import cv2 import os import re import torch import shutil import math import numpy as np import gradio as gr import os.path import random from pprint import pprint import modules.ui import modules.scripts as scripts from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw from fonts.ttf import Roboto import modules.shared as shared from modules import devices, sd_models, images,extra_networks from modules.shared import opts, state from modules.processing import process_images, Processed lxyz = "" lzyx = "" BLOCKS=["encoder", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_0_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_1_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_2_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_3_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_4_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_5_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_6_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_7_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_8_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_9_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_10_", "diffusion_model_input_blocks_11_", "diffusion_model_middle_block_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_0_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_1_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_2_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_3_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_4_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_5_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_6_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_7_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_8_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_9_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_10_", "diffusion_model_output_blocks_11_"] loopstopper = True ATYPES =["none","Block ID","values","seed","Original Weights"] class Script(modules.scripts.Script): def title(self): return "LoRA Block Weight" def show(self, is_img2img): return modules.scripts.AlwaysVisible def ui(self, is_img2img): import lora LWEIGHTSPRESETS="\ NONE:0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n\ ALL:1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1\n\ INS:1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n\ IND:1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n\ INALL:1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n\ MIDD:1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0\n\ OUTD:1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0\n\ OUTS:1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1\n\ OUTALL:1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1\n\ ALL0.5:0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5" runorigin = runorigini = path_root = scripts.basedir() extpath = os.path.join(path_root,"extensions","sd-webui-lora-block-weight","scripts", "lbwpresets.txt") filepath = os.path.join(path_root,"scripts", "lbwpresets.txt") if os.path.isfile(extpath) and not os.path.isfile(filepath): shutil.move(extpath,filepath) lbwpresets="" try: with open(filepath) as f: lbwpresets = except OSError as e: lbwpresets=LWEIGHTSPRESETS loraratios=lbwpresets.splitlines() lratios={} for i,l in enumerate(loraratios): lratios[l.split(":")[0]]=l.split(":")[1] rasiostags = [k for k in lratios.keys()] rasiostags = ",".join(rasiostags) with gr.Accordion("LoRA Block Weight",open = False): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(min_width = 50, scale=1): lbw_useblocks = gr.Checkbox(value = True,label="Active",interactive =True,elem_id="lbw_active") with gr.Column(scale=5): bw_ratiotags= gr.TextArea(label="",lines=2,value=rasiostags,visible =True,interactive =True,elem_id="lbw_ratios") with gr.Accordion("XYZ plot",open = False): gr.HTML(value="

