import folium import streamlit as st import pandas as pd#, geopandas as gpd import base64 from streamlit_folium import st_folium from folium.plugins import Draw from st_aggrid import AgGrid, ColumnsAutoSizeMode, GridUpdateMode, JsCode from st_aggrid.grid_options_builder import GridOptionsBuilder # from shapely.geometry import Polygon from shapely.wkt import loads as wkt_loads # display PDF PDF_HTML_iframe_template = ( """""" ) def display_PDF(st, pdf_url=''): # /Users/junxiong/Documents/aire/acToolV2/due-diligence-check-example.pdf # pdf_file = open(pdf_file, 'rb') # base64_pdf = base64.b64encode('utf-8') # pdf_display = f'' # st.markdown(pdf_display, unsafe_allow_html=True) pdf_content = PDF_HTML_iframe_template.format( pdf_url=pdf_url ) st.markdown(pdf_content, unsafe_allow_html=True) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import docx # ------ Main UI ------ st.set_page_config(page_title="AcTool V2 live-mockup", layout="wide") # Hide Streamlit deploy menu st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.markdown("""This is the live-mockup of AcTool V2. Please use [Roadmap link]( to add any new requested features. - [x] Every panel can be expand/hide to focus on interested block.""") left, right = st.columns((1, 1)) cols = ['WKT','County','Post_Code','FullMailin'] df = pd.read_csv('sample.csv')[cols] df['rank'] = 0 geoms = df['WKT'].apply(wkt_loads) df = df.drop(columns=['WKT']) # print(type(geoms)) # print(geoms.iloc[0]) # geoms = (gpd.GeoSeries(geoms)) # print(dir(geoms)) # print(geoms.to_json()) # pause js_handle_value_change_event = JsCode(""" function(e) { let api = e.api; let rowIndex = e.rowIndex; let col = e.column.colId; let rowNode = api.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(rowIndex); api.flashCells({ rowNodes: [rowNode], columns: [col], flashDelay: 10000000000 }); }; """) pinned_col_cellsytle_jscode = JsCode(""" function(params) { return { 'backgroundColor': 'lightgrey' } }; """) with left: roi_section = st.expander("Interested Collection", expanded=True) with roi_section: gd = GridOptionsBuilder.from_dataframe(df) gd.configure_pagination( enabled=True, paginationAutoPageSize=False, paginationPageSize=10 ) gd.configure_default_column( editable=True, groupable=True, resizable=True, ) gd.configure_selection( selection_mode="single", pre_selected_rows=[0] # 默认选择第一行 ) gd.configure_grid_options( onCellValueChanged=js_handle_value_change_event ) gd.configure_auto_height(autoHeight=False) gd.configure_column("view", pinned="right") gd.configure_column("note", pinned="right", minWidth=200) gd.configure_columns(["view", "note"], cellStyle=pinned_col_cellsytle_jscode) gridOptions = grid_table = AgGrid( df, gridOptions=gridOptions, update_mode=GridUpdateMode.SELECTION_CHANGED | GridUpdateMode.VALUE_CHANGED, columns_auto_size_mode=ColumnsAutoSizeMode.FIT_CONTENTS, allow_unsafe_jscode=True, theme="streamlit", ) note_section = st.expander("Photoes & Notes history​", expanded=True) with note_section: # st.write("Photoes & Notes history/n") st.image("photo.jpg", caption="Photo 1") ddcheck_section = st.expander("due diligence check​", expanded=True) with ddcheck_section: pdf_container = st.container() with pdf_container: display_PDF(st) sb9_section = st.expander("SB9/ADU potentials​", expanded=True) with sb9_section: st.write("SB9 ADU potentials​(TBD)") proforma_section = st.expander("proforma​", expanded=True) with proforma_section: pdf_container = st.container() with pdf_container: display_PDF(st, pdf_url='') with right: lat, lon = 37.302606062505,-122.029462962451 m = folium.Map( location=[lat, lon], tiles='{z}/{y}/{x}', attr='(C) World Imagery contributors', name='Esri Satellite', max_zoom=21, zoom_start=19 ) Draw().add_to(m) # folium.GeoJson(data=geoms.to_json()).add_to(m) # st.header("Street Map Views") st.markdown("""Map: show the parcels of selected properties on the Street View.""") st_folium(m, width=900, height=1000, returned_objects=[])