import random import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image from torchvision import transforms # My libs import as dlu class HorizontalFlipAug: def __init__(self, ldm_flip_order, prob=0.5): self.prob = prob self.ldm_flip_order = ldm_flip_order def __call__(self, sample): img = sample['image'] landmarks = sample['landmarks'] mask = sample['mask_ldm'] vis = sample['visible'] bbox = sample['bbox'] if random.random() < self.prob: new_img = transforms.functional.hflip(img) lm_new_order = self.ldm_flip_order new_landmarks = landmarks[lm_new_order] new_landmarks = (new_landmarks - (img.size[0], 0)) * (-1, 1) new_mask = mask[lm_new_order] new_vis = vis[lm_new_order] x, y, w, h = bbox new_x = img.size[0] - x - w new_bbox = np.array((new_x, y, w, h)) sample['image'] = new_img sample['landmarks'] = new_landmarks sample['mask_ldm'] = new_mask sample['visible'] = new_vis sample['bbox'] = new_bbox return sample class GeometryBaseAug: def __call__(self, sample): raise NotImplementedError('Inheritance __call__ not defined') def map_affine_transformation(self, sample, affine_transf, new_size=None): sample['image'] = self._image_affine_trans(sample['image'], affine_transf, new_size) sample['bbox'] = self._bbox_affine_trans(sample['bbox'], affine_transf) if 'landmarks' in sample.keys(): sample['landmarks'] = self._landmarks_affine_trans(sample['landmarks'], affine_transf) return sample def clean_outbbox_landmarks(self, shape, landmarks, mask): filter_x1 = landmarks[:, 0] >= shape[0] filter_x2 = landmarks[:, 0] < (shape[0] + shape[2]) filter_x = np.logical_and(filter_x1,filter_x2) filter_y1 = landmarks[:, 1] >= shape[1] filter_y2 = landmarks[:, 1] < (shape[1] + shape[3]) filter_y = np.logical_and(filter_y1, filter_y2) filter_bbox = np.logical_and(filter_x, filter_y) new_mask = mask*filter_bbox new_landmarks = (landmarks.T * new_mask).T new_landmarks = new_landmarks.astype(int).astype(float) return new_mask, new_landmarks def _image_affine_trans(self, image, affine_transf, new_size=None): if not new_size: new_size = image.size inv_affine_transf = dlu.get_inverse_transf(affine_transf) new_image = image.transform(new_size, Image.AFFINE, inv_affine_transf.flatten()) return new_image def _bbox_affine_trans(self, bbox, affine_transf): x, y, w, h = bbox images_bb = [] for point in ([x, y, 1], [x + w, y, 1], [x, y + h, 1], [x + w, y + h, 1]): images_bb.append( images_bb = np.array(images_bb) new_corner0 = np.min(images_bb, axis=0) new_corner1 = np.max(images_bb, axis=0) new_x, new_y = new_corner0 new_w, new_h = new_corner1 - new_corner0 new_bbox = np.array((new_x, new_y, new_w, new_h)) return new_bbox def _landmarks_affine_trans(self, landmarks, affine_transf): homog_landmarks = dlu.affine2homogeneous(landmarks) new_landmarks = return new_landmarks class RSTAug(GeometryBaseAug): def __init__(self, angle_range=45., scale_min=-0.15, scale_max=0.15, trl_ratio=0.05): self.scale_max = scale_max self.scale_min = scale_min self.angle_range = angle_range self.trl_ratio = trl_ratio def __call__(self, sample): x, y, w, h = sample['bbox'] x0, y0 = x + w/2, y + h/2 # center of the face, which will be the center of the rotation # Bbox translation rnd_Tx = np.random.uniform(-self.trl_ratio, self.trl_ratio) * w rnd_Ty = np.random.uniform(-self.trl_ratio, self.trl_ratio) * h sample['bbox'][0] += rnd_Tx sample['bbox'][1] += rnd_Ty scale = 1 + np.random.uniform(self.scale_min, self.scale_max) angle = np.random.uniform(-self.angle_range, self.angle_range) similarity = dlu.get_similarity_matrix(angle, scale, center=(x0, y0)) new_sample = self.map_affine_transformation(sample, similarity) return new_sample class TargetCropAug(GeometryBaseAug): def __init__(self, img_new_size=128, map_new_size=128, target_dist=1.3): self.target_dist = target_dist self.new_size_x, self.new_size_y = self._convert_shapes(img_new_size) self.map_size_x, self.map_size_y = self._convert_shapes(map_new_size) self.img2map_scale = False # Mismatch between img shape and featuremap shape if self.map_size_x != self.new_size_x or self.map_size_y != self.new_size_y: self.img2map_scale = True self.map_scale_x = self.map_size_x / self.new_size_x self.map_scale_y = self.map_size_y / self.new_size_y self.map_scale_xx = self.map_scale_x * self.map_scale_x self.map_scale_xy = self.map_scale_x * self.map_scale_y self.map_scale_yy = self.map_scale_y * self.map_scale_y def _convert_shapes(self, new_size): if isinstance(new_size, (tuple, list)): new_size_x = new_size[0] new_size_y = new_size[1] else: new_size_x = new_size new_size_y = new_size return new_size_x, new_size_y def __call__(self, sample): x, y, w, h = sample['bbox'] # we enlarge the area taken around the bounding box # it is neccesary to