# Taken from https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface-projects/auto-retrain import logging import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Literal, Optional from fastapi import BackgroundTasks, FastAPI, Header, HTTPException from fastapi.responses import FileResponse from huggingface_hub import ( CommitOperationAdd, CommitOperationDelete, comment_discussion, create_commit, create_repo, delete_repo, get_repo_discussions, snapshot_download, space_info, ) from huggingface_hub.repocard import RepoCard from pydantic import BaseModel from requests import HTTPError logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) WEBHOOK_SECRET = os.getenv("WEBHOOK_SECRET") HF_TOKEN = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN") class WebhookPayloadEvent(BaseModel): action: Literal["create", "update", "delete"] scope: str class WebhookPayloadRepo(BaseModel): type: Literal["dataset", "model", "space"] name: str private: bool class WebhookPayloadDiscussion(BaseModel): num: int isPullRequest: bool status: Literal["open", "closed", "merged"] class WebhookPayload(BaseModel): event: WebhookPayloadEvent repo: WebhookPayloadRepo discussion: Optional[WebhookPayloadDiscussion] app = FastAPI() @app.get("/") async def home(): return FileResponse("home.html") @app.post("/webhook") async def post_webhook( payload: WebhookPayload, task_queue: BackgroundTasks, x_webhook_secret: Optional[str] = Header(default=None), ): logger.info("Received new hook!") if x_webhook_secret is None: logger.warning("HTTP 401: No webhook secret") raise HTTPException(401) if x_webhook_secret != WEBHOOK_SECRET: logger.warning("HTTP 403: wrong webhook secret") raise HTTPException(403) if payload.repo.type != "space": logger.warning("HTTP 400: not a space") raise HTTPException(400, f"Must be a Space, not {payload.repo.type}") space_id = payload.repo.name if ( payload.event.scope.startswith("discussion") and payload.event.action == "create" and payload.discussion is not None and payload.discussion.isPullRequest and payload.discussion.status == "open" ): # New PR! if not is_pr_synced(space_id=space_id, pr_num=payload.discussion.num): task_queue.add_task( sync_ci_space, space_id=space_id, pr_num=payload.discussion.num, private=payload.repo.private, ) logger.info("New PR! Sync task scheduled") else: logger.info("New comment on PR but CI space already synced") elif ( payload.event.scope.startswith("discussion") and payload.event.action == "update" and payload.discussion is not None and payload.discussion.isPullRequest and ( payload.discussion.status == "merged" or payload.discussion.status == "closed" ) ): # PR merged or closed! task_queue.add_task( delete_ci_space, space_id=space_id, pr_num=payload.discussion.num, ) logger.info("PR is merged (or closed)! Delete task scheduled") elif ( payload.event.scope.startswith("repo.content") and payload.event.action == "update" ): # New repo change. Is it a commit on a PR? # => loop through all PRs and check if new changes happened logger.info("New repo content update. Checking PRs state.") for discussion in get_repo_discussions( repo_id=space_id, repo_type="space", token=HF_TOKEN ): if discussion.is_pull_request and discussion.status == "open": if not is_pr_synced(space_id=space_id, pr_num=discussion.num): task_queue.add_task( sync_ci_space, space_id=space_id, pr_num=discussion.num, private=payload.repo.private, ) logger.info(f"Scheduled update for PR {discussion.num}.") logger.info(f"Done looping over PRs.") else: logger.info(f"Webhook ignored.") logger.info(f"Done.") return {"processed": True} def is_pr_synced(space_id: str, pr_num: int) -> bool: # What is the last synced commit for this PR? ci_space_id = _get_ci_space_id(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num) try: card = RepoCard.load( repo_id_or_path=ci_space_id, repo_type="space", token=HF_TOKEN ) last_synced_sha = getattr(card.data, "synced_sha", None) except HTTPError: last_synced_sha = None # What is the last commit id for this PR? info = space_info(repo_id=space_id, revision=f"refs/pr/{pr_num}") last_pr_sha = info.sha # Is it up to date ? return last_synced_sha == last_pr_sha def sync_ci_space(space_id: str, pr_num: int, private: bool) -> None: # Create a temporary space for CI if didn't exist ci_space_id = _get_ci_space_id(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num) try: create_repo( ci_space_id, repo_type="space", space_sdk="docker", private=private, token=HF_TOKEN, ) is_new = True except HTTPError as err: if err.response.status_code == 409: # already exists is_new = False else: raise # Download space codebase from PR revision snapshot_path = Path( snapshot_download( repo_id=space_id, revision=f"refs/pr/{pr_num}", repo_type="space", token=HF_TOKEN, ) ) # Sync space codebase with PR revision operations = [ # little aggressive but works CommitOperationDelete(".", is_folder=True) ] for filepath in snapshot_path.glob("**/*"): if filepath.is_file(): path_in_repo = str(filepath.relative_to(snapshot_path)) # Upload all files without changes except for the README file if path_in_repo == "README.md": card = RepoCard.load(filepath) setattr(card.data, "synced_sha", snapshot_path.name) # latest sha path_or_fileobj = str(card).encode() else: path_or_fileobj = filepath operations.append( CommitOperationAdd( path_in_repo=path_in_repo, path_or_fileobj=path_or_fileobj ) ) create_commit( repo_id=ci_space_id, repo_type="space", operations=operations, commit_message=f"Sync CI Space with PR {pr_num}.", token=HF_TOKEN, ) # Post a comment on the PR notify_pr(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num, action="create" if is_new else "update") def delete_ci_space(space_id: str, pr_num: int) -> None: # Delete ci_space_id = _get_ci_space_id(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num) delete_repo(repo_id=ci_space_id, repo_type="space", token=HF_TOKEN) # Notify about deletion notify_pr(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num, action="delete") def notify_pr( space_id: str, pr_num: int, action: Literal["create", "update", "delete"] ) -> None: ci_space_id = _get_ci_space_id(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num) if action == "create": comment = NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_CREATE.format(ci_space_id=ci_space_id) elif action == "update": comment = NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_UPDATE.format(ci_space_id=ci_space_id) elif action == "delete": comment = NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_DELETE else: raise ValueError(f"Status {action} not handled.") comment_discussion( repo_id=space_id, repo_type="space", discussion_num=pr_num, comment=comment, token=HF_TOKEN, ) def _get_ci_space_id(space_id: str, pr_num: int) -> str: return f"{space_id}-ci-pr-{pr_num}" NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_CREATE = """\ Hey there! Following the creation of this PR, a temporary test Space [{ci_space_id}](https://huggingface.co/spaces/{ci_space_id}) has been launched. Any changes pushed to this PR will be synced with the test Space. (This is an automated message) """ NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_UPDATE = """\ Hey there! Following new commits that happened in this PR, the temporary test Space [{ci_space_id}](https://huggingface.co/spaces/{ci_space_id}) has been updated. (This is an automated message) """ NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_DELETE = """\ Hey there! PR is now merged/closed. The temporary test Space has been deleted. (This is an automated message) """