import streamlit as st from bertopic import BERTopic from PIL import Image from transformers import ( pipeline, BlenderbotTokenizer, BlenderbotForConditionalGeneration, ) st.title("Georgios Ioannou's Visual Question Answering With Hugging Face") st.write("Drag and drop an image file here.") # Allow the user to upload an image file image = st.file_uploader("Choose an image...", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]) if image is not None: # Display the uploaded image image = st.image(image, caption="Uploaded Image", use_column_width=True) question = st.text_input("What's your question?") # Model 1. # Model 1 gets input from the user. # User -> Model 1 vqa_pipeline = pipeline( task="visual-question-answering", model="dandelin/vilt-b32-finetuned-vqa" ) ######################################################################### # Model 2. # Model 2 gets input from Model 1. # User -> Model 1 -> Model 2 bbu_pipeline = pipeline(task="fill-mask", model="bert-base-uncased") ######################################################################### # Model 3. # Model 3 gets input from Model 2. # User -> Model 1 -> Model 2 -> Model 3 model_name = "facebook/blenderbot-400M-distill" tokenizer = BlenderbotTokenizer.from_pretrained( pretrained_model_name_or_path=model_name ) facebook_model = BlenderbotForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( pretrained_model_name_or_path=model_name ) ######################################################################### # Model 4. # Model 4 gets input from Model 3. # User -> Model 1 -> Model 2 -> Model 3 -> Model 4 gpt2_pipeline = pipeline(task="text-generation", model="gpt2") ######################################################################### # Model 5. # Model 5 gets input from Model 4. # User -> Model 1 -> Model 2 -> Model 3 -> Model 4 -> Model 5 topic_model_1 = BERTopic.load(path="davanstrien/chat_topics") topic_model_2 = BERTopic.load(path="MaartenGr/BERTopic_ArXiv") ############################################################################### # 5 MODEL INFERENCES. # User Input = Image + Question About The Image. # User -> Model 1 -> Model 2 -> Model 3 -> Model 4 -> Model 5 # Model 1. vqa_pipeline_output = vqa_pipeline(image, question, top_k=5)[0] # Model 2. text = ( "I love " + str(vqa_pipeline_output["answer"]) + " and I would like to know how to [MASK]." ) bbu_pipeline_output = bbu_pipeline(text) # Model 3. utterance = bbu_pipeline_output[0]["sequence"] inputs = tokenizer(utterance, return_tensors="pt") result = facebook_model.generate(**inputs) facebook_model_output = tokenizer.decode(result[0]) # Model 4. facebook_model_output = facebook_model_output.replace(" ", "") facebook_model_output = facebook_model_output.replace("", "") facebook_model_output = facebook_model_output.replace("", "") gpt2_pipeline_output = gpt2_pipeline(facebook_model_output)[0]["generated_text"] # Model 5. topic, prob = topic_model_1.transform(gpt2_pipeline_output) topic_model_1_output = topic_model_1.get_topic_info(topic[0])["Representation"][ 0 ] topic, prob = topic_model_2.transform(gpt2_pipeline_output) topic_model_2_output = topic_model_2.get_topic_info(topic[0])["Representation"][ 0 ] ############################################################################### st.write("-" * 150) st.write("vqa_pipeline_output =", vqa_pipeline_output) st.write("bbu_pipeline_output =", bbu_pipeline_output) st.write("facebook_model_output =", facebook_model_output) st.write("gpt2_pipeline_output =", gpt2_pipeline_output) st.write("topic_model_1_output =", topic_model_1_output) st.write("topic_model_2_output =", topic_model_2_output) st.write("-" * 150) st.write("SUMMARY") st.subheader("Your Image:") st.image(image, caption="Your Image", use_column_width=True) st.subheader("Your Question:") st.write(question) st.write("-" * 100) st.subheader("1. Highest Predicted Answer For Your Question:") st.write(vqa_pipeline_output["answer"]) st.write(text) st.subheader("2. Highest Predicted Sequence On [MASK] Based on 1.:") st.write(bbu_pipeline_output[0]["sequence"]) st.subheader("3. Conversation Based On Previous Answer Based on 2.:") st.write(facebook_model_output) st.subheader("4. Text Generated Based On Previous Answer Based on 3.:") st.write(gpt2_pipeline_output) st.subheader("5. Highest Predicted Topic Model_1 For Previous The Answer Based on 4.:") st.write(topic_model_1_output) st.subheader("6. Highest Predicted Topic Model_2 For Previous The Answer Based on 4.:") st.write(topic_model_2_output) st.write("-" * 150)