme,教授嗯布里奇主题 Proficiency charm,熟练的符咒 Profiteers,熟练符 Progress report of magical didactics,魔术教学法的进展报告 Prohibition,禁令 Projector,投影仪 Prolonged endurance,延长耐力 Promotes the growth of plants and fruits,促进植物和水果的生长 Prongs,棱镜 Prop designer,道具设计师 Propaganda,宣传品 Propels wad at the target,向目标推进瓦德 Property management,财产管理 Prophecy,预言 Prophecy at the department of mysteries i,预言在神秘的部门I Prophecy at the department of mysteries ii,预言在神秘的部门II Prophecy disambiguation,预言的歧义 Prophecy record,预言记录 Protean charm,保护神的魅力 Protecting your home and family against dark forces,保护你的家庭和家人免受黑暗势力的影响 Protection and promotion of british influence,保护和促进英国的影响 Protection charm,保护符 Protection charm your mind a practical guide to counter legilimensy,保护魅力你的心灵 反法术的实用指南 Protection of a given location offensive weapon,保护特定地点的攻击性武器 Protection orb,保护球体 Protective belt,保护腰带 Protective enchantment,保护性的魔法 Protective eyewear,保护性眼镜 Protective gloves,保护性手套 Protective objects,保护性物品 Protective order on american magical creatures,对美国神奇生物的保护令 Protects a place,保护一个地方 Protects caster,保护施法者 Protects feet,保护脚 Protects hands,保护手 Protects the wearers feet,保护佩戴者的脚 Protego,护身符 Protego diabolica,恶魔的保护 Protego duo,二重保护 Protego horribilis,护身符 Protego horribilis,护身符 Protego maxima,最大保护神 Protego totalum,全部蛋白质 Protein,蛋白质 Protest floats,抗议漂浮物 Proudfoot,骄傲的脚 Provide instructions to visitors on safety,为参观者提供安全指导 Provide protection for wearers hands fingers wrists and lower arms,为佩戴者的手、手指、手腕和下臂提供保护 Provide security within the ministry,在部内提供安全保障 Provide shade for resting,提供休息用的阴凉处 Provide workers with necessary supplies,为工人提供必要的用品 Provides 1 charmscardtype,提供1张符咒卡类型 Provides 1 charmscardtype you may use an action and discard this card from play to draw 3 cards cost 2,提供1张符咒卡型,你可以使用一个动作并将此卡从游戏中丢弃,抽出3张卡,费用为2。 Provides 1 charmscardtype you may use an action and discard this card from play to search your deck you make take a location card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck if you play this card and you already have a wand in play discard the old one cost 3,提供1张符咒卡型,你可以使用一个动作并从游戏中丢弃这张卡来搜索你的卡组,你可以从你的卡组中拿一张位置牌给你的对手看,然后把它放入你的手牌,然后洗牌,如果你打出这张牌,你已经有一个魔杖在游戏中,丢弃旧的那个,费用3 Provides 1 cmccardtype,提供1个cmccardtype Provides 1 cmccardtype during your turn you may discard this card from play and use an action to choose a creature in play and return it to its owners hand cost 2,提供1个cmccardtype 在你的回合中,你可以从游戏中丢弃这张牌,并使用一个行动来选择一个在游戏中的生物,并把它送回它的主人手中,费用2 Provides 1 cmccardtype you may use an action and discard this card from play to draw 3 cards cost 2,提供1张cccardtype,你可以使用一个动作并从游戏中丢弃这张牌,抽3张牌,费用为2。 Provides 1 potionscardtype,提供1个药水牌型 Provides 1 potionscardtype you may use an action and discard this card from play to draw 3 cards cost 2,提供1张魔药卡型,你可以使用行动并从游戏中弃置此卡,以抽出3张卡,费用为2。 Provides 1 quidditchcardtype,提供1个魁地奇卡型 Provides 1 quidditchcardtype you may use an action and discard this card from play to draw 3 cards cost 2,提供1张魁地奇卡型,你可以使用一个动作并从游戏中弃置此卡,以抽出3张卡,费用为2。 Provides 1 quidditchcardtype you may use an action to put a non healing card from your discard pile on the bottom of your deck if you play this card and you already have a broom in play discard the old one cost 4,提供1张魁地奇卡型,你可以使用一个动作,将你弃牌堆中的一张非治疗牌放到你的牌组底部,如果你打出这张牌,而你已经有一把扫帚在手,则丢弃旧的扫帚,费用为4。 Provides 1 transfigurationcardtype,提供1个变身牌型 Provides 1 transfigurationcardtype you may use an action and discard this card from play to draw 3 cards cost 2,提供1张变形卡型,你可以使用一个行动并从游戏中丢弃这张卡,抽3张卡,费用为2 Provides 2 charmscardtype if you play this card and you already have a wand in play discard the old one cost 3,提供2张符咒卡型,如果你打出这张牌,而你已经有一根魔杖在手,丢弃旧的那根魔杖,费用3 Provides 3 charmscardtype play this card only if you have cards in play that provides at least 2 charmscardtype power if you play this card and you already have a wand in play discard the old one cost 5,提供3张符咒卡型只有在你有提供至少2张符咒卡型力量的牌的情况下才可以使用这张牌,如果你使用这张牌并且你已经有一根魔杖在手,则丢弃旧的魔杖,费用为5。 Provides 3 potionscardtype to play this card discard 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play cost 5,提供3个药水卡类型的发挥这张牌,丢弃你的一个药水卡类型的课程,费用为5。 Provides 4 charmscardtype play this card only is you have cards in play that provide at least 3 charmscardtype power if you play this card and you already have a wand in play discard the old one cost 7,提供4张符咒卡型,只有在你有提供至少3张符咒卡型力量的牌的情况下才能打出这张牌,如果你打出这张牌并且你已经有一根魔杖在手,则丢弃旧的那根魔杖,费用7 Provides 4 potionscardtype to play this card discard 2 of your potionscardtype lessons from play you get 1 more action the turn you play this card cost 4,提供4个药水类型的牌,弃置2个你的药水类型的课程,在你打出这张牌的回合,你会得到1个额外的行动,费用为4。 Provides 5 potionscardtype to play this card discard 2 of your potionscardtype lessons from play cost 8,提供5个药水牌型来打这张牌,丢弃你的2个药水牌型课程,费用为8 Provides extra strength to the drinker,为饮用者提供额外的力量 Provides fragrant scent,提供芬芳的气味 Provides lustre,提供光泽 Provides protection to the caster,为施法者提供保护 Provides the drinker with glory in some form,为饮酒者提供某种形式的荣耀 Providing a non slip foot grip for broomsticks,为扫帚提供防滑的脚部抓地力 Providing light,提供光线 Providing light for a desk,为办公桌提供照明 Providing telecommunications services,提供电信服务 Provoke damage on opponent,挑起对手的伤害 Provokes damage on the opponent,挑起对对手的伤害 Provokes uncontrollable laughter,挑起无法控制的笑声 Prowling passage,徘徊的通道 Prudence,审慎 Psalms of david,大卫的诗篇 Psalter,诗篇 Psittacine,鹦鹉学舌 Psp,诗篇 Psychedelic transparent wave,迷幻透明波 Psychology,心理学 Psychomanteum,心理学家 Psychotherapist,心理治疗师 Ptolemy potion ingredient,托勒密药水成分 Pub,监狱 Public area,公共区域 Public hospital for persons of insane and disordered minds,精神病和精神错乱者的公共医院 Publisher harper collins,哈珀-柯林斯出版社 Publishes events considered too important to wait for the regular edition,刊登被认为是重要的事件,不能等到普通版。 Publishes newsworthy events,刊登有新闻价值的事件 Publishes rumours and latest gossip,发布谣言和最新的八卦消息 Publishes stories and gossip,发表故事和八卦 Publishes unusual theories in order to let the public know the truth,发表不寻常的理论,以便让公众了解真相 Pucey family,普西家族 Pucine lestrange,普西恩-莱斯特兰奇 Pucine lestrange i,普西恩-莱斯特兰奇一世 Pucine lestrange ii,普西妮-莱斯特兰奇二世 Puddifoot,蒲德福特 Pudding,蒲公英 Pudding lane,蒲公英小巷 Puddlemere united,悉尼大学 Puddlemere united reserve team,姆巴佩尔联队后备队 Puff lynch,泡芙林奇 Puffapod,霹雳火 Puffapod patch,泡芙补丁 Puffer fish,河豚鱼 Puffer fish eyes,河豚鱼的眼睛 Puffskein,河豚鱼 Puffskein hair,泡芙鱼的头发 Puking pastille,呕吐膏药 Puking pastilles,呕吐的帕斯蒂尔 Pukwudgie arrow,Pukwudgie箭头 Pukwudgie house,普克伍迪的房子 Pukwudgie magic,Pukwudgie魔法 Pulling up,拉起 Pulling up trading card,拉起交易卡 Pulls something towards the caster or vice versa,把东西拉向施法者或反之亦然 Pullus,拉人 Pullus jinx,扫把星 Pumpkin,南瓜 Pumpkin cat,南瓜猫 Pumpkin fizz,南瓜酒 Pumpkin growers,南瓜种植者 Pumpkin juice,南瓜汁 Pumpkin juice salesman,南瓜汁销售员 Pumpkin pasties,南瓜馅饼 Pumpkin pasty,南瓜馅饼 Pumpkin tart,南瓜馅饼 Pumpkins r us,南瓜的故事 Punch and judy bank,南瓜饼和朱迪银行 Punches whoever attempts to look through it,试图看穿它的人都会被刺伤 Puncture someones skin,刺穿别人的皮肤 Pungent passage,刺激性的通道 Pungent smell,刺激性气味 Pungous onion,刺鼻的洋葱 Punishes those who keep an item for too long without paying for it,惩罚那些保留物品过久而不付钱的人 Punishing students,惩罚学生 Punishment principle,惩罚原则 Pupil,小学生 Puppet theatre,木偶剧 Pure blood,纯粹的血液 Pure blood,纯粹的血液 Pure blood directory,纯正血统目录 Pure blood or half blood,纯血统或半血统 Pure blood supremacy,纯粹的血统至上 Pure blood trading card,纯正的血统交易卡 Pure malt whisky,纯粹的麦芽威士忌 Pure white coat,纯洁的白大衣 Purge and dowse ltd,肃清和降服有限公司 Puritanism,清教主义 Purple,紫色 Purple,紫色 Purple and green,紫色和绿色 Purple black berries,紫色的黑色浆果 Purple bulb,紫色的球茎 Purple coloured,紫色的彩色 Purple firecrackers,紫色的鞭炮 Purple firecrackers trading card,紫色鞭炮交易卡 Purple flames,紫色的火焰 Purple flowerheads are subtended by an involucre with a clasping shape of a cup,紫色的花头被一个总苞所包围,总苞的形状是杯状的。 Purple in colour,紫色的颜色 Purple liquid,紫色液体 Purple or black,紫色或黑色 Purple or orange,紫色或橙色 Purple or red,紫色或红色 Purple pustules grow in the victims face,紫色的脓包长在受害者的脸上 Purple quill,紫色的羽毛 Purple rabbit,紫色的兔子 Purple seeds,紫色的种子 Purple skin,紫色的皮肤 Purple with a gold star emblazoned on the chest,紫色,胸前印有一颗金星 Pus,脓包 Pus squirting spell,喷出脓液的咒语 Pushes things,推挤东西 Put a creature card from your discard pile into your hand cost 4,从你的弃牌堆中放一张生物牌到你的手牌,费用为4 Put a non healing card from your discard pile into your hand,从你的弃牌堆中放入一张非治疗性的牌到你的手中 Put a non healing quidditch card from your discard pile into your hand,从你的弃牌堆中放入一张非治疗性的魁地奇牌到你的手中 Put an item card from your discard pile into your hand cost 1,从你的弃牌堆中放入一张物品牌到你的手中,费用为1 Put outer,放置外部 Put outer trading card,放置外部交易卡 Put up to 2 lesson cards from your discard pile into your hand cost 2,从你的弃牌堆中放入最多两张教训牌到你的手牌,费用为2 Put up to 2 lesson cards from your hand into play cost 2,从你的手牌中放入最多两张教训牌,费用为2 Put up to 3 non healing cards from your discard pile on the bottom of your deck then draw a card cost 3,从你的弃牌堆中最多放入3张非治疗牌到你的卡组底部,然后抽一张牌,费用3 Put up to 4 adventure cards from your discard pile into your hand cost 4,从你的弃牌堆中放入最多4张冒险牌到你的手牌,费用为4 Put up to 4 creature cards from your discard pile into your hand,从你的弃牌堆中最多放入4张生物牌到你的手中 Put up to 4 lesson cards from your discard pile into your hand cost 4,从你的弃牌堆中放入最多4张教训牌到你的手中,费用为4 Put up to 4 non healing cards from your discard pile on the bottom of your deck,从你的弃牌堆中最多放入4张非治疗牌到你的牌组底部。 Put up to 4 non healing cards from your discard pile on the bottom of your deck cost 4,从你的弃牌堆中放入最多四张非治疗性的卡牌到你的卡组底部,费用为4。 Put up to 4 non healing item cards from your discard pile into your hand cost 4,从你的弃牌堆中放入最多4张非治疗性的物品牌到你的手牌,费用为4。 Putrid scent,腐臭的气味 Puts knees on backward,让膝盖向后弯曲 Puts people in an enchanted slumber,让人陷入迷幻的沉睡 Puzzle game,益智游戏 Puzzles,拼图游戏 Pygmy puff,矮胖子 Pygmy puff pelmanism,俾格米人泡芙主义 Pyjamas,拼图游戏 Pyotr vulchanov,拼图游戏 Pyramid,拼图 Pyrenees,侏儒症 Pyrites,黄铁矿 Pyrites family,黄铁矿家族 Pyrotechnics,采矿业 Pythagoras,毕达哥拉斯 Python,蟒蛇 Pâtissier,糖果店 Qizilbash quality confectionary,奇兹尔巴什优质糖果 Quad balcony,四方阳台 Quadrophenia,橄榄球 Quaffle,夸父 Quaffle control masters,夸父控制大师 Quality quidditch supplies,优质魁地奇用品 Quality quidditch supplies trading card,优质魁地奇用品交易卡 Queen,纪念品 Queen consort of england,英格兰王后 Queen maeve,魁北克女王 Queen of the quills,魁地奇的女王 Queen of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland,大英帝国和爱尔兰的王后 Queen square,方形王后 Queenbee,奎恩比 Queenie goldstein,奎妮-戈尔茨坦 Queenie goldstein jpeg,奎妮-戈尔茨坦jpeg Queenie goldsteins wand,奎妮-戈尔茨坦的魔杖 Queens,皇后们 Queerditch marsh,奎尔迪奇沼泽 Quentin disambiguation,奎尔丁的歧义 Quentin kowalski,昆汀-科瓦尔斯基 Quentin trimble,奎丁-特林布尔 Quiac marinus,奎克海洋 Quibbler dispenser,奎伯勒分配器 Quiberon,奎伯伦 Quick quotes quill,快速引用的笔芯 Quick thinking,快速思考 Quidditch,魁地奇 Quidditch ball crate,魁地奇球箱 Quidditch beginners luck badge,魁地奇初学者的幸运徽章 Quidditch captain,魁地奇队长 Quidditch captain hogwarts quidditch captains,魁地奇队长霍格沃茨魁地奇队长 Quidditch cave,魁地奇山洞 Quidditch changing rooms,魁地奇更衣室 Quidditch commentator,魁地奇评论员 Quidditch correspondent,魁地奇通讯员 Quidditch cup,魁地奇杯 Quidditch cup ilvermorny,魁地奇杯伊尔沃莫尼 Quidditch cup trading card,魁地奇杯交易卡 Quidditch fouls,魁地奇犯规 Quidditch friendly,魁地奇友谊赛 Quidditch fugue,魁地奇的迷魂阵 Quidditch gate,魁地奇门 Quidditch gloves,魁地奇手套 Quidditch goggles,魁地奇护目镜 Quidditch helmet,魁地奇头盔 Quidditch kit,魁地奇套装 Quidditch pitch,魁地奇球场 Quidditch pitch trading card,魁地奇球场交易卡 Quidditch player,魁地奇球员 Quidditch playing,魁地奇球员 Quidditch referee,魁地奇裁判员 Quidditch staircase,魁地奇楼梯 Quidditch stands,魁地奇看台 Quidditch starter kit,魁地奇入门套件 Quidditch team,魁地奇队 Quidditch team,魁地奇队 Quidditch teams of britain and ireland,英国和爱尔兰的魁地奇队 Quidditch through the ages,魁地奇的历史渊源 Quidditch through the ages real,古代魁地奇的真实性 Quidditch through the ages trading card,古代魁地奇交易卡 Quidditch times,魁地奇时代 Quidditch tournament,魁地奇比赛 Quidditch tower,魁地奇塔 Quidditch trading card,魁地奇交易卡 Quidditch training pitch,魁地奇训练场 Quidditch trillenium stadium,魁地奇颤音体育场 Quidditch uniform,魁地奇制服 Quidditch union for the administration and betterment of the british league and its endeavours,魁地奇联盟的管理和改善英国联赛及其努力的工会 Quidditch vs ravenclaw quidditch match,魁地奇与拉文克劳的魁地奇比赛 Quidditch world cup,魁地奇世界杯 Quidditch world cup 1990 2014,1990年魁地奇世界杯 Quidditch world cup campsite,魁地奇世界杯宿营地 Quidditch world cup programme seller,魁地奇世界杯节目卖家 Quiet room,宁静的房间 Quietening charm,安静的符咒 Quietens target,宁静的目标 Quietus,魁北克 Quigley,奎格利 Quigley down under,奎格利在下面 Quill,奎尔 Quill control rune translation,羽毛笔控制符文翻译 Quill of acceptance,接受的羽毛笔 Quin,奎尔 Quintaped,奎恩 Quintaped trading card,Quintaped交易卡 Quintessence a quest,昆特牌的一个任务 Quintia mcquoid,坤帝科-麦克奎德 Quintia qarase,昆蒂亚-卡拉斯(Quintia Qarase Quintilla lestrange,奎利亚-莱斯特兰奇 Quintin black,黑人昆廷 Quintin family,昆廷家族 Quintius umraville,坤提斯-乌姆拉维尔 Quinto bookshop francis edward,昆图书店弗朗西斯-爱德华 Quintus of the silly name,傻子的昆图斯 Quintus stranger,陌生的昆图斯 Quintus strangers father,陌生的昆图斯的父亲 Quintus strangers wand,昆图斯陌生人的魔杖 Quirinus quirrell,奎里努斯-奎雷尔 Quirinus quirrells fake letter to albus dumbledore,Quirinus quirrells给阿不思-邓布利多的假信 Quirinus quirrells first mountain troll,Quirinus quirrells第一个山地巨魔 Quirinus quirrells mountain troll,奎里努斯-奎雷尔的山地巨魔 Quirinus quirrells second mountain troll,Quirinus quirrells第二山地巨魔 Quirinus quirrells turban,Quirinus quirrells头巾 Quirinus quirrells wand,奎里努斯-奎雷尔的魔杖 Quite whippy,相当多的鞭子 Rippy pooh,愤怒的小鸟 Rips doors into firewood,把门撕成柴火 Rita skeeter,吕达-斯基特 Rita skeeters biography of harry potter,哈里-波特传》丽塔-斯基特 Rita skeeters home,吕秀莲的家 Ritchie coote,吕志强 Ritchie rosson rubber ritchie,里奇-罗森橡胶里奇 River,河流 River clyde,克莱德河 River hawk,河边的鹰 River hawkins,霍金斯河 River mersey,梅西河 River piddle in dorset england,多塞特郡的皮德尔河,英格兰 River thames,泰晤士河 River troll,河流巨魔 River troll trading card,河流巨魔交易卡 River wye,河流怀伊河 Rivers,河流 Rivers family,洛克菲勒家族 Rivington street,里斯温顿街 Road to hogsmeade,通往霍格莫德的道路 Road to hogwarts,通往霍格沃茨的道路 Roast beef,烤牛肉 Roast chicken,烤鸡 Roasted chimaera potato crisps,烘焙奇美拉马铃薯脆片 Roasted chimera potato crisps,烤奇美拉马铃薯脆片 Rob dowson,罗伯-道森 Rob rackstraw,罗布-拉格斯特拉 Robbie coltrane,洛克特兰特(Robbie Coltrane Robbie disambiguation,罗比的歧义 Robbie fenwick,骆驼祥子 Robbie jarvis,罗比-贾维斯 Robert arthur knox,罗伯特-亚瑟-诺克斯 Robert ayres,罗伯特-艾尔斯 Robert bliss,罗伯特-布莱斯 Robert green,罗伯特-格林 Robert grimsditch,罗伯特-格林斯迪奇 Robert hardy,罗伯特-哈迪 Robert hawking,罗伯特-霍金 Robert hilliard,罗伯特-希利亚德 Robert knox,罗伯特-诺克斯 Robert louis stevenson,罗伯特-路易斯-史蒂文森 Robert mcgonagall,Robert Mcgonagall Robert mcgonagall jr,Robert Mcgonagall jr Robert mcgonagall senior,罗伯特-麦戈纳高老人 Robert mcgonagall seniors father,罗伯特-麦戈纳高的父亲 Robert mcgonagall seniors friends,罗伯特-麦高纳戈尔老人的朋友 Robert mcgonagall seniors mother,罗伯特-麦高纳戈尔老人的母亲 Robert mcgonagall snrs bagpipes,罗伯特-麦格纳格尔的风笛声 Robert mcgonagall snrs father,罗伯特-麦高纳格的父亲 Robert mcgonagall snrs friends,罗伯特-麦戈纳高尔的朋友 Robert mcgonagall snrs mother,罗伯特-麦戈纳高尔的母亲 Robert mclanachan,罗伯特-麦克拉纳汉 Robert olgilvie,罗伯特-奥吉尔维 Robert pattinson,罗伯特-帕廷森 Robert roman ratajczak,罗伯特-罗曼-拉塔扎克 Robert stephen jarvis dean fact,罗伯特-史蒂芬-贾维斯-迪恩事实 Robert stephens,罗伯特-斯蒂芬斯 Robert thomas pattinson,罗伯特-托马斯-帕丁森 Robert waylett,罗伯特-韦利特 Robert wilfort,罗伯特-维尔福 Robert wood,罗伯特-伍德 Roberta lutterworth,罗伯塔-拉特沃斯 Roberts,罗伯茨 Roberts child jpeg,罗伯茨的孩子jpeg Roberts children,罗伯茨儿童 Roberts family,罗伯茨家族 Roberts obliviator,罗伯茨的遗忘者 Robertss campsite,罗伯茨的营地 Robertss wife,罗伯茨的妻子 Robertus tallis,罗伯特-塔利斯 Robes,罗伯斯 Robin,罗宾 Robin botesdale,罗宾-波茨代尔 Robin disambiguation,罗宾消除歧义 Robin harvey,罗宾-哈维 Robin hood,罗宾-霍德 Robin hood prince of thieves,罗宾-霍德的盗贼王子 Robin mctighe,罗宾-麦克蒂格 Robinson crusoe,洛克索 Robot,洛克菲勒 Robot chicken,机器人鸡 Robot in the muggle studies classroom,机器人在麻瓜研究的教室里 Robot lilliput,幼儿教育 Robust belt,坚固的皮带 Robust webbing ability,坚固的织带能力 Robyn moore,幼儿教育 Rochelle douglas,洛克菲勒-道格拉斯(Rochelle Douglas) Rochelle neil,洛克菲勒-尼尔(Rochelle Neil Rock cake,岩石蛋糕 Rock song,摇滚歌曲 Rock to dog,岩石到狗 Rock to dog spell,岩石对狗的咒语 Rocket charm,火箭的魅力 Rockets object upward,火箭弹的对象是向上的 Rockets target upward,火箭的目标是向上的 Rod freddy,摇滚乐队 Rod hunt,棒子狩猎 Rod j freddy,罗德-J-弗雷迪 Roddy doyle,罗德-多伊尔 Roddy pontner,罗迪-庞特纳 Rodent,罗德 Rodent like,罗迪喜欢 Roderick murphy,罗德里克-墨菲 Roderick plumpton,罗德里克-普拉普顿 Roderick seaton,罗德里克-西顿 Rodney rohesia,罗德尼-罗赫西亚 Rodolphus lestrange,洛克菲勒-莱斯特兰奇(Rodolphus Lestrange) Rodolphus lestranges prophecy,罗道夫-莱斯特兰奇的预言 Roger daviess girlfriend,罗杰-戴维斯的女朋友 Roger disambiguation,罗杰消除歧义 Roger lloyd pack,罗杰-劳埃德-包 Roger malone,罗杰-马龙 Roger pratt,罗杰-普拉特 Rohan daniel gotobed,罗汉-丹尼尔被打了 Rohit das,罗赫特-达斯 Roland abberley,罗兰-阿贝利 Roland kegg,罗兰-凯格 Rolanda hooch,罗兰达-胡赫 Rolanda hooch wand jpeg,罗兰达-胡赫的魔杖jpeg Rolanda hoochs office,罗兰达-胡克的办公室 Rolanda hoochs silver arrow,罗兰达-胡奇的银箭 Rolanda hoochs silver arrow broomstick,罗兰达-胡奇的银箭扫帚 Rolanda hoochs wand,罗兰达-胡赫的魔杖 Rolf scamander,罗尔夫-斯卡曼德 Roller,辊子 Rolls royce,劳斯莱斯 Roman,洛克菲勒 Romania,蝥W蝥W蝥W蝥W蝥W蝥W蝥W蝥W蝥W蝥W Romanian celanese acetate,罗马尼亚醋酸亚硒 Romanian dragon sanctuary,罗马尼亚的龙形避难所 Romanian longhorn,罗马尼亚长角兽 Romanian national quidditch team,罗马尼亚国家魁地奇队 Romanian socks,罗马尼亚的袜子 Romanian sojourn,罗马尼亚旅居者 Romanian vampire,罗马尼亚吸血鬼 Romanian warlock convention,罗马尼亚术士大会 Romantic bossa nova,浪漫的波萨诺瓦舞曲 Romas,罗马 Rome,罗马 Rome,罗马 Romeo and juliet,罗密欧与朱丽叶 Romilda vane,罗密欧达-维恩 Romilda vanes grandmother,罗米尔达-瓦恩的祖母 Romildas grandmother,罗米尔达的祖母 România,鹰 Ron,罗恩 Ron and hermione explain that they are not allowed to tell harry any details,罗恩和赫敏解释说,他们不允许告诉哈利任何细节。 Ron describes his holidaying to harry,罗恩向哈瑞描述他的度假生活 Ron perlman,罗恩-佩尔曼 Ron spears,罗恩-矛 Ron spencer,罗恩-斯宾塞 Ron the brave,勇敢的罗恩 Ron weasley,罗恩-韦斯莱 Ron weasley,罗恩-韦斯莱 Ron weasley cinherited,罗恩-韦斯莱的继承权 Ron weasley trading card,罗恩-韦斯莱交易卡 Ron weasleys sweetheart necklace,罗恩-韦斯莱的甜心项链 Ron youngest brother,罗恩最小的弟弟 Ronald bilius weasley,罗纳德-比利斯-韦斯莱 Ronald gilbert,罗纳德-吉尔伯特 Ronald n perlman,罗纳德-佩尔曼(Ronald N Perlman Ronald phipps,罗纳德-菲普斯 Ronald weasley,罗纳德-韦斯莱 Ronald weasley,罗纳德-韦斯莱 Ronald weasley is injured,罗纳德-韦斯莱受伤了 Ronald weasley married hermione granger,罗纳德-韦斯莱嫁给了赫敏-格兰杰 Ronald weasleys badges,罗纳德-韦斯莱的徽章 Ronald weasleys bedroom,罗纳德-韦斯莱的卧室 Ronald weasleys car,罗纳德-韦斯莱的汽车 Ronald weasleys dress robes,罗纳德-韦斯莱的礼服长袍 Ronald weasleys file,罗纳德-韦斯莱的档案 Ronald weasleys first wand,罗纳德-韦斯莱的第一根魔杖 Ronald weasleys frog,罗纳德-韦斯莱的青蛙 Ronald weasleys letter to harry potter,罗纳德-韦斯莱给哈里-波特的信 Ronald weasleys letter to harry potter 1993,罗纳德-韦斯莱给哈利-波特的信 1993年 Ronald weasleys letter to harry potter 1994,罗纳德-韦斯莱给哈利-波特的信 1994年 Ronald weasleys second wand,罗纳德-韦斯莱的第二根魔杖 Ronald weasleys seventeenth birthday,罗纳德-韦斯莱的十七岁生日 Ronald weasleys sweetheart necklace,罗纳德-韦斯莱的甜心项链 Ronald weasleys wands,罗纳德-韦斯莱的魔杖 Ronald weasleys watch,罗纳德-韦斯莱的手表 Ronald weasleys wireless radio,罗纳德-韦斯莱的无线收音机 Ronald weasleys wireless radio,罗纳德-韦斯莱的无线收音机 Ronan,罗南 Ronan raftery,罗南-拉弗特里 Ronnie,罗尼 Roo bar,Roo酒吧 Room 234 00,234 00室 Room of doom,厄运之室 Room of doors,门的房间 Room of requirement,要求的房间 Room of rewards,奖励的房间 Room of runes,符文室 Room sealing spell,封印法术的房间 Roonil wazlib,罗尼尔-瓦兹利布 Roonil wazlib wrock band,罗尼尔-瓦兹利布的摇滚乐队 Root extract used in medicine,用于制药的根部提取物 Rope bind,绳索捆绑 Rope bind trading card,绳索捆绑交易卡 Rope to snake,绳索对蛇 Rope to snake spell,绳索对蛇的咒语 Roper family,蛇蝎美人 Rosa lee teabag,罗莎李茶包 Rosalind antigone bungs,罗莎琳-安提戈内-邦斯 Rosalind bungs,罗莎琳德肺部 Rosalind disambiguation,罗莎琳德的歧义 Rosalind knight,罗莎琳骑士 Rosalyn ewhurst,罗莎琳-埃沃斯特 Rosamund bland,罗莎蒙德-布兰德 Rosana amorim,冯-阿莫林(Rosana Amorim) Rose,玫瑰 Rose,玫瑰 Rose disambiguation,玫瑰的歧义 Rose granger weasley,罗斯-格兰杰-韦斯莱 Rose growth,玫瑰的成长 Rose growth trading card,萝丝成长交易卡 Rose keegan,罗斯-基根 Rose oil,玫瑰油 Rose petal,玫瑰花瓣 Rose street,玫瑰花街 Rose thorn,玫瑰刺 Rose uniacke,玫瑰花瓣 Rose wax,玫瑰蜡 Rose windsor,玫瑰温莎 Rose zeller,玫瑰花泽勒 Rosemarie annabella,玫瑰花 Rosemarie annabella nkhruma,蔷薇花的花蕊 Rosemary ames,洛斯玛丽-艾姆斯(Rosemary Ames) Rosemarysgarden com,洛斯玛丽-阿姆斯特朗(Rosemarysgarden)网站 Rosenbaums motorcycle owners manual,罗森巴姆摩托车车主手册 Rosenfeld case,罗森费尔德案 Rosie,罗西 Rosie,罗西 Rosie goodwin,罗西-古德温 Rosie kellagher step daughter,罗茜-凯拉格尔的继女 Rosier,罗西尔 Rosier,罗西尔 Rosier family,罗西尔家族 Rosier male,罗西尔男性 Rosies garden seed co,罗氏花园种子公司 Rosmerta,骆宾王 Rosmertas cat,洛克菲勒猫 Rosmertas dog,犬类 Ross,犬类 Ross and getty building,罗斯和盖蒂建筑 Ross family,罗斯家族 Ross gibberd,罗斯-吉伯德 Ross gibberd,罗斯-吉伯德 Ross gibberd i,罗斯-吉伯德一世 Ross gibberd ii,罗斯-吉伯德二世 Rosy,玫琳琳 Rotates an object,旋转一个物体 Rotating tower,旋转的塔 Rotfang conspiracy,旋转方的阴谋 Rotten,腐烂的 Rotten body and smell,腐烂的身体和气味 Rotten egg,腐烂的鸡蛋 Rotten flavour,腐烂的味道 Rotten or burnt,腐烂或烧焦 Rougarou,腐烂 Rougarou hair,粗糙的毛发 Rough shaggy hair,粗糙的蓬松的头发 Round head,圆头 Round in shape,圆形的形状 Round orange citrus fruits,圆形的柑橘类水果 Roundabout,圆形的 Rounded belly,圆形的肚皮 Rowan,楸树 Rowan,罗文 Rowan khanna,罗文-卡纳 Rowan khannas brother,罗文-卡纳的弟弟 Rowan khannas father,Rowan khannas的父亲 Rowan khannas mother,Rowan khannas的母亲 Rowan khannas room,Rowan khannas的房间 Rowan khannas uncle,Rowan khannas的叔叔 Rowboat owner,赛艇船主 Rowboat spell,赛艇法术 Rowena ravenclaw,罗威娜-拉文克劳 Rowena rowle,罗威娜-罗尔 Rowle family,罗尔家族 Rowntree counter,Rowntree计数器 Roxanne browne,罗珊娜-布朗 Roxanne weasley,罗克珊娜-韦斯莱 Roy,罗伊 Roy beck,罗伊-贝克 Roy rifenderg,罗伊-里芬德g Roy washburn in wplinkbasic instinct 2,罗伊-沃什伯恩在wplinkbasic instinct 2中的表现 Royal,皇家 Royal air force,皇家空军 Royal staff,皇家工作人员 Royal star steam co,皇家明星蒸汽公司 Royden poke,洛克菲勒公司 Royston,罗伊斯顿 Royston idlewind,洛克菲勒公司 Rs attack of hogwarts castle,攻击霍格沃茨城堡的Rs Rs letters,Rs字母 Rs letters,Rs信件 Rs messenger,Rs信使 Rs messengers,Rs信使 Rubber duck,橡皮鸭子 Rubber glove,橡胶手套 Rubber gloves,橡胶手套 Rubbery spout,橡胶水嘴 Rubbish disposal security,垃圾处理安全 Rubby o chicken,橡皮鸭子 Rubens winikus,橡皮手套 Rubens winikus and company inc,鲁本斯-维尼库斯和公司 Rubeus hagrid,洛克斯-哈格里德 Rubeus hagrid trading card,鲁本斯-哈格里德交易卡 Rubeus hagrids birthday celebration,Rubeus hagrids生日庆典 Rubeus hagrids cabin,Rubeus hagrids小屋 Rubeus hagrids chickens,鲁宾斯-哈格里德的鸡 Rubeus hagrids crossbow,Rubeus hagrids的十字弓 Rubeus hagrids dress robes,Rubeus hagrids的礼服长袍 Rubeus hagrids father,Rubeus hagrids的父亲 Rubeus hagrids file,Rubeus hagrids文件 Rubeus hagrids garden,Rubeus hagrids花园 Rubeus hagrids letter to albus dumbledore,卢比乌斯-哈格里德给阿不思-邓布利多的信 Rubeus hagrids letter to albus dumbledore jpeg,汝贝斯-哈格里德给阿不思-邓布利多的信 jpeg Rubeus hagrids letter to harry potter,吕贝斯-哈格里德给哈瑞-波特的信 Rubeus hagrids letter to harry potter 1991,吕布-哈格里兹给哈瑞-波特的信 1991年 Rubeus hagrids letter to harry potter 1993,哈勃-哈格里兹给哈利-波特的信 1993年 Rubeus hagrids letter to harry potter and ronald weasley,Rubeus hagrids给Harry Potter和Ronald Weasley的信 Rubeus hagrids pets,吕贝斯-哈格里德的宠物 Rubeus hagrids pumpkin patch,吕贝斯-哈格里德的南瓜地 Rubeus hagrids wand,卢比乌斯-哈格里德的魔杖 Rubeus hagrid´s wand,卢贝斯-海格的魔杖 Ruby,红宝石 Ruby,红宝石 Ruby and pearl day,阳光明媚的日子 Ruby beardsall,茹贝格的胡须 Ruby witch,红宝石女巫 Rucksack,红宝石 Ruddy,芦荻 Rudi goodman,芦迪-古德曼 Rudimentary magic,鲁道夫魔法 Rudolf brand,鲁道夫品牌 Rudolph spielman,鲁道夫-斯皮尔曼 Rudolph spielmans wand,鲁道夫-斯皮尔曼的魔杖 Rudy valentino grant,鲁迪-瓦伦蒂诺授予 Rue,鲁伊 Rue girardon,吉拉东街 Rue philippe lorand,菲利普-洛朗街 Rue richer,富尔街 Rufus disambiguation,鲁弗斯的歧义 Rufus foster,鲁弗斯-福斯特 Rufus fudge,鲁弗斯软糖 Rufus scrimgeour,鲁弗斯-斯克林格尔 Rufus scrimgeours letter to albus dumbledore,鲁弗斯-斯克林格给阿不思-邓布利多的信 Rufus scrimgeours wand,魯弗斯的魔杖 Rufus winickus,鲁弗斯-维尼克斯(Rufus Winickus Rugby player,橄榄球运动员 Rugby union,橄榄球联盟 Rugby union player,橄榄球联盟球员 Rum,鲁姆 Rumihart books,鲁米哈特书 Rumours,谣言 Runcorn,朗科恩 Runcorn family,朗科恩家族 Rune,润格 Rune dictionary,润格词典 Rune recitals,鲁恩语朗诵会 Rune sign language,符文手语 Runes symbols,符文符号 Runespoor,符号 Runespoor egg,符文蛋 Runespoor eggs,贫民蛋 Runespoor fang,符文之方 Runestone,符号 Runic corridor,奔跑走廊 Running from filch,奔跑吧兄弟 Runny nose,鼻涕虫 Runok ko,润物细无声 Rupert degas,吕伯伯-德加斯 Rupert disambiguation,鲁珀特的歧义 Rupert goold,鲁珀特-戈尔德 Rupert grint,鲁珀特-格林特 Rupert joel degas,鲁珀特-乔尔-迪加斯 Russell alan white,罗素-艾伦-怀特 Russell lucky,罗素幸运 Russia,俄罗斯 Russia national football team,俄罗斯国家足球队 Russian,俄罗斯 Russian blue cat,俄罗斯蓝猫 Russians dragon nails,俄罗斯龙钉 Rust repellent cauldron,驱锈大锅 Rusty goffe,锈迹斑斑的戈夫 Ruth horrocks,露丝-霍洛克斯 Ruth mina,露丝-米娜 Ruth winikus,卢斯-维尼库斯 Rutherford poke,卢瑟福-帕克 Ryan butcher,屠夫莱恩 Ryan disambiguation,扬子晚报 Ryan j mackay,吕秀莲(Ryan J Mackay Ryan nelson,瑞安-尼尔森 Ryan storey,瑞安-斯托里 Ryan turner,瑞安-特纳 Ryan westrup,瑞恩-韦斯特鲁普 Ryotaro tanaka,Ryn desert Ryūsei nakao,中尾龙世 Rúairí gleeson,鲁艾里-格莱森 S capper,S-capper S fawcett,S Fawcett S j bernstein,S J BERNSTEIN S j bernstein watches,S j bernstein 手表 S p e w badge,S p e w 徽章 S redler,S Redler S redler inc,S Redler Inc S starling,S Starling Sabre,赛伯乐 Sabre toothed tiger,剑齿虎 Sabryn steal,萨布林偷 Saccharin,萨卡林 Sacharissa tugwood,萨卡利萨-图格伍德 Sachin tripathy,萨金-特里帕斯 Sacred twenty eight,神圣的二十八节气 Sacrificial protection,神圣的保护 Sadie baldock,祈祷 Safety orientation,安全导向 Sage,圣人 Sage bragnam,贤者布拉格纳姆 Sage bragnams wand,贤者布拉格纳姆的魔杖 Sage kelleen,贤者凯莱恩 Sagittarius,射手座 Sahara desert,撒哈拉沙漠 Saint,圣人 Saint brutus,圣人布鲁特斯 Saint catchpole,圣人卡波尔 Saint grogory,圣徒格罗戈里 Saint matthew,圣马修 Sainte stephenie chardonnay,圣斯蒂芬妮霞多丽 Sakura akagi,樱花 赤城 Sal ammoniac,琥珀色 Salad,蔬菜沙拉 Salad vegetables,蔬菜沙拉 Salamander,沙拉曼德 Salamander blood,蝾螈血 Salamander fire,蝾螈之火 Salamandra,蝾螈 Salame,蔬菜 Salazar slytherin,萨拉扎尔-斯莱特林 Salazar slytherins basilisk,玄武门之变--萨拉兹-斯莱特林 Salazar slytherins wand,萨拉扎尔-斯莱特林的魔杖 Sale of second hand magical goods,二手魔法物品的销售 Salem,纪念馆 Salem memorial,塞勒姆纪念馆 Salem witch trials,塞勒姆女巫审判 Salem witches institute,塞勒姆巫师学院 Salesman,销售员 Saleswizard,巫师 Saliva,唾液 Sally birchgrove,秘书 Sally disambiguation,辽宁沈阳 Sally knox,萨利-诺克斯 Sally mortemore,薛明明(Sally Mortemore) Sally pearson,裴莎莉-佩尔森(Sally Pearson) Sally smith,萨利-史密斯 Salmon,鲑鱼 Salpeter,邓小平 Salt,腌鱼 Salt cured dried fish,盐腌制的鱼干 Salt lake city utah usa,美国犹他州盐湖城 Salt pepper,腌制鱼干 Salt water,腌制鱼干 Saltpetre,硝石 Saltwater,盐水 Salty,咸的 Salvador dalí in little ashes,萨尔瓦多-达利在小灰烬中 Salvio hexia,萨尔维奥-赫夏 Salviohexia gif,萨尔维奥-赫西娅gif Sam,珊珊 Sam,珊珊 Sam clemmett,琛琛-克莱米特 Sam creed,萨姆-克雷德 Sam disambiguation,萨姆消歧义 Sam dog,萨姆狗 Sam fraddon,萨姆-弗拉登 Sam hazeldine,萨姆-哈泽尔丁 Sam lucas,萨姆-卢卡斯 Sam morris,萨姆-莫里斯 Sam obliviator,萨姆-奥勒维耶特 Sam parham,萨姆-帕勒姆 Sam shephard,萨姆-谢泼德 Samantha winslow,萨曼莎-温斯洛 Same as hair colour,与头发颜色相同 Sams owner,萨姆斯的主人 Samson wiblin,萨姆森-维布林 Samsung,萨姆森 Samuel blenkin,塞缪尔-布兰金 Samuel blenkin,塞缪尔-布兰金 Samuel david creed,塞缪尔-达维-克里德 Samuel disambiguation,塞缪尔的歧义 Samuel equiano,塞缪尔-埃西亚诺 Samuel g quahog,塞缪尔-格-夸霍格 Samuel journeux,塞缪尔-乔尔纳(Samuel Journeux) Samuel plunkett,塞缪尔-普朗克特 Samuel roukin,塞缪尔-罗金 Samuel supple,塞缪尔-菲利普 San francisco,圣弗朗西斯科 San matias,圣马蒂亚斯 Sanctimonia vincet semper,圣马蒂亚斯 Sandbox,悉尼 Sanderson bowles,悉尼 Sandra podgorska,坎贝尔 Sandra podgórska,坎贝尔 Sandstone gargoyle trading card,沙石妖怪交易卡 Sandwich,珊德森 Sandy,沙子 Sandy brown,桑迪-布朗 Sandy mcdade,砂质麦克德 Sandy yellow,桑迪黄 Sanford humberston,桑福德-亨伯斯顿 Sanguini,桑吉尼 Sanitation,衛生署 Santiago,圣地亚哥 Sanyo,三洋 Sapphire,蓝宝石 Sapphire blue in colour,宝石蓝的颜色 Sara farnham,谭咏麟 Sara farnhams box of chocolates,萨拉-法纳姆的巧克力盒 Sara jane alexander,萨拉-简-亚历山大 Sarah harrison,谭咏麟 Sarah jane de crespigny,萨拉-简-德-克雷斯皮格尼 Sarcastic male gargoyle,讽刺的男妖怪 Sardine spell,沙丁鱼法术 Sardinia,萨丁尼亚 Sarrah harrison jpeg,萨拉-哈里森jpeg Sasha bellman in the dumping grounddodibin in star wars the last jedi,星球大战之最后的绝地武士》中垃圾场的萨沙-贝尔曼-多迪宾 Satin gown,缎面长袍 Satinder singh,朴槿惠 Sato family,朴槿惠 Satoru iida,饭田佐藤 Saturday night live,泽西岛 Saturn,朴槿惠 Sauce,酱油 Sauce creating spell,酱汁制作法术 Sauce making spell,酱汁制作法术 Saucy tricks for tricky sorts,为棘手的人提供酱汁技巧 Saul croaker,酱油 Saunders invisible silk,桑德斯隐身丝 Saunders invisible silk,桑德斯隐形丝 Saunders triplets,酱油 Sausage,香肠 Savage,野人 Savages gardens,野人花园 Savannah,萨凡纳 Savoury,咸味的 Savoury pasty filled with meat and vegetables,充满肉和蔬菜的咸味馅饼 Saxon,萨克逊 Saxophone,萨克斯风 Sayre family,萨伊尔家族 Scabbers,斑鸠 Scabbers,斑竹 Scabbers trading card,斑竹交易卡 Scabby grey,疥疮灰 Scabiors ring,Scabiors 戒指 Scabiors wand,斯卡比人的魔杖 Scale of dragon,龙的鳞片 Scale rot,腐烂的鳞片 Scaled,鳞片 Scales,鳞片 Scales appear dull and flakey,鳞片显得暗淡无光,呈片状 Scaly,鳞片 Scaly skin,有鳞的皮肤 Scamander family,Scamander家族 Scandinavia,斯堪的纳维亚半岛 Scanning and receiving copies of documents,扫描和接收文件的副本 Scar,疤痕 Scar in walien vs predator alien vs predator,疤痕在海伦与捕食者之间的关系 外国人与捕食者之间的关系 Scarab beetle,疤甲虫 Scarecrow,稻草人 Scarlet,猩红 Scarlet,疤痕 Scarlet and gold,猩红和金色 Scarlet glow around wings,翅膀周围有猩红色的光芒 Scarlet plume on the head,头部的猩红羽翼 Scarlet red,血色的红色 Scarlet red in colour,猩红的颜色 Scarlet sharp,猩红锐利 Scarlett,斯嘉丽 Scarlett byrne,斯嘉丽-伯恩 Scarlett disambiguation,斯卡列特的歧义 Scarlett hannah byrne,斯嘉丽-汉娜-伯恩 Scarlett hefner byrne,斯嘉丽-赫夫纳-伯恩 Scarpin,斯卡平 Scarpins revelaspell,斯卡平的启示 Scavenger,扫荡者 Scavengers,拾荒者 Scenes of terror at the quidditch world cup,魁地奇世界杯上的恐怖场面 Scent is multi faceted and varies based on what the person likes,气味是多面的,根据人的喜好而变化 Schindlers list,辛德勒名单 Schlangenholz and koralle wand,斯兰根霍尔茨和科拉勒魔杖 Schmidt family,兴发娱乐官网手机版家族 Scholastic cus and canada,美国和加拿大的Scholastic公司 Scholastic ltd,薛凯琪(Scholastic)有限公司 Scholastic press,学而思出版社 School,学校 School broom,学校扫帚 School desk,学校桌子 School librarian,学校图书管理员 School owl,学校猫头鹰 School staff,学校工作人员 School uniform,学校制服 Schoolgirl,女学生 Schylling toys,学校的玩具 Science,科学 Science communicator,科学传播者 Scintillation solution,荧光剂 Scooter,踏板车 Scops owl,猫头鹰 Score composer,谱曲家 Scorpio,天蝎座 Scorpion,蝎子 Scorpion chick,蝎子鸡 Scorpion king,蝎子王 Scorpius hyperion malfoy,天蝎座双子座马尔福 Scorpius malfoy,天蝎座的人 Scorpius malfoys wand,蝎子的魔杖 Scorpius the dreadless,无畏的天蝎座 Scot fearn,苏格兰恐惧症 Scotch egg,苏格兰蛋 Scotch eggs,苏格兰蛋 Scotland,鸡蛋 Scotland place,苏格兰地方 Scott ancrum,苏格兰的祖先 Scott lewis,斯科特-刘易斯 Scott m fischer,斯科特-米-费舍尔 Scottish,苏格兰 Scottish,苏格兰 Scottish borders,苏格兰边境地区 Scottish gaelic english,苏格兰盖尔语英语 Scottish highlands,苏格兰高地 Scottish national quidditch team,苏格兰国家魁地奇队 Scottish rugby team,苏格兰橄榄球队 Scottish stag,苏格兰雄鹿 Scottish stag trading card,苏格兰雄鹿交易卡 Scottish village,苏格兰村庄 Scourers,斯库拉人 Scourers and the creation of macusa,Scourers和Macusa的创建 Scourgify,祸害化 Scouring charm,祸害的符咒 Screaming bogey of strathfully,斯塔特里的尖叫声 Screaming bogey of strathtully,斯塔特利的惨叫声 Screaming girl,尖叫的女孩 Screaming snakes hair potion,尖叫的蛇发药水 Screaming yo yo,尖叫的哟哟 Screech owl,尖叫的猫头鹰 Screech owl trading card,尖叫的猫头鹰交易卡 Screechsnap,尖叫声 Screed sons,尖叫的儿子 Screenwriter,编剧 Screenwriter,编剧 Scribblifors,绘画家 Scribblifors,潦倒的人 Scribblifors trading card,涂鸦者交易卡 Scribbulus writing implements,潦草的书写工具 Scrimgeour family,斯克里姆戈尔家族 Scrivenshafts quill shop,斯克里文斯哈夫特毛笔店 Scrofungulus,诗词歌赋 Scrying,窥探 Scrying mirror,窥视镜 Scuba diving,潜水 Scuba spells,水肺法术 Scuba spells courses,潜水法术课程 Scumsucker,潜水员 Scurvy grass,瘟疫草 Sea hawk,海鹰 Sea lavender,薰衣草 Sea serpent,海蛇 Sea serpent of cromer,克罗默海蛇 Sea turtle,海龟 Sea urchin jinx,海胆的诅咒 Sea urchin jinx gif,海胆的诅咒GIF Seabiscuit,海饼干 Seafood,海鲜 Seagull,海鸥 Seal,海豹 Seal letters,海豹字母 Seal of the macusa,马库萨的印章 Seal of the ministry of magic,魔法部的印章 Sealant charm,封印符咒 Sealing wax,封印蜡 Seals and unseals a roll of parchment,封印和解封一卷羊皮纸 Seals barriers,封闭障碍物 Seals doors,封闭门 Seals mouth,封嘴 Seamus dillane,玺印 Seamus finnigan,玺墨-芬尼根(Seamus Finnigan Seamus finnigan trading card,塞默斯-芬尼根交易卡 Seamus finnigans father,瑟默斯-芬尼根的父亲 Seamus finnigans wand,西默斯-芬尼根的魔杖 Sean biggerstaff,肖恩-比格斯塔夫 Sean cronin,肖恩-克罗宁 Sean francis george,肖恩-弗朗西斯-乔治 Sean miller,肖恩-米勒 Sean ogbourne,肖恩-奥格本 Sean peakes,肖恩-皮克斯 Search for credence barebone,搜索信誉光骨 Search your deck you may take a character card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck,搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中拿一张角色牌给你的对手看,并将其放入你的手牌,然后洗牌。 Search your deck you may take a creature card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck,搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中拿一张生物牌给你的对手看,并把它放入你的手牌,然后洗牌 Search your deck you may take a creature card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck cost 4,搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中拿一张生物牌给你的对手看,并把它放入你的手牌,然后洗牌,费用为4 Search your deck you may take a lesson card from your deck and put it into play then shuffle your deck,搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中抽出一张教训牌并将其投入游戏,然后洗牌。 Search your deck you may take a location card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck,搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中拿一张位置牌给你的对手看,并把它放入你的手牌,然后洗牌。 Search your deck you may take a quidditchcardtype lesson or a card that needs quidditchcardtype power from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck cost 2,搜索你的卡组,你可以从你的卡组中拿一张魁地奇卡类的教训或一张需要魁地奇卡类力量的卡给你的对手看,并把它放入你的手牌中,然后洗牌,费用为2 Search your deck you may take a wizard or a witch card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck cost 1,搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中拿一张巫师或女巫的牌给你的对手看,并把它放入你的手牌,然后洗牌,费用为1。 Search your deck you may take any card from your deck and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck cost 6,搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中抽出任何一张牌,将其放入你的手牌中,然后洗牌,费用6 Search your deck you may take up to 2 creature cards from your deck show them to your opponent and put them into your hand then shuffle your deck,搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中取出最多两张生物牌给你的对手看,并将它们放入你的手牌中,然后洗牌。 Search your deck you may take up to 2 lesson cards from your deck show them to your opponent and put them in your hand then shuffle your deck cost 2,搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中取出最多两张教训牌给你的对手看,然后将它们放入你的手牌中,再洗牌,费用为2。 Searching for the snitch,搜集告密者 Searching for the snitch trading card,搜捕告密者交易卡 Seaweed,海草 Sebastian,塞巴斯蒂安 Sebastian daley,塞巴斯蒂安-达利 Sebastian graham jones,塞巴斯蒂安-格雷厄姆-琼斯 Sebastien perrot,塞巴斯蒂安-佩罗 Second,二哥 Second brother,二哥 Second floor arcade,二楼拱廊 Second floor corridor,二楼走廊 Second floor foyer,二楼门厅 Second floor hall,二楼大厅 Second floor potions storeroom,二楼药水储藏室 Second floor secret storeroom,二楼秘密贮藏室 Second hand bookshop,二手书店 Second hand robe shop,二手袍子店 Second hand robe shop trading card,二手长袍店交易卡 Second hand robes,二手长袍 Second salem church,第二座塞勒姆教堂 Second semi finalist of the 1379 duelling contest,1379年决斗大赛第二次半决赛选手 Second skirmish at the cave,第二场山洞里的小规模战斗 Second skirmish at the horcrux cave,角斗士洞穴的第二次小规模战斗 Second task clock,第二个任务钟 Second wand of jacobs sibling,雅各布兄弟姐妹的第二根魔杖 Second wizarding war,第二次巫师战争 Second world war,第二次世界大战 Second year,第二年 Second year exams,第二年的考试 Secrecy sensor,秘密传感器 Secret cave,秘密山洞 Secret duelling book,秘密决斗书 Secret garden,秘密花园 Secret hallway,秘密走廊 Secret history of the wizarding world,巫师世界的秘密历史 Secret inter house duelling championship,秘密院际决斗锦标赛 Secret keeper,秘密守护者 Secret messaging service,秘密信息服务 Secret muggle room,秘密麻瓜室 Secret passage,秘密通道 Secret room,秘密房间 Secret room near the training grounds,训练场附近的秘密房间 Secret shortcut from the first floor to the third floor,从一楼到三楼的秘密捷径 Secret stairway from the fourth floor to the seventh floor,从四楼到七楼的秘密楼梯 Secret student sweetshop,秘密学生甜品店 Secret student sweetshop manager,秘密学生糖果店经理 Secret study beneath greenhouse one,一号温室下面的秘密书房 Secret way to slytherin common room,通往斯莱特林公共休息室的秘密途径 Secret writing,秘密写作 Secretary,秘书 Secrete fluids that burn anything that touches them,分泌液体,烧毁任何接触到它们的东西 Secretes a protective tube around its body,在其身体周围有一个保护管 Secrets and lies,秘密和谎言 Secrets of the darkest art,最黑暗的艺术的秘密 Section 28,第28节 Section 3a,第3a节 Sectumempra curse gif,Sectumempra诅咒gif Sectumsempra,第3a节 Secure storing of valuable possessions,安全储存贵重物品 Security,保安 Security advisor,安全顾问 Security guard,保安员 Security office,安全办公室 Security spell,安全法术 Security troll,安全巨魔 Security warlock,安全术士 Sedative,麻醉剂 Sedative treats insomnia,治疗失眠的镇静剂 See distant objects,看到远处的物体 See wwthe malfoy family,看到马尔福伊家族 Seeker,寻求者 Seeker weekly,求助者周刊 Seekers verse,求助者的诗句 Seer,寻人启事 Seize and pull charm,抓住和拉动的魅力 Selection committee,挑选委员会 Self correcting ink,自我纠正的墨水 Self defensive spellwork,自我防卫的法术 Self fertilising shrub,自我施肥的灌木 Self help,自我帮助 Self help business book,自我帮助的商业书籍 Self hypnotism,自我催眠术 Self inking quill,自带墨水的羽毛笔 Self ironging robes,自熨长袍 Self ironing robes,自熨长袍 Self knitting needles,自助编织针 Self operating typewriter,自我操作的打字机 Self peeling sprout,自剥皮的嫩芽 Self preservation,自我保护 Self propelling custard pie,自我推动的吉士馅饼 Self shuffling cards,自我洗牌 Self shuffling cards trading card,自我洗牌交易卡 Self shuffling playing cards,自我洗牌的扑克牌 Self spelling quill,自行拼写的羽毛笔 Self spelling wand,自行拼写的魔杖 Self stirring cauldron,自行搅拌的大锅 Self stirring cauldron trading card,自搅拌大锅交易卡 Self writing quill,自写羽毛笔 Selina,塞丽娜 Selina moore,塞琳娜-莫尔 Selina sapworthy,塞琳娜-萨普沃斯 Selkie,塞尔基 Sellotape,铅笔 Selma,朴槿惠 Selwyn,塞尔维恩 Selwyn family,赛尔文家族 Selwyns wand,赛尔文魔杖 Semi aquatic,半水生的 Semi senient,半感光性 Semi sentient,半有知觉的人 Semi sentient,半有知觉的人 Semi sentient can detect motion,半有知觉的人可以探测运动 Senator,参议员 Sendelina de la felino,发送猫咪的备忘录 Sending memos,发送备忘录 Sending receiving and storing information,发送接收和存储信息 Sends legs out of control,发送腿部失控 Sends target away,送走目标 Senegal,塞内加尔 Senegalese national quidditch team,塞内加尔国家魁地奇队 Senior undersecretary,高级副部长 Senior undersecretary to the minister for magic,魔法部长的高级副部长 Senior undersecretary to the minister for magics office,魔法部部长的高级副部长办公室 Sensation of ice flooding body,冰水淹没身体的感觉 Sense and sensibility,感性与感性 Sense and sensibility,感官和感性 Sensodyne,感知力 Sentient,有感而发 Sentient to unknown degree,不明程度的有感性 Seong hwan jo,成焕祖 Seoul,汉城 Separated,分离的 September,九月 Septima vector,矢量 Septimus malfoy,朴槿惠 Sequoias,红杉 Ser gregor clegane in wgame of thrones,在《权力的游戏》中的格雷戈尔-克莱根爵士 Seraphina picquery,瑟芬娜-皮奎里 Seraphina picquerys dress robes,萨拉芬娜-皮奎里的长袍 Seraphina picquerys wand,萨拉菲娜-皮奎里的魔杖 Serbian,瑟拉比 Sergeant,爵士 Sernik,瑟尔尼克 Serpensortia,瑟芬斯蒂亚 Serpensortia trading card,Serpensortia交易卡 Serpent,蛇蝎美人 Serpent of slytherin,斯莱特林的巨蛇 Serpent tongue,蛇形舌头 Serpentine body,蛇形的身体 Serpentine corridor,蛇形走廊 Serrated margins,锯齿状的边缘 Serrated steel fangs to pierce prey,锯齿状的钢质獠牙,可以刺穿猎物 Servant,仆人 Servants,仆人 Serve king arthur,为亚瑟王服务 Serviceman in the u s armed forces,美国武装部队中的服役人员 Seth grahame smith,塞斯-格雷厄姆-史密斯 Sets off a high pitched shriek if entered,进入后会发出高亢的尖叫声 Sev,七 Seven,七个小时 Seven hours,七小时 Seven oclock news,七点新闻 Seven volume biography of harry potter,哈里-波特的七卷传记 Seventh floor corridor,七楼走廊 Seventh floor gryffindor prefect,七楼格兰芬多区长 Seventh year,梦见自己被人绑架 Seventy miles per hour,七十英里每小时 Several,几位 Several aurors,几位灵气师 Several beasts accidentally released in new york city,在纽约市意外放出几只野兽 Several death eaters are killed injured jinxed or hexed,几个吃死人的人被杀,被诅咒或被施咒 Several ghosts,几个鬼魂 Several heads,几个人头 Several macusa aurors struck down and presumably killed,几名玛古萨法师被击倒,估计是被杀死了 Severed hand,被砍断的手 Severing charm,割裂的符咒 Severus snape,西弗勒斯-斯内普 Severus snapes copy of advanced potion making,西弗勒斯-斯内普的高级魔药制作副本 Severus snapes office,西弗勒斯-斯内普办公室 Severus snapes wand,梦见自己被人抢走了 Sexual orientation,性取向 Shadows and spirits,阴影和精神 Shady character,阴暗的角色 Shafiq,沙菲克 Shafiq 1920s,沙菲克20世纪20年代 Shafiq family,沙菲克家族 Shaftesbury avenue,沙夫茨伯里大道 Shaken,摇摇欲坠 Shakespeare in love,恋爱中的莎士比亚 Shakespeare in shaftsbury,莎士比亚在沙夫茨伯里 Shakespearean tragedy,莎士比亚式的悲剧 Sham race where ug the unreliable fled with the takings,骗人的比赛,不可靠的人带着钱逃走了 Shane spall,薛恩-斯波尔 Shanice higgins,薛恩惠-希金斯(Shanice Higgins Shannon cochran,珊伦-科克伦(Shannon Cochran) Shanth enjeti,薛之谦 Shapeshifting,变形术 Shark,鲨鱼 Sharkskin belt,鲨鱼皮带 Sharon,瑜伽 Sharon anstey,沙伦-安斯蒂 Sharp biting teeth,锋利的咬合牙齿 Sharp fangs,尖锐的獠牙 Sharp forked tails,锋利的分叉尾巴 Sharp hearing,尖锐的听觉 Sharp prickles on margins,边缘有尖锐的刺 Sharp sense of smell,敏锐的嗅觉 Sharp spines,尖锐的刺 Sharp teeth,尖锐的牙齿 Sharp teeth for gnawing,用于啃咬的尖锐牙齿 Sharpness,尖锐性 Shatters glass,击碎玻璃 Shaullanda lacombe,沙兰达-拉孔布 Shaun andrews,剃须刀 Shaved,剃光头 Shaved caterpillars,刨花毛虫 Shaw family,邵氏家族 Shaw news,剃须刀新闻 Shaw tower,邵氏塔楼 Shawn morris,肖恩-莫里斯 Sheep,绵羊 Sheeps pluck,绵羊采摘 Shefali chowdhury,Shefali Chowdhury Sheikh suleiman in wclash of the titans clash of the titans,谢赫-苏莱曼在《泰坦之战》中的表现 泰坦之战的冲突 Sheila allen,谢拉-艾伦 Sheila brooks,薛宝钗 Sheila j innes,薛拉-J-因斯(Sheila J Innes) Sheila teague,茜拉-蒂格 Shelagh odowd,谢拉-奥多德 Shell,贝壳 Shell cottage,贝壳山庄 Shell shiner,贝壳类水手 Shelled gastropods,有壳腹足动物 Shelliferous drogodflikerous,贝壳类动物 drogodflikerous Shenzi in disneys the lion kingtaylor in disneys high school musical,迪斯尼的狮子王中的神子 迪斯尼高中音乐剧中的泰勒 Shepard hardware co,牧羊人五金公司 Shepherdess,牧羊女 Shepherds pie,牧羊人馅饼 Shepherds pie day,牧羊人馅饼日 Sherbet lemon,柠檬汁 Sherbet lemon trading card,雪碧柠檬交易卡 Sheree mouteer,谢莉-莫特 Sheree moutter,薛莉-莫特(Sheree Moutter) Sherringford square,薛林福德广场 Sherry,雪莉 Sherwood partington,薛林福德-帕丁顿 Shield charm,盾牌的魅力 Shield charmer,盾形吊饰 Shield cloak,盾牌披风 Shield gloves,盾牌手套 Shield hat,盾牌帽子 Shield penetration spell,盾牌穿透法术 Shields an area,屏蔽一个区域 Shields caster from rain,为施法者提供防雨保护 Shields the wearer from any light to moderate curses,保护佩戴者免受任何轻度至中度诅咒的影响 Shifty wizard,诡异的巫师 Shikoba wolfe,狼牙棒 Shikoba wolfe fine wands,科巴-沃尔夫的精细魔杖 Shimmering silver salt drops,闪烁的银色盐滴 Shimmy hardoteer,虚无缥缈的硬汉 Shinichi kotani,小谷新一 Shinpachi tsuji,新八郎手杖 Shintaro shingo,新太郎-新乡 Shiny black berries,阳光明媚的黑色浆果 Ship subsidy bill,舰船补贴法案 Shipping,朴槿惠 Shipping line,船运公司 Shirley henderson,朴槿惠 Shizuka watanabe,燕窝 Shock o choc,冲击O巧克力 Shock spell,冲击法术 Shock wave,冲击波 Shocking hot pink,震撼的热粉色 Shoma ichikawa,惊天动地 Shoot darts,射出飞镖 Shoot heavy bolts at somebody,向某人发射重磅螺栓 Shooting spell,箭在弦上,不得不发 Shooting star,箭牌 Shooting star trading card,流星交易卡 Shoots a glowing holographic image of ones face into the sky,将一个发光的脸部全息图像射向天空 Shoots blue white lightning from wand tip,从魔杖顶端射出蓝色的白色闪电 Shop assistant,店员 Shop owner,店主 Shop owner tailor,店主裁缝 Shopkeeper,店主 Shopping list,购物清单 Short,矮小 Short and skinny,矮而瘦 Short and stocky,矮小而粗壮 Short fiction,短篇小说 Short horns,短小的角 Short legs,短腿 Short legs and bills,短腿和钞票 Short legs and stubby tails,短小的腿和粗壮的尾巴 Short stature and inhuman shaped head,矮小的身材和非人类形状的头 Short stories from hogwarts of heroism hardship and dangerous hobbies,来自霍格沃茨的短篇故事:英雄主义的艰难困苦和危险的嗜好 Short stories from hogwarts of power politics and pesky poltergeists,来自霍格沃茨的权力政治和讨厌的鬼魂的短篇故事 Short tail,短小的尾巴 Short tails,短小的尾巴 Shortbread cookie,短小的饼干 Should not be applied on newly born beasts,不应适用于刚出生的野兽 Show me the way to go home,告诉我回家的路 Show your hand to your opponent put all lesson cards there into play,向对手展示你的手牌,把所有的课牌放入游戏中。 