from speechbox import PunctuationRestorer from datasets import load_dataset streamed_dataset = load_dataset("librispeech_asr", "clean", split="validation", streaming=True) # get first sample sample = next(iter(streamed_dataset)) # print out normalized transcript print(sample["text"]) # => "HE WAS IN A FEVERED STATE OF MIND OWING TO THE BLIGHT HIS WIFE'S ACTION THREATENED TO CAST UPON HIS ENTIRE FUTURE" # load the restoring class restorer = PunctuationRestorer.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-tiny.en")"cuda") restored_text, log_probs = restorer(sample["audio"]["array"], sample["text"], sampling_rate=sample["audio"]["sampling_rate"], num_beams=1) print("Restored text:\n", restored_text)