import numpy as np import os, sys import pandas as pd import pickle import cv2 import random from glob import glob from tqdm import tqdm from sklearn import svm import torch # from IPython.display import Video # from IPython.display import HTML # from ipywidgets import Output, GridspecLayout # from IPython import display import gradio as gr def load_feats(fpath): with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: features = pickle.load(f) print("Features: ", features.shape) x_raw = features[:,[0]] x=[] for feat in x_raw: x.append(feat[0]) x = np.array(x).astype(float) y_raw = features[:, [1]] y = [] for label in y_raw: y.append(int(label[0])) y = np.array(y) files_raw = features[:, [2]] files = [] for f in files_raw: files.append(f[0]) files = np.array(files) data_raw = features[:, [-1]] data = [] for d in data_raw: data.append(d[0]) return x, y, files, data def get_binary_labels_exemplar(labels, target_label=0): y = [] for lab in labels: if lab==target_label: y.append(1) else: y.append(-1) return np.array(y) def find_ind(target_word, labels, word_map): # print("Target word: ", target_word) # print("Labels: ", labels) indices = [] target_label = word_map[target_word] # print("Target label: ", target_label) for i in range(len(labels)): label = int(labels[i]) # print("Curr label: ", label) if label == target_label: indices.append(i) # print("All label indices: ", indices) return indices def get_scores_sklearn(x, clf): w=clf.coef_ scores=[] for i in range(len(x)): feat = x[i].astype(float).reshape(len(x[i]),1) sc =, np.array(feat, dtype=float))[0][0] scores.append(sc) return scores def get_top_labels(scores, labels, files): # Sort scores by decreasing scores _, perm = torch.sort(scores, descending=True) all_classes = labels.astype(int) all_files = files # ranked_classes = [all_classes[i][0] for i in perm] ranked_files = [(all_files[i], all_classes[i]) for i in perm] return ranked_files def plot_ranked_videos(all_labels, scores, data, key_list, val_list, row=2, col=3, data_path="videos/", fps=15, target_label=0): _, perm = torch.sort(scores, descending=True) perm=perm.numpy() html = """
Top retrieved files:
""" idx=0 for r in range(row): html+="" for c in range(col): label = all_labels[perm[idx]] word = key_list[val_list[label]] vid_file = os.path.join("/file="+data_path, data[perm[idx]].speaker, data[perm[idx]].file+".mp4") start_frame, end_frame = data[perm[idx]].start_frame, data[perm[idx]].end_frame start_time, end_time = start_frame/fps, end_frame/fps vid_src = "{}#t={},{}".format(vid_file, start_time-1, end_time+1) color="green" if label==target_label else "red" fname = data[perm[idx]].file html += ("""""" % (color, word, start_time, end_time, vid_src, perm[idx], fname)) idx+=1 if c==col-1: html+="" html+="""
%s (%.1f - %.1f seconds)
(%s - %s)
""" return html def plot_query(query_idx, data, key_list, val_list, data_path="videos/", fps=15, target_label=0): word = key_list[val_list[target_label]] vid_file = os.path.join("/file="+data_path, data[query_idx].speaker, data[query_idx].file+".mp4") start_frame, end_frame = data[query_idx].start_frame, data[query_idx].end_frame start_time, end_time = start_frame/fps, end_frame/fps vid_src = "{}#t={},{}".format(vid_file, start_time-1, end_time+1) color="green" fname = data[query_idx].file plot = (""" Positive sample used to train Exemplar-SVM:
Query index in the data: %d
%s (%.1f - %.1f seconds)

(%s) """ % (query_idx, color, word, start_time, end_time, vid_src, fname)) return plot def retrieve(file_choice, target_word, query_idx, rows=5, cols=4): print(file_choice) if file_choice=="big_little": file="features/gestsync_feats_biglittle_train.pkl" word_map={"big":0, "little":1} print("Target word: ", target_word) if target_word not in list(word_map.keys()): msg="The selected target word is not present in the word classes. For '{}' word classes, please select the target word from the following list: {}".format(file_choice, list(word_map.keys())) return msg, "" target_label=word_map[target_word] elif file_choice=="5_words": file="features/gestsync_feats_5words_balanced_train.pkl" word_map = {'big': 0, 'little': 1, 'next': 2, 'i': 3, 'you': 4} print("Target word: ", target_word) if target_word not in list(word_map.keys()): msg="The selected target word is not present in the word classes. For '{}' word classes, please select the target word from the following list: {}".format(file_choice, list(word_map.keys())) return msg, "" target_label=word_map[target_word] print("Target label: ", target_label) key_list = list(word_map.keys()) val_list = list(word_map.values()) x_train, y_train_actual, files_train, data_rows = load_feats(file) print("X train: {} | Y train: {} | Files train: {} | Data rows test: {}".format(x_train.shape, y_train_actual.shape, files_train.shape, len(data_rows))) print("Query idx orig: ", query_idx) pos_indices = find_ind(target_word, y_train_actual, word_map) if query_idx=="Random": query_idx = random.choice(pos_indices) elif str(query_idx).isnumeric(): query_idx = int(query_idx) if query_idx not in pos_indices: msg = "The input query index selected ({}) is not the right index! Please select an index of the positive sample to include in Exemplar-SVM training OR type 'Random' to randomly chose an index.
For the selected target word '{}', the following are the positive indices in the dataset that can be selected:
{}".format(query_idx, target_word, pos_indices) return msg, "" else: msg = "The input query index selected ({}) is not the right index! Please select an index of the positive sample to include in Exemplar-SVM training OR type 'Random' to randomly chose an index.
For the selected target word '{}', the following are the positive indices in the dataset that can be selected:
{}".format(query_idx, target_word, pos_indices) return msg, "" print("Query idx: ", query_idx) y_train = get_binary_labels_exemplar(y_train_actual, target_label) svm_x_train = [] svm_y_train = [] svm_data_rows = [] for i in range(len(x_train)): if y_train[i]==-1: svm_x_train.append(x_train[i]) svm_y_train.append(y_train[i]) svm_data_rows.append(data_rows[i]) if i==query_idx: print(query_idx, y_train[i]) svm_x_train.append(x_train[i]) svm_y_train.append(y_train[i]) svm_data_rows.append(data_rows[i]) svm_x_train = np.array(svm_x_train).astype(float) svm_y_train = np.array(svm_y_train).astype(float) print("SVM dataset - X: {} | Y: {}".format(svm_x_train.shape,svm_y_train.shape)) clf = svm.SVC(C=1, kernel="linear"), svm_y_train) scores = get_scores_sklearn(x_train, clf) # print(scores) query_plot = plot_query(query_idx, data_rows, key_list, val_list, target_label=target_label) retrieved_plots = plot_ranked_videos(y_train_actual, torch.tensor(scores), data_rows, key_list, val_list, row=rows, col=cols, target_label=target_label) return query_plot, retrieved_plots if __name__ == "__main__": with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): gr.HTML("
Welcome to Exemplar-SVM Training and Visualization of top-k videos
") with gr.Row(): features = gr.Dropdown(["big_little", "5_words"], label="Word classes", value="big_little") word = gr.Radio(["big", "little", "i", "you", "next"], label="Target word", value="big") query_idx = gr.Textbox(value="Random", label="Positive sample index to train Exemplar-SVM (Type 'Random' to randomly select the index)") with gr.Row(): submit = gr.Button("Retrieve") with gr.Row(): query = gr.HTML() with gr.Row(): ret_videos = gr.HTML(), inputs=[features, word, query_idx], outputs=[query, ret_videos]) demo.launch(allowed_paths=["."])