;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-*-mode:scheme-*- ;;; ;; ;;; Alan W Black and Kevin Lenzo ;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1998 ;; ;;; All Rights Reserved. ;; ;;; ;; ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to use and distribute ;; ;;; this software and its documentation without restriction, including ;; ;;; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ;; ;;; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of this work, and to ;; ;;; permit persons to whom this work is furnished to do so, subject to ;; ;;; the following conditions: ;; ;;; 1. The code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of ;; ;;; conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;;; 2. Any modifications must be clearly marked as such. ;; ;;; 3. Original authors' names are not deleted. ;; ;;; 4. The authors' names are not used to endorse or promote products ;; ;;; derived from this software without specific prior written ;; ;;; permission. ;; ;;; ;; ;;; THE AUTHORS OF THIS WORK DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO ;; ;;; THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ;; ;;; AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;; ;;; SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES ;; ;;; WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN ;; ;;; AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ;; ;;; ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF ;; ;;; THIS SOFTWARE. ;; ;;; ;; ;;; This file is part "Building Voices in the Festival Speech ;; ;;; Synthesis System" by Alan W Black and Kevin Lenzo written at ;; ;;; Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, fall 98 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; A US English diphone voice based on KAL ;;; ;;; Much of the front end is based on KED ;;; (defvar kal_diphone_dir (cdr (assoc 'kal_diphone voice-locations)) "kal_diphone_dir The default directory for the kal diphone database.") (set! load-path (cons (path-append kal_diphone_dir "festvox/") load-path)) (require 'radio_phones) (require_module 'UniSyn) ;; set this to lpc or psola (defvar kal_sigpr 'lpc) ;; Rset this to ungroup for ungrouped version (defvar kal_groupungroup 'group) (if (probe_file (path-append kal_diphone_dir "group/kallpc16k.group")) (defvar kal_index_file (path-append kal_diphone_dir "group/kallpc16k.group")) (defvar kal_index_file (path-append kal_diphone_dir "group/kallpc8k.group"))) (set! kal_psola_sep (list '(name "kal_psola_sep") (list 'index_file (path-append kal_diphone_dir "dic/diphdic.est")) '(grouped "false") (list 'coef_dir (path-append kal_diphone_dir "pm")) (list 'sig_dir (path-append kal_diphone_dir "wav")) '(coef_ext ".pm") '(sig_ext ".wav") ; '(alternates_left ((er ax))) ; '(alternates_right (($p p) ($k k) ($g g) ($d d) ($b b) ($t t) ; (y ih) (ax ah) (ll l))) '(alternates_right ((er ax))) '(default_diphone "ax-ax"))) (set! kal_lpc_sep (list '(name "kal_lpc_sep") (list 'index_file (path-append kal_diphone_dir "dic/diphdic.est")) '(grouped "false") (list 'coef_dir (path-append kal_diphone_dir "lpc")) (list 'sig_dir (path-append kal_diphone_dir "lpc")) '(coef_ext ".lpc") '(sig_ext ".res") '(alternates_right ((er ax))) '(default_diphone "ax-ax"))) (set! kal_lpc_group (list '(name "kal_lpc_group") (list 'index_file kal_index_file) '(grouped "true") '(alternates_right ((er ax))) '(default_diphone "ax-ax"))) (defvar kal_di_16k nil) (defvar kal_di_8k nil) (cond (kal_di_16k (require 'kal_di) (setup_kal_diphone_lpc_16k_grouped)) (kal_di_8k (require 'kal_di) (setup_kal_diphone_lpc_8k_grouped)) ((and (eq kal_sigpr 'psola) (eq kal_groupungroup 'group)) (set! kal_db_name (us_diphone_init kal_psola_group))) ((and (eq kal_sigpr 'psola) (eq kal_groupungroup 'ungroup)) (set! kal_db_name (us_diphone_init kal_psola_sep))) ((and (eq kal_sigpr 'lpc) (eq kal_groupungroup 'group)) (set! kal_db_name (us_diphone_init kal_lpc_group))) ((and (eq kal_sigpr 'lpc) (eq kal_groupungroup 'ungroup)) (set! kal_db_name (us_diphone_init kal_lpc_sep)))) ;;;; ;;;; Our general diphone scheme allows identification of consonant ;;; clusters etc the follow rules should work for American English ;;;; (define (kal_diphone_const_clusters utt) "(kal_diphone_const_clusters UTT) Identify consonant clusters, dark ls etc in the segment stream ready for diphone resynthesis. This may be called as a post lexical rule through poslex_rule_hooks." (mapcar (lambda (s) (kal_diphone_fix_phone_name utt s)) (utt.relation.items utt 'Segment)) utt) (define (kal_diphone_fix_phone_name utt seg) "(kal_diphone_fix_phone_name