Showing support for a quidditch team,表示对魁地奇队的支持 Showizbiz,炫耀 Shows seven secret passageways from hogwarts into hogsmeade,显示从霍格沃茨到霍格莫德的七条秘密通道 Shows what everyone in the grounds is doing every minute of every day,显示场地内每个人每时每刻都在做什么 Shrake,沙克 Shrake spine,沙雷克的脊柱 Shrew scolds bridal wear,泼妇骂街的新娘装 Shrieking book,尖叫的书 Shrieking shack,尖叫的棚屋 Shrieking shack,尖叫的棚屋 Shrieking sherbet,尖叫的雪碧 Shrimp,虾子 Shrinking charm,缩小的符咒 Shrinking key,缩小的钥匙 Shrinking potion,缩小的药水 Shrinking potion trading card,缩小药水交易卡 Shrinking solution,缩水方案 Shrinks head,缩头 Shrinks into green spiny cocoon when not in flight,在不飞行时缩成绿色的刺状茧子 Shrinks objects,收缩物体 Shrinks target,收缩目标 Shrivelfig,萎缩虫 Shrubs trees for the garden,花园里的灌木树种 Shrunken head,缩小的头 Shrunken heads in the three broomsticks,缩小的头颅在三把扫帚里 Shruti dev,瑟鲁提的奉献 Shuffle up to 5 non healing cards from your discard pile into your deck cost 3,从你的弃牌堆中洗出最多5张非治疗性的牌到你的牌组中,费用为3 Shugs the wachowskis sense8,瓦卓斯基的感觉8 Shuntbumps,阴影 Shutterbuttons photography studio,迅捷键摄影工作室 Siamese cat,暹罗猫 Sian thomas,西安-托马斯 Siberia,西伯利亚 Siberian arrow,西伯利亚之箭 Sible hedingham essex uk,英国的Sible hedingham Sickle,镰刀 Sickle or silver sickle,镰刀或银镰刀 Sickle trading card,镰刀交易卡 Sickleworth,镰刀沃思 Sickly green,镰刀的绿色 Sickly green fur,恶心的绿色毛皮 Sid and nancy,薛之谦和南希 Side chamber,侧面室 Side quests in harry potter hogwarts mystery,哈里-波特霍格沃茨之谜中的侧面任务 Sideways figure eight,侧面的八字形 Sidley smirk platter,西德利傻笑拼盘 Sidney sid,西德尼-希德 Sidney puckeridge,西德尼-帕克里奇 Sidney todd,西德尼-托德 Sign of the deathly hallows,死亡圣器的标志 Signature spell,签名咒语 Significantly boosts the energy and focus of the drinker,显著提高饮用者的能量和注意力 Significantly impairs foes by weakening their mental awareness,削弱敌人的精神意识,从而极大地损害他们的利益 Sigrid kristoffersen,西格丽德-克里斯托弗森 Silas crump,西拉斯-克鲁姆普 Silas crumps cat,塞拉斯-克鲁普斯猫 Silences target,让目标沉默 Silencing charm,沉默的魅力 Silencio,沉默 Silvanus kettleburn,西尔瓦娜斯-凯特本 Silvanus kettleburns father,希尔瓦娜斯-凯特伯恩的父亲 Silvanus kettleburns mother,西尔瓦努斯-凯特伯恩的母亲 Silvanus kettleburns wand,西尔瓦娜斯-凯特本的魔杖 Silver,银色 Silver,银色 Silver arrow,银色箭头 Silver blonde,银色金发 Silver cauldron,银色大锅 Silver cauldron trading card,银色大锅的交易卡 Silver chalice,银色圣杯 Silver dagger,银色匕首 Silver dragon,银色的龙 Silver formerly auburn,银色前乌金 Silver green,银色的绿色 Silver grey,银灰色 Silver hand,银色的手 Silver in colour,银色的颜色 Silver leafed tree,银色叶子的树 Silver lime,银色石灰 Silver net conjuring spell,银网咒语 Silver rope conjuring spell,银色绳索法术 Silver scales,银色的鳞片 Silver shield spell,银色盾牌法术 Silver snuffbox,银色鼻烟盒 Silver sparkling snakes,银色闪光的蛇 Silver spell,银色咒语 Silver star earrings,银色星星耳环 Silver to dark grey,银色到深灰色 Silver unicorn horn,银色独角兽的角 Silver unicorn horn trading card,银色独角兽角交易卡 Silverweed,银草 Silvery,银色的 Silvery blonde,银色的金发 Silvery blue,银色的蓝色 Silvery green,银色的绿色 Silvery liquid,银色的液体 Silvery with blue tips,银色带蓝尖的 Silvia,西尔维娅 Silvia crastan,西尔维娅-克拉斯坦 Silvio astolfi,西尔维奥-阿斯托尔菲 Simeon woderuff,西米恩-沃德鲁夫 Similar to a gnarled stump,类似参天大树的树桩 Simon britton,西蒙-布里顿 Simon dedworth,西蒙-德沃斯 Simon dedworth,西蒙-德沃斯 Simon dedworth i,西蒙-德沃斯一世 Simon dedworth ii,西蒙-德沃斯二世 Simon dentata,西蒙-德特沃斯 Simon disambiguation,西蒙消歧义 Simon fisher becker,西蒙-费歇尔-贝克尔 Simon grover,西蒙-格罗弗 Simon kerrison,西蒙-凯里森 Simon mcburney,西蒙-麦克伯尼 Simon montagu mcburney,西蒙-蒙塔古-麦克伯尼 Simon nock,西蒙-诺克 Simon schuster,西蒙-舒斯特尔 Simon wilkinson,西蒙-威尔金森 Simple spells for year 2,二年级的简单咒语 Simple to moderate,简单到适度 Sinead matthews,西尼德-马修斯 Sinead sharkey,朴槿惠 Sinfonia concertanti,乐队演奏 Sing sing,唱歌 Sing sing correctional facility,唱歌的教养机构 Singer,监狱 Singer building,唱歌的建筑 Singing,唱歌 Single,单人 Single,单人 Single cpossibly,可能是单人 Sinistra,窦文涛 Sinistra lowe,窦文涛 Sinéad sharkey,窦文涛 窦文涛 窦文涛 窦文涛 Sir,爵士 Sir laurence olivier in my week with marilyn,劳伦斯-奥利维尔爵士在《我和玛丽莲的一周》中的表现 Sir luckless,爵士无福消受 Sir menzies,曼齐斯爵士 Sir nicholas,尼古拉爵士 Sir nicholas de mimsy porpingtons 500th deathday party,尼古拉-德-米西-波平特爵士的第500个生日派对 Sir properly decapitated podmore,适当斩首的Podmore爵士 Sir tomkins co,汤姆金斯爵士 Sir winogrand,维诺格朗爵士 Siren,海妖 Sirens rest,海妖的休息 Sirius black,黑天狼星 Sirius black as hes painted?,黑色小天狼星是谁画的? Sirius black disambiguation,黑天狼星的歧义 Sirius black i,黑天狼星I Sirius black ii,黑天狼星二 Sirius black iii,黑天狼星三 Sirius black manhunt,黑天狼星的追捕行动 Sirius blacks barn owl,黑天狼星的仓鸮 Sirius blacks bedroom,黑小天狼星的卧室 Sirius blacks break in of hogwarts castle,小天狼星黑人闯入霍格沃茨城堡 Sirius blacks break in of hogwarts castle 1993,黑人小天狼星闯入霍格沃茨城堡 1993年 Sirius blacks break in of hogwarts castle 1994,小天狼星黑衣人闯入霍格沃茨城堡 1994年 Sirius blacks daily letters to harry potter,小天狼星黑人给哈利波特的日常信件 Sirius blacks file,小天狼星的档案 Sirius blacks fourth letter to harry,小天狼星给哈雷的第四封信 Sirius blacks hideout,小天狼星的藏身之处 Sirius blacks knife,小天狼星的刀 Sirius blacks letter to harry potter,小天狼星黑人给哈利波特的信 Sirius blacks letter to harry potter,黑人小天狼星给哈利波特的信 Sirius blacks letter to harry potter 1994,小天狼星黑人给哈利波特的信 1994年 Sirius blacks letter to harry potter 1994 ii,小天狼星黑人给哈利波特的信1994年II Sirius blacks letter to harry potter 1994 iii,小天狼星黑人给哈利波特的信 1994年 iii Sirius blacks letter to harry potter 1994 iv,小天狼星黑人给哈利波特的信1994年IV Sirius blacks letter to harry potter 1994 v,黑人小天狼星致哈利波特的信1994 v Sirius blacks letter to harry potter 1995,黑人小天狼星致哈利波特的信 1995年 Sirius blacks letter to harry potter 1995 ii,黑人小天狼星给哈利波特的信1995年二 Sirius blacks letter to harry potter 1995 iii,小天狼星黑人给哈利波特的信1995年三 Sirius blacks letter to harry potter 1995 iv,小天狼星黑人给哈利波特的信1995年四 Sirius blacks letters to harry potter 1995,小天狼星黑人给哈利波特的信 1995年 Sirius blacks motorbike,黑人小天狼星的摩托车 Sirius blacks owl,小天狼星黑猫头鹰 Sirius blacks penknife,小天狼星的笔刀 Sirius blacks pocket watch,小天狼星的怀表 Sirius blacks second letter to harry potter 1995,黑人小天狼星给哈利波特的第二封信,1995年 Sirius blacks third letter to harry,小天狼星给哈雷的第三封信 Sirius blacks wand,小天狼星黑魔杖 Sirius blacks will,小天狼星黑人的遗嘱 Siriusletter1 jpeg,小天狼星字母1 jpeg Siriusletter2 jpeg,小天狼星字母2 jpeg Siriusletter3 jpeg,小天狼星字母3 jpeg Siriusletter4 jpeg,小天狼星字母4 jpeg Siriusletter5 jpeg,小天狼星字母5 jpeg Siriusletter6 jpeg,天狼星字母6 jpeg Siriusly hazza p,天狼星信札p Sisi makerere,西西-梅克尔 Sister evangelina in call the midwife,呼叫助产士》中的伊万格丽娜修女 Sitara shah,西塔拉-沙赫 Sites of historical sorcery,历史上的巫术遗址 Six hours,六小时 Six inches,六英寸 Six months,六个月 Six to eight inches,六至八英寸 Six to seven feet,六至七英尺 Sixteen feet,十六英尺 Sixth floor boys bathroom,六楼男厕所 Sixth floor classroom,六楼教室 Sixth floor corridor,六楼走廊 Sixth floor empty classroom,六楼空教室 Sixth year,六年级 Sixth year inquisitorial squad member,六年级审讯班成员 Sixty miles per hour,每小时60英里 Skele gro,骷髅头 Skeletal sweets,骷髅糖果 Skender,斯肯德人 Skenders wand,斯肯德的魔杖 Sketchbook,绘画书 Skiing,绘画 Skilful scavengers,熟练的拾荒者 Skilled at hunting for treasure,熟练的寻宝者 Skin diseases,皮肤病 Skin walker,皮肤行走者 Skirmish at malfoy manor,在马尔福庄园发生的小规模战斗 Skirmish at st jeromes church,在圣杰罗米教堂的小规模战斗 Skirmish at the entrance hall,在入口大厅的小规模战斗 Skirmish at the great hall,大厅的小规模战斗 Skirmish at the north battlements,在北边城垛上的小规模战斗 Skirmish at the quad,四合院的小规模战斗 Skirmish at the quad battlements,在四面城墙上的小规模战斗 Skirmish at the room of requirement,需求室的小规模战斗 Skirmish at the seventh floor corridor,在七楼走廊的小规模战斗 Skirmish at the wooden bridge,木桥上的小规模战斗 Skirmish in a first floor corridor,在一楼走廊的小规模战斗 Skirmish in aragogs hollow,在阿拉戈斯山庄的小规模战斗 Skirmish in aragogs lair,阿拉戈斯巢穴中的小规模战斗 Skirmish in the chamber of secrets,密室中的小规模战斗 Skirmish in the forbidden forest,禁忌森林中的小规模战斗 Skirmish in the underground chambers,地下室中的小规模战斗 Skirmish in the viaduct courtyard,高架桥院子里的小规模战斗 Skirmish malfoy manor gif,在马尔福庄园的小规模战斗GIF Skiving snackbox,潜行的点心盒 Skower,绘画 Skrifter af knos,在高架桥院子里的战斗 Skurge,争吵 Skurge challenge,狩猎者的挑战 Skurge charm,魅力之城 Skurge spellbook,咒语书 Sky blue in colour,天蓝的颜色 Sky blue with a dark blue double t on the chest,天蓝色,胸前有一个深蓝色的双T Sky sea sky seafloor,天海天海底 Skye parkin,斯凯-帕金 Skye parkins cousin,斯凯-帕金斯的表弟 Skyward flourish,天空的繁星 Slash,斜线 Slash wand at target,将魔杖砍向目标 Slashing movement,砍伐动作 Sleekeazys hair potion,斯莱凯亚斯的头发药水 Sleeping bag conjuring spell,睡袋变身术 Sleeping beauty,睡美人 Sleeping charm,沉睡的符咒 Sleeping draught,睡觉的水 Sleeping potion,沉睡的药水 Sleeping potion trading card,睡眠药水交易卡 Sleepwalking curse,梦游的诅咒 Sleepy hollow,嗜睡的空洞 Slicing apparatus,切片仪器 Slight reduction of the light level in ones surroundings,略微降低周围环境的光线水平 Slightly bendy,略微弯曲的 Slightly brown,略带褐色 Slimy,纤细的 Slimy white,纤细的白色 Slinkhard family,瘦肉精家族 Slinking ferret,滑溜溜的白鼬 Slippers,拖鞋 Slippery jinx,滑溜溜的扫把星 Sloper family,溜冰者家族 Sloshes,溜冰鞋 Sloshing cauldron,大锅饭 Sloth,懒惰 Sloth brain,懒惰的大脑 Sloth grip,懒惰的抓地力 Sloth grip roll,树懒握力卷 Sloth grip trading card,树懒手柄交易卡 Slough united kingdom,懒惰的联合王国 Slow,缓慢 Slow acting venom,缓慢行动的毒液 Slow and romantic,缓慢和浪漫 Slow orchestral waltzes,缓慢的管弦乐华尔兹 Slowing charm,慢速的魅力 Slows or stops targets velocity,放慢或停止目标速度 Slug,鼻涕虫 Slug club,鼻涕虫俱乐部 Slug club christmas party,鼻涕虫俱乐部圣诞晚会 Slug jiggers apothecary,鼻涕虫药房 Slug pit,蛞蝓坑 Slug vomiting charm,鼻涕虫呕吐的符咒 Slughorn family,斯拉格霍恩家族 Slughorns hourglass,斯拉戈恩沙漏 Slughorns staircase,斯拉戈恩家的楼梯 Slughorns stairs,蛞蝓楼梯 Slugs,蛞蝓 Slugs and bugs club,蛞蝓和虫子俱乐部 Slugulus eructo,鼻涕虫 Slytherin,斯莱特林 Slytherin,斯莱特林 Slytherin boy who drank a botched potion,喝了错误药水的斯莱特林男孩 Slytherin boys dormitory,斯莱特林男生宿舍 Slytherin cake,斯莱特林蛋糕 Slytherin common room,斯莱特林公共活动室 Slytherin common room trading card,斯莱特林公共休息室交易卡 Slytherin corridors,斯莱特林的走廊 Slytherin crest,斯莱特林徽章 Slytherin duelling club captain,斯莱特林决斗俱乐部队长 Slytherin duelling dungeon,斯莱特林的决斗地牢 Slytherin dungeon,斯莱特林地牢 Slytherin dungeon tapestries,斯莱特林地牢挂毯 Slytherin family,斯莱特林家族 Slytherin girls dormitory,斯莱特林女生宿舍 Slytherin house ghost,斯莱特林家族的幽灵 Slytherin match,斯莱特林比赛 Slytherin quidditch team,斯莱特林魁地奇队 Slytherin quidditch teams nimbus 2001 broomsticks,斯莱特林魁地奇队的云杉2001扫帚 Slytherin serpent,斯莱特林大蛇 Slytherin squib,斯莱特林的小弟弟 Slytherin steals,斯莱特林偷窃 Slytherin student,斯莱特林学生 Slytherin student that blames harry potter i,谴责哈利波特的斯莱特林学生我 Slytherin student that blames harry potter ii,指责哈利波特的斯莱特林学生二 Slytherin vs hufflepuff quidditch match,斯莱特林对赫夫帕夫的魁地奇比赛 Slytherin vs ravenclaw quidditch match,斯莱特林对阵拉文克劳的魁地奇比赛 Slytherin vs ravenclaw quidditch match 1994,1994年斯莱特林对拉文克劳的魁地奇比赛 Slytherin wizard duelling champion,斯莱特林巫师决斗冠军 Slytherin wizards chess champion,斯莱特林巫师国际象棋冠军 Slytherins locket,斯莱特林的吊坠 Slytherus,斯莱特鲁斯 Small,小的 Small and edible,小而可食 Small and furry,小的和毛茸茸的 Small and pink,小而粉红 Small and pink in colour with dense spikes,小而粉的颜色,有密集的穗状物 Small arms,小的武器 Small british wizarding prisons,小型的英国巫师监狱 Small burrowing rodent,小型钻地啮齿动物 Small child to rat,小小孩到老鼠 Small crustaceans,小型甲壳类动物 Small edible red berries,小的可食用红色浆果 Small explosion,小爆炸 Small explosion with a gunshot sound,有枪声的小爆炸 Small head on large body,大身体上的小脑袋 Small horns,小的角 Small in size,尺寸小 Small lockbox,小的锁箱 Small locked tower,小的上锁的塔 Small mammals,小型哺乳动物 Small plump bird,小丰满的鸟 Small purple blossoms,紫色的小花 Small rodent,小型啮齿动物 Small rodents,小啮齿动物 Small round hard and black in colour,小的圆硬和黑色的颜色 Small size,体积小 Small to medium sized birds,小到中等大小的鸟类 Small white and clustered,小的白色和群集的 Small wizarding prisons,小型巫师监狱 Smaller than 1,小于1 Smallest bedroom,最小的卧室 Smart answer quill,聪明的答案笔芯 Smart locker,聪明的储物柜 Smash,粉碎 Smash trading card,砸碎的交易卡 Smashing spell,粉碎的咒语 Smells strongly of petrol,有强烈的汽油味 Smelting stick,冶炼棒 Smeltings academy,冶炼学院 Smeltings nurse,冶炼护士 Smirnoff,饮料 Smith co tick tock clock,滴答滴答的钟声 Smith family,史密斯家族 Smiths timer,计时器 Smoke into daggers spell,烟雾变成匕首的咒语 Smoke to daggers,烟雾变成匕首 Smokes on contact,接触时冒烟 Smokes when poured,倾倒时冒烟 Smokescreen spell,烟幕法术 Smoky,烟雾缭绕 Smoky brewer badge,烟雾缭绕的酿酒师徽章 Smoky eyed potions professor,烟雾缭绕的魔药教授 Smooth slightly ribbed skin,阳光明媚的皮肤 Smooth thick and rich,浓密而丰富的光滑皮肤 Smudge removing spell,抹去污点的咒语 Snail,蜗牛 Snail to teapot,蜗牛到茶壶 Snake,蛇 Snake charmer,蛇的魅力 Snake fang,蜗牛 Snake skin,蛇皮 Snake summons spell,蛇的召唤法术 Snake vanishing spell,蛇消失的咒语 Snakeweed,蛇草 Snakeweed tea,蛇草茶 Snallygaster,蛇蝎美人 Snallygaster protection league,斯纳利加斯特保护联盟 Snape family,斯内普家族 Snape scoundrel or saint?,斯内普无赖还是圣人? Snapes bias,斯纳普斯的偏见 Snapes question,斯内普问题 Snapes question trading card,斯内普问题交易卡 Snare drums strings brass,小鼓 弦乐 铜管 Snarfalump,斯纳法尔姆 Snargaluff,斯纳格勒夫 Snatcher,斯纳克 Snatcher camp,斯纳奇营地 Snatcher individual,斯纳奇个人 Snatchers,斯纳克人 Sneakoscope,潜望镜 Sneezewort,打喷嚏的人 Sneezing,打喷嚏的人 Snickerton,斯纳克顿 Snickertons shop,斯纳克顿商店 Snidget,小工具 Snidget hunting,猎杀Snidget Snidget sanctuary,斯尼吉特保护区 Snitch snatcher,抢夺小鸡的人 Snitchnip,斯尼奇尼普 Snivellus,斯诺维勒斯 Snooker,扑克牌 Snow cake,雪糕 Snow white,白雪公主 Snow white and the seven dwarfs,白雪公主和七个小矮人 Snow white and the seven dwarves,白雪公主和七个小矮人 Snowball,蛋糕 Snowfall spell,雪落法术 Snowflake making spell,雪花制作法术 Snowy,雪域 Snowy owl,雪地猫头鹰 Snowy owl family,白雪皑皑的猫头鹰家族 Snowy white,白雪皑皑 Snuffbox,鼻烟壶 Snuffles,鼻烟壶 Snufflifors spell,鼻烟壶的咒语 Snufflifors spellbook,鼻烟壶法术书 Snuffling potion,鼻烟壶药水 Snuffling potion trading card,鼻烟药水交易卡 Snyde family,斯奈德家族 So you think youd like to work in muggle relations?,你认为你愿意在麻瓜关系中工作吗? Soap,肥皂 Soap blizzard of 1378,1378年的肥皂暴风雪 Soap programme,肥皂节目 Sociable animals,社会性的动物 Society for distressed witches,苦恼的女巫协会 Society for the promotion of elfish welfare,促进精灵福利的协会 Society for the reformation of hags,改造女巫的协会 Society for the support of squibs,支持壁虎的协会 Society for the tolerance of vampires,吸血鬼宽容协会 Società sportiva calcio napoli,纳波利足球协会(Società sportiva calcio napoli) Società sportiva lazio,拉齐奥体育协会 Socks,袜子 Sodium chloride,氯化钠 Sofia bulgaria,索菲亚-保加利亚 Sofie,袜子 Softening charm,柔软的魅力 Softens objects,软化物体 Soho,钠 Soho play summer art festival,苏荷区玩转夏季艺术节 Soil,土壤 Sol campbell,索尔-坎贝尔 Solanaceae,茄科植物 Solar system,太阳系统 Solitaire,太阳系 Solomon taiwo justified,所罗门-泰沃有理 Solution 078,解决方案078 Solution 125,解决方案125 Somalia,索马里 Some muggles,一些麻瓜 Some staff members,一些工作人员 Some suffer from congenital deafness,一些患有先天性耳聋的人 Somerset,萨默塞特 Something in the air case,空气案中的东西 Something the lord made,主人制造的东西 Something with horns,有角的东西 Sometime prior to september 1 1984,1984年9月1日之前的某个时间 Sometimes aggressive,有时具有攻击性 Somewhat like a rock,有点像石头 Somewhat sickly flavour,有点病态的味道 Somewhere tropical,热带的某处 Somnambulism,梦游症 Somnambulist charm,梦游者的魅力 Son,兒子 Songs,歌声 Sonnets of a sorcerer,一个巫师的十四行诗 Sonny ward,颂歌沃德 Sonorous charm,铿锵有力的魅力 Sonorus,诗人 Sony,索尼 Soothes and heals cuts and abrasions,舒缓和治愈割伤和擦伤 Soothes pain,舒缓疼痛 Soothing,舒缓 Sophia fitzgerald,索菲亚-菲茨杰拉德 Sophia prickett,索菲亚-普里克特 Sophie,苏菲 Sophie berger,苏菲-贝格尔 Sophie roper,苏菲-罗珀 Sophie thompson,苏菲-汤普森 Sopophorous bean,槐花豆 Sopophorous plant,槐属植物 Sorcerers sorceresses,巫师女巫 Sorcerous glove,巫师手套 Sorcerous gloves,巫师手套 Sore throat,咽喉肿痛 Sorrowful,悲伤的 Sorting ceremony,分选仪式 Sorting ceremony ilvermorny,分拣仪式伊尔沃莫尼 Sorting ceremony stool,分拣仪式的凳子 Sorting hat,分拣帽 Sorting hat 1995 jpeg,分拣帽1995 jpeg Sorting ilvermorny students,伊尔沃莫尔尼学生分拣 Sorting statues,分拣雕像 Sorts the students,分拣学生 Sos task force dark detector,秘密的检测器的SOS工作组 Sotère lestrange,灵魂 Soul,灵魂 Sound audio amplification,声音音频放大 Sound designer,声波设计师 Sound producing sweets,声音产生的糖果 Soundtrack,录音带 Soundtrack,录音带 Soup,蔬菜 Soup house leaky,汤屋漏水 Soup leaky house,汤漏水的房子 Soup soup soup,汤汤水水 Sour,酸味 Sourav kartik,苏拉夫-卡蒂克 Source of light,光的来源 Source thames head gloucestershire,源于泰晤士河头的格洛斯特郡 South america,南美洲 South east amateur youth boxing association,东南部业余青年拳击协会 South korea,韩国 South korean,南韩 South of eastern hemisphere,东半球南部 South of the eastern hemisphere,东半球南部 South of the western hemisphere,西半球南部 South pole,南极 South tower,南塔 South wales,南半球 South way,南方之路 Southampton,南安普敦 Southeast asia,东南亚 Southern hemisphere,南半球 Southern part of america,美国南部地区 Southland tales,南部地区的故事 Sovereign theatre,主权剧院 Soy,大豆 Spaghetti bolognese,肉酱面条 Spaghetti sauce,意大利面条酱 Spain,番茄酱 Spanish,西班牙 Spanish baggage handlers,西班牙行李搬运工 Spanish baggage handlers strike,西班牙行李员罢工 Spanish national quidditch stadium,西班牙国家魁地奇体育场 Spanish national quidditch team,西班牙国家魁地奇队 Spanish oak,西班牙橡木 Sparks,火花 Sparks from nostrils with sneezing,打喷嚏时鼻孔喷出的火花 Sparky,斯帕克 Sparrow,麻雀 Sparrowhawk,雀鹰 Sparsely covered with bristles,稀疏的毛发覆盖 Spattergroit,斑点狗 Speakeasy,矛头毕露 Speaker of the house of commons,下议院议长 Speaking architecture,说话建筑 Speaking heads mascots,说话的头颅吉祥物 Special advisor for elf legislation,精灵立法特别顾问 Special advisor to the wizengamot,巫师议会特别顾问 Special award for services to the school,为学校提供服务的特别奖 Special effects wizard,特殊效果的巫师 Special event hat,特别活动帽子 Special jinx,特殊的扫帚星 Special messenger,特别信使 Special occasions,特殊场合 Specialis revelio,特别的启示 Speckled blue,斑点蓝 Spectacles,视觉 Spectre,幽灵 Spectre bat,幽灵蝙蝠 Spectrespecs,分光镜 Spectrum splasher,光谱溅射器 Speed boost,速度提升 Speed camera,速度相机 Speedy brewer badge,迅速的酿酒师徽章 Speelman steal,窃听器 Spell,咒语 Spell,法术 Spell casting in the age of rappaports law,饶舌法时代的施法者 Spell checking quill,咒语检查笔 Spell creation,法术创造 Spell equipping,法术装备 Spell for growing legs,生长腿的法术 Spell harvesting spell,咒语收获咒语 Spell ing wasp national competition,咒语ing黄蜂全国大赛 Spell limits,咒语限制 Spell o fonix,咒语O fonix Spell potions,法术药水 Spell resistance,法术抵抗 Spell to conjure a circle of fire,召唤火圈的法术 Spell to cure wartcap powder infection,治愈疣粉感染的法术 Spell to turn scabbers yellow,咒语使疥疮变黄 Spella weekly,咒语周报 Spellbinding nuts,咒语坚果 Spellbook,咒语书 Spellbook vault,法术书库 Spellbook vault key,法术书库钥匙 Spellbound,咒语 Spellbound group,咒语组 Spellbound magazine,咒语杂志 Spellman,咒语人 Spellmans syllabary,拼命三郎的音节 Spellotape,拼写带 Spellotape,咒语带 Spells,咒语 Spells book,法术书 Spherical shape,球形 Sphinx,狮身人面像 Sphynx cat,斯芬克斯猫 Spices,香料 Spices and fruits,香料和水果 Spicy,辣味 Spicy taste of peppercorns,花椒的辛辣味道 Spider,蛛丝马迹 Spider,蜘蛛 Spider conjuring spell,蜘蛛的魔力咒语 Spider earrings,蜘蛛耳环 Spider like tweezers,蜘蛛的镊子 Spider repelling spell,驱除蜘蛛的法术 Spiders exodus,蜘蛛出走 Spielmans wand,蛛丝马迹的魔杖 Spiked wings,翼尖的翅膀 Spiky bush,带刺的灌木丛 Spiky prickly plant,带刺的植物 Spinach,菠菜 Spindle,纺锤 Spindlewarps wool shop,纺锤形羊毛店 Spine of lionfish,狮子鱼的脊柱 Spines,刺 Spines on back,背上的刺 Spinners end,纺纱机的末端 Spintronix eggbeater,打蛋器 Spintwitches quidditch supplies,斯宾特威奇魁地奇用品 Spintwitches sporting needs,斯宾特威奇运动需求 Spiral dive,螺旋式潜水 Spiral dive trading card,螺旋式潜水交易卡 Spiralling steam,旋涡式蒸汽 Spirit,灵魂 Spirit being,精神的存在 Spirit division,精神分裂 Spirit of myrrh,没药的精神 Spitting snake,吐痰的蛇 Splashmaster 2000,蛇蝎美人 Spleenwart,蛇蝎美人 Splinching,裂缝 Splinter and kreeks,裂缝和克里克斯 Splinters lock from door,劈裂物从门上锁 Split open the carapace,劈开甲壳 Spokesgoblin,辐条哥布林 Sponge cake,海绵蛋糕 Sponge knees curse,膝盖的诅咒 Spongify,蛋糕 Spongify spellbook,海绵化法术书 Spongify trading card,吐痰的交易卡 Spontaneous assembly at the great hall,大厅的自发集会 Spores can cause dizziness,孢子可以引起头晕 Sports,体育运动 Sports action,体育行动 Sports collectible,体育收藏品 Spot the snargaluff,发现鼻涕虫 Spotted dick,斑点鸡鸡 Spotted hare,有斑点的野兔 Spout hole,喷水孔 Sprigs used in,芽菜用于 Spring between 1972 and 1978,1972年至1978年间的春天 Springy,春天 Sprite,雪花 Sprout,萌芽 Sprout food,萌芽食品 Sprout owl,萌芽猫头鹰 Spruce,云杉 Spruce,云杉 Spudmore family,斯巴德莫尔家族 Squabbs syndrome,灌木综合症 Squash,鱿鱼 Squat,腹腔镜 Squat wheezy man,蹲式喘息的人 Squib,腹腔镜 Squib,蹲蹲 Squib rights marches,壁虎权利游行 Squibbert,斯基伯特 Squiggle quill trading card,斯格格尔-奎尔交易卡 Squiggly wiggly,小精灵 Squill,鱿鱼 Squill bulb,斯基尔灯泡 Squints painfully when exposed to light,暴露在光线下时痛苦地眯起眼睛 Squire,侍从 St brutuss secure centre for incurably criminal boys,圣布鲁特斯安全中心,为无药可救的男孩提供服务。 St davids hospital,圣达维德医院 St grogorys primary school,圣格罗戈里斯小学 St jeromes church,圣杰罗米斯教堂 St jeromes graveyard,圣杰罗梅斯墓园 St johns wort,圣约翰麦芽汁 St marys church hall,圣玛丽斯教堂大厅 St mungo employee,圣蒙哥员工 St mungos admissions department,圣芒戈招生部门 St mungos hospital for magical maladies and injuries,圣蒙哥魔法疾病和伤害医院 St mungos welcome witch,圣蒙哥欢迎女巫 St neots,圣纽茨 St oswalds home for old witches and wizards,圣奥斯瓦尔德老巫婆和巫师之家 St troglodous order of labours,圣特罗格洛德劳动者协会 Stacey clegg,斯泰西-克莱格 Stacie,巫师 Stads muziek collegie,基金会 Staff,职员 Staffroom,职员室 Staffroom passage,职员室通道 Stage director,舞台导演 Staghorn,石角 Stained glass window,彩绘玻璃窗 Staines,斯泰因 Staircase between the courtyard and serpentine corridors,院子和蛇形走廊之间的楼梯 Staircase between the first and second floor corridors,一楼和二楼走廊之间的楼梯 Staircase between the first floor and serpentine corridors,一楼和蛇形走廊之间的楼梯 Staircase between the ground floor and second floor corridor,一楼和二楼走廊之间的楼梯 Staircase between the ground floor corridor and second floor corridor,一楼走廊和二楼走廊之间的楼梯 Staircase between the library and second floor corridors,图书馆和二楼走廊之间的楼梯 Staircase between the second and third floors,二楼和三楼之间的楼梯 Staircase between the sixth floor and seventh floor corridor,六楼和七楼走廊之间的楼梯 Staircase to the west tower battlements,通往西塔垛口的楼梯 Stairwell gargoyle,楼梯间的石像鬼 Stalactite,钟乳石 Stalagmite,石笋 Stamford jorkins,斯坦福德-乔金斯 Stamina charm,体力符咒 Stamina points,记忆点 Stan,钙片 Standard ingredient,营养品 Standard potioning water,标准魔药水 Stands on hind feet,用后脚站立 Stanislav ianevski,斯坦尼斯拉夫-亚涅夫斯基 Stanislav yanevski,斯坦尼斯拉夫-扬纳夫斯基 Stanley disambiguation,斯坦利消除歧义 Stanley shilling,斯坦利-希林 Stanley shunpike,斯坦利-顺皮克 Stanley volant,斯坦利-沃伦特 Stansted,斯坦斯特德 Star chart,星图 Star grass,星形草 Star grass salve,星形草药膏 Star grass salve trading card,星草药水交易卡 Star shower spell,星际淋浴法术 Star wars,星际战争 Star wars rebels,星战叛军 Star wars the rise of skywalker,星际战争之天行者的崛起 Stardust,星尘 Starfish and stick,海星和棍子 Staring glass eye,盯着玻璃的眼睛 Staring muggle,盯着麻瓜的人 Staring portrait,凝视画像 Starkid productions,凝视制作 Starling,盯着玻璃眼睛 Starshower spell,盯着玻璃眼睛 Start of term feast,术语的开始盛宴 Start of term feast trading card,学期开始的盛宴交易卡 Starthistle,椋鸟 Station guard,车站守卫 Statue curse,雕像的诅咒 Statue of liberty,自由女神像 Statue of rowena ravenclaw,罗伊娜-拉文克劳的雕像 Statue of slytherin,斯莱特林的雕像 Statute of secrecy assignments,秘密任务的规约 Statute of secrecy task force,秘密任务的规约 Steak,橄榄球 Steak and kidney pie,牛排和肾脏馅饼 Stealth and tracking,隐形和追踪 Stealth sensoring spell,隐身感应法术 Steam emits from drinkers ears,从饮酒者的耳朵里发出的蒸汽 Stebbins,斯特宾斯 Stebbins,斯特宾斯 Stebbins 1920s,斯德宾斯20世纪20年代 Stebbins disambiguation,斯特宾斯的歧义 Stebbins marauder era,斯特宾斯的掠夺者时代 Stebbins potter era,斯特宾斯-波特时代 Steel conviction,钢铁信念 Steel mesh gloves,钢网手套 Steelclaw,炼金术士 Steelclaw trading card,洛克菲勒交易卡 Stella cascadia,辽宁沈阳 Stemless or very short stemmed,无茎或很短的茎 Stephan hodhedge,斯蒂芬-霍德格 Stephanie leonidas,斯蒂芬尼-莱昂尼达斯 Stephen challock,斯蒂芬-查克 Stephen cornfoot,斯蒂芬-康福特 Stephen disambiguation,斯蒂芬消歧义 Stephen fry,斯蒂芬-弗莱 Stephen gould,史蒂芬-古尔德 Stephen hawking,史蒂芬-霍金 Stephen mcclaren,史蒂芬-麦克拉伦 Stephen moore,史蒂芬-摩尔(Stephen Moore Stephen swain,斯蒂芬-斯温 Stephenie,史蒂芬-斯蒂芬 Stephenie lesley gardner,史蒂芬-莱斯利-加德纳 Stephenie mcmillan real world,斯蒂芬妮-麦克米伦的真实世界 Stepping stone over small bodies of water,小水体上的踏脚石 Stereo,立体声 Sterling mccubbin,斯特林-麦库宾 Steve,史蒂夫 Steve disambiguation,史蒂夫的歧义 Steve hope wynne,史蒂夫-霍普-温尼 Steve mackey,史蒂夫-麦基 Steve oconnell,Steve Oconnell Steve vander ark,Steve Vander Ark Steven claydon,史蒂夫-克莱顿 Steven hoggett,史蒂芬-霍格特 Steven osterley,史蒂芬-奥斯特利 Stevenson family,史蒂文森家族 Stew,斯图尔 Steward family,斯图尔德家族 Stewart,斯图尔特 Stewart ackerley,斯图尔特-阿克雷 Stewed,炖煮的 Stewed mandrake,炖曼陀罗 Stichstock,斯蒂奇斯托克 Stickfast hex,粘稠的六角 Sticking charm,魅力无穷 Sticking up for neville,坚挺的内维尔 Sticks legs together,粘在一起的腿 Sticks object permanently in place,粘在一起的物体的永久位置 Sticks shoes to floor,将鞋子粘在地板上 Sticks tongue to roof of the mouth,舌头粘在嘴上 Sticky toffee pudding,粘性太妃糖布丁 Sticky trainers,粘性训练器 Stimulate mental agility,刺激思维的敏捷性 Stinchcombe,粘粘乐 Sting,蜇伤 Stinging hairs,营养师 Stinging jinx,蜇人的扫帚 Stinging nettle,蜇人的荨麻 Stinging nettles,蜇人的荨麻 Stings flesh,蜇伤肉体 Stings on contact,接触性刺痛 Stink bomb store,臭气弹商店 Stink pellets,恶臭颗粒 Stinking salmon,臭鲑鱼 Stinkitus,恶臭 Stinksap,恶臭 Stitches,缝合 Stoat,粪便 Stoat sandwich,三明治 Stoatshead hill,斯托茨海德山 Stockbroker,股票经纪人 Stockbroker,股票经纪人 Stockholm sweden,证券经纪人 Stockton on tees,悉尼 Stoddard withers,证券公司 Stomach of a cow or ox,牛的胃 Stone basin,石盆 Stone bridge,石桥 Stone circle,石头圈 Stonemason,石头人 Stonewall,石墙 Stonewall high,石墙高 Stonewall stormers,石墙风暴者 Stooging,傀儡 Stop the outrageous abuse of our fellow magical creatures and campaign for a change in their legal status,阻止对我们的魔法同胞的无耻虐待,并为改变他们的法律地位而开展活动 Stops and deflects offensive spells,阻止和偏转攻击性法术 Stops movement and actions of the target,停止目标的移动和行动 Storage,储存 Storage,储存 Storage and preservation of documents of historical interest,储存和保存有历史意义的文件 Storage cupboard,储存柜 Storage of documents for historical interest,储存有历史意义的文件 Storeroom,贮藏室 Storeroom courtyard,院子里的储藏室 Storeroom fifth floor,五楼贮藏室 Storeroom ground floor,底层贮藏室 Storeroom sixth floor,六楼储藏室 Storeroom third floor,三楼贮藏室 Storerooms portrait,贮藏室画像 Storeroom´s portrait,贮藏室的画像 Storing clothes,存放衣服 Storing money,储存金钱 Stormswift,暴风雪 Stormy gray,暴风雨的灰色 Stormy grey,暴风雨的灰色 Story about the american plumbers,关于美国水管工的故事 Stout body,坚固的身体 Stowe packers magical bags,斯托包装工神奇的袋子 Stowe packers magical bags,斯托尔包工头神奇的包 Stoyanka grozda,头发 Straggly hair,头发乱糟糟的 Straight ball,头发 Straight down,头发 Straight right,右直拳 Straight up then straight right,直上然后右直 Straightens teeth,牙齿变直 Strategy session,战略会议 Strategy session trading card,战略会议交易卡 Strathtully,严格执行 Straun rodgers,头发的颜色 Straw blond cformerly,稻草金发女郎 Straw blonde,稻草金发 Straw coloured,稻草色的 Strawberry,草莓色 Strawberry and peanut butter,草莓和花生酱 Strawberry blond,草莓金发 Strawberry blonde,草莓金发 Strawberry cheesecake,草莓乳酪蛋糕 Strawberry hill,草莓山 Strawberry jam,草莓果酱 Stream of flames,火焰之流 Stream of flames trading card,火焰之流交易卡 Streeler,蛋糕 Streeler shell,炮弹 Streeler shells,Streeler贝壳 Streeler trading card,Streeler交易卡 Streeler venom,斯特雷勒毒液 Strength potion,力量药水 Strengthening solution,强化液 Strepsirrhine primates,蛇类灵长类动物 Stretcher conjuring spell,伸展者的魔法 Stretches the target,伸展的目标 Stretching jinx,伸展的扫把星 Stretton family,斯特雷顿家族 Strigiforma,斯特里戈弗尔马 Strikes target with lightning bolts,用闪电击中目标 Strings french horn oboe glockenspiel flutes oboe full orchestra,弦乐 法国号 双簧管 格洛克风琴 长笛 双簧管 全套管弦乐队 Strings harpsichord,弦乐 大键琴 Striped blue and orange,蓝色和橙色的条纹 Striped body,条纹的身体 Stripping down,剥离下来 Strong acrid odour,强烈的刺鼻气味 Strong exstimulo potion,强烈的刺激性药水 Strong invigoration draught,强烈的振奋剂 Strong jaw,强烈的下巴 Strong scent,强烈的香味 Strong smell,强烈的气味 Strongly resembles a moose in appearance,外形酷似麋鹿 Struan rodger,斯特朗-罗杰 Struan roger,斯特朗-罗杰 Strudel,斯特鲁德 Stuart craggius,斯图尔特-克拉吉 Stuart craggy,斯图尔特-克拉吉 Stuart craig,斯图尔特-克里格 Stuart disambiguation,斯图亚特消除歧义 Stuart hogg,斯图尔特-霍格 Stuart jones,斯图尔特-琼斯 Stuart mckinley,斯图尔特-麦金利 Stuarts folly,斯图亚特的愚蠢行为 Stubborn behaviour,顽固的行为 Stubby boardman,顽固的野猪人 Stubby strong beaks,顽固的强喙 Student,学生 Student assistant,学生助理 Student exchange programme,学生交流计划 Student in goff,学生在戈夫 Students,学生 Students discussion,学生讨论 Students of all houses,各学院的学生 Students owls,学生猫头鹰 Students with an interest in entomology,对昆虫学有兴趣的学生 Study area,学习区 Study hall,学习大厅 Study of ancient runes,研究古代符文的学生 Studying girls,研究女孩 Studying the moon,研究月亮 Stump family,树桩家族 Stunned death eater,惊呆了的食死徒 Stunning spell,眩晕法术 Stuns all nearby enemies,眩晕附近所有的敌人 Stunt double in various films,各种电影中的替身 Stupefy,惊呆了 Stupefy duo,愚蠢的二人组 Stupefy trading card,愚蠢的交易卡 Stupid,愚蠢的 Sturgis podmore,斯特吉斯-波德莫尔 Stylish wizard of the year,年度时尚精灵 Su elliot,苏爱莲 Sub species,聪明 Substantive charm,魅力无穷 Subtle laws of wands,微妙的魔杖法则 Sucks the target into the ground,把目标吸进地里 Sudan,苏丹 Sue li,苏利 Sue upton,苏乌普顿 Suffocates whatever touches it,窒息任何接触到它的东西 Sugar,糖 Sugar hexes,糖六角 Sugar maple,糖枫 Sugar mice,糖小鼠 Sugar quill,砂糖笔芯 Sugar quills,砂糖羽绒服 Sugar shrub,砂糖灌木 Sugar straws,砂糖吸管 Sugared butterfly wings,糖渍蝴蝶翅膀 Sugared violet,糖渍紫罗兰 Sugared violets,糖渍紫罗兰 Sugarplum,糖普鲁姆 Sugarplums magical sweet shop,糖果店的魔力 Sugarplums sweets shop,糖葫芦糖果店 Sugary,糖果 Sugary,糖果店 Suicide squad,自杀小队 Suit of armour,盔甲套装 Suits of armour,盔甲套装 Suits of armour,盔甲的套装 Sujita tande,坦克 Sullivan buses,沙利文巴士 Sullivan fawley,硫磺的力量 Sulphur vive,硫磺的生命 Sum solving ink,墨水 Sumbawanga,苏泊尔 Sumbawanga sunrays,苏姆巴旺加的太阳光 Summer holidays,暑假 Summer of 1995,1995年的夏天 Summerby,夏比 Summers,夏天 Summoning charm,召唤符 Summons a large protective barrier,召唤一个大型保护屏障 Summons a powerful protective barrier,召唤一个强大的保护屏障 Summons an object,召唤一个物体 Sunday prophet,周日预言家 Sunday times of london,周日伦敦时报 Sundial,日晷 Sunflower oil,阳光之城 Sunset songs,夕阳之歌 Sunshine daisies butter mellow,阳光下的菊花黄油醇 Sunshine yellow in colour,阳光下的黄色 Super wizard cracker,超级巫师饼干 Superb balance and precision,超强的平衡性和精确性 Superb vision hearing,超强的视觉听觉 Superconscious,超强的意识 Superhuman strength,超强的力量 Superior boot,高级靴子 Superior boots,卓越的靴子 Superior glove,高级手套 Superior gloves,高级手套 Superior perception,超强的感知力 Superior pointed hat,卓越的尖头帽 Superior red,优越的红色 Superior winter cloak,优越的冬季斗篷 Superior work robe,高级工作袍 Superlative hat,高级帽子 Superlative rat tonic,超群的补鼠药 Supersensory charm,超感觉符 Support banner,支持性的横幅 Support banner trading card,支持横幅交易卡 Support harry potter party,支持哈利波特派对 Support king arthur,支持亚瑟王 Supposedly a protective device probably useless,据说是一种保护装置,可能没有用 Supposedly cleaning,据称是清洁 Supreme cores,最高的核心 Supreme dueller,至尊决斗者 Supreme mugwump,至尊魔王 Surbiton greater london,大伦敦苏比顿 Surbiton station,苏比顿车站 Surgito,苏尔比特 Surgito,苏里托 Surly hound,索里猎犬 Surly hound trading card,索里猎犬交易卡 Surprises victims,惊喜的受害者 Surrey,萨里 Surrey gas board,萨里燃气局 Surrey milkman,萨里的牛奶工 Surveillor of activity,活动调查员 Survival training,生存训练 Susan blancheflower,苏珊-布兰奇花 Susan bones,苏珊的骨头 Susan boness wand,苏珊-邦妮斯的魔杖 Susan lawson reynolds,苏珊-劳森-雷诺兹 Susanna hesleden,苏珊娜-海斯里登 Susanna hesledens mother,苏珊娜-赫斯莱登的母亲 Susie shinner,苏珊-辛纳 Susie sooth,苏珊-苏斯 Susie trayling,苏茜-托林 Suspends people by the ankles in the air,将人的脚踝悬挂在空中 Suspension bridge,吊桥 Suspension bridge entrance,吊桥入口 Suspension bridge foyer,吊桥门厅 Suspension bridge staircase,吊桥楼梯 Suspension bridge towers,吊桥塔楼 Suzanne louise shinner,苏珊娜-露易丝-辛纳 Suzie toase,苏西-托斯 Suzuki family,铃木家族 Suzy shinner,苏西-辛纳 Swallow,燕子 Swamp dwelling,沼泽居住地 Swamp mayhaw,沼泽梅霍 Swan,天鹅 Swan necklace,天鹅项链 Swan sized,天鹅的大小 Swarm,天鹅群 Swarm trading card,天鹅群交易卡 Swati pevekar,天秤座 Sweden,瑞典 Swedish,瑞典 Swedish dragon reservation,瑞典龙预订 Swedish short snout,瑞典短鼻 Swedish short snout gif,瑞典短鼻GIF Sweeney todd,特警托德 Sweep of the wand,扫地的魔杖 Sweeper,扫荡者 Sweet,糖果 Sweet,甜蜜的 Sweet and lowdown,甜蜜和低落 Sweet fizzy,甜蜜的汽水 Sweetened pineapple,加糖菠萝 Sweeteners,甜味剂 Sweets to induce sickness,诱发疾病的糖果 Sweetshop management,甜食店管理 Sweetwater,糖果 Swelling in the face and neck,脸部和颈部的肿胀 Swelling potion,肿胀药水 Swelling potion trading card,肿胀药水交易卡 Swelling solution,肿胀药水 Swelling solution trading card,肿胀药水交易卡 Swells head,肿胀的头 Swift,燕窝 Swiftstick,雨燕棒 Swimsuit,泳装 Swirl of gold,金色的漩涡 Swish and flick,唰唰唰,弹弹弹 Swiss rolls,瑞士卷 Switching,切换 Switching spell,交换咒语 Switching spell trading card,切换咒语交易卡 Switzerland,瑞士 Swivelling staircase,旋转楼梯 Swivenhodge,摆动楼梯 Swooping evil,俯冲邪恶 Swooping evil venom,俯冲式邪恶毒液 Swoops,俯卧撑 Swoopstikes,俯卧撑 Sword,剑 Sword of gryffindor,格兰芬多之剑 Swordsman,剑客 Swott malt whisky,斯沃特麦芽威士忌 Swotts swotts scotch distilleries,Swotts斯沃特威士忌酒厂 Sybill patricia trelawney,西比尔-帕特里夏-特里劳尼 Sybill trelawneys father,茜茜-特劳妮的父亲 Sybill trelawneys first prophecy,Sybill trelawneys的第一个预言 Sybill trelawneys office,Sybill trelawneys办公室 Sybill trelawneys predictions,Sybill trelawneys 预测 Sybill trelawneys second prophecy,Sybill trelawneys第二次预言 Sycamore,梧桐树 Sydney,悉尼 Sydney hazzard,悉尼-哈扎德 Syfy wire,西菲线 Sykes family,悉尼 Sylvia,西尔维娅 Sylvia melville,西尔维娅-梅尔维尔 Sylvian boigny,西尔维安-博伊格尼 Sylvian jolicoeur,西尔维安-乔利科尔 Symbiosis of fungi and algae,真菌和藻类的共生关系 Symbolism communication,符号学交流 Syna hyslop,符号学 Synchronises changes,同步变化 Syria,叙利亚 Syrian national quidditch team,叙利亚国家魁地奇队 Syrup of arnica,山金车的糖浆 Syrup of hellebore,鹤望兰糖浆 Tabby,虎皮猫 Tabby cat,虎斑猫 Tabitha bainbridge,塔比莎-班布里奇(Tabitha Bainbridge Table trouble,桌子上的麻烦 Table trouble trading card,桌子上的麻烦交易卡 Tablecloth conjuring spell,桌布魔术咒语 Tabloid,小报 Taboo,忌讳 Tail,尾巴 Tail detaches if not treated in salamanders,蝾螈的尾巴不处理就会脱落 Tail growing hex,尾巴生长六芒星 Tailor,尾巴 Taisa bennett,泰莎-班尼特 Takashi noda,野田隆司 Take photographs,拍摄照片 Take root,摄取根 Take root trading card,扎根交易卡 Takes care of the magical economy and the relations between goblins and wizards,照顾魔法经济以及妖精和巫师之间的关系 Takeshi aono,青野武 Taking still photos and capturing video,拍摄静态照片和捕捉视频 Taking the liver of a toad binding it tight about the victims throat and standing naked by the full moon in a barrel of eels eyes,取出蟾蜍的肝脏,将其紧紧地绑在受害者的喉咙上,然后赤身裸体地站在满月下的鳗鱼眼桶里。 Talbott winger,塔尔博特-温格 Talbott wingers father,塔尔博特-温格的父亲 Talbott wingers mother,Talbott Wingers的母亲 Talbott wingers swan necklace,塔尔博特-温格的天鹅项链 Tales and fantasies,故事和幻想 Talking ferret,会说话的白鼬 Talking mirror,会说话的镜子 Tall,高大的 Tall goblin,高大的小妖精 Tallow and hemp toxic tapers,牛油和麻类有毒的锥子 Talon,虎头蛇尾 Talon clipping charm,爪牙剪的魅力 Tamarack,苔藓 Tamio ohki,谭夫子大木 Tamotsu iwamoto,塔莫津-岩本 Tamsin applebee,谭欣applebee Tamsin greig,塔姆辛-格里格 Tan,谭 Tandel family,谭德尔家族 Tangle noils wigmakers perruquiers,"谭氏家族的 ""小 ""和 ""大"",是指 ""小 ""和 ""大""。" Tango,谭歌 Tango drink,饮料 Tank,坦克 Tanned,鞣制的 Tanner van burm,谭纳-范-伯姆 Tanya grotter,谭雅-格拉特 Tanya jarvis,谭雅-贾维斯 Tanzania,坦桑尼亚 Tao guo,陶国 Tap beetle,踢踏甲虫 Tap dancing,踢踏舞 Tap dancing fury volume 1,踢踏舞的愤怒第一卷 Tap glasses,踢踏眼镜 Tap target,敲击目标 Tap the target,点选目标 Tap thrice,敲击三次 Tapestry corridor,挂毯走廊 Tapestry of a group of snidget hunters,挂毯上的一群小猎手 Tar,焦油 Tar like icing,焦油一样的结冰 Tarantallegra,蛛丝马迹 Tarantula,塔兰图拉 Tarantula hawk,蛛蛛鹰 Tarantula hawk wasp,狼蛛鹰的黄蜂 Tarapoto tree skimmers,塔拉波托树掠夺者 Tark butler,塔克管家 Tarot cards,塔罗牌 Tarquin mctavish,塔奎因-麦克塔维什 Tarquin mctavishs neighbour,塔奎因-麦克塔维什的邻居 Tarquin mctavishs teakettle,塔奎因-麦克塔维什的茶壶 Tartar,塔特尔 Tartar sauce,塔塔儿酱 Tash stash,储藏室 Tasked with modifying the memories of muggles who witness signs of magical existence in order to make sure that the wizarding world remains secret for the muggle community,任务是修改目睹魔法存在迹象的麻瓜的记忆,以确保巫师世界对麻瓜社区保持秘密。 Taste and colour vary depending on the person being turned into,味道和颜色因被变成的人而异 Tatsuya motoyama,茂山达也 Tattoo,纹身 Taurus,金牛座 Tawny,黄褐色 Tawny owl,黄褐色的猫头鹰 Tawny owl trading card,黄褐色猫头鹰交易卡 Taxi,鹰眼 Taxi driver,出租车司机 Taxi service,出租车服务 Taxis london,伦敦出租车 Taxonomy,分类法 Taylor triphook,泰勒三犄角 Tchamba charmers,特朗普的魅惑者 Tea,茶叶 Tea leaves,茶叶 Teacher,教师 Teacher plinth,教师基座 Teaching assistant,幼儿教育 Teacup to gerbil,幼儿教育 Teacup to rat,茶杯变老鼠 Teacup to rat trading card,从茶杯到老鼠的交易卡 Teacup to tortoise,从茶杯到乌龟 Teacup to tortoise spell,茶杯对乌龟的咒语 Teacups and tea leaves,茶杯和茶叶 Teal,茶色 Teal coloured,茶叶色的 Team calamity,团队的灾祸 Teapot to ferret,茶壶对雪貂 Teapot to ferret spell,茶壶对白鼬的咒语 Teapot to tortoise,茶壶到乌龟 Teapot to tortoise gif,茶壶到乌龟gif Teapot to tortoise spell,茶壶对乌龟的咒语 Tebo,特博 Technical art director at ea bright light,技术艺术总监在EA亮光 Technical director at ea bright light,技术总监在Ea的亮光 Technology,技术 Ted,特德 Ted,特德 Teddy,泰迪 Teddy bear,泰迪熊 Teddy bear to spider,泰迪熊到蜘蛛 Teenie teen,青少年 Teeth straightening spell,牙齿矫正法术 Teleportation spell,遥感法术 Telescope,卫星电视 Television,卫星电视 Television and radio programmes,电视和广播节目 Television producer,电视制作人 Television reporter,电视记者 Television set,电视机 Tell time,报时 Tell time,告知时间 Telling the time,告知时间 Telling time,讲述时间 Temeritus shanks,坦克 Temperate and subtropical climates,温带和亚热带气候 Tempest jinx,暴风雨的厄运 Temporarily brings back loved ones from the dead,暂时让所爱之人起死回生 Temporarily freezes the target then reverses its direction of travel,暂时冻结目标,然后扭转其行进方向 Temporary defence against the dark arts classroom,暂时抵御黑魔法的教室 Temporary paralysis,暂时性麻痹 Ten different components,十种不同的组件 Ten inches,十英寸 Ten pin bowling,十针保龄球 Ten second pimple vanisher,十秒钟痘痘消除器 Ten years later life on set with the harry potter cast and crew,十年后与哈利-波特剧组一起在片场的生活 Tend to infest gardens,倾向于侵扰花园 Tender swollen gums that bleed easily,很容易出血的肿胀的牙龈 Tenebrus,斑疹病毒 Tenerife,帐篷狐狸 Tent fox,帐篷狐狸 Tentacle like appendages,触角状的附肢 Tentaclifors,帐篷动物 Terence bayler,特伦斯-贝勒 Terence disambiguation,斑鸠 Terence higgs,特伦斯-希格斯(Terence Higgs) Teresa cruz pinho,特蕾莎-克鲁斯-皮诺 Teresa mahoney,特蕾莎-马霍尼 Teresina,特雷西纳 Termeritus shankss owl,猫头鹰 Termeritus shanks´ owl,白头翁 Termites,白蚁 Terrace,梯田 Terrence fogarty,特伦斯-福格蒂 Terror,恐怖 Terrortours,恐怖的人 Terry bolton,虫子 Terry boot,靴 Terry davis,恐怖之旅 Terry disambiguation,特里消除歧义 Terry michelle chloe,特里-米歇尔-克洛伊 Tertius,特尔提斯 Tertiuss brothers,Tertiuss兄弟 Tess bu cuarón,苔丝-布-库亚隆 Tessa skola,苔莎-斯科拉 Tesshō genda,特肖根达 Tessomancy,泰斯曼斯 Test fly,试飞 Testament of youth,实验的青春 Tex mex,德州墨西哥人 Texas,德克萨斯 Thaddeus thurkell,瑟德斯-瑟克尔(Thaddeus Thurkell Thaumatagoria,泰国 The 25th annual putnam county spelling bee,第25届普特南郡拼写大赛 The 8th horcrux,第8个霍克鲁斯 The abandoned substation,废弃的变电站 The ability to turn 360 degrees in mid air,在半空中360度旋转的能力 The abominable snowman,可憎的雪人 The adventures of martin miggs the mad muggle,疯狂麻瓜马丁-米格斯的冒险故事 The adventures of sherlock holmes,夏洛克-霍姆斯的冒险 The alohomora spellbook,阿罗霍莫拉法术书 The alps,阿尔卑斯山 The american charmer,美国人的魅力 The american society of legilimens,美国法律协会 The americas,美国人 The angel,天使 The archive of magic the film wizardry of fantastic beasts the crimes of grindelwald,魔法档案 奇幻动物的电影魔法 格林德瓦的罪行 The arctic,北极 The area where the headmaster works and sleeps,校长工作和睡觉的地方 The art of fantastic beasts the crimes of grindelwald,奇幻动物的艺术--格林德沃之罪 The art of harry potter mini book of graphic design,哈里-波特的艺术》平面设计小册子 The auror advantage,启发者的优势 The aurors ign april fools 2011,2011年4月愚人节的奥勒尔们点燃的火焰 The australia series,澳大利亞系列 The authors secret shame,作者的秘密羞耻 The babberton arms,巴伯顿的武器 The babysitters,保姆们 The ballad of angry angus mcmangus,愤怒的安格斯-麦克曼格斯的歌谣 The ballad of nearly headless nick,几乎无头的尼克的歌谣 The beasts cinematic guide,野兽电影指南 The beaters bible,殴打者的圣经 The bent winged snitches,弯曲的翅膀的告密者 The best exotic marigold hotel,最好的异国情调金盏花酒店 The big bang,大爆炸 The birth,诞生 The blind pig,盲猪 The blind pig poster,盲猪海报 The bloody baron,血腥男爵 The book of charms spells,符咒之书 The book of common prayer,普通祈祷书 The bronx,布朗克斯 The brotherhood of goblins,妖精的兄弟会 The burrow,洞穴 The burrow duelling arena,洞穴决斗场 The burrow trading card,洞穴交易卡 The butterbeer experience,黄油啤酒体验馆 The cabal,卡巴尔 The calamity,灾难 The call of the wild,野性的呼唤 The carpathians,喀尔巴阡山脉 The case of beasts explore the film wizardry of fantastic beasts and where to find them,野兽的案例 探索电影中神奇的野兽以及在哪里可以找到它们的魔法 The casual vacancy,偶然出现的空缺 The cave,山洞 The cave boat,洞穴之舟 The cave island,洞穴岛 The cave lake,洞穴湖 The chocolate frogs,巧克力青蛙 The chronicles of narnia prince caspian,纳尼亚传奇》凯斯宾王子的故事 The chronicles of narnia the lion the witch and the wardrobe,纳尼亚编年史之狮子、女巫和衣橱 The clobberer of curses,诅咒者的口水 The clock at the burrow,洞穴里的钟 The coffin house,棺材房 The comedy of errors,错误的喜剧 The commitments,承诺 The cook the thief his wife and her lover,厨师,小偷,他的妻子和她的爱人 The count of monte cristo,蒙特克里斯托伯爵 The creative spot records,创意点记录 The creature shop compendium flora and fauna from the harry potter films,哈里-波特电影中的动物商店汇编 The cup as vincent farrell,文森特-法雷尔的杯子 The daily news,每日新闻 The daily prophet,每日预言家 The daily prophet competition,每日预言家》比赛 The daily prophet press,每日预言家》新闻 The daily prophet real world,每日预言家的真实世界 The daily prophets bestseller list,每日预言家》畅销书排行榜 The dark arts a legal companion,黑暗艺术的法律指南 The dark arts outsmarted,黑暗艺术的超越 The dark forces a guide to self protection,黑暗势力:自我保护指南 The dark knight,黑暗骑士 The deathstick,死亡之杖 Actor who played grenouille,扮演Grenouille的演员 Actress,女演员 Actress,女演员 Acts as a restorative,作为一种修复剂 Acts as fertiliser,充当肥料 Acts as strong fertiliser,作为强效肥料 Actually spawns mould and grime,实际上滋生了霉菌和污垢 Actuary,精算师 Adalbert waffling,阿达尔贝特的摇摆不定 Adam brashaw,亚当-布拉肖 Adam hynes 3 children,亚当-海因斯3个孩子 Adam lazarus,亚当-拉扎勒斯 Adam pickering,亚当-皮克林 Adam rhys dee,亚当-里斯-迪 Adam sopp,亚当-索普 Adapt their scent to attract the unwary,适应他们的气味以吸引不警惕的人 Adaptation and conduction william ross,适应性和传导性 威廉-罗斯 Adder,阿德 Addfad,艾德法德 Addison fawley,艾迪生-福雷 Adds certain properties to an object or individual,给物体或个体增加某些属性 Adelaide murton,阿德莱德-莫尔顿 Adheres object,粘附在物体上 Adhesive,粘合剂 Adidas,阿迪达斯 Administration and enforcement of employee related policy at the ministry,部的雇员相关政策的管理和执行 Administrative registration department,行政登记部门 Admiral,海军上将 Admonitor,谏官 Adrian,阿德里安 Adrian annis,阿德里安-安尼斯 Adrian christopher,阿德里安-克里斯托弗 Adrian disambiguation,阿德里安消歧义 Adrian pucey,阿德里安-普西(Adrian Pucey Adrian rawlins,阿德里安-拉林斯(Adrian Rawlins Adrian rawlins jpeg,阿德里安-拉林斯(Adrian Rawlins)jpeg Adrian speke,阿德里安-斯佩克 Adrian tutley,阿德里安-塔特利 Adriatic sea,亚得里亚海 Advance guard,前卫 Advanced,高级 Advanced,高级 Advanced arithmancy studies,高级算术研究 Advanced arithmancy studies classroom,高级算术研究教室 Advanced defence against the dark arts,高级防卫黑暗艺术 Advanced potion making,高级魔药制作 Advanced rune translation,高级符文翻译 Adventurer,冒险家 Adventures of a ceramic mouse,陶瓷老鼠的冒险 Adventures of huckleberry finn,哈克贝利-芬恩历险记 Advertising artist,广告艺术家 Advertising blackboard,广告黑板 Advises the user on how to improve their appearance,向用户建议如何改善他们的外表 Advisor to king arthur and his court,亚瑟王和他的宫廷的顾问 Advisor to the minister for magic,魔法部长的顾问 Advisors,顾问 Advocates to the wizarding world,巫师世界的代言人 Aerial transportation,空中运输 Aeroplane,航空飞机 Africa,非洲 African lakes,非洲湖泊 African prince,非洲王子 African red pepper,非洲红辣椒 African sea salt,非洲海盐 Afshan azad,阿夫尚-阿扎德 After 2021,2021年之后 After addition of final ingredient,加入最后成分后 After dinner mint,饭后薄荷 After dinner mints,晚饭后的薄荷糖 Afterlife,来世 Agapanthus,银杏树 Agatha timms,Agatha Timms Age line,年龄线 Aged witch,衰老的女巫 Ageing potion,老化药水 Agency for the protection of wizarding secrecy,保护巫师秘密的机构 Ages drinker temporarily,暂时使饮酒者变老 Aggregate of druplets usually red,通常为红色的核糖核酸的集合体 Aggressive,咄咄逼人 Aggressive and dangerous nature,具有攻击性和危险性 Aggressive disposition,攻击性的处置方式 Aggressive nature,攻击性的性质 Aggressive personality,攻击性的个性 Aggressive temperament,攻击性的气质 Aggressive temperament and repulsive appearance,攻击性的气质和令人厌恶的外表 Agilbert fontaine,阿吉尔伯特-方丹 Agnes,阿格尼丝 Agnes graunger,阿格尼丝-格隆格 Agnes monkleigh,阿格尼丝-蒙克雷 Agnes nutt,阿格尼丝-纳特 Agness