Good evening,

In tonight's 5pm briefing, startling claims emerged that Russian dissident Alexei Navalny was nearly freed in a prisoner swap before his mysterious death, attributed to Putin, rocking international politics. In the UK, a major probe into a housing market scandal has been initiated against eight leading house-builders over alleged collusion, potentially inflating property prices amidst a housing shortage crisis. Meanwhile, the political scene heats up as Lee Anderson, former Tory deputy chairman, stands firm on his controversial comments about Islamists controlling London's Mayor, sparking a broader debate on freedom of speech and political correctness in the Tory Party, with calls for his return despite Prime Minister Sunak's condemnation.

Tonight's other headlines

Politics: Navalny ‘on brink of freedom in prisoner swap when killed’

Crime: Cat killer gets life in jail for murder

Motoring: Drivers caught by ‘ethnicity penalty’

Showbiz: Joely’s single after years of ‘big love’

Science: A real burst of sunshine

Daily poll: Was the Conservative Party right to suspend Lee Anderson?

Listen: The Trial: Constance Marten and Mark Gordon

Market watch: The latest news from the City


The Jury: Murder Trial

Tomorrow's news today

• Southern Water to be sentenced at Southampton Magistrates’ Court for polluting stream 

• Machine digging HS2’s longest tunnel under the Chilton Hills to break through

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