#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import annotations import os import pathlib import gradio as gr from prismer_model import Model def create_demo(): model = Model() with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): image = gr.Image(label='Input', type='filepath') model_name = gr.Dropdown(label='Model', choices=['Prismer-Base', 'Prismer-Large'], value='Prismer-Base') question = gr.Text(label='Question') run_button = gr.Button('Run') with gr.Column(scale=1.5): answer = gr.Text(label='Model Prediction') with gr.Row(): depth = gr.Image(label='Depth') edge = gr.Image(label='Edge') normals = gr.Image(label='Normals') with gr.Row(): segmentation = gr.Image(label='Segmentation') object_detection = gr.Image(label='Object Detection') ocr = gr.Image(label='OCR Detection') inputs = [image, model_name, question] outputs = [answer, depth, edge, normals, segmentation, object_detection, ocr] paths = sorted(pathlib.Path('prismer/images').glob('*')) ex_questions = ['What is the man on the left doing?', 'What is this person doing?', 'How many cows in this image?', 'What is the type of animal in this image?', 'What toy is it?'] examples = [[path.as_posix(), 'Prismer-Base', ex_questions[i]] for i, path in enumerate(paths)] gr.Examples(examples=examples, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, fn=model.run_vqa, cache_examples=os.getenv('SYSTEM') == 'spaces') run_button.click(fn=model.run_vqa, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) if __name__ == '__main__': demo = create_demo() demo.queue().launch()