son,阿格尼丝的儿子 Agressive unruly,咄咄逼人的不羁 Agrippa,阿格里帕 Ague,阿格 Aiden oconnor,艾登-奥康纳 Aids in dexterity,辅助性灵巧 Ailments,疾病 Aimee,艾梅 Aingingein,护理 Air,空气 Air wave gold,气浪金 Aki sugiyama,杉山亚纪 Akin gazi,阿金-卡兹 Al,阿尔 Al hiraza,阿尔-希拉扎 Alain lacroix,阿兰-拉克鲁瓦 Alan bennett,阿兰-班尼特 Alan finch,阿兰-芬奇 Alan gilmore,阿兰-吉尔莫 Alan mandel,阿兰-曼德尔 Alan pollack,阿兰-波拉克 Alan radcliffe,Alan Radcliffe Alan rickman,阿兰-瑞克曼 Alan sidney patrick rickman,阿兰-西德尼-帕特里克-里克曼 Alan watts,阿兰-瓦特 Alan waylett,阿兰-韦莱特 Alan wyn hughes,阿兰-温-休斯 Alanis,阿兰尼斯 Alannis,阿兰尼斯 Alannis shepley,阿兰尼斯-谢普利(Alannis Shepley Alanza alves,阿兰萨-阿尔维斯 Alarte ascendare,阿拉尔特-阿森达雷 Alarte ascendare gif,阿拉尔特-阿森达雷GIF Alaska,阿拉斯加 Alastair,阿拉斯特尔 Alastor mad eye moody,阿拉斯泰尔疯狂的眼睛喜怒无常 Alastor gumboil,阿拉斯特尔胶水 Alastor moody,阿拉斯托尔情绪化 Alastor moodys broomstick,阿拉斯托尔情绪化的扫帚 Alastor moodys dustbins,阿拉斯特-莫迪的垃圾桶 Alastor moodys father,阿拉斯托-莫迪的父亲 Alastor moodys file,阿拉斯托-莫迪的文件 Alastor moodys hip flask,阿拉斯托-莫迪的臀部水壶 Alastor moodys house,阿拉斯托-莫迪的房子 Alastor moodys magical eye,阿拉斯托-莫迪的魔法之眼 Alastor moodys mother,阿拉斯托-莫迪的母亲 Alastor moodys spiders,阿拉斯托-莫迪的蜘蛛 Alastor moodys walking stick,阿拉斯托-莫迪的手杖 Alastor moodys wand,阿拉斯托-莫迪的魔杖 Albania,阿尔巴尼亚 Albanian peasant,阿尔巴尼亚农民 Albany,阿尔巴尼亚 Alberic grunnion,阿尔贝利克-格鲁尼翁 Albert,阿尔伯特 Albert bellchant,阿尔伯特-贝尔彻特 Albert boot,阿尔贝特靴 Albert disambiguation,艾伯特的歧义 Albert einstein,阿尔伯特-爱因斯坦 Albert gibbering stump,阿尔伯特-胡言乱语的树桩 Albert jorkins,阿尔伯特-乔金斯 Albert l mccausland,阿尔伯特-麦考斯兰 Albert perschky,阿尔伯特-佩奇基 Albert runcorn,艾伯特-朗科恩 Albert sallow,艾伯特-萨乌 Albert stump,艾伯特-斯蒂姆 Albert tang,阿尔伯特-唐 Albert tillyman,阿尔伯特-蒂利曼 Alberta toothill,阿尔贝特-牙根 Alberto macellarius,阿尔贝托-马凯利乌斯 Albino,阿尔比诺 Albino bloodhound,白化猎犬 Albino peacock,白化孔雀 Albino rat,白化鼠 Album,相册 Albuquerque,邓布利多 Albus and aberforth dumbledore,阿不思和阿不思-邓布利多 Albus dumbledore,阿不思-邓布利多 Albus dumbledore,阿不思-邓布利多 Albus dumbledore and harry potters horcrux hunt,阿不思-邓布利多和哈瑞-波特的猎魔人 Albus dumbledore chocolate frog card,阿不思-邓布利多的巧克力青蛙卡 Albus dumbledore homework help,阿不思-邓布利多家庭作业帮助 Albus dumbledore on babbity rabbity and her cackling stump,阿不思-邓布利多关于Babbity rabbity和她咯咯笑的树桩的文章 Albus dumbledore on the fountain of fair fortune,阿不思-邓布利多的公平财富之泉 Albus dumbledore on the tale of the three brothers,阿不思-邓布利多关于三兄弟的故事 Albus dumbledore on the warlocks hairy heart,阿不思-邓布利多谈术士的多毛之心 Albus dumbledore on the wizard and the hopping pot,阿不思-邓布利多关于巫师和跳锅的故事 Albus dumbledore reminds petunia dursley of his deal with her,阿不思-邓布利多提醒彼得-杜斯利他与她的交易 Albus dumbledore trading card,阿不思-邓布利多交易卡 Albus dumbledores file,阿不思-邓布利多的文件 Albus dumbledores forceful spell,阿不思-邓布利多的强力咒语 Albus dumbledores great great grandfather,阿不思-邓布利多的伟大曾祖父 Albus dumbledores howler to petunia dursley,阿不思-邓布利多对彼得-杜斯利的嚎叫声 Albus dumbledores hydro kinetic spell,阿不思-邓布利多的水动力法术 Albus dumbledores knife,阿不思-邓布利多的刀 Albus dumbledores letter to arthur and molly weasley,阿不思-邓布利多给亚瑟和莫莉-韦斯莱的信 Albus dumbledores letter to gellert grindelwald,阿不思-邓布利多给盖勒特-格林德沃的信 Albus dumbledores letter to harry potter,阿不思-邓布利多给哈瑞-波特的信 Albus dumbledores letter to harry potter 1996,阿不思-邓布利多给哈瑞-波特的信1996 Albus dumbledores letter to harry potter 1996 ii,阿不思-邓布利多给哈利-波特的信1996 II Albus dumbledores letter to harry potter 1996 iii,阿不思-邓布利多给哈利-波特的信 1996年 III Albus dumbledores letter to harry potter 1997,阿不思-邓布利多给哈利-波特的信 1997年 Albus dumbledores letter to harry potter 1997 ii,阿不思-邓布利多给哈利-波特的信1997年二 Albus dumbledores letter to harry potter 1997 iii,阿不思-邓布利多给哈利-波特的信 1997 iii Albus dumbledores letter to lucius malfoy,阿不思-邓布利多给卢修斯-马尔福的信 Albus dumbledores letter to mr and mrs dursley,阿不思-邓布利多给杜斯利先生和夫人的信 Albus dumbledores letter to mr and mrs dursley 1981,阿不思-邓布利多给杜斯利先生和夫人的信,1981年 Albus dumbledores letter to petunia dursley,阿不思-邓布利多致佩图妮亚-杜斯利的信 Albus dumbledores letter to petunia evans,阿不思-邓布利多致佩图妮亚-埃文斯的信 Albus dumbledores letter to the gringotts head goblin,阿不思-邓布利多给格林戈特的小妖精头的信 Albus dumbledores letter to vernon and petunia dursley,阿不思-邓布利多给弗农和佩图妮亚-杜斯利的信 Albus dumbledores pocket watch,阿不思-邓布利多的怀表 Albus dumbledores portrait,阿不思-邓布利多的画像 Albus dumbledores silver instruments,阿不思-邓布利多的银器 Albus dumbledores tomb,阿不思-邓布利多的坟墓 Albus dumbledores unidentified charm on the mirror of erised,阿不思-邓布利多在埃里塞特之镜上的不明咒语 Albus dumbledores walking stick,阿不思-邓布利多的手杖 Albus dumbledores wand,阿不思-邓布利多的魔杖 Albus dumbledores wand non canon,阿不思-邓布利多的魔杖非典 Albus explains to molly and arthur what ron and harry had done,阿不思向莫莉和阿瑟解释罗恩和哈瑞的行为 Albus explains to petunia and vernon what ron and harry had done,阿不思向彼得尼娅和弗农解释隆和哈瑞所做的一切 Albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore,阿不思-珀西瓦尔-伍尔夫里克-布赖恩-邓布利多 Albus potter,阿不思-波特 Albus potters ferret,阿不思-波特的雪貂 Albus potters love potion,阿不思-波特的爱情药水 Albus potters owl,阿不思-波特的猫头鹰 Albus potters wand,阿不思-波特的魔杖 Albus severus potter,阿不思-塞勒斯-波特 Alchemical duodecimo,炼金术士的十二分之一 Alchemist,炼金术士 Alchemists,炼金术士 Alchemy,炼金术 Alchemy ancient art and science,炼金术古代艺术和科学 Alchemy class,炼金术类 Alchemy trading card,炼金术交易卡 Alcohol,酒精类 Alder,桤木 Alder,奥尔德 Alderton,阿尔德顿 Alderton family,阿尔德顿家族 Alec hopkins,亚历克-霍普金斯 Alec raymond wheeler,亚历克-雷蒙德-惠勒 Alec webb,亚历克-韦伯 Alecto and amycus carrow,阿列克托和阿米库斯-卡罗 Alecto carrow,阿列克托-卡洛 Alecto carrows wand,艾利克托-卡洛斯的魔杖 Alejandra alonso,阿莱桑德拉-阿隆索 Alessia laura maria valeria,阿莱西亚-劳拉-玛丽亚-瓦莱里亚 Alex argenti,亚历克斯-阿根蒂 Alex disambiguation,歧义的亚历克斯 Alex horley,亚历克斯-霍利 Alex king,亚历克斯-金 Alex palmer,亚历克斯-帕尔默 Alex price,亚历克斯-普莱斯 Alex shephard,亚历克斯-谢泼德 Alex sykes,亚历克斯-赛克斯 Alex sykes,亚历克斯-赛克斯 Alex sykes i,亚历克斯-赛克斯一世 Alex sykes ii,亚历克斯-赛克斯二世 Alex tregear,亚历克斯-特盖尔 Alex wednesbury,亚历克斯-韦德内斯伯里 Alexander,亚历山大 Alexander chris watson,亚历山大-克里斯-瓦特森 Alexander disambiguation,亚历山大消歧义 Alexander iii bridge,亚历山大三号桥 Alexander pope,亚历山大-波普 Alexander watson,亚历山大-瓦特森 Alexander william,亚历山大-威廉(Alexander William Alexandra craig,亚历山大-克里格 Alexandra disambiguation,亚历桑德拉的歧义 Alexandra edenborough,亚历山德拉-伊登堡 Alexandra rokonski,亚历山德拉-罗康斯基 Alexandra walker,亚历山德拉-沃克 Alexandre desplat,亚历山大-德斯普拉特 Alexia walkin black,朴槿惠 Alexis marie,阿列克谢-玛丽 Alfie,朴槿惠 Alfie enoch,阿尔菲-伊诺克 Alfie mcilwain,艾尔菲-米勒文(Alfie Mcilwain Alfie oldman,阿尔菲-奥德曼 Alfonso cuarón,阿方索-夸隆 Alfonso cuarón orozco,阿方索-卡隆-奥罗兹科 Alfred burke,阿尔弗雷德-伯克 Alfred cattermole,阿尔弗雷德-卡特莫尔 Alfred disambiguation,艾尔弗雷德的歧义 Alfred enoch,阿尔弗雷德-伊诺克 Alfred lewis enoch,阿尔弗雷德-刘易斯-伊诺克 Alfrun gisladottir,阿尔弗伦-吉斯拉多蒂尔 Alfrun rose,阿尔弗伦玫瑰 Alfrun rose jpeg,阿尔弗伦玫瑰的jpeg Algie longbottom,阿尔吉-隆博特姆 Alguff the awful,糟糕的阿尔古夫 Ali bashir,阿里-巴什尔 Alice,爱丽丝 Alice and frank longbottom,爱丽丝和弗兰克-隆博特姆 Alice disambiguation,爱丽丝消歧义 Alice in psf,爱丽丝在PSF Alice in wonderland,爱丽丝在仙境中 Alice keenan,爱丽丝-凯南 Alice longbottom,爱丽丝-隆博特姆 Alice longbottoms midwife,爱丽丝-隆博特姆助产士 Alice rhodes,爱丽丝-罗德斯 Alice tolipan,爱丽丝-托里潘 Alice tolipan muggle,爱丽丝-托里潘麻瓜 Alice tolipan witch,爱丽丝-托利班女巫 Alicia spinnet,艾丽西亚-斯皮内特 Alien registration number,外国人注册号码 Alien wand permit application,外国人魔杖许可申请 Alihotsy,阿利霍斯 Alihotsy draught,阿里霍特酒 Alihotsy draught trading card,阿里霍茨吃水交易卡 Aliko okoye,辽宁沈阳 Alison denbright,邓小平 Alison denshaw,邓肖(Alison Denshaw Alison disambiguation,辽宁沈阳 Alison loren sudol,艾莉森-洛伦-苏多尔 Alison sudol,艾莉森-苏多尔 Alistair ballcocke,阿利斯泰尔-巴科克 Alistair darling,邓小平 Alistair disambiguation,阿利斯泰尔消歧义 Alistair fidgen,阿利斯泰尔-菲德根 Alistair smith,阿利斯泰尔-史密斯 Alistair thaxted,阿利斯泰尔-塔克斯特德 Aliye nafi,阿利耶-纳菲 Alizor of westacottus,韦斯特考特斯的阿利佐尔 All across the world,世界各地 All africa cup,全非洲杯 All england best kept lawn competition,全英格兰最佳草坪竞赛 All england wizarding duelling competition,全英格兰巫师决斗大赛 All forces except bellatrix and voldemort captured and incarcerated,除贝拉特里克斯和伏地魔外,所有势力都被抓获和监禁了 All players,所有球员 All those who perform criminal activites,所有从事犯罪活动的人 All wizard cup,所有巫师杯 All wizard tournament,所有巫师比赛 All your creatures do damage to your opponent,你的所有生物对你的对手造成伤害 Allegedly increases ones brain power,据称可以增加人的脑力 Allegorical novel regarding communism,关于共产主义的寓言式小说 Allen warner cwriter,艾伦-华纳编剧 Allergy,过敏症 Alleyway between magnolia crescent and wisteria walk,木兰花街和紫藤花街之间的小路 Allied powers axis powers,盟国 轴心国 Allies,盟国 Allison barnes,艾莉森-巴恩斯 Allow broomsticks to brake more easily,允许扫帚更容易刹车 Allow wearer to climb walls and presumably walk across ceilings,允许佩戴者爬墙,大概可以走过天花板 Allows an object to fly,允许物体飞行 Allows for the sequencing of events for awareness of durations and intervals between events and to quantify speed of motion or of change,允许对事件进行排序,以意识到事件之间的持续时间和间隔,并对运动或变化的速度进行量化。 Allows passage from one point to another,允许从一个点到另一个点的通行 Allows the caster to breathe underwater,允许施术者在水下呼吸 Allows the wearer to cheat on examinations,允许佩戴者在考试中作弊 Almeric sawbridge,阿尔梅里克锯桥 Almond,杏仁 Almond shaped,杏仁形状 Almost blonde,几乎是金发 Almost exclusively female,几乎全是女性 Almost impossible to kill,几乎不可能被杀死 Alo raptopoulos,阿罗-拉普特普洛斯 Aloe vera,芦荟 Alohomora duo,芦荟二重奏 Alohomora gif,阿罗霍莫拉gif Alohomora podcast,阿罗霍莫拉播客 Alohomora spellbook,阿罗霍莫拉法术书 Alohomora trading card,阿罗霍莫拉交易卡 Alonzo zema,阿隆佐-泽马 Alonzo zema paper twine,阿隆佐-泽马纸绳 Alphard black,阿尔法德黑 Alps,阿尔卑斯山 Already dead,已经死亡 Alternate reality,替代现实 Alternating fits of fever chills and sweating,发烧寒战和出汗交替出现 Alters cereal crops,改变谷类作物 Alters the drinkers voice,改变饮酒者的声音 Altheda,阿尔塞达 Althedas potion,阿尔泰达药水 Althedas wand,阿尔特达斯魔杖 Alton family,阿尔顿家族 Alvaro tapia,阿尔瓦罗-塔皮亚 Alves family,阿尔维斯家族 Alyce faye eichelberger,阿里斯-菲-艾谢尔伯格(Alyce Faye Eichelberger Amanda pettet,裴雯雯(Amanda Pettet Amarah jae st aubyn,阿玛拉-贾伊-圣奥宾 Amarillo lestoat,阿玛瑞洛-莱斯托特 Amata,阿玛塔 Amatas lover,阿玛塔的情人 Amato animo animato animagus,阿马托-阿尼莫-阿尼莫-阿尼格斯 Amazon rainforest,亚马逊雨林 Amazonia,亚马逊 Amazonian salamander,亚马逊蝾螈 Amber,琥珀 Amber and ruby evans,琥珀和红宝石埃文斯 Amber noel,琥珀-诺埃尔 Ambition,雄心壮志 Ambrosius flume,安布罗西斯-弗鲁姆 Ambrosius flumes wife,安布罗休斯-弗鲁姆的妻子 Ambush at the lovegood house,埋伏在爱国者之家 Amelda brown,阿梅尔达-布朗 Amelia bones,阿梅利亚-骨朵 Amelia bones father,阿梅利亚-骨朵的父亲 Amelia bones mother,阿梅利亚-伯恩斯的母亲 Amelia dennehy,阿米莉亚-德内希 Amelia fittleworth,阿米莉娅-菲特沃思 Amelia margaret m amy innes,阿米莉娅-玛格丽特-米-因内斯 Amelia susan bones,阿米莉娅-苏珊-伯恩斯 American,美国人 American,美国人 American gobstones team,美国鹅卵石队 American icelandic,美国的冰岛人 American national gobstones team,美国国家鹅卵石队 American national quidditch stadium,美国国家魁地奇体育场 American national quidditch team,美国国家魁地奇队 American plumbers,美国水管工 American puffskein,美国帕弗斯金人 American society of legilimens,美国的legilimens协会 Americas,美国 Amie kirby,阿米-科尔比 Amina qureshi,阿米纳-奎里希 Ammoniacum,阿莫尼卡姆 Among others walking against walls,靠墙走的人中 Amortal,不死鸟 Amortality,不死鸟 Amos diggory,阿摩司-迪戈里 Amos hopkins,阿摩司-霍普金斯 Amphibians,两栖动物 Amplifies users voice,放大用户的声音 Amplifying charm,放大的魅力 Amrish gupta,阿姆里什-古普塔 Amrose swott,阿姆罗斯-斯沃特 Amsterdam,阿姆斯特丹 Amy benson,琥珀 Amy domenica,艾米-多米尼卡 Amy frome,琥珀 Amy kim kibuishi,朴槿惠 Amy kim kibuishi jpeg,朴实无华的小姑娘 Amy wiles,秦始皇兵马俑 Amycus carrows successor,阿米库斯-卡洛斯的继任者 Amycus carrows wand,阿米库斯-卡洛斯的魔杖 An annual duelling championship,一年一度的决斗锦标赛 An anthology of eighteenth century charms,十八世纪的符咒选集 An appraisal of magical education in europe,欧洲魔法教育的评价 An area of the forgotten dungeons jpeg,被遗忘的地牢的一个区域jpeg An awfully big adventure,一个非常大的冒险 An enormous silver cup,一个巨大的银杯 An epic piece,一个史诗般的作品 An highly flavoured spice,一种味道浓郁的香料 An ingredient used in a furnace,一种用于熔炉的材料 An inter school magical competition that consists of three dangerous tasks the winner receives a cup 1000 galleons and eternal glory according to albus dumbledore,一个由三个危险任务组成的校际魔法竞赛,根据阿不思-邓布利多的说法,获胜者将获得一个杯子,1000加仑和永恒的荣耀。 An international football tournament,一项国际足球比赛 An unforgivable,一种不可饶恕的东西 An unknown magical bug,一种未知的魔法虫 Ana de lebron,安娜-德-勒布朗 Ana zanatti,安娜-扎纳蒂 Anapneo,愤怒的小鸟 Anarchism,无政府主义 Anastasia lewis,辽宁沈阳 Anatoly dyatlov in chernobyl,在切尔诺贝利的阿纳托利-迪亚特洛夫 Anchors ships in place,锚船在原地 Anchovie,安克维 Ancient african sorcerer,古老的非洲巫师 Ancient age flying test,古代的飞行测试 Ancient law,古代法律 Ancient potion maker,古代药水制造者 Ancient purple robes,古老的紫色长袍 Ancient runes made easy,古代符文的简单化 Ancient studies,古代研究 Ancient wizarding artefacts researcher,古代巫术文物研究者 Anderson,安德森 Andorra,安道尔 Andorran ministry of magic,安道尔魔法部 Andre egwu,安德烈-埃格武 Andre egwus grandmother,安德烈-埃格武的祖母 Andre egwus sister,安德烈-埃格沃斯的妹妹 Andrea kegworth,安德烈-凯格沃斯 Andrea spisto,安德烈-斯皮斯托 Andrew,安德鲁 Andrew birt,安德鲁-布里特 Andrew burt,安德鲁-伯特 Andrew cleveley,安德鲁-克莱维利 Andrew davidson,安德鲁-戴维森 Andrew g ogleby,安德鲁-G-奥格尔比 Andrew james clutterbuck,安德鲁-詹姆斯-卡特布克 Andrew kirke,安德鲁-基尔克 Andrew lincoln,安德鲁-林肯 Andrew long,安德鲁-朗 Andrew owly,安德鲁-奥夫利 Andrew saxby,安德鲁-萨克斯比 Andrew sims,安德鲁-西姆斯 The decline of pagan magic,异教魔法的衰落 The department of magical law and enforcement,魔法法律和执法部门 The diagon dispensary,对角线药房 The dream oracle,梦中的神谕 The drip,滴水不漏 The duelling club,决斗俱乐部 The education of sins,罪恶的教育 The elimination of counterfeit defensive spells and protective objects and the capture and prosecution of those making selling or distributing them,消除假冒的防御性法术和保护性物品,并逮捕和起诉那些制造、销售或传播这些物品的人。 The elite,精英阶层 The enclopedia of bat eyes,蝙蝠眼的百科全书 The enforcer,执法者 The english patient,英国病人 The essential defence against the dark arts,对抗黑暗艺术的基本防御 The evening prophet,晚上的预言家 The evolution of muggles from mushrooms,麻瓜从蘑菇进化而来 The fallen fifty,堕落的五十人 The famous french method for the bite of a mad dog,著名的法国疯狗咬人法 The famous harry potter,著名的哈利波特 The far north of europe,欧洲的遥远的北方 The fat friar,胖修士 The fat lady,胖女人 The fat lady trading card,胖女人交易卡 The fates,命运之神 The fattest man in britain,英国最胖的人 The fitzrovian,菲兹罗伊人 The five feathers,五根羽毛 The fives,五个人 The flap of the cape,斗篷的翻转 The flash,闪光 The flipendo spellbook,翻开法术书 The fountain of fair fortune,财富之泉 The fountain of fair fortune,财富之泉 The fountain of fair fortune pantomime,财富之泉》哑剧 The fountain of fair fortune pub,财富之泉酒吧 The four houses wrock band,四房摇滚乐队 The frog choir,青蛙合唱团 The generation game,世代游戏 The ghost of ravenclaw,雷文克劳的幽灵 The grand budapest hotel,布达佩斯大饭店 The great humberto,伟大的亨伯托 The grim adventures of billy and mandy,比利和曼迪的严峻冒险 The guardian,监护人 The hairy heart a guide to wizards who wont commit,毛茸茸的心--不服管教的巫师指南 The handbook of hippogriff psychology,河马心理学手册 The hanged man,被吊死的人 The harry potter alliance,哈里-波特联盟 The haunted deck,闹鬼的甲板 The healers helpmate,治愈者的伙伴 The hermit of hermetray,隐士的隐士 The hero of hogwarts,霍格沃茨的英雄 The hierarchie of the blessed angells,受祝福的安格尔人的等级制度 The himalayas,喜马拉雅山 The historical wizarding conflicts,历史上的巫师冲突 The history boys,历史男孩 The hobgoblins,妖精们 The hogwarts march,霍格沃茨的行军 The honourable,尊贵的人 The hopping pot,跳跃的锅 The hopping pot,跳跳锅 The hopping pot pub,跳跳锅酒馆 The hudson river,哈德逊河 The hunting of the snark,猎奇心切的人 The imperius curse and how to abuse it,帝国的诅咒和如何滥用它 The insider,内行的人 The insides of the one who drinks it feels like they are burning,喝下它的人感觉自己在燃烧。 The interpreter,翻译员 The intricacies of rappaports law,错综复杂的法律关系 The invisible book of invisibility,隐形的书 The island of doctor moreau,莫罗医生之岛 The israelite philistine conflicts,以色列人与非利士人的冲突 The junk shop,垃圾店 The killing curse gif,杀人的诅咒GIF The kingly court,国王的法庭 The kings speech,国王的演讲 The lady and the unicorn,女士和独角兽 The last airbender,最后的气功师 The last samurai,最后的武士 The last will and testament of albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore,阿布斯-珀西瓦尔-伍尔夫里克-布赖恩-邓布利多的最后遗嘱和证词 The leaky cauldron,泄漏的大锅 The leaky cauldron trading card,泄漏的大锅饭交易卡 The leaky cauldron website,漏水大锅饭网站 The lego batman movie,乐高蝙蝠侠电影 The lexicon,辞典 The lexicon an unauthorized guide to harry potter fiction and related materials,哈里.波特小说及相关资料汇编--未经授权的指南 The life and lies of albus dumbledore,阿布思-邓布利多的生活和谎言 The lizard,蜥蜴 The locket,吊坠 The lonely passion of judith hearne,朱迪思-赫恩的孤独激情 The long gallery,长长的画廊 The love guru,爱情大师 The mad muggle,疯狂的麻瓜 The magic neep,魔术师 The maidens kinsfolk,少女的亲情 The making of harry potter,哈里-波特的诞生 The marauders,掠夺者 The marauders map,掠夺者地图 The medieval assembly of european wizards,欧洲巫师的中世纪集会 The midlands,中部地区 The mill on the floss,苔藓上的磨坊 The ministry press,部会的新闻 The ministry used all of its pull and influence to convince the public that voldemort had not returned to power,该部利用其所有的影响力使公众相信伏地魔没有重新上台。 The mirror,镜子 The mirror of erised,埃里塞德的镜子 The miserable ode of quivering quintus,颤抖的奎托斯的悲惨颂歌 The misty dell,缥缈的戴尔 The moaning myrtles,呻吟的桃金娘 The monster book of monsters,妖怪之书 The monuments men,纪念碑的人 The moon,月亮 The most delicious witch at hogwarts,霍格沃茨最美味的女巫 The most powerful stirrer at hogwarts,霍格沃茨最强大的搅局者 The most powerful witch at hogwarts,霍格沃茨最强大的女巫 The mudbloods,泥巴血统的人 The muggle conspiracy,麻瓜的阴谋 The muggle government decides against using the imperial system of weights and measurements and starts the process of switching into the metric system,麻瓜政府决定不使用英制度量衡系统,并开始转用公制系统。 The musketeers,火枪手 The nag,唠叨鬼 The naked gun 2 1 2 the smell of fear,裸体枪 2 1 2 恐惧的味道 The new york academy of house elf training,纽约家养小精灵培训学院 The new york affair,纽约事件 The new york ghost,新纽约幽灵 The new york review of books,纽约书评 The new york star,纽约之星 The new york times,新纽约时报 The new yorker,新纽约人 The next time this turn you play a spell card that needs quidditchcardtype power if that card does damage to your opponent it does 5 more damage cost 3,下一回合你打出一张需要魁地奇卡型力量的法术牌,如果那张牌对你的对手造成伤害,它就会多造成5次伤害,费用为3。 The nightshade guide to necromancy,亡灵法术的夜影指南 The noble and most ancienthouse of black,高贵的、最古老的黑屋 The noble sport of warlocks,术士的高尚运动 The occult,神秘学 The official guide to the quidditch world cup,魁地奇世界杯的官方指南 The one eyed witch,独眼女巫 The oracle of palombo,帕隆博的神谕 The order of air voyagers for intrepid wizards,无畏的巫师的空中旅行者的命令 The ordinary boys,普通男孩 The other boelyn girl,另一个波林女孩 The other minister,另一个部长 The owl airforce,猫头鹰空军 The owl airforce true life tales of war in europe,猫头鹰空军在欧洲战争中的真实生活故事 The paddock,围场 The paintings of hogwarts masterpieces from the school of witchcraft and wizardry sets,霍格沃茨的画作 巫术与魔法学校的杰作套装 The parselmouths,帕瑟尔茅斯人 The patriot,爱国者 The patronus theme,赞助人主题 The perks of being a wallflower,做壁花的好处 The phantom of the opera,歌剧中的幻影 The philosophers stone is saved,哲人石得救了 The philosophy of the mundane why the muggles prefer not to know,俗世的哲学,为什么麻瓜不愿意知道? The pilgrims progress,朝圣者的进步 The popularity of the teams formation looping,队列循环的普及 The potions master,魔药大师 The potter collector,魔药收藏家 The potter family and bathilda bagshot have a quiet birthday tea,波特家族和巴蒂尔达-巴格肖特静静地喝着生日茶 The potterer,魔药师 The pottermore correspondent,波特莫尔的通讯员 The practical potioneer,实用的陶器先锋 The predictions of tycho dodonus,泰戈-多多努斯的预言 The prime of miss jean brodie,杰恩-布鲁迪小姐的壮举 The princess bride,公主的新娘 The properties of moonstone and its uses in potion making,月光石的特性及其在药水制作中的用途 The provide food drink and a place for travellers to stay,为旅行者提供食物、饮料和住宿的地方 The pulverizer of polar platemail,极地排球的粉碎机 The quad,四面体 The quad battlements,四层楼的堞口 The quarry,采石场 The queens handbag,女王的手提包 The quibbler,叽叽喳喳的人 The quibbler articles,争论者的文章 The quibbler readers mail to harry potter,读者寄给哈利-波特的信件 The quint trio,五角星三人组 The rat,老鼠 The raven,乌鸦 The relocation of house elves,迁居的小精灵 The remus lupins,莱姆斯羽扇豆 The rhyme of gormless morgan,戈尔默斯-莫根的韵律 The rhythmic runes,有韵律的符文 The riddle house,谜语屋 The rise and fall of the dark arts,黑暗艺术的兴衰 The road to hogwarts sweepstakes,通往霍格沃茨的道路抽奖活动 The ruins,废墟 The rulebook concerning both on and off pitch magic,关于场内和场外魔法的规则手册 The scars of salem essays on the witch trials of 1692,塞勒姆的伤痕》关于1692年的女巫审判的文章 The sea,大海 The servant of lord voldemort,伏地魔的仆人 The seven swans,七只天鹅 The shadow men,影子人 The shaftesbury theatre,绍斯伯里剧院 The shape of water,水的形状 The simpsons,辛普森一家 The sin of tardiness,迟到的罪恶 The singing detective,唱歌的侦探 The singing sorceress,唱歌的女巫 The singles,单身人士 The sirens tail,海妖的尾巴 The skin colour of who drinks it becomes purple,喝了它的人的皮肤颜色变成紫色 The skurge spellbook,斯库尔格法术书 The sleeping beauty,睡美人 The slightest movement,最轻微的动作 The slip,滑倒 The smell of fear case,恐惧案的气味 The snake,蛇 The snatcher camp,抢夺者的营地 The song of lunch,午餐之歌 The sorry story of distractible douglas,分心的道格拉斯的遗憾故事 The sorting hat,分拣帽 The sorting hat trading card,分拣帽交易卡 The sorting podcast,分拣播客 The spectral thief of old london town,老伦敦城的幽灵小偷 The spiny serpent,有刺的蛇 The standard book of spells,标准法术书 The standard book of spells,标准法术书 The standard book of spells grade 1,标准法术书1级 The standard book of spells grade 1 trading card,标准法术书1级交易卡 The standard book of spells grade 2,标准法术书2级 The standard book of spells grade 3,标准法术书3级 The standard book of spells grade 4,法术标准书4级 The standard book of spells grade 5,法术标准书5级 The standard book of spells grade 6,法术标准书6级 The standard book of spells grade 7,标准法术书7级 The strand library,斯特兰德图书馆 The students and staff of hogwarts,霍格沃茨的学生和工作人员 The sum of all fears,所有恐惧的总和 The sun,太阳 The tale of a lazy little witch,一个懒惰的小女巫的故事 The tale of despereaux,德佩罗的故事 The tale of the three brothers,三兄弟的故事 The tale of the three brothers film,三兄弟的故事》电影 The tales of beedle the bard,吟游诗人贝多芬的故事 The tales of beedle the bard,吟游诗人贝多芬的故事 The tales of beedle the bard real,吟游诗人贝多芬的真实故事 The ten commandments,十条戒律 The terror,恐怖 The theory of everything,一切的理论 The three broomsticks,三根扫帚 The three sheets,三张床单 The toad,蟾蜍 The toadstool tales,蟾蜍的故事 The tower,塔 The trace,痕迹 The travel trilogy,旅行三部曲 The trio acquire horcrux muggle borns freed,三人组获得霍克鲁克斯,麻瓜出生的人被释放了 The trio acquires location of an additional horcrux and harry unknowingly gains mastery of the elder wand,三人组获得了另一个角斗士的位置,哈瑞在不知情的情况下获得了长老魔杖的控制权。 The trio theme,三人组的主题 The triwizard cup,三强杯 The tropics,热带地区 The true history of the opal fire,蛋白石之火的真实历史 The universe,宇宙 The unwritten story of harrys friends and their children,哈里的朋友和他们的孩子的不成文的故事 The valley of fear,恐惧之谷 The value engineers,价值工程师 The vamp and the tramp,吸血鬼和流浪汉 The vampire,吸血鬼 The van,面包车 The war of the worlds,世界之战 The warlocks family,术士家族 The warlocks friends,术士的朋友 The warlocks hairy heart,魔术师多毛的心 The weasley twins,韦斯莱双胞胎 The weasley twins trading card,韦斯莱双胞胎交易卡 The wheatsheaf,小麦田 The white eaglesstadium grodzisk stadium,白鹰体育场格罗兹克体育场 The white wyvern,梦里花落知多少 The whomping willows,梦里花落知多少 The witchs friend,巫师的朋友 The wizard and the hopping pot,巫师和跳跳锅 The wizarding world news,魔法世界的新闻 The wizarding world of harry potter,哈里-波特的魔法世界 The wizards voice,巫师的声音 The wonder of wigtown wanderers,巫师镇流浪者的奇迹 Theatre at shaftesbury avenue,绍斯伯里大道的剧院 Theatre director,剧院导演 Theatre lighting desginer,剧院灯光设计员 Theatre lighting designer,剧院灯光设计师 Theatre producer,剧院制片人 Theft of rowena ravenclaws diadem,盗窃Rowena ravenclaws diadem的行为 Theft of the elder wand disambiguation,窃取长者魔杖的歧义 Theft of the elder wand global wizarding war,盗窃长者魔杖的全球巫师战争 Theft of the elder wand middle ages,中世纪偷窃长者魔杖 Theft of the elder wand the tale of the three brothers,窃取长者魔杖的三兄弟的故事 Thelma holmes,Thelma Holmes Themes from harry potter,哈里-波特的主题 Themes john williams,约翰-威廉姆斯的主题 Theo allyn,Theo Allyn Theo ancient,古代的西奥 Theodard fontaine,西奥达-方丹 Theodore nott,西奥多-诺特 Theodore notts mother,西奥多-诺特的母亲 Theodore payne,西奥多-佩恩 Theophilus abbot,西奥菲勒斯修道院院长 Theoretical physicist,理论物理学家 Theories of transubstantial transfiguration,变身理论 Theory of charms,魅力理论 Theresa corrao,特蕾莎-科拉奥 Theresa stadt,特蕾莎-斯塔德 Theresa waylett,特蕾莎-韦莱特 Theseus scamander,忒修斯-斯卡曼德 Theseus scamander jpeg,忒修斯-斯卡曼德jpeg Theseus scamanders letter to newton scamander,忒修斯-斯卡曼德给纽顿-斯卡曼德的信 Theseus scamanders wand,忒修斯-斯卡曼德的魔杖 Thestral,瑟斯塔尔 Thestral paddock,忒斯拉的围场 Thestral tail hair,尾巴的头发 They have two other sisters scarlet and velvet,他们还有两个姐妹,分别是猩红和天鹅绒。 Thiago quintana,蒂亚戈-金塔纳 Thick,厚厚的 Thick and mud like,厚重如泥 Thick consistency,浓稠度高 Thick fleshy and succulent,肉质厚实,多汁 Thick golden potion,厚重的金色药水 Thick heads,浓稠的头 Thick paste consistency,浓稠的糊状物 Thick stubby tail,粗壮的尾巴 Thick trunk,厚实的躯干 Thick yellow paste,厚重的黄色膏体 Thicker than usual rigid,比平时更厚的刚性 Thief,盗贼 Thiefs curse,盗贼的诅咒 Thiefs downfall,盗贼的堕落 Thierry coup,蒂埃里政变 Thieves,盗贼 Thieves survival guide,小偷生存指南 Thimble,顶针 Thimblerig,盗梦空间 Thimblerig shuffle,伸缩式洗牌 Thin and green,薄而绿 Thin and small,薄而小 Third brother,三哥 Third floor corridor,三楼走廊 Third floor corridor slytherin prefect,三楼走廊的斯莱特林区长 Third floor slytherin prefect,三楼的斯莱特林县长 Third hand book emporium,第三手书屋 Third semi finalist of the 1379 duelling contest,1379年决斗大赛第三名半决赛选手 Third year,三年级 Third year defence against the dark arts exam boggart,三年级黑魔法防御考试博格特 Third year exams,三年级考试 Thirteen,十三岁 This is the night,这就是夜晚 Thistle,蓟门 Thomas disambiguation,托马斯的歧义 Thomas family,托马斯家族 Thomas fillman,托马斯-福尔曼 Thomas gianni,托马斯-吉安尼 Thomas mcgruder,托马斯-麦克格鲁德 Thomas moorcroft,托马斯-莫尔克罗夫特 Thomas more,托马斯-莫尔 Thomas paley,托马斯-佩利 Thomas riddle,托马斯-里德尔(Thomas Riddle) Thomas sailer,托马斯-赛勒 Thomas taylor,托马斯-泰勒(Thomas Taylor Thomas vace,托马斯-维思 Thomson,汤姆森 Thomson nephew ltd,汤姆森侄子有限公司 Thomsons nephew,侄子汤姆森 Thora dinnet,托拉-迪内特 Thors thunder cracker,雷霆之怒 Thorsten pfeffer,钍钍pfeffer Thought,思想 Threat meter,威胁表 Threatening note,威胁的音符 Three,三次 Three attempts were made on albus dumbledores life,阿布思-邓布利多的生命遭到了三次尝试 Three aurors who tried to arrest rubeus hagrid,试图逮捕鲁伯-哈格里特的三名灵气师 Three broomsticks barman,三根扫帚的酒吧老板 Three broomsticks inn,三根扫帚客栈 Three broomsticks inn the wizarding world of harry potter,哈里-波特的魔法世界中的三根扫帚旅馆 Three broomsticks waiter,三根扫帚的服务员 Three headed dog,三头犬 Three heads,三头犬 Three hours,三小时 Three month long match,三个月的比赛 Three toed tree toad,三趾树蟾蜍 Three toes,三只脚趾 Three unidentified snatchers,三个身份不明的抢夺者 Three unidentified snatchers who disintegrated during the battle of hogwarts,在霍格沃茨之战中解体的三个身份不明的抢夺者 Throbbing blood red bulb,悸动的血红色球体 Through the arch,穿过拱门 Through the floo,穿过浮桥 Through the trapdoor,穿过活板门 Throwing motion,抛掷动作 Thrown by one individual at another in play or as prank,一个人在游戏中或作为恶作剧向另一个人投掷的动作 Thundelarra,抛物线 Thundelarra thunderers,霹雳鸟 Thunderbird,雷鸟 Thunderbird,雷鸟 Thunderbird calling box,雷鸟呼叫盒 Thunderbird house,雷鸟之家 Thunderbird tail feather,雷鸟尾羽 Thunderbolt,霹雳鸟 Thunderbolt headquarters,雷鸟总部 Thunderbolt vii,雷鸟七号 Thurkell brothers,瑟克尔兄弟 Thurkell family,瑟克尔家族 Thursday,星期四 Thyme,百里香 Tiago montoya,缇亚戈-蒙托亚 Tiana benjamin,邓亚萍 Tibet,梵蒂冈 Tibetan oracles,西藏的神谕 Tibetan turnip,西藏萝卜 Tickles and weakens,挠痒痒和弱化 Tickling charm,挠痒痒的符咒 Tickling hex,挠痒痒法 Ties tongue in knot,舌头打结 Tiger,虎 Tilden toots,舌头上长了个小疙瘩 Tilly monk,滴答和尚 Tilly toke,蒂利托克 Tim,虎 Tim bateson,蒂姆-贝特森 Tim burke,蒂姆-伯克 Tim disambiguation,蒂姆消歧义 Tim hildebrandt,蒂姆-希尔德布兰特(Tim Hildebrandt Tim shieff,添-谢夫(Tim Shieff Time,时间 Time out,熄灭时间 Time out trading card,暂停交易卡 Time room,计时室 Time turner,时间转盘 Timeline of the fantastic beasts series,神奇动物系列的时间轴 Timepiece,时代广场 Times square,时代广场 Timothy butler,蒂莫西-巴特勒 Timothy dingwall bateson,蒂莫西-丁沃尔-贝特森 Timothy disambiguation,蒂莫西的歧义 Timothy hale,蒂莫西-黑尔 Timothy justin,蒂莫西-琼斯 Timothy leonard spall,蒂莫西-莱昂纳德-斯波尔 Timothy morcott,提摩西-莫考特 Timothy shieff,蒂莫西-谢夫(Timothy Shieff Timothy spall,提摩西-斯波尔 Timothy sydney robert hardy,蒂莫西-悉尼-罗伯特-哈迪 Timothy the timid,胆小的蒂莫西 Tina,婷婷 Tina and newt dinner scene fantastic beasts and where to find them 1080p gif,缇娜和纽特的晚餐场景神奇的野兽和在哪里找到他们1080p gif Tina estora,婷婷-埃斯托拉 Tina lundstrom,婷婷-伦德斯特伦 Tinderblast,我的天啊 Tineke ann robson,我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊 Tinsel,秦时明月 Tinworth,婷沃斯 Tiny,小小的 Tiptoe through the tulips,蹑手蹑脚穿过郁金香 Titillando trading card,缇缇兰多交易卡 Titus,苔丝 Titus mitcham,提图斯-米切姆 To bring about positive and lasting change in the lives of poor and disadvantaged people,为贫困和弱势人群的生活带来积极和持久的变化 To authenticate the identity of macusa aurors,认证macusa讲师的身份 To authenticate the identity of macusa employees,认证macusa员工的身份 To authenticate the identity of ministry employees,认证事工员工的身份 To be worn,佩戴 To be worn a signal to ron,佩戴的信号 To brush ones teeth,刷牙 To capture dangerous criminals,抓捕危险的犯罪分子 To carry school supplies and other items,携带学习用品和其他物品 To carry various included broomcare products,携带包括扫帚在内的各种护理产品 To change appearance at will,随意改变外观 To clean and polish wands,清洁和擦亮魔杖 To communicate a students performance,交流学生的表现 To confirm who captured a golden snitch during a quidditch match,确认谁在魁地奇比赛中抓到了金色的小球 To correct eyesight,矫正视力 To cut the grass in a lawn,修剪草坪上的草 To cut things,割东西 To evoke curiosity,唤起人们的好奇心 To exert control over bodily functions,对身体机能进行控制 To explode objects,爆炸物体 To feed hogwarts students,为了喂养霍格沃茨的学生 To gain more house points,为了获得更多的学院积分 To get from one floor of the ministry to another,从部里的一个楼层到另一个楼层 To give clues about the second task,提供关于第二个任务的线索 To hold a drink,拿着饮料 To hold harry potters photos,拿着哈利-波特的照片 To impress people,给人留下好印象 To imprison muggle born witches and wizards,囚禁出生在麻瓜的巫师和魔法师 To inform dumbledore of the sale of harry potters wand,通知邓布利多出售哈利-波特魔杖的事 To keep away enemies and to detect deception,躲避敌人,发现欺骗 To keep hands warm,为了保持手的温暖 To keep the bird warm,让鸟儿保持温暖 To keep track of prophecies made by seers,追踪预言家们的预言 To label clothes,给衣服贴标签 To magically gives the user a very good shave,神奇地让使用者有一个很好的刮胡子的机会 To magically lock doors,神奇地锁住门 To make anti theft pouches and bags,制作防盗袋和挎包 To make diving calculations,进行潜水计算 To manoeuvre and transport from one area to another,从一个地区到另一个地区的操纵和运输 To manufacture trucks,制造卡车 To measure how interesting a conversation is,测量谈话的有趣程度 To move between floors of a building,在建筑物的各层之间移动 To muffle noise and to warm ears,消减噪音,温暖双耳 To never melt,永不融化 To open and lock something,打开和锁住东西 To open bank vaults,打开银行金库 To play this card discard 1 of your cmccardtype lessons from play at the end of each of your turns remove all damage counters from devils snare damage each turn 2health 6cost 4,发挥这张牌,在你的每个回合结束时弃置你的一个厘米卡类型的课程,在每个回合移除魔鬼陷阱的所有伤害计数器 2健康6费用4 To play this card discard 1 of your cmccardtype lessons from play before each of your turns draw a card health 1cost 2,发挥这张牌时,在你的每个回合结束前弃置你的一张厘米级课程,抽一张牌 健康 1费 2 To play this card discard 1 of your cmccardtype lessons from play damage each turn 1health 4 cost 1,发挥这张牌时,每回合从游戏中弃置1张你的麦克卡德式课程的伤害 1健康 4费用 1 To play this card discard 1 of your cmccardtype lessons from play damage each turn 2health 1cost 1,发挥这张牌时,每回合弃置1张你的麦克马斯特类型的课程伤害 2健康 1费用 1 To play this card discard 1 of your cmccardtype lessons from play damage each turn 2health 3cost 2,"打出这张牌,每回合弃置1张你的 ""麦克卡德式 ""教训的伤害 2健康 3费用 2" To play this card discard 1 of your cmccardtype lessons from play damage each turn 3health 2cost 3,"打出这张牌,每回合弃置1张你的 ""麦克卡德式教训 ""的伤害 3健康 2费用 3" To play this card discard 1 of your cmccardtype lessons from play damage each turn 4health 3cost 5,"打出这张牌,每回合弃置1张你的 ""麦克卡德式教训 ""的伤害 4健康 3费用 5" To play this card discard 1 of your cmccardtype lessons from play damage each turn 7health 5cost 8,打出这张牌,每回合从游戏伤害中弃置1张你的麦克卡德类型的教训 7健康 5费用 8 To play this card discard 1 of your cmccardtype lessons from play when you play this card do 4 damage to your opponent damage each turn 4health 7cost 8,发挥这张牌时,弃置你的一张cccardtype课件,每回合对你的对手造成4点伤害 4health 7cost 8 To play this card discard 1 of your cmccardtype lessons from play whenever a spell card damages you you may let kelpie take that damage instead damage each turn 1 health 5 cost 3,发挥这张牌时,从游戏中弃置1张你的厘米卡类型的课程,每当有法术牌对你造成伤害时,你可以让凯尔皮代替他承受伤害,每回合1健康5费用3 To play this card discard 1 of your cmccardtype lessons from play you get 1 more action on each of your turns health 6,发挥这张牌时,从游戏中弃置1张你的厘米卡类型的课程,你在每个回合都会多出1次行动,健康6 To play this card discard 1 of your creatures from play search your deck you may take a creature card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it in your hand then shuffle your deck cost 2,发挥这张牌时,将你的1个生物从游戏中弃置,搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中取一张生物牌给你的对手看,然后将其放入你的手牌,再洗牌,费用为2。 To play this card discard 1 of your lessons from play search your deck you may put up to 2 lesson cards from your deck into play then shuffle your deck cost 5,打出这张牌时,你可以从你的牌组中弃置1张教训牌,搜索你的牌组,你最多可以从你的牌组中放入2张教训牌,然后洗牌,费用5。 To play this card discard 1 of your lessons from play search your deck you may take up to 3 creature cards from your deck show them to your opponent and put them into your hand then shuffle your deck cost 1,打这张牌时,你可以从你的牌组中弃置1张教训牌,搜索你的牌组,你最多可以从你的牌组中拿3张生物牌给你的对手看,然后把它们放入你的手牌中,然后洗牌,费用为1。 To play this card discard 1 of your lessons from play you get 2 more actions this turn cost 5,发挥这张牌时,将你的1个课程从游戏中弃置,你在本回合将获得2个额外的行动,费用为5。 To play this card discard 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play do 4 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice cost 2,发挥这张牌时,丢弃你的一个药水卡类课程,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成4点伤害,费用2 To play this card discard 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play do 5 damage to your opponent during your opponents next turn prevent all damage done to you by your opponents creatures cost 7,发挥这张牌时,弃置你的1张药水卡类课程,在你的对手的下一回合对你的对手造成5点伤害,防止你的对手的生物对你造成所有伤害,费用为7。 To play this card discard 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play do 5 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice cost 3,发挥这张牌时,弃置你的1个药水卡类课程,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成5点伤害,费用为3。 To play this card discard 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play do 8 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice cost 6,发挥这张牌时,弃置你的1个药水卡类的课程,对你的对手或你选择的生物造成8点伤害,费用为6。 To play this card discard 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play during your opponents next turn he or she cant play cards cost 7,发挥这张牌时,在你的对手下一回合不能出牌时,弃置你的1个药水卡类型的课程,费用为7 To play this card discard 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play shuffle up to 10 non healing cards from your discard pile into your deck cost 6,发挥这张牌时,将你的1张药水类课程从游戏中弃置,从你的弃牌堆中洗出最多10张非治疗牌到你的牌组中,费用6 To play this card discard 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play shuffle up to 8 non healing cards from your discard pile into your deck cost 4,发挥这张牌时,将你的1张药水类课程从游戏中弃置,从你的弃牌堆中洗出最多8张非治疗牌到你的牌组,费用为4。 To play this card discard 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play shuffle up to 9 non healing cards from your discard pile into your deck cost 5,发挥这张牌时,将你的1张药水类课程从游戏中弃置,从你的弃牌堆中洗出最多9张非治疗牌到你的卡组中,费用为5。 To play this card discard 2 of your cmccardtype lessons from play damage each turn 12health 21cost 10,发挥这张牌时,弃置你的2张厘米卡类型的课程,每回合伤害为12健康21,花费10。 To play this card discard 2 of your cmccardtype lessons from play damage each turn 3health 5cost 2,发挥这张牌,每回合弃置2张你的厘米卡类型的教训伤害 3健康 5费用 2 To play this card discard 2 of your cmccardtype lessons from play damage each turn 5health 3,打出这张牌,每回合从游戏伤害中弃置2张你的麦克卡德类型的教训 5健康 3 To play this card discard 2 of your potionscardtype lessons from play do 10 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice,发挥这张牌时,弃置你的2个药水类课程,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成10点伤害。 To play this card discard 2 of your potionscardtype lessons from play do 11 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice cost 7,发挥这张牌时,丢弃你的2个药水卡类的课程,对你的对手或你选择的生物造成11点伤害,费用7 To play this card discard 2 of your potionscardtype lessons from play do 12 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice cost 8,发挥这张牌时,丢弃你的2个药水卡类的课程,对你的对手或你选择的生物造成12点伤害,费用为8点。 To play this card discard 2 of your potionscardtype lessons from play shuffle up to 16 non healing cards from your discard pile into your deck cost 10,发挥这张牌时,丢弃你的2张药水卡类的课程,从你的弃牌堆中洗出最多16张非治疗性的牌到你的卡组中,费用10 To play this card discard 2 other cards from your hand do 5 damage to your opponent then if your opponent has any cards in his or her hand he or she chooses 2 of them and discards them,发挥这张牌时,从你的手牌中弃置2张其他牌,对你的对手造成5点伤害,然后如果你的对手有任何手牌,他或她会选择其中2张并弃置它们。 To play this card discard 2 other cards from your hand you may take a card that needs potionscardtype power from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck cost 5,打出这张牌时,从你的手牌中弃置2张其他的牌,你可以从你的卡组中取出一张需要药水类力量的牌给你的对手看,然后把它放进你的手牌中,然后洗掉你的卡组,花费5。 To play this card discard 3 of your potionscardtype lessons from play choose 1 of your opponents creatures or items in play and discard it,发挥这张牌时,从游戏中丢弃你的3个药水卡类型的教训,选择你的对手的一个生物或物品并丢弃它。 To play this card return 1 of your creatures in play to your hand damage 2health 2,发挥这张牌,将你的1个生物返回你的手牌,伤害2健康2 To play this card return 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play to your hand do 6 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice,发挥这张牌,将你的1个药水类课程从游戏中返回你的手牌,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成6点伤害。 To play this card return 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play to your hand do 9 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice,发挥这张牌,将你的1个魔药类型的课程从游戏中返回你的手牌,对你的对手或你选择的一个生物造成9点伤害。 To play this card return 1 of your potionscardtype lessons from play to your hand provides potionscardtype potionscardtype,发挥这张牌,将你的1个药水卡类型的课程从游戏中返回到你的手牌,提供药水卡类型的药水卡类型。 To play this card return 2 of your cmccardtype lessons from play to your hand,发挥这张牌时,将你的2张厘米卡类型的课程从游戏中返回到你的手牌。 To play this card return 2 of your potionscardtype lessons from play to your hand do 10 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice,发挥这张牌,将你的2个魔药类课程从游戏中返回到你的手牌,对你的对手或你选择的生物造成10点伤害。 To play this card return 2 of your potionscardtype lessons from play to your hand do 7 damage to your opponent or to a creature of your choice,发挥这张牌,将你的2个药水卡类型的课程从游戏中返回到你的手牌,对你的对手或你选择的生物造成7点伤害 To play this card return 2 of your potionscardtype lessons from play to your hand provides 5 potionscardtype cost 9,发挥这张牌,将你的2个药水卡类型的课程从游戏中返回你的手牌,提供5个药水卡类型的费用9。 To play this card return 3 of your cmccardtype lessons from play to your hand before each of your turns if your opponent has any items in play choose 1 of them and discard it damage 8health 12,发挥这张牌时,如果你的对手有任何物品,在每个回合前将你的3张卡类课程从游戏中返回到你的手牌,选择其中一个并丢弃,伤害8健康12。 To play this card return 4 of your potionscardtype lessons from play to your hand shuffle up to 16 non healing cards from your discard pile into your deck,发挥这张牌时,将你的4张药水类课程从游戏中返回你的手牌,从你的弃牌堆中洗出最多16张非治疗牌到你的牌组中。 To predict the future,预测未来 To prevent any student organisation,防止任何学生组织 To protect and serve,保护和服务 To protect the hands,保护你的手 To provide assistance with various forms of infestation,对各种形式的侵扰提供帮助 To put on a theatre show with puppets,用木偶进行戏剧表演 To record and often exaggerate spoken words for use in journalism,记录并经常夸大口语,以便在新闻报道中使用 To remove or return light to its sources,移除或将光返回其来源 To report sightings of criminals,报告犯罪分子的踪迹 To see the viewers deepest desire,看到观众最深切的愿望 To solve mathematical problems,解决数学问题 To speed up transportation objects,加快运输物体的速度 To stare at people,盯着人看 To store cupcakes,存储纸杯蛋糕 To store objects inside,将物体储存在里面 To study human thought,研究人类的思想 To tape or restrain objects,用胶带捆绑或限制物体 To teach and show students how to duel,教导学生如何进行决斗 To teach the wizards son a lesson by giving him a taste of muggle misery,给巫师的儿子一个教训,让他尝尝麻瓜的苦头 To tell the time,显示时间 To tend to the sick and wounded,照顾病人和伤员 To transport police and assist in enforcing the law,运送警察和协助执行法律 To wear,穿着 To win do 10 damage to your opponent while this card is in play prize the winner searches his or her deck he or she may take up to 2 lesson cards from his or her deck and put them into play then that player shuffles his or her deck cost 1,赢了,当这张牌在游戏中时,对你的对手造成10点伤害 赢家搜索他或她的卡组,他或她可以从他或她的卡组中取出最多2张教训牌并将其放入游戏中,然后该玩家洗掉他或她的卡组,花费1 To win do 12 damage to your opponent while this card is in play prize the winner gets 2 more actions during his or her next turn cost 1,获胜者在这张牌生效时对你的对手造成12点伤害,获胜者在下一回合获得2点行动力,费用为1 To win do 15 damage to your opponent while this card is in play prize the winner may shuffle up to 15 non healing cards from his or her discard pile into his or her deck cost 1,赢了,当这张牌在游戏中时,对你的对手造成15点伤害 赢家可以从他或她的弃牌堆中洗出最多15张非治疗性的牌到他或她的卡组中,费用为1 To win do 30 damage to your opponent while this card is in play prize the winner does 15 damage to his or her opponent cost 1,获胜者在这张牌出场时对你的对手造成30点伤害,获胜者对他或她的对手造成15点伤害,费用为1 To win do 5 damage to your opponent while this card is in play prize the winner may draw 4 cards cost 1,赢了,当这张牌在游戏中时,对你的对手造成5点伤害 赢家可以抽4张牌,费用为1 To win do 8 damage to your opponent while this card is in play prize the winner may draw 5 cards the loser takes 5 damage cost 1,赢家在这张牌出场时对你的对手造成8点伤害,赢家可以抽5张牌,输家受到5点伤害,费用为1 To win do 9 damage to your opponent prize winner shuffles up to 6 non healing cards from his or her discard pile into his or her deck,赢家对你的对手造成9点伤害 赢家从自己的弃牌堆中洗出最多6张非治疗性的牌到自己的牌堆中 To win use actions to play spell cards 2 times while this card is in play prize loser takes 6 damage,赢家在这张牌生效时使用行动打出2次法术牌,输家受到6点伤害 Toad,蟾蜍 Toad eating plant,吃蟾蜍的植物 Toad eating plants,蟾蜍吃植物 Toad in the hole,蟾蜍在洞中 Toad liver,蟾蜍的肝脏 Toad toazer,癞蛤蟆吃人 Toast,烤面包 Toasted,烤面包 Toaster,蟾蜍 Tobias misslethorpe,蟾蜍 Tobias snape,托拜厄斯-斯内普 Tobias stump,托拜厄斯-斯内普 Toby,托比 Toby dale,托比-戴尔(Toby Dale Toby disambiguation,托比的歧义 Toby finn regbo,托比-芬恩-雷波 Toby gleaves,托比-格里夫斯 Toby jones,托比-琼斯 Toby lennox,托比-伦诺克斯 Toby lennox gryffindor,托比-伦诺克斯-格兰芬多 Toby lennox ravenclaw,托比-伦诺克斯-拉文克劳(Toby Lennox ravenclaw Toby papworth,Toby Papworth Toby regbo,托比-雷博 Toby shephard,托比-谢泼德 Toby stephens,托比-史蒂芬斯 Todd boyce,托德-博伊斯 Todoroki,托德罗基 Toe biter,咬脚趾的人 Toe biter trading card,咬脚趾的人交易卡 Toenail growing hex,趾甲生长的六角 Tofty,趾高气扬 Toga,托加 Together act as passage way,一起充当通道 Togo,多哥 Toilet door key,厕所门钥匙 Tolerance,厕所 Tolerance to freezing tempreatures,对冰冻温度的耐受力 Tolga safer,托尔加安全 Tolipan blemish blitzer,托利班斑点清除器 Tollington way,托林顿方式 Tom,冬奥会 Tom ackerley,汤姆-阿克雷 Tom ackerley,汤姆-阿克雷 Tom attenborough,汤姆-阿滕伯勒 Tom clarke hill,汤姆-克拉克山 Tom dab,汤姆-达布 Tom disambiguation,汤姆消除歧义 Tom felton,汤姆-费尔顿 Tom goodman hill,汤姆-古德曼山 Tom knight,汤姆骑士 Tom marvolo riddle,汤姆-马尔沃罗-里德尔 Tom milligan,汤姆-米利根 Tom monk,汤姆-蒙克 Tom moorcroft,汤姆-摩尔克罗夫特 Tom peters,汤姆-彼得斯 Tom riddle,汤姆谜语 Tom riddle,汤姆-里德尔(Tom Riddle Tom riddle disambiguation,汤姆-里德尔(Tom riddle)的歧义 Tom riddle informing dippet about wanting to stay at hogwarts during the summer and possibly other subjects,汤姆-里德尔通知迪佩特想在夏天留在霍格沃茨,可能还有其他问题。 