from __future__ import division import torch import random import numpy as np import numbers import types import scipy.ndimage as ndimage import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image # import torchvision.transforms.functional as FF ''' Data argumentation file modifed from ''' '''Set of tranform random routines that takes both input and target as arguments, in order to have random but coherent transformations. inputs are PIL Image pairs and targets are ndarrays''' _pil_interpolation_to_str = { Image.NEAREST: 'PIL.Image.NEAREST', Image.BILINEAR: 'PIL.Image.BILINEAR', Image.BICUBIC: 'PIL.Image.BICUBIC', Image.LANCZOS: 'PIL.Image.LANCZOS', Image.HAMMING: 'PIL.Image.HAMMING', Image.BOX: 'PIL.Image.BOX', } class Compose(object): """ Composes several co_transforms together. For example: >>> co_transforms.Compose([ >>> co_transforms.CenterCrop(10), >>> co_transforms.ToTensor(), >>> ]) """ def __init__(self, co_transforms): self.co_transforms = co_transforms def __call__(self, input, target): for t in self.co_transforms: input,target = t(input,target) return input,target class ArrayToTensor(object): """Converts a numpy.ndarray (H x W x C) to a torch.FloatTensor of shape (C x H x W).""" def __call__(self, array): assert(isinstance(array, np.ndarray)) array = np.transpose(array, (2, 0, 1)) # handle numpy array tensor = torch.from_numpy(array) # put it from HWC to CHW format return tensor.float() class ArrayToPILImage(object): """Converts a numpy.ndarray (H x W x C) to a torch.FloatTensor of shape (C x H x W).""" def __call__(self, array): assert(isinstance(array, np.ndarray)) img = Image.fromarray(array.astype(np.uint8)) return img class PILImageToTensor(object): """Converts a numpy.ndarray (H x W x C) to a torch.FloatTensor of shape (C x H x W).""" def __call__(self, img): assert(isinstance(img, Image.Image)) array = np.asarray(img) array = np.transpose(array, (2, 0, 1)) tensor = torch.from_numpy(array) return tensor.float() class Lambda(object): """Applies a lambda as a transform""" def __init__(self, lambd): assert isinstance(lambd, types.LambdaType) self.lambd = lambd def __call__(self, input,target): return self.lambd(input,target) class CenterCrop(object): """Crops the given inputs and target arrays at the center to have a region of the given size. size can be a tuple (target_height, target_width) or an integer, in which case the target will be of a square shape (size, size) Careful, img1 and img2 may not be the same size """ def __init__(self, size): if isinstance(size, numbers.Number): self.size = (int(size), int(size)) else: self.size = size def __call__(self, inputs, target): h1, w1, _ = inputs[0].shape # h2, w2, _ = inputs[1].shape th, tw = self.size x1 = int(round((w1 - tw) / 2.)) y1 = int(round((h1 - th) / 2.)) # x2 = int(round((w2 - tw) / 2.)) # y2 = int(round((h2 - th) / 2.)) for i in range(len(inputs)): inputs[i] = inputs[i][y1: y1 + th, x1: x1 + tw] # inputs[0] = inputs[0][y1: y1 + th, x1: x1 + tw] # inputs[1] = inputs[1][y2: y2 + th, x2: x2 + tw] target = target[y1: y1 + th, x1: x1 + tw] return inputs,target class myRandomResized(object): """ based on RandomResizedCrop in """ def __init__(self, expect_min_size, scale=(0.8, 1.5), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST): # assert (min(input_size) * min(scale) > max(expect_size)) # one consider one decimal !! assert (isinstance(scale,tuple) and len(scale)==2) self.interpolation = interpolation self.scale = [ x*0.1 for x in range(int(scale[0]*10),int(scale[1])*10 )] self.min_size = expect_min_size @staticmethod def get_params(img, scale, min_size): """Get parameters for ``crop`` for a random sized crop. Args: img (PIL Image): Image to be cropped. scale (tuple): range of size of the