import gradio as gr from transformers import pipeline import torch import random import gradio as gr model_path = "shuttie/mistral-nemo-dadjokes-v1" generator = pipeline( task="text-generation", model=model_path, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, #device="cuda" device_map="auto", ) prompt = "[INST] {input} [/INST]" def make_response(message, history): input = prompt.format(input=message) generated = generator(input, return_full_text=False, max_new_tokens=64, num_return_sequences=1) return generated[0]["generated_text"] if __name__ == "__main__": gr.ChatInterface( make_response, textbox=gr.Textbox(placeholder="Ask me a question", container=False, scale=7), examples=[ "My Wife gets mad at my pickle puns", "I saw a couple cows smoking as they played poker", "A vegan enters the bar and says", "Accidentally took my cat’s medication.", "My grandpa has the heart of a lion", "Why can’t dinosaurs laugh?", "Why don’t Americans use the metric system?", "How do you catch a squirrel?", "My girlfriend invited me over to finally meet her cannibal father.", "Last time I stayed in a hotel I asked for the porn channel to be disabled" ], cache_examples=False, ).launch(server_name="",share=True)