Tom riddle senior,汤姆-里德尔老人 Tom riddles box,汤姆谜语箱 Tom riddles explosive spell,汤姆谜语的爆炸性咒语 Tom riddles gang,汤姆-里德尔团伙 Tom riddles gravestone,汤姆-里德尔的墓碑 Tom riddles letter to armando dippet,汤姆谜语给阿曼多-迪佩特的信 Tom riddles wand,汤姆灯谜的魔杖 Tom riddles wands,汤姆灯谜的魔杖 Tom riddles wardrobe,汤姆谜语衣柜 Tom s wingrove,汤姆-温格罗夫 Tom viv,汤姆-维夫 Tom wingrove,汤姆-温格罗夫 Tomato,番茄 Tombstone cake,墓碑蛋糕 Tomes and scrolls,书籍和卷轴 Tomislav tomić,番茄酱 Tommy,番茄 Tommy zimmerman,汤米-齐默尔曼 Tomoko kajiwara,番茄酱 Ton tongue toffee,舌尖上的太妃糖 Tongue tying curse,舌尖上的诅咒 Tongue tying lemon squash,舌尖上的柠檬南瓜 Tongueburners ltd,舌头烧饼有限公司 Tonic for trace detection,追踪检测的补药 Tonks,汤克斯 Tonks and the aurors,汤克斯和灵气师 Tonks family,佟氏家族 Tonks house,汤克斯家 Tony adkins,托尼-阿德金斯 Tony christian,托尼-克里斯蒂安 Tony coburn,托尼-科本 Tony disambiguation,托尼消除歧义 Tony kirwood,托尼-基尔伍德 Tony montalbano,托尼-蒙塔尔巴诺 Tony paul west,托尼-保罗-韦斯特 Tony silva,托尼-席尔瓦 Tooth splintering strong mints,牙齿分裂的强烈薄荷糖 Toothflossing stringmints,牙齿碎裂的强烈薄荷糖 Toothless,无牙 Toothless old mans rowboat,无牙老人划船 Toots shoots n roots,嘟嘟的芽和根 Top box,顶盒 Top dog biscuits,饼干 Top gear,顶级齿轮 Top hat,帽子 Topiary,钥匙 Topsy turvy,颠沛流离 Torment or harm the victim to varying degrees,在不同程度上折磨或伤害受害者 Tormentil,煎熬 Tornado,蝴蝶结 Tornados badge,龙卷风的徽章 Torquil mctavish,龙卷风徽章 Torquil travers,龙卷风徽章 Tortoise,玳瑁 Tortoiseshell and white,玳瑁色和白色 Tortoiseshell cat,玳瑁猫 Tortoiseshell pattern,玳瑁图案 Torture device,拷问装置 Tortures possibly by transfiguring the target to death,可能通过将目标转化为死亡来进行拷问 Torvus,托尔沃斯 Torvus father,托尔沃斯的父亲 Total recall,完全回忆 Tottenham court road,托特纳姆法院路 Toujours pur,秘密武器 Tour guide,指南 Town hall of ackerley,阿克里市政厅 Toxic potion n º 86955,有毒的药水 n º 86955 Toy,扫帚 Toy broomstick,玩具扫帚 Toy crane,玩具吊车 Toy hippogriff,玩具河马 Toy prank device,玩具恶作剧装置 Toy soldiers,玩具士兵 Toy wand,玩具魔杖 Toybox,玩具箱 Toyohashi,漫画 Toyohashi tengu,丰桥天狗 Toys collectible figurines,玩具收藏品小雕像 Trace,追踪 Trace charm,追踪魅力 Tracery hall,追踪大厅 Tracey davis,Tracey Davis Tracey wiles,特蕾西-怀尔斯 Tracie everson,特蕾西-埃弗森 Track illegal spell casting,追查非法施法 Track wand ownership,追踪魔杖所有权 Tracking spell,追踪法术 Tractor,牵引器 Tradeable material,可交易的材料 Trading card game,交易卡游戏 Trading card shop,交易卡商店 Trading card shop shopkeeper,交易卡店主 Traditional english breakfast,传统英国早餐 Trafalgar square,特拉法尔加广场 Train for passenger travel,客运列车 Train fuel,火车燃料 Train operating company,火车运营公司 Trainee healer,受训医护人员 Training grounds,训练场 Training grounds entrance,训练场入口 Training grounds tower,训练场塔楼 Training grounds way to quidditch pitch,前往魁地奇球场的训练场地 Training programme,训练计划 Trainspotting,训练场 Traitor,叛徒 Trans species transformation,训练场 Transdanubia,训练场 Transfer student,转校生 Transferring mail throughout gringotts,在整个格林戈特转移邮件 Transferring sums of money from one bank account to another,把钱从一个银行账户转到另一个银行账户 Transfiguration,转化 Transfiguration,变容术 Transfiguration alphabet,变容字母表 Transfiguration class,变形课 Transfiguration classroom maze,变形教室迷宫 Transfiguration department,变形系 Transfiguration department,变形系 Transfiguration department academic department,变形系学术部 Transfiguration exam,成长课考试 Transfiguration exam trading card,变形考试交易卡 Transfiguration spell,变身法术 Transfiguration test,变身考试 Transfiguration test trading card,变身考试交易卡 Transfiguration today,今日变身 Transfiguration today most promising newcomer award,今日变身最有前途的新人奖 Transfiguration tournament,变形术比赛 Transfiguration trading card,成长的交易卡 Transfiguration trophy,变身奖杯 Transfigures a small child into a rat,将一个小孩变成一只老鼠 Transfigures a snail into a teapot,把蜗牛变成了茶壶 Transfigures desks into pigs,把书桌变成猪 Transfigures mugs into mongooses,把杯子变成猫鼬 Transfigures pigs into desks,把猪变成书桌 Transfigures smoke into a horde of daggers,把烟雾变成匕首群 Transformation,变形 Transformation through the ages,古往今来的变身 Transforming rabbit,兔子变身 Transforming spells,转化法术 Transforms a guinea fowl into a guinea pig,把天竺鼠变成天竺猪 Transforms a hedgehog into a pincushion,将刺猬变成针垫 Transforms a porcupine into a pincushion,将豪猪变成针垫 Transforms a teacup into a tortoise,将茶杯变成乌龟 Transforms a teapot into a tortoise,把茶壶变成乌龟 Transforms hair,把头发变成了 Transforms into the worst fear of the nearest observer,变成最近的观察者最害怕的东西 Transforms litter boxes to wildebeest,将垃圾箱变成野马 Transforms one species into another,把一个物种变成另一个物种 Transforms post boxes into wildebeest,把邮筒变成野马 Transforms something,将某物转化为某物 Transforms target into flowers,把目标变成花 Transforms teacups into gerbils,将茶杯变成沙鼠 Transforms things,将事物转化为 Transforms things into,将事物转化为 Translator,译者 Translucent luminescent,半透明的发光体 Transmitting messages long distance via wplinktelegraphy,通过wplinktelegraphy远距离传输信息 Transmogrifian torture,酷刑 Transmogrify,视觉上的冲击 Transmogrify trading card,荧光剂交易卡 Transparent bio luminescent body,透明的生物发光体 Transportation,酷刑 Transportation of ministry officials,部委官员的运输 Transports people to a pre determinated destination,将人运送到预先确定的目的地 Transports people to a pre determined destination,将人运送到预先确定的目的地 Transylvania,特兰西瓦尼亚 Transylvanian barb,特兰西瓦尼亚巴伯人 Transylvanian farmer,特兰西瓦尼亚农夫 Transylvanian head of magical cooperation,特兰西瓦尼亚魔法合作负责人 Transylvanian national quidditch team,特兰西瓦尼亚国家魁地奇队 Traps target in giant bubble,将目标困在巨大的气泡中 Travel,训练 Travelcard,旅行卡 Travellers tales,旅行者的故事 Travelling,旅行 Travelling,旅行者的故事 Travelling family use,旅居家庭使用 Travelling residency,旅行者居住地 Travels with trolls,与巨魔的旅行 Travers,特拉弗斯 Travers family,特拉弗斯家族 Treacle,特雷克 Treacle fudge,甲骨文软糖 Treacle tart,甲骨文馅饼 Treatment for scale rot,垢腐病的治疗 Treats,治疗 Treats acne,治疗痤疮 Treats dead plants,治疗死亡植物 Treats ringworm fungicide,治疗癣菌的杀菌剂 Tree animating jinx,树木活泼的金星 Tree dwelling,树上居住的人 Tree frog,树蛙 Trelawney family,树木 Tremayne miller,特雷梅尼磨坊 Tremblay family,Tremblay家族 Tremlett family,特雷姆莱家族 Trespass at ministry,闯入部的人 Trev mallory,特雷弗-马洛里 Trevor birchs letters fom gilderoy lockhart,"邓小平说:""我是一个人,我是一个人,我是一个人,我是一个人。" Trevor birchs letters to gilderoy lockhart,特雷弗-伯奇给吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的信 Trevor birchs mother,特雷弗-伯奇的母亲 Trevor trading card,特雷弗交易卡 Tri corner,三个角落 Trial and error case,审判和错误的案例 Trial of igor karkaroff,审判伊戈尔-卡尔卡洛夫 Trial of ludovic bagman,审判卢多维奇-巴格曼 Trial of the lestranges and bartemius crouch junior,审判莱斯特朗斯和巴蒂米乌斯的初级阶段 Triangular motion,三角形运动 Tribeca,审判伊戈尔-卡尔卡洛夫 Tribeca follies,审判伊戈尔-卡尔卡洛夫 Tribuomnus,审判 Trick wand,诡异魔杖 Tricks trucks,技巧卡车 Trinity lynn,三位一体的林恩 Trio,三重奏 Tripe,叁P Trips to hogsmeade village,在霍格莫德村的绊脚石 Trips victim,旅程的受害者 Trisha buttermere,翠丝-布特米尔 Tristan,ﺔﻳﺎﻐﻠﺠﻟﺍ ﺾﻌﺑ Triumph,胜利 Triwizard cup gif,三强杯GIF Triwizard maze,三国演义迷宫 Triwizard tournament,三强争霸赛 Triwizard tournament first task,三联书店的第一个任务 Triwizard tragedies,三国演义的悲剧 Trocar,小车 Troll,巨魔 Troll bedroom,巨魔卧室 Troll bogies trading card,巨魔的交易卡 Troll bridge,巨魔桥 Troll cobbles,巨魔鹅卵石 Troll earwax,巨魔耳蜡 Troll grade,巨魔等级 Troll in the bathroom,巨魔在浴室里 Troll in the bathroom trading card,巨魔在浴室的交易卡 Troll language,巨魔语言 Troll leg umbrella stand,巨魔之腿伞架 Troll of nadroj,nadroj的巨魔 Troll patrol,巨魔巡逻队 Troll rights movement,巨魔权利运动 Troll storeroom,巨魔贮藏室 Troll tapestry,巨魔挂毯 Troll whisker,巨魔胡须 Trolley witch,手推车女巫 Trollwig,巨魔之翼 Trophy room,奖杯室 Trophy secret passage,奖杯秘密通道 Tropical,蝴蝶效应 Tropical bird,热带鸟 Tropical regions,热带地区 Tropics,热带地区 Trouble brewing case,滋生麻烦的案件 Trouche family,麻烦家族 Troupe of dancing skeletons,舞蹈团的骨架 Trout,鳟鱼 Troy,特洛伊 Troy duvall,特洛伊-杜瓦尔 Trudy galston,特鲁迪-加尔斯顿 True life war stories,真实的生活战争故事 True wizard,真正的巫师 Truly madly deeply,真正疯狂地深入 Trumpet,小号 Truth serum,真理的血清 Tsunami,海啸 Tuba,图巴 Tubbs,细菌 Tubular colourful,斑斓的管状物 Tuck sweeney,塔克-斯威尼 Tucks in shirts and ties,衬衫和领带中的塔克 Tuft family,簇绒家族 Tufty,图夫特 Tug of war,拔河比赛 Tugwood family,塔格伍德家族 Tulip karasu,郁金香卡拉苏 Tulip karasus father,郁金香卡拉苏的父亲 Tulip karasus mother,郁金香卡拉苏母亲 Tuney,屯溪 Tunnelling behaviour,隧道行为 Turkey,土耳其 Turkey food,土耳其食品 Turkish,土耳其 Turkish national quidditch team,土耳其国家魁地奇队 Turn on the spot,在现场转身 Turn this stupid fat rat yellow,把这只愚蠢的胖老鼠变成黄色 Turner family,特纳家族 Turnip,萝卜 Turnip wine,萝卜酒 Turnips,萝卜 Turns a chair to a cat,把椅子变成猫 Turns a pawn into a queen,把小兵变成女王 Turns armchairs into humans,把扶手椅变成人 Turns beetles to buttons,把甲虫变成纽扣 Turns cats into tea cosies,把猫变成茶具 Turns glass soft and sticky,使玻璃变得柔软和粘稠 Turns glass to sand,把玻璃变成沙子 Turns into insect,变成昆虫 Turns mice into snuffboxes,把老鼠变成鼻烟壶 Turns object into prison,将物体变成监狱 Turns object into tracking device,把物体变成追踪装置 Turns objects into birds,将物体变成鸟类 Turns objects to stone,把物体变成石头 Turns organisms to ducks,将生物体变成鸭子 Turns pale lilac colour then clear,变成淡淡的丁香色,然后变成透明。 Turns solid when illuminated,照明时变成固体 Turns stairs into a slide,将楼梯变成滑梯 Turns target human into a badger,将目标人物变成一只獾 Turns target into rabbit,将目标变成兔子 Turns target into wplinkfish,将目标变成水鱼 Turns things into worms,把东西变成虫子 Turns water into a weak tea or explosion,把水变成弱茶或爆炸 Turquoise,绿松石 Turquoise in colour,绿松石的颜色 Turret stairwell,炮塔式楼梯间 Turtle,龟甲 Tut,图特 Tuts nuts,Tuts 坚果 Tutshill,图特西尔 Tutshill tornados,图特希尔龙卷风 Tuttle family,塔特尔家族 Twelfth night,第十二夜 Twelve fail safe ways to charm witches,魅力女巫的十二种不安全方法 Twelve feet,十二英尺 Twelve hours,十二个小时 Twelve muggles massacred pettigrew escapes and black is wrongfully convicted and arrested,十二个麻瓜被屠杀 佩蒂格鲁逃脱,布莱克被错误地定罪和逮捕 Twelvetrees family,十二棵树家族 Twig,矮子 Twigger 90,虎头蛇尾90 Twilfitt and tattings,特维尔菲特和塔廷斯 Twilight meeting,暮光之城会议 Twilight moonbeams,暮色中的月光 Twin wand cores,孪生棒芯 Twinkles telescopes,眨眼的望远镜 Twins,双胞胎 Twirl,漩涡 Twirl trading card,Twirl 交易卡 Twitter,推特 Two consenting adults pledging to spend the rest of their lives together,两个同意的成年人发誓要一起度过余生 Two dark,两个黑暗 Two feet,两只脚 Two girls,两个女孩 Two golden horns,两个金角 Two heads,两个头 Two horns,两个角 Two hours,两小时 Two hours and fifteen minutes,两小时十五分钟 Two hours and fifty minutes,两小时五十分钟 Two hours and thirty minutes,两小时三十分钟 Two little witches,两个小女巫 Two males one female,两男一女 Two or three fingered hands,两个或三个指头的手 Two pallbearers,两名护柩者 Two scrumples of an unknown ingredient,两种成分不明的面包屑 Two sets of limbs,两套肢体 Two to tango,两个人跳探戈 Two unidentified ministry guards,两名身份不明的部下守卫 Two way mirror,双向镜 Two werewolves following greyback,两个狼人跟随灰背的人 Tycho dodonus,泰戈-多德努斯 Tyler,泰勒 Tyler hawkins in remember me,记忆中的泰勒-霍金斯 Typewriter,打字机 Typically can fly,通常会飞 Typically delivered as a spray,通常是以喷雾的方式传递 Typically on fire,通常会着火 Typically wear long robes and pointed hats,通常穿着长袍,戴着尖帽 Typing,打字 Typing pool,打字池 Tyra teegarden,泰拉茶园 Uagadou edifice,乌加度大厦 Uagadou potions champion,乌加度魔药冠军 Uagadou school of magic,乌加度魔法学校 Uagadou school team,乌加度学校团队 Uagadou staff and students,乌加度的员工和学生 Uagadou students and staff,Uagadou学生和员工 Ubbly,乌布利 Uchi akimbo,乌奇阿基姆博 Ug the unreliable,不可靠的乌格 Uganda,乌干达 Ugandan national quidditch team,乌干达国家魁地奇队 Ugga,乌加 Ugly,丑陋 Ugly appearance,丑陋的外表 Uk 12a,乌克12a Uk audio book narrator,丑陋的有声书叙述者 Uk pg,乌克兰语 Ukraine,乌克兰 Ukrainian ironbelly,乌克兰铁肚皮 Ulysses press,吕秀莲出版社 Uma thurman,辽宁 Umbrella flower,伞花 Umbrella flowers,伞花 Umbrella flowers trading card,伞花交易卡 Umbrella spell,伞的法术 Umbridge family,保护伞家族 Umbridge itis,伞状物 Umbridge locket jpeg,脐带盒jpeg Umbridge on unicycle,独轮车上的乌姆里奇 Un born,不生不灭 Unbreakable charm,牢不可破的符咒 Unbreakable vow,牢不可破的誓言 Uncanny ability to detect untrustworthy individuals,发现不可靠的人的不可思议的能力 Uncertain,不确定的 Uncle,叔叔 Uncle edward,爱德华叔叔 Unclear potentially sentient,不明确的潜在有生命的人 Uncommon,不常见的 Uncommonly intelligent,不常见的智能 Uncontrollable babbling,不可控的胡言乱语 Uncontrollable laughter,不可控制的笑声 Unctuous osbert,不透明的奥伯特 Undentified death eater,未确定的食死徒 Under 59,59岁以下 Underage magic,未成年的魔法 Underbeing,秘密的存在 Undercover route to the kitchens,通往厨房的秘密路线 Underground chambers,地下密室 Underwater charms,水下魔咒 Underwater secrets,水下的秘密 Underwater secrets soundtrack,水下秘密的原声带 Underwater usage,水下使用 Underwater viewing scope,水下观察范围 Underwear,水底裤 Undesirable,不可取的 Undesirable no 1,不受欢迎的1号 Undetectable extension charm,不易察觉的延长符 Undetectable poisons,不易察觉的毒药 Unexplored passage to hogsmeade,通往霍格莫德的未开发通道 Unfogging the future,秘密武器 Unforgivable curses,不可饶恕的诅咒 Unforgivable curses and their legal implications,不可饶恕的诅咒及其法律影响 Unforgiven,梦见自己的孩子 Unfortunate but unknown,灾难性的,但不为人知的 Unicorn,恶魔 Unicorn blood,独角兽的血 Unicorn hair,独角兽的头发 Unicorn horn,独角兽的角 Unicorn reservation,独角兽预订 Unicorn tail hair,独角兽尾巴的头发 Unicorn trading card,独角兽交易卡 Unidentfied male death eater during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的男性食死徒 Unidentfied man killed by an explosion in the viaduct courtyard,在高架桥院子里被炸死的身份不明的人 Unidentifed grandfather,不明身份的祖父 Unidentifed witch,不明身份的女巫 Unidentified 1910s gryffindor girl i,不明身份的1910年代格兰芬多女孩I Unidentified 1910s gryffindor girl ii,不明身份的1910年代格兰芬多女孩II Unidentified 1920s animagus,不明身份的1920年代的巫师 Unidentified 1980s hogwarts student,不明身份的1980年代霍格沃茨学生 Unidentified 1984 1985 defence against the dark arts teacher,不明身份的1984年1985年的黑魔法防御教师 Unidentified 1985 1986 defence against the dark arts teacher,不明身份的1985年1986年防卫黑魔法的老师 Unidentified 1986 1987 defence against the dark arts teacher,不明身份 1986年 1987年 防御黑魔法老师 Unidentified 1987 1988 defence against the dark arts teacher,不明身份 1987年 1988年 防御黑魔法老师 Unidentified 1989 1990 defence against the dark arts teacher,不明身份 1989年 1990年 防御黑暗艺术教师 Unidentified 1992 1993 music teacher,不明身份 1992年 1993年 音乐老师 Unidentified 2000s hogwarts student,不明身份的2000年霍格沃茨学生 Unidentified 2000s hogwarts students parents,不明身份的2000年霍格沃茨学生家长 Unidentified 8 year old muggle girl,不明身份的8岁麻瓜女孩 Unidentified acolyte,不明身份的崇拜者 Unidentified acromantula,不明身份的尖头怪 Unidentified acromantula commander during battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的尖头怪指挥官 Unidentified amulet seller,不明身份的护身符卖家 Unidentified amulet seller in diagon alley,不明身份的护身符卖家在对角线巷子里 Unidentified animagus,不明身份的阿尼玛格斯 Unidentified associate of mundungus fletcher,不明身份的蒙顿古斯-弗莱彻的助手 Unidentified auror,不明身份的巫师 Unidentified aurors,不明身份的灵药师 Unidentified aurors stationed at the great hall,驻扎在大礼堂的身份不明的灵药师 Unidentified australian wizard,不明身份的澳大利亚巫师 Unidentified azkaban escapee,不明身份的阿兹卡班逃亡者 Unidentified balding ministry of magic employee,不明身份的秃头的魔法部雇员 Unidentified ballycastle bats chaser,不明身份的巴利卡斯特蝙蝠追逐者 Unidentified bank begging tramp,不明身份的银行乞讨流浪汉 Unidentified bank employee,不明身份的银行雇员 Unidentified bank guard,不明身份的银行警卫 Unidentified bank in surrey,不明身份的萨里银行 Unidentified bearded centaur,不明身份的大胡子半人马 Unidentified beater,不明身份的打手 Unidentified beauxbatons students,不明身份的Beauxbatons学生 Unidentified big bean shack spokeswoman,不明身份的大豆棚女发言人 Unidentified bird in bell jar,不明身份的鸟在钟罩里 Unidentified black death eater,不明身份的黑色食死徒 Unidentified black death eater at the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的黑色食死徒 Unidentified black death eater at the battle of hogwarts ii,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的黑色食死徒 II Unidentified black wizard,不明身份的黑巫师 Unidentified black wizard during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的黑巫师 Unidentified blond twin boys at platform nine and three quarters,不明身份的金发双胞胎男孩在九又四分之三的平台上 Unidentified blonde slytherin girl,不明身份的金发斯莱特林女孩 Unidentified bluebird,不明身份的蓝鸟 Unidentified book,不明身份的书 Unidentified books,不明身份的书 Unidentified boy,不明身份的男孩 Unidentified boy during quidditch,不明身份的男孩在魁地奇比赛中 Unidentified boy during the 1996 quidditch match i,1996年魁地奇比赛中身份不明的男孩I Unidentified boy in the great hall,大厅里身份不明的男孩 Unidentified boy in the great hall i,大厅里身份不明的男孩I Unidentified boy in the great hall ii,大厅里身份不明的男孩二 Unidentified boy in the great hall iii,大厅里身份不明的男孩 III Unidentified boy who attended charm school,参加符咒学校的身份不明的男孩 Unidentified boy who attended charm schools father,参加符咒学校的不明身份男孩的父亲 Unidentified boy who transfigured his friend,让朋友变身的身份不明的男孩 Unidentified boy with birthmark,有胎记的身份不明的男孩 Unidentified broom flyer,不明身份的扫帚飞行者 Unidentified buffalo spell,不明身份的水牛魔咒 Unidentified bushily whiskered ministry of magic employee,不明身份的胡子拉碴的魔法部雇员 Unidentified bushy haired muttering wizard,不明身份的浓密头发的喃喃自语的巫师 Unidentified canadian seer,不明身份的加拿大预言家 Unidentified card playing boy,不明身份的玩牌男孩 Unidentified centaur,不明身份的半人马 Unidentified chaser,不明身份的追逐者 Unidentified chestnut coloured hippogriff,不明身份的栗子色河马 Unidentified child in bubble,不明身份的泡沫儿童 Unidentified chinese fireball youngling,不明身份的中国火球幼童 Unidentified chinese fireballs child,不明身份的中国火球的孩子 Unidentified chinese fireballs offspring,不明身份的中国火球的后代 Unidentified choir member,不明身份的合唱团成员 Unidentified choir member i,不明身份的唱诗班成员I Unidentified choir member ii,不明身份的唱诗班成员二 Unidentified clown,不明身份的小丑 Unidentified clumsy hogwarts violist,不明身份的笨拙的霍格沃茨小提琴手 Unidentified committee for the disposal of dangerous creatures member,不明身份的危险生物处置委员会成员 Unidentified council,不明身份的理事会 Unidentified council in surrey,不明身份的萨里郡议会 Unidentified council of magical law clerk,不明身份的魔法法律委员会职员 Unidentified council of magical law member,不明身份的魔法委员会成员 Unidentified creature,不明生物 Unidentified creature wall cuttings in hogwarts castle,霍格沃茨城堡中的不明生物墙壁剪报 Unidentified crow,不明身份的乌鸦 Unidentified customs official,不明身份的海关官员 Unidentified customs official,不明身份的海关官员 Unidentified customs official ii,不明身份的海关官员二 Unidentified daily prophet journalist,不明身份的每日预言家记者 Unidentified dark wizard,不明身份的黑暗巫师 Unidentified daughter,不明身份的女儿 Unidentified death eater,不明身份的食死徒 Unidentified death eater,不明身份的食死徒 Unidentified death eater in the forbidden forest,禁忌森林中身份不明的食死徒 Unidentified death eater killed by kingsley shacklebolt,被Kingsley Shacklebolt杀死的身份不明的食死徒 Unidentified death eater knocked out by alastor moody,不明身份的食死徒被Alastor moody击倒 Unidentified death eater quidditch world cup 1994,不明身份的食死徒1994年魁地奇世界杯 Unidentified death eater stunned by harry potter in the grand staircase tower,不明身份的食死徒在大楼梯塔里被哈瑞-波特击晕了 Unidentified death eater that was stunned by harry potter,被哈利波特击晕的身份不明的食死徒 Unidentified death eater who engaged arthur weasley,与亚瑟-韦斯莱交手的身份不明的食死徒 Unidentified death eater who fought in a first floor corridor ii,在一楼走廊战斗的身份不明的食死徒II Unidentified death eater who tortured a wizard,拷问巫师的身份不明的食死徒 Unidentified death eaters,不明身份的食死徒 Unidentified department of magical games and sports representative,不明身份的魔法游戏和体育部代表 Unidentified department of mysteries intern,不明身份的神秘学系实习生 Unidentified dog,不明身份的狗 Unidentified dumpy wizengamot member with a large black moustache,不明身份的有大黑胡子的矮胖巫师团成员 Unidentified dun coloured centaur,不明身份的敦煌色半人马 Unidentified durmstrang students,不明身份的杜姆斯特朗学生 Unidentified durmstrang students fire spell,不明身份的Durmstrang学生的火咒 Unidentified evil sorcerer,不明身份的邪恶巫师 Unidentified examiner with a wart on his nose,鼻子上有疣子的身份不明的考官 Unidentified executioner,不明身份的刽子手 Unidentified executioner i,不明身份的刽子手一 Unidentified executioner ii,不明身份的刽子手二 Unidentified fairly small classroom,不明身份的小教室 Unidentified falling man,不明身份的坠落者 Unidentified fans of gilderoy lockhart,不明身份的吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特的粉丝 Unidentified female chinese fireball,不明身份的中国女性火球 Unidentified female common welsh green,不明身份的女性普通威尔士绿色 Unidentified female council of magical law juror,不明身份的女性魔法委员会陪审员 Unidentified female customer in bakery,面包店里身份不明的女顾客 Unidentified female death eater,不明身份的女性食死徒 Unidentified female death eater,不明身份的女性食死徒 Unidentified female death eater at malfoy manor i,不明身份的女性食死徒在马尔福庄园I Unidentified female death eater at malfoy manor ii,不明身份的女食死徒在马尔福庄园II Unidentified female eeylops owl emporium employee,不明身份的女性猫头鹰商店雇员 Unidentified female head,不明身份的女性头颅 Unidentified female hogwarts student who helped unidentified female hogwarts teacher xii,不明身份的霍格沃茨女学生,帮助不明身份的霍格沃茨女教师十二年 Unidentified female hogwarts teacher,不明身份的霍格沃茨女教师 Unidentified female hungarian horntail,不明身份的女性匈牙利角尾 Unidentified female reporter,不明身份的女记者 Unidentified female seer,不明身份的女预言家 Unidentified female snatcher during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的女性抢夺者 Unidentified female swedish short snout,不明身份的女性瑞典短鼻人 Unidentified female swedish shortsnout,不明身份的女性瑞典短吻鳄 Unidentified fifth year girl,不明身份的五年级女生 Unidentified fire breather,不明身份的喷火者 Unidentified first year boy,不明身份的一年级男孩 Unidentified five animagi,不明身份的五名动画师 Unidentified five muggles,不明身份的五个麻瓜 Unidentified five muggles who saw the flying ford anglia,不明身份的五个麻瓜,看到了飞行的福特安吉利雅。 Unidentified florist in diagon alley,不明身份的花店在对角线小巷 Unidentified fourth year chaser,不明身份的四年级追逐者 Unidentified fourth year student,不明身份的四年级学生 Unidentified freckle faced six year old,不明身份的雀斑脸六岁小孩 Unidentified french ministry of magic receptionist,不明身份的法国魔法部接待员 Unidentified french policeman,不明身份的法国警察 Unidentified french wizarding newspaper,不明身份的法国巫师报纸 Unidentified friend of mcclaggan,不明身份的麦克拉根的朋友 Unidentified frizzy haired wizengamot member,不明身份的卷发巫师团成员 Unidentified frowning ministry of magic wizard who murmured instructions to a quill,不明身份的皱眉头的魔法部巫师,对着羽毛笔喃喃自语的指示 Unidentified gaelic poem,不明身份的盖尔语诗歌 Unidentified german minister for magic in 1926,1926年身份不明的德国魔法部长 Unidentified german minister of magic,不明身份的德国魔法部长 Unidentified german wizarding newspaper,不明身份的德国巫师报纸 Unidentified ghost,不明身份的幽灵 Unidentified ghost horse,不明身份的鬼马 Unidentified ghost horse,不明身份的鬼马 Unidentified ghost horse i,不明身份的鬼马I Unidentified ghost horse ii,不明身份的鬼马二 Unidentified ghost vii,不明身份的鬼马⑦ Unidentified ghosts,不明身份的鬼魂 Unidentified giant in the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的巨人 Unidentified giant in the battle of hogwarts i,霍格沃茨之战中的身份不明的巨人i Unidentified giant in the battle of hogwarts ii,霍格沃茨之战中的身份不明的巨人 II Unidentified giant in the battle of hogwarts iii,霍格沃茨之战中的身份不明的巨人 III Unidentified giant in the battle of hogwarts iv,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的巨人 IV Unidentified giant in the battle of hogwarts v,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的巨人 V Unidentified giant in the blind pig,盲猪中的不明巨人 Unidentified gilderoy lockharts fans,不明身份的吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈茨的粉丝 Unidentified gilderoy lockharts fans yard,不明身份的吉尔德罗伊-洛克哈特粉丝的院子里 Unidentified girl,不明身份的女孩 Unidentified girl during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的女孩 Unidentified girl in the great hall,大厅里身份不明的女孩 Unidentified girl in the great hall i,不明身份的女孩在大礼堂I Unidentified goalkeeper,不明身份的守门员 Unidentified goblin,不明身份的小妖精 Unidentified goblin at gringotts,不明身份的小妖精在Gringotts Unidentified goblin at gringotts i,不明身份的妖精在Gringotts i Unidentified goblin at gringotts in 1998 i,1998年在Gringotts的身份不明的小妖精 i Unidentified goblin at gringotts in 1998 ii,1998年在Gringotts的身份不明的小妖精 ii Unidentified goblin at gringotts in 1998 iii,1998年在格陵兰茨的身份不明的小妖精 iii Unidentified goblin at gringotts in 1998 iv,1998年在格陵兰茨的身份不明的小妖精 iv Unidentified goblin at gringotts in 1998 v,1998年在Gringotts的身份不明的小妖精 v Unidentified goblin at gringotts in 1998 vi,1998年在格陵兰茨的身份不明的小妖精 vi Unidentified goblin at gringotts in 1998 vii,1998年在格陵兰茨的身份不明的小妖精 vii Unidentified goblin at gringotts viii,不明身份的小妖精在格陵兰茨 viii Unidentified goblin caroler i,不明身份的小妖精的表演者i Unidentified goblin killed by voldemort,被伏地魔杀死的身份不明的小妖精 Unidentified goblin philosopher,不明身份的小妖精哲学家 Unidentified goblin stockbroker,不明身份的小妖精股票经纪人 Unidentified grandfather,不明身份的祖父 Unidentified grandmother,不明身份的祖母 Unidentified grandmother,不明身份的祖母 Unidentified grey haired man during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的灰发男人 Unidentified gringotts bank goblin guard,不明身份的Gringotts银行妖精守卫 Unidentified gringotts guard i,不明身份的格林戈特银行守卫I Unidentified gringotts spokesgoblin,不明身份的格林戈特银行代言人妖精 Unidentified grubby looking wizard,不明身份的邋遢的巫师 Unidentified gryffindor boy,不明身份的格兰芬多男孩 Unidentified gryffindor boy ii,不明身份的格兰芬多男孩II Unidentified gryffindor boy that greets sir nicholas i,不明身份的格兰芬多男孩向尼古拉斯先生问好i Unidentified gryffindor boys friend,不明身份的格兰芬多男孩的朋友 Unidentified gryffindor chaser,不明身份的格兰芬多追逐者 Unidentified gryffindor chaser i,不明身份的格兰芬多追逐者一 Unidentified gryffindor chaser ii,不明身份的格兰芬多追赶者II Unidentified gryffindor chaser iii,不明身份的格兰芬多追赶者III Unidentified gryffindor chaser iv,不明身份的格兰芬多追赶者IV Unidentified gryffindor girl,不明身份的格兰芬多女孩 Unidentified gryffindor girl,不明身份的格兰芬多女孩 Unidentified gryffindor girl i,不明身份的格兰芬多女孩i Unidentified gryffindor girl ix,不明身份的格兰芬多女孩九号 Unidentified gryffindor girl vii,不明身份的格兰芬多女孩 vii Unidentified gryffindor girls,不明身份的格兰芬多女孩 Unidentified gryffindor keeper,不明身份的格兰芬多守门员 Unidentified gryffindor lady,不明身份的格兰芬多女士 Unidentified gryffindor man,不明身份的格兰芬多男子 Unidentified gryffindor man ii,不明身份的格兰芬多男子II Unidentified gryffindor man iii,不明身份的格兰芬多男子III Unidentified gryffindor man iv,不明身份的格兰芬多男子IV Unidentified gryffindor member of dumbledores army,不明身份的格兰芬多的邓布利多军队成员 Unidentified gryffindor prefect,不明身份的格兰芬多区长 Unidentified gryffindor seeker,不明身份的格兰芬多追求者 Unidentified guards,不明身份的卫兵 Unidentified guide,不明身份的导游 Unidentified guitarist,不明身份的吉他手 Unidentified hard faced grey centaur,不明身份的硬脸灰色半人马 Unidentified headmaster with scroll,不明身份的校长和卷轴 Unidentified hiding wizard during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的隐藏巫师 Unidentified hobo,不明身份的流浪汉 Unidentified hogsmeade death eater,不明身份的霍格莫德食死徒 Unidentified hogsmeade death eater,不明身份的霍格莫德食死徒 Unidentified hogsmeade death eater i,不明身份的霍格莫德食死徒I Unidentified hogsmeade death eater ii,不明身份的霍格莫德食死徒II Unidentified hogwartian in a pointed hat during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中戴着尖帽的不明身份的霍格沃茨人 Unidentified hogwarts employees,不明身份的霍格沃茨员工 Unidentified hogwarts employees 1991 start of term feast attendant wearing a beret,不明身份的霍格沃茨员工1991年学期开始时戴贝雷帽的宴请人员 Unidentified hogwarts employees brown haired male 1994 welcoming feast attendant with a large goatee,不明身份的霍格沃茨员工 棕色头发的男性 1994年的欢迎宴会服务员,留着大山羊胡子 Unidentified hogwarts headmaster,不明身份的霍格沃茨校长 Unidentified hogwarts hufflepuff boy who carried a body during the battle of hogwarts,不明身份的霍格沃茨赫夫帕夫男孩,在霍格沃茨之战中抬着一具尸体 Unidentified hogwarts librarian,不明身份的霍格沃茨图书管理员 Unidentified hogwarts owl,不明身份的霍格沃茨猫头鹰 Unidentified hogwarts student,不明身份的霍格沃茨学生 Unidentified hogwarts student interested in earth magic,对土系魔法感兴趣的身份不明的霍格沃茨学生 Unidentified hogwarts students at the battle of hogwarts,不明身份的霍格沃茨学生在霍格沃茨之战中的表现 Unidentified hogwarts students killed on the seventh floor,不明身份的霍格沃茨学生在七楼被杀 Unidentified home used by gellert grindelwald,不明身份的盖勒特-格林德沃的家 Unidentified house elf near the hogwarts kitchens,霍格沃茨厨房附近的身份不明的家养小精灵 Unidentified house elves,不明身份的家养小精灵 Unidentified housewife,不明身份的家庭主妇 Unidentified hufflepuff boy,不明身份的赫夫帕夫男孩 Unidentified hufflepuff boy ii,不明身份的赫夫帕夫男孩II Unidentified hufflepuff boy that greets sir nicholas i,不明身份的赫夫帕夫男孩向尼古拉斯先生问好i Unidentified hufflepuff girl,不明身份的赫夫帕夫女孩 Unidentified hufflepuff girl at the battle of hogwarts,在霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的赫夫帕夫女孩 Unidentified hufflepuff girl iii,不明身份的赫夫帕夫女孩III Unidentified hufflepuff girl that greets sir nicholas i,不明身份的赫夫帕夫女孩,迎接尼古拉斯先生一世的到来 Unidentified hufflepuff girl v,不明身份的赫夫帕夫女孩五 Unidentified hufflepuff lady,不明身份的赫夫帕夫女士 Unidentified hufflepuff member of dumbledores army,不明身份的赫夫帕夫 邓布利多军队的成员 Unidentified hufflepuff seeker,不明身份的赫夫帕夫寻求者 Unidentified hufflepuff student,不明身份的赫夫帕夫学生 Unidentified hummingbird in bell jar,不明身份的蜂鸟在钟罩里 Unidentified husband,不明身份的丈夫 Unidentified insulting wizard,不明身份的侮辱性巫师 Unidentified irishman,不明身份的爱尔兰人 Unidentified journalist,不明身份的记者 Unidentified jpeg,不明身份的jpeg Unidentified keeper,不明身份的保管员 Unidentified king,不明身份的国王 Unidentified kings daughter,不明身份的国王女儿 Unidentified knight,不明身份的骑士 Unidentified lake,不明身份的湖泊 Unidentified leaflet on jobs in the cultivated fungus trade,关于栽培菌类贸易工作的不明传单 Unidentified leaky cauldron client,不明身份的漏水大锅客户 Unidentified light male death eater i,不明身份的轻度男性食死徒I Unidentified little girl,不明身份的小姑娘 Unidentified macusa aurors,不明身份的马库萨法师 Unidentified madam malkins employee,不明身份的马尔金斯夫人的雇员 Unidentified madam malkins robes for all occasions employee,不明身份的马尔金斯夫人所有场合的长袍员工 Unidentified magical maintenance wizard,不明身份的魔法维修巫师 Unidentified magical statue,不明身份的魔法雕像 Unidentified male auror at hogwarts,不明身份的霍格沃茨男护卫员 Unidentified male bald death eater,不明身份的男性秃头食死徒 Unidentified male charms professor,不明身份的男性符咒教授 Unidentified male death eater,不明身份的男性食死徒 Unidentified male death eater,不明身份的男性食死徒 Unidentified male death eater at malfoy manor,不明身份的男性食死徒在马尔福庄园 Unidentified male death eater at malfoy manor,不明身份的男性食死徒在马尔福庄园 Unidentified male death eater at malfoy manor ii,不明身份的男性食死徒在马尔福庄园II Unidentified male death eater at the little hangleton graveyard i,不明身份的男性食死徒在小亨格尔顿墓地I Unidentified male death eater during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的男性食死徒 Unidentified male death eater during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的男性食死徒 Unidentified male death eater during the battle of hogwarts ii,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的男性食死徒II Unidentified male death eater during the battle of hogwarts iii,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的男性食死徒 III Unidentified male death eater during the battle of hogwarts iv,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的男性食死徒IV Unidentified male death eater i,不明身份的男性食死徒i Unidentified male death eater ii,不明身份的男性食死徒II Unidentified male death eater killed by a grey haired wizard,被灰发巫师杀死的身份不明的男性食死徒 Unidentified male death eater killed on the hogwarts seventh floor,不明身份的男性食死徒在霍格沃茨七楼被杀 Unidentified male death eater viii,不明身份的男性食死徒八 Unidentified male death eater x,不明身份的男性食死徒X Unidentified male egyptian in the weasleys photograph,韦斯莱夫妇照片中身份不明的埃及男性 Unidentified male egyptian in the weasleys photograph ii,韦斯莱照片中身份不明的男性埃及人 II Unidentified male egyptian in the weasleys photograph iii,威斯里夫妇照片中身份不明的埃及籍男子 III Unidentified male muggle looking at rubeus hagrid in 1991,不明身份的男性麻瓜在1991年看着鲁贝斯-哈格里德 Unidentified male muggle studies teacher,不明身份的男性麻瓜研究老师 Unidentified male seer,不明身份的男性预言家 Unidentified male snatcher at diagon alley,不明身份的男性抢夺者在对角线小巷 Unidentified male snatcher during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的男性抢夺者 Unidentified man,不明身份的男子 Unidentified man in a grey suit during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身穿灰色衣服的不明身份男子 Unidentified man in borgin and burkes in 1996,1996年在Borgin and Burkes的身份不明的男子 Unidentified man killed in the courtyard explosion,在院子里爆炸中死亡的不明身份男子 Unidentified man that yelled the death eaters were coming,大喊食死徒来了的身份不明的人 Unidentified members of the accidental magic reversal squad,不明身份的意外魔法反转小组成员 Unidentified merman,不明身份的人鱼 Unidentified merman,不明身份的人鱼 Unidentified merman black lake,不明身份的人鱼黑湖 Unidentified milkman,不明身份的送奶工 Unidentified minister of magical transportation,不明身份的魔法运输部长 Unidentified ministry of magic visitor with a big curled moustache,不明身份的魔法部访客,留着大卷胡子 Unidentified ministry of magic wizard at the 1994 quidditch world cup,1994年魁地奇世界杯上身份不明的魔法部巫师 Unidentified ministry of magic wizengamot member i,不明身份的魔法部巫师团成员I Unidentified ministry witch,不明身份的魔法部女巫 Unidentified ministry witch i,不明身份的魔法部女巫I Unidentified ministry wizard,不明身份的魔法部巫师 Unidentified ministry wizard i,不明身份的部级巫师i Unidentified ministry wizard in 1997 i,不明身份的魔法部巫师在1997年i Unidentified mould on the wold boys,不明身份的世俗男孩的模具 Unidentified muggle boy,不明身份的麻瓜男孩 Unidentified muggle child in zoo,动物园里身份不明的麻瓜儿童 Unidentified muggle child in zoo‎,动物园里身份不明的麻瓜儿童 Unidentified muggle driver,不明身份的麻瓜司机 Unidentified muggle family,不明身份的麻瓜家庭 Unidentified muggle football commentator,不明身份的麻瓜足球评论员 Unidentified muggle girl from liverpool,来自利物浦的身份不明的麻瓜女孩 Unidentified muggle man,不明身份的麻瓜男子 Unidentified muggle man who accidentally pushed harry potter in 1991,1991年不小心推了哈利波特的身份不明的麻瓜男子 Unidentified muggle man with newspaper,拿着报纸的身份不明的麻瓜男子 Unidentified muggle radio host,不明身份的麻瓜电台主持人 Unidentified muggle tramp,不明身份的麻瓜流浪汉 Unidentified muggle woman,不明身份的麻瓜女人 Unidentified muggle woman,不明身份的麻瓜女人 Unidentified muggle woman about the train to kettering,不明身份的麻瓜妇女在前往凯特林的火车上 Unidentified muggle woman ii,不明身份的麻瓜女人二 Unidentified muggle woman iii,不明身份的麻瓜女人三 Unidentified muggle woman iii s son,不明身份的麻瓜妇女三的儿子 Unidentified muggle woman on chertsey train,不明身份的女麻瓜在切特西火车上 Unidentified muggle woman s son,不明身份的麻瓜女人的儿子 Unidentified muggle woman who was looking at rubeus hagrid in 1991,不明身份的麻瓜女人在1991年看着Rubeus Hagrid。 Unidentified narragansett children,不明身份的Narragansett儿童 Unidentified narragansett mother,不明身份的纳拉甘塞特母亲 Unidentified nearby wizard,不明身份的附近的巫师 Unidentified newspaper boy,不明身份的报纸男孩 Unidentified newspaper vendor,不明身份的报贩子 Unidentified nine year old,不明身份的九岁小孩 Unidentified nine year olds grandparents,不明身份的九岁孩子的祖父母 Unidentified non magique baby,不明身份的非魔法婴儿 Unidentified non magique father,不明身份的无魔力父亲 Unidentified non magique mother,不明身份的无魔力母亲 Unidentified non magique toddler,不明身份的无魔力幼儿 Unidentified nose picking wizard,不明身份的挖鼻孔的巫师 Unidentified nypd police officer,不明身份的纽约市警察局警官 Unidentified obliviator,不明身份的遗忘者 Unidentified obliviator stationed at roberts campsite,驻扎在罗伯茨营地的身份不明的遗忘者 Unidentified old man,不明身份的老人 Unidentified old tramp,不明身份的老流浪汉 Unidentified old woman,不明身份的老妇人 Unidentified old woman during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的老妇人 Unidentified ollivanders assistant,不明身份的奥利凡德助理 Unidentified ollivanders employee,不明身份的奥利凡德雇员 Unidentified orphan,不明身份的孤儿 Unidentified pamphlet maker witch,不明身份的小册子制造者巫师 Unidentified pamphlet on wizard banking,不明身份的关于巫师银行业务的小册子 Unidentified peppery potion,不明身份的辣味药水 Unidentified petrified boy,不明身份的石化男孩 Unidentified petrified girl,不明身份的石化女孩 Unidentified petrified gryffindor girl,不明身份的格兰芬多女孩石化了 Unidentified petrified student,不明身份的被石化的学生 Unidentified photographer,不明身份的摄影师 Unidentified photographer,不明身份的摄影师 Unidentified photographer i,不明身份的摄影师I Unidentified photographer ii,不明身份的摄影师二 Unidentified plump little witch examiner,不明身份的丰满的小女巫检查员 Unidentified police officer,不明身份的警察 Unidentified police officer i,不明身份的警官一 Unidentified police officer ii,不明身份的警官二 Unidentified poor boy,不明身份的穷小子 Unidentified portkey tout,不明身份的港口钥匙的人 Unidentified portrait,不明身份的画像 Unidentified portrait in malfoy manor i,不明身份的肖像在马尔福庄园I Unidentified portrait in malfoy manor ii,不明身份的马尔福庄园画像二 Unidentified potions student,不明身份的魔药学生 Unidentified princess,不明身份的公主 Unidentified professor,不明身份的教授 Unidentified protective spells,不明身份的保护性法术 Unidentified puking pastilles victim,不明身份的呕吐药丸受害者 Unidentified pumpkin juice seller at the quidditch world cup,魁地奇世界杯上身份不明的南瓜汁卖家 Unidentified quidditch referee,不明身份的魁地奇裁判 Unidentified radio host,不明身份的电台主持人 Unidentified radio presenter,不明身份的电台主持人 Unidentified ravenclaw 4th years,不明身份的拉文克劳四年级学生 Unidentified ravenclaw black girl during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的黑袍女孩 Unidentified ravenclaw boy,不明身份的拉文克劳男孩 Unidentified ravenclaw boy at hogwarts,在霍格沃茨的不明身份的乌鸦嘴男孩 Unidentified ravenclaw boy ii,不明身份的文克劳男孩II Unidentified ravenclaw girl,不明身份的乌鸦嘴女孩 Unidentified ravenclaw girl during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的红爪女孩 Unidentified ravenclaw lady,不明身份的雪爪女郎 Unidentified ravenclaw member of dumbledores army,邓布利多军队中身份不明的乌鸦嘴成员 Unidentified ravenclaw prefect,不明身份的文克劳省长 Unidentified ravenclaw prefect ii,不明身份的乌鸦嘴省长II Unidentified ravenclaw seeker,"不明身份的 ""红爪 ""寻求者" Unidentified ravenclaw seekers substitute,不明身份的拉文克劳寻求者替代者 Unidentified ravenclaw student,"不明身份的 ""魔爪 ""学生" Unidentified ravenclaw student asked to the yule ball by a durmstrang student,不明身份的乌鸦爪学生被杜姆斯特朗学生邀请参加圣诞舞会 Unidentified ravenclaw substitute seeker,不明身份的乌鸦嘴替代寻求者 Unidentified red haired witch,不明身份的红发女巫 Unidentified registered animagus,不明身份的注册动画师 Unidentified remote island,不明身份的偏远岛屿 Unidentified reporter,不明身份的记者 Unidentified resting headmaster,不明身份的休息的校长 Unidentified secretary,不明身份的秘书 Unidentified seeker,不明身份的寻找者 Unidentified ship stewards boss,不明身份的船舶管家老板 Unidentified sleeping headmaster 1568ad,不明就里的校长 1568ad Unidentified sleeping headmaster in blue,不明身份的蓝色睡眠校长 Unidentified sleeping headmaster in gold,不明身份的金色睡眠校长 Unidentified sleeping headmaster with apple,不明身份的带着苹果睡觉的校长 Unidentified sleeping headmaster with astrolabe,拿着星盘睡觉的不明身份校长 Unidentified sleeping headmaster with book,睡觉的校长和书的身份不明 Unidentified sleeping headmaster with castle sketch,不明身份的睡梦中的校长与城堡草图 Unidentified sleeping headmaster with paper,睡觉的校长和纸的身份不明 Unidentified sleeping headmaster with scroll,拿着卷轴睡觉的不明身份校长 Unidentified sleeping headmaster with starmap,拿着星图睡觉的不明身份校长 Unidentified sleeping headmistress with rings,不明身份的睡着的女校长和戒指 Unidentified sleeping headmistress with sphere,不明身份的睡梦中的女校长与球体 Unidentified sleeping headmistress with wand,拿着魔杖睡觉的不明身份女校长 Unidentified slug club christmas party attendee,不明身份的鼻涕虫俱乐部圣诞派对参与者 Unidentified slytherin beater,不明身份的斯莱特林打手 Unidentified slytherin beater,不明身份的斯莱特林打手 Unidentified slytherin beater ii,不明身份的斯莱特林打手II Unidentified slytherin boy,不明身份的斯莱特林男孩 Unidentified slytherin boy i,不明身份的斯莱特林男孩I Unidentified slytherin boy in the battle of hogwarts,不明身份的斯莱特林男孩在霍格沃茨之战中的表现 Unidentified slytherin female sixth year student,不明身份的斯莱特林女六年级学生 Unidentified slytherin girl,不明身份的斯莱特林女孩 Unidentified slytherin girl i,不明身份的斯莱特林女孩I Unidentified slytherin girl ii,不明身份的斯莱特林女孩二 Unidentified slytherin girl iii,不明身份的斯莱特林女孩III Unidentified slytherin girl iv,不明身份的斯莱特林女孩四 Unidentified slytherin keeper,不明身份的斯莱特林守护者 Unidentified slytherin knight,不明身份的斯莱特林骑士 Unidentified slytherin student,不明身份的斯莱特林学生 Unidentified snatcher,不明身份的偷窃者 Unidentified snatcher,不明身份的偷窃者 Unidentified snatcher ii,不明身份的抓捕者II Unidentified snatcher iii,不明身份的抓捕者三 Unidentified snatcher v,不明身份的抢夺者五 Unidentified soap actress,不明身份的肥皂剧女演员 Unidentified son,不明身份的儿子 Unidentified spellbook,不明身份的法术书 Unidentified st mungos girl patients father,不明身份的圣蒙戈斯女病人的父亲 Unidentified st mungos patient,不明身份的圣蒙戈斯病人 Unidentified st mungos patients brother,不明身份的圣蒙戈斯病人的兄弟 Unidentified student,不明身份的学生 Unidentified studying girls,不明身份的学习女孩 Unidentified sudanese obscurial,不明身份的苏丹蒙昧者 Unidentified teacher at st grogorys primary school,不明身份的圣格罗戈里斯小学教师 Unidentified ten year old,不明身份的10岁儿童 Unidentified thestrals,不明身份的小动物 Unidentified third year boy,不明身份的三年级男孩 Unidentified third year girl,不明身份的三年级女生 Unidentified three aurors,不明身份的三个验尸官 Unidentified three death eaters,不明身份的三个食死徒 Unidentified three successive chief warlocks of the wizengamot,不明身份的三个连续的巫师首席术士 Unidentified tv weatherman,不明身份的电视气象员 Unidentified two elderly wizengamot witches,不明身份的两位老年巫师 Unidentified wampanoag children,不明身份的万帕诺格族儿童 Unidentified watchman,不明身份的看门人 Unidentified werewolf,不明身份的狼人 Unidentified whispering wizard in knockturn alley,不明身份的窃窃私语的巫师在knockturn胡同里 Unidentified white haired wizard during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身份不明的白发巫师 Unidentified wiseacres wizarding equipment employee,不明身份的wiseacres巫师设备员工 Unidentified witch,不明身份的女巫 Unidentified witch in bath,不明身份的女巫在洗澡 Unidentified witch who tried to make an aprils fool on alastor moody at aprils fools day,试图在愚人节愚弄阿拉斯托尔-莫迪的身份不明的女巫 Unidentified witch wizard,不明身份的女巫魔法师 Unidentified witness,不明身份的证人 Unidentified wizard,不明身份的巫师 Unidentified wizard at platform nine and three quarters,不明身份的巫师在九又四分之三的平台上 Unidentified wizard at platform nine and three quarters,不明身份的巫师在九又四分之三号站台上 Unidentified wizard at platform nine and three quarters ii,九号和三号平台上的身份不明的巫师 II Unidentified wizard at platform nine and three quarters iii,九号和三号站台上的不明身份的巫师 iii Unidentified wizard in knockturn alley,不明身份的巫师在Knockturn巷子里 Unidentified wizard killed at the quad battlements,在四面城墙上被杀的不明身份的巫师 Unidentified wizards,不明身份的巫师 Unidentified wizards in the hogs head,在猪头里的不明身份的巫师 Unidentified woman,不明身份的女人 Unidentified woman in a red dress during the battle of hogwarts,霍格沃茨之战中身着红裙的不明身份女子 Unidentified yelling man,不明身份的大喊大叫的人 Unidentified young husband,不明身份的年轻丈夫 Unidentified young man,不明身份的年轻男子 Unidentified young wife,不明身份的年轻妻子 Unidentified young wizard,不明身份的年轻巫师 Unidentifield hufflepuff girl,不明身份的赫夫帕夫女孩 Unique results for redheads,红发女郎的独特结果 United states,美国 United states cup,美国杯 United states league,美国联赛 United states of america,美国 United states senate,美国参议院 Universal brooms ltd,环球扫帚有限公司 Universal creative,环球创意 Unknown,宇宙创意 Unknown,不详 Unknown 2nd wand,未知的第二根魔杖 Unknown bearded,未知的大胡子 Unknown curly,未知卷发 Unknown described as that big hufflepuff player,被描述为那个大块头的赫夫帕夫球员,身份不明 Unknown effect,未知效果 Unknown eleven bulldogs,未知的11只斗牛犬 Unknown extant in female line,现存未知的母系 Unknown female line possibly extinct,未知女系可能已灭绝 Unknown fungus,不明真菌 Unknown length wood and core,长度不明的木材和芯材 Unknown length wood and core materials,长度不明的木头和芯子材料 Unknown length wood and wand core,不明长度的木材和杖芯 Unknown long and complex,未知的长而复杂 Unknown may be none,未知的可能是没有 Unknown mischief making,未知的恶作剧 Unknown number of death eaters,食死徒的数量不详 Unknown possibly extant,未知 可能现存 Unknown possibly extinct,未知 可能已灭绝 Unknown possibly inanimatus conjurus,未知 可能是无脊椎动物 Unknown potion,不明药水 Unknown presumably offensive in some capacity,不明,可能具有某种攻击性 Unknown presumably sentient,未知的可能有生命的东西 Unknown side effects from more than five drops,五滴以上的副作用不明 Unknown something with s,未知的带有S的东西 Unknown spell,不明咒语 Unknown wand,未知的魔杖 Unknwon commentcut in the final edit,最后编辑中的未知注释 Unlocking charm,解锁符咒 Unlocking o w l revision,解锁咒语 Unlocks doors,解锁门 Unlocks objects,解锁物品 Unlucky dip,不吉利的浸泡 Unmarried,钥匙 Unnamed kwidditch players,未命名的魁地奇球员 Unnamed prisoners,未命名的囚犯 Unnamed pukwudgies,不具名的小混混 Uno,无名 Unpleasant taste,不愉快的味道 Unplottability,无名氏 Unspeakable,不可言说的 Unsupported flight,无支持的飞行 Untitled charity auction story,无标题的慈善拍卖故事 Untransfiguration,无变形 Unusual fatigue,不寻常的疲劳 Unusual