origin size cropped ratio (tuple): range of aspect ratio of the origin aspect ratio cropped Returns: tuple: params (i, j, h, w) to be passed to ``crop`` for a random sized crop. """ # area = img.size[0] * img.size[1] h, w, _ = img.shape for attempt in range(10): rand_scale_ = random.choice(scale) if random.random() < 0.5: rand_scale = rand_scale_ else: rand_scale = -1. if min_size[0] <= rand_scale * h and min_size[1] <= rand_scale * w\ and rand_scale * h % 16 == 0 and rand_scale * w %16 ==0 : # the 16*n condition is for network architecture return (int(rand_scale * h),int(rand_scale * w )) # Fallback return (h, w) def __call__(self, inputs, tgt): """ Args: img (PIL Image): Image to be cropped and resized. Returns: PIL Image: Randomly cropped and resized image. """ h,w = self.get_params(inputs[0], self.scale, self.min_size) for i in range(len(inputs)): inputs[i] = cv2.resize(inputs[i], (w,h), self.interpolation) tgt = cv2.resize(tgt, (w,h), self.interpolation) #for input as h*w*1 the output is h*w return inputs, np.expand_dims(tgt,-1) def __repr__(self): interpolate_str = _pil_interpolation_to_str[self.interpolation] format_string = self.__class__.__name__ + '(min_size={0}'.format(self.min_size) format_string += ', scale={0}'.format(tuple(round(s, 4) for s in self.scale)) format_string += ', interpolation={0})'.format(interpolate_str) return format_string class Scale(object): """ Rescales the inputs and target arrays to the given 'size'. 'size' will be the size of the smaller edge. For example, if height > width, then image will be rescaled to (size * height / width, size) size: size of the smaller edge interpolation order: Default: 2 (bilinear) """ def __init__(self, size, order=2): self.size = size self.order = order def __call__(self, inputs, target): h, w, _ = inputs[0].shape if (w <= h and w == self.size) or (h <= w and h == self.size): return inputs,target if w < h: ratio = self.size/w else: ratio = self.size/h for i in range(len(inputs)): inputs[i] = ndimage.interpolation.zoom(inputs[i], ratio, order=self.order)[:, :, :3] target = ndimage.interpolation.zoom(target, ratio, order=self.order)[:, :, :1] #target *= ratio return inputs, target class RandomCrop(object): """Crops the given PIL.Image at a random location to have a region of the given size. size can be a tuple (target_height, target_width) or an integer, in which case the target will be of a square shape (size, size) """ def __init__(self, size): if isinstance(size, numbers.Number): self.size = (int(size), int(size)) else: self.size = size def __call__(self, inputs,target): h, w, _ = inputs[0].shape th, tw = self.size if w == tw and h == th: return inputs,target x1 = random.randint(0, w - tw) y1 = random.randint(0, h - th) for i in range(len(inputs)): inputs[i] = inputs[i][y1: y1 + th,x1: x1 + tw] # inputs[1] = inputs[1][y1: y1 + th,x1: x1 + tw] # inputs[2] = inputs[2][y1: y1 + th, x1: x1 + tw] return inputs, target[y1: y1 + th,x1: x1 + tw] class MyScale(object): def __init__(self, size, order=2): self.size = size self.order = order def __call__(self, inputs, target): h, w, _ = inputs[0].shape if (w <= h and w == self.size) or (h <= w and h == self.size): return inputs,target if w < h: for i in range(len(inputs)): inputs[i] = cv2.resize(inputs[i], (self.size, int(h * self.size / w))) target = cv2.resize(target.squeeze(), (self.size, int(h * self.size / w)), cv2.INTER_NEAREST) else: for i in range(len(inputs)): inputs[i] = cv2.resize(inputs[i], (int(w * self.size / h), self.size)) target = cv2.resize(target.squeeze(), (int(w * self.size / h), self.size), cv2.INTER_NEAREST) target = np.expand_dims(target, axis=2) return inputs, target class RandomHorizontalFlip(object): """Randomly horizontally flips the given