This file contains 2 hallings (#1 - #2). You can find more abc tune files at Last updated 1 June 2013. (c) Copyright 2002-2013 Henrik Norbeck. This file: - May be distributed with restrictions below. - May not be used for commercial purposes (such as printing a tune book to sell). - This file (or parts of it) may not be made available on a web page for download without permission from me. - This copyright notice must be kept, except when e-mailing individual tunes. - May be printed on paper for personal use. - Questions? E-mail: R:halling Z:id:hn-%R-%X M:2/4 L:1/8 X:1 T:Halling efter Per Myhr R:halling O:Sweden Z:id:hn-halling-1 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=115 K:Dmix aa/b/ af/a/ | Pge/g/ fd/f/ | aa/b/ af/a/ | Pge/c/ d>f :| |: g/z/f d>c | Ac/B/ GA | E/F/E/D/ CD | FA ^GA | E/F/E/D/ CD | FA ^GA | Tf>e dc | d2 d>f :| X:2 T:Lugumleik R:halling C:efter Hans W. Brimi D:Ale M\"oller, Sten K\"allman, Thomas Ringdahl: Vind D:Den Fule: Lugumleik O:Norway Z:id:hn-halling-2 M:1/4 Q:1/4=100 K:Ddor A, | DF/E/ | CC | DF | Ac | c/B/A/G/ | BB/c/ | AA/F/ | DA, | DF/E/ | CC | DF | Ac | c/B/A/G/ | BB/c/ |[1 AA- | A :| [2 AA- | A |: c/B/ | GG- | GA/F/ | DD- | DF/E/ | CC | EE/F/ | DD/F/ | AA- | Ac/B/ | GG- | GA/F/ | DD- | DF/E/ | CC | EE/F/ |[1 DD | DF/A/ | A :|[2 DD | D ||