// Defines the text format for including per-op API definition and // overrides for client language op code generators. syntax = "proto3"; package tensorflow; option cc_enable_arenas = true; option java_outer_classname = "ApiDefProtos"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework"; import "tensorflow/core/framework/attr_value.proto"; // Used to specify and override the default API & behavior in the // generated code for client languages, from what you would get from // the OpDef alone. There will be a set of ApiDefs that are common // to all client languages, and another set per client language. // The per-client-language ApiDefs will inherit values from the // common ApiDefs which it can either replace or modify. // // We separate the API definition from the OpDef so we can evolve the // API while remaining backwards compatible when interpretting old // graphs. Overrides go in an "api_def.pbtxt" file with a text-format // ApiDefs message. // // WARNING: Be *very* careful changing the API for any existing op -- // you can change the semantics of existing code. These changes may // need to wait until a major release of TensorFlow to avoid breaking // our compatibility promises. message ApiDef { // Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for. string graph_op_name = 1; enum Visibility { // Normally this is "VISIBLE" unless you are inheriting a // different value from another ApiDef. DEFAULT_VISIBILITY = 0; // Publicly visible in the API. VISIBLE = 1; // Do not include this op in the generated API. If visibility is // set to 'SKIP', other fields are ignored for this op. SKIP = 2; // Hide this op by putting it into an internal namespace (or whatever // is appropriate in the target language). HIDDEN = 3; } Visibility visibility = 2; // If you specify any endpoint, this will replace all of the // inherited endpoints. The first endpoint should be the // "canonical" endpoint, and should not be deprecated (unless all // endpoints are deprecated). message Endpoint { // Name should be either like "CamelCaseName" or // "Package.CamelCaseName". Client-language-specific ApiDefs may // use a snake_case convention instead of CamelCase. string name = 1; // First GraphDef version at which the op is disallowed. int32 deprecation_version = 2; } repeated Endpoint endpoint = 3; message Arg { string name = 1; // Change the name used to access this arg in the API from what // is used in the GraphDef. Note that these names in `backticks` // will also be replaced in the summary & description fields. string rename_to = 2; // Note: this will replace any inherited arg doc. There is no // current way of modifying arg descriptions (other than replacing // them entirely) as can be done with op descriptions. string description = 3; } repeated Arg in_arg = 4; repeated Arg out_arg = 5; // List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. // Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order // or match size of in_arg. repeated string arg_order = 11; // Description of the graph-construction-time configuration of this // Op. That is to say, this describes the attr fields that will // be specified in the NodeDef. message Attr { string name = 1; // Change the name used to access this attr in the API from what // is used in the GraphDef. Note that these names in `backticks` // will also be replaced in the summary & description fields. string rename_to = 2; // Specify a new default value to use for this attr. This default // will be used when creating new graphs, as opposed to the // default in the OpDef, which will be used when interpreting old // GraphDefs. AttrValue default_value = 3; // Note: this will replace any inherited attr doc, there is no current // way of modifying attr descriptions as can be done with op descriptions. string description = 4; } repeated Attr attr = 6; // One-line human-readable description of what the Op does. string summary = 7; // Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does. string description = 8; // Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning // or end. string description_prefix = 9; string description_suffix = 10; } message ApiDefs { repeated ApiDef op = 1; }