#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import annotations import json import gradio as gr import numpy as np from model import Model DESCRIPTION = '# [StyleGAN-XL](https://github.com/autonomousvision/stylegan_xl)' def update_class_index(name: str) -> dict: if 'imagenet' in name: return gr.Slider.update(maximum=999, visible=True) elif 'cifar' in name: return gr.Slider.update(maximum=9, visible=True) else: return gr.Slider.update(visible=False) def get_sample_image_url(name: str) -> str: sample_image_dir = 'https://huggingface.co/spaces/hysts/StyleGAN-XL/resolve/main/samples' return f'{sample_image_dir}/{name}.jpg' def get_sample_image_markdown(name: str) -> str: url = get_sample_image_url(name) if name == 'imagenet': size = 128 class_index = '0-999' seed = '0' elif name == 'cifar10': size = 32 class_index = '0-9' seed = '0-9' elif name == 'ffhq': size = 256 class_index = 'N/A' seed = '0-99' elif name == 'pokemon': size = 256 class_index = 'N/A' seed = '0-99' else: raise ValueError return f''' - size: {size}x{size} - class_index: {class_index} - seed: {seed} - truncation: 0.7 ![sample images]({url})''' def load_class_names(name: str) -> list[str]: with open(f'labels/{name}_classes.json') as f: names = json.load(f) return names def get_class_name_df(name: str) -> list: names = load_class_names(name) return list(map(list, enumerate(names))) # type: ignore IMAGENET_NAMES = load_class_names('imagenet') CIFAR10_NAMES = load_class_names('cifar10') def update_class_name(model_name: str, index: int) -> dict: if 'imagenet' in model_name: if index < len(IMAGENET_NAMES): value = IMAGENET_NAMES[index] else: value = '-' return gr.Textbox.update(value=value, visible=True) elif 'cifar' in model_name: if index < len(CIFAR10_NAMES): value = CIFAR10_NAMES[index] else: value = '-' return gr.Textbox.update(value=value, visible=True) else: return gr.Textbox.update(visible=False) model = Model() with gr.Blocks(css='style.css') as demo: gr.Markdown(DESCRIPTION) with gr.Tabs(): with gr.TabItem('App'): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Group(): model_name = gr.Dropdown(model.MODEL_NAMES, value=model.MODEL_NAMES[3], label='Model') seed = gr.Slider(0, np.iinfo(np.uint32).max, step=1, value=0, label='Seed') psi = gr.Slider(0, 2, step=0.05, value=0.7, label='Truncation psi') class_index = gr.Slider(0, 999, step=1, value=83, label='Class Index') class_name = gr.Textbox( value=IMAGENET_NAMES[class_index.value], label='Class Label', interactive=False) tx = gr.Slider(-1, 1, step=0.05, value=0, label='Translate X') ty = gr.Slider(-1, 1, step=0.05, value=0, label='Translate Y') angle = gr.Slider(-180, 180, step=5, value=0, label='Angle') run_button = gr.Button('Run') with gr.Column(): result = gr.Image(label='Result', elem_id='result') with gr.TabItem('Sample Images'): with gr.Row(): model_name2 = gr.Dropdown([ 'imagenet', 'cifar10', 'ffhq', 'pokemon', ], value='imagenet', label='Model') with gr.Row(): text = get_sample_image_markdown(model_name2.value) sample_images = gr.Markdown(text) with gr.TabItem('Class Names'): with gr.Row(): dataset_name = gr.Dropdown([ 'imagenet', 'cifar10', ], value='imagenet', label='Dataset') with gr.Row(): df = get_class_name_df('imagenet') class_names = gr.Dataframe(df, col_count=2, headers=['Class Index', 'Label'], interactive=False) model_name.change(fn=model.set_model, inputs=model_name, outputs=None) model_name.change(fn=update_class_index, inputs=model_name, outputs=class_index) model_name.change(fn=update_class_name, inputs=[ model_name, class_index, ], outputs=class_name) class_index.change(fn=update_class_name, inputs=[ model_name, class_index, ], outputs=class_name) run_button.click(fn=model.set_model_and_generate_image, inputs=[ model_name, seed, psi, class_index, tx, ty, angle, ], outputs=result) model_name2.change(fn=get_sample_image_markdown, inputs=model_name2, outputs=sample_images) dataset_name.change(fn=get_class_name_df, inputs=dataset_name, outputs=class_names) demo.queue(max_size=10).launch()