Good evening,

Tonight's 5pm briefing reveals a shocking turn as Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny dies in a Siberian jail, igniting global outrage and demands for accountability from Putin's regime. In economic news, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is urged to implement major tax cuts to rejuvenate the UK's recession-hit economy ahead of the critical spring budget. Meanwhile, Cat Deeley is set to rejuvenate ITV's morning lineup, stepping in as Holly Willoughby's successor on This Morning, promising a fresh dynamic alongside Ben Shephard.

Tonight's other headlines

Politics: Now it’s personal: PM sets up battle with Keir

Economy: Budget: Hunt to target personal tax cuts ‘so people will have more money in their pocket’

Crime: Police guard for Shylock actress

Health: Huge rise in children with eating disorders

Showbiz: How Cat got the cream on This Morning

Daily poll: Can Rishi Sunak's Tories win the next general election?

Listen: The Trial: Constance Marten and Mark Gordon

Market watch: The latest news from the City


The Grand Tour: Sand Job

Next week's news

• Julian Assange's extradition case hearing at the High Court is scheduled to begin on Tuesday

• The National Farmers’ Union annual conference in Birmingham

• Ofgem price cap review on Friday

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