changeable blocks : BASE,IN00,IN01,IN02,IN03,IN04,IN05,IN06,IN07,IN08,IN09,IN10,IN11,M00,OUT00,OUT01,OUT02,OUT03,OUT04,OUT05,OUT06,OUT07,OUT08,OUT09,OUT10,OUT11

") xyzsetting = gr.Radio(label = "Active",choices = ["Disable","XYZ plot","Effective Block Analyzer"], value ="Disable",type = "index") with gr.Row(visible = False) as esets: diffcol = gr.Radio(label = "diff image color",choices = ["black","white"], value ="black",type = "value",interactive =True) revxy = gr.Checkbox(value = False,label="change X-Y",interactive =True,elem_id="lbw_changexy") thresh = gr.Textbox(label="difference threshold",lines=1,value="20",interactive =True,elem_id="diff_thr") xtype = gr.Dropdown(label="X Types ", choices=[x for x in ATYPES], value=ATYPES [2],interactive =True,elem_id="lbw_xtype") xmen = gr.Textbox(label="X Values ",lines=1,value="0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1",interactive =True,elem_id="lbw_xmen") ytype = gr.Dropdown(label="Y Types ", choices=[y for y in ATYPES], value=ATYPES [1],interactive =True,elem_id="lbw_ytype") ymen = gr.Textbox(label="Y Values " ,lines=1,value="IN05-OUT05",interactive =True,elem_id="lbw_ymen") ztype = gr.Dropdown(label="Z type ", choices=[z for z in ATYPES], value=ATYPES[0],interactive =True,elem_id="lbw_ztype") zmen = gr.Textbox(label="Z values ",lines=1,value="",interactive =True,elem_id="lbw_zmen") exmen = gr.Textbox(label="Range",lines=1,value="0.5,1",interactive =True,elem_id="lbw_exmen",visible = False) eymen = gr.Textbox(label="Blocks" ,lines=1,value="BASE,IN00,IN01,IN02,IN03,IN04,IN05,IN06,IN07,IN08,IN09,IN10,IN11,M00,OUT00,OUT01,OUT02,OUT03,OUT04,OUT05,OUT06,OUT07,OUT08,OUT09,OUT10,OUT11",interactive =True,elem_id="lbw_eymen",visible = False) with gr.Accordion("Weights setting",open = True): with gr.Row(): reloadtext = gr.Button(value="Reload Presets",variant='primary',elem_id="lbw_reload") reloadtags = gr.Button(value="Reload Tags",variant='primary',elem_id="lbw_reload") savetext = gr.Button(value="Save Presets",variant='primary',elem_id="lbw_savetext") openeditor = gr.Button(value="Open TextEditor",variant='primary',elem_id="lbw_openeditor") lbw_loraratios = gr.TextArea(label="",value=lbwpresets,visible =True,interactive = True,elem_id="lbw_ratiospreset") import subprocess def openeditors(): subprocess.Popen(['start', filepath], shell=True) def reloadpresets(): try: with open(filepath) as f: return except OSError as e: pass def tagdicter(presets): presets=presets.splitlines() wdict={} for l in presets: w=[] if ":" in l : key = l.split(":",1)[0] w = l.split(":",1)[1] if len([w for w in w.split(",")]) == 17 or len([w for w in w.split(",")]) ==26: wdict[key.strip()]=w return ",".join(list(wdict.keys())) def savepresets(text): with open(filepath,mode = 'w') as f: f.write(text),inputs=[],outputs=[lbw_loraratios]),inputs=[lbw_loraratios],outputs=[bw_ratiotags]),inputs=[lbw_loraratios],outputs=[]),inputs=[],outputs=[]) def urawaza(active): if active > 0: for obj in scripts.scripts_txt2img.alwayson_scripts: if "lora_block_weight" in obj.filename: scripts.scripts_txt2img.selectable_scripts.append(obj) scripts.scripts_txt2img.titles.append("LoRA Block Weight") for obj in scripts.scripts_img2img.alwayson_scripts: if "lora_block_weight" in obj.filename: scripts.scripts_img2img.selectable_scripts.append(obj) scripts.scripts_img2img.titles.append("LoRA Block Weight") = newrun = newrun if active == 1:return [*[gr.update(visible = True) for x in range(6)],*[gr.update(visible = False) for x in range(3)]] else:return [*[gr.update(visible = False) for x in range(6)],*[gr.update(visible = True) for x in range(3)]] else: = runorigin = runorigini return [*[gr.update(visible = True) for x in range(6)],*[gr.update(visible = False) for x in range(3)]] xyzsetting.change(fn=urawaza,inputs=[xyzsetting],outputs =[xtype,xmen,ytype,ymen,ztype,zmen,exmen,eymen,esets]) return lbw_loraratios,lbw_useblocks,xyzsetting,xtype,xmen,ytype,ymen,ztype,zmen,exmen,eymen,diffcol,thresh,revxy def process(self, p, loraratios,useblocks,xyzsetting,xtype,xmen,ytype,ymen,ztype,zmen,exmen,eymen,diffcol,thresh,revxy): #print("self =",self,"p =",p,"presets =",loraratios,"useblocks =",useblocks,"xyzsettings =",xyzsetting,"xtype =",xtype,"xmen =",xmen,"ytype =",ytype,"ymen =",ymen,"ztype =",ztype,"zmen =",zmen) if useblocks: loraratios=loraratios.splitlines() lratios={} for l in loraratios: l0=l.split(":",1)[0] lratios[l0.strip()]=l.split(":",1)[1] if xyzsetting and "XYZ" in p.prompt: lratios["XYZ"] = lxyz lratios["ZYX"] = lzyx loradealer(p,lratios) return def postprocess(self, p, processed, *args): import lora lora.loaded_loras.clear() def run(self,p,presets,useblocks,xyzsetting,xtype,xmen,ytype,ymen,ztype,zmen,exmen,eymen,diffcol,thresh,revxy): if xyzsetting >0: import lora loraratios=presets.splitlines() lratios={} for l in loraratios: l0=l.split(":",1)[0] lratios[l0.strip()]=l.split(":",1)[1] if "XYZ" in p.prompt: base = lratios["XYZ"] if "XYZ" in lratios.keys() else "1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1" else: return if xyzsetting > 1: xmen,ymen = exmen,eymen xtype,ytype = "values","ID" ebase = xmen.split(",")[1] ebase = [ebase.strip()]*26 base = ",".join(ebase) ztype = "" #ATYPES =["none","Block ID","values","seed","Base Weights"] def dicedealer(am): for i,a in enumerate(am): if a =="-1": am[i] = str(random.randrange(4294967294)) print(f"the die was thrown : {am}") if p.seed == -1: p.seed = str(random.randrange(4294967294)) #print(f"xs:{xmen},ys:{ymen},zs:{zmen}") def adjuster(a,at): if "none" in at:a = "" a = [a.strip() for a in a.split(',')] if "seed" in at:dicedealer(a) return a xs = adjuster(xmen,xtype) ys = adjuster(ymen,ytype) zs = adjuster(zmen,ztype) ids = alpha =seed = "" p.batch_size = 1 print(f"xs:{xs},ys:{ys},zs:{zs}") images = [] def weightsdealer(alpha,ids,base): blockid17=["BASE","IN01","IN02","IN04","IN05","IN07","IN08","M00","OUT03","OUT04","OUT05","OUT06","OUT07","OUT08","OUT09","OUT10","OUT11"] blockid26=["BASE","IN00","IN01","IN02","IN03","IN04","IN05","IN06","IN07","IN08","IN09","IN10","IN11","M00","OUT00","OUT01","OUT02","OUT03","OUT04","OUT05","OUT06","OUT07","OUT08","OUT09","OUT10","OUT11"] #print(f"weights from : {base}") ids = [z.strip() for z in ids.split(' ')] weights_t = [w.strip() for w in base.split(',')] blockid = blockid17 if len(weights_t) ==17 else blockid26 if ids[0]!="NOT": flagger=[False]*len(weights_t) changer = True else: flagger=[True]*len(weights_t) changer = False for id in ids: if id =="NOT":continue if "-" in id: it = [it.strip() for it in id.split('-')] if blockid.index(it[1]) > blockid.index(it[0]): flagger[blockid.index(it[0]):blockid.index(it[1])+1] = [changer]*(blockid.index(it[1])-blockid.index(it[0])+1) else: flagger[blockid.index(it[1]):blockid.index(it[0])+1] = [changer]*(blockid.index(it[0])-blockid.index(it[1])+1) else: flagger[blockid.index(id)] =changer for i,f in enumerate(flagger): if f:weights_t[i]=alpha outext = ",".join(weights_t) #print(f"weights changed: {outext}") return outext def xyzdealer(a,at): nonlocal ids,alpha,p,base,c_base if "ID" in at:return if "values" in at:alpha = a if "seed" in at: p.seed = int(a) if "Weights" in at:base =c_base = lratios[a] grids = [] images =[] totalcount = len(xs)*len(ys)*len(zs) if xyzsetting < 2 else len(xs)*len(ys)*len(zs) //2 +1 shared.total_tqdm.updateTotal(totalcount) xc = yc =zc = 0 state.job_count = totalcount totalcount = len(xs)*len(ys)*len(zs) for z in zs: images = [] yc = 0 xyzdealer(z,ztype) for y in ys: xc = 0 xyzdealer(y,ytype) for x in xs: xyzdealer(x,xtype) if "ID" in xtype: if "values" in ytype:c_base = weightsdealer(y,x,base) if "values" in ztype:c_base = weightsdealer(z,x,base) if "ID" in ytype: if "values" in xtype:c_base = weightsdealer(x,y,base) if "values" in ztype:c_base = weightsdealer(z,y,base) if "ID" in ztype: if "values" in xtype:c_base = weightsdealer(x,z,base) if "values" in ytype:c_base = weightsdealer(y,z,base) print(f"X:{xtype}, {x},Y: {ytype},{y}, Z:{ztype},{z}, base:{c_base} ({len(xs)*len(ys)*zc + yc*len(xs) +xc +1}/{totalcount})") global lxyz,lzyx lxyz = c_base cr_base = c_base.split(",") cr_base_t=[] for x in cr_base: if x != "R" and x != "U": cr_base_t.append(str(1-float(x))) else: cr_base_t.append(x) lzyx = ",".join(cr_base_t) if not(xc == 1 and not (yc ==0 ) and xyzsetting >1): lora.loaded_loras.clear() processed:Processed = process_images(p) images.append(processed.images[0]) xc += 1 yc += 1 zc += 1 origin = loranames(processed.all_prompts) + ", "+ znamer(ztype,z,base) if xyzsetting >1: images,xs,ys = effectivechecker(images,xs,ys,diffcol,thresh,revxy) grids.append(smakegrid(images,xs,ys,origin,p)) processed.images= grids lora.loaded_loras.clear() return processed def znamer(at,a,base): if "ID" in at:return f"Block : {a}" if "values" in at:return f"value : {a}" if "seed" in at:return f"seed : {a}" if "Weights" in at:return f"original weights :\n {base}" else: return "" def loranames(all_prompts): _, extra_network_data = extra_networks.parse_prompts(all_prompts[0:1]) calledloras = extra_network_data["lora"] names = "" for called in calledloras: if len(called.items) <3:continue names += called.items[0] return names def loradealer(p,lratios): _, extra_network_data = extra_networks.parse_prompts(p.all_prompts[0:1]) calledloras = extra_network_data["lora"] lorans = [] lorars = [] for called in calledloras: if len(called.items) <3:continue if called.items[2] in lratios or called.items[2].count(",") ==16 or called.items[2].count(",") ==25: lorans.append(called.items[0]) wei = lratios[called.items[2]] if called.items[2] in lratios else called.items[2] multiple = called.items[1] ratios = [w for w in wei.split(",")] for i,r in enumerate(ratios): if r =="R": ratios[i] = round(random.random(),3) elif r == "U": ratios[i] = round(random.uniform(-0.5,1.5),3) else: ratios[i] = float(r) print(f"LoRA Block weight :{called.items[0]}: {ratios}") if len(ratios)==17: ratios = [ratios[0]] + [1] + ratios[1:3]+ [1] + ratios[3:5]+[1] + ratios[5:7]+[1,1,1] + [ratios[7]] + [1,1,1] + ratios[8:] lorars.append(ratios) if len(lorars) > 0: load_loras_blocks(lorans,lorars,multiple) re_digits = re.compile(r"\d+") re_unet_down_blocks = re.compile(r"lora_unet_down_blocks_(\d+)_attentions_(\d+)_(.+)") re_unet_mid_blocks = re.compile(r"lora_unet_mid_block_attentions_(\d+)_(.+)") re_unet_up_blocks = re.compile(r"lora_unet_up_blocks_(\d+)_attentions_(\d+)_(.+)") re_unet_down_blocks_res = re.compile(r"lora_unet_down_blocks_(\d+)_resnets_(\d+)_(.+)") re_unet_mid_blocks_res = re.compile(r"lora_unet_mid_block_resnets_(\d+)_(.+)") re_unet_up_blocks_res = re.compile(r"lora_unet_up_blocks_(\d+)_resnets_(\d+)_(.+)") re_unet_downsample = re.compile(r"lora_unet_down_blocks_(\d+)_downsamplers_0_conv(.+)") re_unet_upsample = re.compile(r"lora_unet_up_blocks_(\d+)_upsamplers_0_conv(.+)") re_text_block = re.compile(r"lora_te_text_model_encoder_layers_(\d+)_(.+)") def convert_diffusers_name_to_compvis(key): def match(match_list, regex): r = re.match(regex, key) if not r: return False match_list.clear() match_list.extend([int(x) if re.match(re_digits, x) else x for x in r.groups()]) return True m = [] if match(m, re_unet_down_blocks): return f"diffusion_model_input_blocks_{1 + m[0] * 3 + m[1]}_1_{m[2]}" if match(m, re_unet_mid_blocks): return f"diffusion_model_middle_block_1_{m[1]}" if match(m, re_unet_up_blocks): return f"diffusion_model_output_blocks_{m[0] * 3 + m[1]}_1_{m[2]}" if match(m, re_unet_down_blocks_res): block = f"diffusion_model_input_blocks_{1 + m[0] * 