# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: four-way-classifier.ipynb. # %% auto 0 __all__ = ['learn', 'categories', 'model', 'description', 'image', 'label', 'examples', 'interf', 'get_best_layout', 'create_plots', 'classify_image'] # %% four-way-classifier.ipynb 1 from fastai.vision.all import * import gradio as gr import PIL import glob import primefac from torchviz import make_dot from pytorch_grad_cam.utils.image import preprocess_image # %% four-way-classifier.ipynb 2 warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore' ) warnings.simplefilter( 'ignore' ) # plt.rcParams[ 'figure.figsize' ] = [ 15, 15 ] plt.rcParams[ 'figure.autolayout' ] = True # %% four-way-classifier.ipynb 3 def get_best_layout( num_imgs, img_size ): prime_factors = list( primefac.primefac( num_imgs ) ) aspect_ratios = [] for n in range( len( prime_factors[1:-1] ) ): n1 = np.prod( prime_factors[:n] ) n2 = np.prod( prime_factors[n:] ) assert n1 * n2 == num_imgs aspect_ratios.append( [ n1, n2, np.abs( img_size[0]/img_size[1] - ( n1/n2 ) ) ] ) # print( aspect_ratios ) n1_final, n2_final = tuple( aspect_ratios[ np.argmin( [ elem[2] for elem in aspect_ratios ] ) ] )[:2] return n1_final, n2_final def create_plots( output_tensor, title, fontsize=24 ): temp = output_tensor.detach().numpy() mn, mx = temp.min(), temp.max() img_list = [ output_tensor[0][n].detach().numpy() for n in range( output_tensor.shape[1] ) ] fig = plt.figure() M, N = get_best_layout( len( img_list ), img_list[0].shape ) ax = fig.subplots( M, N, gridspec_kw={ 'wspace':0.01, 'hspace':0.01 } ) for N0, img in enumerate( img_list ): m = N0//N n = N0%N im = ax[m,n].imshow( img, cmap='gray' ) ax[m,n].axis( 'off' ) im.set_clim( [ mn, mx ] ) plt.suptitle( title, fontsize=fontsize ) # plt.subplots_adjust( hspace=0.01, wspace=0.01 ) plt.tight_layout() img_buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(img_buf, format='png') im = Image.open(img_buf) return im def classify_image( img ): pred, idx, probs = learn.predict( img ) # print( 'This is a %s'%pred ) model = learn.model.eval() rgb_img = np.float32( np.array( img ) ) / 255 input_tensor = preprocess_image( rgb_img, mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225] ) im1 = create_plots( model[0][:3]( input_tensor ), title='Inferred features at model[0][:3]' ) im2 = create_plots( model[0][:5]( input_tensor ), title='Inferred features at model[0][:5]' ) im3 = create_plots( model[0][:7]( input_tensor ), title='Inferred features at model[0][:7]' ) return ( dict( zip( categories, map( float, probs ) ) ), im1, im2, im3 ) # %% four-way-classifier.ipynb 4 learn = load_learner( 'simple-image-classifier.pkl' ) categories = [ 'bird', 'forest', 'otter', 'snake' ] model = learn.model.eval() # %% four-way-classifier.ipynb 5 description=''' A simple 4-way classifier that categorizes images as 'snake', 'bird', 'otter' or 'forest'. Refined from an initial ResNet18 model downloaded from HuggingFace. **DISCLAIMER**: the images here are merely for demonstration purposes. I don't own any of them and I'm not making money from them. ''' # with gr.Blocks() as layout: image = gr.components.Image() label = [ gr.components.Label(), gr.components.Image(), gr.components.Image(), gr.components.Image() ] examples = glob.glob( './*.jpg' ) # with gr.Row(): interf = gr.Interface( title='Simple 4-way image classifier', description=description, fn=classify_image, inputs=image, outputs=label, examples=examples, allow_flagging='manual' ) interf.launch( inline=True )