# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import asyncio import enum import json import logging import struct import zlib from typing import * import aiohttp import brotli from .. import handlers, utils logger = logging.getLogger('blivedm') USER_AGENT = ( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' ) HEADER_STRUCT = struct.Struct('>I2H2I') class HeaderTuple(NamedTuple): pack_len: int raw_header_size: int ver: int operation: int seq_id: int # WS_BODY_PROTOCOL_VERSION class ProtoVer(enum.IntEnum): NORMAL = 0 HEARTBEAT = 1 DEFLATE = 2 BROTLI = 3 # go-common\app\service\main\broadcast\model\operation.go class Operation(enum.IntEnum): HANDSHAKE = 0 HANDSHAKE_REPLY = 1 HEARTBEAT = 2 HEARTBEAT_REPLY = 3 SEND_MSG = 4 SEND_MSG_REPLY = 5 DISCONNECT_REPLY = 6 AUTH = 7 AUTH_REPLY = 8 RAW = 9 PROTO_READY = 10 PROTO_FINISH = 11 CHANGE_ROOM = 12 CHANGE_ROOM_REPLY = 13 REGISTER = 14 REGISTER_REPLY = 15 UNREGISTER = 16 UNREGISTER_REPLY = 17 # B站业务自定义OP # MinBusinessOp = 1000 # MaxBusinessOp = 10000 # WS_AUTH class AuthReplyCode(enum.IntEnum): OK = 0 TOKEN_ERROR = -101 class InitError(Exception): """初始化失败""" class AuthError(Exception): """认证失败""" DEFAULT_RECONNECT_POLICY = utils.make_constant_retry_policy(1) class WebSocketClientBase: """ 基于WebSocket的客户端 :param session: cookie、连接池 :param heartbeat_interval: 发送心跳包的间隔时间(秒) """ def __init__( self, session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None, heartbeat_interval: float = 30, ): if session is None: self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=10)) self._own_session = True else: self._session = session self._own_session = False assert self._session.loop is asyncio.get_event_loop() # noqa self._heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval self._need_init_room = True self._handler: Optional[handlers.HandlerInterface] = None """消息处理器""" self._get_reconnect_interval: Callable[[int, int], float] = DEFAULT_RECONNECT_POLICY """重连间隔时间增长策略""" # 在调用init_room后初始化的字段 self._room_id: Optional[int] = None # 在运行时初始化的字段 self._websocket: Optional[aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse] = None """WebSocket连接""" self._network_future: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None """网络协程的future""" self._heartbeat_timer_handle: Optional[asyncio.TimerHandle] = None """发心跳包定时器的handle""" @property def is_running(self) -> bool: """ 本客户端正在运行,注意调用stop后还没完全停止也算正在运行 """ return self._network_future is not None @property def room_id(self) -> Optional[int]: """ 房间ID,调用init_room后初始化 """ return self._room_id def set_handler(self, handler: Optional['handlers.HandlerInterface']): """ 设置消息处理器 注意消息处理器和网络协程运行在同一个协程,如果处理消息耗时太长会阻塞接收消息。如果是CPU密集型的任务,建议将消息推到线程池处理; 如果是IO密集型的任务,应该使用async函数,并且在handler里使用create_task创建新的协程 :param handler: 消息处理器 """ self._handler = handler def set_reconnect_policy(self, get_reconnect_interval: Callable[[int, int], float]): """ 设置重连间隔时间增长策略 :param get_reconnect_interval: 一个可调用对象,输入重试次数 (retry_count, total_retry_count),返回间隔时间 """ self._get_reconnect_interval = get_reconnect_interval def start(self): """ 启动本客户端 """ if self.is_running: logger.warning('room=%s client is running, cannot start() again', self.room_id) return self._network_future = asyncio.create_task(self._network_coroutine_wrapper()) def stop(self): """ 停止本客户端 """ if not self.is_running: logger.warning('room=%s client is stopped, cannot stop() again', self.room_id) return self._network_future.cancel() async def stop_and_close(self): """ 便利函数,停止本客户端并释放本客户端的资源,调用后本客户端将不可用 """ if self.is_running: self.stop() await self.join() await self.close() async def join(self): """ 等待本客户端停止 """ if not self.is_running: logger.warning('room=%s client is stopped, cannot join()', self.room_id) return await asyncio.shield(self._network_future) async def close(self): """ 释放本客户端的资源,调用后本客户端将不可用 """ if self.is_running: logger.warning('room=%s is calling close(), but client is