import os os.environ['KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK']='True' import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch # import faiss from sentence_transformers import util, LoggingHandler from sentence_transformers.cross_encoder import CrossEncoder import streamlit as st def get_embeddings_from_contexts(model, contexts): # for embeddings """ It takes a list of contexts and returns a list of embeddings :param model: the model you want to use to get the embeddings :param contexts: a list of strings, each string is a context :return: The embeddings of the contexts """ return model.encode(contexts) def load_semantic_search_model(model_name): """ It loads the model :param model_name: The name of the model to load :return: A sentence transformer object """ from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer return SentenceTransformer(model_name) def convert_embeddings_to_faiss_index(embeddings, context_ids): """ We take in a list of embeddings and a list of context IDs, convert the embeddings to a numpy array, instantiate a flat index, pass the index to IndexIDMap, add the embeddings and their IDs to the index, instantiate the resources, and move the index to the GPU :param embeddings: The embeddings you want to convert to a faiss index :param context_ids: The IDs of the contexts :return: A GPU index """ embeddings = np.array(embeddings).astype("float32") # Step 1: Change data type index = faiss.IndexFlatIP(embeddings.shape[1]) # Step 2: Instantiate the index index = faiss.IndexIDMap(index) # Step 3: Pass the index to IndexIDMap index.add_with_ids(embeddings, context_ids) # Step 4: Add vectors and their IDs res = faiss.StandardGpuResources() # Step 5: Instantiate the resources gpu_index = faiss.index_cpu_to_gpu( res, 0, index ) # Step 6: Move the index to the GPU return gpu_index def vector_search(query, model, index, num_results=20): """Tranforms query to vector using a pretrained, sentence-level model and finds similar vectors using FAISS. """ vector = model.encode(list(query)) D, I ="float32"), k=num_results) return D, I def id2details(df, I, column): """Returns the paper titles based on the paper index.""" return [list(df[df.index.values == idx][column])[0] for idx in I[0]] def combine(user_query, model, index, df, column, num_results=10): """ It takes a user query, a model, an index, a dataframe, and a column name, and returns the top 5 results from the dataframe :param user_query: the query you want to search for :param model: the model we trained above :param index: the index of the vectorized dataframe :param df: the dataframe containing the data :param column: the column in the dataframe that contains the text you want to search :param num_results: the number of results to return, defaults to 5 (optional) :return: the top 5 results from the vector search. """ D, I = vector_search([user_query], model, index, num_results=num_results) return id2details(df, I, column) def get_context(model, query, contexts, contexts_emb, top_k=100): """ Given a query, a list of contexts, and their embeddings, return the top k contexts with the highest similarity score. :param model: the model we trained in the previous section :param query: the query string :param contexts: list of contexts :param contexts_emb: the embeddings of the contexts :param top_k: the number of contexts to return, defaults to 3 (optional) :return: The top_context is a list of the top 3 contexts that are most similar to the query. """ # Encode query and contexts with the encode function query_emb = model.encode(query) query_emb = torch.from_numpy(query_emb.reshape(1, -1)) contexts_emb = torch.from_numpy(contexts_emb) # Compute similiarity score between query and all contexts embeddings scores = util.cos_sim(query_emb, contexts_emb)[0].cpu().tolist() # Combine contexts & scores # print(contexts) contexts_score_pairs = list(zip(contexts.premise.tolist(), scores)) result = sorted(contexts_score_pairs, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:top_k] # print(result) top_context = [] for c, s in result: top_context.append(c) return top_context def get_answer(model, query, context): """ > Given a model, a query, and a context, return the answer :param model: the model we just loaded :param query: The question you want to ask :param context: The context of the question :return: A string """ formatted_query = f"{query}\n{context}" res = model(formatted_query) return res[0]["generated_text"] def evaluate_semantic_model(model, question, contexts, contexts_emb, index=None): """ For each question, we use the model to find the most similar context. :param model: the model we're using to evaluate :param questions: a list of questions :param contexts: the list of contexts :param contexts_emb: the embeddings of the contexts :param index: the index of the context embeddings :return: The predictions are being returned. """ predictions = combine(question, model, index, contexts, "premise") if index else get_context(model, question, contexts, contexts_emb) #for cosine return predictions @st.experimental_singleton def load_models(): semantic_search_model = load_semantic_search_model("distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v1") model_nli_stsb = CrossEncoder('ssilwal/nli-stsb-fr', max_length=512, device='cpu') model_nli = CrossEncoder('ssilwal/CASS-civile-nli', max_length=512, device='cpu') model_baseline = CrossEncoder('amberoad/bert-multilingual-passage-reranking-msmarco', max_length=512, device='cpu') df = pd.read_csv('synthetic-dataset.csv') contexts = df.premise.unique() contexts = pd.DataFrame(contexts, columns = ['premise']) context_emb = np.loadtxt('contexts-emb.txt', dtype=np.float32) return semantic_search_model, model_nli, model_nli_stsb, model_baseline, contexts, context_emb def callback(state, object): return # st.session_state[f'{state}'] if 'slider' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['slider'] = 0 if 'radio' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['radio'] = 'Civile-Law-IR' if 'show' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['show'] = False if 'results' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['results'] = None # if 'run' not in st.session_state: # st.session_state['run'] = True # if 'radio' not in st.session_state: # st.session_state['radio'] = 'Model 1' semantic_search_model, model_nli, model_nli_stsb, model_baseline, contexts, context_emb = load_models() @st.cache(suppress_st_warning=True) def run_inference(model_name, query): pred = evaluate_semantic_model( semantic_search_model, query, contexts, context_emb, # index, # #if u want to use faiss ) # So we create the respective sentence combinations sentence_combinations = [[query, corpus_sentence] for corpus_sentence in pred] # Compute the similarity scores for these combinations if model_name=='Civile-Law-IR': similarity_scores = model_nli.predict(sentence_combinations) scores = [(score_max[0],idx) for idx,score_max in enumerate(similarity_scores)] sim_scores_argsort = sorted(scores, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) results = [pred[idx] for _,idx in list(sim_scores_argsort)[:int(top_K)]] if model_name=='STSB': similarity_scores = model_nli_stsb.predict(sentence_combinations) sim_scores_argsort = reversed(np.argsort(similarity_scores)) results = [pred[idx] for idx in list(sim_scores_argsort)[:int(top_K)]] if model_name=='DR-Baseline': similarity_scores = model_baseline.predict(sentence_combinations) scores = [(score_max[0],idx) for idx,score_max in enumerate(similarity_scores)] sim_scores_argsort = sorted(scores, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) results = [pred[idx] for _,idx in list(sim_scores_argsort)[:int(top_K)]] return results # only need for faiss index # index = convert_embeddings_to_faiss_index(context_emb, contexts.index.values) # query = ['Quelles protections la Loi sur la protection du consommateur accorde-t-elle aux individus?'] query = st.text_input('Civil Legal Query', 'Quelles protections la Loi sur la protection du consommateur accorde-t-elle aux individus?') top_K = st.text_input('Choose Number of Result: ','10') model_name = "Choose Model", ("Civile-Law-IR", "STSB", "DR-Baseline"), key='radio', on_change=callback, args=('radio','CivileLaw-IR'), help="Civile-Law-IR: trained on civile-NLI-dataset, STSB: trained on STSB french dataset, DR-Baseline: existing nli model trained on ms marco dataset" ) if st.button('Run', key='run'): results= run_inference(model_name, query) st.session_state['show'] = True st.session_state['results'] = results st.session_state['query'] = query model_dict = {'Civile-Law-IR': 'NLI-Syn', 'STSB': 'NLI-stsb', 'DR-Baseline': 'NLI-baseline'} st.session_state['model'] = model_dict[model_name] if st.session_state['show'] and st.session_state['results']!=None: st.write("-"*50) for result in st.session_state['results']: line = f'Context: {result}\n\n' st.write(line) # rate = st.slider('Please rate this output', min_value= 0, max_value=5, key='slider', on_change=callback, args=('slider','0')) # if st.session_state['slider'] !=0: # rate = st.session_state['slider'] # st.write(f'You rated {rate}') # if st.button('Submit', key='rate'): # if st.session_state['results']!=None: # item = {'query': st.session_state['query'], 'results': st.session_state['results'], 'model': st.session_state['model'],'rating': st.session_state['slider']} # try: # with open('human.json','r') as file: # import json # archive = json.load(file) # archive.append(item) # with open('human.json','w') as file: # json.dump(archive, file) # except FileNotFoundError: # import json # data = [item] # print(data) # with open('human.json','w') as file: # json.dump(data, file)