import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import numpy as np from import loadmat def init_spixel_grid(args, b_train=True, ratio = 1, downsize = 16): curr_img_height = args.crop_size curr_img_width = args.crop_size # pixel coord all_h_coords = np.arange(0, curr_img_height, 1) all_w_coords = np.arange(0, curr_img_width, 1) curr_pxl_coord = np.array(np.meshgrid(all_h_coords, all_w_coords, indexing='ij')) coord_tensor = np.concatenate([curr_pxl_coord[1:2, :, :], curr_pxl_coord[:1, :, :]]) all_XY_feat = (torch.from_numpy( np.tile(coord_tensor, (1, 1, 1, 1)).astype(np.float32)).cuda()) return all_XY_feat def label2one_hot_torch(labels, C=14): """ Converts an integer label torch.autograd.Variable to a one-hot Variable. Args: labels(tensor) : segmentation label C (integer) : number of classes in labels Returns: target (tensor) : one-hot vector of the input label Shape: labels: (B, 1, H, W) target: (B, N, H, W) """ b,_, h, w = labels.shape one_hot = torch.zeros(b, C, h, w, dtype=torch.long).to(labels) target = one_hot.scatter_(1, labels.type(torch.long).data, 1) #require long type return target.type(torch.float32) colors = loadmat('data/color150.mat')['colors'] colors = np.concatenate((colors, colors, colors, colors)) def unique(ar, return_index=False, return_inverse=False, return_counts=False): ar = np.asanyarray(ar).flatten() optional_indices = return_index or return_inverse optional_returns = optional_indices or return_counts if ar.size == 0: if not optional_returns: ret = ar else: ret = (ar,) if return_index: ret += (np.empty(0, np.bool),) if return_inverse: ret += (np.empty(0, np.bool),) if return_counts: ret += (np.empty(0, np.intp),) return ret if optional_indices: perm = ar.argsort(kind='mergesort' if return_index else 'quicksort') aux = ar[perm] else: ar.sort() aux = ar flag = np.concatenate(([True], aux[1:] != aux[:-1])) if not optional_returns: ret = aux[flag] else: ret = (aux[flag],) if return_index: ret += (perm[flag],) if return_inverse: iflag = np.cumsum(flag) - 1 inv_idx = np.empty(ar.shape, dtype=np.intp) inv_idx[perm] = iflag ret += (inv_idx,) if return_counts: idx = np.concatenate(np.nonzero(flag) + ([ar.size],)) ret += (np.diff(idx),) return ret def colorEncode(labelmap, mode='RGB'): labelmap = labelmap.astype('int') labelmap_rgb = np.zeros((labelmap.shape[0], labelmap.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) for label in unique(labelmap): if label < 0: continue labelmap_rgb += (labelmap == label)[:, :, np.newaxis] * \ np.tile(colors[label], (labelmap.shape[0], labelmap.shape[1], 1)) if mode == 'BGR': return labelmap_rgb[:, :, ::-1] else: return labelmap_rgb def get_edges(sp_label, sp_num): # This function returns a (hw) * (hw) matrix N. # If Nij = 1, then superpixel i and j are neighbors # Otherwise Nij = 0. top = sp_label[:, :, :-1, :] - sp_label[:, :, 1:, :] left = sp_label[:, :, :, :-1] - sp_label[:, :, :, 1:] top_left = sp_label[:, :, :-1, :-1] - sp_label[:, :, 1:, 1:] top_right = sp_label[:, :, :-1, 1:] - sp_label[:, :, 1:, :-1] n_affs = [] edge_indices = [] for i in range(sp_label.shape[0]): # change to torch.ones below to include self-loop in graph n_aff = torch.zeros(sp_num, sp_num).unsqueeze(0).cuda() # top/bottom top_i = top[i].squeeze() x, y = torch.nonzero(top_i, as_tuple = True) sp1 = sp_label[i, :, x, y].squeeze().long() sp2 = sp_label[i, :, x+1, y].squeeze().long() n_aff[:, sp1, sp2] = 1 n_aff[:, sp2, sp1] = 1 # left/right left_i = left[i].squeeze() try: x, y = torch.nonzero(left_i, as_tuple = True) except: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() sp1 = sp_label[i, :, x, y].squeeze().long() sp2 = sp_label[i, :, x, y+1].squeeze().long() n_aff[:, sp1, sp2] = 1 n_aff[:, sp2, sp1] = 1 # top left top_left_i = top_left[i].squeeze() x, y = torch.nonzero(top_left_i, as_tuple = True) sp1 = sp_label[i, :, x, y].squeeze().long() sp2 = sp_label[i, :, x+1, y+1].squeeze().long() n_aff[:, sp1, sp2] = 1 n_aff[:, sp2, sp1] = 1 # top right top_right_i = top_right[i].squeeze() x, y = torch.nonzero(top_right_i, as_tuple = True) sp1 = sp_label[i, :, x, y+1].squeeze().long() sp2 = sp_label[i, :, x+1, y].squeeze().long() n_aff[:, sp1, sp2] = 1 n_aff[:, sp2, sp1] = 1 n_affs.append(n_aff) edge_index = torch.stack(torch.nonzero(n_aff.squeeze(), as_tuple=True)) edge_indices.append(edge_index.cuda()) return edge_indices def draw_color_seg(seg): seg = seg.detach().cpu().numpy() color_ = [] for i in range(seg.shape[0]): colori = colorEncode(seg[i].squeeze()) colori = torch.from_numpy(colori / 255.0).float().permute(2, 0, 1) color_.append(colori) color_ = torch.stack(color_) return color_