running', self.room_id) # 如果session是自己创建的则关闭session if self._own_session: await self._session.close() async def init_room(self) -> bool: """ 初始化连接房间需要的字段 :return: True代表没有降级,如果需要降级后还可用,重载这个函数返回True """ raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _make_packet(data: Union[dict, str, bytes], operation: int) -> bytes: """ 创建一个要发送给服务器的包 :param data: 包体JSON数据 :param operation: 操作码,见Operation :return: 整个包的数据 """ if isinstance(data, dict): body = json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(data, str): body = data.encode('utf-8') else: body = data header = HEADER_STRUCT.pack(*HeaderTuple( pack_len=HEADER_STRUCT.size + len(body), raw_header_size=HEADER_STRUCT.size, ver=1, operation=operation, seq_id=1 )) return header + body async def _network_coroutine_wrapper(self): """ 负责处理网络协程的异常,网络协程具体逻辑在_network_coroutine里 """ exc = None try: await self._network_coroutine() except asyncio.CancelledError: # 正常停止 pass except Exception as e: logger.exception('room=%s _network_coroutine() finished with exception:', self.room_id) exc = e finally: logger.debug('room=%s _network_coroutine() finished', self.room_id) self._network_future = None if self._handler is not None: self._handler.on_client_stopped(self, exc) async def _network_coroutine(self): """ 网络协程,负责连接服务器、接收消息、解包 """ # retry_count在连接成功后会重置为0,total_retry_count不会 retry_count = 0 total_retry_count = 0 while True: try: await self._on_before_ws_connect(retry_count) # 连接 async with self._session.ws_connect( self._get_ws_url(retry_count), headers={'User-Agent': utils.USER_AGENT}, # web端的token也会签名UA receive_timeout=self._heartbeat_interval + 5, ) as websocket: self._websocket = websocket await self._on_ws_connect() # 处理消息 message: aiohttp.WSMessage async for message in websocket: await self._on_ws_message(message) # 至少成功处理1条消息 retry_count = 0 except (aiohttp.ClientConnectionError, asyncio.TimeoutError): # 掉线重连 pass except AuthError: # 认证失败了,应该重新获取token再重连 logger.exception('room=%d auth failed, trying init_room() again', self.room_id) self._need_init_room = True finally: self._websocket = None await self._on_ws_close() # 准备重连 retry_count += 1 total_retry_count += 1 logger.warning( 'room=%d is reconnecting, retry_count=%d, total_retry_count=%d', self.room_id, retry_count, total_retry_count ) await asyncio.sleep(self._get_reconnect_interval(retry_count, total_retry_count)) async def _on_before_ws_connect(self, retry_count): """ 在每次建立连接之前调用,可以用来初始化房间 """ if not self._need_init_room: return if not await self.init_room(): raise InitError('init_room() failed') self._need_init_room = False def _get_ws_url(self, retry_count) -> str: """ 返回WebSocket连接的URL,可以在这里做故障转移和负载均衡 """ raise NotImplementedError async def _on_ws_connect(self): """ WebSocket连接成功 """ await self._send_auth() self._heartbeat_timer_handle = asyncio.get_running_loop().call_later( self._heartbeat_interval, self._on_send_heartbeat ) async def _on_ws_close(self): """ WebSocket连接断开 """ if self._heartbeat_timer_handle is not None: self._heartbeat_timer_handle.cancel() self._heartbeat_timer_handle = None async def _send_auth(self): """ 发送认证包 """ raise NotImplementedError def _on_send_heartbeat(self): """ 定时发送心跳包的回调 """ if self._websocket is None or self._websocket.closed: self._heartbeat_timer_handle = None return self._heartbeat_timer_handle = asyncio.get_running_loop().call_later( self._heartbeat_interval, self._on_send_heartbeat ) asyncio.create_task(self._send_heartbeat()) async def _send_heartbeat(self): """ 发送心跳包 """ if self._websocket is None or self._websocket.closed: return try: await self._websocket.send_bytes(self._make_packet({}, Operation.HEARTBEAT)) except (ConnectionResetError, aiohttp.ClientConnectionError) as e: logger.warning('room=%d _send_heartbeat() failed: %r', self.room_id, e) except Exception: # noqa logger.exception('room=%d _send_heartbeat() failed:', self.room_id) async def _on_ws_message(self, message: