[ { "text": "In this video, I'm going to answer the top 3 questions", "start": 0.0, "end": 4.0 }, { "text": "my students ask me about Python. What is Python? What ", "start": 4.0, "end": 8.0 }, { "text": "can you do with it? And why is it so popular? In other words, what", "start": 8.0, "end": 12.0 }, { "text": "does it do that other programming languages don't? Python is the ", "start": 12.0, "end": 16.0 }, { "text": "world's fastest growing and most popular programming language, not just ", "start": 16.0, "end": 20.0 }, { "text": "amongst software engineers, but also amongst mathematicians, ", "start": 20.0, "end": 24.0 }, { "text": "data analysts, scientists, accountants, networking engineers,", "start": 24.0, "end": 28.0 }, { "text": "and even kids! Because it's a very beginner friendly programming ", "start": 28.0, "end": 32.0 }, { "text": "language. So people from different disciplines use Python", "start": 32.0, "end": 36.0 }, { "text": "for a variety of different tasks, such as data analysis and visualization, ", "start": 36.0, "end": 40.0 }, { "text": "artificial intelligence and machine learning, automation ", "start": 40.0, "end": 44.0 }, { "text": "in fact this is one of the big uses of Python amongst people who are not software", "start": 44.0, "end": 48.0 }, { "text": "developers. If you constantly have to do boring, repetitive ", "start": 48.0, "end": 52.0 }, { "text": "tasks, such as copying files and folders around, renaming them, ", "start": 52.0, "end": 56.0 }, { "text": "uploading them to a server, you can easily write a Python script to", "start": 56.0, "end": 60.0 }, { "text": "automate all that and save your time. And that's just one example, if you", "start": 60.0, "end": 64.0 }, { "text": "continuously have to work with excel spreadsheets, PDF's, CS", "start": 64.0, "end": 68.0 }, { "text": "View files, download websites and parse them, you can automate all", "start": 68.0, "end": 72.0 }, { "text": "that stuff with Python. So you don't have to be a software developer to use Python.", "start": 72.0, "end": 76.0 }, { "text": "You could be an accountant, a mathematician, or a scientist, and use Python ", "start": 76.0, "end": 80.0 }, { "text": "to make your life easier. You can also use Python to build ", "start": 80.0, "end": 84.0 }, { "text": "web, mobile and desktop applications as well as software ", "start": 84.0, "end": 88.0 }, { "text": "testing or even hacking. So Python is a multi purpose language. ", "start": 88.0, "end": 92.0 }, { "text": "Now if you have some programming experience you may say, \"But Mosh", "start": 92.0, "end": 96.0 }, { "text": "we can do all this stuff with other programming languages, so what's the big deal ", "start": 96.0, "end": 100.0 }, { "text": "about Python?\" Here are a few reasons. With Python you can ", "start": 100.0, "end": 104.0 }, { "text": "solve complex problems in less time with fewer lines of code. ", "start": 104.0, "end": 108.0 }, { "text": "Here's an example. Let's say we want to extract the first three ", "start": 108.0, "end": 112.0 }, { "text": "letters of the text Hello World. This is the code we have to write ", "start": 112.0, "end": 116.0 }, { "text": "in C# this is how we do it in JavaScript and here's how we ", "start": 116.0, "end": 120.0 }, { "text": "do it in Python. See how short and clean the language is?", "start": 120.0, "end": 124.0 }, { "text": "And that's just the beginning. Python makes a lot of trivial things", "start": 124.0, "end": 128.0 }, { "text": "really easy with a simple yet powerful syntax. Here are a few", "start": 128.0, "end": 132.0 }, { "text": "other reasons Python is so popular. It's a high level language", "start": 132.0, "end": 136.0 }, { "text": "so you don't have to worry about complex tasks such as memory management, ", "start": 136.0, "end": 140.0 }, { "text": "like you do in C++. It's cross platform which means ", "start": 140.0, "end": 144.0 }, { "text": "you can build and run Python applications on Windows, Mac, ", "start": 144.0, "end": 148.0 }, { "text": "and Linux. It has a huge community so whenever you get ", "start": 148.0, "end": 152.0 }, { "text": "stuck, there is someone out there to help. It has a large ecosystem ", "start": 152.0, "end": 156.0 }, { "text": "of libraries, frameworks and tools which means whatever you wanna do", "start": 156.0, "end": 160.0 }, { "text": "it is likely that someone else has done it before because Python has been around ", "start": 160.0, "end": 164.0 }, { "text": "for over 20 years. So in a nutshell, Python", "start": 164.0, "end": 168.0 }, { "text": "is a multi-purpose language with a simple, clean, and beginner-friendly ", "start": 168.0, "end": 172.0 }, { "text": "syntax. All of that means Python is awesome.", "start": 172.0, "end": 176.0 }, { "text": "Technically everything you do with Python you can do with other programming languages, ", "start": 176.0, "end": 180.0 }, { "text": "but Python's simplicity and elegance has made it grow way ", "start": 180.0, "end": 184.0 }, { "text": "more than other programming languages. That's why it's the number onne", "start": 184.0, "end": 188.0 }, { "text": "language employers are looking for. So whether you're a programmer or ", "start": 188.0, "end": 192.0 }, { "text": "an absolute beginner, learning Python opens up lots of job opportunities ", "start": 192.0, "end": 196.0 }, { "text": "to you. In fact, the average Python developer earns a whopping", "start": 196.0, "end": 200.0 }, { "text": "116,000 dollars a year. If you", "start": 200.0, "end": 204.0 }, { "text": "found this video helpful, please support my hard work by liking and sharing it with others. ", "start": 204.0, "end": 208.0 }, { "text": "Also, be sure to subscribe to my channel, because I have a couple of", "start": 208.0, "end": 212.0 }, { "text": "awesome Python tutorials for you, you're going to see them on the screen now. ", "start": 212.0, "end": 216.0 }, { "text": "Here's my Python tutorial for beginners, it's a great starting point if you ", "start": 216.0, "end": 220.0 }, { "text": "have limited or no programming experience. On the other hand, if you ", "start": 220.0, "end": 224.0 }, { "text": "do have some programming experience and want to quickly get up to speed with Python, ", "start": 224.0, "end": 228.0 }, { "text": "I have another tutorial just for you. I'm not going to waste your time ", "start": 228.0, "end": 232.0 }, { "text": "telling you what a variable or a function is. I will talk to you like a programmer.", "start": 232.0, "end": 236.0 }, { "text": "There's never been a better time to master Python programming,", "start": 236.0, "end": 240.0 }, { "text": "so click on the tutorial that is right for you and get started. Thank you for", "start": 240.0, "end": 244.0 }, { "text": "watching!", "start": 244.0, "end": 246.63 } ]