This file contains 1 g{\aa}ngl{\aa}t (#1). You can find more abc tune files at Last updated 1 June 2013. (c) Copyright 2002-2013 Henrik Norbeck. This file: - May be distributed with restrictions below. - May not be used for commercial purposes (such as printing a tune book to sell). - This file (or parts of it) may not be made available on a web page for download without permission from me. - This copyright notice must be kept, except when e-mailing individual tunes. - May be printed on paper for personal use. - Questions? E-mail: Z:id:hn-ganglat-%X X:1 T:G\"ardebyl{\aa}ten R:g{\aa}ngl{\aa}t A:Dalarna O:Sweden Z:id:hn-ganglat-1 M:C| K:D FG|ABAF ABAF|A2fe d2c2|BcBG BcBG|B2gf e2d2| c3d c2B2|A2g2 f2e2|1 dcde fefg|a6:|2 d2fd Acec|d6|| |:fg|a4 a2^ga|b2a2 g2f2|g4 B3d|g2f2 e2d2| c3d c2B2|A2g2 f2e2|1 dcde fefg|a6:|2 d2fd Acec|d6||