import json; import streamlit as st; import requests as req; from transformers import pipeline WIKI_URL = ''; WIKI_BERT = "&titles=BERT_(language_model)" WIKI_QUERY = "?format=json&action=query&prop=extracts&explaintext=1"; WIKI_METHOD = 'GET' pipe_exqa = pipeline("question-answering") #, model="distilbert-base-cased-distilled-squad" st.title('Question Answering example') st.subheader('1. A simple question (extractive, closed domain)') response = req.request(WIKI_METHOD, f'{WIKI_URL}{WIKI_QUERY}{WIKI_BERT}') resp_json = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8")) wiki_bert = resp_json['query']['pages']['62026514']['extract'] paragraph = wiki_bert par_text = 'Paragraph used for QA (you can also edit, or copy/paste new content)' written_passage = st.text_area(par_text, paragraph, height=250) if written_passage: paragraph = written_passage question = 'How many attention heads does Bert have?' # question = 'How many languages does bert understand?' query_text = 'Question used for QA (you can also edit, and experiment with the answers)' written_question = st.text_input(query_text, question) if written_question: question = written_question QA_URL = ""; QA_METHOD = 'POST' if st.button('Run QA inference (get answer prediction)'): if paragraph and question: inputs = {'question': question, 'context': paragraph} payload = json.dumps(inputs) prediction = req.request(QA_METHOD, QA_URL, data=payload) answer = json.loads(prediction.content.decode("utf-8")) # >>> answer structure: # { "answer": "over 70", "score": 0.240, "start": 35, "end": 62 } answer_dict = dict(answer) # st.write(answer_dict) print(answer_dict) if "answer" in answer_dict.keys(): answer_span, answer_score = answer_dict["answer"], answer_dict["score"] st.write(f'Answer: **{answer_span}**') start_par, stop_para = max(0, answer_dict["start"]-86), min(answer_dict["end"]+90, len(paragraph)) answer_context = paragraph[start_par:stop_para].replace(answer_span, f'**{answer_span}**') st.write(f'Answer context (and score): ... _{answer_context}_ ... (score: {format(answer_score, ".3f")})') st.write(f'Answer JSON: '); st.write(answer) else: try: qa_result = pipe_exqa(question=question, context=paragraph) except Exception as e: qa_result = str(e) if "answer" in qa_result.keys(): answer_span, answer_score = qa_result["answer"], qa_result["score"] st.write(f'Answer: **{answer_span}**') start_par, stop_para = max(0, qa_result["start"]-86), min(qa_result["end"]+90, len(paragraph)) answer_context = paragraph[start_par:stop_para].replace(answer_span, f'**{answer_span}**') st.write(f'Answer context (and score): ... _{answer_context}_ ... (score: {format(answer_score, ".3f")})') st.write(f'Answer JSON: '); st.write(qa_result) else: st.write('Write some passage of text and a question'); st.stop() # x = st.slider('Select a value'); st.write(x, 'squared is', x * x)