import gradio as gr def get_input(): return gr.components.Textbox(lines=20, placeholder="MBTI 진단을 위한 질문에 답변하세요.") input_ui = get_input() def diagnose_mbti(input): extroverted = "E" in input intuitive = "N" in input thinking = "T" in input judging = "J" in input if extroverted and intuitive and thinking and judging: return "INTJ" elif extroverted and intuitive and thinking and not judging: return "ENTP" elif extroverted and intuitive and not thinking and judging: return "ENFJ" elif extroverted and intuitive and not thinking and not judging: return "ENTP" elif extroverted and not intuitive and thinking and judging: return "ESTJ" elif extroverted and not intuitive and thinking and not judging: return "ESTP" elif extroverted and not intuitive and not thinking and judging: return "ESFJ" elif extroverted and not intuitive and not thinking and not judging: return "ESFP" elif not extroverted and intuitive and thinking and judging: return "INTJ" elif not extroverted and intuitive and thinking and not judging: return "INTP" elif not extroverted and intuitive and not thinking and judging: return "INFJ" elif not extroverted and intuitive and not thinking and not judging: return "INFP" elif not extroverted and not intuitive and thinking and judging: return "ISTJ" elif not extroverted and not intuitive and thinking and not judging: return "ISTP" elif not extroverted and not intuitive and not thinking and judging: return "ISFJ" elif not extroverted and not intuitive and not thinking and not judging: return "ISFP" diagnose_ui = gr.Function(fn=diagnose_mbti, inputs=input_ui, outputs="text", name="MBTI 유형 진단") def print_result(mbti): return f" tada! Your MBTI type is {mbti}." output_ui = gr.Function(fn=print_result, inputs=diagnose_ui, outputs="text", name="결과 출력") gr.Interface(fn=output_ui, inputs=input_ui, outputs="text").launch()