query,responses "i try to install the with this guide 'https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/3580526689/...Bind for failed: port is already allocated' please help me in this.","error 500 is an error in Fineract, have you view the Fineract logs?" "i don't know how to run the project backend, can anyone help me ?","you should use the 8443 server to access the backend." "Where can I find the source code files for the Angular project locally on my machine?","When you run the project using Docker Compose, the source code files are not extracted locally on your machine. You are running the compiled application from the Docker image. To access the source code, you need to clone the repository (https://github.com/openMF/web-app) and run 'npm install' to set up the development environment." "What Node.js version should I use for this project?","For this project, you should use Node.js version 19. The project has not yet fully migrated to Node.js 20. You can download Node.js v19.9.0 from https://nodejs.org/download/release/v19.9.0/" "I'm getting an error when trying to serve the Angular app with 'ng serve'. How can I fix it?","The error you're seeing is likely due to insufficient memory for the Angular build process. Try increasing the memory allocation by running 'SET NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096' before running 'ng serve'." "I can't log in to the app with the provided username and password. What could be the issue?","The login issue is likely because you haven't set up the backend (Fineract) server yet. The frontend (Angular app) needs the backend to be running to authenticate users." "How can I run the Fineract backend server locally?","To run the Fineract backend server locally, you can use Docker Compose with the provided docker-compose-fineract.yml file. Clone the 'mifosx_in_minutes' repository (https://github.com/alberto-art3ch/mifosx_in_minutes), navigate to the directory, and run 'docker compose -f docker-compose-fineract.yml up -d'." "I'm getting an error when trying to start the Fineract server using Docker Compose. What could be the issue?","The error you're facing could be due to various reasons, such as file path issues or compatibility problems with Windows. The instructions are provided here: https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/3580526689/Mifos+X+Platform+23.12.3+Instructions+using+Docker+Compose+on+Windows+11+Home+x86+64. It might be easier to set up the Fineract server locally without Docker, or consider using a Linux-based operating system like Ubuntu, which is better suited for this kind of development environment." "Where can I find the installation instructions for the Mifos X Platform?","The updated installation instructions for Mifos X Platform 23.12 are available on the MifosForge wiki: - Linux Ubuntu Installation Instructions: https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/3506765827/Mifos+X+Platform+23.12+Installation+Instruction+on+Linux+Ubuntu - Windows Installation Instructions: https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/3515547660/Mifos+X+Platform+23.12+Windows+11+Home+x86+64+Installation+Instructions - Docker on Linux Installation Instructions: https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/3580526667/Mifos+X+Platform+23.12.31+-+Installation+Instructions+using+Docker+Compose+on+Linux+Ubuntu+22.04 - Docker on Windows Installation Instructions: https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/3580526689/Mifos+X+Platform+23.12.31+-+Installation+Instructions+using+Docker+Compose+on+Windows+11+Home+x86+64" "How do I install the Mifos Pentaho Plugin?","The installation instructions for the Mifos Pentaho Plugin for Mifos X Platform 23.12 on Windows 11 Home x86 64 are available at: https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/3573055547/Mifos+Pentaho+Plugin+-+Installation+Instruction+on+Windows+11+Home+x86+64" "How can I get help or support for the installation process?","If you require assistance, you can get in touch with the Mifos community through the channels listed at https://mifos.org/resources/community/communications/. When asking for help, please include screenshots, logs (using a paste tool like https://privatebin.net/), and a detailed description of the issue, being careful not to include any sensitive data." "Are there any additional notes or considerations for the installation?","Yes, it's important to note that these installation instructions are meant to quickly get the Mifos X Platform up and running. However, you need to ensure that you protect sensitive data in motion/rest, secrets, connections, credentials, etc., based on your local requirements and security best practices." "Live reloading doesn't work sometimes, is this issue only on my system?","System specific problem, this worked https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44335456/angular-cli-auto-reload-doesnt-happen/48042729"