3 + m[1]}_0_" if m[2].startswith('conv1'): return f"{block}in_layers_2{m[2][len('conv1'):]}" elif m[2].startswith('conv2'): return f"{block}out_layers_3{m[2][len('conv2'):]}" elif m[2].startswith('time_emb_proj'): return f"{block}emb_layers_1{m[2][len('time_emb_proj'):]}" elif m[2].startswith('conv_shortcut'): return f"{block}skip_connection{m[2][len('conv_shortcut'):]}" if match(m, re_unet_mid_blocks_res): block = f"diffusion_model_middle_block_{m[0]*2}_" if m[1].startswith('conv1'): return f"{block}in_layers_2{m[1][len('conv1'):]}" elif m[1].startswith('conv2'): return f"{block}out_layers_3{m[1][len('conv2'):]}" elif m[1].startswith('time_emb_proj'): return f"{block}emb_layers_1{m[1][len('time_emb_proj'):]}" elif m[1].startswith('conv_shortcut'): return f"{block}skip_connection{m[1][len('conv_shortcut'):]}" if match(m, re_unet_up_blocks_res): block = f"diffusion_model_output_blocks_{m[0] * 3 + m[1]}_0_" if m[2].startswith('conv1'): return f"{block}in_layers_2{m[2][len('conv1'):]}" elif m[2].startswith('conv2'): return f"{block}out_layers_3{m[2][len('conv2'):]}" elif m[2].startswith('time_emb_proj'): return f"{block}emb_layers_1{m[2][len('time_emb_proj'):]}" elif m[2].startswith('conv_shortcut'): return f"{block}skip_connection{m[2][len('conv_shortcut'):]}" if match(m, re_unet_downsample): return f"diffusion_model_input_blocks_{m[0]*3+3}_0_op{m[1]}" if match(m, re_unet_upsample): return f"diffusion_model_output_blocks_{m[0]*3 + 2}_{1+(m[0]!=0)}_conv{m[1]}" if match(m, re_text_block): return f"transformer_text_model_encoder_layers_{m[0]}_{m[1]}" return key class FakeModule(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, weight, func): super().__init__() self.weight = weight self.func = func def forward(self, x): return self.func(x) class LoraUpDownModule: def __init__(self): self.up_model = None self.mid_model = None self.down_model = None self.alpha = None self.dim = None self.op = None self.extra_args = {} self.shape = None self.bias = None self.up = None def down(self, x): return x def inference(self, x): if hasattr(self, 'bias') and isinstance(self.bias, torch.Tensor): out_dim = self.up_model.weight.size(0) rank = self.down_model.weight.size(0) rebuild_weight = ( self.up_model.weight.reshape(out_dim, -1) @ self.down_model.weight.reshape(rank, -1) + self.bias ).reshape(self.shape) return self.op( x, rebuild_weight, **self.extra_args ) else: if self.mid_model is None: return self.up_model(self.down_model(x)) else: return self.up_model(self.mid_model(self.down_model(x))) def pro3(t, wa, wb): temp = torch.einsum('i j k l, j r -> i r k l', t, wb) return torch.einsum('i j k l, i r -> r j k l', temp, wa) class LoraHadaModule: def __init__(self): self.t1 = None self.w1a = None self.w1b = None self.t2 = None self.w2a = None self.w2b = None self.alpha = None self.dim = None self.op = None self.extra_args = {} self.shape = None self.bias = None self.up = None def down(self, x): return x def inference(self, x): if hasattr(self, 'bias') and isinstance(self.bias, torch.Tensor): bias = self.bias else: bias = 0 if self.t1 is None: return self.op( x, ((self.w1a @ self.w1b) * (self.w2a @ self.w2b) + bias).view(self.shape), **self.extra_args ) else: return self.op( x, (pro3(self.t1, self.w1a, self.w1b) * pro3(self.t2, self.w2a, self.w2b) + bias).view(self.shape), **self.extra_args ) CON_KEY = { "lora_up.weight", "lora_down.weight", "lora_mid.weight" } HADA_KEY = { "hada_t1", "hada_w1_a", "hada_w1_b", "hada_t2", "hada_w2_a", "hada_w2_b", } def load_lora(name, filename,lwei): import lora as lora_o lora = lora_o.LoraModule(name) lora.mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename) sd = sd_models.read_state_dict(filename) keys_failed_to_match = [] keys_failed_to_match_lbw = [] for key_diffusers, weight in sd.items(): ratio = 1 picked = False fullkey = convert_diffusers_name_to_compvis(key_diffusers) key, lora_key = fullkey.split(".", 1) for i,block in enumerate(BLOCKS): if block in key: ratio = lwei[i] picked = True if not picked:keys_failed_to_match_lbw.append(key_diffusers) weight = weight * math.sqrt(abs(ratio)) sd_module = shared.sd_model.lora_layer_mapping.get(key, None) if sd_module is None: keys_failed_to_match.append(key_diffusers) continue lora_module = lora.modules.get(key, None) if lora_module is None: lora_module = LoraUpDownModule() lora.modules[key] = lora_module if lora_key == "alpha": lora_module.alpha = weight.item() continue if 'bias_' in lora_key: if lora_module.bias is None: lora_module.bias = [None, None, None] if 'bias_indices' == lora_key: lora_module.bias[0] = weight elif 'bias_values' == lora_key: lora_module.bias[1] = weight elif 'bias_size' == lora_key: lora_module.bias[2] = weight if all((i is not None) for i in lora_module.bias): print('build bias') lora_module.bias = torch.sparse_coo_tensor( lora_module.bias[0], lora_module.bias[1], tuple(lora_module.bias[2]), ).to(device=devices.device, dtype=devices.dtype) lora_module.bias.requires_grad_(False) continue if lora_key in CON_KEY: if type(sd_module) == torch.nn.Linear: weight = weight.reshape(weight.shape[0], -1) module = torch.nn.Linear(weight.shape[1], weight.shape[0], bias=False) lora_module.op = torch.nn.functional.linear elif type(sd_module) == torch.nn.Conv2d: if lora_key == "lora_down.weight": if weight.shape[2] != 1 or weight.shape[3] != 1: module = torch.nn.Conv2d(weight.shape[1], weight.shape[0], sd_module.kernel_size, sd_module.stride, sd_module.padding, bias=False) else: module = torch.nn.Conv2d(weight.shape[1], weight.shape[0], (1, 1), bias=False) elif lora_key == "lora_mid.weight": module = torch.nn.Conv2d(weight.shape[1], weight.shape[0], sd_module.kernel_size, sd_module.stride, sd_module.padding, bias=False) elif lora_key == "lora_up.weight": module = torch.nn.Conv2d(weight.shape[1], weight.shape[0], (1, 1), bias=False) lora_module.op = torch.nn.functional.conv2d lora_module.extra_args = { 'stride': sd_module.stride, 'padding': sd_module.padding } else: assert False, f'Lora layer {key_diffusers} matched a layer with unsupported type: {type(sd_module).__name__}' lora_module.shape = sd_module.weight.shape fugou = np.sign(ratio) if lora_key == "lora_up.weight" else 1 with torch.no_grad(): module.weight.copy_(weight*fugou), dtype=devices.dtype) module.requires_grad_(False) if lora_key == "lora_up.weight": lora_module.up_model = module lora_module.up = FakeModule( lora_module.up_model.weight, lora_module.inference ) elif lora_key == "lora_mid.weight": lora_module.mid_model = module elif lora_key == "lora_down.weight": lora_module.down_model = module lora_module.dim = weight.shape[0] elif lora_key in HADA_KEY: if type(lora_module) != LoraHadaModule: alpha = lora_module.alpha bias = lora_module.bias lora_module = LoraHadaModule() lora_module.alpha = alpha lora_module.bias = bias lora.modules[key] = lora_module lora_module.shape = sd_module.weight.shape weight =, dtype=devices.dtype) weight.requires_grad_(False) if lora_key == 'hada_w1_a': lora_module.w1a = weight if lora_module.up is None: lora_module.up = FakeModule( lora_module.w1a, lora_module.inference ) elif lora_key == 'hada_w1_b': lora_module.w1b = weight lora_module.dim = weight.shape[0] elif lora_key == 'hada_w2_a': lora_module.w2a = weight elif lora_key == 'hada_w2_b': lora_module.w2b = weight elif lora_key == 'hada_t1': lora_module.t1 = weight lora_module.up = FakeModule( lora_module.t1, lora_module.inference ) elif lora_key == 'hada_t2': lora_module.t2 = weight if type(sd_module) == torch.nn.Linear: lora_module.op = torch.nn.functional.linear elif type(sd_module) == torch.nn.Conv2d: lora_module.op = torch.nn.functional.conv2d lora_module.extra_args = { 'stride': sd_module.stride, 'padding': sd_module.padding } else: assert False, f'Lora layer {key_diffusers} matched a layer with unsupported type: {type(sd_module).