import base64 import os from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Final import faiss import numpy as np import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from pipeline import clip_wrapper from pipeline.process_videos import DATAFRAME_PATH NUM_FRAMES_TO_RETURN = 21 class SemanticSearcher: def __init__(self, dataset: pd.DataFrame): dim_columns = dataset.filter(regex="^dim_").columns self.embedder = clip_wrapper.ClipWrapper().texts2vec self.metadata = dataset.drop(columns=dim_columns) self.index = faiss.IndexFlatIP(len(dim_columns)) self.index.add(np.ascontiguousarray(dataset[dim_columns].to_numpy(np.float32))) def search(self, query: str) -> list["SearchResult"]: v = self.embedder([query]).detach().numpy() D, I =, NUM_FRAMES_TO_RETURN) return [ SearchResult( video_id=row["video_id"], frame_idx=row["frame_idx"], timestamp=row["timestamp"], base64_image=row["base64_image"], score=score, ) for score, (_, row) in zip(D[0], self.metadata.iloc[I[0]].iterrows()) ] @st.cache_resource def get_semantic_searcher(): return SemanticSearcher(pd.read_parquet(DATAFRAME_PATH)) @dataclass class SearchResult: video_id: str frame_idx: int timestamp: float base64_image: str score: float def get_video_url(video_id: str, timestamp: float) -> str: timestamp = max(0, timestamp - 1) return f"{video_id}&t={int(timestamp)}" def display_search_results(results: list[SearchResult]) -> None: col_count = 3 # Number of videos per row col_num = 0 # Counter to keep track of the current column row = st.empty() # Placeholder for the current row for i, result in enumerate(results): if col_num == 0: row = st.columns(col_count) # Create a new row of columns with row[col_num]: # Apply CSS styling to the video container st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.markdown( f""" frame {result.frame_idx} timestamp {int(result.timestamp)} """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) col_num += 1 if col_num >= col_count: col_num = 0 def main(): st.set_page_config(page_title="video-semantic-search", layout="wide") st.header("Visual content search over music videos") st.markdown("_App by Ben Tenmann and Sidney Radcliffe_") searcher = get_semantic_searcher() num_videos = len(searcher.metadata.video_id.unique()) st.text_input( f"What are you looking for? Search over {num_videos} music videos.", key="query" ) query = st.session_state["query"] if query: st.text("Click image to open video") display_search_results( if __name__ == "__main__": main()