import gradio as gr # import requests from transformers import pipeline pipe = pipeline("text-generation", model="shivanikerai/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0-seo-optimised-title-suggestion-v1.0") # API_URL = "" # def query(payload, api_token): # response =, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}"}, json=payload) # return response.json() def my_function(keywords, product_info): B_SYS, E_SYS = "<>", "<>" B_INST, E_INST = "[INST]", "[/INST]" B_in, E_in = "[Product Details]", "[/Product Details]" B_out, E_out = "[Suggested Titles]", "[/Suggested Titles]" prompt = f"""{B_INST} {B_SYS} You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant for ecommerce product title creation. {E_SYS} Create a SEO optimized e-commerce product title for the keywords:{keywords.strip()} {B_in}{product_info}{E_in}\n{E_INST}\n\n{B_out}""" predictions = pipe(prompt) output=((predictions[0]['generated_text']).split(B_out)[-1]).strip() # output = query({ # "inputs": prompt, # },api_token) return (output) # Process the inputs (e.g., concatenate strings, perform calculations) # result = f"You entered: {input1} and {input2}" # return result # Create the Gradio interface interface = gr.Interface(fn=my_function, inputs=["text", "text"], # inputs=["text", "text", "text"], outputs="text", title="SEO Optimised Title Suggestion", description="Enter Keywords and Product Info:") interface.launch()