change the botton left point of the bounding box # according to the previous enlargement. Note this will NOT be the new # bounding box! # We return square images, which is neccesary since # all the images must have the same size in order to form batches side = max(w, h) * self.target_dist x -= (side - w) / 2 y -= (side - h) / 2 # center of the enlarged bounding box x0, y0 = x + side/2, y + side/2 # homothety factor, chosen so the new horizontal dimension will # coincide with new_size mu_x = self.new_size_x / side mu_y = self.new_size_y / side # new_w, new_h = new_size, int(h * mu) new_w = self.new_size_x new_h = self.new_size_y new_x0, new_y0 = new_w / 2, new_h / 2 # dilatation + translation affine_transf = np.array([[mu_x, 0, new_x0 - mu_x * x0], [0, mu_y, new_y0 - mu_y * y0]]) sample = self.map_affine_transformation(sample, affine_transf,(new_w, new_h)) if 'landmarks' in sample.keys(): img_shape = np.array([0, 0, self.new_size_x, self.new_size_y]) sample['landmarks_float'] = sample['landmarks'] sample['mask_ldm_float'] = sample['mask_ldm'] sample['landmarks'] = np.round(sample['landmarks']) sample['mask_ldm'], sample['landmarks'] = self.clean_outbbox_landmarks(img_shape, sample['landmarks'], sample['mask_ldm']) if self.img2map_scale: sample = self._rescale_map(sample) return sample def _rescale_map(self, sample): # Rescale lnd_float = sample['landmarks_float'] lnd_float[:, 0] = self.map_scale_x * lnd_float[:, 0] lnd_float[:, 1] = self.map_scale_y * lnd_float[:, 1] # Filter landmarks lnd = np.round(lnd_float) filter_x = lnd[:, 0] >= self.map_size_x filter_y = lnd[:, 1] >= self.map_size_y lnd[filter_x] = self.map_size_x - 1 lnd[filter_y] = self.map_size_y - 1 new_lnd = (lnd.T * sample['mask_ldm']).T new_lnd = new_lnd.astype(int).astype(float) sample['landmarks_float'] = lnd_float sample['landmarks'] = new_lnd sample['img2map_scale'] = [self.map_scale_x, self.map_scale_y] return sample class OcclusionAug: def __init__(self, min_length=0.1, max_length=0.4, num_maps=1): self.min_length = min_length self.max_length = max_length self.num_maps = num_maps def __call__(self, sample): x, y, w, h = sample['bbox'] image = sample['image'] landmarks = sample['landmarks'] vis = sample['visible'] min_ratio = self.min_length max_ratio = self.max_length rnd_width = np.random.randint(int(w * min_ratio), int(w * max_ratio)) rnd_height = np.random.randint(int(h * min_ratio), int(h * max_ratio)) # (xi, yi) and (xf, yf) are, respectively, the lower left points of the # occlusion rectangle and the upper right point. xi = int(x + np.random.randint(0, w - rnd_width)) xf = int(xi + rnd_width) yi = int(y + np.random.randint(0, h - rnd_height)) yf = int(yi + rnd_height) pixels = np.array(image) pixels[yi:yf, xi:xf, :] = np.random.uniform(0, 255, size=3) image = Image.fromarray(pixels) sample['image'] = image # Update visibilities filter_x1 = landmarks[:, 0] >= xi filter_x2 = landmarks[:, 0] < xf filter_x = np.logical_and(filter_x1, filter_x2) filter_y1 = landmarks[:, 1] >= yi filter_y2 = landmarks[:, 1] < yf filter_y = np.logical_and(filter_y1, filter_y2) filter_novis = np.logical_and(filter_x, filter_y) filter_vis = np.logical_not(filter_novis) sample['visible'] = vis * filter_vis return sample class LightingAug: def __init__(self, hsv_range_min=(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), hsv_range_max=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)): self.hsv_range_min = hsv_range_min self.hsv_range_max = hsv_range_max def __call__(self, sample): # Convert to HSV colorspace from RGB colorspace image = np.array(sample['image']) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV) # Generate new random values H = 1 + np.random.uniform(self.hsv_range_min[0], self.hsv_range_max[0]) S = 1 + np.random.uniform(self.hsv_range_min[1], self.hsv_range_max[1]) V = 1 + np.random.uniform(self.hsv_range_min[2], self.hsv_range_max[2]) hsv[:, :, 0] = np.clip(H*hsv[:, :, 0], 0, 179) hsv[:, :, 1] = np.clip(S*hsv[:, :, 1], 0, 255) hsv[:, :, 2] = np.clip(V*hsv[:, :, 2], 0, 255) # Convert back to BGR colorspace image = cv2.cvtColor(hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2RGB) sample['image'] = Image.fromarray(image) return sample class BlurAug: def __init__(self, blur_prob=0.5, blur_kernel_range=(0, 2)): self.blur_prob = blur_prob self.kernel_range = blur_kernel_range def __call__(self, sample): # Smooth image image = np.array(sample['image']) if np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) < self.blur_prob: kernel = np.random.random_integers(self.kernel_range[0], self.kernel_range[1]) * 2 + 1 image = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (kernel, kernel), 0, 0) sample['image'] = Image.fromarray(image) return sample