import numpy as np import pickle import streamlit as st # loading the saved model loaded_model = pickle.load(open('C:/Users/dizda/risk/deploy/rf_class.sav', 'rb')) # creating a function for Prediction def diabetes_prediction(input_data): # changing the input_data to numpy array input_data_as_numpy_array = np.asarray(input_data) # reshape the array as we are predicting for one instance input_data_reshaped = input_data_as_numpy_array.reshape(1,-1) prediction = loaded_model.predict(input_data_reshaped) if prediction[0] == 0: return 'Bad' else: return 'Good' def main(): # giving a title st.title('Risk Credit Prediction Web App') st.title('Enter numeric data only!. Use examples.') # getting the input data from the user Age = st.text_input('Age (example >>> 19-75)') Sex = st.text_input('Sex (example >>> male=1 female=0)') Job = st.text_input('Job (example >>> 2, 1, 3, 0)') Housing = st.text_input('Housing (example >>> own=3, free=2, rent=1)') Saving_accounts = st.text_input('Saving accounts (example >>> moderate=1, little=0, quite rich=3, rich=2)') Checking_account = st.text_input('Checking account (example >>> little=1, moderate=2, rich=3)') Credit_amount = st.text_input('Credit amount (example >>> 100-20 000 (Deutsch Mark))') Duration = st.text_input('Duration (example >>> 4-60 (month))') Purpose = st.text_input('Purpose (example >>> radio/TV = 0, education = 1, furniture/equipment = 2, car = 3, business = 4,domestic_appliances = 5, repairs = 6, vacation/others = 7)') # code for Prediction risk = '' # creating a button for Prediction if st.button('Submit'): risk = diabetes_prediction([Age, Sex, Job, Housing, Saving_accounts, Checking_account, Credit_amount, Duration, Purpose]) st.success(risk) if __name__ == '__main__': main()