import spacy_streamlit from pathlib import Path import srsly import importlib import random MODELS = srsly.read_json(Path(__file__).parent / "models.json") DEFAULT_MODEL = "en_core_web_sm" DEFAULT_TEXT = "David Bowie moved to the US in 1974, initially staying in New York City before settling in Los Angeles." DESCRIPTION = """**Explore trained [spaCy v3.0]( pipelines**""" def get_default_text(nlp): # Check if spaCy has built-in example texts for the language try: examples = importlib.import_module(f".lang.{nlp.lang}.examples", "spacy") return examples.sentences[0] except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): return "" spacy_streamlit.visualize( MODELS, default_model=DEFAULT_MODEL, visualizers=["parser", "ner", "similarity", "tokens"], show_visualizer_select=True, sidebar_description=DESCRIPTION, get_default_text=get_default_text )