# Ultralytics 🚀 AGPL-3.0 License - https://ultralytics.com/license # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # All rights reserved. # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from functools import partial import torch from ultralytics.utils.downloads import attempt_download_asset from .modules.decoders import MaskDecoder from .modules.encoders import FpnNeck, Hiera, ImageEncoder, ImageEncoderViT, MemoryEncoder, PromptEncoder from .modules.memory_attention import MemoryAttention, MemoryAttentionLayer from .modules.sam import SAM2Model, SAMModel from .modules.tiny_encoder import TinyViT from .modules.transformer import TwoWayTransformer def build_sam_vit_h(checkpoint=None): """Builds and returns a Segment Anything Model (SAM) h-size model with specified encoder parameters.""" return _build_sam( encoder_embed_dim=1280, encoder_depth=32, encoder_num_heads=16, encoder_global_attn_indexes=[7, 15, 23, 31], checkpoint=checkpoint, ) def build_sam_vit_l(checkpoint=None): """Builds and returns a Segment Anything Model (SAM) l-size model with specified encoder parameters.""" return _build_sam( encoder_embed_dim=1024, encoder_depth=24, encoder_num_heads=16, encoder_global_attn_indexes=[5, 11, 17, 23], checkpoint=checkpoint, ) def build_sam_vit_b(checkpoint=None): """Constructs and returns a Segment Anything Model (SAM) with b-size architecture and optional checkpoint.""" return _build_sam( encoder_embed_dim=768, encoder_depth=12, encoder_num_heads=12, encoder_global_attn_indexes=[2, 5, 8, 11], checkpoint=checkpoint, ) def build_mobile_sam(checkpoint=None): """Builds and returns a Mobile Segment Anything Model (Mobile-SAM) for efficient image segmentation.""" return _build_sam( encoder_embed_dim=[64, 128, 160, 320], encoder_depth=[2, 2, 6, 2], encoder_num_heads=[2, 4, 5, 10], encoder_global_attn_indexes=None, mobile_sam=True, checkpoint=checkpoint, ) def build_sam2_t(checkpoint=None): """Builds and returns a Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM2) tiny-size model with specified architecture parameters.""" return _build_sam2( encoder_embed_dim=96, encoder_stages=[1, 2, 7, 2], encoder_num_heads=1, encoder_global_att_blocks=[5, 7, 9], encoder_window_spec=[8, 4, 14, 7], encoder_backbone_channel_list=[768, 384, 192, 96], checkpoint=checkpoint, ) def build_sam2_s(checkpoint=None): """Builds and returns a small-size Segment Anything Model (SAM2) with specified architecture parameters.""" return _build_sam2( encoder_embed_dim=96, encoder_stages=[1, 2, 11, 2], encoder_num_heads=1, encoder_global_att_blocks=[7, 10, 13], encoder_window_spec=[8, 4, 14, 7], encoder_backbone_channel_list=[768, 384, 192, 96], checkpoint=checkpoint, ) def build_sam2_b(checkpoint=None): """Builds and returns a SAM2 base-size model with specified architecture parameters.""" return _build_sam2( encoder_embed_dim=112, encoder_stages=[2, 3, 16, 3], encoder_num_heads=2, encoder_global_att_blocks=[12, 16, 20], encoder_window_spec=[8, 4, 14, 7], encoder_window_spatial_size=[14, 14], encoder_backbone_channel_list=[896, 448, 224, 112], checkpoint=checkpoint, ) def build_sam2_l(checkpoint=None): """Builds and returns a large-size Segment Anything Model (SAM2) with specified architecture parameters.""" return _build_sam2( encoder_embed_dim=144, encoder_stages=[2, 6, 36, 4], encoder_num_heads=2, encoder_global_att_blocks=[23, 33, 43], encoder_window_spec=[8, 4, 16, 8], encoder_backbone_channel_list=[1152, 576, 288, 