UTT SEG) Add the feature diphone_phone_name to given segment with the appropriate name for constructing a diphone. Basically adds _ if either side is part of the same consonant cluster, adds $ either side if in different syllable for preceding/succeeding vowel syllable." (let ((name (item.name seg))) (cond ((string-equal name "pau") t) ((string-equal "-" (item.feat seg 'ph_vc)) (if (and (member_string name '(r w y l)) (member_string (item.feat seg "p.name") '(p t k b d g)) (item.relation.prev seg "SylStructure")) (item.set_feat seg "us_diphone_right" (format nil "_%s" name))) (if (and (member_string name '(w y l m n p t k)) (string-equal (item.feat seg "p.name") 's) (item.relation.prev seg "SylStructure")) (item.set_feat seg "us_diphone_right" (format nil "_%s" name))) (if (and (string-equal name 's) (member_string (item.feat seg "n.name") '(w y l m n p t k)) (item.relation.next seg "SylStructure")) (item.set_feat seg "us_diphone_left" (format nil "%s_" name))) (if (and (string-equal name 'hh) (string-equal (item.feat seg "n.name") 'y) (item.relation.next seg "SylStructure")) (item.set_feat seg "us_diphone_left" (format nil "%s_" name))) (if (and (string-equal name 'y) (string-equal (item.feat seg "p.name") 'hh) (item.relation.next seg "SylStructure")) (item.set_feat seg "us_diphone_right" (format nil "_%s" name))) (if (and (member_string name '(p t k b d g)) (member_string (item.feat seg "n.name") '(r w y l)) (item.relation.next seg "SylStructure")) (item.set_feat seg "us_diphone_left" (format nil "%s_" name))) ) ((string-equal "ah" (item.name seg)) (item.set_feat seg "us_diphone" "aa")) ))) ;;; Set up the CMU lexicon (setup_cmu_lex) (define (voice_kal_diphone) "(voice_kal_diphone) Set up the current voice to be male American English (Kevin) using the standard diphone code." ;; Phone set (voice_reset) (Parameter.set 'Language 'americanenglish) (require 'radio_phones) (Parameter.set 'PhoneSet 'radio) (PhoneSet.select 'radio) ;; Tokenization rules (set! token_to_words english_token_to_words) ;; POS tagger (require 'pos) (set! pos_lex_name "english_poslex") (set! pos_ngram_name 'english_pos_ngram) (set! pos_supported t) (set! guess_pos english_guess_pos) ;; need this for accents ;; Lexicon selection (lex.select "cmu") (set! postlex_rules_hooks (list postlex_apos_s_check)) (set! postlex_s_check postlex_apos_s_check) ;; Phrase prediction (require 'phrase) (Parameter.set 'Phrase_Method 'prob_models) (set! phr_break_params english_phr_break_params) ;; Accent and tone prediction (require 'tobi) (set! int_tone_cart_tree f2b_int_tone_cart_tree) (set! int_accent_cart_tree f2b_int_accent_cart_tree) (set! postlex_vowel_reduce_cart_tree postlex_vowel_reduce_cart_data) ;; F0 prediction (require 'f2bf0lr) (set! f0_lr_start f2b_f0_lr_start) (set! f0_lr_mid f2b_f0_lr_mid) (set! f0_lr_end f2b_f0_lr_end) (Parameter.set 'Int_Method Intonation_Tree) (set! int_lr_params '((target_f0_mean 105) (target_f0_std 14) (model_f0_mean 170) (model_f0_std 34))) (Parameter.set 'Int_Target_Method Int_Targets_LR) ;; Duration prediction (require 'kaldurtreeZ) (set! duration_cart_tree kal_duration_cart_tree) (set! duration_ph_info kal_durs) (Parameter.set 'Duration_Method Duration_Tree_ZScores) (Parameter.set 'Duration_Stretch 1.1) ;; Waveform synthesizer: kal diphones ;; This assigned the diphone names from their context (_ $ etc) (cond ((or kal_di_16k kal_di_8k) ;; Waveform synthesizer: kal diphones (Parameter.set 'Synth_Method Diphone_Synthesize) ;; This assigned the diphone names from their context (_ $ etc) (set! diphone_module_hooks (list kal_di_const_clusters )) (Diphone.select 'kal)) (t (set! UniSyn_module_hooks (list kal_diphone_const_clusters )) (set! us_abs_offset 0.0) (set! window_factor 1.0) (set! us_rel_offset 0.0) (set! us_gain 0.9) (Parameter.set 'Synth_Method 'UniSyn) (Parameter.set 'us_sigpr kal_sigpr) (us_db_select kal_db_name))) (set! after_synth_hooks (lambda (utt) (utt.wave.rescale utt 2.6))) (set! current-voice 'kal_diphone) ) (proclaim_voice 'kal_diphone '((language english) (gender male) (dialect american) (description "This voice provides an American English male voice using a residual excited LPC diphone synthesis method. It uses the CMU Lexicon pronunciations. Prosodic phrasing is provided by a statistically trained model using part of speech and local distribution of breaks. Intonation is provided by a CART tree predicting ToBI accents and an F0 contour generated from a model trained from natural speech. The duration model is also trained from data using a CART tree."))) (provide 'kal_diphone)