import os from argparse import FileType, ArgumentParser import numpy as np import pandas as pd from Bio.PDB import PDBParser from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord from tqdm import tqdm from Bio import SeqIO def esm_embedding_prep(out_file, protein_path): biopython_parser = PDBParser() three_to_one = { "ALA": "A", "ARG": "R", "ASN": "N", "ASP": "D", "CYS": "C", "GLN": "Q", "GLU": "E", "GLY": "G", "HIS": "H", "ILE": "I", "LEU": "L", "LYS": "K", "MET": "M", "MSE": "M", # MSE this is almost the same AA as MET. The sulfur is just replaced by Selen "PHE": "F", "PRO": "P", "PYL": "O", "SER": "S", "SEC": "U", "THR": "T", "TRP": "W", "TYR": "Y", "VAL": "V", "ASX": "B", "GLX": "Z", "XAA": "X", "XLE": "J", } file_paths = [protein_path] sequences = [] ids = [] for file_path in tqdm(file_paths): structure = biopython_parser.get_structure("random_id", file_path) structure = structure[0] for i, chain in enumerate(structure): seq = "" for res_idx, residue in enumerate(chain): if residue.get_resname() == "HOH": continue residue_coords = [] c_alpha, n, c = None, None, None for atom in residue: if == "CA": c_alpha = list(atom.get_vector()) if == "N": n = list(atom.get_vector()) if == "C": c = list(atom.get_vector()) if ( c_alpha != None and n != None and c != None ): # only append residue if it is an amino acid try: seq += three_to_one[residue.get_resname()] except Exception as e: seq += "-" print( "encountered unknown AA: ", residue.get_resname(), " in the complex ", file_path, ". Replacing it with a dash - .", ) sequences.append(seq) ids.append(f"{os.path.basename(file_path)}_chain_{i}") records = [] for (index, seq) in zip(ids, sequences): record = SeqRecord(Seq(seq), str(index)) record.description = "" records.append(record) SeqIO.write(records, out_file, "fasta")