PIL.Image with a probability of 0.5 """ def __call__(self, inputs, target): if random.random() < 0.5: for i in range(len(inputs)): inputs[i] = np.copy(np.fliplr(inputs[i])) # inputs[1] = np.copy(np.fliplr(inputs[1])) # inputs[2] = np.copy(np.fliplr(inputs[2])) target = np.copy(np.fliplr(target)) # target[:,:,0] *= -1 return inputs,target class RandomVerticalFlip(object): """Randomly horizontally flips the given PIL.Image with a probability of 0.5 """ def __call__(self, inputs, target): if random.random() < 0.5: for i in range(len(inputs)): inputs[i] = np.copy(np.flipud(inputs[i])) # inputs[1] = np.copy(np.flipud(inputs[1])) # inputs[2] = np.copy(np.flipud(inputs[2])) target = np.copy(np.flipud(target)) # target[:,:,1] *= -1 #for disp there is no y dim return inputs,target class RandomRotate(object): """Random rotation of the image from -angle to angle (in degrees) This is useful for dataAugmentation, especially for geometric problems such as FlowEstimation angle: max angle of the rotation interpolation order: Default: 2 (bilinear) reshape: Default: false. If set to true, image size will be set to keep every pixel in the image. diff_angle: Default: 0. Must stay less than 10 degrees, or linear approximation of flowmap will be off. """ def __init__(self, angle, diff_angle=0, order=2, reshape=False): self.angle = angle self.reshape = reshape self.order = order self.diff_angle = diff_angle def __call__(self, inputs,target): applied_angle = random.uniform(-self.angle,self.angle) diff = random.uniform(-self.diff_angle,self.diff_angle) angle1 = applied_angle - diff/2 angle2 = applied_angle + diff/2 angle1_rad = angle1*np.pi/180 h, w, _ = target.shape def rotate_flow(i,j,k): return -k*(j-w/2)*(diff*np.pi/180) + (1-k)*(i-h/2)*(diff*np.pi/180) rotate_flow_map = np.fromfunction(rotate_flow, target.shape) target += rotate_flow_map inputs[0] = ndimage.interpolation.rotate(inputs[0], angle1, reshape=self.reshape, order=self.order) inputs[1] = ndimage.interpolation.rotate(inputs[1], angle2, reshape=self.reshape, order=self.order) target = ndimage.interpolation.rotate(target, angle1, reshape=self.reshape, order=self.order) # flow vectors must be rotated too! careful about Y flow which is upside down target_ = np.copy(target) target[:,:,0] = np.cos(angle1_rad)*target_[:,:,0] + np.sin(angle1_rad)*target_[:,:,1] target[:,:,1] = -np.sin(angle1_rad)*target_[:,:,0] + np.cos(angle1_rad)*target_[:,:,1] return inputs,target class RandomTranslate(object): def __init__(self, translation): if isinstance(translation, numbers.Number): self.translation = (int(translation), int(translation)) else: self.translation = translation def __call__(self, inputs,target): h, w, _ = inputs[0].shape th, tw = self.translation tw = random.randint(-tw, tw) th = random.randint(-th, th) if tw == 0 and th == 0: return inputs, target # compute x1,x2,y1,y2 for img1 and target, and x3,x4,y3,y4 for img2 x1,x2,x3,x4 = max(0,tw), min(w+tw,w), max(0,-tw), min(w-tw,w) y1,y2,y3,y4 = max(0,th), min(h+th,h), max(0,-th), min(h-th,h) inputs[0] = inputs[0][y1:y2,x1:x2] inputs[1] = inputs[1][y3:y4,x3:x4] target = target[y1:y2,x1:x2] target[:,:,0] += tw target[:,:,1] += th return inputs, target class RandomColorWarp(object): def __init__(self, mean_range=0, std_range=0): self.mean_range = mean_range self.std_range = std_range def __call__(self, inputs, target): random_std = np.random.uniform(-self.std_range, self.std_range, 3) random_mean = np.random.uniform(-self.mean_range, self.mean_range, 3) random_order = np.random.permutation(3) inputs[0] *= (1 + random_std) inputs[0] += random_mean inputs[1] *= (1 + random_std) inputs[1] += random_mean inputs[0] = inputs[0][:,:,random_order] inputs[1] = inputs[1][:,:,random_order] return inputs, target