# author sridhar iyer from datetime import date from datetime import datetime import re import numpy as np import pandas as pd from PIL import Image import plotly.express as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import streamlit as st import time from plotly.subplots import make_subplots # Read CSV file into pandas and extract timestamp data dfSentiment = pd.read_csv('sentiment_data.csv')### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE dfSentiment['timestamp'] = [datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y-%m-%d') for dt in dfSentiment['timestamp'].tolist()] # Multi-select columns to build chart col_list = dfSentiment.columns.values.tolist()### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE #### Extract columns into a list r_sentiment = re.compile(".*sentiment") sentiment_cols = list(filter(r_sentiment.match, col_list))### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE r_post = re.compile(".*post") post_list = list(filter(r_post.match, col_list))### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE r_perc= re.compile(".*perc") perc_list = list(filter(r_perc.match, col_list)) r_close = re.compile(".*close") close_list = list(filter(r_close.match, col_list)) r_volume = re.compile(".*volume") volume_list = list(filter(r_volume.match, col_list)) sentiment_cols = sentiment_cols + post_list stocks_cols = close_list + volume_list ### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE # Config for page st.set_page_config( page_title= 'TSLA Sentiment Analyzer Using Huggingface and StreamLit App',### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE page_icon='✅', layout='wide', ) with st.sidebar: # FourthBrain logo to sidebar fourthbrain_logo = Image.open('./images/fourthbrain_logo.png') st.image([fourthbrain_logo], width=300) # Date selection filters start_date_filter = st.date_input( ### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE 'Start Date', min(dfSentiment['timestamp']), min_value=min(dfSentiment['timestamp']), max_value=max(dfSentiment['timestamp']) ) end_date_filter = st.date_input( 'End Date', max(dfSentiment['timestamp']), min_value=min(dfSentiment['timestamp']), max_value=max(dfSentiment['timestamp']) ) sentiment_select = st.selectbox('Select Sentiment Data', sentiment_cols) ### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE stock_select = st.selectbox('Select Stock Data', stocks_cols) ### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE # Banner with TSLA and Reddit images tsla_logo = Image.open('./images/tsla_logo.png')### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE reddit_logo = Image.open('./images/reddit_logo.png') st.image([tsla_logo, reddit_logo], width=200) # dashboard title ### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE st.title('TSLA Dashboard') ## dataframe filter # start date dfSentiment = dfSentiment[dfSentiment['timestamp'] >= datetime(start_date_filter.year, start_date_filter.month, start_date_filter.day)] # end date dfSentiment = dfSentiment[dfSentiment['timestamp'] <= datetime(end_date_filter.year, end_date_filter.month, end_date_filter.day)] dfSentiment = dfSentiment.reset_index(drop=True) # creating a single-element container placeholder = st.empty()### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE # near real-time / live feed simulation for i in range(1, len(dfSentiment)-1): # creating KPIs last_close = dfSentiment['close'][i] last_close_lag1 = dfSentiment['close'][i-1] last_sentiment = dfSentiment['sentiment_score'][i] ### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE last_sentiment_lag1 = dfSentiment['sentiment_score'][i-1]### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE with placeholder.container(): # create columns kpi1, kpi2 = st.columns(2) # fill in those three columns with respective metrics or KPIs kpi1.metric( label='Sentiment Score', value=round(last_sentiment, 3), delta=round(last_sentiment_lag1, 3), ) kpi2.metric( label='Last Closing Price', ### YOUR LINE 1 OF CODE HERE ### YOUR LINE 2 OF CODE HERE value=round(last_close), delta=round(last_close - last_close_lag1) ) # create two columns for charts fig_col1, fig_col2 = st.columns(2) with fig_col1: # Add traces fig=make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y":True}]]) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=dfSentiment['timestamp'][0:i], y=dfSentiment[sentiment_select][0:i], name=sentiment_select, mode='lines', hoverinfo='none', ) ) if sentiment_select.startswith('perc') == True: yaxis_label = '% Change Sentiment' elif sentiment_select in sentiment_cols: yaxis_label = 'Sentiment Score' elif sentiment_select in post_list: yaxis_label = 'Volume' fig.layout.yaxis.title=yaxis_label if stock_select.startswith('perc') == True: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=dfSentiment['timestamp'][0:i], y=dfSentiment[stock_select][0:i], name=stock_select, mode='lines', hoverinfo='none', yaxis='y2', ) ) fig.layout.yaxis2.title='% Change Stock Price ($US)' elif stock_select == 'volume': fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=dfSentiment['timestamp'][0:i], y=dfSentiment[stock_select][0:i], name=stock_select, mode='lines', hoverinfo='none', yaxis='y2', ) ) fig.layout.yaxis2.title="Shares Traded" else: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=dfSentiment['timestamp'][0:i], y=dfSentiment[stock_select][0:i], name=stock_select, mode='lines', hoverinfo='none', yaxis='y2', ) ) fig.layout.yaxis2.title='Stock Price ($USD)' fig.layout.xaxis.title='Timestamp' # write the figure throught streamlit ### YOUR LINE OF CODE HERE st.write(fig) st.markdown('### Detailed Data View') st.dataframe(dfSentiment.iloc[:, 1:][0:i]) time.sleep(1)