import gradio as gr from translation import Translator, LANGUAGES LANGUAGES_LIST = list(LANGUAGES.keys()) def translate_wrapper(text, src, trg, by_sentence=True, preprocess=True, random=False, num_beams=4): src_lang = LANGUAGES.get(src) tgt_lang = LANGUAGES.get(trg) # if src == trg: # return 'Please choose two different languages' result = translator.translate( text=text, src_lang=src_lang, tgt_lang=tgt_lang, do_sample=random, num_beams=int(num_beams), by_sentence=by_sentence, preprocess=preprocess, ) return result article = """ This is a NLLB-200-600M model fine-tuned for translation between Russian and Tyvan (Tuvan) languages, using the data from This model is described in If you want to host in on your own backend, consider running this dockerized app: """ interface = gr.Interface( translate_wrapper, [ gr.Textbox(label="Text", lines=2, placeholder='text to translate '), gr.Dropdown(LANGUAGES_LIST, type="value", label='source language', value=LANGUAGES_LIST[0]), gr.Dropdown(LANGUAGES_LIST, type="value", label='target language', value=LANGUAGES_LIST[1]), gr.Checkbox(label="by sentence", value=True), gr.Checkbox(label="text preprocesing", value=True), gr.Checkbox(label="randomize", value=False), gr.Dropdown([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], label="number of beams", value=4), ], "text", title='Tyvan-Russian translaton', article=article, ) if __name__ == '__main__': translator = Translator() interface.launch()