import os from typing import Literal, Optional, Set import gradio as gr from fastapi import Request from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from pydantic import BaseModel class GradioWebhookApp: """ ```py from gradio_webhooks import GradioWebhookApp app = GradioWebhookApp() @app.add_webhook("/test_webhook") async def hello(): return {"in_gradio": True} app.ready() ``` """ def __init__( self, ui: gr.Blocks, webhook_secret: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: # Launch gradio app: # - as non-blocking so that webhooks can be added afterwards # - as shared if launch locally (to receive webhooks) app, _, _ = ui.launch(prevent_thread_lock=True, share=not ui.is_space) self.gradio_app = ui self.fastapi_app = app self.webhook_paths: Set[str] = set() # Add auth middleware to check the "X-Webhook-Secret" header self._webhook_secret = webhook_secret or os.getenv("WEBHOOK_SECRET") if self._webhook_secret is None: print( "\nWebhook secret is not defined. This means your webhook endpoints will be open to everyone." ) print( "To add a secret, set `WEBHOOK_SECRET` as environment variable or pass it at initialization: " "\n\t`app = GradioWebhookApp(webhook_secret='my_secret', ...)`" ) print( "For more details about Webhook secrets, please refer to" ) else: print("\nWebhook secret is correctly defined.") app.middleware("http")(self._webhook_secret_middleware) def add_webhook(self, path: str): """Decorator to add a webhook to the server app.""" self.webhook_paths.add(path) return def ready(self) -> None: """Set the app as "ready" and block main thread to keep it running.""" url = ( self.gradio_app.share_url if self.gradio_app.share_url is not None else self.gradio_app.local_url ).strip("/") print("\nWebhooks are correctly setup and ready to use:") print("\n".join(f" - POST {url}{webhook}" for webhook in self.webhook_paths)) print("Go to to setup your webhooks.") self.gradio_app.block_thread() async def _webhook_secret_middleware(self, request: Request, call_next) -> None: """Middleware to check "X-Webhook-Secret" header on every webhook request.""" if request.url.path in self.webhook_paths: if self._webhook_secret is not None: request_secret = request.headers.get("x-webhook-secret") if request_secret is None: return JSONResponse( {"error": "x-webhook-secret header not set."}, status_code=401 ) if request_secret != self._webhook_secret: return JSONResponse( {"error": "Invalid webhook secret."}, status_code=403 ) return await call_next(request) class WebhookPayloadEvent(BaseModel): action: Literal["create", "update", "delete"] scope: str class WebhookPayloadRepo(BaseModel): type: Literal["dataset", "model", "space"] name: str private: bool class WebhookPayloadDiscussion(BaseModel): num: int isPullRequest: bool status: Literal["open", "closed", "merged"] class WebhookPayload(BaseModel): event: WebhookPayloadEvent repo: WebhookPayloadRepo discussion: Optional[WebhookPayloadDiscussion]