import gradio as gr import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer from PIL import Image import numpy as np def build_init_plot(img_array: np.ndarray) -> tuple[str, plt.Figure]: init_text = (f"The dimension of the image is {img_array.shape}\n" f"The data used to encode the image is of type {img_array.dtype}\n" f"The number of bytes taken in RAM is {img_array.nbytes}") fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(12, 4)) ax[0].imshow(img_array, ax[0].axis("off") ax[0].set_title("Rendering of the image") ax[1].hist(img_array.ravel(), bins=256) ax[1].set_xlabel("Pixel value") ax[1].set_ylabel("Count of pixels") ax[1].set_title("Distribution of the pixel values") _ = fig.suptitle("Original image") return init_text, fig def build_compressed_plot(compressed_image, img_array, sampling: str) -> plt.Figure: compressed_text = (f"The number of bytes taken in RAM is {compressed_image.nbytes}\n" f"Compression ratio: {compressed_image.nbytes / img_array.nbytes}\n" f"Type of the compressed image: {compressed_image.dtype}") sampling = sampling if sampling == "uniform" else "K-Means" fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(12, 4)) ax[0].imshow(compressed_image, ax[0].axis("off") ax[0].set_title("Rendering of the image") ax[1].hist(compressed_image.ravel(), bins=256) ax[1].set_xlabel("Pixel value") ax[1].set_ylabel("Count of pixels") ax[1].set_title("Sub-sampled distribution of the pixel values") _ = fig.suptitle(f"Original compressed using 3 bits and a {sampling} strategy") return compressed_text, fig def infer(img_array: np.ndarray, sampling: str): # greyscale_image = input_image.convert("L") # img_array = np.array(greyscale_image) #raccoon_face = face(gray=True) init_text, init_fig = build_init_plot(img_array) n_bins = 8 encoder = KBinsDiscretizer( n_bins=n_bins, encode="ordinal", strategy=sampling, random_state=0 ) compressed_image = encoder.fit_transform(img_array.reshape(-1, 1)).reshape( img_array.shape ) compressed_text, compressed_fig = build_compressed_plot(compressed_image, img_array, sampling) bin_edges = encoder.bin_edges_[0] bin_center = bin_edges[:-1] + (bin_edges[1:] - bin_edges[:-1]) / 2 comparison_fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(img_array.ravel(), bins=256) color = "tab:orange" for center in bin_center: ax.axvline(center, color=color) ax.text(center - 10, ax.get_ybound()[1] + 100, f"{center:.1f}", color=color) return init_text, init_fig, compressed_text, compressed_fig, comparison_fig gr.Interface( title="Vector Quantization with scikit-learn", description="""

This is an interactive demo for the Vector Quantization Tutorial from scikit-learn.
You can upload an image and choose from two sampling methods - *uniform* and *kmeans*.

""", fn=infer, inputs=[gr.Image(image_mode="L", label="Input Image"), gr.Dropdown(choices=["uniform", "kmeans"], label="Sampling Method")], outputs=[gr.Text(label="Original Image Stats"), gr.Plot(label="Original Image Histogram"), gr.Text(label="Compressed Image Stats"), gr.Plot(label="Compressed Image Histogram"), gr.Plot(label="Pixel Distribution Comparison")], examples=[["examples/hamster.jpeg", "uniform"], ["examples/racoon.png", "kmeans"]]).launch()