pets,不寻常的宠物 Unusual pets trading card,不寻常的宠物交易卡 Unusually short,异常的短 Unusually thick looks like a birch rod,异乎寻常的厚实,看上去像一根桦树杆 Unyielding,不屈不挠 Up tempo instrumental jazz,高节奏的器乐爵士乐 Up to a hundred miles per hour,高达每小时一百英里 Up to a twentieth of an inch,高达一英寸的二十分之一 Updated counter curse handbook,最新的反咒语手册 Upper barnton,上巴顿 Upper castle portrait room,上城堡肖像室 Upper flagley,上弗拉格利 Upper hall,上层大厅 Upper hall tower,上层大厅塔楼 Uprising of elfric the eager,渴望者埃尔弗里克的起义 Upstairs corridor,楼上的走廊 Uptempo,愤怒的小鸟 Upturned snout,仰视的鼻子 Upward flick,仰卧起坐 Upwards swish then downward flick,唰的一声,然后往下一弹 Uranus,天王星 Urg the unclean,不洁的人 Urgruff the unwary,愤怒的人 Urgruffs egg,鸡蛋 Uric oapley,尤里克-奥普利 Uric the oddball,怪人乌瑞克 Urine,粪便 Urquart family,乌尔卡特家族 Urquhart,乌尔哈特 Urquhart rackharrow,乌尔卡特齿状箭头 Ursula black,乌尔苏拉黑 Ursula flint,乌尔苏拉燧石 Us auror divisions,我们的奥勒尔分部 Us pg,我们pg Us pg 13,我们的第13页 Usa,美国 Usa versus brazil,美国对巴西 Usa versus brazil i,美国对阵巴西一战 Usa versus brazil ii,美国对巴西二 Usa versus jamaica,美国对牙买加 Usa versus jamaica i,美国对阵牙买加 I Usa versus jamaica ii,美国对牙买加II Usa versus liechtenstein,美国对列支敦士登 Used as a magic trick,用作魔术 Used as an instrument,作为一种工具使用 Used as an instrument,用作乐器 Used as clothes for house elves,用作家庭精灵的衣服 Used as vegetable,用作蔬菜 Used for cleaning purposes,用于清洁目的 Used for communication,用于通信 Used for cool down high temperatures,用于冷却高温 Used in postal services and companionship,用于邮政服务和陪伴 Used to beat eggs,用于打蛋 Used to break down magical shields,用于打破魔法盾牌 Used to create a diversion,用来转移视线 Used to create a diversion,用来转移视线 Used to flavour foodstuffs,用来给食品调味 Used to make clothing,用于制作服装 Used to review stored memories,用于回顾储存的记忆 Usual library book spells,通常的图书馆书籍法术 Utah,犹他州 Utrecht,乌得勒支 V for vendetta,仇视的V V hahn,V 哈恩 V hahns antiques shop,V哈恩古董店 V shape,V 形状 Vacuum cleaner,扫地机器人 Vacuum cleaner spell,吸尘器法术 Vain natures,虚妄的天性 Vaisey family,维西家族 Valentina vázquez,幸福生活 Valentines cake,蛋糕 Valentines card,蛋糕 Valentines day,蛋糕 Valentines day card,蛋糕 Valeria,蛋糕 Valeria myriadd,鲜花 Valerian,缬氨酸 Valerian root,缬草根 Valkyrie,缬氨酸 Valleys,谷类 Valmai morgan,缬草 Valuables,价值 Vampire,蝙蝠 Vampire bat,吸血蝙蝠 Vampire from the valleys,山谷中的吸血鬼 Vampire hunter,吸血鬼猎人 Vampire in minsk,明斯克的吸血鬼 Vampiric vegetation,吸血鬼的植被 Vampyr mosp,吸血鬼博物馆 Vance family,梵斯家族 Vane family,梵恩家族 Vanessa stevenson,梵妮莎-史蒂文森 Vanilla,梵蒂冈 Vanish,虚幻 Vanish trading card,消失的交易卡 Vanished stairs,消失的楼梯 Vanishing cabinet,消失的柜子 Vanishing cabinet trading card,消失的柜子交易卡 Vanishing glass,消失的玻璃 Vanishing glass trading card,消失的玻璃交易卡 Vanishing referee,消失的裁判员 Vanishing sickness,消失的疾病 Vanishing spell,消失的咒语 Vanishing step,消失的步骤 Vanishing step trading card,消失的步骤交易卡 Vanishment,消失 Vargot,消失 Variable,变化 Variable,可变的 Varied,变化的 Varies,变化的 Varies,变化的 Varies by breed,因品种而异 Varies in colour,颜色不一 Varies in colour,颜色不一 Variesskin varies,不同的皮肤 不同的 Various,各种各样 Various,各种各样 Various colours,各种颜色 Various colours,各种颜色 Various developed by emile gagan and jacques yves cousteau,由埃米尔-加根和雅克-伊夫-库斯托开发的各种 Various folk names,各种民俗名称 Various height,各种各样的高度 Various hogwarts students,各种各样的霍格沃茨学生 Various ingredients,各种成分 Various length,各种长度 Various locations at hogwarts castle,各种霍格沃茨城堡的地点 Various locations throughout the world,世界各地的各种地点 Various manufacturers,各种制造商 Various mostly beige,各种主要是米色的 Various mostly green,各种多为绿色 Various other hogwarts students,其他各种霍格沃茨学生 Various other knights,其他各种骑士 Various other wizards and witches,其他各种巫师和女巫 Various others,其他各种 Various rare herbs,各种罕见的草药 Various stand ins and background characters,各种替身和背景人物 Various students,各种学生 Various wing span,各种翼展 Vary in colour,不同的颜色 Varápidos,多种多样 Vasco santini,瓦斯科-桑蒂尼 Vasily dimitrov,翼展 Vassiliki tzanakou,蝴蝶结 Vastus vestibule,前庭 Vault 1,拱顶1 Vault 2,拱顶2 Vault 3,拱顶3 Vault 687,拱顶687 Vault 688,拱顶688 Vault 711,拱顶 711 Vault 712,拱顶712 Vault 713,拱顶713 Vault 998,金库 998 Vault of fear,恐惧的金库 Vault of ice,冰库 Vault owners,金库所有者 Vault portrait,金库画像 Vaults guardian,金库守护者 Vauxhall,沃克斯豪尔 Vauxhall road,沃克斯豪尔路 Veela,薇拉 Veela hair,维拉的头发 Veela magic,维拉魔法 Vegetables,蔬菜 Vegetarian cookery,素食烹饪 Vegetation,蔬菜 Vehicle,蔬菜 Veil,面纱 Velvet,天鹅绒 Venemous tentacula,有毒的触角 Venomous tentacula,有毒的触角 Venomous tentacula juice,有毒的触须汁 Venomous tentacula leaf,有毒的触须叶 Venomous tentacula trading card,有毒触手的交易卡 Venomous tentacular,有毒触角 Venomous tentacular juice,有毒触手的汁液 Venomous tentacular juice trading card,毒性触角汁交易卡 Ventus,文图斯 Ventus duo,文图斯二重奏 Ventus jinx,文图斯的金克斯 Ventus tria,文图斯三号 Venus,金星 Venusia crickerly,蟋蟀 Vera drake,薇拉-德雷克 Vera verto,维拉-韦尔托 Verdillious,维尔迪利厄斯 Verdillious trading card,维尔迪利厄斯交易卡 Verdimillious,维尔迪米利乌斯 Verdimillious charm,Verdimillious符咒 Verdimillious duo spell,维尔迪米利厄斯的二重奏法术 Verity,咒语 Vermiculus,咒语 Vermillious duo,蛭子二人组 Vermillious trading card,蛭子交易卡 Vermillious tria,蛭子三部曲 Verminous pests,害虫 Vermouth,维尔莫斯 Verne troyer,冯-特罗伊尔(Verne Troyer) Vernon and marjorie dursleys mother,弗农和马乔里-杜斯利的母亲 Vernon and petunia dursleys bedroom,弗农和牵牛花-杜斯莱的卧室 Vernon and petunia dursleys cars,弗农和矮牵牛杜斯莱的汽车 Vernon dursley,弗农-杜斯利 Vernon dursley married petunia evans,弗农-杜斯利与佩妮娅-埃文斯的婚礼 Vernon dursleys mother,弗农-杜斯利的母亲 Vernon dursleys office,弗农-杜斯利的办公室 Vernon dursleys old socks,弗农-杜斯利的旧袜子 Vernon dursleys secretary,弗农-杜斯利的秘书 Vernon jay troyer,弗农-杰-特罗伊尔 Veronica heap,维罗妮卡-希普 Veronica smethley,维罗妮卡-史密斯利 Veronica vexmoor,维罗妮卡-维克斯莫尔 Vervain,醉翁之意不在酒 Vervain infusion,马鞭草注射液 Very beautiful can charm humans,非常美丽,可以迷惑人类 Very bitter taste,味道非常苦涩 Very bubbly,非常有活力 Very fair,非常白皙 Very fast travelling birds,非常快速的旅行鸟类 Very flexible,非常灵活 Very important members of section m i trx,非常重要的m i trx部分的成员 Very important wizard,非常重要的巫师 Very large humanoid,非常大的人形物体 Very long swept back wings,非常长的后掠翼 Very pungent,非常刺鼻的味道 Very similar to frogs bumpy warty skin,非常类似于青蛙的凹凸有致的疣状皮肤 Very small,非常小 Very tall by human standards,以人类标准来说非常高 Vesna roganović,维斯纳-罗加诺维奇 Vespers,维斯纳 Vestibule of mischief,恶作剧的前庭 Vexmoor family,维克斯莫尔家族 Vi,维 Viaduct,高架桥 Viaduct courtyard,高架桥院落 Viaduct courtyard gatehouses,高架桥院子门楼 Viaduct entrance,高架桥入口 Vibe,维博 Vibes twins,维布双胞胎 Vicious wolf,凶恶的狼 Vicious wolf trading card,凶恶的狼交易卡 Vicky,维基 Vicky bishopper,维基主教 Vicky disambiguation,维奇的歧义 Vicky frobisher,维基-弗罗比舍尔 Victoire weasley,维克托尔-韦斯莱 Victoria,维多利亚 Victoria disambiguation,维多利亚的歧义 Victoria embankment,维多利亚堤坝 Victoria yeates,维多利亚-耶茨 Victory for the wizards,巫师们的胜利 Victory for the wizards,巫师的胜利 Video game,录像游戏 Video recorder,录像机 Vigorous belt,活力带 Vigorous point,充满活力的点 Viking girl,维京女孩 Vikram thakur,维克拉姆-塔库尔 Viktor krazy krum,维克多-克拉兹-克鲁姆 Viktor krum,维克多-克鲁姆 Viktor krums dress robes,维克多-克鲁姆斯的礼服长袍 Viktor krums father,维克多-克鲁姆的父亲 Viktor krums grandfather,维克多-克鲁姆的祖父 Viktor krums mother,维克多-克鲁姆的母亲 Viktor krums wand,维克多-克鲁姆的魔杖 Vile taste,卑鄙的味道 Village square,乡村广场 Villanelle,乡村广场 Vincent crabbe,文森特-克拉贝 Vincent crabbes wand,文森特-克拉布的魔杖 Vincent davies,文森特-戴维斯 Vincent davis,文森特-戴维斯 Vinda rosier,文达-罗西尔 Vindictus viridian,文迪克特-维迪安 Vine,蔓藤 Vine,蔓藤 Vine vicinity,葡萄树附近 Vinegar,醋 Vinegar to wine,醋转酒 Vinegar to wine spell,醋转酒的咒语 Viola,维奥拉 Viola richmond,维奥拉-里奇蒙 Violent,暴力行为 Violent nature,暴力的性质 Violent will attack anything that comes in close range with its branches,暴力者会用它的枝条攻击任何接近的东西 Violet,紫罗兰 Violet cloaked wizard,隐身的紫罗兰魔法师 Violet columbus,紫罗兰-哥伦布 Violet disambiguation,紫罗兰的歧义 Violet fire,紫罗兰之火 Violet tillyman,紫罗兰-蒂利曼 Violet tillymans children,紫罗兰-蒂利曼的孩子们 Violet tillymans mother,紫罗兰-蒂利曼的母亲 Violet tillymans seven children,紫罗兰-蒂利曼的七个孩子 Violeta stitch,紫罗兰的针法 Violetta beauvais,维奥莱塔-博韦斯 Violetta bulstrode,维奥莱塔-布尔斯特罗德 Violetta hobday,维奥莱塔-霍布代 Violin,小提琴 Violins,小提琴 Vip box two,蝴蝶效应 Vipera evanesca,蝴蝶效应 Virginia,芙吉尼亚 Virginia wetherell,维吉尼亚-维瑟尔 Virgo,视觉艺术 Virtual reality,视觉 Vision,视觉 Visitor of the three broomsticks inn,三根扫帚旅馆的访客 Visual designer artist,视觉设计师艺术家 Visualisation,视觉化 Vital organ,重要的器官 Vitamix potion,视觉的人 Vitriol,视觉设计师 Vlad dracula,视觉设计师 Vlad drăculea,弗拉德-德拉库莱 Vlad tepes,弗拉德-特佩斯 Vlad the impaler,穿刺者弗拉德 Vladimir plot plumbing supplies,弗拉基米尔情节水暖用品 Voclain,混凝土 Voclain co,沃克兰公司 Voice of lift,电梯之声 Voice of lift at the ministry of magic,魔法部的电梯之声 Voice over in psf,语音在PSF Vol au vent,愤怒的小鸟 Volant family,挥发性家族 Volatile mixture,挥发性混合物 Volcano,宇宙飞船 Volcano islands,岛屿 Voldemort crucio harry gif,癌症的治疗方法 Voldemort day,宇宙飞船 Voldemort origins of the heir,伏地魔继承人的起源 Voldemort revealed,揭秘伏地魔 Voldemorts jinx on the d a d a teacher post,"邓小平说:""我们要为人民服务""。" Voldemorts last stand,伏地魔的最后一站 Voldemorts resting place,伏地魔的安息之所 Vole,沃尔 Volubilis potion,巫婆的药水 Volunteer for second salemite church,第二个塞勒米特教堂的志愿者 Vomitare viridis,呕吐的病毒 Vomiting,呕吐 Von,冯 Vortix in wcenturion centurion,百夫长中的沃提斯 Vouvouzela,呕吐 Voyages vampires and valentines,吸血鬼和情人节的旅行 Voyages with vampires,有吸血鬼的旅行 Vratsa,维拉萨 Vratsa vultures,瓦尔察秃鹰 Vulchanov family,Vulchanov家族 Vulture,秃鹫 W c batman batman begins,W c 蝙蝠人 蝙蝠人开始 W c morritt theatre,W c 莫里特剧院 W c tardis tenth doctor,W C Tardis 第十位医生 W de s trenholm,蝙蝠侠 W elsworth street,W 埃尔斯沃思街 W linden,W 林登 Wailing widow,哭寡妇 Waiter,服务员 Waiter at the slug club christmas party,鼻涕虫俱乐部圣诞晚会的服务员 Waiter at the three broomsticks,三根扫帚上的服务员 Waiter in the leaky cauldron,漏水大锅里的服务员 Waiter serving dragon tarare,侍者服务龙塔拉雷 Waiter serving dragon tartare,服务员为龙鞑靼人服务 Waiters,服务员 Waiters at bill weasley and fleur delacours wedding,在比尔-韦斯莱和弗洛尔-德拉库斯婚礼上的服务员 Waiters at william weasley and fleur delacours wedding,在威廉-韦斯莱和芙蓉-德拉库斯婚礼上的侍者 Waiting tent,帐篷里的服务员 Waitress,女服务员 Waitress at luchino caffe,卢奇诺咖啡馆的女服务员 Waitress at treats,服务员在治疗 Wakanda,瓦坎达 Wakefield,瓦克菲尔德 Wakefield,瓦克菲尔德 Wakefield family,瓦克菲尔德家族 Wakefield quidditch player,瓦克菲尔德魁地奇球员 Wakefield spell inventor,瓦克菲尔德法术发明家 Wakefields honky classics,若弗德的经典之作 Wakefields off the record glow in the dark gum,瓦克菲尔德的非记录性黑暗中发光的口香糖 Wakefields sambata,若飞的桑巴塔 Wakey up brew,唤醒啤酒 Waking the dead,唤醒死者 Walburga black,梦中情人 Walburga blacks portrait,黑人的画像 Wald the rodian and weazel in star wars episode i the phantom menace,星球大战第一集《幽灵的威胁》中的罗迪安人和威泽尔人 Walden macnair,梦见自己的孩子 Walden macnairs wand,瓦尔登-麦克纳尔的魔杖 Wales versus germany,剑桥大学的学生 Walker,洛克菲勒 Walker family,沃克家族 Walker hogwarts student,沃克-霍格沃茨学生 Walker hughes,沃克-休斯 Walking around near tents,在帐篷附近行走的人 Walking plant,步行植物 Walking stick,行尸走肉 Walks on two cloven hooves,用两只蹄子走路 Wall decor,墙壁装饰 Wallace lassiter,华莱士-拉塞特 Wallace rosenberg,华莱士-罗森伯格 Wallop the wombat revision course,树袋熊的复习课程 Walls pretending to be doors,墙壁假装成门 Wally wimbles,华莱士温布尔 Walnut,胡桃木 Walnut,胡桃木 Walnut and unicorn hair wand,胡桃木和独角兽毛发魔杖 Walnut nut,胡桃坚果 Walnut tree,核桃树 Walter aragon,沃尔特-阿拉贡 Walter crane,沃尔特鹤 Walter parkin,沃尔特-帕金 Walter parkins children,沃尔特-帕金斯的孩子 Wampanoag,万帕诺格 Wampus,旺普斯 Wampus,汪柏斯 Wampus cat,汪普斯猫 Wampus cat hair,汪普斯猫的毛发 Wampus house,汪普斯的房子 Wand,万普斯 Wand,万普斯 Wand ban,魔杖禁令 Wand core,魔杖核心 Wand extinguishing charm,魔杖熄灭符 Wand in the window at ollivanders,魔杖在奥利凡德斯的窗户里 Wand lighting charm,魔杖照明的魅力 Wand lighting charm duo,魔杖照明符二人组 Wand of destiny,命运的魔杖 Wand of jacobs sibling,命运魔杖的兄弟姐妹 Wand permit,魔杖许可证 Wand permit department,魔杖许可部门 Wand permit office,魔杖许可证办公室 Wand points due north,魔杖指向正北 Wand polishing machine,魔杖抛光机 Wand repair,魔杖维修 Wand selection hall,魔杖选择大厅 Wand shop,魔杖商店 Wand shop trading card,魔杖店交易卡 Wand showroom,魔杖陈列室 Wand tuning,魔杖调校 Wand weigher,魔杖称重者 Wand weighing ceremony,魔杖称量仪式 Wand wood,魔杖木材 Wanderings of a tree in the alps,阿尔卑斯山上一棵树的漫游 Wanderings with werewolves,狼人的漫游 Wandingtons,魔杖人 Wandkeeper,魔杖守护者 Wandless,无杖 Wandless magic,没有魔杖的魔法 Wandlore,魔杖的传说 Wandmaker,魔杖制造者 Wands by gregorovitch,格雷戈罗维奇的魔杖 Wanted criminals,被通缉的罪犯 War of the roses,玫瑰之战 Warbeck family,沃贝克家族 Warble family,沃博尔家族 Warble flute,华博笛子 Ward lock co,沃德锁业公司 Wards off dragons that are guarding high security vaults in gringotts,驱赶守卫格陵兰特高安全等级金库的巨龙 Warlock,巫师 Warlock,巫师 Warlock at war,战争中的术士 Warlock of the month,每月的术士 Warlock the month,每月的术士 Warlock the warlocks hairy heart,术士发心的术士 Warlocks,术士们 Warlocks convention of 1709,1709年术士大会 Warlocks friends,术士朋友 Warlocks of zanzibar,桑给巴尔的术士们 Warlord,战神 Warm climates,温暖的气候 Warms up recipient,暖和的接受者 Warner bros,华纳兄弟 Warner brothers,华纳兄弟 Warner music group,华纳音乐集团 Warner sunset,华纳夕阳红 Warners theatre,华纳剧院 Warning keep out dangerous creatures inside,警告将危险生物拒之门外 Warning sign,纪念品 Warns owner of enemies presence,警告主人有敌人存在 Warren,华伦 Warren family,华伦家族 Warren g harding,沃伦-格-哈丁 Warrington family,沃林顿家族 Warrington sisters father,沃林顿姐妹的父亲 Warrington sisters grandmother,沃灵顿姐妹的祖母 Warsaw,华沙 Wart,沃特 Wartcap powder,疣特粉 Warthog,疣猪 Warthog cgc ps2 xbox,疣猪cgc ps2 xbox Wartizome,疣状物 Warty harris,勇士哈里斯 Warty hog,疣猪 Warty skin,疣状皮肤 Wasabi,瓦沙比 Washburn valley,华本谷 Washerwoman,妇产科医生 Washing clothes,衣服的洗涤 Washing machine,衣服 Washing up spell,衣服 Washing up spell gif,衣服 Washington,华盛顿 Wasp,黄蜂 Wasp moth hybrid,黄蜂飞蛾混合体 Watchmaker,钟表匠 Watchman,守望者 Watchwizard,守望先锋 Water,水 Water balloons,水气球 Water cannon car,水炮车 Water dragon,水龙 Water dragon parasite,水龙寄生虫 Water goblet,水高脚杯 Water heating spell,水加热法术 Water lily,水百合 Water making spell,造水咒语 Waterfall by hogwarts castle,霍格沃茨城堡的瀑布 Waterfall by hogwarts castle,霍格沃茨城堡的瀑布 Waterproof footwear,饮水机 Wattlebird,蝴蝶结 Wattlebird trading card,荆棘鸟交易卡 Watton at stone,石头上的瓦顿 Wave wand,挥舞魔杖 Wave wand above head,在头顶上挥舞魔杖 Wave wand at ceiling,在天花板上挥舞魔杖 Wave wand at smoke,对着烟雾挥动魔杖 Wave wand four times,挥舞魔杖四次 Wave wand three times,挥舞魔杖三次 Wave wand thrice,挥舞魔杖三次 Wavy grain in wood,木头上的波浪形纹理 Wax vegetables,蜡制蔬菜 Wax vegtables,蜡制蔬菜 Waxy,蜡质 Way to courtyard,去院子的路 Way to the forbidden forest,通往禁忌森林的路 Wayne bostock,韦恩-波斯托克 Wayne disambiguation,韦恩歧义 Wayne hopkins,韦恩-霍普金斯 Wayne portchester,韦恩-波切斯特 Wb games,韋恩遊戲 We need to talk about kevin,我们需要谈一谈凯文 Weakening and atrophy of the muscles to the point of incapacitation,肌肉的削弱和萎缩,以至于丧失能力的程度 Weakening hex,衰弱的六角 Weakness payment,虚弱的支付 Weakness potion,虚弱的药水 Weakness potion trading card,弱点药水交易卡 Wealthy man who owned the riddle house,拥有谜语屋的富人 Weapon,装备 Weapons,武器 Weasel,黄鼠狼 Weasel,黄鼠狼 Weasley authentic,韦斯莱正品 Weasley candy emporium,韦斯莱糖果店 Weasley childrens cousin,韦斯莱的表弟 Weasley childrens uncle,韦斯莱孩子的叔叔 Weasley clock,韦斯莱时钟 Weasley family,韦斯莱家族 Weasley family chickens,韦斯莱家族的鸡 Weasley family ghoul,韦斯莱家族的食尸鬼 Weasley family pets,韦斯莱家族的宠物 Weasley familys coffee table,韦斯莱家族的咖啡桌 Weasley is our king,韦斯莱是我们的国王 Weasley is our king badge,韦斯莱是我们的国王徽章 Weasley joke box,韦斯莱笑话盒 Weasley jumper,韦斯莱跳线 Weasley supplies bargain basement,韦斯莱用品的廉价地下室 Weasley vault,韦斯莱金库 Weasleys dragon roasted nuts,韦斯莱龙烤坚果 Weasleys famous unlucky dip,韦斯莱著名的不吉利蘸酱 Weasleys puffskein,韦斯莱松糕饼 Weasleys puffskein patch,韦斯莱松饼贴片 Weasleys wares,韦斯莱的商品 Weasleys wildfire whiz bangs,韦斯莱野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 Weasleys wizard wheezes,韦斯莱的魔法师喘息声 Weasleys wonderous wands,韦斯莱的神奇魔杖 Weather forecast,天气预报 Weather in a bottle,瓶子里的天气 Weather modifying charms,天气变化符 Weatherby,天气预报 Webbed hands feet,蹼的手脚 Webbed spell,有蹼的咒语 Webster boot,韦伯斯特靴 Webster boots wand,韦伯斯特靴魔杖 Webster boots wife,韦伯斯特靴的妻子 Wedding,婚礼 Wedding ceremony,婚礼仪式 Wedding decoration,婚礼装饰 Wedding dress,婚纱礼服 Wedding guest,婚礼嘉宾 Wedding of arthur weasley and molly prewett,亚瑟-韦斯莱和莫莉-普雷韦特的婚礼 Wedding of arthur weasley and moly prewett,亚瑟-韦斯莱和莫利-普雷韦特的婚礼 Wedding of draco malfoy and astoria greengrass,德拉科-马尔福和阿斯托利亚-格林格拉斯的婚礼 Wedding of edward tonks and andromeda black,爱德华-唐克斯和安德鲁米达-布莱克的婚礼 Wedding of harry potter and ginevra weasley,哈里-波特和吉纳维拉-韦斯莱的婚礼 Wedding of james potter i and lily evans,詹姆斯-波特一世和莉莉-埃文斯的婚礼 Wedding of lyall lupin and hope howell,莱尔-鲁宾和霍普-豪威尔的婚礼 Wedding of neville longbottom and hannah abbott,内维尔-隆博特姆和汉娜-艾伯特的婚礼 Wedding of neville longbottom and hannah abbott,内维尔-隆博特姆和汉娜-艾伯特的婚礼 Wedding of remus lupin and nymphadora tonks,雷姆斯-鲁宾和尼姆法多拉-唐克斯的婚礼 Wedding of rolf scamander and luna lovegood,罗夫-斯卡曼德和卢娜-爱古德的婚礼 Wedding of ronald weasley and hermione granger,罗纳德-韦斯莱和赫敏-格兰杰的婚礼 Wedding of tom riddle senior and merope gaunt,老汤姆-里德尔和梅洛普-冈特的婚礼 Wedding of vernon dursley and petunia evans,弗农-杜斯利和彼得妮亚-埃文斯的婚礼 Wedding of william weasley and fleur delacour,威廉-韦斯莱和芙蓉-德拉库尔的婚礼 Wednesday 7th,第7个星期三 Wee willykins,威利金斯 Weedosoros,杂草丛生 Weekly,每周 Weekly news,每周新闻 Weekly on sunday,星期日的每周新闻 Weeoanwhiskers barber shop,凌晨的胡须理发店 Weetimorousbeastie,我们的小野兽 Weird sisters,奇怪的姐妹们 Weird wizarding dilemmas and their solutions,诡异的巫师困境及其解决方案 Weiss family,巫师家族 Welcome to macusa,欢迎来到马库萨 Welcome witch,欢迎女巫 Welcoming feast,欢迎宴会 Weld yellow,巫师黄 Wellington,悉尼 Wellington boots,惠灵顿靴 Welsh,威尔士 Welsh dark arts mystery,威尔士黑暗艺术之谜 Welsh green,威尔士绿色 Welsh green dragon,威尔士绿龙 Welsh national gobstones team,威尔士国家鹅卵石队 Welsh national quidditch team,威尔士国家魁地奇队 Wembley,温布利 Wembley stadium,温布利体育场 Wendelin the weird,诡异的温德林 Wendy mandy,温迪-曼迪 Wendy slinkhard,温迪-斯林卡 Werewolf,狼人 Werewolf army,狼人军队 Werewolf capture unit,狼人抓捕队 Werewolf code of conduct,狼人的行为准则 Werewolf monthly transformations,狼人的每月转变 Werewolf register,狼人注册 Werewolf registry,狼人登记处 Werewolf support services,狼人支持服务 Werewolves,狼人 Wes gibbins,韦斯-吉宾斯 Wes gibbins on how to get away with murder,韦斯-吉宾斯关于如何逃脱谋杀的问题 Wesley nelson,狼人登记处 West 24th street,西24街 West country,西部地区 West ham,辽宁省大连市 West ham united football club,西汉姆联队足球俱乐部 West siberian plain,西西伯利亚平原 West tower,西塔 West tower battlements,西塔城墙 West tower corridor,西塔走廊 West tower courtyard,西塔院子 West wing,西翼 Westenberg,威斯腾堡 Westenberg family,威斯滕伯格家族 Westenbergs wife,韦斯滕贝格的妻子 Western green toad,西部绿蟾蜍 Western wplinkhispaniola wplinkcaribbean,西方的wplinkhispaniola wplinkcaribbean Whack trance whammy rocket,捶胸顿足捶打火箭 What wand,什么魔杖 What was the name of that nymph again? or greek and roman studies recalled,那位仙女的名字是什么来着? 或希腊和罗马研究回顾 What will happen in harry potter 7 who lives who dies who falls in love and how will the adventure finally end,哈里-波特7中会发生什么,谁会活着,谁会死去,谁会坠入爱河,冒险最终如何结束? Wheat,小麦 Wheat flour,小麦粉 Wheelchair,轮椅 Wheezy,小麦 Whelk,鲸鱼 When a spell card damages you you may discard this card from play to prevent all of that damage cost 5,当一张法术牌对你造成伤害时,你可以从游戏中丢弃这张牌,以防止该伤害的全部费用5 When a word is spoken the caster is alerted and protective enchantments around the speaker are weakened,当说话时,施法者被提醒,说话者周围的保护性魔法被削弱。 When broadway sleeps,当百老汇沉睡时 When cast onto a map it enables to track the movements of every person in the mapped area,当施展在地图上时,可以追踪地图上每个人的行动。 When muggles attack,当麻瓜攻击时 When they were considered one of the most accomplished quidditch teams in the world,当他们被认为是世界上最有成就的魁地奇队伍之一时 When they were considered the most famous quidditch team in peru,当他们被认为是秘鲁最著名的魁地奇队时 When worn the hat and head of the person wearing it disappears,戴上帽子后,戴帽子的人的头会消失。 When you play this card discard an other location from play each player gets 1 more action on each of his or her turns cost 4,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中丢弃一个其他位置,每个玩家在他或她的每个回合都会多出一个行动,费用为4。 When you play this card discard any other location from play all charmscardtype lessons provide charmscardtype charmscardtype instead of charmscardtype cost 4,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中舍弃任何其他地点,所有魅力卡类型的课程提供魅力卡类型的魅力卡类型,而不是魅力卡类型,费用为4。 When you play this card discard any other location from play all item cards need 3 less power to play,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中舍弃任何其他地点,所有物品卡都需要减少3个能量才能发挥。 When you play this card discard any other location from play before each players turn he or she counts the number of gryffindor cards he or she has in play and may draw that many cards,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中舍弃任何其他地点,在每个玩家的回合之前,他或她会计算他或她在游戏中的格兰芬多卡的数量,并可以抽出相同数量的卡。 When you play this card discard any other location from play before each players turn he or she counts the number of slytherin cards he or she has in play and does that much damage to his or her opponent,当你打出这张牌时,在每个玩家的回合前从游戏中放弃任何其他地点,他或她会计算他或她手中的斯莱特林牌的数量,并对他或她的对手造成那么多的伤害。 When you play this card discard any other location from play before each players turn he or she draws a card cost 2,当你打出这张牌时,在每个玩家的回合前将其他任何地点的牌丢弃,他或她抽一张牌,费用为2。 When you play this card discard any other location from play before each players turn if he or she has at least 2 characters in play he or she gets 1 more action that turn,当你打出这张牌时,在每个玩家的回合前,如果他或她有至少2个角色在游戏中,则从游戏中丢弃任何其他地点,他或她在该回合获得1个额外行动。 When you play this card discard any other location from play before each players turn if that player has fewer than 4 cards in his or her hand that player draws cards until he or she has 4,当你打出这张牌时,在每个玩家的回合前,如果该玩家的手牌少于4张,则从游戏中弃置任何其他地点,该玩家将抽牌,直到他或她有4张牌。 When you play this card discard any other location from play each owl has 1 more health whenever an owl does damage it does 1 more damage cost 4,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中舍弃任何其他地点,每只猫头鹰的生命值增加1,每当猫头鹰造成伤害时,它的伤害值增加1,费用为4。 When you play this card discard any other location from play each turn each player may prevent 4 damage done to him or her cost 7,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中弃置任何其他地点,每回合每个玩家可以阻止对他或她造成的4次伤害,费用为7。 When you play this card discard any other location from play either player may use an action and discard 2 of his or her lessons from play to draw 5 cards cost 3,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中丢弃任何其他地点,任何一方都可以使用一个行动,并从游戏中丢弃2个自己的课程,抽出5张牌,费用为3 When you play this card discard any other location from play either player may use an action to search his or her deck that player may take an item card from his or her deck that needs potionscardtype power show it to his or her opponent and put it into his or her hand then the player shuffles his or her deck cost 3,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中丢弃任何其他地点,任何一方都可以使用一个行动来搜索他或她的卡组,该玩家可以从他或她的卡组中拿一张需要药水卡类型力量的物品卡给他或她的对手看,并把它放到他或她的手中,然后该玩家洗掉他或她的卡组,费用3 When you play this card discard any other location from play either player may use an action to search his or her deck that player may take an item card from his or her deck that needs quidditchcardtype power show it to his or her opponent and put it into his or her hand then the player shuffles his or her deck cost 3,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中丢弃任何其他地点,任何一方可以使用一个行动来搜索他或她的卡组,该玩家可以从他或她的卡组中拿一张需要魁地奇卡类力量的物品卡给他或她的对手看,并把它放入他或她的手牌,然后该玩家洗他或她的卡组,费用3。 When you play this card discard any other location from play once during each players turn when he or she uses an action to play a plant card he or she gets 1 more action that turn,当你打出这张牌时,在每个玩家的回合中,当他或她使用行动打出一张植物牌时,他或她会在该回合中获得1个额外的行动,将其他任何地点从游戏中弃置。 When you play this card discard any other location from play whenever a card does damage it does 1 less damage cost 4,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中弃置任何其他地点,每当有牌造成伤害时,它的伤害会减少1,费用为4。 When you play this card discard any other location from play whenever a cmccardtype lesson is discarded from play put it into its owners hand cost 3,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中丢弃任何其他地点,每当一个厘米卡类的课程从游戏中被丢弃时,将它放入其主人的手中,费用为3。 When you play this card discard any other location from play whenever a potionscardtype lesson is discarded from play put it into its owners hand cost 3,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中丢弃任何其他地点,只要有一个药水类型的课程被丢弃,就把它放入它的主人手中,费用为3。 When you play this card discard any other location from play whenever a spell card does damage to a player it does 1 less damage to that player,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中丢弃任何其他地点,每当一张咒语牌对玩家造成伤害时,对该玩家造成的伤害将减少1。 When you play this card discard any other location from play whenever either player plays a character card he or she uses up 1 action to play it instead of 2 cost 2,当你打出这张牌时,从游戏中舍弃任何其他地点,每当任何一方打出一张角色牌时,他或她都会用掉1个行动来打出这张牌,而不是2个,费用为2。 When you play this card do 3 damage to your opponent you may use an action and discard this card from play to do 6 damage to your opponent cost 8,当你打出这张牌时,对你的对手造成3点伤害,你可以使用一个行动并从游戏中丢弃这张牌,对你的对手造成6点伤害,费用为8。 When you play this card draw a card,当你打出这张牌时,抽一张牌 When you play this card draw a card damage 2health 2,当你打出这张牌时,抽一张牌 伤害2 健康2 When you play this card look at the top 2 cards of your deck and put both of them on the bottom or back on the top of your deck in any order if you play this card and you already have a broom in play discard the old one provides quidditchcardtype,当你打出这张牌时,看看你卡组最上面的两张牌,并将它们放在你卡组的底部或顶部,如果你打出这张牌,而你已经有一把扫帚在手,则丢弃旧的那把,提供魁地奇卡型 When you play this card look at the top 4 cards of your deck and put them back on top in any order if you play this card and you already have a broom in play discard the old one provides 1 quidditchcardtype cost 2,当你打出这张牌时,查看你卡组的前4张牌,并以任何顺序将它们放回顶部,如果你打出这张牌并且你已经有一把扫帚在手,丢弃旧的那把扫帚,提供1个魁地奇卡型,费用2 When you play this card play it face down and tell your opponent to guess pure blood sherbet lemon or wattlebird if he or she guesses pure blood nothing happens otherwise do 8 damage to your opponent,当你打出这张牌时,将其正面朝下,并告诉你的对手猜测纯血、柠檬或荆棘鸟,如果他或她猜测为纯血,则不会发生任何事情,否则对你的对手造成8点伤害。 When you play this card play it face down and tell your opponent to guess pure blood sherbet lemon or wattlebird if he or she guesses sherbet lemon nothing happens otherwise do 8 damage to your opponent,当你打出这张牌时,将其正面朝下,并告诉你的对手猜测纯血的雪碧柠檬或瓦特鸟,如果他或她猜测是雪碧柠檬,则不会发生任何事情,否则对你的对手造成8点伤害。 When you play this card play it face down and tell your opponent to guess pure blood sherbet lemon or wattlebird if he or she guesses wattlebird nothing happens otherwise do 8 damage to your opponent,当你打出这张牌时,将其正面朝下,并告诉你的对手猜测纯血橙汁柠檬或瓦特鸟,如果他或她猜测瓦特鸟,则不会发生任何事情,否则对你的对手造成8点伤害。 When you play this card put up to 2 non healing cards from your discard pile on the bottom of your deck you may use an action and discard this card from play to shuffle up to 6 non healing cards from your discard pile into your deck cost 6,当你打出这张牌时,从你的弃牌堆中放入最多两张非治疗牌到你的卡组底部,你可以使用一个行动并从游戏中丢弃这张牌,从你的弃牌堆中洗出最多6张非治疗牌到你的卡组中,花费6。 When you play this card reveal the top card of your deck if its a lesson card put it into play if it isnt put it back on top of your deck damage 1health 1,当你打出这张牌时,揭开你卡组的顶牌,如果它是一张教训牌,就把它放入游戏,如果它不是,就把它放回你的卡组顶部,伤害1健康1 When you play this card you may choose another creature in play do 1 damage to it damage each turn 1health 2cost 4,当你打出这张牌时,你可以选择另一个正在游戏中的生物,对它造成1点伤害,每回合的伤害为1健康,2费用4 When you play this card you may choose another creature in play do 2 damage to it damage each turn 2health 1cost 6,当你打出这张牌时,你可以选择另一个正在游戏中的生物,对它造成2点伤害,每回合2健康1费用6。 When you play this card you may discard 1 of your cmccardtype lessons from play to put a creature card from your discard pile into your hand damage each turn 1health 1cost 3,当你打出这张牌时,你可以从游戏中丢弃1张你的cmccardtype课程,将你弃牌堆中的一张生物牌放入你的手牌中,每回合造成伤害 1健康 1费用 3 When you play this card you may put a lesson card from your discard pile into your hand damage each turn 1 health 1 cost 3,当你打出这张牌时,你可以从你的弃牌堆中把一张教训牌放入你的手牌中,每回合的伤害为1健康1费用3。 When you play this card you may put a lesson card from your discard pile into your hand whenever a spell card damages you you may let trevor take that damage instead health 1cost 3,当你打出这张牌时,你可以从你的弃牌堆中放一张教训牌到你的手牌中,每当有法术牌对你造成伤害时,你可以让特雷弗代替你承受该伤害,健康1费用3 When you play this card you may put a non healing card from your discard pile into your hand damage each turn 1health 2cost 6,当你打出这张牌时,你可以从你的弃牌堆中把一张非治疗牌放入你的手牌,每回合的伤害为1健康2费用6 When you play this card you may put a non healing item card from your discard pile into your hand damage each turn 1 health 1cost 3,当你打出这张牌时,你可以从你的弃牌堆中把一张非治疗性的物品牌放入你的手牌中,每回合的伤害为1健康1费用3。 Whenever 1 of your creatures does 3 or more damage to your opponent it does 2 more damage than it usually would,每当你的一个生物对你的对手造成3点或更多的伤害时,它会比平时多造成2点伤害。 Whenever 1 of your item or spell cards that needs quidditchcardtype power does damage it does 2 more damage if you play this card and you already have a broom in play discard the old one provides 1 quidditchcardtype cost 7,每当你的1张需要魁地奇力量的物品或咒语牌造成伤害时,它就会多造成2次伤害,如果你打出这张牌,而你已经有一把扫帚在手,则丢弃旧扫帚,提供1魁地奇力量,费用7 Whenever a creature does damage to you prevent 1 of that damage cost 8,每当有生物对你造成伤害时,你可以阻止其中的1个伤害,费用8 Whenever a spell card damages you you may let pet toad take that damage instead health 1cost 2,每当一张法术牌对你造成伤害时,你可以让宠物蟾蜍代替健康1费用2的伤害。 Whenever one of your quidditch spells does damage to your opponent it does 3 more damage if you play this card and you already have a broom in play discard the old one provides quidditchcardtype quidditchcardtype,每当你的一个魁地奇法术对你的对手造成伤害时,它会再造成3个伤害,如果你打出这张牌,并且你已经有一把扫帚在手,那么就丢弃旧的扫帚,提供魁地奇卡型魁地奇卡型 Whenever you play a character card you use up 1 action to play it instead of 2,每当你打出一张角色卡时,你会用掉1个行动来打出它,而不是2个。 Whenever you use an action to draw a card you may draw 2 cards instead of 1,每当你用行动抽牌时,你可以抽2张牌而不是1张。 Where theres a wand theres a way,有魔杖的地方就有办法 Which broomstick?,哪支扫帚? Which owl?,哪只猫头鹰? Which witch?,哪个女巫? 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regarding written works or how wizarding law is depicted in literature,关于书面作品或文学作品中如何描述巫师法的巫师法 Wizarding library in prague,布拉格的魔法图书馆 Wizarding musical group tour,魔法师音乐团体巡演 Wizarding overwear,巫师服装 Wizarding resources department,巫师资源部 Wizarding school,巫师学校 Wizarding schools potions championship,魔法学校的魔药冠军 Wizarding suite,魔法套房 Wizarding superstition,巫师的迷信 Wizarding supporters of scottish rugby union,苏格兰橄榄球联盟的巫师支持者 Wizarding supremacy,巫师至上 Wizarding wars,巫师战争 Wizarding wheat self charmed flour,巫师的小麦自带魅力的面粉 Wizarding wireless network,巫师无线网络 Wizarding wireless network news,巫术无线网络新闻 Wizarding wireless network studios,魔法无线网络演播室 Wizarding world,魔法世界 Wizarding world franchise,魔法世界特许经营 Wizarding world website,魔法世界网站 Wizardkind,巫术 Wizardry budget,魔法师的预算 Wizards are from neptune witches are from saturn,巫师来自海王星 女巫来自土星 Wizards brew,巫师酿造 Wizards challenge,巫师挑战 Wizards checkers,巫师跳棋 Wizards chess,巫师国际象棋 Wizards chess gif,巫师国际象棋GIF Wizards council,巫师议会 Wizards father,巫师的父亲 Wizards father,巫师的父亲 Wizards of the coast,沿海地区的巫师 Wizards ordinary magic and basic aptitude test,巫师普通魔法和基本能力测试 Wizards sculpting gel,魔法师雕塑胶 Wizards spells,巫师的法术 Wizards witches,巫师女巫 Wizengamot,巫师的故事 Wizengamot administration services,巫师行政服务 Wizengamot chair,巫师协会主席 Wizengamot charter of rights,巫师协会的权利宪章 Wizengamot letter to harry potter,给哈瑞-波特的信 Wizengamot member,巫师协会成员 Wizengamot message to albus dumbledore,给阿不思-邓布利多的巫师团信息 Wiztour,智慧之旅 Wizzjazz,维兹爵士 Wladyslaw wolfke,狼来了 Wolf,狼 Wolf in walien vs predator requiem,狼来了VS捕食者安魂曲 Wolf moon,狼月 Wolf roth,狼来了 Wolfgang amadeus mozart,沃尔夫冈-阿玛迪斯-莫扎特 Wolfsbane,狼牙棒 Wolfsbane potion,狼牙棒药水 Wollongong,卧龙岗 Wollongong australia,澳大利亚卧龙岗 Wollongong shimmy,卧龙岗的小伙伴们 Wollongong warriors,卧龙岗的勇士们 Wolpert family,沃尔珀特家族 Wolverton,沃尔弗顿 Woman at wedding of bill and fleur,在比尔和芙蓉的婚礼上的女人 Woman tended by bald man,秃头男人照顾的女人 Women,妇人 Womens interests,妇女的兴趣 Womens interests possibly including fashion celebrity news etc,妇女的兴趣可能包括时尚名人新闻等 Womens interests such as quizzes celebrity news and cooking,妇女的兴趣,如猜谜,名人新闻和烹饪 Won 1nom 1,赢了 1nom 1 Won won,赢了 Wonderbook book of potions,神奇的药水书 Wonderbook book of spells,神奇的法术书 Wonderwitch,巫术 Wood,木头人 Wood family,木头家族 Wood lice,木头虱子 Wood louse,木虱 Wood nymph,木头虮子 Wood nymphs,木头虮子 Woodcroft,木头人 Woodcuts and engravings of early hogwarts students,早期霍格沃茨学生的木刻和雕刻作品 Wooden bridge,木桥 Wooden bridge destroyed,摧毁的木桥 Wooden flute,木制长笛 Wooden flute trading card,木制长笛交易卡 Woodlice extract 63,木虱提取物63 Woodside arboretum,木边植物园 Woody and prickled,木质的和带刺的 Wool,羊毛 Wool glove,羊毛手套 Wool gloves,羊毛手套 Wool woman,羊毛女人 Woollongong,卧龙岗 Woolly mammoth,羊毛长毛象 Wools orphanage,羊毛孤儿院 Woolworth building,羊毛衫建筑 Worcestershire,羊毛衫 Work attire,工作服 Workers union,工人工会 Working animals,工作的动物 Working for scale,工作的规模 Workmen,工人 Workmen at tottenham court road,图腾汉姆法院路的工人 Works with only a few drops per dose,每一剂量只需几滴就能发挥作用 World war two vision gif,视觉GIF的第二次世界大战 World wide,世界范围 Worldwide,遍布全球 Worldwide,遍布全球 Worldwide excluding antarctica,世界各地,不包括南极洲 Worldwide oceans,全世界的海洋 Worm,虫子 Wormseed,虫籽 Wormtail,虫尾 Wormwood,虫草 Wormwood essence,虫草精华 Wormy,虫子 Worn cloak,磨损的斗篷 Worn down and well used,磨损严重,使用良好 Worn to keep feet warm,穿着保暖的脚 Wotan,沃坦 Wound cleaning potion,清洗伤口的药水 Wrackspurt,裂谷 Wrapped caramels,包裹着的焦糖 Wright family,箭牌家族 Writer,作家 Writer artist publisher,作家,艺术家,出版商 Writer harry potter films]] 1 4 and 6 8,作家哈瑞-波特电影]]。1 4和6 8 Writes in midair,在半空中写字 Writes on a blackboard,在黑板上写字 Writing,写作 Writing equipment,写作设备 Writing equipment brutal method of punishment to the writer,书写设备对书写者的残酷惩罚方法 Writing equipment cheating device,写字设备作弊装置 Writing instrument exam cheating device,写作工具考试作弊装置 Writing instument,写作工具 Writing material,书写材料 Writing on the wall,书写在墙上 Writing quill,写字笔 Writing supplies room,书写用品室 Wronski feint,沃伦斯基佯攻 Wu han po,吴汉宝 Wylex standard consumer unit,纬纶标准用电单元 X ray dog,X射线狗 Xander lofthouse,坎德尔-洛夫豪斯 Xavier rastrick,薛明-拉斯特里克 Xbox 360,薛之谦 Xbox 360,薛之谦 Xbox one,薛之谦 Xeno,薛诺 Xenophilius lovegood,瑟诺菲利乌斯-爱果德 Xenophilius lovegoods dress robes,瑟诺菲利乌斯-爱国者礼服长袍 Xenophilius lovegoods necklace,瑟诺菲利乌斯的爱物项链 Xenophilius lovegoods wand,瑟诺菲利乌斯的爱神魔杖 Xylomancy book,Xylomancy书 Xylomancy class,巫术课 Ya zhou,雅州 Yajirushi,亚吉鲁斯 Yann fredericks,燕京大学 Yardley platt,Yardley Platt Yate gloucestershire england,英国格洛斯特郡亚特市 Yatin bhagat,亚廷-巴加特(Yatin Bhagat Yaxley,亚克斯利 Yaxley,亚克斯利 Yaxley 1920s,亚克斯利1920年代 Yaxley family,亚克斯利家族 Ye olde curiosity shop,古老的好奇心商店 Ye olde curiosity shop shopkeeper,古老的好奇心商店的店主 Year four,第四年 Year three,第三年 Year with the yeti,与雪人的一年 Yeast,酵母 Yellow,黄 Yellow and black,黄色和黑色 Yellow and black striped purple around face,脸部周围有黄色和黑色的紫色条纹 Yellow and dark brown,黄色和深棕色 Yellow and edible,黄色和可食用 Yellow and lamp like,黄色和灯一样 Yellow and purple in colour,黄色和紫色的颜色 Yellow black,黄色的黑色 Yellow coloured,黄色有颜色 Yellow coloured when finished,完成后的黄颜色 Yellow green in colour,黄绿相间 Yellow in colour,彩色的黄 Yellow or purple,黄色或紫色 Yellow or purple in colour,黄色或紫色 Yellow orange,黄橙色 Yellow special jinx,黄色特殊的金丝雀 Yellow with 4–5 petals about 1 cm diameter and borne in cymes,黄色,有4-5片直径约1厘米的花瓣,以聚伞花序形式生。 Yellow with black spots,黄色有黑点 Yellow with brown dots,黄色有棕色小点 Yellowgreen,黄绿色 Yellowish,淡黄色 Yellowish brown to slate grey,黄褐色至石板灰色 Yellowish in colour,颜色偏黄 Yellowstone,黄石公园 Yeti,耶提 Yetti,耶蒂 Yew,紫杉 Yew and unicorn hair wand,紫杉和独角兽毛发的魔杖 Yngve lorents,扬子晚报 Yo yo,哟哟 York,姚明 Yorkshire,约克郡 Yorkshire moors quidditch stadium,约克郡荒野魁地奇体育场 Yorkshire pudding,约克郡布丁 Yorkshire quidditch team,约克郡魁地奇队 Yoshi wakahisa,铃木优希 Yoshihiro suzuki,铃木义博 You can play only 1 money card each turn before your turn if this card is in play discard it and you get 3 more actions this turn cost 10,在你的回合之前,你每回合只能出1张钱牌,如果这张牌在游戏中,丢弃它,本回合你可以再得到3个行动,费用为10。 You charmed the heart right out of me,你把我的心都迷住了 You know who,你知道是谁 You may prevent all by the first 8 damage done to you each turn,每回合你可以阻止所有对你造成的前8个伤害 You may put up to 3 quidditchcardtype lessons from your hand into play cost 3,你可以从你的手牌中放入最多3个魁地奇卡类的课程,费用为3 You may use 1 action to put an adventure card from your hand into play even if you already have one in play if you already had one in play discard the old one,你可以使用1个行动从你的手牌中放入一张冒险卡,即使你已经有一张在游戏中,如果你已经有一张在游戏中,丢弃旧的那张。 You may use 2 actions to choose 1 of your opponents cards in play and return it to his or her hand cost 4,你可以使用2个行动来选择你的对手的一张牌,并将其送回他或她的手牌中,费用为4。 You may use 2 actions to discard this card from play to put all lesson cards from your discard pile into play then shuffle all non healing cards from your discard pile into your deck when you build your deck you can only put 1 philosophers stone in it cost 15,你可以使用2个行动将这张牌从游戏中丢弃,将你弃牌堆中的所有教训牌放入游戏中,然后将你弃牌堆中的所有非治疗牌洗入你的牌组,当你建立牌组时,你只能在其中放入1个哲人石,花费15。 You may use 2 actions to search your deck you may take a character card of a character that isnt already in play and put it in play then shuffle your deck cost 8,你可以使用2个行动来搜索你的卡组,你可以从一个还没有上场的角色中抽取一张角色卡并将其放入游戏中,然后洗牌,花费8。 You may use an action and discard 1 of your lessons from play to do 2 damage to your opponent,你可以使用一个行动,并从游戏中丢弃你的一个课程,对你的对手造成2点伤害。 You may use an action and discard 2 cards from your hand to do 3 damage to your opponent,你可以使用一个行动并从你的手牌中丢弃2张牌,对你的对手造成3个伤害。 You may use an action and discard a card from your hand to do 2 damage to your opponent,你可以使用一个动作并丢弃一张手牌,对你的对手造成2点伤害 You may use an action and discard a card from your hand to draw 2 cards if you play this card and you already have a broom in play discard the old one provides quidditchcardtype,你可以使用一个动作并丢弃你手中的一张牌来抽2张牌,如果你打出这张牌并且你已经有一把扫帚,那么丢弃旧的扫帚,提供魁地奇卡型。 You may use an action and discard mandrake from play to put a non healing character card from your discard pile into your hand damage 3 health 1,你可以使用一个动作并从游戏中丢弃曼德拉,将你弃牌堆中的一张非治疗性的角色牌放入你的手牌中,伤害3,健康1。 You may use an action and discard this card from play to choose a creature in play and do 4 damage to it provides cmccardtype,你可以使用一个行动并从游戏中丢弃这张牌,选择一个在游戏中的生物并对其造成4点伤害,提供cmccardtype You may use an action and discard this card from play to do 13 damage to your opponent cost 10,你可以使用一个行动并从游戏中丢弃这张牌,对你的对手造成13次伤害,费用为10 You may use an action and discard venomous tentacula from play to put a potionscardtype lesson from your discard pile into play,你可以使用一个动作并从游戏中丢弃毒液触手,将你弃牌堆中的一个药水类型的课程放入游戏中。 You may use an action to choose an adventure or a location in play and discard it,你可以使用一个行动来选择一个冒险或游戏中的一个地点,并将其丢弃。 You may use an action to count the cards in your hand put them all on the bottom of your deck and then draw that many cards cost 4,你可以使用一个动作来计算你手中的牌,将它们全部放在你的牌组底部,然后抽出相同数量的牌,费用为4。 You may use an action to discard an adventure from play,你可以用一个动作从游戏中丢弃一个冒险。 You may use an action to discard this card from play if you do count the number of cards in your hand and discard them then search your deck you may take up to that number of cards from your deck and put them into your hand then shuffle your deck cost 10,你可以使用一个动作将这张牌从游戏中丢弃,如果你真的数了一下你手中的牌并将它们丢弃,然后搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中取出最多数量的牌并将它们放入你的手中,然后洗牌,费用为10。 You may use an action to draw 2 cards and then put 2 cards from your hand on the bottom of your deck,你可以使用一个行动抽2张牌,然后把你手中的2张牌放到你的牌组底部。 You may use an action to have both players shuffle their decks,你可以使用一个动作,让两个玩家都洗牌。 You may use an action to put a book card from your discard pile into your hand,你可以使用一个动作,将你弃牌堆中的一张书牌放入你的手牌中。 You may use an action to put up to 2 cards from your hand on the bottom of your deck,你可以使用一个动作,将你手中的最多两张牌放在你的牌组底部。 You may use an action to put up to 2 lesson cards of different types from your hand into play,你可以使用一个动作,将你手中最多两张不同类型的课程牌放入游戏中。 You may use an action to reveal the top 3 cards of your deck put all of those cards that need quidditchcardtype power into your hand put the rest on the bottom of your deck,你可以使用一个动作来揭开你卡组的前3张卡,把所有需要魁地奇卡类力量的卡放入你的手牌,其余的放在你卡组的底部。 You may use an action to reveal the top card of your deck if its a lesson card put it into play if it isnt a lesson card discard it if you play this card and you already have a wand in play discard the old one provides charmscardtype,你可以使用一个动作来揭开你牌组最上面的牌,如果它是一张课程卡,就把它放入游戏中,如果它不是课程卡,就把它丢掉,如果你打出这张牌,而你已经有一根魔杖在游戏中,就把旧的那根魔杖丢掉,提供魅力卡类型。 You may use an action to search your deck you may take a character card for a weasley character from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck,你可以使用一个动作来搜索你的卡组,你可以从你的卡组中拿一张韦斯莱角色的牌给你的对手看,然后把它放进你的手牌中,然后洗牌。 You may use an action to search your deck you may take a gryffindor card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck,你可以使用一个动作来搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中拿一张格兰芬多的牌给你的对手看,然后把它放入你的手牌中,然后洗牌。 You may use an action to search your deck you may take a healing card show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck cost 9,你可以使用一个动作来搜索你的卡组,你可以从你的卡组中拿一张治疗卡给你的对手看,然后把它放入你的手牌,然后洗你的卡组,费用为9 You may use an action to search your deck you may take a location card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck,你可以使用一个动作来搜索你的牌组,你可以从你的牌组中拿一张位置牌给你的对手看,并把它放入你的手牌,然后洗牌。 You stole my cauldron but you cant have my heart,你偷了我的大锅,但你不能拥有我的心 You win the current match,你赢得了当前的比赛 You your owl,你的猫头鹰 Young becky sharp,年轻的贝基-斯利 Young children,年轻的孩子 Young gellert grindelwald gif,你是谁? Young rawdy crawley in vanity fair,年轻的Rawdy Crawley在vanity fair中的表现 Young witch maid,年轻的女巫女仆 Young wizards daycare center,年轻的巫师托儿所 Young woman,年轻的女人 Young womans child,年轻女人的孩子 Young womans child,年轻女人的孩子 Your opponent chooses 1 card in his or her hand and discards the rest,你的对手选择他或她手中的1张牌,并丢弃其余的牌。 Your opponent chooses 1 of his or her creatures in play and discards it cost 5,你的对手从他或她的生物中选择1个,并丢弃其5费。 Your opponent chooses 1 of his or her creatures or items in play and discards it then he or she takes damage equal to that cards printed power cost,你的对手选择他或她的生物或物品中的一张并丢弃,然后他或她会受到与该牌的力量费用相等的伤害。 Your opponent chooses 2 cards in his or her hand and discards them,你的对手选择他或她手中的2张牌并丢弃它们。 Your opponent chooses 2 cards in his or her hand and discards them cost 5,你的对手在他或她的手牌中选择2张牌并丢弃它们,费用为5。 Your opponent chooses 3 of his or her cards in play and discards them your opponent may prevent this by discarding 1 of his or her potionscardtype lessons in play and discarding it cost 10,你的对手选择他或她的3张牌并丢弃它们,你的对手可以通过丢弃他或她的1张药水卡类课程来阻止这一点,并丢弃它,费用为10。 Your opponent chooses 5 of his or her cards and discards them those cards can come from his or her hand or from play or from both cost 12,你的对手选择他或她的5张牌并丢弃它们,这些牌可以来自他或她的手牌或来自游戏或来自两者,费用为12。 