;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;; Centre for Speech Technology Research ;; ;;; University of Edinburgh, UK ;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1996,1997 ;; ;;; All Rights Reserved. ;; ;;; ;; ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to use and distribute ;; ;;; this software and its documentation without restriction, including ;; ;;; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ;; ;;; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of this work, and to ;; ;;; permit persons to whom this work is furnished to do so, subject to ;; ;;; the following conditions: ;; ;;; 1. The code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of ;; ;;; conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;;; 2. Any modifications must be clearly marked as such. ;; ;;; 3. Original authors' names are not deleted. ;; ;;; 4. The authors' names are not used to endorse or promote products ;; ;;; derived from this software without specific prior written ;; ;;; permission. ;; ;;; ;; ;;; THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH AND THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS WORK ;; ;;; DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ;; ;;; ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT ;; ;;; SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH NOR THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ;; ;;; FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES ;; ;;; WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN ;; ;;; AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ;; ;;; ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF ;; ;;; THIS SOFTWARE. ;; ;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; First attempt at a linear regression model to predict F0 values. ;;; This is an attempt to reimplement the work in Black and ;;; Hunt ICSLP96, though this model probably isn't as good. ;;; ;;;start ;;; R2 = 0.251, F(74, 12711) = 57.5, Prob>F = 0.000 ;;; RMSE = 27.877 ;;;mid ;;; R2 = 0.332, F(74, 12711) = 85.6, Prob>F = 0.000 ;;; RMSE = 28.293 ;;;end ;;; R2 = 0.292, F(74, 12711) = 70.8, Prob>F = 0.000 ;;; RMSE = 27.139 (define (emph_syl syl) (if (string-equal (item.feat syl "tobi_accent") "NONE") 0.0 (if (string-equal (item.feat syl "R:SylStructure.parent.R:Token.parent.EMPH") "1") 2.0 0.0))) (set! f2b_f0_lr_start '( ( Intercept 160.584956 ) ( R:SylStructure.parent.R:Token.parent.EMPH 10.0 ) ( pp.tobi_accent 10.081770 (H*) ) ( pp.tobi_accent 3.358613 (!H*) ) ( pp.tobi_accent 4.144342 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( pp.tobi_accent -1.111794 (L*) ) ( pp.tobi_accent 19.646313 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( p.tobi_accent 32.081029 (H*) ) ( p.tobi_accent 18.090033 (!H*) ) ( p.tobi_accent 23.255280 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( p.tobi_accent -9.623577 (L*) ) ( p.tobi_accent 26.517095 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( tobi_accent 5.221081 (H*) ) ( tobi_accent 10.159194 (!H*) ) ( tobi_accent 3.645511 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( tobi_accent -5.720030 (L*) ) ( tobi_accent -6.355773 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( n.tobi_accent -5.691933 (H*) ) ( n.tobi_accent 8.265606 (!H*) ) ( n.tobi_accent 0.861427 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( n.tobi_accent 1.270504 (L*) ) ( n.tobi_accent 3.499418 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( nn.tobi_accent -3.785701 (H*) ) ( nn.tobi_accent 7.013446 (!H*) ) ( nn.tobi_accent 2.637494 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( nn.tobi_accent -0.392176 (L*) ) ( nn.tobi_accent -2.957502 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone -3.531153 (L-L%) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 0.131156 (L-) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 2.729199 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 8.258756 (L-H%) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 5.836487 (H-) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 11.213440 (!H- H-H%) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone -28.081359 (L-L%) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone -20.553145 (L-) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone -5.442577 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone -6.585836 (L-H%) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone 8.537044 (H-) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone 4.243342 (!H- H-H%) ) ( tobi_endtone -9.333926 (L-L%) ) ( tobi_endtone -0.346711 (L-) ) ( tobi_endtone -0.507352 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( tobi_endtone -0.937483 (L-H%) ) ( tobi_endtone 9.472265 (H-) ) ( tobi_endtone 14.256898 (!H- H-H%) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -13.084253 (L-L%) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -1.060688 (L-) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -7.947205 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -5.471592 (L-H%) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -0.095669 (H-) ) ( n.tobi_endtone 4.933708 (!H- H-H%) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -14.993470 (L-L%) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -3.784284 (L-) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -15.505132 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -11.352400 (L-H%) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -5.551627 (H-) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -0.661581 (!H- H-H%) ) ( pp.old_syl_break -3.367677 ) ( p.old_syl_break 0.641755 ) ( old_syl_break -0.659002 ) ( n.old_syl_break 1.217358 ) ( nn.old_syl_break 2.974502 ) ( pp.stress 1.588098 ) ( p.stress 3.693430 ) ( stress 2.009843 ) ( n.stress 1.645560 ) ( nn.stress 1.926870 ) ( syl_in 1.048362 ) ( syl_out 0.315553 ) ( ssyl_in -2.096079 ) ( ssyl_out 0.303531 ) ( asyl_in -4.257915 ) ( asyl_out -2.422424 ) ( last_accent -0.397647 ) ( next_accent -0.418613 ) ( sub_phrases -5.472055 ) )) (set! f2b_f0_lr_mid '( ( Intercept 169.183377 ) ( R:SylStructure.parent.R:Token.parent.EMPH 10.0 ) ( pp.tobi_accent 4.923247 (H*) ) ( pp.tobi_accent 0.955474 (!H*) ) ( pp.tobi_accent 1.193597 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( pp.tobi_accent 1.501383 (L*) ) ( pp.tobi_accent 7.992120 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( p.tobi_accent 16.603350 (H*) ) ( p.tobi_accent 11.665814 (!H*) ) ( p.tobi_accent 13.063298 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( p.tobi_accent -2.288798 (L*) ) ( p.tobi_accent 29.168430 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( tobi_accent 34.517868 (H*) ) ( tobi_accent 22.349656 (!H*) ) ( tobi_accent 23.551548 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( tobi_accent -14.117284 (L*) ) ( tobi_accent -5.978760 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( n.tobi_accent -1.914945 (H*) ) ( n.tobi_accent 5.249441 (!H*) ) ( n.tobi_accent -1.929947 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( n.tobi_accent -3.287877 (L*) ) ( n.tobi_accent -4.980375 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( nn.tobi_accent -6.147251 (H*) ) ( nn.tobi_accent 8.408949 (!H*) ) ( nn.tobi_accent 3.193500 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( nn.tobi_accent 1.323099 (L*) ) ( nn.tobi_accent 9.148058 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 4.255273 (L-L%) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone -1.033377 (L-) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 11.992045 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 6.989573 (L-H%) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 2.598854 (H-) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 12.178307 (!H- H-H%) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone -4.397973 (L-L%) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone -6.157077 (L-) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone 5.530608 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone 6.938086 (L-H%) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone 6.162763 (H-) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone 8.035727 (!H- H-H%) ) ( tobi_endtone -19.357902 (L-L%) ) ( tobi_endtone -13.877759 (L-) ) ( tobi_endtone -6.176061 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( tobi_endtone -7.328882 (L-H%) ) ( tobi_endtone 12.694193 (H-) ) ( tobi_endtone 30.923398 (!H- H-H%) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -17.727785 (L-L%) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -2.539592 (L-) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -8.126830 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -8.701685 (L-H%) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -1.006439 (H-) ) ( n.tobi_endtone 6.834498 (!H- H-H%) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -15.407530 (L-L%) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -2.974196 (L-) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -12.287673 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -7.621437 (L-H%) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -0.458837 (H-) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone 3.170632 (!H- H-H%) ) ( pp.old_syl_break -4.196950 ) ( p.old_syl_break -5.176929 ) ( old_syl_break 0.047922 ) ( n.old_syl_break 2.153968 ) ( nn.old_syl_break 2.577074 ) ( pp.stress -2.368192 ) ( p.stress 1.080493 ) ( stress 1.135556 ) ( n.stress 2.447219 ) ( nn.stress 1.318122 ) ( syl_in 0.291663 ) ( syl_out -0.411814 ) ( ssyl_in -1.643456 ) ( ssyl_out 0.580589 ) ( asyl_in -5.649243 ) ( asyl_out 0.489823 ) ( last_accent 0.216634 ) ( next_accent 0.244134 ) ( sub_phrases -5.758156 ) )) (set! f2b_f0_lr_end '( ( Intercept 169.570381 ) ( R:SylStructure.parent.R:Token.parent.EMPH 10.0 ) ( pp.tobi_accent 3.594771 (H*) ) ( pp.tobi_accent 0.432519 (!H*) ) ( pp.tobi_accent 0.235664 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( pp.tobi_accent 1.513892 (L*) ) ( pp.tobi_accent 2.474823 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( p.tobi_accent 11.214208 (H*) ) ( p.tobi_accent 9.619350 (!H*) ) ( p.tobi_accent 9.084690 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( p.tobi_accent 0.519202 (L*) ) ( p.tobi_accent 26.593112 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( tobi_accent 25.217589 (H*) ) ( tobi_accent 13.759851 (!H*) ) ( tobi_accent 17.635192 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( tobi_accent -12.149974 (L*) ) ( tobi_accent 13.345913 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( n.tobi_accent 4.944848 (H*) ) ( n.tobi_accent 7.398383 (!H*) ) ( n.tobi_accent 1.683011 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( n.tobi_accent -6.516900 (L*) ) ( n.tobi_accent -6.768201 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( nn.tobi_accent -4.335797 (H*) ) ( nn.tobi_accent 5.656462 (!H*) ) ( nn.tobi_accent 0.263288 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ( nn.tobi_accent 1.022002 (L*) ) ( nn.tobi_accent 6.702368 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 10.274958 (L-L%) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 3.129947 (L-) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 15.476240 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 10.446935 (L-H%) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 6.104384 (H-) ) ( pp.tobi_endtone 14.182688 (!H- H-H%) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone 1.767454 (L-L%) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone -1.040077 (L-) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone 18.438093 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone 8.750018 (L-H%) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone 5.000340 (H-) ) ( R:Syllable.p.tobi_endtone 10.913437 (!H- H-H%) ) ( tobi_endtone -12.637935 (L-L%) ) ( tobi_endtone -13.597961 (L-) ) ( tobi_endtone -6.501965 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( tobi_endtone 8.747483 (L-H%) ) ( tobi_endtone 15.165833 (H-) ) ( tobi_endtone 50.190326 (!H- H-H%) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -16.965781 (L-L%) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -5.222475 (L-) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -7.358555 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( n.tobi_endtone -7.833168 (L-H%) ) ( n.tobi_endtone 4.701087 (H-) ) ( n.tobi_endtone 10.349902 (!H- H-H%) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -15.369483 (L-L%) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -2.207161 (L-) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -9.363835 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone -7.052374 (L-H%) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone 2.207854 (H-) ) ( nn.tobi_endtone 5.271546 (!H- H-H%) ) ( pp.old_syl_break -4.745862 ) ( p.old_syl_break -5.685178 ) ( old_syl_break -2.633291 ) ( n.old_syl_break 1.678340 ) ( nn.old_syl_break 2.274729 ) ( pp.stress -2.747198 ) ( p.stress 0.306724 ) ( stress -0.565613 ) ( n.stress 2.838327 ) ( nn.stress 1.285244 ) ( syl_in 0.169955 ) ( syl_out -1.045661 ) ( ssyl_in -1.487774 ) ( ssyl_out 0.752405 ) ( asyl_in -5.081677 ) ( asyl_out 3.016218 ) ( last_accent 0.312900 ) ( next_accent 0.837992 ) ( sub_phrases -5.397805 ) )) ;; groups ;; tobi_accent_1 25.217589 (H*) ) ;; tobi_accent_2 13.759851 (!H*) ) ;; tobi_accent_3 17.635192 (*? X*? H*!H* * L+H* L+!H*) ) ;; tobi_accent_4 -12.149974 (L*) ) ;; tobi_accent_5 13.345913 (L*+H L*+!H) ) ;; tobi_endtone_1 10.274958 (L-L%) ) ;; tobi_endtone_2 3.129947 (L-) ) ;; tobi_endtone_3 15.476240 (H-L% !H-L% -X?) ) ;; tobi_endtone_4 10.446935 (L-H%) ) ;; tobi_endtone_5 6.104384 (H-) ) ;; tobi_endtone_6 14.182688 (!H- H-H%) ) (provide 'f2bf0lr)