import gradio as gr import random, os from PIL import Image def open_ims(choice): dirname='images/'+choice.replace(' ','_')+'/Seed_'+ str(seed_choice)+'/' imnames= os.listdir(dirname) images = [( for name in imnames] return images[:9] def random_image(): cat = random.choice(categories) dirname = 'images/'+cat.replace(' ','_')+'/Seed_'+str(seed_choice)+'/' imnames = os.listdir(dirname) images = [( for name in imnames] return images[:9] categories=os.listdir('images/') categories = [c.replace('_',' ') for c in categories] seeds = [46267, 48040, 51237, 54325, 60884, 64830, 67031, 72935, 92118, 93109] with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("# Stable Diffusion Explorer") gr.Markdown("## Choose from the prompts below to explore the way in which the Stable Diffusion model encodes societal biases") seed_choice = gr.State(0) seed_choice = random.choice(seeds) print("Seed choice is: " + str(seed_choice)) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): choice1 = gr.Dropdown(categories, label = "Choose a first category", interactive=True) images1 = gr.Gallery(label="Images").style(grid=[3], height="auto") with gr.Column(): choice2 = gr.Dropdown(categories, label = "Choose a second category", interactive=True) images2 = gr.Gallery(label="Images").style(grid=[3], height="auto") #demo.load(random_image, None, [images]) choice1.change(open_ims, [choice1], [images1]) choice2.change(open_ims, [choice2], [images2]) demo.launch()