Your opponent discards his or her hand cost 12,你的对手丢弃他或她的手牌,费用为12 Your opponent discards his or her hand then he or she may draw any number of cards cost 7,你的对手丢弃他或她的手牌,然后他或她可以抽任何数量的牌,费用为7 Your opponent draws 10 cards,你的对手抽出10张牌 Your opponent plays with his or her hand face up health 1,你的对手以其手牌正面朝上进行游戏 健康 1 Your opponent takes damage until he or she discards a lesson card from his or her deck,你的对手受到伤害,直到他或她从自己的牌组中丢弃一张教训牌。 Your opponent takes damage until he or she discards a total of 2 lesson cards from his or her deck,你的对手受到伤害,直到他或她从自己的卡组中丢弃总共2张教训牌。 Your opponent takes damage until he or she discards a total of 3 lesson cards from his or her deck,你的对手受到伤害,直到他或她从他或她的卡组中丢弃总共3张教训牌。 Yule ball,尤利球 Yumbo,尤利球 Yumi sudō,尤米苏东 Yuri blichen,尤里-布利琴 Yuri von blisch,尤里-冯-布利什 Yuri yum yum chinese take away,Yuri yum yum中国外卖 Yurika haneda,羽田百合花 Yusuf kama,尤素福-卡玛 Yusuf kama jpeg,尤素福-卡马的照片 Yusuf kamas hideout,尤素福-卡马斯的藏身之处 Yusuf kamas wand,尤素福-卡马斯的魔杖 Yutaka amano,天野裕隆 Yuvraj suri,俞夫拉吉-苏里 Yvette coquelot,伊薇特-科克洛特 Yvonne,伊冯娜 Yvonne bampton,伊冯娜-班普顿 Yūki tokiwa,Yūki tokiwa Zabini family,扎比尼家族 Zacharias smith,札卡里亚斯-史密斯 Zacharias smiths father,札卡里亚斯-史密斯的父亲 Zaire,扎伊尔 Zakaria sawalha,泽卡里亚-萨瓦哈(Zakaria Sawalha Zakir akram,扎克尔-阿克拉姆 Zamira gulch,扎米拉山沟沟 Zanzibar,桑给巴尔 Zara valli,扎拉瓦利 Zebra hoofs,斑马的蹄子 Zephyrmaster,斑马人 Zhivko ivanov,斑马线 Zig zag,斑马线 Zina saunders,秦始皇兵马俑 Zoe accrington,邹建华-阿克灵顿 Zoe brough,邹碧华 Zoe disambiguation,歧义 Zoe elizabeth sugg,泽伊-伊丽莎白的建议 Zoe sugg,泽恩暗示 Zombie,僵尸 Zombie ghost train,僵尸幽灵列车 Zombie trail,僵尸小道 Zonkos joke shop,纵科笑话店 Zonkos joke shop the wizarding world of harry potter,哈里-波特的魔法世界》的Zonkos笑话店 Zoo,漫画家 Zoo director,动物园主任 Zookeeper,动物园管理员 Zoological column,漫画家 Zoology,漫画家 Zouwu,邹武 Zoë isabella kravitz,邹毅-伊莎贝拉-克拉维茨 Zoë kravitz,Zoë kravitz Zoë wanamaker,邹毅------Wanamaker Zygmunt budges great grandmother,Zygmunt budges的曾祖母 Zygmunt budges house,Zygmunt Budges的房子 Zygmunt budges mother,齐格蒙特-布德格的母亲 Zygmunt budges sheep,Zygmunt budges的绵羊 [[]],[[]] [http blog chafurin com blog],[http blog chafurin com blog] [http davidthewlis net index davidthewlis net],[http davidthewlis net index davidthewlis net] 。 [http en wikipedia org wiki al dubin al dubin] and [http en wikipedia org wiki joe burke joe burke],[http en wikipedia org wiki al dubin al dubin] 和 [http en wikipedia org wiki joe burke joe burke] 。 [http en wikipedia org wiki bob geldof bob geldof] in [http us imdb com title?when harvey met bob when harvey met bob],[http en wikipedia org wiki bob geldof bob geldof] 在 [http us imdb com title?when harvey met bob when harvey met bob]。 [http en wikipedia org wiki kate beckinsale kate beckinsale],[http en wikipedia org wiki kate beckinsale kate beckinsale]。 [http en wikipedia org wiki len wiseman len 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ctcmclo unique,独家 ctcs password,ctcs密码 ctpi cauldron,ctpi大锅饭 ctps healing,ctps 愈合 ctqm healing,ctqm 愈合 ctti healing unique,疗效独特的ctti ctti unique,独特的ctti cttlo gryffindor unique,Cttlo Gryffindor unique dh mention,dh提 dh or wwhp commenthollywood,dh 或 wwhp commenthollywood fbr mention,fbr提 gof mention,gof 提到 goff mention,Goff mention goff mentioned on a poster,海报上提到的戈夫 hbp mention,提到hbp hbpf mention,提到hbpf ootp mention,ootp提 pagename,名字 paternalgrandfather,祖父 pm,父 poa,父辈 poa mention,提到poa poaf,父辈 poaf mention,提到poaf poag,诗句 potionscardtype item,药水卡类项目 potionscardtype item beetle eyes,药水卡类项目 甲壳虫的眼睛 potionscardtype item book,药水卡类型的项目书 potionscardtype item bulgeye potion,药水卡类物品 凸眼药水 potionscardtype item cauldron,药水卡类型的物品大锅 potionscardtype item eel eyes,药水卡类物品 鳗鱼眼 potionscardtype item healing,药水卡类型的项目治疗 potionscardtype location,药水卡类型的位置 potionscardtype location unique,药水卡类型的位置独特 potionscardtype spell,药水卡类型的法术 potionscardtype spell healing,药水卡类型的法术治疗 potionscardtype spell healing candy,药水卡式法术治疗糖果 ps,糖果 ps cdeluxe illustrated slipcase edition,ps豪华图文夹层版 ps mention,ps提到 psf name on sign,标牌上的psf名称 psg,PSG psg commentps1 version,psg评论ps1版本 qtar mention,Qtar mention quidditchcardtype item,魁地奇卡类项目 quidditchcardtype item book,魁地奇卡类物品书 quidditchcardtype item broom,魁地奇卡类物品扫帚 quidditchcardtype item broom healing,魁地奇卡片类型项目扫帚治疗 quidditchcardtype location unique,魁地奇卡片类型的位置独特 quidditchcardtype match,魁地奇卡片类型匹配 quidditchcardtype match healing,魁地奇卡片类型匹配治疗 quidditchcardtype spell,魁地奇卡类法术 taking woodstock,带上木头人 transfigurationcardtype item,变形卡类项目 transfigurationcardtype item book,变形卡类项目书 transfigurationcardtype item gryffindor unique,变形卡类型的物品 格兰芬多独一无二 transfigurationcardtype location unique,变形卡类型位置独特 transfigurationcardtype spell,变形卡类型法术 transfigurationcardtype spell candy,变形卡类型法术 糖果 transfigurationcardtype spell healing,幻术卡类型的法术治疗 wafter earth,泥土 wcalifornication californication,"幸福来敲门"",""幸福来敲门"",""幸福来敲门""。" wchristmas carol the movie,圣诞颂歌的电影 wdope dope,笨蛋笨蛋 wguernsey,欢乐谷 wits 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ingredients,成分 ingriedients,营养成分 insignia,徽章 insigniacaption,徽章 insigniasize,徽章尺寸 institution,机构 intentions,意图 interior,内部 inventor,发明者 job,工作 known victims,已知的受害者 label,标签 language,语言 last,最后 latest,最新 leader,领导 league,联赛 leaves,叶子 length,长度 light,亮度 likely,可能 location,地点 lover,恋人 loyalty,忠诚 made,创作 madefrom,厂家 manufacturer,制造商 marital,婚姻 masters,主人 mate,配偶 material,材料 maternal ancestor,母系祖先 maternal aunt by marriage,姻亲姑姑 maternal cousin,母系表亲 member of,成员 members,成员 mortality,死亡率 most glorious hour,最光荣的时刻 mother,母亲 motto,格言 music,音乐 name,名称 narrator,叙述者 nationalit,民族 nationality,民族 native,土生土长 nephew,侄子 newspaper,报纸 nickname,绰号 niece,侄女 notable casualties2,著名的伤亡人员2 notable family members,值得注意的家庭成员 notableroles,侄女 number,编号 née Howell,née Howell née Johnson,née Johnson office holder,办公人员 older twin brother,孪生兄长 otherroles,其他角色 owner,业主 owners,业主 pages,页数 parental ancestors,父母的祖先 participants,参与者 partner,伙伴 partof,部分 paternal ancestor,父系祖先 patronus,赞助人 performed by,由 photographs,照片 platform,平台 platforms,平台 players,玩家 possible,可能的 possible ancestor,可能的祖先 possible aunt,可能的姑姑 possible brother,可能的兄弟 possible cousin,可能的表哥 possible daughter,可能的女儿 possible descendant,可能的后裔 possible descendent,可能的后裔 possible distant relative,可能的远亲 possible father,可能的父亲 possible granddaughter,可能的孙女 possible grandfather,可能的祖父 possible grandmother,可能的祖母 possible grandson,可能的孙子 possible grandson,可能的孙子 possible husband,可能的丈夫 possible mother,可能的母亲 possible nephew,可能的侄子 possible niece,可能的侄女 possible paternal ancestor,可能的父系祖先 possible paternal relative,可能的父系亲属 possible relation,可能的关系 possible relative,可能的亲属 possible relatives,可能的亲属 possible sister,可能的姐妹 possible son,可能的儿子 possible uncle,可能的叔叔 possible wife,可能的妻子 possibly,可能的 post,岗位 potions,药水 preceded by,前面是 preceder,先行者 precursor,前体 preparation,准备 price,价格 producer,生产者 professor,教授 pronunciation,发音 properties,属性 provoked,引起的 published,出版 publisher,出版商 rarity,稀有性 rated,评级 recordlabel,唱片公司 related,相关的 relative,唱片公司 relatives,亲属 relatives by marriage,婚姻关系的亲属 release,发布 release date,释放日期 released,获释 reports to,报到 required equipment,所需设备 required textbooks,所需课本 residence,住所 residents,居民 result,结果 results,结果 revenue,收入 rivals,竞争对手 robes,袍子 romances,浪漫 root,根 seat,座位 second cousin once removed,二表哥 second wife,第二任妻子 sender,发件人 sentience,感知力 set,镶嵌 sibling,兄弟姐妹 sideeffects,副作用 sister,姐妹 skin,皮肤 sold,已售 sold at,出售 son,子 source url,来源网址 species,品种 speed,速度 spouse,配偶 starring,主演 status,状态 stem,茎 stepdaughter,继女 stepfather,继父 stepmother,继母 stepson,继子 style,文体 subheading,小标题 subject,主题 subscribers,订阅者 symptoms,症状 team,团队 temporary residents,临时居民 termlength,长度 theme,主题 third husband,第三位丈夫 title,标题 tonyawards,托尼奖 traits,特质 treatment,治疗 trophy,奖杯 tune,调子 uncle,叔叔 uncle by Marriage,舅舅的婚姻 uncle by marriage,舅舅结婚 uncle or aunt,叔叔或婶婶 unknown,未知 usage,用法 used,使用 victim,受害者 wand,魔杖 website,网站 weight,重量 widow,寡妇 widowed husband,寡妇丈夫 width,宽度 wife,妻子 wife or girlfriend,妻子或女友 wingspan,翼展 winners,获奖者 won championships,赢得冠军 wood,木头 writer,作家 written by,写的 yearsactive,多年活跃 younger twin brother,孪生弟弟 £1 00,£1 00 Álfrún gísladóttir,Álfrún gísladóttir Ólafur darri ólafsson,Ólafur darri ólafsson Любен зидаров,Любен зидаров Магичен теория,Магичен тория ‎hesphaestus gore,Hesphaestus Gore ‎weasley supplies bargain basement,Weasley Supplies bargain basement ‎wilhelmina tuft,维尔明娜-图夫特 “as a matter of fact ” said hermione sweetly “that’s exactly what little miss perfect does want ”,"""事实上,""赫敏甜甜地说,""这正是完美小姐想要的。""" “little miss perfect wouldn’t want that story out there would she?”,"""完美小姐不希望这个故事流传出去,对吗?""" 朝日新聞 digital,朝日新闻数码 Andrew snowy owl,安德鲁-雪鸮 Andrew snowy owl,安德鲁雪白的猫头鹰 Andrew snowy owl gryffindor,安德鲁-雪鸮-格兰芬多 Andrew snowy owl slytherin,安德鲁-雪鸮斯莱特林 Andrew williamson,安德鲁-威廉姆森 Android,安卓系统 Android 4 4 or later,安卓4 4或更高版本 Android and ios,安卓和IOS Andromeda black married edward tonks,安朵美达-布莱克与爱德华-唐克斯结婚 Andromeda tonks,安朵美达-汤克斯 Andromeda tonks,安朵美达-汤克斯 Andros the invincible,无敌的安德罗斯 Andrzej polkowski,安杰伊-波尔科夫斯基(Andrzej Polkowski Andy callaghan,安迪-卡拉汉 Andy disambiguation,安迪消除歧义 Andy herd,安迪牧民 Andy inns,安迪-因斯 Andy k pearson,安迪-克-佩尔森 Andy linden,安迪-林登 Andy mihalache,安迪-米哈拉奇 Andy p young,安迪-P-杨 Andy smudgley,安迪-斯穆德利 Andy young,安迪-杨 Angel,愤怒的天使 Angel of death,死亡的天使 Angel pub,天使酒吧 Angela hazeldine,安吉拉-哈泽尔丁 Angela reed,安吉拉-里德 Angelas ashes,安吉拉的灰烬 Angelica cole,安吉丽卡-库尔 Angelica disambiguation,安吉丽卡的歧义 Angelica joyce mandy,安吉丽卡-乔伊斯-曼迪 Angelica mandy,安吉丽卡-曼迪 Angelina appleby,安吉丽娜-苹果比 Angelina johnson,安吉丽娜-约翰逊 Angelina johnson trading card,安吉丽娜-约翰逊交易卡 Angelina johnsons father,安吉丽娜-约翰逊的父亲 Angelina weasley,安吉丽娜-韦斯莱 Angelo benitez,安吉洛-贝尼特斯 Angels trumpet,天使小号 Angels trumpet draught,天使小号吃水 Angels trumpet draught trading card,天使小号吃水交易卡 Angelus peel,天使之皮 Angie,安琪儿 Anglerfish,鮟鱇鱼 Anglesey,安格列西 Anglia,安格利亚 Anglican prayer book,英国圣公会的祈祷书 Angry angus mcmangus,愤怒的安格斯-麦克曼格斯 Angry skull,愤怒的头骨 Angus,安古斯 Angus buchanan,安格斯-布坎南 Angus buchanan cup for outstanding effort,Angus buchanan杯的杰出表现 Angus buchanans father,安格斯-布坎南的父亲 Angus buchanans mother,安格斯-布坎南的母亲 Angus buchanans siblings,安格斯-布坎南的兄弟姐妹们 Angus campbell,安格斯-坎贝尔 Angus disambiguation,安古斯歧义 Angus fleet,安格斯舰队 Angus matlock,安格斯-马特洛克 Angus mcmangus,安格斯-麦克曼格斯 Animagus,阿尼玛古斯 Animagus potion,麻醉剂 Animagus potion jpeg,巫师的药水 jpeg Animagus registry,记忆体注册 Animagus reversal spell,阿尼玛格斯反转咒语 Animagus spell,咒语 Animal farm,动物农场 Animal ghost,动物幽灵 Animal ghosts of britain,英国的动物鬼魂 Animal magic,动物魔法 Animal spirit,动物精神 Animalcule,兽性大发 Animates clothing,衣服动画化 Animates target,衣服 Anita macduff,蝴蝶结 Anjali kapoor,安佳丽-卡普尔 Anjel st vincent,安杰尔-圣文森特 Anjelica,安吉丽卡 Anji oliver,安吉-奥利弗 Ann swan,安-斯旺 Anna barry,尹恩惠(Anna Barry Anna chiwawa,芝华士(Anna Chiwawa Anna disambiguation,安娜消歧义 Anna friel,安娜-弗里尔 Anna hill hall,安娜-希尔-霍尔 Anna lacey,安娜-莱西 Anna louise ploughman,安娜-路易丝-普罗夫曼 Anna mcgarahan,安娜-麦克格拉汉 Anna mirfield,安娜-米菲尔德 Anna shaffer,安娜-沙弗 Annabel baldwin,安娜贝尔-鲍德温 Annabel entwhistle,安娜贝尔-恩特威斯特尔 Anne boleyn,安妮-博莱恩 Anne hathaway,安妮-海瑟薇 Anne lammers,安妮-拉默斯 Anne mccrory,安妮-麦克罗里 Anne miller,安妮-米勒 Anne rowling †,安-罗林 † Anne wittman,安妮-维特曼 Annette badland,安妮特-巴德兰 Annette elstob,安妮特-艾尔斯托布 Annette mclaughlin,安妮特-麦克劳克林(Annette McClaughlin Annie perks,安妮-佩克斯 Annis black,坎普尔 Annis blacks cave,安尼斯-布莱克洞 Announcement of the change of time and venue of harry potters disciplinary hearing,关于改变哈里-波特纪律听证会时间和地点的公告 Announcer,宣布者 Announcer,播音员 Announcer at henry shaw juniors fundraising dinner,亨利-肖青少年筹款晚宴的播音员 Annual,一年一度的 Annual broom race,年度扫帚比赛 Annual convention of wizards,年度巫师大会 Annual international wizard gardening competition,年度国际巫师园艺比赛 Annually,每年一次 Anonymous author of hairy snout human heart,匿名作者的多毛的鼻子人类的心 Anonymous dominican friar,匿名的多米尼加修士 Another death eater cmost likely the one that duelled arthur,另一个食死徒,很可能是与亚瑟决斗的人 Answering questions and reporting incidents,回答问题和报告事件 Ant,蚂蚁 Antelope,羚羊 Anteoculatia,羚羊 Anthony boyle,安东尼-博伊尔 Anthony goldstein,安东尼-戈尔茨坦 Anthony j sacco,安东尼-J-萨科 Anthony otterburn,安东尼-奥特伯恩 Anthony rickett,安东尼-里克特 Anthony robert mcmillan,安东尼-罗伯特-麦克米伦 Anti alohomora charm,"反 ""阿罗霍莫拉 ""符咒" Anti apparition charm,防幽灵符 Anti burglar buzzer,防盗蜂鸣器 Anti cheating quill,防作弊的羽毛笔 Anti cheating spell,反作弊咒语 Anti cheating spell trading card,反作弊法术交易卡 Anti dark mark spell,反黑暗标记咒语 Anti dementor lessons,反摄魂怪课程 Anti dementor lessons boggart,反摄魂怪课程博格特 Anti disapparition jinx,反消失的厄运 Anti gravity hats,反地心引力的帽子 Anti intruder jinx,反入侵者厄运 Anti intruder jinxes,反入侵者厄运 Anti jinx,反金克斯 Anti jinx varnish,反扫把星光油 Anti paralysis potion,反麻痹药水 Anti terrorism unit,反恐怖主义装置 Anti theft charm,防盗符 Anti theft device,防盗装置 Anti unlocking charms,防止解锁的符咒 Anti venom,反毒剂 Anti werewolf legislation,反狼人法 Antidote,解毒剂 Antidote to butterbeer,黄油啤酒的解毒剂 Antidote to common poisons,普通毒药的解毒剂 Antidote to garish pink blended poison,粉红色混合毒药的解毒剂 Antidote to uncommon poisons,不常见的毒药的解毒剂 Antidote to veritaserum,藜麦的解毒剂 Antimony,锑 Antioch peverell,安蒂奥克-佩雷尔 Antioch peverells enemy,安提阿-佩弗尔的敌人 Antioch peverells first wand,安提阿-佩雷尔的第一根魔杖 Antioch peverells killer,安提阿-佩雷尔的杀手 Antioch peverells lodging place,安提阿-皮弗尔的住宿地 Antioch peverells victim,安提阿-皮弗尔的受害者 Antipodean opaleye,安蒂普特的蛋白石之眼 Antiseptic,抗菌剂 Antonia creaseworthy,安东尼娅-克赖斯沃斯 Antonia frampton,安东尼娅-弗朗普顿 Antonin dolohov,安东尼娅-多洛霍夫 Antonin dolohovs curse,安东尼奥-多洛霍夫的诅咒 Antonio,安东尼奥 Antonio piras,安东尼奥-皮拉斯 Antwerp,安特卫普 Anually,每年一次 Anyone,姆巴佩 Aparecium,钙质 Aparecium,阿帕雷奇 Aparecium trading card,阿帕雷奇交易卡 Apolline delacour,阿波林-德拉库尔 Apolline delacours mother,阿波林-德拉库尔的母亲 Apollyon pringle,阿波利翁-普林格 Apothecary,炼金术士 Apothecary department,药剂师部门 Apothecary shopkeeper,炼金术士店主 Apothecary trading card,炼金术师交易卡 Appalachian mountains,阿巴拉契亚山脉 Appaloosa puffskein,阿帕罗萨松饼 Apparate,阿帕拉特 Apparate trading card,阿帕拉特交易卡 Appare vestigium,狩猎者 Appare vestigium gif,逮捕的马甲线GIF Apparently causes people to perform their activities poorly,显然会导致人们的活动表现不佳 Apparition,幻觉 Apparition,幽灵 Apparition class,幽灵类 Apparition disapparition,消失的幽灵 Apparition examiner,幽灵考官 Apparition instructor,通灵指导员 Apparition spirit,通灵的精神 Apparition test centre,通灵测试中心 Appeal against house elf slavery,对家庭精灵奴役的上诉 Appear to converse with one another from a distance,出现远距离交谈的情况 Appearance of blemishes pustules and or nodules,出现斑点脓包和或结节 Apple,苹果 Apple,苹果公司 Apple app store,苹果应用商店 Apple beet salad,苹果甜菜沙拉 Apple brook,苹果小溪 Apple fruit,苹果水果 Apple pie,苹果馅饼 Apple tree,苹果树 Appleby,苹果比 Appleby arrows,苹果比的箭头 Apples,苹果 Applewood and dragon heartstring wand,苹果木和龙心弦魔杖 Apply for a travel permit,申请旅行许可 Approval for whipping,申请鞭打的批准 Approx 1920s no later than 1978,约20世纪20年代不晚于1978年 Approx 1 50 to 2 10 meters,约1 50至2 10米 Approximately 13 7 billion years ago,约1370亿年前 Apricot,杏子 April,四月 April fools day,愚人节 April hughes,四月休斯 Aqua eructo,水仙花 Aqua eructo charm,魅力之水 Aqua eructo duo,水族的二重奏 Aqua eructo spellbook,水族的魔法书 Aqua lung,水肺 Aqua vitæ,水瓶座 Aquarius,水瓶座 Aquatic,水族 Aquatic wonders of yorkshire a wizards field guide,约克郡的水生生物奇观--魔法师实地指南 Aquavirius maggot,水瓶座蛆虫 Arabella doreen figg,阿拉贝拉-多琳-菲格 Arabella figg,阿拉贝拉-弗格 Arabella figgs parents,阿拉贝拉-弗格斯的父母 Arabella langley,阿拉贝拉-兰利 Aragog,阿拉格 Aragog and mosags children,阿拉戈格和莫萨格的孩子 Aragogs lair,阿拉戈格的巢穴 Araminta meliflua black,阿拉明塔-梅利夫拉-黑 Arben bajraktaraj,阿本-巴吉拉塔拉吉 Archer evermonde,阿切尔-埃弗蒙德 Archibald alderton,阿奇博尔德-阿尔德顿 Archibald bennett,阿奇博尔德-班尼特 Archibald disambiguation,阿奇博尔德的歧义 Archie aymslowe,阿奇-阿姆斯洛 Archipelago ridiculus,建筑师 Architect,建筑师 Architect of hogwarts,霍格沃茨的建筑师 Archives of the norwegian ministry of magic,挪威魔法部的档案 Arctic circle,北极圈 Arcturus black,黑牛座 Arcturus black,阿克图鲁斯黑 Arcturus black i,阿克图鲁斯黑 I Arcturus black ii,北极星黑二 Arcturus black iii,黑牛座 III Are attracted to heat,受热吸引 Are usually grown in gardens,通常生长在花园里 Area of the tigris–euphrates river system,沣-幼发拉底河系的面积 Area spell,地区咒语 Aretha ayeh,阿雷莎-阿耶赫 Argentina,阿根廷 Argentinian council of magic,阿根廷魔法委员会 Argentinian national quidditch team,阿根廷国家魁地奇队 Argo pyrites,阿尔戈黄铁矿 Argonaut cps1,阿尔戈cps1 Argos,阿尔戈斯 Argus filch,阿古斯-菲尔奇 Argus filch trading card,阿古斯-菲尔奇交易卡 Argus filchs chains,阿耳戈斯-菲尔克斯的链子 Argyllshire,阿盖尔郡 Ariadne spinners,阿丽亚娜纺纱机 Ariana dumbledore,阿丽亚娜-邓布利多 Ariel singleton,阿丽亚娜单人 Ariella annabel paradise,阿丽亚娜-安娜贝尔天堂 Aries,白羊座 Arinzé kene,阿林泽克内 Aristotle twelvetrees,亚里士多德十二树 Arithmancer,阿利森 Arithmancy achievement accolade,算术成就赞誉 Arithmancy class,算术课 Arizona,亚利桑那 Arjeplog,阿杰普格 Arjuna balaji,阿朱纳-巴拉吉 Arkansas,阿肯色州 Arkie alderton,阿肯色-阿尔德顿 Arkie aldertons alleged son,阿基尔-阿尔德顿被指控的儿子 Arkie aldertons kwik repair shop,阿基-阿尔德顿的Kwik维修店 Arkie philpott,阿肯色-菲尔普特 Armadillo,犰狳 Armadillo bile,犰狳的胆汁 Armadillo bile mixture,犰狳胆汁混合物 Arman shettigar,阿尔曼-谢提格 Armand malfoy,犰狳 Armando dippet,阿尔曼多-迪佩特 Armando dippet master or moron?,Armando dippet大师还是白痴? Armando dippets broomstick,扫帚式的阿尔曼多 Armchair to human spell,扶手椅对人的咒语 Armenia,亚美尼亚 Armenian junior nationals quidditch team,亚美尼亚青年国家魁地奇队 Armenian warlock,亚美尼亚术士 Armotentia,亚美尼亚术士 Armour,盔甲 Armoury,铠甲 Arnaud adam,阿诺德-阿达姆 Arnica,阿尼卡 Arnie,阿尼 Arnie swekel,阿尼-韦克尔 Arnold,阿诺德 Arnold guzman,阿诺德-古斯曼 Arnold streeton,阿诺德-斯泰顿 Arnold vogler,阿诺德-沃格勒 Arnulf moe,阿诺夫-莫伊 Aromatic,芳香剂 Aron woodbridge,阿隆-伍德布里奇 Around 13 feet,13英尺左右 Around 15 feet,15英尺左右 Around 2 inches,2英寸左右 Around 7 feet,7英尺左右 Around the wizards eleventh birthday,巫师十一岁生日前后 Arresting dangerous criminals,逮捕危险的罪犯 Arresto momento duo,逮捕势头二人组 Arresto momentum,逮捕势头 Arrow,箭 Arrow shooting spell,箭射击法术 Arsenius jigger,箭术 Art,艺术 Art classroom,艺术教室 Art club for gryffindor,格兰芬多的艺术俱乐部 Art deco,艺术装饰 Art department,艺术部 Art director,艺术总监 Art director at ea bright light,艺术总监在Ea bright light Art historian,艺术史学家 Artefact room,艺术品室 Artem sinelnikov,阿特姆-西内尔尼科夫 Artemis,阿特米斯 Artemis goddess,阿特米斯女神 Artemis owl,阿特米斯猫头鹰 Artemisia lufkin,阿特米斯-鲁夫金 Artemius lawson,阿特米斯-劳森 Arthur,亚瑟 Arthur,阿瑟 Arthur a levine books,阿瑟-莱文的书 Arthur a levine books special rehearsal ed edition,阿瑟-莱文书籍特别排练版 Arthur b g,阿瑟-B-G Arthur bowen,阿瑟-鲍文 Arthur conan doyle,阿瑟-柯南-道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur disambiguation,阿瑟的歧义 Arthur dylan f bowen,阿瑟-迪伦-鲍温 Arthur g,阿瑟g Arthur hufflepuff student,亚瑟-赫夫帕夫学生 Arthur series,亚瑟系列 Arthur weasley,亚瑟-韦斯莱 Arthur weasley duel gif,亚瑟-韦斯莱的决斗GIF Arthur weasley trading card,亚瑟-韦斯莱交易卡 Arthur weasleys brothers,亚瑟-韦斯莱兄弟 Arthur weasleys contact at the floo regulation panel,亚瑟-韦斯莱的联系在浮动调节面板上 Arthur weasleys letter to harry potter,亚瑟-韦斯莱给哈利-波特的信 Arthur weasleys letter to ronald weasley,阿瑟-韦斯莱给罗纳德-韦斯莱的信 Arthur weasleys non magical junk,亚瑟-韦斯莱的非魔法垃圾 Arthur weasleys shed,亚瑟-韦斯莱的棚子 Arthur weasleys ten subordinates,亚瑟-韦斯莱的十名部下 Arthur weasleys ten unidentified subordinates,亚瑟-韦斯莱的十位身份不明的部下 Arthur weasleys wand,亚瑟-韦斯莱的魔杖 Arti shah,阿尔提-沙赫 Artichoke,小蓟 Artist,艺术家 Artist sculptor,艺术家雕塑家 Artistic director,艺术总监 Arts council england,英格兰艺术委员会 Arturo cephalopos,阿图罗-头孢普斯 Artwork,艺术作品 As a reward for effort,作为努力的回报 As you like it,如你所愿 Ascendio,扬帆起航 Asgard pettersson,阿斯加德-彼得森 Asgeir knutsen,阿斯盖尔-克努特森 Ash,灰烬 Ash newman,阿什-纽曼 Asha,阿斯哈 Ashe family,阿什家族 Ashen,阿申 Ashley,阿什利 Ashley artus,阿什利-阿图斯 Ashley disambiguation,阿什利消歧义 Ashley mcguire,阿什利-麦奎尔 Ashley papworth,阿什利-帕普沃思 Ashley sanders,阿什利-桑德斯 Ashok khanna,阿肖克-卡纳 Ashwinder,邓文迪 Ashwinder egg,阿什温德蛋 Asia,亚洲 Asian dragon hair,亚洲龙毛 Asiatic anti venoms,亚洲反毒剂 Asier cebeira,阿西尔-塞比拉 Asier newman,琥珀 Asma rahman,阿斯玛-拉赫曼 Aspect,阿斯玛 Aspen,阿斯本 Aspyr cmac port of pc version,阿斯佩尔cmac移植的PC版 Assassin,猎手 Assassination,刺杀 Assaults target with directed object,用定向物体攻击目标 Assists the caster in cheating on written papers,协助施术者在书面论文上作弊 Association football team,足球协会队 Assyria,亚述 Aston scott,阿斯顿-斯科特 Astonishingly blue,令人惊讶的蓝色 Astor bellchants owl,阿斯特-贝尔彻特的猫头鹰 Astoria malfoy,阿斯托利亚-莫尔弗伊 Astoria malfoy,阿斯托利亚-莫尔弗伊 Astoria malfoys ancestor,阿斯托利亚-莫尔福伊的祖先 Astrix alixan,阿斯特里克斯-阿利桑 Astrology,宇宙学 Astronomer,天文学家 Astronomy,天文学 Astronomy,天文学 Astronomy class,天文课 Astronomy classroom,天文教室 Astronomy club,天文俱乐部 Astronomy corridor,天文走廊 Astronomy department,天文系 Astronomy homework meeting,天文学家庭作业会议 Astronomy reading room,天文阅览室 Astronomy room,天文室 Astronomy stairs,天文楼梯 Astronomy students,天文系学生 Astronomy tower,天文塔 Astronomy tower courtyard,天文塔的院子 Astrophysicist,天体物理学家 At least one boy,至少有一个男孩 At least one child,至少一个孩子 At least one grandson,至少一个孙子 At least one hundred and fifty miles per hour,至少每小时一百五十英里 At least one magical member,至少有一个神奇的成员 At least one nephew niece,至少一个侄子侄女 At least one nephew or niece,至少一个侄子或侄女 At least one son or daughter †,至少一个儿子或女儿 † At the end of each of your opponents turns do 1 damage to each creature that did damage to you that turn cost 7,在你的对手的每个回合结束时,对该回合对你造成伤害的每个生物造成1次伤害,费用为7 At the end of each of your opponents turns if he or she played a non lesson card that turn he or she takes 1 damage,在对手的每个回合结束时,如果他或她在该回合打出了一张非教训牌,他或她将受到1个伤害。 At the end of each of your opponents turns if there are any cards in his or her hand he or she chooses 1 of them and discards it damage 0health 1,在你的对手的每个回合结束时,如果他或她的手上有任何牌,他或她会选择其中的一张并丢弃它,伤害为0健康。 At the end of each of your turns if you played an adventure card that turn draw up to 4 cards,在你的每个回合结束时,如果你在该回合打出了一张冒险牌,那么你最多可以抽4张牌。 At the end of each of your turns if you played an adventure card that turn your may search your deck you may take a character card from your deck show it to your opponent and put it into your hand then shuffle your deck,在每个回合结束时,如果你在该回合打出了一张冒险卡,你可以搜索你的卡组,你可以从你的卡组中拿一张角色卡给你的对手看,然后把它放进你的手牌中,然后洗牌。 At the end of each of your turns remove all damage counters from cobra lily damage each turn 2health 3cost 5,在你的每个回合结束时,移除眼镜蛇百合的所有伤害计数器,每个回合的伤害为2健康3费用5 At the end of your opponents turn you win the game unless your opponent has at least 10 more cards in his or her deck than you do,在你的对手回合结束时,你赢得了游戏,除非你的对手在他或她的卡组中至少比你多出10张牌。 At the end of your turn draw a card if you played at least 1 spell card that needs quidditchcardtype power that turn cost 5,在你的回合结束时抽一张牌,如果你在该回合至少打出了一张需要魁地奇卡类力量的法术牌,则费用为5。 At the start of the game if harry second year is your starting character secretly write down the name of a creature item or spell card if your opponent plays that card you may reveal what you wrote down if you do at the end of that turn you may shuffle up to 20 non healing cards from your discard pile into your deck,在游戏开始时,如果哈瑞二年级是你的起始角色,请秘密写下一张生物、物品或法术牌的名字,如果你的对手打出那张牌,你可以揭开你写下的东西,如果你这样做了,在该回合结束时,你可以从你的弃牌堆中洗出最多20张非治疗性的牌到你的卡组中。 Atlanta,亚特兰大 Atlantic,大西洋 Atlantic cod,大西洋鳕鱼 Atlantic ocean,大西洋海洋 Atlantic records,大西洋记录 Atlas of celestial anomalies,天体异常图集 Atmospheric charm,大气的魅力 Atomhawk design ltd,寰鹰设计有限公司 Atrium,中庭 Atsushi takagi,Atsushi Takagi Attachments,附件 Attack at dedalus diggles home,在dedalus diggles家的攻击 Attack at dedalus diggles house,攻击德达鲁斯-迪格斯的家 Attack at godrics hollow,在Godrics Hollow的攻击 Attack at godrics hollow 1981,1981年在Godrics Hollow的攻击 Attack at godrics hollow 1997,1997年在Godrics hollow的攻击 Attack at the burrow,在洞穴的攻击 Attack at the great lake,在大湖的攻击 Attack at the tonks residence,在唐克斯住宅的攻击 Attack in little whinging,攻击在小惠宁 Attack of the killer forest,杀手森林的攻击 Attack on alastor moody,攻击阿拉斯托-莫迪 Attack on arthur weasley,攻击亚瑟-韦斯莱 Attack on barty crouch snr and viktor krum,攻击Barty Crouch Snr和Viktor Krum Attack on frank and alice longbottom,攻击弗兰克和艾丽斯-隆巴顿 Attack on harry potter in hogsmeade,攻击霍格莫德的哈瑞-波特 Attack on irma dugard,攻击伊尔玛-杜加德 Attack on london,攻击伦敦 Attacks multiple enemies,攻击多个敌人 Attempts to transform into animals or part humans will not reverse automatically,试图变身为动物或部分人类的行为不会自动逆转 Attila g kerekes,阿提拉-克雷克斯 Attracted to shiny objects and metals,被闪亮的物体和金属所吸引 Attracted to the scent of flowers,被花的香味所吸引 Aubergine,茄子 Auburn,奥本 Audiobook narrator,有声书叙述者 Audrey weasley,奥黛丽-韦斯莱 Audrey weasley,奥黛丽-韦斯莱 Augmented reality book,扩增现实书 Augurey,奥古雷 August,八月 August 19 1946,8月19日 1946年 Augusta longbottoms handbag,奥古斯塔-隆博顿的手提包 Augusta longbottoms howler to neville longbottom,奥古斯塔-隆博特姆给内维尔-隆博特姆的贺电 Augusta longbottoms howler to neville longbottom 1994,1994年奥古斯塔-隆博特姆对内维尔-隆博特姆的问候语 Augusta longbottoms vulture hat,奥古斯塔-隆博顿斯的秃鹫帽 Augustus pye,奥古斯塔斯-佩伊 Augustus rookwood,奥古斯都-罗克伍德 Augustus worme,奥古斯都-沃姆 Aunt elladora,艾拉多拉姨妈 Aunt marge,姨妈玛吉 Aunt marges waltz,玛格丽特阿姨的华尔兹 Auntie marge,姨妈玛吉 Aura,阿拉 Aurelius dumbledore​​,邓布利多(Aurelius dumbledore Aurologist,邓布利多 Auror,傲罗 Auror commissioner,傲罗专员 Auror department,傲罗部门 Auror division,傲罗部门 Auror office,曙光办公室 Auror office investigation department,傲罗办公室调查部 Auror practice range,曙光者练习场 Auror training,曙光者训练 Auror training rooms,曙光者训练室 Aurora sinistra,曙光之城 Aurors handbook,曙光者手册 Aurélie dumont,奥雷利-杜蒙(Aurélie Dumont Austin guthrie,奥斯汀-格思里 Austin powers in goldmember,奥斯汀-波尔斯的黄金会员 Austin powers the spy who shagged me,"秘密武器 ""是什么?" Australian flyabout 50,澳大利亚50号飞艇 Australian national quidditch stadium,澳大利亚国家魁地奇体育场 Australian national quidditch team,澳大利亚国家魁地奇队 Australian quidditch league,澳大利亚魁地奇联赛 Austria,奥地利 Author,作者 Author,作家 Author and diplomat,作家和外交官 Author and translator,作家和翻译家 Author arithmancer,作者的算术师 Author data scientist,作家数据科学家 Author journalist screenwriter playwright,作者记者编剧剧作家 Author of hairy snout human heart,作者:毛鼻人的心 Author poet,作家诗人 Author ref,作者的参考文献 Author theoritician,作者是理论家 Author unknown published by scolastic ltd,作者未知,由Scolastic有限公司出版 Auto answer quill,自动回答笔芯 Auto biography,自动传记 Automatically correcting whatever is written with it,自动纠正任何用它写的东西 Avada kedavra,阿瓦达-克达拉 Avada kedavra gif,阿瓦达-克达沃拉gif Avalanche software,阿瓦拉软件 Avalon,阿瓦隆 Avenseguim,阿文斯吉姆 Avenseguim gif,阿文斯吉姆gif Average height of a human,人类的平均身高 Averages from 57 60,平均为57 60 Avery,艾利 Avery,艾利 Avery family,艾弗里家族 Avery hawksworth,艾利-霍克斯沃斯 Avery i,艾利一世 Avery ii,艾利二世 Aviatomobile,艾维多姆汽车 Aviatus,艾维图斯 Aviemore,艾维摩尔 Aviemore station master,阿维摩尔站长 Aviemore train station,阿维摩尔火车站 Avifors,阿维福斯 Avifors spell,阿维福斯法术 Avifors spellbook,阿维福斯法术书 Avifors trading card,阿维福斯交易卡 Avis,艾维斯 Avocado skin,牛油果皮肤 Awake,唤醒 Awakens victim,唤醒受害者 Awaking the owner at a certian time,在一定时间内唤醒主人 Award for effort,努力奖 Awarded to wizards for brave or heroic actions,授予勇敢或英勇行动的巫师们 Axe,斧头 Axebanger,斧头人 Axle grease,车轴润滑脂 Axminster,阿克斯明斯特 Azkaban,阿兹卡班 Azkaban burial ground,阿兹卡班埋葬地 Azkaban escapes,阿兹卡班的逃亡 Azkaban escapes 1996 mass breakout,阿兹卡班逃脱1996年的大规模越狱事件 Azkaban security officials and very important wizards,阿兹卡班安全官员和非常重要的巫师 Azkabans island,阿兹卡班岛 Azul marino ink,Azul marino墨水 B c era,B c时代 Babajide akingbade,斐济 Babayaga,巴巴亚加 Babayagas hut,巴巴亚加的小屋 Babbitty rabbitty and her cackling stump,巴比兔和她那咯咯作响的树桩 Babbitty rabbity,巴比兔和她的树桩 Babbling beverage,咿呀学语的饮料 Babbling curse,咿咿呀呀的咒语 Babka,巴布卡 Baboon,狒狒 Baby blue,蓝宝宝 Baby dragon,龙宝宝 Baby dragon trading card,龙宝宝交易卡 Baby faced hobo,娃娃脸流浪汉 Baby harry jpeg,婴儿哈瑞的JPEG照片 Back support which makes the flyer sit upright,使飞人坐直的背部支撑物 Backbeat,背面支持 Backfire,背面的火 Backfire trading card,逆火交易卡 Backfires the spell onto its caster,使咒语反作用于施法者 Backfiring jinx,逆火的扫把星 Backing dancer,反击的舞者 Bacon,培根 Bacon sandwich,熏肉三明治 Badeea ali,巴迪亚-阿里 Badeea alis mother,巴迪亚-阿里的母亲 Badger,巴德格尔 Badgered boy,坏小子 Badgered boy trading card,坏男孩交易卡 Badgering,巴德格林 Bagby family,巴格比家族 Bagman family,巴格曼家族 Bagpipe player,风笛手 Bagpipes,风笛 Bagshot,巴格肖特 Bagshot family,秦始皇陵博物院 Baked beans,舞蹈家 Baked potato,烘焙马铃薯 Bakery,烘焙店 Bakery in surrey,萨里郡的面包店 Bakery pudding lane,蛋糕店布丁巷 Bakewell tart,烘培馅饼 Baking powder,烘培粉 Balaclava,蛋糕店 Balbine lestrange,巴尔滨-莱斯特兰奇 Balbine lestrange,蛋糕店 Balbine lestrange i,蛋糕粉 Balbine lestrange ii,秃头女郎II Bald,秃头 Bald,秃头 Bald head devoid of feathers,没有羽毛的光头 Bald healer,秃头治疗师 Balfour blane,巴尔弗-布莱恩 Ball,舞会 Ballet,秃头 Ballet shoes,芭蕾舞鞋 Ballycastle,巴利卡斯特尔 Ballycastle bats,巴利卡斯特的蝙蝠 Balm,巴尔姆 Baltimore,巴尔的摩 Bamport,巴姆波特 Ban on experimental breeding,禁止实验性繁殖 Banana,巴纳 Banchory,班乔里 Banchory bangers,班科里的流浪汉 Band at bill weasley and fleur delacours wedding,比尔-韦斯莱和芙蓉-德拉库斯婚礼上的乐队 Band at william weasley and fleur delacours wedding,威廉-韦斯莱和芙蓉-德拉库斯婚礼上的乐队 Band in a horcrux,在一个角斗场的乐队 Band megaphone,乐队传声筒 Bandages target,绷带目标 Bandaging charm,绷带的符咒 Bandicoot,乐队 Bandit,乐队 Bandoffee tart,糖果盒 Bandon,蝴蝶结 Bandon banshee,班顿女妖 Baneberry,巴纳贝里 Baneberry potion,班纳贝里药水 Baneberry potion trading card,班贝里药水交易卡 Bang bang boggart banger,砰砰砰博格特邦格 Bang ended scoots,砰砰结束的滑板车 Banga odeluga,班加-奥德鲁加 Banger pub style sandwich,班加酒吧风格的三明治 Bangladesh,孟加拉 Bangladeshi ministry of magic,孟加拉的魔法部 Bangs and smells magic,班加的气味魔法 Banishing charm,禁忌的魅力 Banjo,班卓琴 Bank guard,银行守卫 Banker,银行家 Banshee,班瑟 Bantam dell publishing group,Bantam dell出版集团 Banyan tree,榕树 Barbara trentham,芭芭拉-特伦特姆 Barber,バーベル Barbershop near little whinging,理发店附近的小抱怨 Barberus bragge,扬子晚报 Barberus bragges advisors,Barberus bragges顾问 Barcelona,巴塞罗那 Barclay street,巴克莱街 Barcode,巴尔的摩 Bard,巴德 Barebone family,Barebone家族 Barfreston,辽宁省 Barker muggle,巴克麻瓜 Barker wizard,巴克巫师 Barking mad male gargoyle,吠叫的疯狂男妖怪 Barmaid,巫师 Barman,侍者 Barman at the three broomsticks,三根扫帚上的酒保 Barn,谷仓 Barn owl,谷仓猫头鹰 Barn owl trading card,谷仓猫头鹰交易卡 Barnabas cuffe,巴纳巴斯袖口 Barnabas deverill,巴纳巴斯-迪弗里 Barnabus blenkinsop,巴纳巴斯-布伦金索普 Barnabus finkley prize for exceptional spell casting,Barnabus finkley卓越施法奖 Barnaby celestial ball dancing jpeg,巴纳比的天体球舞蹈jpeg Barnaby disambiguation,巴纳比的歧义 Barnaby lee,巴纳比-李 Barnaby lees dress robes,巴纳比-李的礼服长袍 Barnaby lees father,巴纳比-李的父亲 Barnaby lees grandmother,巴纳比-李的祖母 Barnaby lees mother,巴纳比-李的母亲 Barnaby lees rings,巴纳比-李的戒指 Barnaby lees wand,巴纳比-李斯的魔杖 Barnaby ollerton,巴纳比-奥勒顿 Barnaby snell,巴纳比-斯奈尔 Barnsley,巴恩斯利 Barnton,邓小平 Barnton amateur quidditch team,Barnton业余魁地奇队 Barny weasley,巴尼-韦斯莱 Baron,巴伦 Barry dowden,巴里-道登 Barry mccarthy,巴里-麦卡锡 Barry rochester,巴里-罗切斯特 Barry ryan,Barry Ryan Barry trotter,巴里-特鲁特 Barry winkle,巴里-温克尔 Bart edwards,Bart Edwards Bartemius crouch disambiguation,巴特米乌斯-克劳奇(Bartemius crouch)的歧义 Bartemius crouch jr,巴特米乌斯-克劳奇(Bartemius Crouch Jr Bartemius crouch jrs letter to lord voldemort,巴特米乌斯-克劳奇先生给伏地魔的信 Bartemius crouch jrs letter to tom riddle,巴特米乌斯-克劳奇先生给汤姆-里德尔的信 Bartemius crouch jrs mother,邹市明的母亲 Bartemius crouch junior,小巴特米乌斯-克劳奇 Bartemius crouch juniors mother,小巴特米乌斯-克劳奇的母亲 Bartemius crouch senior,巴特米乌斯-克劳奇学长 Bartemius crouch seniors wand,汪洋恣肆,不拘一格降人才。 Bartemius crouch snrs grandfather,巴特米乌斯-克劳奇的祖父 Bartholomeus,爷爷 Bartholomew,巴托洛缪 Barty,巴蒂 Baruffio,巴鲁菲奥 Baruffios brain elixir,巴鲁菲奥的脑部灵药 Baruffios wife,巴鲁菲欧斯的妻子 Basal and curved,基底和弯曲的 Baseball,棒球 Bash dinsmore,巴什-丁斯莫尔 Basic hexes for the busy and vexed,忙碌和烦恼的人的基本六芒星 Basil,巴塞尔 Basil flack,巴斯尔-弗莱克 Basil fronsac,罗勒-弗伦萨克 Basil horton,罗勒-霍顿 Basilisk,巴西利克 Basilisk egg,鸡蛋 Basilisk horn,巴西利克的角 Basilisk tongue,巴斯利克的舌头 Basilisk venom,巴西利斯克的毒液 Basketball,篮球 Basque liberation group,巴斯克解放组织 Bass,贝斯 Bast,巴斯特 Bastien janvier,巴斯蒂安-扬维耶 Bastien queensbury,巴斯蒂安-昆斯伯里 Bat,巴特 Bat bogey hex,蝙蝠的六位数 Bat bogey hex of 1972,"1972年的 ""蝙蝠 ""六角" Bat spleen,蝙蝠的脾脏 Bat spleens,蝙蝠脾脏 Bat wing,蝙蝠翼 Bath,沐浴 Bath bun,巴斯包子 Bathilda bagshot,巴斯尔达袋状物 Bathilda bagshots books,巴蒂尔达的书 Bathilda bagshots home,巴蒂尔达包包的家 Bathing,洗澡 Bathsheda babbling,巴斯达的咿呀学语 Bathtub recreation,浴缸娱乐 Batman,蝙蝠侠 Batman begins,蝙蝠侠开始 Batman begins,蝙蝠侠开始 Batman v superman dawn of justice,蝙蝠侠对超人的正义曙光 Bats blood soup,蝙蝠血汤 Battenberg cake,巴滕伯格蛋糕 Batter,面糊 Battered sausage,"巴特曼的 ""香肠""(Battered sausage" Battle,蝙蝠侠 Battle instinct,蝙蝠血汤 Battle of the astronomy tower,天文塔之战 Battle of the department of mysteries,神秘学系之战 Battle of the ministry of magic,魔法部之战 Battle of the seven potters,七个陶工之战 Battlefield,战场 Batworthy junk,巴特沃斯的垃圾 Baubillious,巴比利亚人 Baubillious trading card,巴比利亚交易卡 Bavaria,巴伐利亚 Bay,湾区 Bay horse,湾马 Be the erumpent,肥胖者 Bea,碧 Beach ball,沙滩球 Beady,喙喙 Beak balm,喙膏 Beaked,喙的 Beaker of bartholomew,喙傕笚喔`笓喙堗竾 Beaky,雀斑 Bean,豆 Bean bonus room,豆类奖励房间 Bean challenge rooms,豆类挑战房间 Beans used as foodstuff,用作食品的豆子 Bear,熊 Bear a sickle,熊的镰刀 Beard bag,胡子袋 Beard towers,胡子塔 Beard trimming,修剪胡须 Bears a lantern,熊熊的灯笼 Beast,野兽 Beast climbing,攀登野兽 Beast codes,野兽代码 Beast division,野兽划分 Beast ownership ban,野兽所有权禁令 Beasts,野兽 Beat back those bludgers boys and chuck that quaffle here,击退那些飞毛腿男孩,把球棒扔到这里来 Beater,打手 Beater grabs the snitch,击球手抢夺告密者 Beaters bat,击球手的球棒 Beaters bat trading card,打击者球棒交易卡 Beating the bludgers a study of defensive strategies in quidditch,击退小飞虫--魁地奇的防守策略研究 Beatrice haywood,斗牛士 Beatrix bloxam,斗牛士 Beatrix bloxams aunt,姑妈 Beaufort family,博福特家族 Beaumont marjoribanks,博蒙特-马约里班克斯(Beaumont Marjoribanks Beautification potion,美化药水 Beautifies caster,美化施法者 Beautifying robes,美化长袍 Beauty spell,美好的咒语 Beauxbatons academy of magic,美斯巴顿魔法学院 Beauxbatons carriage,城堡马车 Beauxbatons examinations,博斯巴顿考试 Beauxbatons gardens,博斯巴顿花园 Beauxbatons horses,博斯巴顿的马匹 Beauxbatons lawns,博克斯巴顿的草坪 Beauxbatons park,博克斯巴顿公园 Beauxbatons students,博克斯巴顿的学生 Beauxbatons students and staff,博克斯巴顿的学生和工作人员 Beauxbatons uniform,博斯巴顿的制服 Beauxbaxtons academy of magic,博克斯巴顿魔法学院 Beaver,海狸 Beaver moon,海狸的月亮 Bebe cave,贝贝山洞 Becky arncliffe,贝基-安克利夫 Becomes ice or steam at extreme temperaturespreparation boiling,在极端温度下会变成冰或蒸汽,准备沸腾 Bedazzling hex,炫目的六角 Bedford,贝德福德 Bedivere,变得更有活力 Bedpan room,卧铺室 Bee,蜂 Beech,榉树 Beech tree on the edge of the black lake,黑湖边上的山毛榉树 Beechwood and dragon heartstring wand,榉木和龙心弦魔杖 Beedle the bard,吟游诗人比德 Beef,牛肉 Beef lamb guinness stew,炖牛肉羊肉吉尼斯酒 Beer,啤酒 Beetle,甲壳虫 Beetle buttons,甲壳虫纽扣 Beetle buttons trading card,甲壳虫纽扣交易卡 Beetle eye,甲壳虫的眼睛 Beetle eyes,甲壳虫的眼睛 Beetle eyes,甲壳虫的眼睛 Beetle eyes trading card,甲壳虫的眼睛交易卡 Beetle ring,甲壳虫戒指 Beetroot,甜菜根 Before 1975,1975年以前 Before 1991,1991年前 Before 1993,1993年之前 Before 1997,1997年前 Before 2003 to present,2003年以前至今 Before 30 october 1949,1949年10月30日前 Before addition of final ingredient,加入最后成分之前 Before each of your turns bludger does 3 damage to your opponent if a match is in play cost 4,在你的每个回合之前,如果你的对手在比赛中花费了4美元,那么闪避者对你的对手造成3点伤害。 Before each of your turns count the number of other characters you have in play you may draw that many cards,在每个回合之前,计算你在游戏中的其他角色的数量,你可以抽出相同数量的牌。 Before each of your turns count the number of plants you have in play do that much damage to your opponent,在每个回合之前,计算你手中的植物数量,对你的对手造成那么大的伤害。 Before each of your turns if there are 4 or fewer cards in your hand you may draw a card,在每个回合之前,如果你的手牌有4张或更少,你可以抽一张牌。 Before each of your turns if there is a match in play you get 1 more action that turn,在每个回合前,如果你有一个火柴在手,你在该回合会有一个额外的行动。 Before each of your turns if you have an adventure in play your opponent takes 2 damage,在你的每个回合之前,如果你有一个正在进行的冒险,你的对手会受到2个伤害。 Before or between 1772 and 1781,在1772年和1781年之前或之间 Befuddlement draught,愚人节 Beginner,初学者 Beginner,初学者 Begonia,海棠花 Beige,米色 Being,作为 Being always among the top goal scorers,始终处于最佳射手行列 Being considered the best team from south america,被认为是南美最好的球队 Being division,担任司职 Being flynn,作为弗林 Being one of the most accomplished quidditch teams in the world,作为世界上最有成就的魁地奇球队之一 Being pioneers of the long goal,作为长传球的先驱者 Being the most successful japanese quidditch team,作为最成功的日本魁地奇队 Belby family,贝尔比家族 Belch powder,贝尔奇粉 Belcher,贝尔奇 Belchers bottled beers,贝尔彻的瓶装啤酒 Belgium,洛克菲勒 Bell,贝尔 Bell family,贝尔家族 Bell jar,铃铛罐 Bell towers,贝尔塔 Bella,贝拉 Bella,贝拉 Bella disambiguation,贝拉的歧义 Bella dog,贝拉狗 Bella farley,贝拉法利 Belladonna,贝拉多纳 Bellatrix kills sirius jpeg,贝拉特里克斯杀了小天王jpeg Bellatrix lestrange,贝拉特里克斯-莱斯特兰奇 Bellatrix lestrange,贝拉特里克斯-莱斯特兰奇 Bellatrix lestranges first wand,贝拉特里克斯-莱斯特兰奇的第一根魔杖 Bellatrix lestranges knife,贝拉特里克斯-莱斯特兰奇的刀 Bellatrix lestranges second wand,贝拉特里克斯-莱斯特兰奇第二根魔杖 Bellatrix lestranges spell,贝拉特里克斯-拉斯特朗日咒语 Bellatrix lestranges unidentified spell,贝拉特里克斯-莱斯特朗日的不明咒语 Bellatrix lestranges wand,贝拉特里克斯-莱斯特朗日的魔杖 Bellchant family,Bellchant家族 Belly button lint,肚脐眼的绒毛 Belt,腰带 Belvina black,贝尔维纳黑 Belvina burke,蓓尔维娜-伯克 Belvina burkes daughter,贝尔维纳-伯克斯的女儿 Belvina burkes sons,贝尔维纳-伯克思的儿子们 Belvina burke’s daughter,贝尔维纳-伯克的女儿 Bem,贝姆 Ben starky stark,Ben Starky Stark Ben borowiecki,本-博罗维茨基 Ben bubb,本-布勃 Ben clarke,本-克莱克 Ben copper,本-铜 Ben coppers father,本-科普斯的父亲 Ben coppers mother,本-科普斯的母亲 Ben johnstone,本-约翰斯通 Ben lloyd hughes[http divergent wikia com wiki ben lloyd hughes],Ben lloyd hughes[http divergent wikia com wiki ben lloyd hughes] Ben shephard,本-谢泼德 Ben thompson,本-汤普森 Bendy,本迪 Beneath bridges,桥梁下面 Benedick in much ado about nothing,"本尼迪克在 ""无事生非 ""中" Benedict,本尼迪克特 Benedict clarke,本尼迪克特-克拉克(Benedict Clarke Benedict oliver dudley clarke,本尼迪克特-奥利弗-达德利-克拉克 Benedita dourado,本尼迪塔-杜拉多 Benefiting disadvantaged children,为弱势儿童造福 Benjamin mcewen,本杰明-麦克文(Benjamin Mcewen Benjamin papac,本杰明-帕帕克 Benjamin peter shephard,本杰明-彼得-谢泼德 Benjamin stone,本杰明-斯通 Benjy fenwick,本杰明-芬威克(Benjy Fenwick Benjy williams,本杰明-威廉姆斯(Benjy Williams Beret,贝雷特 Berkshire,勃克郡 Berlin,柏林 Bermondsey wall,百慕大墙 Bermuda triangle,百慕大三角 Bernadette,伯纳黛特 Bernadettes wand,伯纳黛特的魔杖 Bernadettes wand jpeg,墙面的设计 Bernard lockwood,伯纳德-洛克伍德 Bernard maltby,伯纳德-马特比 Bernard william rickman †,伯纳德-威廉-里克曼 † Bernardo santos,伯纳德-桑托斯 Bernice stegers,伯尼斯-斯特格斯 Bernie,伯尼 Berries,浆果 Berries eaten as fruit,作为水果食用的浆果 Berries have sweet taste,浆果有甜味 Berries used as potion ingredients,浆果被用作药水成分 Berry,浆果 Berry bliss,浆果的幸福 Berry ocky rot,浆果腐烂 Bertha jorkins,贝塔-乔金斯 Bertha jorkins aunt,伯莎-乔金斯的姑妈 Bertha jorkins second cousin,贝塔-乔金斯第二表妹 Bertha jorkinss aunt,姑姑贝塔-乔金斯 Bertha jorkinss second cousin,贝塔-乔金斯的第二个表妹 Berthilde roche,贝蒂尔德-罗奇 Bertie bott,伯蒂-布特 Bertie botts every flavour beans,伯蒂-博特的每一种口味的豆子 Bertie higgs,朴槿惠 Bertram aubrey,伯特伦-奥布里(Bertram Aubrey) Bertrand de pensées profondes,"朴槿惠的 ""深层思考""(Bertrand de pensées profondes)。" Beryl,蓓蕾 Bespectacled slytherin,尊敬的斯莱特林 Bespectacled slytherin girl,尊敬的女士们、先生们: 你们好 Best actor,最佳男演员 Best actor for the theory of everything,万物理论》的最佳男演员 Best actor in a leading role,最佳男主角 Best actor in a leading role for darkest hour,最黑暗的时刻》的最佳男主角 Best actor nomination,最佳男演员提名 Best actor nomination for the danish girl,丹麦女孩》获最佳男主角提名 Best actor nomination the elephant man 1980,1980年《大象》最佳男主角提名 Best actor nomination the english patient]] 1996,最佳男主角提名《英国病人》]]。1996 Best actress,最佳女演员 Best actress nomination,最佳女演员提名 Best adapted screenplay,最佳改编剧本 Best cinematography roma,最佳电影摄影 罗玛 Best costume design,最佳服装设计 Best director gravity,最佳导演引力 Best director roma,最佳导演罗玛 Best editing gravity,最佳剪辑奖 重力 Best featured actress in a play for the history boys,历史男孩》剧中最佳特色女演员 Best foreign language film roma,最佳外语片罗玛 Best laid plans,最佳计划 Best man,最佳男主角 Best original screenplay nomination,最佳原创剧本提名 Best original song,最佳原创歌曲 Best supporting actor,最佳男配角 Best supporting actor nomination,最佳男配角提名 Best supporting actor nomination midnight express 1978,1978年午夜快递最佳男配角提名 Best supporting actress nomination,最佳女配角提名 Bestiarium magicum,魔术师协会 Beth,贝丝 Beth chalmers,贝丝-查尔姆斯 Bethan james,贝丝-詹姆斯 Bethany harrison,贝丝妮-哈里森 Bethany harrisons drawing,贝瑟妮-哈里森绘画 Bethany harrisons fairy necklace,贝瑟妮-哈里森的仙女项链 Bethany harrisons sketch,贝瑟妮-哈里森素描 Bethany harrisons toybox,贝瑟妮-哈里森的玩具箱 Bethany lucey,贝瑟妮-鲁西 Bethany swordbane,贝瑟尼的剑刃 Bethnal green,Bethnal Green Betony,贝托尼 Betty bickering,贝蒂争吵 Betty braithwaite,贝蒂-布莱斯韦特 Betty huxley,贝蒂-赫胥黎 Between 10th century and 1926,在10世纪和1926年之间 Between 115 and 117,在115和117之间 Between 1485 and 1603,在1485年和1603年之间 Between 1980 1997,在1980年至1997年之间 Between 1998 and 2017,在1998年和2017年之间 Between 1 september 2007 and 31 august 2008,在2007年9月1日至2008年8月31日之间 Between 265 and 353 lbs,在265和353磅之间 Between the 1960s and 1991,在20世纪60年代和1991年之间 Beverage ingredient,饮料成分 Beverley cross,贝弗利十字架 Bewitched sleep,迷魂阵 Bewitched sleep spell,蛊惑人心的睡眠法术 Bewitched snowballs,迷魂雪球 Bewitched snowballs trading card,迷魂雪球交易卡 Bewitched tea set,迷魂茶具 Bewitched teapot,迷魂茶壶 Bewitches snowballs to follow and harass a designated target,迷魂雪球跟随并骚扰指定目标 Bex grant,贝克斯补助金 Bezant,贝赞特 Bezoar,蟾蜍 Bhupen shastri,Bupen shastri Biarritz,比亚里茨 Biased commentary,有偏见的评论 Biassed commentary,有偏见的评论 Bible,圣经 Biblical times,圣经》时代 Bicorn,璧人 Bicycle,自行车 Biding hands or ankles,韬光养晦的手或脚踝 Big bang,大爆炸 Big bean shack,大豆棚 Big bean shack spokeswoman,大豆棚的女发言人 Big ben,大本营 Big d,大D Big foot,大脚 Big foots last stand,大脚的最后一站 Big gold locket,大金吊坠 Big hands,大手 Big yellow thorns,大黄刺 Bigfoot,大脚 Biggleswade,大脚怪 Bigonville,大手 Bigonville bombers,轰炸机 Bihar british india,英属印度比哈尔邦 Bihornbulchin,比霍恩布尔钦 Biko kisawahi,比科基萨瓦希 Bili keogh,比里科格 Bilius finbok,Bilius finboks Bilius finboks customer records,Bilius finboks的客户记录 Bilius finboks delivery slip,Bilius finboks送货单 Bilius finboks house,Bilius finboks的房子 Bill,账单 Bill clinton,比尔-克林顿 Bill disambiguation,比尔消除歧义 Bill nighy,比尔-尼格希 Bill of goblin rights,妖精的权利法案 Bill ollerton,比尔-奥勒顿(Bill Ollerton Bill weasley,比尔-韦斯莱 Bill weasleys pen friend,比尔-韦斯莱的笔友 Bill weasleys wand,比尔-韦斯莱的魔杖 Billie,比尔 Billy stubbss rabbit,比利-斯塔布斯的兔子 Billywig,比利-维格 Billywig sting,蜇伤比利维格 Billywig sting slime,比利维格蜇伤粘液 Billywig stings,比利维格蜇伤 Billywig wings,比利维格的翅膀 Bilton bilmes,比尔顿比尔梅斯 Bimetal alchemical thread,双金属炼金线 Bin,滨 Bin juice,宾汁 Binde johal,滨德-乔哈尔 Binding magical contract,具有约束力的魔法契约 Binds target,捆绑目标 Binds target in ropes,用绳索捆绑目标 Binds targets arms in luminous cords,用发光的绳索捆绑目标的手臂 Bing bong snaps,乒乒啪啪 Binky,彬彬有礼 Binns family,宾斯家族 Binns revenge,宾斯的复仇 Binoculars,双筒望远镜 Biographical author,传记作者 Biography,传记 Biography of harry potter,哈里-波特的传记 Bipedal,两足动物 Birch,桦树 Bird,鸟类 Bird conjuring charm,鸟类变魔术的魅力 Bird of prey,猎物之鸟 Bird watching,观察鸟类 Birds on the seventh floor,七楼的鸟儿 Birmingham,伯明翰 Birmingham the royal crescent holland park west london chicago illinois,伯明翰 皇家新月酒店 霍兰德公园 西伦敦 芝加哥伊利诺伊州 Birthday party,生日聚会 Birthday wishes,生日愿望 Biscuit,饼干 Bites anyone who tries to drink out of it on the nose,咬住任何试图用它喝水的人的鼻子 Bites cause bad luck,咬人会带来厄运 Bites when disturbed,被打扰时咬人 Biting doorknob,咬门把手 Biting fairy,咬人的仙女 Biting jinx,咬人的扫把星 Biting kettle,咬人的水壶 Biting people,咬人的人 Biting teeth,咬人的牙齿 Bitten st mungos patient,被咬的圣蒙哥斯病人 Bitter,苦的 Bitter root,咬人的根 Björn blizzard,咬牙切齿 Black,饥饿 Black,棕色 Black and brown,黑色和棕色 Black and glittery,黑色和闪亮的 Black and grey,黑色和灰色 Black and silver,黑色和银色 Black and white,黑与白 Black and white,黑与白 Black and white cat,黑与白的猫 Black and white with one magpie on the chest and another on the back,黑白相间,胸前有一只喜鹊,背部有一只喜鹊 Black bat,黑蝙蝠 Black bat trading card,黑蝙蝠交易卡 Black carp co,黑鲤鱼公司 Black cat,黑猫 Black cat brand potato crisps,黑猫牌薯片 Black cat flu,黑猫流感 Black cat flu epidemic,黑猫流感疫情 Black currant,醋栗 Black dark brown,黑暗的褐色 Black death,黑人死亡 Black family ghoul,黑家族的食尸鬼 Black family tapestry,黑家族挂毯 Black flames,黑焰 Black forest,黑森林 Black grey,黑灰色 Black grey milky white,黑灰色的乳白色 Black hawk down,黑鹰坠落 Black hole,黑洞 Black horse,黑马 Black in colour,黑色的颜色 Black knight,黑骑士 Black knight,黑骑士 Black lake incident,黑湖事件 Black lion boxing academy,黑狮拳击学院 Black magic,黑魔法 Black mamba,黑曼巴 Black or brown,黑或棕 Black pepper,黑胡椒 Black pudding,黑布丁 Black quill,黑毛丹 Black scorpion,黑蝎子 Black sea,黑海 Black smoke,黑烟 Black still at large,逍遥法外的黑人 Black swan,黑天鹅 Black turn blue in winter,冬天的黑色变成蓝色 Black walnut,黑胡桃 Black walnut,黑胡桃 Black widow,黑寡妇 Black with a gold ponytail,黑色的金色马尾辫 Black with a scarlet bat,黑色的大红蝙蝠 Black with red markings,棕色斑纹的黑色 Blackadder ii,黑梯二 Blackboard writing spell,黑板书写的咒语 Blackcurrant,愤怒的小鸟 Blackpool,黑池 Blackpool pier,黑池码头 Blacksmith,橄榄球 Blackthorn,黑荆棘 Blackthorn wand,橄榄枝 Blagdon blay,剑桥大学 Blagging,抹茶 Blagging trading card,布拉格交易卡 Blaise zabinis mother,布莱斯-扎比尼的母亲 Blaise zabinis mothers seven husbands,布莱斯-扎比尼母亲的七个丈夫 Blake amanda perlman,鲍勃-迪克曼 Blancmange,布兰姆格 Blast ended skrewt,爆炸结束了 Blasting curse,爆破的诅咒 Blasts holes in ground,地面上的爆破孔 Blasts target into the air rippling along objects to reach target,将目标炸到空中,沿着物体波纹到达目标。 