aiohttp.WSMessage): """ 收到WebSocket消息 :param message: WebSocket消息 """ if message.type != aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY: logger.warning('room=%d unknown websocket message type=%s, data=%s', self.room_id, message.type, message.data) return try: await self._parse_ws_message(message.data) except AuthError: # 认证失败,让外层处理 raise except Exception: # noqa logger.exception('room=%d _parse_ws_message() error:', self.room_id) async def _parse_ws_message(self, data: bytes): """ 解析WebSocket消息 :param data: WebSocket消息数据 """ offset = 0 try: header = HeaderTuple(*HEADER_STRUCT.unpack_from(data, offset)) except struct.error: logger.exception('room=%d parsing header failed, offset=%d, data=%s', self.room_id, offset, data) return if header.operation in (Operation.SEND_MSG_REPLY, Operation.AUTH_REPLY): # 业务消息,可能有多个包一起发,需要分包 while True: body = data[offset + header.raw_header_size: offset + header.pack_len] await self._parse_business_message(header, body) offset += header.pack_len if offset >= len(data): break try: header = HeaderTuple(*HEADER_STRUCT.unpack_from(data, offset)) except struct.error: logger.exception('room=%d parsing header failed, offset=%d, data=%s', self.room_id, offset, data) break elif header.operation == Operation.HEARTBEAT_REPLY: # 服务器心跳包,前4字节是人气值,后面是客户端发的心跳包内容 # pack_len不包括客户端发的心跳包内容,不知道是不是服务器BUG body = data[offset + header.raw_header_size: offset + header.raw_header_size + 4] popularity = int.from_bytes(body, 'big') # 自己造个消息当成业务消息处理 body = { 'cmd': '_HEARTBEAT', 'data': { 'popularity': popularity } } self._handle_command(body) else: # 未知消息 body = data[offset + header.raw_header_size: offset + header.pack_len] logger.warning('room=%d unknown message operation=%d, header=%s, body=%s', self.room_id, header.operation, header, body) async def _parse_business_message(self, header: HeaderTuple, body: bytes): """ 解析业务消息 """ if header.operation == Operation.SEND_MSG_REPLY: # 业务消息 if header.ver == ProtoVer.BROTLI: # 压缩过的先解压,为了避免阻塞网络线程,放在其他线程执行 body = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, brotli.decompress, body) await self._parse_ws_message(body) elif header.ver == ProtoVer.DEFLATE: # web端已经不用zlib压缩了,但是开放平台会用 body = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, zlib.decompress, body) await self._parse_ws_message(body) elif header.ver == ProtoVer.NORMAL: # 没压缩过的直接反序列化,因为有万恶的GIL,这里不能并行避免阻塞 if len(body) != 0: try: body = json.loads(body.decode('utf-8')) self._handle_command(body) except Exception: logger.error('room=%d, body=%s', self.room_id, body) raise else: # 未知格式 logger.warning('room=%d unknown protocol version=%d, header=%s, body=%s', self.room_id, header.ver, header, body) elif header.operation == Operation.AUTH_REPLY: # 认证响应 body = json.loads(body.decode('utf-8')) if body['code'] != AuthReplyCode.OK: raise AuthError(f"auth reply error, code={body['code']}, body={body}") await self._websocket.send_bytes(self._make_packet({}, Operation.HEARTBEAT)) else: # 未知消息 logger.warning('room=%d unknown message operation=%d, header=%s, body=%s', self.room_id, header.operation, header, body) def _handle_command(self, command: dict): """ 处理业务消息 :param command: 业务消息 """ if self._handler is None: return try: # 为什么不做成异步的: # 1. 为了保持处理消息的顺序,这里不使用call_soon、create_task等方法延迟处理 # 2. 如果支持handle使用async函数,用户可能会在里面处理耗时很长的异步操作,导致网络协程阻塞 # 这里做成同步的,强制用户使用create_task或消息队列处理异步操作,这样就不会阻塞网络协程 self._handler.handle(self, command) except Exception as e: logger.exception('room=%d _handle_command() failed, command=%s', self.room_id, command, exc_info=e) class BulletChat: def __init__(self, bubble: int = 0, msg: str = None, color: int = int("FFFFFF", 16), mode: int = 1, fontsize: int = 25): """ :param bubble:功能未知,默认0。 :param msg:弹幕内容,长度需不大于30。 :param color:字体颜色。 :param mode:弹幕模式。 :param fontsize:字体大小。 :param roomid:房间号。 """ self.bubble = bubble self.msg = msg self.color = color self.mode = mode self.fontsize = fontsize