from transformers import pipeline import gradio as gr import warnings warnings.simplefilter('ignore') model_path = './khaanaGPT' contrastive_search_config = dict( penalty_alpha = 0.5, top_k = 5, max_new_tokens = 512, pad_token_id = 50259 ) model = pipeline('text-generation',model=model_path) def create_prompt(ingredients): ingredients = ','.join([x.strip() for x in ingredients.split(',')]) ingredients = ingredients.strip().replace(',','\n').lower() s = f"<|startoftext|>Ingredients:\n{ingredients}\n\nInstructions:\n" return s def generate(prompt): recipe = model(prompt,**contrastive_search_config)[0]['generated_text'] recipe = recipe.replace('<|startoftext|>','') return recipe def wrapper(ingredients): prompt = create_prompt(ingredients) recipe = generate(prompt) return recipe intro_html = """


it's not perfect, may ± ingredients. The recipes are coherent, but the main purpose of this project was to understand fine-tuning a causalLM like GPT-2. This model was fine-tuned on GPT-2 Small.

""" with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.HTML(intro_html) ingredients = gr.Textbox(label="ingredients", placeholder='separate the ingredients with a comma.') output = gr.Textbox(label="recipe",lines=15,) greet_btn = gr.Button("Create a recipe!") gr.Examples(['yellow dal, turmeric, green peas, tomatoes', 'chicken, soy sauce, tomato sauce, vinegar'], inputs=ingredients ), inputs=ingredients, outputs=output) demo.launch()