Blatching,拍打 Blatta pulvereus,斑点 Blemishes,斑点 Blemishes on skin,皮肤上的斑点 Blenheim stalk,布兰尼姆茎 Bletchley,斑点 Bletchley,布莱切利 Bletchley family,布莱切利家族 Bletchley musician,布莱切利音乐人 Blibbering humdinger,幽默的人 Blind,盲人 Blind pig song,盲猪之歌 Blindfolds target,盲人的眼睛 Blinding white becoming steam when blood is added,盲目的白色在加入血液后变成蒸汽 Blinkhorn,盲角 Blinky,盲眼 Blishen,盲文 Blishen,布利申 Blishen family,Blishen家族 Blishen muggle,布利申麻将 Blishens fire cinnamon flavoured whisky,Blishens火肉桂口味的威士忌 Blishens firewhisky,布利森火酒 Blishens safety matches,Blishens安全火柴 Blishwick family,布里森家族 Blitzen ballet,Blitzen芭蕾舞团 Blizzard cloak,暴风雪披风 Block,块 Blocked,封锁的 Blocked barrier,封锁的屏障 Blocked barrier trading card,封锁的屏障交易卡 Blocked trading card,封锁的交易卡 Blocks the victims airways as though strangled by invisible hands,阻断受害者的呼吸道,就像被无形的手掐住了脖子一样 Blodwyn bludd,布洛德温-布洛德 Bloke who fixed the toilet at leaky cauldron,修理漏水大锅的厕所的人 Blond,金发女郎 Blond,金发碧眼 Blonde,金发女郎 Blonde,金发 Blonde and wavy,金发碧眼,波涛汹涌 Blonde cpossibly,可能是金发 Blonde cpossibly formerly,以前可能是金发 Blood,血色 Blood ball,血球 Blood brothers my life amongst the vampires,血液兄弟 我在吸血鬼中的生活 Blood flavoured lollipop,血腥味的棒棒糖 Blood malediction,血的诅咒 Blood pact,血之盟约 Blood red,血红 Blood red in colour,血红的颜色 Blood red upon completion,完成后为血红色 Blood red with a silver meat cleaver emblazoned on the chest,胸前印有银色切肉刀的血红色 Blood replenishing potion,补血药水 Blood status,血液状态 Blood sucking bugbear,吸血虫 Blood traitor,血族叛徒 Bloodpactalbusgrindel gif,血腥的布什格林德尔gif Bloodroot,血根 Bloodroot poison,血根毒药 Bloodroot poison trading card,血根毒药交易卡 Bloody baron,血淋淋的男爵 Bloody eyeball,血腥的眼球 Bloody mary,血腥的玛丽 Bloomsbury harry potter website,布卢姆斯伯里哈利波特网站 Bloomsbury in universe,宇宙中的布鲁姆斯伯里 Bloomsbury live chat,布卢姆斯伯里即时聊天 Bloomsbury publishing,布卢姆斯伯里出版社 Blordak,布洛达克 Blow dry,吹干 Blowfly,蝴蝶 Blowing up of marjorie dursley,轰轰烈烈的马乔里-杜斯利 Blows things up,吹起的东西 Blows up and disintegrates the target,炸毁目标并使之瓦解 Blowtorch,蝴蝶 Bloxam family,布卢姆家族 Blt,爆炸 Blubberhouses,鲸脂屋 Bludgeoning boggart of old london town,伦敦老城的殴打性怪物 Bludger,搅拌机 Bludger backbeat,爆炸性的反击 Bludger bop,爆炸性的波普 Bludger bop trading card,爆炸物交易卡 Bludger in the stands,看台上的飞毛腿 Bludger trading card,飞毛腿交易卡 Blue,轰隆隆 Blue,蓝色的 Blue and bronze,蓝色和青铜色 Blue and green,蓝色和绿色 Blue and red,蓝色和红色 Blue and white lightning,蓝色和白色的闪电 Blue black brown and white,蓝色黑色棕色和白色 Blue colour,蓝色的颜色 Blue coloured,蓝色的颜色 Blue fumes and colour,蓝色的烟雾和颜色 Blue green,蓝色的绿色 Blue grey,蓝色灰色 Blue in colour,彩色的蓝色 Blue in colour and misty,蓝色的颜色和雾气 Blue mountains,蓝色的山 Blue or red in colour,蓝色或红色的颜色 Blue salamander,蓝色的蝾螈 Blue sparks,蓝色的火花 Blue special jinx,蓝色的特殊扫把星 Blue when predicting future,预测未来时的蓝色 Blue white,蓝白色 Blue white and orange,蓝色的白色和橙色 Blue wig,蓝色假发 Blue wig trading card,蓝色假发交易卡 Blue with pink wings,蓝色与粉色的翅膀 Blue yellow,蓝色的黄色 Bluebell flames,蓝莓色的火焰 Bluebell flames trading card,蓝铃花的火焰交易卡 Bluebottle,蓝瓶 Bluebottle broom,蓝瓶扫帚 Bluebottle broom trading card,蓝瓶扫帚交易卡 Blueish white,蓝白色 Bluewater,蓝水 Bluish pink,蓝粉色 Bluish white,偏蓝的白色 Blunderbuss,布鲁德布斯 Blunt weapons,钝器 Blurting,爆破 Blythe parkin,棕色 Boa,博亚 Boa constrictor,蟒蛇 Boa constrictor at the zoo,动物园里的蟒蛇 Boa constrictor trading card,蟒蛇交易卡 Boar,野猪 Board game,棋盘游戏 Boarhound,猎犬 Boater,船长 Boathouse,帆船俱乐部 Boathouse bell tower,船屋的钟楼 Boathouse passageway,船屋通道 Boathouse steps,船屋台阶 Bob,鲍勃 Bob disambiguation,鲍勃的歧义 Bob hitchens,鲍勃-赫钦斯 Bob mccabe,鲍勃-麦卡比 Bob ogden,鲍勃-奥格登 Bob ogden,鲍勃-奥格登 Bob ollerton,鲍勃-奥勒顿 Bob petillo,鲍勃-佩蒂略 Bob yves van hellenberg hubar,鲍勃-伊夫-范-海伦伯格-胡巴尔 Bobbin family,鲍勃家族 Bobbin familys chain of apothecaries,鲍勃家族的连锁药房 Boddingtons pub ale,博丁顿酒吧啤酒 Bodmin moor,博德明沼泽地 Bodmin moor millenium stadium,博德明沼泽千禧年体育场 Bodrag iii,博德拉格三世 Bodrig the boss eyed,博德瑞格--有眼睛的老板 Bodrod the bearded,大胡子博德 Body,身体 Body blow,身体的打击 Body blow trading card,身体的打击交易卡 Body for protection of magical species,保护神奇物种的身体 Body fragrance,身体的芬芳 Body temperature below freezing,身体温度低于冰点 Bogey like taste,妖怪般的味道 Bogeyman,妖怪人 Boggart,妖怪 Boggart banishing spell,博格特的驱逐咒语 Boggart in the wardrobe,衣柜里的博格特 Boggle,博格尔 Bogle banshee,博格尔女妖 Bognor,博格诺尔 Bogomil levski,博戈米尔-列夫斯基 Bogrod,博格罗德 Boil cure,疔疮疗法 Boil cure trading card,疔疮治疗的交易卡 Boil ridden house elf,煮熟的房子精灵 Boise,博伊西 Bolandi,博朗迪 Bolandis exquisite crystallised pineapple,博兰迪精致的结晶菠萝 Bolandis exquisite crystallized pineapple,博兰迪精致的结晶菠萝 Bole family,博勒家族 Bombarda,邦巴达 Bombtastic bomb,巨大的炸弹 Bonaventure,蝴蝶结 Bonawentura wójcik,炸弹 Bond of blood charm,血缘关系的魅力 Bonds two objects together,将两个物体结合在一起 Bone,炸弹 Bones family,骨头家族 Bonfire night,篝火之夜 Bonhabille,灵魂 Boniface,蜡烛 Bonnet,邦尼 Bonnie burton,邦尼-伯顿 Bonnie francesca wright,邦尼-弗兰西斯卡-怀特 Bonnie mcbride,邦尼-麦克布莱德 Bonniers konversationslexikon,邦妮的对话集锦 Book,书籍 Book about patricia rakepick,关于帕特里夏-雷克皮克的书 Book containing a list of hogwarts students,包含霍格沃茨学生名单的书 Book illustrator,书中的插画师 Book in fifth floor cursed vault,在第五层被诅咒的金库的书 Book in the founders tower,创始人塔中的书 Book of admittance,认可的书 Book of common prayer,普通祈祷书 Book of monsters repair workshop,怪兽修理厂的书 Book of potions,药水之书 Book of spells,法术之书 Book of spells challenges,法术挑战书 Book of spells name author,法术书的作者姓名 Book of spells wizard values quiz,法术书中的魔法师价值测试 Book on nogtails,书籍中的nogtails Book on reem anatomy,雷姆解剖学书籍 Book on vampires,关于吸血鬼的书 Book transfiguring spell,书中的变身咒语 Bookworm,书虫 Boom berry,浆果 Boomslang,轰隆隆的声音 Boomslang skin,布姆斯兰的皮肤 Boones island,布恩斯岛 Boosts an individuals performance with certain talents,提高个人在某些方面的能力 Boosts intellect,提高智力 Boot and shoemaker for witches and wizards,靴子和鞋匠为女巫和魔法师服务 Boot brothers father,靴子兄弟的父亲 Boot brothers fathers wand,靴子兄弟的父亲的魔杖 Boot brothers mother,靴子兄弟的母亲 Boot brothers mothers wand,靴子兄弟的母亲的魔杖 Boot family,靴子家族 Bootmaker,靴子制造商 Borage,琉璃苣 Borboleta,BORBOLETA Borgin,博尔金 Borgin and burkes,博尔金和布尔克斯 Boris disambiguation,鲍里斯的歧义 Boris the bewildered,茫然的鲍里斯 Borough of islington,伊斯林顿区 Borrowed wand,借来的魔杖 Borrowed wand trading card,借来的魔杖交易卡 Borys the brute,蛮横的鲍里斯 Bossa nova,波萨诺瓦 Boswell,波斯韦尔 Bosworth acres debenham,博斯沃斯-阿克塞尔-德本汉 Both muggle and magical,麻瓜和魔法都有 Both sides suffered losses,双方都遭受了损失 Bottle shock,瓶子冲击 Bottom bridge,桥底 Bottom of the well,井底之蛙 Bouillabaisse,炖菜 Boulevard haussmann,豪斯曼大道 Boulevard voltaire,伏尔泰大道 Bouncing bulb,蹦蹦跳跳的灯泡 Bountiful brew,丰富的酿造物 Bounty hunter,赏金猎人 Bovingdon hertfordshire england uk,英国赫特福德郡的博文顿(Bovingdon)。 Bowler,弓箭手 Bowman e wright blacksmith,弓箭手E-怀特铁匠 Bowman wrights father,Bowman wrights的父亲 Bowman wrights mother,鲍曼-莱特的母亲 Bowtruckle,弓箭手 Box o rockets,火箭盒 Box of confiscated items,被没收物品的盒子 Boxing,拳击 Boxing day,拳击日 Boxing telescope,拳击望远镜 Boy,男孩 Boy 2,男孩2 Boy in study hall,自习室里的男孩 Boy who attended charm school,参加魅力学校的男孩 Boy who failed avifors spell,阿维福斯咒语失败的男孩 Boy who failed avifors spells cousin,阿维福斯法术失败的男孩的表哥 Boy who kept a bezoar in his pocket,口袋里藏着牛魔王的男孩 Boy who kept a bezoar in his pockets brother,在他的口袋里放了一个牛魔王的男孩的兄弟 Boy who lied,撒谎的男孩 Boy who lived,活着的男孩 Boy who owned a magic hamster,拥有魔法仓鼠的男孩 Boy who owned a magic hamsters father,拥有魔法仓鼠的男孩的父亲 Boy who owned a magic hamsters mother,拥有魔法仓鼠母亲的男孩 Boy who played sir luckless,扮演幸运先生的男孩 Boyle,鲍勃 Boys restroom,男生洗手间 Boys will be boys,男孩将是男孩 Bozo,博佐 Brackium emendo,勃拉基姆-埃门多 Bradley,幼儿教育 Bradleys reinforced indoor spell shelter,布雷德利加固的室内法术庇护所 Braga broomfleet,布拉加扫把星 Braga northwestern portugal,布拉加 葡萄牙西北部 Brain,大脑 Brain room,大脑室 Braking charm,煞车符 Bram stokers dracula,洛克菲勒-德库拉 Bramble fields,荆棘丛生的田野 Bran the bloodthirsty,嗜血的布兰 Brand family,烙印家族 Brandish wand,布兰登的魔杖 Brandon avery perlman,布兰登-艾维-佩尔曼 Brandon doyen,布兰登-多恩 Brandy,布兰迪 Branston pickle,布兰斯顿泡菜 Brass,袥邪褌褍薪薪褘泄 Brass cauldron,大锅饭 Brass scales,鳞片 Bravado,勇敢的人 Brave,勇敢 Bravery,勇敢 Bravery against fantastic beasts award,勇敢对抗神奇的野兽奖 Bravery charm,勇敢的魅力 Brazil,巴西 Brazil versus haiti,巴西对阵海地 Brazil versus wales,巴西对阵威尔士 Brazilian,巴西 Brazilian ministry of magic,巴西魔法部 Brazilian national quidditch team,巴西国家魁地奇队 Bread,麵包 Break in of gringotts wizarding bank,闯入格林戈特巫师银行 Break in of gringotts wizarding bank 1991,闯入格林戈特魔法银行 1991年 Break in of gringotts wizarding bank 1998,闯入格林戈特巫师银行1998年 Break in of severus snapes office,闯入Severus Snapes的办公室 Break with a banshee,与女妖决裂 Breaker of records,纪录的打破者 Breakfast cereal bowl,谷类早餐碗 Brecon beacons mountain range,突破了的记录 Brecon mountain range,采矿业 Bred as domestic farm animals,作为国内农场动物饲养的 Brendan columbus,布伦丹-哥伦布 Brevis birch,布莱维斯-伯奇 Brewed glory,酿造的荣耀 Brews and stews,酿酒和炖菜 Brian,酿酒 Brian cinderford,布莱恩-辛德福 Brian disambiguation,布莱恩消除歧义 Brian gagwilde,酿酒师 Brian gagwilde iii,布莱恩-加格维德三世 Brian selznick,邓小平 Brian sibley,布莱恩-西布利 Brian thomas abraham,布莱恩-托马斯-阿布拉罕 Brian thomas abraham,布莱恩-托马斯-阿布拉汉姆 Brian wheeler,布莱恩-韦勒 Briar toad,荆棘蟾蜍 Bridesmaid,桥牌 Bridge conjuring spell,桥上的魔术咒语 Bridget,桥 Bridget jones diary,布里奇特-琼斯的日记 Bridget jones the edge of reason,布里奇特-琼斯,理性的边缘 Bridget joness diary,布里奇特-琼斯的日记 Bridget wenlock,布里奇特-温洛克 Bridget wenlocks cousin,布里奇特-温洛克的表妹 Bridging charm,桥梁的魅力 Brigade of witch hunters,巫师猎人大队 Brigg,布里格 Briggs brooms,布里格扫帚 Bright blue,明亮的蓝色 Bright brown,明亮的棕色 Bright enough to be painful to look at,亮得让人看了心疼 Bright green,鲜艳的绿色 Bright red in colour,颜色鲜艳的红色 Bright smile award,明亮的微笑奖 Bright yellow,明亮的黄色 Bright yellow in colour,颜色鲜艳的黄色 Brightly coloured,鲜艳的颜色 Brighton,鲜红 Brighton england,英国布莱顿 Brigitte millar,布里吉特-米勒 Brilliant plumage,辉煌的羽翼 Brilliant purple,灿烂的紫色 Bring and fly sale,携带和飞行销售 Bristol,布里斯托尔 Britain,英国 Britain,英国 Britains best dressed wizard award,不列颠最佳着装巫师奖 Britannia,不列颠尼亚 British,英国 British and irish quidditch league,英国和爱尔兰魁地奇联盟 British and irish quidditch league headquarters,英国和爱尔兰魁地奇联盟总部 British association of garden centres,英国园艺中心协会 British government,英国政府 British isles,英属岛国 British library,英国图书馆 British merchant ship,英国商船 British ministry of magic,英国魔法部 British ministry of magic floor directory,英国魔法部楼层目录 British ministry of magic headquarters,英国魔法部总部 British moors,英国沼泽地 British prime minister in 1996,1996年的英国首相 British rail,英国铁路 British rail engineering limited,英国铁路工程有限公司 British telecom,英国电信 British terms,英国条款 British terms b,英国术语b British wizard duelling association,英国巫师决斗协会 British wizarding broadcasting corporation,英国巫师广播公司 British wizarding society through democratic election,英国巫师协会通过民主选举 British youth representative to the wizengamot,英国巫师协会的青年代表 Brittany zeinstra,剑桥大学 Brittle,脆皮 Broad and flat known to survive and even thrive under waggon wheels and on footpaths,宽阔平坦,在马车车轮下和人行道上可以生存甚至发展。 Broad and long,宽而长 Broad leaved deciduous,宽叶落叶 Broadmoor family,阔叶家族 Broadway,百老汇 Brobeck theatre,布罗贝克剧院 Broccoli,锦上添花 Broch in wsnow white and the huntsman,白雪公主与猎人》中的布罗奇 Brockdale bridge,布罗克戴尔桥 Brocklehurst family,布罗克尔赫斯特家族 Brockman theatre,布罗克曼剧院 Broderick bode,梦里花落知多少 Brodrig the boss eyed,布罗德里格的老板眼 Brodwin,布罗德温 Broken balls when fortunes turn foul,运气变坏时的破球 Broken button records,破碎的按钮记录 Broken wand,破碎的魔杖 Bronze,残破的纽扣 Bronze and yellow,青铜和黄色 Brooklyn,纪念品 Brooklyn bridge,布鲁克林桥 Broom battler badge,扫帚打手的徽章 Broom brakes service,扫帚式刹车服务 Broom broom kit,扫帚套件 Broom care station,扫帚护理站 Broom compass,扫帚指南针 Broom cupboard,扫帚柜 Broom cupboard entrance hall,扫帚柜入口大厅 Broom cupboard ground floor,一楼扫帚柜 Broom flyer,扫帚传单 Broom jinx,扫把星的诅咒 Broom jinx counter curse,扫把星柜台的咒语 Broom maker,扫帚制造者 Broom owners who took care of their brooms,照顾他们扫帚的扫帚主人 Broom racing,扫帚竞赛 Broom regulatory control,扫帚监管控制 Broom shop,扫帚店 Broom shop shopkeeper,扫帚店的店主 Broom wax,扫帚蜡 Broomcare,扫帚护理 Broomology,扫帚学 Broomshed,笤帚棚 Broomstick,扫把星 Broomstick designer,扫帚设计者 Broomstick maker,扫帚制造者 Broomstick regulations,扫帚条例 Broomstick servicing kit,扫帚维修包 Broomsticks,扫帚 Brother benedict,哥哥本尼迪克特 Brother boniface,博尼法斯兄弟 Brotherhood of goblins,妖精的兄弟会 Brothers,兄弟 Brothers grimm,格里姆兄弟 Brother†sister,兄弟姐妹 Brown,布朗 Brown,棕色 Brown and spotted,棕色和斑点 Brown and white,棕色和白色 Brown blonde,棕黄色金发 Brown blonde,棕黄色金发 Brown covered in wart like bumps,浑身长满疣状疙瘩的棕色 Brown family,棕色家族 Brown glistening,棕色闪闪发光 Brown gold,棕金色 Brown golden,棕金色 Brown green,棕绿色 Brown green or red in colour,棕绿色或红色的颜色 Brown grey,棕灰色 Brown grey white and or black,棕灰色的白色和或黑色 Brown greying,棕色变灰 Brown in colour,棕色的颜色 Brown or black,棕色或黑色 Brown or lime,棕色或石灰色 Brown owl,棕色猫头鹰 Brown recluse,棕色隐士 Brown ref,棕色参考 Brown with a white stripe,有白色条纹的棕色 Brown with blue tips,有蓝色尖端的棕色 Brown with green pincers,有绿色钳子的棕色 Brownie,棕黄色 Brownish yellow,棕黄色 Brownskin lighteyes brown,棕皮光眼棕 Brownstone,褐石 Brugmansia,勃朗宁 Bruise removal paste,消除瘀伤膏 Bruisewort balm,布鲁斯韦特香膏 Bruisewort balm trading card,布鲁斯沃特香膏交易卡 Brunette,布鲁内特 Bruno bruunhart,布鲁诺-布鲁恩哈特 Bruno delbonnel,布鲁诺-德尔博内尔 Bruno disambiguation,布鲁诺消除歧义 Bruno schmidt,布鲁诺-施密特 Bruno schmidts father,布鲁诺-施密特的父亲 Brutus,吕秀莲 Brutus disambiguation,布鲁特斯消歧义 Bríain gleeson,布里安-格莱森 Bubb,BUBB Bubble bow booster,泡沫弓助推器 Bubble head charm,泡泡头魅力 Bubble juice,泡沫果汁 Bubble machine,泡泡机 Bubble spell,泡沫法术 Bubblegum,泡泡糖 Bubbles slowly,泡泡慢跑 Bubotuber,泡泡糖 Buchanan family,布坎南家族 Buckbeak,巴克比克 Bucking broomstick,降压扫帚 Buckingham palace,剑桥大学 Buckley cooper,剑桥大学 Buckley coopers brother,巴克利-库珀的兄弟 Buckram robe,巴克雷姆长袍 Buckteeth,巴克尔的牙齿 Budgerigar,剑桥大学 Budgie,蝴蝶结 Budleigh babberton,蝴蝶结 Budleigh babberton milkman,布德利-巴伯顿挤奶员 Buffalo,水牛 Buffet car,巴菲特汽车 Buford,布福德 Bufos,布福斯 Bugging device,窃听装置 Builder,筑梦人 Building society,建筑协会 Built in vibration control feature,内置振动控制功能 Bulbadox,炸弹 Bulbadox juice,炸弹汁 Bulbadox powder,玻尔巴多斯粉 Bulgaria,保加利亚 Bulgaria versus japan,保加利亚对日本 Bulgaria versus new zealand,保加利亚对新西兰 Bulgaria versus norway,保加利亚对挪威 Bulgarian,保加利亚 Bulgarian bonbon,保加利亚的bonbon Bulgarian ministry of magic,保加利亚魔法部 Bulgarian national quidditch stadium,保加利亚国家魁地奇体育场 Bulgarian national quidditch team,保加利亚国家魁地奇队 Bulgeye potion,布尔吉耶药水 Bulgeye potion trading card,凸眼药水交易卡 Bulging eyes,凸出的眼睛 Bulldog,斗牛犬 Bulletproof hide,防弹皮 Bullfrog,牛蛙 Bullying,欺凌行为 Bullying anti social behaviour,欺负人的反社会行为 Bulmans ultimate witchs hat liner,斗牛士的终极巫师帽衬垫 Bulrush,愤怒的小鸟 Bulstrode family,霸王花家族 Bulwark,布尔沃克 Bulwark boot,布尔沃克靴子 Bulwark boots,布尔沃克靴 Bumps that can leave scars,可留下疤痕的肿块 Bun,布恩 Bundimun,盆地 Bundimun ooze,邦迪蒙渗出物 Bundimun ooze trading card,邦迪蒙渗出物交易卡 Bundimun pomade,邦迪蒙油膏 Bundimun secretion,邦迪蒙的分泌物 Bungbarrel spiced mead,邦吉桶香料蜂蜜酒 Bungy,酿酒 Bunić sr croatia yugoslavia,布尼奇-克洛维亚-南斯拉夫 Bunny,布尼 Bunty,邦蒂 Burdock muldoon,蒡子 Bureau de la justice magique,刚果(金)司法局 Bureau des accidents et catastrophes magiques,魔法事故和灾难局 Bureau des affaires gastromagiques,胃肠道事务局 Bureau des aurors,检察官办公室 Bureau des magicommunications,魔法通讯局 Burglar alarm,盗贼警报器 Burgock,城堡 Buried vault,埋藏的金库 Buried vault hungarian horntail,埋在地下的金库匈牙利角尾 Burke family,伯克家族 Burkina faso,布基纳法索 Burkinabé ministry of magic,布基那法索魔法部 Burkinabé national quidditch team,布基那法索国家魁地奇队 Burma,布尔玛 Burn hazel,燃烧的榛子 Burn healing paste,烧伤愈合膏 Burning bitterroot balm,燃烧的苦根香膏 Burning bitterroot balm trading card,燃烧的苦根香膏交易卡 Burning bush,燃烧的灌木丛 Burning day,燃烧的日子 Burning materials,燃烧的材料 Burning of the burrow,燃烧的洞穴 Burning of the hogwarts quidditch pitch,霍格沃茨魁地奇球场的燃烧 Burning red when the flesh is added,燃烧的红色,当肉体被添加时 Burning sensation,燃烧的感觉 Burning sensation in the chest above the abdomen,腹部以上的胸部有灼热感 Burns an object,烧伤物体 Burns on the way down,下降时烧伤 Burnt,烧伤 Burrow in soil,土壤中的洞穴 Burrow in the ground,埋在地下的洞穴 Burst of energy,爆发的能量 Burst of red sparks,红色火花的迸发 Bursting mushroom,爆裂的蘑菇 Bury st edmunds,埋葬圣埃德蒙斯 Bust of a medieval wizard,中世纪巫师的半身像 Bust of rowena ravenclaw,罗伊娜-雷文克劳的半身像 Butcher,屠夫 Butter,蝴蝶结 Butterbeer,琥珀 Butterbeer cork necklace,蝴蝶结项链 Buttercream,蝴蝶结 Butterfly,厨师 Butterfly conjuring spell,蝴蝶的魔术咒语 Butterfly weed balm,蝴蝶杂草香膏 Butterfly weed balm trading card,蝴蝶杂草香膏交易卡 Butterscotch,蝴蝶 Buzzard,蝴蝶 Buzzfeed,嗡嗡声 By a stray bludger harry thought but his round blue eyes short blond hair and rosy complexion made him look like a very overgrown schoolboy,哈里认为,被一个流弹击中,但他圆圆的蓝眼睛、金色的短发和玫瑰色的肤色使他看起来像一个长不大的小男孩。 By all players,所有球员 Byron miller,拜伦-米勒 C 1851 1852 or later,C 1851年 1852年或以后 C 23 feet,C 23英尺 C 25 feet,C 25英尺 C 31 may 1976,C 1976年5月31日 C d mcleods bargain store and curiosity shop,C D MCLOOD便宜货商店和好奇心商店 C gilbert co ltd,C Gilbert Co ltd C j gebauhr,C J GEBAUHR C roemmele,C 罗梅尔 C roemmeles letter to petunia and vernon dursley,C 罗梅尔写给彼得尼娅和弗农-杜斯利的信 C williamsum,C WILLIAMSUM Ca h fea t,卡赫-费亚特 Cabbage,白菜 Cabinet maker,橱柜制造者 Cadmus peverell,卡德摩斯-佩雷尔 Cadmus peverells fiancée,卡德摩斯-佩弗尔的未婚妻 Cadogan,卡多根 Cadogans children,卡多根的孩子 Cadogans ex wives,加多宝的前妻 Cadogans father,卡多根的父亲 Cadogans mother,卡多根的母亲 Cadogans pony,加多宝的小马 Cadogans portraitist,卡多根的画像师 Cadogans wand,卡多根的魔杖 Caduceus,卡杜塞斯 Cadwallader,卡德瓦拉德 Caecilians,卡西利亚人 Caerphilly,凯尔菲利 Caerphilly catapults,凯尔菲利投石器 Caesar,凯撒 Caffe latte,拿铁咖啡馆 Cage,笼子 Cage trading card,笼子交易卡 Caipora,凯波拉 Cairo,开罗 Caithness,凯斯纳 Cake,蛋糕 Calamity,灾祸 Calamity cuisine culinary cooking for crisis,灾难料理 烹饪危机的料理 Calamity incident map,灾难事件地图 Calamity investigator,灾难调查员 Calamity lotion,灾星乳液 Calamity management team,灾难管理团队 Calchas,迦勒迦斯 Calderon boot family,卡尔德隆靴族 Calderon family,卡尔德隆家族 Calendar girls,日历女孩 Calico cat,卡利克猫 Calid,卡利德 California,加利福尼亚 California suite,加州套房 Call the midwife,呼叫助产士 Callidora black,呼叫黑猫 Callidora longbottom,呼叫长底船 Callisto,召唤师 Callum turner,呼叫中心 Calm and gentle,平静与温柔 Calming draught,平静的酒水 Calms the drinker,使饮酒者平静 Calufrax edict,卡鲁夫拉克斯诏书 Calvorio,卡沃里奥 Cambridgeshire england,坎布里奇郡英格兰 Camel,骆驼 Camera,摄像机 Cameron boyle,卡梅伦-博伊尔 Camilla cleese,卡米拉-克莱斯 Camp firenze,火焰营 Campaign for greater freedom for wizards,为巫师争取更大自由的运动 Campaign to discredit albus dumbledore and harry potter,诋毁阿不思-邓布利多和哈瑞-波特的运动 Campbell askew,坎贝尔-奥克斯 Campbell graham,坎贝尔-格雷厄姆 Camphirated spirit,坎贝尔的精神 Camping,营地 Campsite manager,营地经理 Can become crazed when angry,愤怒时可以变得疯狂 Can bind bandages,可以捆绑绷带 Can both move and make noise,既能移动又能发出声音 Can burn skin,能烧伤皮肤 Can cause breakouts of boils,可以引起疖子的爆发 Can disguise itself as an everyday object to avoid detection,能把自己伪装成日常用品以避免被发现 Can have green skin,可以拥有绿色的皮肤 Can jump,可以跳跃 Can rot through building structure,能使建筑结构腐烂 Can stun victims,可以击晕受害者 Can wreck indoor environments,可以破坏室内环境 Can you smell something?,你能闻到什么吗? Canada,加拿大 Canada england china and brazil,加拿大、英国、中国和巴西 Canadian,加拿大 Canadian national quidditch team,加拿大国家魁地奇队 Canal street,运河街 Canapé,罐装食品 Canary cream,金丝雀奶油 Canary creams,加那利奶油 Canary islands,加那利群岛 Canary yellow,加那利黄 Cancelled practice,取消的做法 Cancer,癌症 Candle,蜡烛 Candle conjuring spell,蜡烛变魔术的咒语 Candle to purple rabbit,蜡烛变紫兔 Candle to purple rabbit spell,蜡烛对紫兔的法术 Candlewick,烛之武 Candlewick press,烛光晚餐 Candy cart,糖果车 Candy in a can,糖果罐中的糖果 Candyfloss,糖果车 Cane armitage,甘蔗阿米蒂奇 Cannes,戛纳 Cannibalistic,食人族 Cannon,大炮 Canon,卡农 Cant spells,卡特法术 Canterbury,坎特伯雷 Cantis,坎迪斯 Canvas glove,帆布手套 Canvas gloves,帆布手套 Capable of building dams,有能力建造水坝 Capable of eating foods,能吃食物 Capable of flight,能够飞行 Capable of guarding homes,能够守卫家园 Capable of human speech,能说人话 Capable of jumping,能够跳跃 Capable of locomotion,具有运动能力 Capable of movement,具有运动能力 Capable of multiplying,能够繁衍后代 Capacious extremis,可容纳的极端情况 Capital m figure,资本M数字 Capital gains tax,资本利得税 Capital punishment,资本惩罚 Cappuccino,卡布奇诺 Capricorn,モンクレール Captain,舰长 Captain badge,队长徽章 Captain of aurors,警卫队长 Captain of the brigade of witch hunters,猎巫人大队的队长 Captains,队长 Capture rogue werewolves,捕获流氓狼人 Capture wanted criminals,捕获通缉犯 Captures the victim,捕获受害者 Capuchin monkey,毛猴 Car,汽车 Caracas,加拉加斯 Caractacus,猴王 Caractacus burke,布尔克仙人掌(Caractacus Burke Caractacus phelps,爪哇鼠菲尔普斯(Caractacus Phelps Caradoc dearborn,达尔文 Caramel,喀拉喀什 Caravan park,大篷车公园 Carbohydrate,炭素 Carbonated water,炭化水 Cardiff,卡迪夫 Cardinal,营养品 Care of magical creatures,神奇的生物的护理 Care of magical creatures classroom,照顾神奇的生物教室 Care of magical creatures trading card,神奇的生物的护理交易卡 Career criminal,职业罪犯 Careers advice,职业建议 Careless squawk costs lives,粗心大意的叫声使人丧命 Cares and styles hair,护理和发型 Caretaker,护理员 Caretakers filing cabinet,护理人员的文件柜 Caridad angus,护理员 Carkitt market,卡基特市场 Carl,护理 Carl julius c j gebauhr,洛克菲勒公司 Carl smiley,卡尔-微笑 Carlos clodoaldo,卡洛斯-克洛多阿尔多 Carlos eduardos,卡洛斯-埃杜阿尔多斯 Carlos lopez,卡洛斯-洛佩兹 Carlotta pinkstone,卡洛塔-粉石 Carly houston,卡莉-休斯顿 Carmen elizabeth ejogo,卡门-伊丽莎白-埃约戈 Carmen garcia,卡门-加西亚 Carmen straker,卡门-斯特拉克 Carmilla sanguina,Carmilla Sanguina Carneiro players,卡内罗球员 Carneirus method,卡内鲁斯方法 Carnivorous,肉食性的 Carnivorous,肉食性的 Carnivorous and predatory,肉食性和捕食性 Carnivorous scavengers,肉食性清道夫 Caroler,卡罗尔 Caroline purvis,卡罗琳-珀维斯 Caroline wildi,卡罗琳-威尔迪 Carolyn pickles,卡罗琳-皮克斯 Carpathians,喀尔巴阡山脉 Carpe retractum,缩略语 Carpe retractum challenge,伸缩性挑战 Carpe retractum spellbook,伸缩性法术书 Carrot,萝卜 Carrot cake,胡萝卜蛋糕 Carrow,萝卜 Carrow,卡罗 Carrow family,卡罗家族 Carrying supplies,搬运物资 Carter family,卡特家族 Carthorse,卡特马 Cartomancy,卡特曼术 Carves through material,雕刻材料 Cascading jinx,瀑布式扫把星 Cascão porker,卡斯康猪肉 Cashew,腰果 Caspar crouch,卡斯帕尔蹲点 Caspar crouchs daughters,卡斯帕尔的女儿们 Caspar crouchs son,卡斯帕尔-克劳奇的儿子 Casper,卡斯帕 Casper gray,卡斯珀-格雷 Cassandra,卡桑德拉 Cassandra and her cat gustavus,卡桑德拉和她的猫咪古斯塔沃斯 Cassandra hogwarts student,卡桑德拉-霍格沃茨的学生 Cassandra trelawney,卡桑德拉-特劳雷尼 Cassandra vablatsky,卡桑德拉-瓦布拉茨基 Cassandras uncle,叔叔 Cassette tape,卡带 Cassiopeia black,袚芯褉芯胁芯写褋褌胁芯 Cassius bell,铃铛 Cast a spell handbook,咒语手册 Cast a spell kit,施法工具箱 Cast a spell training room,施法训练室 Castelobruxo,卡斯特罗布鲁克索 Castelobruxo castle,卡斯特罗布罗克索城堡 Castelobruxo castle,卡斯特罗布罗克索城堡 Castelobruxo uniform,Castelobruxo制服 Casting director,铸造导演 Castle of the earl of paunchley,帕恩切利伯爵的城堡 Castor bean,蓖麻豆 Castor oil,蓖麻油 Casual flick,休闲的弹跳 Cat,蓖麻油 Cat food,蓖麻油 Cat hair,猫咪的头发 Cat into tea cosy,猫进入茶馆 Cat into tea cosy spell,猫咪进入茶馆的咒语 Catalonia,加泰罗尼亚语 Catalonian fireball,加泰罗尼亚的火球 Catapult,猫弹射器 Catch 22,捕捉22 Catch the snitch,擒贼先擒王 Catch the snitch trading card,捕捉告密者交易卡 Catching and killing vermin,捕捉和杀死害虫 Catching apples,捕捉苹果 Catchpole,捕捉杆 Category authors,类别 作者 Category british isles,类别 英格兰岛国 Category gryffindors,格兰芬多类别 Category hogwarts employees,霍格沃茨员工类别 Category hogwarts students,霍格沃茨学生类别 Category hufflepuffs,赫夫帕夫类别 Category ilvermorny staff,类别 ilvermorny员工 Category magical governments,魔法政府类别 Category magical schools,魔法学校类别 Category plants,植物类 Category ravenclaws,鸦片人类别 Category slytherins,斯莱特林类 Category xxxxx creatures,类别XXXX生物 Caterpillar,毛毛虫 Caterwauling charm,毛毛虫的魅力 Catherine,凯瑟琳 Catherine balavage,凯瑟琳-巴拉瓦格 Catherine laine,凯瑟琳-莱恩 Catherine mccrory,凯瑟琳-麦克罗里 Catherine of aragon,阿拉贡的凯瑟琳 Catherine tyler,凯瑟琳-泰勒 Catherine wheel,凯瑟琳轮 Catoptromancy,命运之轮 Catrina doherty,坎特利娜-多尔蒂(Catrina Doherty Cattermole family,卡特莫尔家族 Cattle,牛 Catullus spangle,卡图卢斯的三角关系 Catwalks by the quad battlements,四合院垛口边的猫腰 Caucasus region of eurasia,高加索地区的欧亚大陆 Caught,捕获 Caught by snape,被斯内普抓住了 Caught trading card,捕获的交易卡 Cauldron cake,大锅饭蛋糕 Cauldron cakes,大锅菜蛋糕 Cauldron cakes to cabbages,大锅饭对白菜的影响 Cauldron cakes trading card,大锅菜交易卡 Cauldron cupboard,锅碗瓢盆 Cauldron monster,锅碗瓢盆怪物 Cauldron room,炉灶房 Cauldron shop,炉灶店 Cauldron to badger,炉鼎变獾子 Cauldron to badger spell,炉灶对獾的咒语 Cauldron to guitar,炼丹炉到吉他 Cauldron to sieve,大锅饭到筛子 Cauldron to sieve trading card,筛子的熔炉交易卡 Cauldron workshop,大锅饭工作室 Cauldroncakestocabbages gif,锅碗瓢盆GIF Cauliflower,花椰菜 Causes a living being to rapidly cycle through youth and old age,导致一个生物迅速地在年轻和年老之间循环。 Causes a rowboat to propel itself,导致赛艇的自我推进 Causes boils to spell sneak on the face of a traitor,导致叛徒的脸上长出疖子来。 Causes chaos,引起混乱 Causes choking possibly suffocation,导致窒息可能窒息 Causes constipation,造成便秘 Causes damage blasts through objects,导致物体爆炸的伤害 Causes ears to wither,导致耳朵枯萎 Causes enlargement on contact,导致接触时肿胀 Causes eyes to bulge,导致眼睛肿胀 Causes fatigue,导致疲劳 Causes forgetfulness,导致健忘 Causes fur to grow on someone,导致某人身上长毛 Causes hair to grow longer and thicker,导致头发变长变密 Causes hives to erupt,导致荨麻疹爆发 Causes illness when eaten,食用时引起疾病 Causes infatuation in the drinker,导致饮酒者迷恋 Causes its victims toenails to grow alarmingly fast,导致受害者的脚趾甲长得惊人地快 Causes living beings to shrink to a smaller form,导致生物缩减到更小的形状 Causes lockjaw,导致下颌骨僵硬 Causes melancholy,导致忧郁症 Causes object to bite the user,导致物体咬住使用者 Causes objects to burn on contact,导致物体在接触时燃烧 Causes pimples to erupt,导致丘疹爆发 Causes sickness when eaten,食用时引起不适 Causes some form of damage to books,对书籍造成某种形式的损害 Causes steam to come out of the drinkers ears for a few hours,使饮酒者的耳朵里冒出蒸汽,持续几个小时。 Causes sunspots to dance around the room it is in,导致太阳黑子在它所在的房间里跳舞 Causes swelling,导致肿胀 Causes target to sneeze,导致目标打喷嚏 Causes target to vomit,导致目标人物呕吐 Causes the consumer to become left handed,导致消费者变成左撇子 Causes the drinker to become infatuated with the giver of the potion,导致饮用者迷恋药水赠送者 Causes the drinker to fall into a deep death like slumber,导致饮用者陷入死亡般的沉睡中 Causes the drinker to speak nonsense,导致饮酒者胡言乱语 Causes the drinkers face to break out in fungi,导致饮酒者脸上长出真菌 Causes the targets legs to become spongy,导致目标人物的腿变成海绵状 Causes the victim to sleep,导致受害者睡觉 Causes the victims skin to break out in boils,导致受害者的皮肤长出疖子 Causes the wand tip to burn like a sparkler whilst damaging the foe,导致魔杖尖端像烟火一样燃烧,同时伤害敌人 Causes weather effects caused by incantations to cease,导致由咒语引起的天气效应停止 Causes yellowish goo to squirt from ones nose,导致黄色的粘液从鼻子里喷出 Caution this plan may backfire,注意,这个计划可能会适得其反 Cavalier,骑士 Cave inimicum,洞窟 Cave inimicum gif,洞中之物gif Cave near hogsmeade,霍格莫德附近的山洞 Caveat smeltonia,斯梅尔托尼亚山洞 Caves,洞穴 Caxambu style borborygmus potion,Caxambu风格的borborygmus药水 Ced,西德 Cedar,雪松 Cedrella black,西德莱拉黑 Cedric,塞德里克 Cedric diggory,瑟德里克-迪戈里 Cedric diggorys friends,塞德里克-迪戈里的朋友 Cedric diggorys mother,薛定谔的母亲 Cedric diggorys wand,塞德里克-迪戈里的魔杖 Celebrating writers and readers,庆祝作家和读者 Celebrating writers readers,庆祝作家读者 Celebrations for harry potters seventeenth birthday,庆祝哈利-波特的17岁生日 Celebratory instrument,庆祝乐器 Celebrity jackpot,名人中奖 Celebrity news,名人新闻 Celery,芹菜 Celery and beetroot,芹菜和甜菜根 Celery and beetroot wine,芹菜和甜菜根酒 Celescere,芹菜 Celestial ball,天体球 Celestial ball decorating committee,天球装饰委员会 Celestina warbeck,塞莱斯蒂娜-沃贝克 Celestina warbeck fan club,Celestina Warbeck粉丝俱乐部 Celestina warbecks father,塞莱斯蒂娜-沃贝克的父亲 Celestina warbecks first husband,塞莱斯蒂娜-沃贝克的第一任丈夫 Celestina warbecks first husband,塞莱斯蒂娜-沃贝克的第一任丈夫 Celestina warbecks mother,塞莱斯蒂娜-沃贝克的母亲 Celestina warbecks second husband,Celestina Warbecks第二任丈夫 Celestina warbecks second husband,Celestina Warbecks第二任丈夫 Celestina warbecks son,塞莱斯蒂娜-沃贝克的儿子 Celestina warbecks wand,塞莱斯蒂娜-沃贝克斯的魔杖 Celia barnett,Celia Barnett Celia barnetts supasnacks,西莉亚-巴内特的超级小吃 Cello,大提琴 Celts,琴师 Centaur,半人马座 Centaur camp,半人马营地 Centaur colony,半人马的殖民地 Centaur liaison office,半人马联络处 Centaury,半人马座 Central department,中央部门 Central park,中央公园 Central park zoo,中央公园动物园 Central tower,中央塔楼 Central tower courtyard,中央塔的院子 Central wand archive,中央档案馆 Centre street,中央大街 Cereal,谷类 Cerebrumous spattergroit,祭祀用的喷壶 Ceremonial signal,仪式信号 Ceremony official,仪式官员 Ceridwens cauldrons,祭祀大锅 Certain trees,某些树木 Cetacean,鲸鱼 Chad,乍得 Chadian national quidditch team,乍得国家魁地奇队 Chadwick boot,查德威克靴子 Chadwick boots wand,查德威克靴子魔杖 Chadwicks charms,查德威克符咒 Chafurin,查夫林 Chains jpeg,链条 jpeg Chair conjuring spell,椅子变魔术的咒语 Chair to cat,椅子变猫 Chair to cat spell,椅子变猫的咒语 Chairman,主席 Chairman of the board,理事长 Chalk,粉笔 Challenge shield,挑战盾牌 Challenge star,挑战之星 Challenge winners,挑战者 Challenges in charming,迷人的挑战 Chamber music,室内音乐 Chamber of reception,接待室 Chamber of secrets,秘密的密室 Chamber off the great hall,大厅外的密室 Chambers,寝室 Chameleon ghoul,变色龙食尸鬼 Chameleon skin gloves,变色龙皮手套 Champagne,香槟酒 Champions league,冠军联赛 Champions of national leagues,国家联赛的冠军 Champions waltz,冠军华尔兹 Chancellor,冠军 Chancellor of the duchy of lancaster,兰卡斯特公国的大法官 Chancellor of the exchequer,财政大臣 Chang,张 Chang family,张氏家族 Change colour every hour,每小时改变颜色 Changes a human into an armchair,将人变成扶手椅 Changes clothes,改变衣服 Changes colour,改变颜色 Changes colour hourly,每小时改变颜色 Changes colour of target,改变目标的颜色 Changes whistles into watches,将口哨变成手表 Changing the form and appearance of an object animal or person,改变物体、动物或人的形状和外观 Chapeau,起首部分 Chapter art,章节艺术 Chapters in harry potter hogwarts mystery,哈里-波特霍格沃茨之谜中的章节 Charcoal black burned cakes,炭黑烧饼 Charge,收费 Charing cross books,绘画 Charing cross road,查林十字路 Charis black,炭黑 Charis crouch,炭烧饼 Charity burbage,慈禧太后 Charity wilkinson,慈爱的威尔金森 Charlatan,恰拉坦 Charles dana gibson,查尔斯-达纳-吉布森 Charles dickens,查尔斯-迪肯斯 Charles disambiguation,查尔斯消除歧义 Charles edwards,查尔斯-爱德华兹 Charles epanel,查尔斯-埃帕内尔 Charles janasz,查尔斯-贾纳什 Charles machin,查尔斯-马金 Charles perrault,查尔斯-佩罗(Charles Perrault Charles pikal,查尔斯-皮卡尔 Charles richard wilson,查尔斯-理查德-威尔逊 Charles thorogood,查尔斯-索罗古德 Charles w edwards,查尔斯-爱德华兹 Charles weasley,查尔斯-韦斯利 Charles weasleys colleagues,查尔斯-韦斯莱的同事 Charles weasleys first wand,查尔斯-韦斯莱的第一根魔杖 Charles weasleys letter to ronald weasley,查尔斯-韦斯莱给罗纳德-韦斯莱的信 Charles weasleys wand,查尔斯-韦斯莱的魔杖 Charlie,霹雳火 Charlie and the chocolate factory,霹雳和巧克力工厂 Charlie barker,查理-巴克尔 Charlie baverstock,查理-巴弗斯托克 Charlie bennison,查理-本尼森 Charlie disambiguation,查理的歧义 Charlie farley,查理-法利 Charlie g,查理-格 Charlie hobbs,查理-霍布斯 Charlie john oldman,查理-约翰-奥德曼 Charlie stainforth,查理-斯坦福斯(Charlie Stainforth) Charlie weasley,查理-韦斯莱 Charlie weasleys colleagues,查理-韦斯莱的同事 Charlotte disambiguation,夏洛特的歧义 Charlotte holland,夏洛特-霍兰德 Charlotte mason apps,夏洛特-梅森应用程序 Charlotte moore,夏洛特-摩尔(Charlotte Moore) Charlotte preko,夏洛特-普雷科 Charlotte skeoch,夏洛特-斯凯奇 Charlus and dorea potter,夏鲁斯和多雷亚-波特 Charlus potters son,夏鲁斯-陶工的儿子 Charm,魅力 Charm school,魅力学校 Charm to cure reluctant reversers,治愈不情愿的反叛者的符咒 Charm to insult severus snape,侮辱斯内普的符咒 Charm your own cheese,魅惑自己的奶酪 Charmed leather gloves,魅力皮手套 Charmed skeleton,迷人的骷髅头 Charmed tent,迷人的帐篷 Charms,魅力 Charms,魅力 Charms accident,迷人的事故 Charms building,魅力建筑 Charms chalice,魅力圣杯 Charms class,魅力课堂 Charms classroom,魅力教室 Charms classroom,魅力教室 Charms club,魅力俱乐部 Charms corridor,魅力走廊 Charms exam,魅力考试 Charms exam trading card,魅力考试交易卡 Charms master,魅力大师 Charms of defence and deterrence,防御和威慑的魅力 Charms staircase,魅力楼梯 Charms trading card,魅力交易卡 Charms tutor,魅力导师 Chas,查斯 Chase armitage,大通阿米蒂奇 Chaser,魅力 Chastity barebone,贞节牌坊 Chateau cos destourel,城堡Cos destourel Chauncey oldridge,恰西-奥尔德里奇 Chauncy,恰恩西 Chavelle arbelo cartaya,朴槿惠 Cheap,廉价 Cheating on exams by correcting ones spelling,通过纠正自己的拼写在考试中作弊 Check,检查 Checked,检查的 Checked trading card,检查过的交易卡 Checking charm,检查符咒 Checks objects for concealed features hidden by magical means,检查物体是否有通过魔法手段隐藏的特征 Cheeri owls,猫头鹰 Cheering charm,欢呼的符咒 Cheers,欢呼声 Cheese,奶酪 Cheese based potions,基于奶酪的药水 Cheese cauldron,奶酪大锅 Cheetah,猎豹 Chelidonium miniscula,螯合小鼠 Chelo vivares,切洛-维瓦雷斯 Chelsea football club,切尔西足球俱乐部 Chemical recipe,化学配方 Cherrelle skeete,樱桃园 Cherry,樱桃 Cherry,樱桃 Cherry fruit,樱桃果实 Cherry syrup,樱桃糖浆 Cherry tree,樱桃树 Chertsey,谢尔西 Cherub,樱桃树 Cheryl klein,谢尔盖-克莱因 Chess player,国际象棋选手 Chess trophy,国际象棋奖杯 Chessboard chamber,棋盘室 Chessie healy,棋士希利 Chester davies,切斯特-戴维斯 Chester hidland,切斯特-希德兰 Chester jpeg,棋牌室 Chester stevens estate agents,切斯特-史蒂文斯地产代理 Chesterfield,切斯特菲尔德 Chestnut,栗子 Chestnut,栗子 Chestnut horse,栗子马 Chestnut tree,栗子树 Chevrolet,雪佛兰 Chewing gum,口香糖 Cheyenne,夏安 Chiara lobosca,栗子树 Chiara loboscas father,芝拉-洛博斯卡的父亲 Chiara loboscas mother,基娅拉-罗伯斯卡的母亲 Chicago,陕西省 Chicago,芝加哥 Chicago tribune,芝加哥论坛报 Chick russell,芝华士-罗素 Chicken,鸡肉 Chicken,鸡肉 Chicken and ham pie,鸡肉和火腿馅饼 Chicken and ham sandwich,鸡肉火腿三文治 Chicken animal,鸡肉动物 Chicken food,鸡肉食品 Chicken fricasse,鸡肉馅饼 Chicken fricassee,鸡肉炒饭 Chicken noodle soup,鸡汤面 Chicken pot pie,鸡肉馅饼 Chicken pox,鸡痘 Chicken run,鸡汤 Chicken salad,鸡肉沙拉 Chie shinohara,筱原千惠 Chief attendant of witchcraft provisions,巫术用品的首席服务员 Chief auror,首席灵气师 Chief bank teller,首席银行出纳员 Chief consulting magizoologist,首席咨询魔术师 Chief death eater,首席食死徒 Chief of staff,参谋长 Chief of the wizards council,巫师委员会主任 Chief snatcher,抢夺者首席 Chief sports writer,首席体育作家 Chief warlock,首席术士 Chief warlock of the wizengamot in 1544,1544年巫师议会的首席术士 Chika sakamoto,坂本千佳 Child,儿童 Child,儿童 Children,儿童 Children stories,儿童故事 Childrens author,儿童作家 Childrens fairy tale,儿童童话故事 Quivering quintus,颤抖的金塔 Quivers and shakes,颤抖和摇晃 Quodpot solution,狴犴的解决方案 Quotes,语录 R a b s locket,R a b s吊坠 R amorim british,R 阿莫林 英国 R j h king,R J H King R lestrange,R 勒斯特兰奇 R palombus,R 帕隆巴斯 R wilde aston,R WILDE ASTON Raashid hussain,R 拉希德-侯赛因 Rabastan lestrange,拉巴斯坦-莱斯特兰奇 Rabat,拉巴特 Rabbit,兔子 Rabbit slippers,兔子拖鞋 Rabbit slippers trading card,兔子拖鞋交易卡 Rabbit to footstool,兔子到脚凳 Rabbit to footstool spell,兔子对脚凳的咒语 Rabbits foot,兔子的脚 Rabdarklordletter gif,拉布达克罗德字母GIF Rabnott family,拉布诺特家族 Raccoon,浣熊 Race for the snitch,兔子的脚 Race for the snitch trading card,争夺告密者的交易卡 Race to find the cursed vaults,寻找被诅咒的金库的比赛 Race to witch mountain,巫婆山的比赛 Rachael codnor,拉切尔-科德诺(Rachael Codnor Rachel,梦想成真 Rachel atkins,愤怒的小鸟 Rachel lin,林瑞秋 Rachel packford,朴素 Racing broom,扫帚 Raczidian,拉齐迪安 Raczidians castle,拉齐迪安城堡 Raczidians wand,拉齐迪恩的魔杖 Rade šerbedžija,卫星导航 Radio broadcasting network,无线电广播网络 Radio host,电台主持人 Radio times,廣播時間 Radolphus lestrange,拉多尔夫斯-莱斯特兰奇 Radolphus pittiman,拉多夫斯-皮蒂曼 Radolphus pittiman,拉多夫斯-皮蒂曼 Radulf,节目主持人 Rafael dante,拉斐尔-丹特 Rafael santos,拉斐尔-桑托斯 Rafe joseph spall,拉夫-约瑟夫-斯波尔 Ragged man wearing chains,褴褛的人戴着链子 Ragmar dorkins,愤怒的小鸟 Ragnok,拉格诺克 Ragnok the pigeon toed,鸽子脚的拉格诺克 Ragnuk,拉格努克 Rahul tandel,拉胡尔-坦德尔 Raid on the hogwarts express,突袭霍格沃茨快车 Raiders of the lost ark,"失落的方舟 ""突袭者" Railview hotel,铁观音酒店 Railway bylaw 15,铁路法规15 Rainbow chariots,彩虹战车 Raincoast books,雨水海岸的书 Rainy day match,雨天的比赛 Raise wand,抬起魔杖 Raises hair up on end,竖起来的头发 Raisin,橄榄枝 Raising money to combat homelessness,筹集资金以打击无家可归者 Rait tails,头发 Ralph bates,拯救世界 Ralph fiennes,拉尔夫-费恩(Ralph Fiennes Ralph heidelberger,拉尔夫-海德堡 Ralph ineson,拉尔夫-伊尼森 Ralph nathaniel twisleton wykeham fiennes,拉尔夫-纳撒尼尔-特里斯勒顿-维基姆-费恩 Ramora,拉莫拉 Rancorous carpe,严格的卡佩 Randolph spudmore,伦道夫-斯帕德摩尔(Randolph Spudmore) Random,随机 Random house,随机的房子 Ranged weapon,遥控武器 Rano potion,坦克 Ransacked,橄榄球 Rap hip hop,钥匙 Rap smartly,聪明的说唱 Rapid hair growth,迅速生长的头发 Rapidly grows plants,迅速生长的植物 Rapier,迅速生长的植物 Rappaports law,拉帕波特法 Rare,罕见的 Rare foil,罕见的金属片 Rare foil premium,稀有金属箔高级 Rare foil primum,稀缺的金箔 Rare holo,罕见的光面 Rare holo portrait premium,罕见的光面人像高级版 Rare holo premium,罕见的全息图像高级版 Rare pedigree breed,罕见的血统品种 Rash,疹子 Raspberry,覆盆子 Raspberry jam,覆盆子果酱 Rat,鼠类 Rat race club,鼠类竞赛俱乐部 Rat spleen,大鼠脾脏 Rat spleen mixture,大鼠脾脏混合物 Rat spleens,大鼠脾脏 Rat tail,大鼠尾巴 Rat tonic,大鼠补品 Rather bendy,相当弯曲的 Rattlesnake,鼠尾草 Raul almeida,老鼠 Raven,蛇 Raven to writing desk,乌鸦到写字台 Raven to writing desk trading card,乌鸦到写字台的交易卡 Ravenclaw,拉文克劳 Ravenclaw boy,拉文克劳男孩 Ravenclaw boys dormitory,拉文克劳男生宿舍 Ravenclaw cake,拉文克劳蛋糕 Ravenclaw common room,拉文克劳公共休息室 Ravenclaw crest,拉文克劳徽章 Ravenclaw duelling arena,拉文克劳决斗场 Ravenclaw duelling club captain,拉文克劳决斗俱乐部队长 Ravenclaw eagle,拉文克劳之鹰 Ravenclaw family,拉文克劳家族 Ravenclaw girl,拉文克劳女孩 Ravenclaw girls dormitory,拉文克劳女生宿舍 Ravenclaw house ghost,拉文克劳家族的幽灵 Ravenclaw lad,拉文克劳的小伙子 Ravenclaw match,拉文克劳比赛 Ravenclaw prefect,拉文克劳学长 Ravenclaw quidditch team,拉文克劳魁地奇队 Ravenclaw staircase,拉文克劳楼梯 Ravenclaw tower,拉文克劳塔楼 Ravenclaw tower staircase,拉文克劳塔楼的楼梯 Ravenclaw vs hufflepuff quidditch match,拉文克劳对赫夫帕夫的魁地奇比赛 Ravenclaw vs hufflepuff quidditch match 1993,拉文克劳对赫夫帕夫的魁地奇比赛 1993年 Ravenclaw wizard duelling champion,拉文克劳巫师决斗冠军 Ravenclaw wizards chess champion,拉文克劳巫师国际象棋冠军 Ravenclaws diadem,拉文克劳的冠冕 Ravine,拉文 Raw,愤怒的小鸟 Rawya zaghloul,拉维娅-扎格鲁尔 Ray donn,邓恩 Ray fearon,雷-法伦 Rayman jilani,雷曼-吉拉尼 Raymond bonham carter,雷蒙德-博纳姆-卡特 Raymonds kitten,雷蒙兹小猫 Raymund lambus,雷蒙德-兰博斯 Raza mohammad,秦海璐 Re visibility spectacles,能见度高的眼镜 Reaching finals in the 1809 quidditch world cup,在1809年魁地奇世界杯上进入决赛 Real book,真正的书 Real madrid,俱乐部 Real madrid club de fútbol,皇家马德里足球俱乐部 Realises all that is best in us,实现了我们身上所有的优点 Reanimated skeleton,灵魂深处的灵魂 Reappearance of the dark mark,黑暗标记的重现 Rear guard,后卫 Rear hall,后方大厅 Reasonably springy,合理的弹力 Rebecca,吕贝卡 Rebecca charlotte becki alden,丽贝卡-夏洛特-贝基-奥尔登 Rebecca disambiguation,丽贝卡的歧义 Rebel,叛逆者 Rebel activist,叛军活动家 Rebel leader,叛军领袖 Rebirth of voldemort,伏地魔的重生 Receiving and viewing tv shows and news,接收和观看电视节目和新闻 Recently,最近 Receptacle for waste,废弃物的容器 Receptionist,接待员 Recklessness,莽撞的人 Recognise bravery against fantastic beasts,认可对神奇野兽的勇敢行为 Recording information of student misbehaviour,记录学生不良行为的信息 Recreation,娛樂 Red,训练 Red,红色 Red and brown,红色和棕色 Red and gold,红色和金色 Red and white,红色和白色 Red berries,红色的浆果 Red brown,红棕色 Red cap,红帽 Red cap,红盖头 Red card,红卡 Red colour when completed,完成后的红颜色 Red colouration,红色的色泽 Red coloured shell,红色着色的外壳 Red coloured when finished,完成后呈红色 Red currant,红醋栗 Red currant rum,红醋栗朗姆酒 Red glowing,红色发亮 Red grapes,红葡萄 Red greying and balding,红色的变灰和变秃 Red haired muggle boy,红头发的麻瓜男孩 Red haired young witch,红头发的年轻女巫 Red haired young witch jpeg,红头发的年轻女巫jpeg Red heads with white spots,有白点的红头 Red in colour,红色的颜色 Red long,红色的长 Red myrrhe,红色的没药 Red oak,红橡树 Red or purple,红色或紫色 Red or purple,红色或紫色 Red or yellow in colour,红或黄的颜色 Red panther,红豹 Red sea,红海 Red sparks,红色的火花 Red special jinx,红色的特殊扫把星 Red squirrel,红色的松鼠 Red white and gold,红色的白色和金色 Red yellow and blue,红色的黄色和蓝色 Redactum skullus,红色骷髅头 Redback spider,红背蜘蛛 Reddish blonde,金色的红色 Reddish brown,红褐色 Reducio,棕色 Reducto,棕色 Reductor curse,红色诅咒 Reed,芦苇 Reem,リーム Reem anatomy,里姆解剖学 Reem blood,里姆血液 Referee,参考资料 Reference section,参考部分 Refilling bowl,加注碗 Refilling charm,补血符 Refilling charm,补给符 Refills beverage containers,饮料容器的加注 Reflective eyes,反射的眼睛 Reflects spells and blocks physical forces,反射法术和阻止物理力量 Reflex badge,反射徽章 Reg,勋章 Regarded as verminous pests,被视为有害的害虫 Regency playhouse,摄政的游戏室 Regeneration potion,再生药水 Regerminating potion,再生药水 Reggie page,雷吉页 Regina rowle,雷吉娜-罗尔 Reginald cattermole,雷金纳德-卡特莫尔 Register office,登记处 Registrar for the order of air voyagers for intrepid wizards,无畏的巫师的空中旅行者协会的登记处 Registry,登记处 Registry of proscribed charmable objects,被禁止的魅力物体的登记处 Registry research board,登记处研究委员会 Registry services,登记处服务 Regrowing hair spell,重新长出头发的咒语 Regulate all sport related events in the wizarding world,监管魔法世界中所有与体育有关的活动 Regulate and control magical equipment,监管和控制魔法设备 Regulates transportation services of wizarding britain,监管英国的运输服务 Regulating use of magic on muggle items,监管对麻瓜物品的魔法使用 Regulus arcturus black,轩辕无极黑 Regulus black,轩辕黑 Regulus black i,轩辕黑i Regulus blacks bedroom,雷古勒斯-布莱克斯的卧室 Regulus blacks letter to lord voldemort,雷古勒斯-布莱克给伏地魔的信 Regulus blacks locket,雷古拉斯-布莱克的吊坠 Regulus moonshine,雷古勒斯的月光 Regurgitating toilet,反刍的马桶 Reiko shibazaki,芝崎玲子 Reindeer,驯鹿 Rejuicing potion,补血药水 Relatives from the accused,被告人的亲属 Relaxation,放松 Releases a defensive electric charge,释放防御性电荷 Releases bindings,释放束缚 Relieves and or cures cold symptoms,缓解和/或治疗感冒症状 Relieves anxiety,缓解焦虑 Religion,宗教信仰 Remembrall,纪念品 Remembrall gif,纪念品GIF Remembrall trading card,纪念品交易卡 Remi osborne,纪念品 Reminds the owner not to procrastinate on their schoolwork,提醒主人不要拖延他们的课业 Remote control crane,遥控吊车 Remove all damage counters from 1 of your creatures in play then draw a card cost 1,从你的一个生物身上移除所有的伤害计数器,然后抽一张牌,费用为1。 Remove all damage counters from all of your creatures cost 2,移除你所有生物的所有伤害计数器,费用为2 Remove all damage counters from all of your creatures in play,从你所有的生物中移除所有的伤害计数值。 Removes a location from plain sight or a map,将一个地点从众目睽睽之下或地图上移开 Removes a persons fingers,移除一个人的手指 Removes boils,移除疖子 Removes enchantments,移除魔法 Removes footprints,移除脚印 Removes victims hair,去除受害者的头发 Removing spots,祛除斑点 Remus and the lupins,莱姆斯和羽扇豆 Remus informs the dursleys that harry is fine and will see them next summer,Remus通知Dursleys,Harry很好,明年夏天就能见到他们。 Remus intends to tell alastor about what he taught students previous year,莱姆斯打算告诉阿拉斯托他去年教学生的事情 Remus john lupin,吕布和约翰-鲁邦 Remus lupins cottage,"邓小平:""我是中国人"",""我是中国人"",""我是中国人" Remus lupins file,吕布的文件 Remus lupins gramophone,吕布的留声机 Remus lupins letter to alastor moody,吕布给阿拉斯托尔-莫迪的信 Remus lupins letter to vernon and petunia dursley,莱姆斯-鲁宾斯写给弗农和彼得妮亚-杜斯莱的信 Remus lupins wand,梦见自己被人打了 Remy olivier,我的天哪!