144], checkpoint=checkpoint, ) def _build_sam( encoder_embed_dim, encoder_depth, encoder_num_heads, encoder_global_attn_indexes, checkpoint=None, mobile_sam=False, ): """ Builds a Segment Anything Model (SAM) with specified encoder parameters. Args: encoder_embed_dim (int | List[int]): Embedding dimension for the encoder. encoder_depth (int | List[int]): Depth of the encoder. encoder_num_heads (int | List[int]): Number of attention heads in the encoder. encoder_global_attn_indexes (List[int] | None): Indexes for global attention in the encoder. checkpoint (str | None): Path to the model checkpoint file. mobile_sam (bool): Whether to build a Mobile-SAM model. Returns: (SAMModel): A Segment Anything Model instance with the specified architecture. Examples: >>> sam = _build_sam(768, 12, 12, [2, 5, 8, 11]) >>> sam = _build_sam([64, 128, 160, 320], [2, 2, 6, 2], [2, 4, 5, 10], None, mobile_sam=True) """ prompt_embed_dim = 256 image_size = 1024 vit_patch_size = 16 image_embedding_size = image_size // vit_patch_size image_encoder = ( TinyViT( img_size=1024, in_chans=3, num_classes=1000, embed_dims=encoder_embed_dim, depths=encoder_depth, num_heads=encoder_num_heads, window_sizes=[7, 7, 14, 7], mlp_ratio=4.0, drop_rate=0.0, drop_path_rate=0.0, use_checkpoint=False, mbconv_expand_ratio=4.0, local_conv_size=3, layer_lr_decay=0.8, ) if mobile_sam else ImageEncoderViT( depth=encoder_depth, embed_dim=encoder_embed_dim, img_size=image_size, mlp_ratio=4, norm_layer=partial(torch.nn.LayerNorm, eps=1e-6), num_heads=encoder_num_heads, patch_size=vit_patch_size, qkv_bias=True, use_rel_pos=True, global_attn_indexes=encoder_global_attn_indexes, window_size=14, out_chans=prompt_embed_dim, ) ) sam = SAMModel( image_encoder=image_encoder, prompt_encoder=PromptEncoder( embed_dim=prompt_embed_dim, image_embedding_size=(image_embedding_size, image_embedding_size), input_image_size=(image_size, image_size), mask_in_chans=16, ), mask_decoder=MaskDecoder( num_multimask_outputs=3, transformer=TwoWayTransformer( depth=2, embedding_dim=prompt_embed_dim, mlp_dim=2048, num_heads=8, ), transformer_dim=prompt_embed_dim, iou_head_depth=3, iou_head_hidden_dim=256, ), pixel_mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], pixel_std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375], ) if checkpoint is not None: checkpoint = attempt_download_asset(checkpoint) with open(checkpoint, "rb") as f: state_dict = torch.load(f) sam.load_state_dict(state_dict) sam.eval() return sam def _build_sam2( encoder_embed_dim=1280, encoder_stages=[2, 6, 36, 4], encoder_num_heads=2, encoder_global_att_blocks=[7, 15, 23, 31], encoder_backbone_channel_list=[1152, 576, 288, 144], encoder_window_spatial_size=[7, 7], encoder_window_spec=[8, 4, 16, 8], checkpoint=None, ): """ Builds and returns a Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM2) with specified architecture parameters. Args: encoder_embed_dim (int): Embedding dimension for the encoder. encoder_stages (List[int]): Number of blocks in each stage of the encoder. encoder_num_heads (int): Number of attention heads in the encoder. encoder_global_att_blocks (List[int]): Indices of global attention blocks in the encoder. encoder_backbone_channel_list (List[int]): Channel dimensions for each level of the encoder backbone. encoder_window_spatial_size (List[int]): Spatial size of the window for position embeddings. encoder_window_spec (List[int]): Window specifications for each stage of the encoder. checkpoint (str | None): Path to the checkpoint file for loading pre-trained weights. Returns: (SAM2Model): A configured and initialized SAM2 model. Examples: >>> sam2_model = _build_sam2(encoder_embed_dim=96, encoder_stages=[1, 2, 7, 2]) >>> sam2_model.eval() """ image_encoder = ImageEncoder( trunk=Hiera( embed_dim=encoder_embed_dim, num_heads=encoder_num_heads, stages=encoder_stages, global_att_blocks=encoder_global_att_blocks, window_pos_embed_bkg_spatial_size=encoder_window_spatial_size, window_spec=encoder_window_spec, ), neck=FpnNeck( d_model=256, backbone_channel_list=encoder_backbone_channel_list, fpn_top_down_levels=[2, 3], fpn_interp_model="nearest", ), scalp=1, ) memory_attention = MemoryAttention(d_model=256, pos_enc_at_input=True, num_layers=4, layer=MemoryAttentionLayer()) memory_encoder = MemoryEncoder(out_dim=64) is_sam2_1 = checkpoint is not None and "sam2.1" in checkpoint sam2 = SAM2Model( image_encoder=image_encoder, memory_attention=memory_attention, memory_encoder=memory_encoder, num_maskmem=7, image_size=1024, sigmoid_scale_for_mem_enc=20.0, sigmoid_bias_for_mem_enc=-10.0, use_mask_input_as_output_without_sam=True, directly_add_no_mem_embed=True, use_high_res_features_in_sam=True, multimask_output_in_sam=True, iou_prediction_use_sigmoid=True, use_obj_ptrs_in_encoder=True, add_tpos_enc_to_obj_ptrs=True, only_obj_ptrs_in_the_past_for_eval=True, pred_obj_scores=True, pred_obj_scores_mlp=True, fixed_no_obj_ptr=True, multimask_output_for_tracking=True, use_multimask_token_for_obj_ptr=True, multimask_min_pt_num=0, multimask_max_pt_num=1, use_mlp_for_obj_ptr_proj=True, compile_image_encoder=False, no_obj_embed_spatial=is_sam2_1, proj_tpos_enc_in_obj_ptrs=is_sam2_1, use_signed_tpos_enc_to_obj_ptrs=is_sam2_1, sam_mask_decoder_extra_args=dict( dynamic_multimask_via_stability=True, dynamic_multimask_stability_delta=0.05, dynamic_multimask_stability_thresh=0.98, ), ) if checkpoint is not None: checkpoint = attempt_download_asset(checkpoint) with open(checkpoint, "rb") as f: state_dict = torch.load(f)["model"] sam2.load_state_dict(state_dict) sam2.eval() return sam2 sam_model_map = { "sam_h.pt": build_sam_vit_h, "sam_l.pt": build_sam_vit_l, "sam_b.pt": build_sam_vit_b, "mobile_sam.pt": build_mobile_sam, "sam2_t.pt": build_sam2_t, "sam2_s.pt": build_sam2_s, "sam2_b.pt": build_sam2_b, "sam2_l.pt": build_sam2_l, "sam2.1_t.pt": build_sam2_t, "sam2.1_s.pt": build_sam2_s, "sam2.1_b.pt": build_sam2_b, "sam2.1_l.pt": build_sam2_l, } def build_sam(ckpt="sam_b.pt"): """ Builds and returns a Segment Anything Model (SAM) based on the provided checkpoint. Args: ckpt (str | Path): Path to the checkpoint file or name of a pre-defined SAM model. Returns: (SAMModel | SAM2Model): A configured and initialized SAM or SAM2 model instance. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the provided checkpoint is not a supported SAM model. Examples: >>> sam_model = build_sam("sam_b.pt") >>> sam_model = build_sam("path/to/custom_checkpoint.pt") Notes: Supported pre-defined models include: - SAM: 'sam_h.pt', 'sam_l.pt', 'sam_b.pt', 'mobile_sam.pt' - SAM2: 'sam2_t.pt', 'sam2_s.pt', 'sam2_b.pt', 'sam2_l.pt' """ model_builder = None ckpt = str(ckpt) # to allow Path ckpt types for k in sam_model_map.keys(): if ckpt.endswith(k): model_builder = sam_model_map.get(k) if not model_builder: raise FileNotFoundError(f"{ckpt} is not a supported SAM model. Available models are: \n {sam_model_map.keys()}") return model_builder(ckpt)