# Copyright 2021 DeepMind Technologies Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Protein data type.""" import dataclasses import io from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional from alphafold.common import residue_constants from Bio.PDB import PDBParser import numpy as np FeatureDict = Mapping[str, np.ndarray] ModelOutput = Mapping[str, Any] # Is a nested dict. @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Protein: """Protein structure representation.""" # Cartesian coordinates of atoms in angstroms. The atom types correspond to # residue_constants.atom_types, i.e. the first three are N, CA, CB. atom_positions: np.ndarray # [num_res, num_atom_type, 3] # Amino-acid type for each residue represented as an integer between 0 and # 20, where 20 is 'X'. aatype: np.ndarray # [num_res] # Binary float mask to indicate presence of a particular atom. 1.0 if an atom # is present and 0.0 if not. This should be used for loss masking. atom_mask: np.ndarray # [num_res, num_atom_type] # Residue index as used in PDB. It is not necessarily continuous or 0-indexed. residue_index: np.ndarray # [num_res] # B-factors, or temperature factors, of each residue (in sq. angstroms units), # representing the displacement of the residue from its ground truth mean # value. b_factors: np.ndarray # [num_res, num_atom_type] def from_pdb_string(pdb_str: str, chain_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Protein: """Takes a PDB string and constructs a Protein object. WARNING: All non-standard residue types will be converted into UNK. All non-standard atoms will be ignored. Args: pdb_str: The contents of the pdb file chain_id: If None, then the pdb file must contain a single chain (which will be parsed). If chain_id is specified (e.g. A), then only that chain is parsed. Returns: A new `Protein` parsed from the pdb contents. """ pdb_fh = io.StringIO(pdb_str) parser = PDBParser(QUIET=True) structure = parser.get_structure('none', pdb_fh) models = list(structure.get_models()) if len(models) != 1: raise ValueError( f'Only single model PDBs are supported. Found {len(models)} models.') model = models[0] if chain_id is not None: chain = model[chain_id] else: chains = list(model.get_chains()) if len(chains) != 1: raise ValueError( 'Only single chain PDBs are supported when chain_id not specified. ' f'Found {len(chains)} chains.') else: chain = chains[0] atom_positions = [] aatype = [] atom_mask = [] residue_index = [] b_factors = [] for res in chain: if res.id[2] != ' ': raise ValueError( f'PDB contains an insertion code at chain {chain.id} and residue ' f'index {res.id[1]}. These are not supported.') res_shortname = residue_constants.restype_3to1.get(res.resname, 'X') restype_idx = residue_constants.restype_order.get( res_shortname, residue_constants.restype_num) pos = np.zeros((residue_constants.atom_type_num, 3)) mask = np.zeros((residue_constants.atom_type_num,)) res_b_factors = np.zeros((residue_constants.atom_type_num,)) for atom in res: if atom.name not in residue_constants.atom_types: continue pos[residue_constants.atom_order[atom.name]] = atom.coord mask[residue_constants.atom_order[atom.name]] = 1. res_b_factors[residue_constants.atom_order[atom.name]] = atom.bfactor if np.sum(mask) < 0.5: # If no known atom positions are reported for the residue then skip it. continue aatype.append(restype_idx) atom_positions.append(pos) atom_mask.append(mask) residue_index.append(res.id[1]) b_factors.append(res_b_factors) return Protein( atom_positions=np.array(atom_positions), atom_mask=np.array(atom_mask), aatype=np.array(aatype), residue_index=np.array(residue_index), b_factors=np.array(b_factors)) def to_pdb(prot: Protein) -> str: """Converts a `Protein` instance to a PDB string. Args: prot: The protein to convert to PDB. Returns: PDB string. """ restypes = residue_constants.restypes + ['X'] res_1to3 = lambda r: residue_constants.restype_1to3.get(restypes[r], 'UNK') atom_types = residue_constants.atom_types pdb_lines = [] atom_mask = prot.atom_mask aatype = prot.aatype atom_positions = prot.atom_positions residue_index = prot.residue_index.astype(np.int32) b_factors = prot.b_factors if np.any(aatype > residue_constants.restype_num): raise ValueError('Invalid aatypes.') pdb_lines.append('MODEL 1') atom_index = 1 chain_id = 'A' # Add all atom sites. for i in range(aatype.shape[0]): res_name_3 = res_1to3(aatype[i]) for atom_name, pos, mask, b_factor in zip( atom_types, atom_positions[i], atom_mask[i], b_factors[i]): if mask < 0.5: continue record_type = 'ATOM' name = atom_name if len(atom_name) == 4 else f' {atom_name}' alt_loc = '' insertion_code = '' occupancy = 1.00 element = atom_name[0] # Protein supports only C, N, O, S, this works. charge = '' # PDB is a columnar format, every space matters here! atom_line = (f'{record_type:<6}{atom_index:>5} {name:<4}{alt_loc:>1}' f'{res_name_3:>3} {chain_id:>1}' f'{residue_index[i]:>4}{insertion_code:>1} ' f'{pos[0]:>8.3f}{pos[1]:>8.3f}{pos[2]:>8.3f}' f'{occupancy:>6.2f}{b_factor:>6.2f} ' f'{element:>2}{charge:>2}') pdb_lines.append(atom_line) atom_index += 1 # Close the chain. chain_end = 'TER' chain_termination_line = ( f'{chain_end:<6}{atom_index:>5} {res_1to3(aatype[-1]):>3} ' f'{chain_id:>1}{residue_index[-1]:>4}') pdb_lines.append(chain_termination_line) pdb_lines.append('ENDMDL') pdb_lines.append('END') pdb_lines.append('') return '\n'.join(pdb_lines) def ideal_atom_mask(prot: Protein) -> np.ndarray: """Computes an ideal atom mask. `Protein.atom_mask` typically is defined according to the atoms that are reported in the PDB. This function computes a mask according to heavy atoms that should be present in the given sequence of amino acids. Args: prot: `Protein` whose fields are `numpy.ndarray` objects. Returns: An ideal atom mask. """ return residue_constants.STANDARD_ATOM_MASK[prot.aatype] def from_prediction(features: FeatureDict, result: ModelOutput, b_factors: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> Protein: """Assembles a protein from a prediction. Args: features: Dictionary holding model inputs. result: Dictionary holding model outputs. b_factors: (Optional) B-factors to use for the protein. Returns: A protein instance. """ fold_output = result['structure_module'] if b_factors is None: b_factors = np.zeros_like(fold_output['final_atom_mask']) return Protein( aatype=features['aatype'][0], atom_positions=fold_output['final_atom_positions'], atom_mask=fold_output['final_atom_mask'], residue_index=features['residue_index'][0] + 1, b_factors=b_factors)