我的天哪!我的天哪!我的天哪!我的天哪 Rendering invisible ink visible,把看不见的墨水变成可见的 Rent a carpet,租用地毯 Repair broken objects,修复破碎的物体 Repairing accidental magical damage,修复意外的魔法伤害 Repairing charms,修复符咒 Repairs holes or worn areas in fabric,修复织物上的洞或磨损部位 Reparifarge,赔偿 Reparifarge gif,补给品 gif Reparifors,修补剂 Reparo,修补 Reparo duo,补习班二重奏 Reparo spellbook,记忆之书 Reparo trading card,驱魔人交易卡 Repelling spell,驱赶法术 Repello inimicum,驱魔咒 Repels intruders,驱赶入侵者 Repels objects,驱除物体 Repetitive,重复性 Replaces a real fireplace,取代真正的壁炉 Replenishes something,补给东西 Replenishing potion,补给药水 Replica of the sword of gryffindor,格兰芬多之剑的复制品 Report card,报告卡 Reporter,报道者 Reports newsworthy events,报道有新闻价值的事件 Represents the body,代表身体 Represents the heart,代表心脏 Represents the mind,代表思想 Represents the soul,代表灵魂 Reptile house,爬行动物馆 Reptile house trading card,爬虫屋交易卡 Reptiles,爬虫类 Reptilian,共和国 Republican party,共和党人 Repurposed dark detectors,侦查员 Rescue of sirius black and buckbeak,拯救Sirius Black和Buckbeak Research,研究人员 Research assistant,研究助理 Research trading card,研究交易卡 Researcher,研究员 Resemble trees,类似树木 Resemble worms,像虫子 Resembles a black cloak,类似于黑色的斗篷 Resembles a stone,类似于石头 Resembles an wplinkox,类似于一个wplinkox Resembles crab,像螃蟹 Resembles dead wood,类似枯木 Resembles fungus,似真菌 Resembles wplinklobster,类似于wplinklobster Resilience training,复原力训练 Resourcefulness,聪明才智 Responsible for both food production and food safety,既负责食品生产又负责食品安全 Responsible for foreign relations and international sporting events,负责对外关系和国际体育赛事 Responsible for implementation of defence policy,负责国防政策的实施 Responsible for implementation of government defence policy,负责执行政府的国防政策 Responsible for investigating and destroying unidentifiable magical objects,负责调查和销毁无法识别的魔法物品 Responsible for regulations regarding alcoholic beverages,负责有关酒精饮料的管理 Responsible for wizard muggle cooperation,负责巫师和麻瓜的合作 Resting,休息室 Resting chamber of lord voldemort,伏地魔的休息厅 Restoration potion,修复药水 Restoration potion trading card,"巫师们的 ""小宇宙""。" Restorative draughts,巫师 Restorative potion no 2,记忆的力量 Restorative potion no 3,记忆的力量 Restores sight,恢复视力 Restrains the foe,抑制敌人 Restricted register,限制性登记 Restricted section,限制区 Restricted section trading card,限制区的交易卡 Resurrection stone,复活石 Retail dry goods association,零售干货协会 Return a match in play to its owners hand cost 4,将游戏中的火柴返回其主人手中,费用为4 Return all creatures in play to their owners hands,将所有在场上的生物送回其主人手中 Return of hans the augurey,汉斯-奥古雷的回归 Return of lord voldemort,伏地魔的回归 Returned foundable manifest,返回可发现的清单 Returns an objects state,返回一个物体的状态 Returns objects to their original positions or states,将物体返回到它们原来的位置或状态 Reusable hangman,可重复使用的刽子手 Reveal hidden objects,揭开隐藏的物体 Reveal the top card of your deck if its a lesson card put it into play if it isnt put the card in your hand,揭开你卡组的顶牌,如果是教训牌,则将其放入游戏,如果不是,则将该牌放入你的手牌。 Revealer,揭示者 Revealing charm,揭秘符咒 Reveals hidden writing,揭示隐藏的文字 Reveals human presence,揭示人的存在 Reveals secret passages,揭开秘密通道 Reveals secrets about a person or object,揭示关于某人或某物的秘密 Reveals spells cast on objects or potions,揭示物体或药水上的法术 Reveals the worst traits of a person to the drinker,向饮酒者揭示一个人最坏的特质 Revelio,启示录 Revelio charm,启示符 Revelio gif,启示录GIF Revels in mischief,以恶作剧为乐 Reverend,牧师 Reverse pass,反向传球 Reverse spell,反转咒语 Reverses gravity,扭转重力 Reverte,反转 Reverte gif,反转gif Reverting the consequences of major magical mishaps,逆转重大魔法失误的后果 Reviews on literature,对文学的评论 Revive potion,复活药水 Reviving spell,复活咒语 Revolutionary war,革命战争 Revulsion jinx,逆转厄运 Reynard gage,革命战争 Rheumatism,革命战争 Rhinoceros,革命战争 Rhizomatous thick,根茎粗大 Rhubarb,大黄 Rhubarb crumble with custard,大黄碎屑配吉士 Rhubarb thistle,大黄蓟 Rhys ifans,柠檬水 Rhys owain evans,大黄饼干 Rhys swinburn,大黄面包 Rhythm guitar,柠檬汁 Ribbon conjuring spell,大黄 Ricbert,录音机 Rice,舞蹈 Rice pudding,大米布丁 Richard bremmer,营养师 Richard carter,营养品 Richard fish,理查德-菲特 Richard griffiths,理查德-格里菲斯 Richard griffiths in universe,宇宙中的理查德-格里菲斯 Richard harris,理查德-哈里斯 Richard i,理查德-伊 Richard leaf,理查德-叶 Richard lumsden,理查德-卢姆登 Richard michael mayall,理查德-迈克尔-梅奥尔 Richard price,理查德-普莱斯 Richard rosson,理查德-罗森 Richard rosson,理查德-罗森 Richard sky,理查德-天空 Richard st john harris,理查德-圣约翰-哈里斯 Richard strange,理查德-斯奇 Richard trinder,理查德-特林德 Richard washburn child,理查德-沃特伯恩的孩子 Richard waylett,洛克菲勒 Richly purple drink,丰富的紫色饮料 Ricky wilson,吕晓明 Ricky zalman,吕晓明 Rictusempra,洛克菲勒 Rictusempra challenge,Rictusempra挑战 Rictusempra gif,裂变的GIF Riddles maid,谜语女仆 Riddle™,Riddle™(谜语 Riderless nimbus 2000 out of control gif,无人驾驶的宁铂2000失控gif Riding the centaur,骑马的半人马 Rifftrax,里夫特拉克斯 Riggin,绳索 Right cheekbone,右侧颧骨 Right long gallery tower,右侧长廊塔 Rigid,刚性 Rik mayall,吕克-梅尔(Rik Mayall) Riley frazer,吕克-弗拉泽 Rima elizabeth horton,里马-伊丽莎白-霍顿 Ring,环 Ringo,林戈 Ringworm,癣 Rio de janeiro,里约热内卢 Rio de janeiro,里约热内卢 Rionach oneal,荣格 Rionach sayre,里约热内卢 Ripleys believe it or not,雷普利斯信不信由你 Ripper,开膛手 Rippy,瑞普 000,000 000000,000000 00001c,00001c 001c38,001c38 002868,002868 002b7f,002b7f 002c7d,002c7d 003399,003399 008000,008000 008751,008751 00923e,00923e 009a49,009a49 00a,00a 00a859,00a859 02 23,02 23 049f11,049f11 05289e,05289e 080,080 096f39bgcolor2 cec500,096f39bgcolor2 cec500 0c9c22,0c9c22 1,1 10,10 10,10 1000s,1000s 1001,1001 100 116,100 116 100 140,100 140 100px,100px 1014,1014 101 116,101 116 101 140,101 140 1028,1028 102 116,102 116 102 140,102 140 103 116,103 116 103 140,103 140 104 116,104 116 104 140,104 140 1050,1050 1050,1050 105 116,105 116 105 140,105 140 1060s,1060s 1066,1066 106 116,106 116 106 140,106 140 107,107 107 116,107 116 107 140,107 140 1087,1087 108 116,108 116 108 140,108 140 1097,1097 109 116,109 116 109 140,109 140 10 140,10 140 10 80,10 80 10 february,10 february 10 july,10 july 10a,10a 11,11 11,11 1100s,1100s 1107,1107 110 116,110 116 110 140,110 140 1112,1112 111 116,111 116 111 140,111 140 112 116,112 116 112 140,112 140 113 140,113 140 114 140,114 140 1152,1152 1157,1157 115 140,115 140 116,116 1163,1163 116 140,116 140 117 140,117 140 118 140,118 140 1199,1199 119 140,119 140 11 140,11 140 11 80,11 80 12,12 12,12 1202,1202 1203,1203 120 140,120 140 1214,1214 121 140,121 140 1227,1227 122 140,122 140 1236,1236 123 140,123 140 124 140,124 140 125 140,125 140 125px,125px 1260s,1260s 126180,126180 1269,1269 127 140,127 140 1285,1285 1286,1286 128 140,128 140 1290s,1290s 1291,1291 1292,1292 1294,1294 1296,1296 1298,1298 129 140,129 140 12 140,12 140 12 80,12 80 12 grimmauld place,12 grimmauld place 12a,12a 13,13 1300,1300 1307,1307 1312,1312 131 140,131 140 1320,1320 1320s,1320s 1326,1326 132 140,132 140 1334,1334 133 140,133 140 1340s,1340s 1342,1342 134 140,134 140 1351,1351 1357,1357 135 140,135 140 1370s,1370s 1378,1378 1379,1379 1385,1385 1390,1390 1391,1391 1396,1396 13 140,13 140 13 80,13 80 13b knockturn alley,13b knockturn alley 14,14 14,14 1400s,1400s 1401,1401 1402,1402 1405,1405 1407,1407 1408,1408 1410s,1410s 1415,1415 1420s,1420s 1421,1421 1422,1422 1429,1429 144,144 1441,1441 1443,1443 1446,1446 1447,1447 1452,1452 1457,1457 1467,1467 1470s,1470s 1471,1471 1473,1473 1474,1474 1475,1475 1478,1478 1479,1479 1480s,1480s 1483,1483 1484,1484 1485,1485 1486,1486 1490,1490 1490s,1490s 1491,1491 1492,1492 1493,1493 1494,1494 1497,1497 1498,1498 14 140,14 140 14 80,14 80 15,15 1500s,1500s 1501,1501 1503,1503 1504,1504 1505,1505 1506,1506 1507,1507 1508,1508 1509,1509 1511,1511 1512,1512 1516,1516 1518,1518 1519,1519 1520,1520 1520s,1520s 1525,1525 1526,1526 1527,1527 1530s,1530s 1532,1532 1533,1533 1535,1535 1536,1536 1539,1539 154,154 1540,1540 1540s,1540s 1541,1541 1542,1542 1543,1543 1546,1546 1547,1547 1549,1549 1550s,1550s 1551,1551 1553,1553 1554,1554 1555,1555 1556,1556 1557,1557 1558,1558 1560,1560 1560s,1560s 1561,1561 1562,1562 1564,1564 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04,1 15 04 1 1 1 4 m,1 1 1 4 m 1 2 1 5m,1 2 1 5m 1 80,1 80 1c3855,1c3855 1h 44m,1h 44m 2,2 2000,2000 2000s,2000s 2001,2001 2002,2002 2002 2010,2002 2010 2003,2003 2004,2004 2004 2010,2004 2010 2005,2005 2006,2006 2006 08,2006 08 2007,2007 2008,2008 2009,2009 2009 2010,2009 2010 2009 2011,2009 2011 Chimaera,Chimaera Chloe franks,芙兰克斯(Chloe franks Chris disambiguation,Chris disambiguation Chupacabra,丘帕卡布拉(Chupacabra Cincinnati,坎迪纳提(Cincinnati Cistem aperio,西斯蒂姆-阿佩里奥(Cistem aperio) Ckd galbraith,Ckd galbraith Clauricorn,Clauricorn Cliff lanning,Cliff lanning Cliff wright,Cliff wright Cliodna,Cliodna Cliodne,Cliodne Cobbing,Cobbing Cogg and bell clockmakers,Cogg and bell clockmakers Coma,Coma Cordelia misericordia,科迪丽亚-米斯特里科迪亚(Cordelia misericordia Cornflakes,Cornflakes Cristina fray,Cristina fray Crusader,Crusader Cuenca,Cuenca Cuffley,Cuffley Cyrille lestrange iv,Cyrille lestrange iv D2d2bfmortality mortal,D2d2bfmortality mortal Daf,Daf Dahlia f,Dahlia f Daisy in spaced,Daisy in spaced Daisy pennifold,Daisy pennifold Daisy twemlove,Daisy twemlove Daniel defoe,Daniel defoe Daniela tlumacova,Daniela tlumacova Daphne de beistegui,Daphne de beistegui Daphne disambiguation,Daphne disambiguation Daphne maldon,达芙妮-莫尔东(Daphne maldon Darren clarke,达尔文-克拉克(Darren clarke) Dc143c,Dc143c Dd0000,Dd0000 Dd8450,Dd8450 Ddaa00,Ddaa00 Ddd,Ddd Debbie amy,Debbie amy Debbie muntz,Debbie muntz Deboning,Deboning Defodio,Defodio Deity,Deity Dennis disambiguation,Dennis disambiguation Derek,Derek Derek disambiguation,Derek disambiguation Devon murray,Devon murray Dex,Dex Dexter fortescue,Dexter fortescue Dh1 hermione incendio slytherins locket gif,Dh1 hermione incendio slytherins locket gif Diane launier,Diane launier Dj martha,Dj martha Dolores umbridges hourglass,Dolores umbridges hourglass Dolores umbridges letter to minerva mcgonagall,Dolores umbridges letter to minerva mcgonagall Dolores umbridges neatness charm,Dolores umbridges neatness charm(整洁符)。 Dolores umbridges wand,Dolores umbridges wand Dorcas wellbeloved,多尔卡斯-韦尔贝勒(Dorcas wellbeloved) Doris crockford,Doris crockford Doris disambiguation,Doris disambiguation Doris irlam,Doris irlam Dotty mcniven,Dotty mcniven Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus,Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus Dudders,Dudders Dugald mcphail,Dugald mcphail Dugbogs,Dugbogs Dukuwaqa,Dukuwaqa Dunamis,Dunamis Duncan disambiguation,Duncan disambiguation Duncan knottingley,Duncan knottingley Dvd,Dvd Dylan mason,Dylan mason Dylan standen,Dylan standen Dymphna furmage,Dymphna furmage Dystyl phaelanges,迪斯蒂尔-菲朗格斯(Dystyl phaelanges Dzou yen,Dzou yen E132,E132 E211,E211 E331,E331 E5e5e5,E5e5e5 E82f2f,E82f2f Earl of paunchley,帕恩切利伯爵(Earl of paunchley Ectobuster,Ectobuster Ectomatic,Ectomatic Editora rocco,Editora rocco Eduaphora mergus,爱德华-梅尔格斯(Eduaphora mergus Eduardo lima filho,Eduardo lima filho Eduardos unbreakable eggs,Eduardos unbreakable eggs Eduardus lima,爱德华多-利马(Eduardus lima Eduardus limus,Eduardus limus Edward tudor pole,Edward tudor pole Ee2733,Ee2733 Ee5555,Ee5555 Eekins,Eekins Eileen prince,Eileen prince Eliana,Eliana Ellen cracknell,艾伦-克里克内尔(Ellen cracknell) Elmo,Elmo Eloise mintumble,埃洛伊丝-米特布尔(Eloise mintumble Elsie valentine schroeder,艾尔西-瓦伦丁-施罗德(Elsie valentine schroeder Emily lynch,琳奇(Emily lynch Emily robison,Emily robison Emily taylor,Emily taylor En1783 1997saw,En1783 1997saw Erecto,Erecto Eric blair,Eric blair Eric disambiguation,Eric disambiguation Eric whalley,Eric whalley Erica j,Erica j Erie yenning,Erie yenning Erik beck,Erik beck Erika rath,Erika rath Ernestina abutor,Ernestina abutor Ethel,Ethel Ethelbard mordaunt,Ethelbard mordaunt Euan macleod,伊万-麦克劳德(Euan macleod) Eupraxia mole,Eupraxia mole Eurasia,Eurasia Evanna lynch,琳奇(Evanna lynch) F1bf00,F1bf00 F22121,F22121 F8c100,F8c100 F l wakefield,F l wakefield Fabio vassallo,Fabio vassallo Fabius watkins,Fabius watkins Faris spavin,Faris spavin Fay dunbar,邓巴(Fay dunbar) Fbcog tsr 037 jpeg,Fbcog tsr 037 jpeg Fbcog tsr 044 jpeg,Fbcog tsr 044 jpeg Fc0,Fc0 Fcd116,Fcd116 Fd0,Fd0 Fdff4c,Fdff4c Fergus gambon,弗格斯-甘冈(Fergus gambon Fergus gleeson,弗格斯-格莱森(Fergus gleeson) Ff0000,Ff0000 Ff0000bgcolor2 ffd700,Ff0000bgcolor2 ffd700 Ffa500,Ffa500 Ffc0cb,Ffc0cb Ffcc29,Ffcc29 Ffd700,Ffd700 Fff,Fff Fff200,Fff200 Fffb09,Fffb09 Filius flitwick,Filius flitwick Finbourgh flick,Finbourgh flick Flintifors,Flintifors Flipendo,Flipendo Flipendo maxima,Flipendo maxima Floo pow,Floo pow Flooboost pro,Flooboost pro Flora carrow,Flora carrow Fluxweed,Fluxweed Folio of fortinbras,福林布拉斯对开本(Folio of fortinbras) Folio universitas,宇宙之窗》(Folio universitas)。 Fp,Fp Franciscus fieldwake,方济各会士菲尔德韦克(Franciscus fieldwake Friar,Friar Frolicsome feline plates gif gif,Frolicsome feline plates gif gif Fwooper,愤怒的小鸟(Fwooper G8 3 4,G8 3 4 G f,G f G forbes,G forbes Gaidic lestrange,Gaidic lestrange Gala guest,Gala guest Galileo galilei,Galileo galilei Ganymede,Ganymede Gap,Gap Gato felinus,加图-菲利纳斯(Gato felinus) George disambiguation,乔治-戴维斯(George disambiguation Georgina smyth,Georgina smyth Gideons crossing,Gideons crossing Gifford ollerton,吉法德-奥勒顿(Gifford ollerton Glacius spellbook,咒语书(Glacius spellbook Glamchops lemongrass hand lotion,柠檬草护手霜(Glamchops lemongrass hand lotion Godfrey midhurst,冈萨雷斯-米德赫斯特(Godfrey midhurst Goliaths slayer,"屠龙者""(Goliaths slayer" Golpalott,谷德洛特(Golpalott) Gomas barbadensis,Gomas barbadensis Gondoline oliphant,冈多林-奥里普特(Gondoline oliphant) Goshawks guide to herbology,草药学指南》(Goshawks guide to herbology Goyle,Goyle Greg chilingirian,Greg chilingirian Greg chillin,Greg chillin Greg disambiguation,Greg disambiguation Greg hildebrandt,格雷格-希尔德布兰特(Greg hildebrandt Gregor favila,Gregor favila Gregory disambiguation,Gregory disambiguation Grim marshall fawley,严酷的马歇尔-福雷(Grim marshall fawley) Gringotts,Gringotts Grt9wfx0 o jpeg,Grt9wfx0 o jpeg Gurdyroot,谷根(Gurdyroot Gwr,Gwr Gytrash,Gytrash H g wells,H g wells H heath,H heath Hagridsletter1994 jpeg,Hagridsletter1994 jpeg Hamish knighton,哈米什-凯顿(Hamish knighton) Hannah disambiguation,Hannah disambiguation Harp,Harp 200px,200px 2010,2010 2010s,2010s 2011,2011 20110819 js apparition gif,20110819 js apparition gif 20110824 js hppoa aresto momentum gif,20110824 js hppoa aresto momentum gif 2012,2012 2013,2013 2014,2014 2015,2015 2016,2016 2017,2017 2018,2018 2019,2019 2020,2020 2020,2020 2020a,2020a 2020b,2020b 2020c,2020c 2020d,2020d 2020s,2020s 2021,2021 2022,2022 2024,2024 208,208 20 116,20 116 20 140,20 140 20 80,20 80 21 116,21 116 21 140,21 140 21 80,21 80 222,222 223,223 225px,225px 22730203 1d48 4c11 ad75 bdea7a065d9f jpeg,22730203 1d48 4c11 ad75 bdea7a065d9f jpeg 22 116,22 116 22 140,22 140 22 80,22 80 23 116,23 116 23 140,23 140 23 80,23 80 249,249 24 116,24 116 24 140,24 140 24 80,24 80 25+,25+ 250px,250px 251,251 25 116,25 116 25 140,25 140 25 80,25 80 265px,265px 26 116,26 116 26 140,26 140 26 80,26 80 27 116,27 116 27 140,27 140 27 80,27 80 28,28 28 116,28 116 28 140,28 140 28 80,28 80 29 116,29 116 29 140,29 140 29 80,29 80 2 140,2 140 2 80,2 80 2b0b71,2b0b71 2d1ebc,2d1ebc 3,3 300px,300px 304,304 309,309 30 116,30 116 30 140,30 140 30 80,30 80 311,311 317,317 31 116,31 116 31 140,31 140 31 80,31 80 32 116,32 116 32 140,32 140 32 80,32 80 33 116,33 116 33 140,33 140 33 80,33 80 341,341 34 116,34 116 34 140,34 140 34 80,34 80 35 116,35 116 35 140,35 140 35 80,35 80 36,36 36 116,36 116 36 140,36 140 36 80,36 80 37 116,37 116 37 140,37 140 37 80,37 80 387172,387172 38 116,38 116 38 140,38 140 38 80,38 80 39 116,39 116 39 140,39 140 39 80,39 80 3 11,3 11 3 140,3 140 3 80,3 80 3a,3a 3b,3b 3e2e6f,3e2e6f 4,4 406b2e,406b2e 40826d,40826d 40 116,40 116 40 140,40 140 40 80,40 80 41,41 41 116,41 116 41 140,41 140 41 80,41 80 42,42 42 116,42 116 42 140,42 140 42 80,42 80 435,435 439 rivington street,439 rivington street 43 116,43 116 43 140,43 140 43 80,43 80 443 rivington street,443 rivington street 448,448 44 116,44 116 44 140,44 140 44 80,44 80 45 116,45 116 45 140,45 140 45 80,45 80 46 116,46 116 46 140,46 140 46 80,46 80 47,47 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57,57 57 116,57 116 57 140,57 140 57 80,57 80 58,58 58,58 58 116,58 116 58 140,58 140 58 80,58 80 59,59 59,59 59 116,59 116 59 140,59 140 59 5,59 5 59 80,59 80 59 diagon alley,59 diagon alley 59a tollington way,59a tollington way 5,5 5 0,5 0 5 0,5 0 5 1,5 1 5 1,5 1 5 10,5 10 5 10,5 10 5 10,5 10 5 11,5 11 5 11,5 11 5 11,5 11 5 140,5 140 5 1 2,5 1 2 5 2,5 2 5 2,5 2 5 3,5 3 5 3,5 3 5 3 5,5 3 5 5 4,5 4 5 4,5 4 Hazel keech,榛子基奇(Hazel keech Hecate oakham,Hecate oakham Hecate oakham,Hecate oakham Hector fawley,Hector fawley Hector lamont,Hector lamont Hector podmore,Hector podmore Hedley fleetwood,芙兰特伍德(Hedley fleetwood) Helen disambiguation,海伦.迪卡洛夫(Helen disambiguation Helen lymbrey,Helen lymbrey Helen mccrory,Helen mccrory Henbane,鹤顶红(Henbane Hengist of woodcroft,树林里的亨克罗夫特(Hengist of woodcroft Herbert varney,郝伯特-瓦尼(Herbert varney) Hermione granger v2 trading card,Hermione granger v2 trading card Herschel haesito,Herschel haesito Hertfordshire,Hertfordshire Hespa publishing,Hespa publishing Hesper black,Hesper black Hesper black,Hesper black Hesperius hall,Hesperius hall Hexing tax,Hexing tax Hiccoughing solution,Hiccoughing solution Hoggy warty hogwarts,霍格沃茨(Hoggy warty hogwarts Hogsmeade,霍格莫德(Hogsmeade) Holden ledbury,Holden ledbury Horatio pershore,霍雷肖-珀斯托尔(Horatio pershore Horcrux,Horcrux Horcrux,Horcrux Horoscope,Horoscope Https www starnow co uk christopherw33618,Https www starnow co uk christopherw33618 Https www youtube com user bertiebertg,Https www youtube com user bertiebertg Hugo pepper,Hugo pepper Ian disambiguation,伊恩-布莱恩(Ian disambiguation Ickle ronnikins,伊克尔-隆尼金斯(Ickle ronnikins Ignatia wildsmith,伊格纳蒂亚(Ignatia wildsmith Illyius,Illyius Impala,Impala Incendio tria,Incendio tria Io,Io Ioana gheorghiu,Ioana gheorghiu Iola black,Iola black Iola hillicker,Iola hillicker Iola hitchens,Iola hitchens Iolanthe peverell,Iolanthe peverell Ios,Ios Ipad,Ipad Iphone ipod touch,Iphone ipod touch Isobel disambiguation,Isobel disambiguation Isobel mcgonagall,伊索贝尔-麦格纳格尔(Isobel mcgonagall J blishen,J blishen J c m van riemsdijk,J c m van riemsdijk J ward,J ward Jack russell terrier,杰克-罗素梗(Jack russell terrier Jae kim,Jae kim James killick,James killick James le lacheur,James le lacheur Jamie disambiguation,杰米.迪卡洛夫(Jamie disambiguation) Jamie mcleod ross,杰米-麦克洛德-罗斯(Jamie mcleod ross Janus galloglass,Janus galloglass Janus thickey,亚努斯.加里奇(Janus thickey) Jazzy,Jazzy Jean baptiste bloncourt,Jean baptiste bloncourt Jessica roux jpeg,Jessica roux jpeg Jessica williams,Jessica williams Jessica worth,Jessica worth Jessie cave,Jessie cave Jobberknoll,琼斯-克诺尔(Jobberknoll) John disambiguation,约翰-迪曼纽斯(John disambiguation) Johnnydeppberlinale2020 jpeg,Johnnydeppberlinale2020 jpeg Jonathan kydd,Jonathan kydd Jude ho,Jude ho Julie disambiguation,朱莉-克里斯蒂(Julie disambiguation Kathryn hunter,Kathryn hunter Katrina lindsay,Katrina lindsay Katrina von glockenspieler,Katrina von glockenspieler Katsuji yamazaki,Katsuji yamazaki Kelly harborne,坎特-哈伯恩(Kelly harborne) Kquewanda bailey,Kquewanda bailey Krafft,Krafft Kreacher,Kreacher Kreacher,Kreacher Kreachers mother,Kreachers mother L c a comics,L c a comics L limuria,L limuria Lampros kalfuntzos,坎普斯-卡芬佐斯(Lampros kalfuntzos) Lasagne,Lasagne Lauren shotton,Lauren shotton Laurent varcy,Laurent varcy Laurentia fletwock,Laurentia fletwock Laurenzoo,Laurenzoo Le cri de la gargouille,愤怒的小鸟》(Le cri de la gargouille Leakycon,Leakycon Leanne,Leanne Leaping toadstool,Leaping toadstool Lemus pinutius,Lemus pinutius Lenelle paraison,柠檬酸钠(Lenelle paraison Lenny henry,伦尼-亨利(Lenny henry) Leonard jewkes,Leonard jewkes Les bubb,泡泡糖(Les bubb Levicorpus,柠檬汁(Levicorpus Levina monkstanley,僧伽罗(Levina monkstanley Libatius borage,琉璃苣(Libatius borage Limunus,柠檬树(Limunus Limus filhous,Limus filhous Lina tande,Lina tande Linfred of stinchcombe,琳弗里德-斯廷奇科姆(Linfred of stinchcombe Lisette de lapin,丽莎-德-拉平(Lisette de lapin Lorcan mclaird,洛尔坎-麦克莱德(Lorcan mclaird) Louisa disambiguation,路易斯-贝蒂恩(Louisa disambiguation Loxias,Loxias Lucas sparrowvale,卢卡斯-斯帕尔维勒(Lucas sparrowvale) Lucinda talkalot,卢辛达-特卡洛特(Lucinda talkalot) Lucinda thomsonicle pocus,卢辛达-索姆森克-波克(Lucinda thomsonicle pocus Lucy crane,Lucy crane Lucy disambiguation,Lucy disambiguation Lucy karoonda,露西-卡隆达(Lucy karoonda Lucy lanyon,露西-兰尼恩(Lucy lanyon) Luminosa lestrange,Luminosa lestrange Lydia cooden,吕迪娅-库登(Lydia cooden Lydia disambiguation,Lydia disambiguation Lydia fry,Lydia fry Lydia scarlett,Lydia scarlett Lysander scamander,吕山德-斯卡曼德(Lysander scamander) M amerinus,M amerinus M carneiro,M carneiro M carneirus,M carneirus M carneirus american,M carneirus american M dudziac,M dudziac M g mcgonagall,M g mcgonagall M l minus,M l minus M l miraphorum,M l miraphorum M mina,M mina M miraphorumus,M miraphorumus M n hora,M n hora M n hora co,M n hora co M p carneirus,M p carneirus M p n carneirus,M p n carneirus M p nettum,M p nettum M voltolini,M voltolini M voltolini co,M voltolini co M young,M young Mac os x,Mac os x Madam malkin,达尔金女士(Madam malkin Madame bonhabille,波纳姆夫人(Madame bonhabille Maerwynn montfort,蒙特福特(Maerwynn montfort Malcolm mcgonagall,马科姆-麦克格纳高(Malcolm mcgonagall Mallowswet,Mallowswet Malodora grymm,马洛多拉-格里姆(Malodora grymm) Manon lewis,马农-路易斯(Manon lewis Manxmouse,曼克赛尔(Manxmouse Marcia gresham,Marcia gresham Margot droope,Margot droope Marguerite lynch,Marguerite lynch Marilyn elsie imrie,Marilyn elsie imrie Mark radcliffe,Mark radcliffe Mark the evangelist,马克-布道者(Mark the evangelist Marmite,Marmite Mary elizabeth cattermole,Mary elizabeth cattermole Mary jauncey,玛丽-昆西(Mary jauncey Mason kayne,梅森-凯恩(Mason kayne Mason tremblay,梅森-特伦布莱(Mason tremblay Master reguluss locket,大师吊坠盒(Master reguluss locket Matey,Matey Mathilda greenford,Mathilda greenford Mathis gage,Mathis gage Matthew david lewis,Matthew david lewis Matthew disambiguation,马太福音》(Matthew disambiguation Maurice willard,慕里斯-维拉德(Maurice willard) Mauricius carneirus,毛里奇斯-卡内鲁斯(Mauricius carneirus) Megaphone,梅根-斯考特(Megaphone) Michael corner,迈克尔-科勒(Michael corner Michael koelsch,迈克尔-考尔施(Michael koelsch Michael kogge,Michael kogge Michael wildman,Michael wildman Milwaukee,Milwaukee Mina lima,Mina lima Minerva mcgonagall,米纳瓦-麦格纳高(Minerva mcgonagall Miranda disambiguation,Miranda disambiguation Miraphora mina,Miraphora mina Miraphora mina,米拉波拉-米娜(Miraphora mina) Mistletoe,Mistletoe Mittens the cat,猫咪米坦斯(Mittens the cat Ml printers llc,Ml printers llc Mnemone radford,Mnemone radford Momolu wotorson,莫洛-沃托森(Momolu wotorson Moontrimmer,月亮石(Moontrimmer Mopsus,Mopsus Morgana,Morgana Muldoon cragg,Muldoon cragg Mulled mead,蜂蜜酒(Mulled mead Murray harrold,姆雷-哈罗德(Murray harrold Myrtle elizabeth warren,缪尔-伊丽莎白-沃伦(Myrtle elizabeth warren) N newzer,N newzer Na october 28 2003,Na october 28 2003 Nagel jpeg,Nagel jpeg Nagnok,Nagnok Nairobi,Nairobi Nanette desford,Nanette desford Nasturtium,纳斯特尔姆(Nasturtium) Natalie dormer,纳塔莉-多姆(Natalie dormer Natalie mcdonald,娜塔莉-麦克唐纳(Natalie mcdonald Neil disambiguation,Neil disambiguation Neil la mounte,Neil la mounte Neil lament,Neil lament Neil nuts,Neil nuts Nerys orpington,Nerys orpington Nessie,Nessie Nicholas saunders,尼古拉斯-桑德斯(Nicholas saunders Nick disambiguation,尼克-戴维森(Nick disambiguation Nigelle le narcissique,奈杰尔-勒-纳西西克(Nigelle le narcissique Nimble glove,Nimble glove Nimble gloves,Nimble gloves Nimbus 1000,Nimbus 1000 Nimbus 1001,Nimbus 1001 Nimbus 1500,Nimbus 1500 Nimbus 1700,Nimbus 1700 Nimbus 2000,Nimbus 2000 Nimbus 2001,Nimbus 2001 5 5,5 5 5 6,5 6 5 7,5 7 5 7,5 7 5 8,5 8 5 8,5 8 5 8,5 8 5 8 1 2,5 8 1 2 5 80,5 80 5 9,5 9 5 9,5 9 5ft 11 25in,5ft 11 25in 6,6 60,60 607,607 60 116,60 116 60 140,60 140 60 80,60 80 61,61 61,61 610,610 61 116,61 116 61 140,61 140 61 80,61 80 62,62 62,62 62 116,62 116 62 140,62 140 62 80,62 80 63,63 636,636 63 116,63 116 63 140,63 140 63 80,63 80 64,64 64,64 64,64 64 116,64 116 64 140,64 140 64 80,64 80 652,652 65 116,65 116 65 140,65 140 65 80,65 80 66 116,66 116 66 140,66 140 66 80,66 80 67 116,67 116 67 140,67 140 67 80,67 80 67 80,67 80 68 116,68 116 68 140,68 140 68 80,68 80 69 116,69 116 69 140,69 140 69 80,69 80 6,6 6,6 6 0,6 0 6 1,6 1 6 1,6 1 6 10,6 10 6 140,6 140 6 2,6 2 6 2,6 2 6 2 1 2,6 2 1 2 6 3,6 3 6 3,6 3 6 4,6 4 6 4 1 2,6 4 1 2 6 5,6 5 6 80,6 80 6b342e,6b342e 6bcaf2,6bcaf2 6d9bc3,6d9bc3 7,7 70 116,70 116 70 140,70 140 70 80,70 80 71,71 71 116,71 116 71 140,71 140 71 80,71 80 72 116,72 116 72 140,72 140 72 80,72 80 734,734 738678,738678 73 116,73 116 73 140,73 140 73 80,73 80 74 116,74 116 74 140,74 140 74 80,74 80 759,759 75 116,75 116 75 140,75 140 75 80,75 80 766,766 76 116,76 116 76 140,76 140 77 116,77 116 77 140,77 140 78 116,78 116 78 140,78 140 79 116,79 116 79 140,79 140 7 116,7 116 7 140,7 140 7 80,7 80 7b68ee,7b68ee 7cyou can play only 1 money card each turn before your turn if this card is in play discard it and your get 2 more actions this turn,7cyou can play only 1 money card each turn before your turn if this card is in play discard it and your get 2 more actions this turn 8,8 800080,800080 808080,808080 80 116,80 116 80 140,80 140 81 116,81 116 81 140,81 140 82 116,82 116 82 140,82 140 83 116,83 116 83 140,83 140 84 116,84 116 84 140,84 140 85 116,85 116 85 140,85 140 86 116,86 116 86 140,86 140 86c3fd,86c3fd 870000,870000 870,870 87 116,87 116 87 140,87 140 88 116,88 116 88 140,88 140 893,893 89 116,89 116 89 140,89 140 8 116,8 116 8 80,8 80 8daa8d,8daa8d 8db87a,8db87a 9,9 9,9 90 116,90 116 90 140,90 140 91 116,91 116 91 140,91 140 92 116,92 116 92 140,92 140 93 116,93 116 93 140,93 140 94 116,94 116 94 140,94 140 95,95 95 116,95 116 95 140,95 140 96,96 96 116,96 116 96 140,96 140 97 116,97 116 97 140,97 140 98 140,98 140 98 80,98 80 990,990 996633bgcolor2 33cc33,996633bgcolor2 33cc33 9966cc,9966cc 99 140,99 140 99 80,99 80 9 140,9 140 9 80,9 80 A0a0db,A0a0db A52a2a,A52a2a A5b5487c cb1d 4740 9f0b aa3ee5fed40a jpeg,A5b5487c cb1d 4740 9f0b aa3ee5fed40a jpeg A66159,A66159 A90a1a,A90a1a Aa0000,Aa0000 Aa151b,Aa151b Aamir loonat,Aamir loonat Ab,Ab Abraham grimblehawk,亚伯拉罕-格林伯霍克(Abraham grimblehawk Abraham peasegood,亚伯拉罕-帕斯古德(Abraham peasegood) Abraham potter,Abraham potter Noma dumezweni,Noma dumezweni Nombergs prime turpenslime,Nombergs prime turpenslime Nurmengard,努尔曼加德(Nurmengard Nux myristica,Nux myristica Nypd police officer no 743,Nypd police officer no 743 O come all ye faithful,O come all ye faithful O w l level,O w l level Obscurial,Obscurial Obscuro,Obscuro Obscurus,Obscurus Oddvar spillum,奥德瓦-斯皮鲁姆(Oddvar spillum) Olivia jewson,Olivia jewson Ollie,Ollie Ollivander,奥利文德(Ollivander Ollivander wand jpeg,Ollivander wand jpeg Ollivanders,Ollivanders Oops,Oops Orabella nuttley,Orabella nuttley Orford umbridge,Orford umbridge Osamu kobayashi,小林大佐(Osamu kobayashi) Ossio dispersimus,奥斯曼(Ossio dispersimus Ouch,Ouch Owen anthony,Owen anthony Owen cauldwell,Owen cauldwell Pablo picasso,巴勃罗-毕加索(Pablo picasso Palace of beauxbatons,巴克斯巴顿宫(Palace of beauxbatons Paloma proudfoot,帕洛玛-普罗夫特(Paloma proudfoot) Pario vestigius,Pario vestigius Patricia dale,Patricia dale Patricia rakepick,Patricia rakepick Patricia rakepicks wand,Patricia rakepicks wand Patricia redmayne,Patricia redmayne Paul marc davis,保罗-马克-戴维斯(Paul marc davis) Paul mawdesley,Paul mawdesley Pauline yarrow,Pauline yarrow Pc,Pc Pc mac,Pc mac Penelope fawley,Penelope fawley Penny haywood,铅笔海伍德(Penny haywood Perpetua fancourt,珀普图亚-凡库特(Perpetua fancourt Peskipiksi pesternomi,西方人(Peskipiksi pesternomi Peskipiksi pesternomi,西方人Peskipiksi pesternomi Pg,Pg Pg 13 12a,Pg 13 12a Philanthropist,慈善家(Philanthropist Philip k,Philip k Philip rham,Philip rham Philip w errington,Philip w errington Phillida law,Phillida law Phoebus penrose,凤头鱼(Phoebus penrose) Pirates of the caribbean,加勒比海盗》(Pirates of the caribbean Pirates of the caribbean on stranger tides,加勒比海盗之陌生的潮汐》(Pirates of the caribbean on stranger tides) Pius thicknesse,Pius thicknesse Plumpton pass,Plumpton pass Poderick cruickshank,波德里克-克鲁克尚克(Poderick cruickshank Podric batworthy,Podric batworthy Podric batworthy xxiii,Podric batworthy xxiii Podric piles,Podric piles Poppleton,Poppleton Poppy pomfrey,Poppy pomfrey Poppy pomfreys office,Poppy pomfreys office Poppy pomfreys wand,Poppy pomfreys wand Porte saint denis,圣丹尼斯门(Porte saint denis Porteus knatchbull,Porteus knatchbull Porticus olidus,橄榄球门(Porticus olidus Potioneer,Potioneer Potions,Potions Potterwatch,Potterwatch Prendergast,Prendergast Prentice,Prentice Prior incantato,普雷尔的咒语(Prior incantato Pru,Pru Psvita,诗篇》(Psvita Ptolemy,托勒密(Ptolemy) Pucine lestrange,普西家族(Pucine lestrange Pukwudgie,呕吐物(Pukwudgie Pukwudgie,Pukwudgie Quiberon quafflepunchers,Quiberon quafflepunchers Quintius macboon,坤帝斯-麦克布恩(Quintius macboon) Quintius umfraville,Quintius umfraville Robert disambiguation,Robert disambiguation Robert galbraith,Robert galbraith Robin higgy,Robin higgy Robyn thistlethwaite,罗宾-瑟斯韦特(Robyn thistlethwaite Rodrick plumpton,洛克-普朗普顿(Rodrick plumpton Rogue bludger,罗杰-布德格(Rogue bludger) Rohan d gotobed,Rohan d gotobed Rohan gotobed,罗翰-德-格罗伯德(Rohan gotobed) Romilda goshawk,罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romilda goshawk Romulus,Romulus Roonil wazlib,罗尼尔-瓦兹利布(Roonil wazlib Rotherham,Rotherham Rpg,Rpg Rubeus hagrids letter to harry potter 1997,Rubeus hagrids letter to harry potter 1997年 Rubeus hagrids letter to harry potter and ronald weasley 1994,Rubeus hagrids letter to harry potter and ronald weasley 1994. Rubeus hagrids letter to hermione granger,Rubeus hagrids letter to hermione granger(给赫敏-格兰杰的信)。 Rubeus hagrids moleskin overcoat,Rubeus hagrids moleskin overcoat. Rue de montmorency,蒙特莫朗西街(Rue de montmorency) Rue saint denis,圣德尼街(Rue saint denis Rufus scrimgeours walking stick,Rufus scrimgeours walking stick Ryan henry,吕秀莲(Ryan henry Ryn desert,Ryn desert Ryuichi yamaguchi,Ryuichi yamaguchi S starling,S starling S w a t,S w a t Sanguinaria canadensis,桑吉尼亚(Sanguinaria canadensis Sapient,阳光(Sapient Sarah dawn darcey alden,邓恩-达西-奥尔登(Sarah dawn darcey alden Sarah disambiguation,缩写:Sarah disambiguation Scabior,Scabior Scarlett lympsham,斯嘉丽-林普森(Scarlett lympsham Schlangenholz,"幽灵之家""(Schlangenholz" Scholastic,诗篇》(Scholastic Scott young,Scott young Scouthibou,Scouthibou Scrivenshaft,斯克里文斯哈夫特(Scrivenshaft Sean disambiguation,Sean disambiguation Septimus weasley,瑟普蒂姆斯-韦斯莱(Septimus weasley) Serena catapano,瑟琳娜-卡塔帕诺(Serena catapano Serpensortia gif,Serpensortia gif Sheffield,Sheffield Sheila disambiguation,薛拉-布鲁克斯(Sheila disambiguation Skyblue,Skyblue Slytherin prefect,Slytherin prefect Solstice,Solstice Sonia friedman,巫师的十四行诗》(Sonia friedman) Spencer whiddon,诗篇》(Spencer whiddon Stephenie mcmillan,史蒂芬-麦克米兰(Stephenie mcmillan Steve kloves,Steve kloves Steve laughalot,Steve laughalot Steve mcclaren,Steve mcclaren Stoat sandwiches,Stoat sandwiches Sweetwater all stars,Sweetwater all stars Sybill trelawney,西比尔-特里劳尼(Sybill trelawney) Sybill trelawneys cat,Sybill trelawneys cat Sybill trelawneys mother,Sybill trelawneys mother Sybill trelawneys wand,Sybill trelawneys wand Tabitha tabella,塔比莎-塔贝拉(Tabitha tabella Tamsin hillicker,Tamsin hillicker Tangwystl goshawk,"鹰嘴兽""(Tangwystl goshawk)。" Tartaric acid,酒石酸(Tartaric acid Tav macdougall,Tav macdougall Tessie,Tessie Adam disambiguation,缩写:Adam disambiguation Adele cutting,Adele cutting Aeaea,Aeaea Aedificium oriens,Aedificium oriens Aethonan,Aethonan Agaricus campestris,姬松茸(Agaricus campestris Agatha chubb,阿加莎-楚布(Agatha chubb Agatha thrussington,Agatha thrussington Aguamenti,阿格曼蒂(Aguamenti Alabama,Alabama Alasdair maddock,阿拉斯戴尔-马多克(Alasdair maddock Alastair bullock,阿拉斯泰尔-布洛克(Alastair bullock Albert mccausland,阿尔伯特-麦考斯兰(Albert mccausland Alex crockford,洛克弗德(Alex crockford Alexandre desplat,亚历山大-德斯普拉特(Alexandre desplat) Alexei levski,吕克-阿列克谢(Alexei levski) Alistaire ballcocke,阿利斯泰尔-巴科克(Alistaire ballcocke Allan corduner,阿伦-科德纳(Allan corduner Alohomora,阿洛霍莫拉(Alohomora) Amanuensis quills,Amanuensis quills Amaretti di saronno,阿玛雷蒂-迪-萨龙诺(Amaretti di saronno Amorette deneuve,Amorette deneuve Amortentia,Amortentia Amulet,Amulet Amy kim ganter,姜文(Amy kim ganter Andrew disambiguation,安德鲁-戴维森(Andrew disambiguation) The grindylow lagoon,格林迪罗湖》(The grindylow lagoon The incendio spellbook,咒语书》(The incendio spellbook The starry prophesier,星空预言家》(The starry prophesier The trio acquire time turners,The trio acquire time turners Theo ancient,Theo ancient Theo strongarm,Theo strongarm Thevanishedstair jpeg,Thevanishedstair jpeg Thorfinn rowle,洛克菲勒公司(Thorfinn rowle Thornton harkaway,瑟顿-哈卡威(Thornton harkaway) Tim hildebrandt,Tim hildebrandt Timothy blenkinsop,Timothy blenkinsop Titillando,触摸着郁金香》(Titillando Tony szczudlo,Tony szczudlo Tracey nettlebed,Tracey nettlebed Tracy wiles,Tracy wiles Transylvanian tackle,Transylvanian tackle Trevor,Trevor Tristan tait,Tristan tait Tristram bassenthwaite,Tristram bassenthwaite Troll bogeys,Troll bogeys Trollcleg,Trollcleg Trupti kadam,梦见自己的孩子》(Trupti kadam Tubeworm,Tubeworm Tuck shop,Tuck shop Tumblr n0oob0xvtb1qa3emao5 250 gif,Tumblr n0oob0xvtb1qa3emao5 250 gif Tumblr n1ctu4cbkz1sg49umo5 250 gif,Tumblr n1ctu4cbkz1sg49umo5 250 gif Tumblr n4ypju96vi1qk63b8o10 250 gif,Tumblr n4ypju96vi1qk63b8o10 250 gif Turbo xxx,Turbo xxx Twinkle,Twinkle Twit tawoo call,Twit tawoo call Twitchy ears hex,Twitchy ears hex U hex a,U hex a U k 12a,U k 12a U no poo,U no poo U s a,U s a U s pg 13,U s pg 13 Uchenna aniedu,乌切纳-阿尼德(Uchenna aniedu Ulick gamp,吕克-甘普(Ulick gamp Ursula penkridge,乌尔克里奇(Ursula penkridge) Urtica diocia,Urtica diocia Uv toastmaster mark vii,Uv toastmaster mark vii Vera verto 250px gif,Vera verto 250px gif Verdimillious tria,梵蒂冈之歌(Verdimillious tria Veritaserum,梵蒂冈之歌(Veritaserum Vermiculus jinx,Vermiculus jinx Vermillious,蛭子(Vermillious Vincent disambiguation,Vincent disambiguation Vincent duc de trefle picques,Vincent duc de trefle picques Violets,薇奥莱塔(Violets Vipera evanesca gif,Vipera evanesca gif Vladimir plot,Vladimir plot Voges quills of distinction,Voges quills of distinction Vogue,Vogue Voodoo,Voodoo Vulnera sanentur,Vulnera sanentur Vulpus,Vulpus W,W W lozzus,W lozzus Waddiwasi,Waddiwasi Wade radford,Wade radford Wagga wagga werewolf,狼人的故事》(Wagga wagga werewolf) Wainscott,Wainscott Warwick ashley davis,Warwick ashley davis Warwick davis,沃里克-戴维斯(Warwick davis) Wendell wilkins,温德尔-威尔金斯(Wendell wilkins Westminster,西敏寺(Westminster Wikipedia abbots langley,Wikipedia abbots langley Wikipedia antarctica,Wikipedia antarctica Wikipedia apocynum,Wikipedia apocynum Wikipedia asclepias tuberosa,Wikipedia asclepias tuberosa Wilhelm wigworthy,威尔海姆-维格沃斯(Wilhelm wigworthy Wilkie twycross,Wilkie twycross William gallagher,威廉-加拉格尔(William gallagher William the conqueror,征服者William the conqueror Willy widdershins,威利-维德辛斯(Willy widdershins) Wiltshire,Wiltshire Wingardium leviosa,翼翅目昆虫(Wingardium leviosa Winkus oddpick,温克丝-奥德皮克(Winkus oddpick Winky crockett,温克尔克特(Winky crockett Winky crockett,洛克特(Winky crockett) Winky crockett elbow grease,Winky crockett elbow grease Winky crockett slytherin,洛克特-斯莱特林(Winky crockett slytherin) Wiseacre,Wiseacre Www natalia tena net,Www natalia tena net Wynch tugg movers,Wynch tugg movers Wyndhams theatre,Wyndhams theatre Wyoming,Wyoming Wyvern of wye,Wyvern of wye X,X Xx,Xx Xxx,Xxx Xxx,Xxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxxxx,Xxxxx Xylomancy,Xylomancy Y blishen,Y blishen Yanna mcintosh,Yanna mcintosh Yolanda reedham,Yolanda reedham Yorkshire moors,Yorkshire moors Yuri blischen,Yuri blischen Yuri blishen,悠里-布利申(Yuri blishen) Yuri blishenov,Yuri blishenov Yvonne disambiguation,Yvonne disambiguation Z nettles,Z nettles Zaccaria innocenti,Zaccaria innocenti Zingiber officinale,姜根(Zingiber officinale Zonko,Zonko Zouwu tcog jpeg,Zouwu tcog jpeg Zubeida khan,Zubeida khan Zygmunt budge,Zygmunt budge cc,cc cmccardtype creature dog unique,cmccardtype creature dog unique cmccardtype creature owl gryffindor unique,cmccardtype creature owl gryffindor unique cmccardtype creatureowl,cmccardtype creatureowl cmccardtype creaturesnake,cmccardtype creaturesnake cmccardtype creaturetoad,cmccardtype creaturetoad cmccardtype creatureunicorn,cmccardtype creatureunicorn cmccardtype item book,cmccardtype item book cmccardtype location unique,cmccardtype location unique cogs,cogs cos,cos cosf,cosf cosg,cosg ctaa,ctaa ctci,ctci ctcs,ctcs ctpi,ctpi ctplo slytherin unique,ctplo slytherin unique ctplo unique,ctplo unique ctps,ctps ctqi,ctqi ctqi broom,ctqi broom ctqlo,ctqlo ctqm,ctqm ctqs,ctqs ctti,ctti cttlo,cttlo cttlo unique,cttlo unique ctts,ctts dh,dh dhf1,dhf1 dhf2,dhf2 fb,fb fbf,fbf fbfhf,fbfhf fbr,fbr fbs,fbs gborie,gborie gof,gof goff,goff hbp,hbp hbpf,hbpf hbpg,hbpg hpfw,hpfw hpps,hpps hpva,hpva hpvch,hpvch hpvcr,hpvcr jkrs,jkrs legoy1,legoy1 ootp,ootp ootpf,ootpf ootpg,ootpg pm mention,pm mention psf,psf qta2018,qta2018 qta,qta qtae,qtae qtar,qtar qwc,qwc tbb,tbb tbbr,tbbr tbbr cc,tbbr cc wlisa bonet,wlisa bonet wplinkagrimonia,wplinkagrimonia wplinkargonaut,wplinkargonaut wplinkbelarus,wplinkbelarus wplinkfish,wplinkfish wplinkhornbill,wplinkhornbill wwmm2,wwmm2 wx men first class,wx men first class aka,aka bgcolor,bgcolor boggart,boggart Android 5+ ios 10+,Android 5+ ios 10+ Andys,Andys Ange,Ange Angelus moriattis,愤怒的小鸟(Angelus moriattis Anick wiget,Anick wiget Anthony disambiguation,Anthony disambiguation Apothecarium of horace e f slughorn,傲慢与偏见》(Apothecarium of horace e f slughorn Arboreal,Arboreal Arbroath,Arbroath Archana shetty,Archana shetty Archibald bienbon,阿奇博尔德-本尼特(Archibald bienbon Arcus,Arcus Ariella paradise,Ariella paradise Arielle brown,Arielle brown Arlene piper,阿琳-皮珀(Arlene piper Arnold peasegood,阿诺德-帕斯古德(Arnold peasegood Ars moriendi,阿斯摩尔》(Ars moriendi Ashley martin,阿什利-马丁(Ashley martin Asphodel,阿斯佩尔(Asphodel Astor bellchant,阿斯特-贝尔彻特(Astor bellchant Astronomers,Astronomers Avenseguim,阿文斯古姆(Avenseguim) B c,B c B dunstan,B dunstan Bane,Bane Barker,Barker Barnabas the barmy,巴纳巴斯-巴米特(Barnabas the barmy Barnabus finkley,巴纳巴斯-芬克雷(Barnabus finkley) Barnaby twyman,Barnaby twyman Barny the fruitbat,蝙蝠的巴尼(Barny the fruitbat Barny weasley,Barny weasley Barrenheim barrage,Barrenheim barrage Barrett fay,Barrett fay Barry disambiguation,Barry disambiguation Barry gleeson,Barry gleeson Barry wee willie winkle,巴里-威利-温克尔(Barry wee willie winkle) Bartemius crouch,Bartemius crouch Bartholomew barebone,Bartholomew barebone Bartholomew mashingspoon,Bartholomew mashingspoon Bb6331,Bb6331 Bdelium,Bdelium Ben disambiguation,Ben disambiguation Benjamin martin,本杰明-马丁(Benjamin martin Bernard tremblay,Bernard tremblay Bf0a30,Bf0a30 Bhavana patel,Bhavana patel Bhavna patel,Bhavna patel Bilius,Bilius Blishen disambiguation,Blishen disambiguation Bob ogdens wand,鲍勃-奥格登(Bob ogdens wand Bohicon,Bohicon Bombarda gif,Bombarda gif Bombarda maxima,巨型炸弹(Bombarda maxima) Bonnie wright,邦尼-怀特(Bonnie wright Borf,Borf Boris vulchanov,Boris vulchanov Borneo,Borneo Bowman wright,Bowman wright Brendan gleeson,Brendan gleeson Brendon halkirk,Brendon halkirk Brennan doyle,Brennan doyle Brett underwood,Brett underwood Brevis birth,Brevis birth Bruisewort,棕石草(Bruisewort Brutus malfoy,布鲁特斯-马尔福(Brutus malfoy Brutus scrimgeour,Brutus scrimgeour Bubotuber pus,Bubotuber pus Bucharest,Bucharest Bumphing,Bumphing Byrons works,Byrons works C00d2e,C00d2e C9a0dc,C9a0dc C 1608,C 1608 C 1965,C 1965 C d mcleod,C d mcleod Cadium featherstone,Cadium featherstone Cantankerus nott,坎特克鲁斯-诺特(Cantankerus nott Carmen ejogo,Carmen ejogo Carrow 1920s,Carrow 1920s Catherine disambiguation,Catherine disambiguation Catriona mccormack,坎特罗娜-麦科马克(Catriona mccormack) Caua nemerus,高加索人(Caua nemerus Caxambu,Caxambu Cc1225,Cc1225 Cd,Cd Cecil edwards,Cecil edwards Cecil lee,Cecil lee Cecilia,Cecilia Cecilia gallerani,Cecilia gallerani Cecily,Cecily Cedrella weasley,Cedrella weasley Cerberus langarm,Cerberus langarm Cf153b,Cf153b Chelmondiston charge,Chelmondiston charge Quiz,Quiz Quod,Quod Quodpot,Quodpot Quong po,Quong po R,R R a b,R a b R almeidas,R almeidas R amorim,R amorim R amorim,R amorim R amorim american,R amorim american R l stevenson,R l stevenson Ralston potter,Ralston potter Rancorous carpes trap,Rancorous carpes trap Randolph burrow,Randolph burrow Randolph disambiguation,Randolph disambiguation Randolph keitch,Randolph keitch Randolph pauncefoot,Randolph pauncefoot Rebecca kilgarriff,Rebecca kilgarriff Rebecca ramsea,Rebecca ramsea Rebecca vere,Rebecca vere Reddish,Reddish Redwood,Redwood Reece mack,Reece mack Reece putinas,里斯-普蒂纳斯(Reece putinas) Reg 00012 345 009 98,Reg 00012 345 009 98 Reginald oddpick,雷金纳德-奇皮克(Reginald oddpick Rennervate,伦纳瓦特(Rennervate Repello muggletum,Repello muggletum Rhonda fladbury,大黄(Rhonda fladbury Richard disambiguation,Richard disambiguation Rionach sayre,Rionach sayre Rionach steward,Rionach steward Rippy pippy pooh,瑞普-皮皮-普赫(Rippy pippy pooh)