import os from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, List import re from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from huggingface_hub import (ModelCard, comment_discussion, create_discussion, get_discussion_details, get_repo_discussions) import markdown from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from tabulate import tabulate from difflib import SequenceMatcher KEY = os.environ.get("KEY") def similar(a, b): """Check similarity of two sequences""" return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio() class ComplianceCheck(ABC): def __init__(self, name): = name @abstractmethod def check(self, card: BeautifulSoup) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError class ModelProviderIdentityCheck(ComplianceCheck): def __init__(self): super().__init__("Identity and Contact Details") def check(self, card: BeautifulSoup): developed_by_li = card.findAll(text=re.compile("Developed by"))[0].parent.parent developed_by = list(developed_by_li.children)[1].text.strip() if developed_by == "[More Information Needed]": return False else: return True class IntendedPurposeCheck(ComplianceCheck): def __init__(self): super().__init__("Intended Purpose") def check(self, card: BeautifulSoup): # direct_use = card.find_all("h2", text="Direct Use")[0] # # if developed_by == "[More Information Needed]": # return False # else: return False compliance_checks = [ ModelProviderIdentityCheck(), IntendedPurposeCheck() # "General Limitations", # "Computational and Hardware Requirements", # "Carbon Emissions" ] def parse_webhook_post(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[str]: event = data["event"] if event["scope"] != "repo": return None repo = data["repo"] repo_name = repo["name"] repo_type = repo["type"] if repo_type != "model": raise ValueError("Incorrect repo type.") return repo_name def check_compliance(comp_checks: List[ComplianceCheck], card: BeautifulSoup) -> Dict[str, bool]: return { c.check(card) for c in comp_checks} def run_compliance_check(repo_name): card_data: ModelCard = ModelCard.load(repo_id_or_path=repo_name) card_html = markdown.markdown(card_data.content) card_soup = BeautifulSoup(card_html, features="html.parser") compliance_results = check_compliance(compliance_checks, card_soup) return compliance_results def create_metadata_breakdown_table(compliance_check_dictionary): data = {k: v for k, v in compliance_check_dictionary.items()} metadata_fields_column = list(data.keys()) metadata_values_column = list(data.values()) table_data = list(zip(metadata_fields_column, metadata_values_column)) return tabulate( table_data, tablefmt="github", headers=("Compliance Check", "Present") ) def create_markdown_report( desired_metadata_dictionary, repo_name, update: bool = False ): report = f"""# Model Card Regulatory Compliance report card {"(updated)" if update else ""} \n This is an automatically produced model card regulatory compliance report card for {repo_name}. This report is meant as a POC! \n ## Breakdown of metadata fields for your model \n {create_metadata_breakdown_table(desired_metadata_dictionary)} \n """ return report def create_or_update_report(compliance_check, repo_name): report = create_markdown_report( compliance_check, repo_name, update=False ) repo_discussions = get_repo_discussions( repo_name, repo_type="model", ) for discussion in repo_discussions: if ( discussion.title == "Metadata Report Card" and discussion.status == "open" ): # An existing open report card thread discussion_details = get_discussion_details( repo_name, discussion.num, repo_type="model" ) last_comment =[-1].content if similar(report, last_comment) <= 0.999: report = create_markdown_report( compliance_check, repo_name, update=True, ) comment_discussion( repo_name, discussion.num, comment=report, repo_type="model", ) return True create_discussion( repo_name, "Model Card Regulatory Compliance Report Card", description=report, repo_type="model", ) return True