import streamlit as st def image(prompt): import requests API_URL = "" key = st.secrets['auth_token'] headers = {"Authorization": key } def query(payload): response =, headers=headers, json=payload) return response.content image_bytes = query({ "inputs": prompt, }) # You can access the image with PIL.Image for example import io from PIL import Image image = return image def accuracy(prompt): import requests API_URL = "" key = st.secrets['auth_token'] headers = {"Authorization": key} def query(payload): response =, headers=headers, json=payload) return response.json() output = query({ "inputs": { "source_sentence": "Astronaut riding a horse", "sentences": [ prompt ] }, }) return output # Set page title st.set_page_config(page_title="IEEE CS PROMPATHON", page_icon="📜", layout="wide") # Set title st.title("IEEE CS PROMPATHON", anchor=False) st.header("Compare Your Prompts with AI (OpenDalleV1.1 and all-MiniLM-L6-v2)", anchor=False) st.write('by sufyaan') # Input URL st.divider() prompt = st.text_input("Enter Your Prompt:", value="") if prompt: with st.status("Processing...", state="running", expanded=True) as status: st.write("Generating Image ...") img = image(prompt) # Download image st.divider() st.image(img,width=800,caption=prompt) st.write("Checking Your Accuracy...") accuracy = accuracy(prompt) status.update(label="Finished", state="complete") # Show Summary st.subheader("Accuracy:", anchor=False) st.write(accuracy) st.divider() st.header("Image to be generated", anchor=False) st.image('astro.jpg',width=600) st.divider() st.header("Demo with Prompts", anchor=False) st.image('cat.png', width=500, caption='Prompt: black fluffy gorgeous dangerous cat animal creature, large orange eyes, big fluffy ears, piercing gaze, full moon, dark ambiance, best quality, extremely detailed') st.divider() st.image('korean.png', width=500, caption='Prompt: cinematic film still of Kodak Motion Picture Film: (Sharp Detailed Image) An Oscar winning movie for Best Cinematography a woman in a kimono standing on a subway train in Japan Kodak Motion Picture Film Style, shallow depth of field, vignette, highly detailed, high budget, bokeh, cinemascope, moody, epic, gorgeous, film grain, grainy')