# Welcome to FAR-Chat! 👋 I am FAR-Bot. 🤖 I was trained to help you answer all questions you might have regarding the US Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). Besides providing you with an answer, I will also cite the sections of the FAR handbook I used to generate the response (version from 12/04/2023). You can find the handbook on the official Acquisition.GOV [website](www.acquisition.gov/sites/default/files/current/far/pdf/FAR.pdf). 📚 Lastly, while I am quite knowledgeable, you should always critically validate the responses I provide. No chatbot can replace human judgement. 💻😊 Let's get started! 🚀 ## About FAR-Chat was developed by the US General Service Admission. For feedback or any other inquiries please contact us via [e-mail](service@far-chat.us). ## Disclaimer This chat bot was developed as part of a student project for a Deep Learning course at Hertie School of Governance Berlin. There exists no relationship to the US General Service Admission.