import gradio as gr import math from datasets import load_dataset from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel, AutoModelForSequenceClassification from transformers import TrainingArguments, Trainer from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from import DataLoader import numpy as np import evaluate import nltk from nltk.corpus import stopwords import subprocess import sys from transformers import T5Tokenizer, DataCollatorForSeq2Seq from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration, Seq2SeqTrainingArguments, Seq2SeqTrainer from transformers import DataCollatorWithPadding, DistilBertTokenizerFast from transformers import TrainingArguments from transformers import ( BertModel, BertTokenizerFast, Trainer, EvalPrediction ) # !pip install # subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '']) # tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2') # data_collator = DataCollatorWithPadding(tokenizer=tokenizer) #'stopwords') # nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") # stops = stopwords.words("english")"punkt", quiet=True) metric = evaluate.load("rouge") # Global Parameters L_RATE = 3e-4 BATCH_SIZE = 8 PER_DEVICE_EVAL_BATCH = 4 WEIGHT_DECAY = 0.01 SAVE_TOTAL_LIM = 3 NUM_EPOCHS = 10 # Set up training arguments training_args = Seq2SeqTrainingArguments( output_dir="./results", evaluation_strategy="epoch", learning_rate=L_RATE, per_device_train_batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, per_device_eval_batch_size=PER_DEVICE_EVAL_BATCH, weight_decay=WEIGHT_DECAY, save_total_limit=SAVE_TOTAL_LIM, num_train_epochs=NUM_EPOCHS, predict_with_generate=True, push_to_hub=False ) model_id = "google/flan-t5-base" tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) # tokenizer = BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') # metric = evaluate.load("accuracy") def tokenize_function(examples): return tokenizer(examples["stem"], padding="max_length", truncation=True) #Mean Pooling - Take attention mask into account for correct averaging def mean_pooling(model_output, attention_mask): token_embeddings = model_output[0] #First element of model_output contains all token embeddings input_mask_expanded = attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(token_embeddings.size()).float() return torch.sum(token_embeddings * input_mask_expanded, 1) / torch.clamp(input_mask_expanded.sum(1), min=1e-9) # def compute_metrics(eval_pred): # logits, labels = eval_pred # predictions = np.argmax(logits, axis=-1) # metric = evaluate.load("accuracy") # return metric.compute(predictions=predictions, references=labels) def compute_metrics(eval_preds): preds, labels = eval_preds # decode preds and labels labels = np.where(labels != -100, labels, tokenizer.pad_token_id) decoded_preds = tokenizer.batch_decode(preds, skip_special_tokens=True) decoded_labels = tokenizer.batch_decode(labels, skip_special_tokens=True) # rougeLSum expects newline after each sentence decoded_preds = ["\n".join(nltk.sent_tokenize(pred.strip())) for pred in decoded_preds] decoded_labels = ["\n".join(nltk.sent_tokenize(label.strip())) for label in decoded_labels] result = metric.compute(predictions=decoded_preds, references=decoded_labels, use_stemmer=True) return result def training(): dataset_id = "tomasmcz/word2vec_analogy" # dataset_id = "relbert/scientific_and_creative_analogy" # dataset_sub = "Quadruples_Kmiecik_random_split" print("GETTING DATASET") dataset = load_dataset(dataset_id) # dataset = dataset["train"] # tokenized_datasets =, batched=True) print(dataset) print(f"- The {dataset_id} dataset has {dataset['train'].num_rows} examples.") print(f"- Each example is a {type(dataset['train'][0])} with a {type(dataset['train'][0])} as value.") print(f"- Examples look like this: {dataset['train'][0]}") # for i in dataset["train"]: # print(i["AB"], "to", i["CD"], "is", i["label"]) dataset = dataset["train"].train_test_split(test_size=0.3) # We prefix our tasks with "answer the question" prefix = "Please answer this question: " # Define the preprocessing function # def preprocess_function(examples): # """Add prefix to the sentences, tokenize the text, and set the labels""" # # The "inputs" are the tokenized answer: # inputs = [] # # print(examples) # # inputs = [prefix + doc for doc in examples["question"]] # for doc in examples['source']: # # print("THE DOC IS:", doc) # # print("THE DOC IS:", examples[i]['AB'], examples[i]['CD'], examples[i]['label']) # prompt = f"{prefix}map " # for item in doc: # prompt += f"{item}, and " # prompt = prompt[:-6] # inputs.append(prompt) # # inputs = [prefix + doc for doc in examples["question"]] # for indx, doc in enumerate(examples["target_random"]): # prompt = f" to " # for item in doc: # prompt += f"{item}, and " # prompt = prompt[:-6] + "." # inputs[indx] += prompt # model_inputs = tokenizer(inputs, max_length=128, truncation=True) def preprocess_function(examples): """Add prefix to the sentences, tokenize the text, and set the labels""" # The "inputs" are the tokenized answer: inputs = [] # print(examples) # inputs = [prefix + doc for doc in examples["question"]] for doc in examples['word_a']: # print("THE DOC IS:", doc) # print("THE DOC IS:", examples[i]['AB'], examples[i]['CD'], examples[i]['label']) prompt = f"{prefix}{doc} is to " inputs.append(prompt) # inputs = [prefix + doc for doc in examples["question"]] for indx, doc in enumerate(examples["word_b"]): prompt = f"{doc} as " inputs[indx] += prompt for indx, doc in enumerate(examples["word_c"]): prompt = f"{doc} is to ___." inputs[indx] += prompt model_inputs = tokenizer(inputs, max_length=128, truncation=True) # print(examples["label"], type(examples["label"])) # The "labels" are the tokenized outputs: labels = tokenizer(text_target=examples["word_d"], max_length=512, truncation=True) model_inputs["labels"] = labels["input_ids"] return model_inputs # Map the preprocessing function across our dataset tokenized_dataset =, batched=True) # train_examples = [] # train_data = dataset["test"] # # For agility we only 1/2 of our available data # n_examples = dataset["test"].num_rows // 2 # for i in range(n_examples): # example = train_data[i] # temp_word_1 = example["stem"][0] # temp_word_2 = example["stem"][1] # temp_word_3 = example["choice"][example["answer"]][0] # temp_word_4 = example["choice"][example["answer"]][1] # comp1 = f"{temp_word_1} to {temp_word_2}" # comp2 = f"{temp_word_3} to {temp_word_4}" # # example_opposite = dataset_clean[-(i)] # # print(example["text"]) # train_examples.append(InputExample(texts=[comp1, comp2])) # train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_examples, shuffle=True, batch_size=25) print("END DATALOADER") # print(train_examples) embeddings = finetune(tokenized_dataset) return 0 def finetune(dataset): # model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("bert-base-cased", num_labels=5) # model_id = "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2" model_id = "google/flan-t5-base" # model_id = "distilbert-base-uncased" # tokenizer = DistilBertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_id) tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_id) data_collator = DataCollatorForSeq2Seq(tokenizer=tokenizer, model=model) device = torch.device('cuda:0') model = # training_args = TrainingArguments(output_dir="test_trainer") # USE THIS LINK # # train_loss = losses.MegaBatchMarginLoss(model=model) # ds_train, ds_valid = dataset.train_test_split(test_size=0.2, seed=42) print("BEGIN FIT") trainer = Seq2SeqTrainer( model=model, args=training_args, train_dataset=dataset["train"], eval_dataset=dataset["test"], # evaluation_strategy="no" tokenizer=tokenizer, data_collator=data_collator, compute_metrics=compute_metrics ) #[(train_dataloader, train_loss)], epochs=10) trainer.train() #"flan-analogies") # model.save_to_hub("smhavens/bert-base-analogies") # accuracy = compute_metrics(eval, metric) return 0 def greet(name): return "Hello " + name + "!!" def check_answer(guess:str): global guesses global answer guesses.append(guess) output = "" for guess in guesses: output += ("- " + guess + "\n") output = output[:-1] if guess.lower() == answer.lower(): return "Correct!", output else: return "Try again!", output def main(): print("BEGIN") word1 = "Black" word2 = "White" word3 = "Sun" global answer answer = "Moon" global guesses training() # prompt = f"{word1} is to {word2} as {word3} is to ____" # with gr.Blocks() as iface: # gr.Markdown(prompt) # with gr.Tab("Guess"): # text_input = gr.Textbox() # text_output = gr.Textbox() # text_button = gr.Button("Submit") # with gr.Accordion("Open for previous guesses"): # text_guesses = gr.Textbox() # with gr.Tab("Testing"): # gr.Markdown(f"""Number of rows in dataset is {num_rows}, with each having type {data_type} and value {value}. # An example is {example}. # The Embeddings are {embeddings}.""") #, inputs=[text_input], outputs=[text_output, text_guesses]) # # iface = gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs="text", outputs="text") # iface.launch() if __name__ == "__main__": main()