import cv2 import random import numpy as np import as dl_cfg import as dl import as plot def inspect_parser(): import argparse pars = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Data augmentation and dataset visualization. ' 'Press Q to quit,' 'N to visualize the next image' ' and any other key to visualize the next default data.') pars.add_argument('database', type=str, choices=['wflw', '300wpublic', '300wprivate', 'cofw68', 'merlrav'], help='Database name') pars.add_argument('-a', '--anns', type=str, default='train', help='Annotation type: test, train or valid') pars.add_argument('-np', '--nopose', action='store_false', default=True, help='Avoid pose generation') pars.add_argument('-c', '--clean', action='store_true', help='Process without data augmentation for train') pars.add_argument('--shape', nargs='+', type=int, default=[256, 256], help='Image cropped shape (W,H)') pars.add_argument('--img', nargs='+', type=int, default=None, help='Select specific image ids') return pars.parse_args() class DatasetInspector: def __init__(self, database, anns_type, data_aug=True, pose=True, image_shape=(256,256)): data_config = dl_cfg.AlignConfig(database, anns_type) data_config.image_size = image_shape data_config.ftmap_size = image_shape data_config.generate_pose = pose if not data_aug: data_config.aug_names = [] self.data_config = data_config dataloader, dataset = dl.get_dataloader(1, data_config, debug=True) self.dataset = dataset self.dataloader = dataloader self.colors_dft = {'lnd': (plot.GREEN, plot.RED), 'pose': (plot.BLUE, plot.GREEN, plot.RED)} def show_dataset(self, ids_list=None): if ids_list is None: ids = self.get_idx(shuffle=self.data_config.shuffle) else: ids = ids_list for img_id in ids: data_dict = self.dataset[img_id] crop_imgs, full_img = self.plot_features(data_dict) # Plot crop if 'merge' in crop_imgs.keys(): crop = crop_imgs['merge'] else: crop = crop_imgs['lnd'] cv2.imshow('crop', crop) # Plot full cv2.imshow('image', full_img['lnd']) key = cv2.waitKey() if key == ord('q'): break def plot_features(self, data_dict, colors=None): # Init variables crop_imgs = {} full_imgs = {} if colors is None: colors = self.colors_dft # Cropped image image = data_dict['image'] landmarks = data_dict['landmarks'] visible = data_dict['visible'] if np.any(np.isnan(visible)): visible = None mask = data_dict['mask_ldm'] # Full image if 'image_ori' in data_dict.keys(): image_ori = data_dict['image_ori'] else: image_ori = cv2.imread(data_dict['imgpath']) landmarks_ori = data_dict['landmarks_ori'] visible_ori = data_dict['visible_ori'] if np.any(np.isnan(visible_ori)): visible_ori = None mask_ori = data_dict['mask_ldm_ori'] # Plot landmarks crop_imgs['lnd'] = self._plot_lnd(image, landmarks, visible, mask, colors=colors['lnd']) full_imgs['lnd'] = self._plot_lnd(image_ori, landmarks_ori, visible_ori, mask_ori, colors=colors['lnd']) if self.data_config.generate_pose: rot, trl, cam_matrix = self._extract_pose(data_dict) # Plot pose crop_imgs['pose'] = plot.draw_pose(image, rot, trl, cam_matrix, euler=True, colors=colors['pose']) # Plot merge features crop_imgs['merge'] = plot.draw_pose(crop_imgs['lnd'], rot, trl, cam_matrix, euler=True, colors=colors['pose']) return crop_imgs, full_imgs def get_idx(self, shuffle=False): ids = list(range(len(self.dataset))) if shuffle: random.shuffle(ids) return ids def reload_dataset(self, data_config=None): if data_config is None: data_config = self.data_config dataloader, dataset = dl.get_dataloader(1, data_config, debug=True) self.dataset = dataset self.dataloader = dataloader def _extract_pose(self, data_dict): # Rotation and translation matrix pose = data_dict['pose'] rot = pose[:3] trl = pose[3:] # Camera matrix cam_matrix = data_dict['cam_matrix'] # Check for ground truth anns if 'headpose_ori' in data_dict.keys(): if len(self.data_config.aug_names) == 0: print('Image headpose generated by ground truth data') pose_ori = data_dict['headpose_ori'] rot = pose_ori return rot, trl, cam_matrix def _plot_lnd(self, image, landmarks, visible, mask, max_shape_thr=720, colors=None): if colors is None: colors = self.colors_dft['lnd'] # Full image plots W, H, C = image.shape # Original image resize if need it if W > max_shape_thr or H > max_shape_thr: max_shape = max(W, H) scale_factor = max_shape_thr / max_shape resize_shape = (int(H * scale_factor), int(W * scale_factor)) image_out = plot.draw_landmarks(image, landmarks, visible=visible, mask=mask, thick_scale=1 / scale_factor, colors=colors) image_out = cv2.resize(image_out, resize_shape) else: image_out = plot.draw_landmarks(image, landmarks, visible=visible, mask=mask, colors=colors) return image_out if __name__ == '__main__': args = inspect_parser() data_aug = True database = args.database anns_type = args.anns pose = args.nopose select_img = args.img if args.clean: data_aug = False if len(args.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('--shape requires two values: width and height. Ej: --shape 256 256') else: img_shape = tuple(args.shape) visualizer = DatasetInspector(database, anns_type, data_aug=data_aug, pose=pose, image_shape=img_shape) visualizer.show_dataset(ids_list=select_img)