import random from collections import defaultdict from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from typing import Tuple, Type # from lhotse import CutSet # from lhotse.dataset.collation import collate_features # from lhotse.dataset.input_strategies import ( # ExecutorType, # PrecomputedFeatures, # _get_executor, # ) # from lhotse.utils import fastcopy class PromptedFeatures: def __init__(self, prompts, features): self.prompts = prompts self.features = features def to(self, device): return PromptedFeatures(, ) def sum(self): return self.features.sum() @property def ndim(self): return self.features.ndim @property def data(self): return (self.prompts, self.features) # class PromptedPrecomputedFeatures(PrecomputedFeatures): # """ # :class:`InputStrategy` that reads pre-computed features, whose manifests # are attached to cuts, from disk. # # It automatically pads the feature matrices with pre or post feature. # # .. automethod:: __call__ # """ # # def __init__( # self, # dataset: str, # cuts: CutSet, # num_workers: int = 0, # executor_type: Type[ExecutorType] = ThreadPoolExecutor, # ) -> None: # super(PromptedPrecomputedFeatures, self).__init__( # num_workers, executor_type # ) # # self.utt2neighbors = defaultdict(lambda: []) # # if dataset.lower() == "libritts": # # 909_131041_000013_000002 # # 909_131041_000013_000003 # speaker2utts = defaultdict(lambda: []) # # utt2cut = {} # for cut in cuts: # speaker = cut.supervisions[0].speaker # speaker2utts[speaker].append( # utt2cut[] = cut # # for spk in speaker2utts: # uttids = sorted(speaker2utts[spk]) # # Using the property of sorted keys to find previous utterance # # The keys has structure speaker_book_x_y e.g. 1089_134691_000004_000001 # if len(uttids) == 1: # self.utt2neighbors[uttids[0]].append(utt2cut[uttids[0]]) # continue # # utt2prevutt = dict(zip(uttids, [uttids[1]] + uttids[:-1])) # utt2postutt = dict(zip(uttids[:-1], uttids[1:])) # # for utt in utt2prevutt: # self.utt2neighbors[utt].append(utt2cut[utt2prevutt[utt]]) # # for utt in utt2postutt: # self.utt2neighbors[utt].append(utt2cut[utt2postutt[utt]]) # elif dataset.lower() == "ljspeech": # utt2cut = {} # uttids = [] # for cut in cuts: # uttids.append( # utt2cut[] = cut # # if len(uttids) == 1: # self.utt2neighbors[uttids[0]].append(utt2cut[uttids[0]]) # else: # # Using the property of sorted keys to find previous utterance # # The keys has structure: LJ001-0010 # utt2prevutt = dict(zip(uttids, [uttids[1]] + uttids[:-1])) # utt2postutt = dict(zip(uttids[:-1], uttids[1:])) # # for utt in utt2postutt: # postutt = utt2postutt[utt] # if utt[:5] == postutt[:5]: # self.utt2neighbors[utt].append(utt2cut[postutt]) # # for utt in utt2prevutt: # prevutt = utt2prevutt[utt] # if utt[:5] == prevutt[:5] or not self.utt2neighbors[utt]: # self.utt2neighbors[utt].append(utt2cut[prevutt]) # else: # raise ValueError # # def __call__( # self, cuts: CutSet # ) -> Tuple[PromptedFeatures, PromptedFeatures]: # """ # Reads the pre-computed features from disk/other storage. # The returned shape is``(B, T, F) => (batch_size, num_frames, num_features)``. # # :return: a tensor with collated features, and a tensor of ``num_frames`` of each cut before padding. # """ # features, features_lens = collate_features( # cuts, # executor=_get_executor( # self.num_workers, executor_type=self._executor_type # ), # ) # # prompts_cuts = [] # for k, cut in enumerate(cuts): # prompts_cut = random.choice(self.utt2neighbors[]) # prompts_cuts.append(fastcopy(prompts_cut, id=f"{}-{str(k)}")) # # mini_duration = min([cut.duration for cut in prompts_cuts] + [3.0]) # # prompts_cuts = CutSet.from_cuts(prompts_cuts).truncate( # # max_duration=mini_duration, # # offset_type="random", # # preserve_id=True, # # ) # prompts_cuts = CutSet( # cuts={k: cut for k, cut in enumerate(prompts_cuts)} # ).truncate( # max_duration=mini_duration, # offset_type="random", # preserve_id=False, # ) # # prompts, prompts_lens = collate_features( # prompts_cuts, # executor=_get_executor( # self.num_workers, executor_type=self._executor_type # ), # ) # # return PromptedFeatures(prompts, features), PromptedFeatures( # prompts_lens, features_lens # )