import os; import json; import requests import streamlit as st ES_URL = os.environ.get("ES_URL") question = 'What is the capital of Netherlands?' query_text = 'Query used for keyword search (you can also edit, and experiment with the responses)' written_question = st.text_input(query_text, question) if written_question: question = written_question if st.button('Run keyword search'): if question: try: # qa_result = pipe_exqa(question=question, context=paragraph) url = f"{ES_URL}/document/_search?pretty" # payload = json.dumps({"query":{"match":{"content":"moldova"}}}) payload = json.dumps({"query": { "more_like_this": { "like": question, # "What is the capital city of Netherlands?" "fields": ["content"], "min_term_freq": 1.9, "min_doc_freq": 4, "max_query_terms": 50 }}}) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload) qa_result = response.json() # print(response.text) except Exception as e: qa_result = str(e) # if "answer" in qa_result.keys(): # answer_span, answer_score = qa_result["answer"], qa_result["score"] # st.write(f'Answer: **{answer_span}**') # start_par, stop_para = max(0, qa_result["start"]-86), min(qa_result["end"]+90, len(paragraph)) # answer_context = paragraph[start_par:stop_para].replace(answer_span, f'**{answer_span}**') # st.write(f'Answer context (and score): ... _{answer_context}_ ... (score: {format(answer_score, ".3f")})') st.write(f'Answer JSON: '); st.write(qa_result) else: st.write('Write a query to submit your keyword search'); st.stop() """ result_first_two_hits = result['hits']['hits'][:2] # print("First 2 results:") question_similarity = [ (hit['_score'], hit['_source']['content'][:200]) for hit in result_first_two_hits ] # print(question_similarity) top_hit = result['hits']['hits'][0] context = top_hit['_source']['content'] # context = r" Extractive Question Answering is the task of extracting # an answer from a text given a question. An example of a question # answering dataset is the SQuAD dataset, which is entirely based # on that task. If you would like to fine-tune a model on a SQuAD task, # you may leverage the `examples/pytorch/question-answering/` script." question = input # "What is extractive question answering?" # "What is a good example of a question answering dataset?" print(question) context = context[:5000] print(context) try: qa_result = pipe_exqa(question=question, context=context) except Exception as e: return {"output": str(e)} return {"output": str(qa_result)} answer = qa_result['answer'] score = round(qa_result['score'], 4) span = f"start: {qa_result['start']}, end: {qa_result['end']}" # st.write(answer); st.write(f"score: {score}"); st.write(f"span: {span}") output = f"{str(answer)} \n {str(score)} \n {str(span)}" return {"output": output} or {"output": str(question_similarity)} or result or {"Hello": "World!"} """