__name__}' else: assert False, f'Bad Lora layer name: {key_diffusers} - must end in lora_up.weight, lora_down.weight or alpha' if len(keys_failed_to_match) > 0: print(f"Failed to match keys when loading Lora {filename}: {keys_failed_to_match}") if len(keys_failed_to_match_lbw) > 0: print(f"Failed to match keys when loading Lora {filename}: {keys_failed_to_match_lbw}") return lora def load_loras_blocks(names, lwei=None,multi=1.0): import lora loras_on_disk = [lora.available_loras.get(name, None) for name in names] if any([x is None for x in loras_on_disk]): lora.list_available_loras() loras_on_disk = [lora.available_loras.get(name, None) for name in names] for i, name in enumerate(names): locallora = None lora_on_disk = loras_on_disk[i] if lora_on_disk is not None: if locallora is None or os.path.getmtime(lora_on_disk.filename) > locallora.mtime: locallora = load_lora(name, lora_on_disk.filename,lwei[i]) if locallora is None: print(f"Couldn't find Lora with name {name}") continue locallora.multiplier = multi lora.loaded_loras.append(locallora) def smakegrid(imgs,xs,ys,currentmodel,p): ver_texts = [[images.GridAnnotation(y)] for y in ys] hor_texts = [[images.GridAnnotation(x)] for x in xs] w, h = imgs[0].size grid ='RGB', size=(len(xs) * w, len(ys) * h), color='black') for i, img in enumerate(imgs): grid.paste(img, box=(i % len(xs) * w, i // len(xs) * h)) grid = images.draw_grid_annotations(grid,int(p.width), int(p.height), hor_texts, ver_texts) grid = draw_origin(grid, currentmodel,w*len(xs),h*len(ys),w) if opts.grid_save: images.save_image(grid, opts.outdir_txt2img_grids, "xy_grid", extension=opts.grid_format, prompt=p.prompt, seed=p.seed, grid=True, p=p) return grid def draw_origin(grid, text,width,height,width_one): grid_d="RGB", (grid.width,grid.height), "white") grid_d.paste(grid,(0,0)) def get_font(fontsize): try: return ImageFont.truetype(opts.font or Roboto, fontsize) except Exception: return ImageFont.truetype(Roboto, fontsize) d= ImageDraw.Draw(grid_d) color_active = (0, 0, 0) fontsize = (width+height)//25 fnt = get_font(fontsize) if grid.width != width_one: while d.multiline_textsize(text, font=fnt)[0] > width_one*0.75 and fontsize > 0: fontsize -=1 fnt = get_font(fontsize) d.multiline_text((0,0), text, font=fnt, fill=color_active,align="center") return grid_d def newrun(p, *args): script_index = args[0] if args[0] ==0: script = None for obj in scripts.scripts_txt2img.alwayson_scripts: if "lora_block_weight" in obj.filename: script = obj script_args = args[script.args_from:script.args_to] else: script = scripts.scripts_txt2img.selectable_scripts[script_index-1] if script is None: return None script_args = args[script.args_from:script.args_to] processed =, *script_args) shared.total_tqdm.clear() return processed def effectivechecker(imgs,ss,ls,diffcol,thresh,revxy): diffs = [] outnum =[] imgs[0],imgs[1] = imgs[1],imgs[0] im1 = np.array(imgs[0]) for i in range(len(imgs)-1): im2 = np.array(imgs[i+1]) abs_diff = cv2.absdiff(im2 , im1) abs_diff_t = cv2.threshold(abs_diff, int(thresh), 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] res = abs_diff_t.astype(np.uint8) percentage = (np.count_nonzero(res) * 100)/ res.size if "white" in diffcol: abs_diff = cv2.bitwise_not(abs_diff) outnum.append(percentage) abs_diff = Image.fromarray(abs_diff) diffs.append(abs_diff) outs = [] for i in range(len(ls)): ls[i] = ls[i] + "\n Diff : " + str(round(outnum[i],3)) + "%" if not revxy: for diff,img in zip(diffs,imgs[1:]): outs.append(diff) outs.append(img) outs.append(imgs[0]) ss = ["diff",ss[0],"source"] return outs,ss,ls else: outs = [imgs[0]]*len(diffs) + imgs[1:]+ diffs ss = ["source",ss[0],"diff"] return outs,ls,ss